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Page 1: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Scrap your boilerplate:Scrap your boilerplate:generic programming in generic programming in

HaskellHaskellRalf LRalf Läämmel, Vrije Universitymmel, Vrije University

Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft ResearchSimon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research

Page 2: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

The problem: boilerplate codeThe problem: boilerplate codeCompany

Dept “Research” Dept “Production”

Manager Manager

“Fred” £10k “Bill” £15k


“Fred” £10k

Dept “Devt”

Dept “Manuf”

Find all people in tree and increase their

salary by 10%

Page 3: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

The problem: boilerplate codeThe problem: boilerplate codedata Company = C [Dept]data Dept = D Name Manager [SubUnit]data SubUnit = PU Employee | DU Deptdata Employee = E Person Salarydata Person = P Name Addressdata Salary = S Floattype Manager = Employeetype Name = Stringtype Address = String

incSal :: Float -> Company -> Company

Page 4: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

The problem: boilerplate codeThe problem: boilerplate codeincSal :: Float -> Company -> CompanyincSal k (C ds) = C (map (incD k) ds)

incD :: Float -> Dept -> DeptincD k (D n m us) = D n (incE k m) (map (incU k) us)

incU :: Float -> SubUnit -> SubUnitincU k (PU e) = incE k eincU k (DU d) = incD k d

incE :: Float -> Employee -> EmployeeincE k (E p s) = E p (incS k s)

incS :: Float -> Salary -> SalaryincS k (S f) = S (k*f)

Page 5: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Boilerplate is badBoilerplate is bad

Boilerplate is tedious to writeBoilerplate is tedious to writeBoilerplate is fragile: needs to be changed Boilerplate is fragile: needs to be changed when data type changes (“schema when data type changes (“schema evolution”)evolution”)Boilerplate obscures the key bits of codeBoilerplate obscures the key bits of code

Page 6: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Getting rid of boilerplateGetting rid of boilerplateUse an un-typed language, with a fixed Use an un-typed language, with a fixed collection of data typescollection of data typesConvert to a universal type and write Convert to a universal type and write (untyped) traversals over that(untyped) traversals over thatUse “reflection” to query types and Use “reflection” to query types and traverse child nodestraverse child nodes

Page 7: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Getting rid of boilerplateGetting rid of boilerplateGeneric (aka polytypic) programming: define Generic (aka polytypic) programming: define function by induction over the (structure of the) function by induction over the (structure of the) type of its argumenttype of its argument

PhD required. Elegant only for “totally generic” PhD required. Elegant only for “totally generic” functions (read, show, equality)functions (read, show, equality)

generic inc<t> :: Float -> t -> tinc<1> k Unit = Unit

inc<a+b> k (Inl x) = Inl (inc<a> k x)inc<a+b> k (Inr y) = Inr (inc<b> k y)

inc<a*b> k (x, y) = (inc<a> k x, inc<a> k y)

Page 8: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Our solutionOur solution

Generic programming for the rest of us Generic programming for the rest of us Typed languageTyped languageWorks for arbitrary data types: Works for arbitrary data types: parameterised, mutually recursive, parameterised, mutually recursive, nested...nested...No encoding to/from some other typeNo encoding to/from some other typeVery modest language supportVery modest language supportElegant application of Haskell's type Elegant application of Haskell's type classesclasses

Page 9: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Our solutionOur solution

incSal :: Float -> Company -> CompanyincSal k = everywhere (mkT (incS k))

incS :: Float -> Salary -> SalaryincS k (S f) = S (k*f)

Page 10: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Two ingredientsTwo ingredientsincSal :: Float -> Company -> CompanyincSal k = everywhere (mkT (incS k))

incS :: Float -> Salary -> SalaryincS k (S f) = S (k*f)

2. Apply a function to every node in the tree

1. Build the function to apply to every node,

from incS

Page 11: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

member :: a -> [a] -> Boolmember x [] = Falsemember x (y:ys) | x==y = True

| otherwise = member x ys

Type classesType classes

No! member is not truly polymorphic: it does not work for any type a, only for those on which equality is defined.

Page 12: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

member :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Boolmember x [] = Falsemember x (y:ys) | x==y = True

| otherwise = member x ys

Type classesType classes

The class constraint "Eq a" says that member only works on types that belong to class Eq.

Page 13: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

class Eq a where (==) :: a -> a -> Bool

instance Eq Int where (==) i1 i2 = eqInt i1 i2

instance (Eq a) => Eq [a] where (==) [] [] = True (==) (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x == y) && (xs == ys)

(==) xs ys = False

member :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Boolmember x [] = Falsemember x (y:ys) | x==y = True

| otherwise = member x ys

Type classesType classes

Page 14: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

data Eq a = MkEq (a->a->Bool)eq (MkEq e) = e

dEqInt :: Eq IntdEqInt = MkEq eqInt

dEqList :: Eq a -> Eq [a]dEqList (MkEq e) = MkEq el where el [] [] = True el (x:xs) (y:ys) = x `e` y && xs `el` ys el xs ys = False

member :: Eq a -> a -> [a] -> Boolmember d x [] = Falsemember d x (y:ys) | eq d x y = True

| otherwise = member d x ys

Implementing type classesImplementing type classes

Class witnessed by a “dictionary” of


declarations create dictionaries

Overloaded functions take extra dictionary


Page 15: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Ingredient 1: type extensionIngredient 1: type extension

(mkT f) is a function that (mkT f) is a function that behaves just like f on arguments whose type behaves just like f on arguments whose type

is compatible with f's, is compatible with f's, behaves like the identity function on all other behaves like the identity function on all other


So applying So applying (mkT (incS k))(mkT (incS k)) to all nodes to all nodes in the tree will do what we want.in the tree will do what we want.

Page 16: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Type safe castType safe cast

cast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b

ghci> (cast 'a') :: Maybe CharJust 'a'ghci> (cast 'a') :: Maybe BoolNothingghci> (cast True) :: Maybe BoolJust True

Page 17: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Type extensionType extensionmkT :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a->a) -> (b->b)

mkT f = case cast f ofJust g -> gNothing -> id

ghci> (mkT not) TrueFalseghci> (mkT not) 'a''a'

Page 18: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Implementing castImplementing castdata TypeRepinstance Eq TypeRepmkRep :: String -> [TypeRep] -> TypeRep

class Typeable a where typeOf :: a -> TypeRep

instance Typeable Int where typeOf i = mkRep "Int" []

Guaranteed not to evaluate its


An Int, perhaps

Page 19: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Implementing castImplementing castclass Typeable a where typeOf :: a -> TypeRep

instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (a,b) where

typeOf p = mkRep "(,)" [ta,tb] where

ta = typeOf (fst p)tb = typeOf (snd p)

Page 20: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Implementing castImplementing cast

cast :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => a -> Maybe b

cast x = rwhere r = if typeOf x = typeOf (get r)

then Just (unsafeCoerce x) else Nothing

get :: Maybe a -> a get x = undefined

Page 21: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Implementing castImplementing castIn GHC: In GHC:

Typeable instances are generated Typeable instances are generated automatically by the compiler for any data automatically by the compiler for any data typetype

The definition of cast is in a libraryThe definition of cast is in a library

Then cast is soundThen cast is soundBottom line: cast is best thought of as a Bottom line: cast is best thought of as a language extension, but it is an easy one language extension, but it is an easy one to implement. All the hard work is done to implement. All the hard work is done by type classesby type classes

Page 22: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Two ingredientsTwo ingredientsincSal :: Float -> Company -> CompanyincSal k = everywhere (mkT (incS k))

incS :: Float -> Salary -> SalaryincS k (S f) = S (k*f)

2. Apply a function to every node in the tree

1. Build the function to apply to every node,

from incS

Page 23: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Ingredient 2: traversalIngredient 2: traversal

Step 1: implement one-layer traversalStep 1: implement one-layer traversalStep 2: extend one-layer traversal to Step 2: extend one-layer traversal to recursive traversal of the entire treerecursive traversal of the entire tree

Page 24: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

One-layer traversalOne-layer traversalclass Typeable a => Data a where gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a

instance Data Int where gmapT f x = x

instance (Data a,Data b) => Data (a,b) where

gmapT f (x,y) = (f x, f y)

(gmapT f x) applies f to the IMMEDIATE


Page 25: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

One-layer traversalOne-layer traversalclass Typeable a => Data a where gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a

instance (Data a) => Data [a] where gmapT f [] = [] gmapT f (x:xs) = f x : f xs -- !!!

gmapT's argument is a polymorphic function; so gmapT has a rank-2 type

Page 26: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Step 2: Now traversals are easy!Step 2: Now traversals are easy!

everywhere :: Data a => (forall b. Data b => b -> b)

-> a -> a

everywhere f x = f (gmapT (everywhere f) x)

Page 27: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Many different traversals!Many different traversals!everywhere, everywhere'

:: Data a => (forall b. Data b => b -> b)

-> a -> a

everywhere f x = f (gmapT (everywhere f) x)-- Bottom up

everywhere' f x = gmapT (everywhere' f) (f x))-- Top down

Page 28: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

More perspicuous typesMore perspicuous typeseverywhere :: Data a => (forall b. Data b => b -> b)

-> a -> a

everywhere :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> (forall a. Data a => a -> a)

type GenericT = forall a. Data a => a -> a

everywhere :: GenericT -> GenericT


Page 29: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

What is "really going on"?What is "really going on"?

inc :: Data t => Float -> t -> tinc :: Data t => Float -> t -> tThe magic of type classes passes an extra The magic of type classes passes an extra argument to inc that contains:argument to inc that contains:

The function The function gmapTgmapT The function The function typeOftypeOf

A call of (A call of (mkTmkT incSincS), done at every node in ), done at every node in tree, entails a comparison of the tree, entails a comparison of the TypeRepTypeRep returned by the passed-in returned by the passed-in typeOftypeOf with a fixed with a fixed TypeRepTypeRep for for SalarySalary; this is precisely a ; this is precisely a dynamic type checkdynamic type check

Page 30: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Summary so farSummary so farSolution consists of:Solution consists of:

A little user-written codeA little user-written code Mechanically generated instances for Mechanically generated instances for TypeableTypeable and and DataData for each data type for each data type

A library of combinators (A library of combinators (castcast, , mkTmkT, , everywhereeverywhere, etc), etc)

Language support:Language support: castcast rank-2 typesrank-2 types

Efficiency is so-so (factor of 2-3 with no Efficiency is so-so (factor of 2-3 with no effort)effort)

Page 31: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Summary so farSummary so far

Robust to data type evolutionRobust to data type evolutionWorks easily for weird data typesWorks easily for weird data types

data Rose a = MkR a [Rose a]

instance (Data a) => Data (Rose a) where gmapT f (MkR x rs) = MkR (f x) (f rs)

data Flip a b = Nil | Cons a (Flip b a)-- Etc...

Page 32: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.


With this same language support, we can With this same language support, we can do much moredo much more

generic queriesgeneric queries generic monadic operationsgeneric monadic operations generic foldsgeneric folds generic zips (e.g. equality)generic zips (e.g. equality)

Page 33: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Generic queriesGeneric queriesAdd up the salaries of all the employees Add up the salaries of all the employees in the treein the tree

salaryBill :: Company -> FloatsalaryBill = everything (+) (0 `mkQ` billS)

billS :: Salary -> FloatbillS (S f) = f

2. Apply the function to every node in the tree, and

combine results with (+) 1. Build the function to apply to every node,

from billS

Page 34: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Type extension againType extension again

mkQ :: (Typeable a, Typeable b) => d -> (b->d) -> a -> d(d `mkQ` q) a = case cast a of

Just b -> q b Nothing -> d

ghci> (22 `mkQ` ord) 'a'97ghci> (22 `mkQ` ord) True22

Apply 'q' if its type fits, otherwise return


ord :: Char -> Int

Page 35: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Traversal againTraversal againclass Typeable a => Data a where gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a

gmapQ :: forall r. (forall b. Data b => b -> r) -> a -> [r]

Apply a function to all children of this node, and

collect the results in a list

Page 36: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Traversal againTraversal againclass Typeable a => Data a where gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a

gmapQ :: forall r. (forall b. Data b => b -> r) -> a -> [r]

instance Data Int where gmapQ f x = []

instance (Data a,Data b) => Data (a,b) where

gmapQ f (x,y) = f x ++ f y

Page 37: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

The query traversalThe query traversaleverything :: Data a => (r->r->r)

-> (forall b. Data b => b -> r)

-> a -> reverything k f x = foldl k (f x) (gmapQ (everything f) x)

Note that foldr vs foldl is in the traversal, not


Page 38: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Looking for one resultLooking for one result

By making the result type be (Maybe r), By making the result type be (Maybe r), we can find the first (or last) satisfying we can find the first (or last) satisfying value [laziness]value [laziness]

findDept :: String -> Company -> Maybe Dept findDept s = everything `orElse`

(Nothing `mkQ` findD s)

findD :: String -> Dept -> Maybe DeptfindD s d@(D s' _ _) = if s==s' then Just d else Nothing

Page 39: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Monadic transformsMonadic transforms

Uh oh! Where do we stop?Uh oh! Where do we stop?

class Typeable a => Data a where gmapT :: (forall b. Data b => b -> b) -> a -> a

gmapQ :: forall r. (forall b. Data b => b -> r) -> a -> [r]

gmapM :: Monad m => (forall b. Data b => b -> m b) -> a -> m a

Page 40: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Where do we stop?Where do we stop?Happily, we can generalise all three gmaps into Happily, we can generalise all three gmaps into oneone

data Employee = E Person Salary

instance Data Employee where gfoldl k z (E p s) = (z E `k` p) `k` s

We can define We can define gmapTgmapT, , gmapQgmapQ, , gmapMgmapM in terms of (suitably parameterised) in terms of (suitably parameterised) gfoldlgfoldlThe type of The type of gfoldlgfoldl hurts the brain (but the definitions are all easy) hurts the brain (but the definitions are all easy)

Page 41: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Where do we stop?Where do we stop?class Typeable a => Data a where

gfoldl :: (forall a b. Data a => c (a -> b) -> a -> c b)

-> (forall g. g -> c g) -> a -> c a

Page 42: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

But we still can't do show!But we still can't do show!

Want show :: Data a => a -> StringWant show :: Data a => a -> String

show :: Data a => a -> Stringshow t = ??? ++ concat (gmapQ show t)

show the children and concatenate the

resultsBut how to show the


Page 43: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Add more to class DataAdd more to class Data

Very like Very like typeOftypeOf :: :: TypeableTypeable aa =>=> aa ->-> TypeRepTypeRepexcept only for data types, not functionsexcept only for data types, not functions

class Data a where toConstr :: a -> Constr

data Constr -- abstractconString :: Constr -> StringconFixity :: Constr -> Fixity

Page 44: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

So here is showSo here is show

show :: Data a => a -> Stringshow t = conString (toConstr t) ++ concat (gmapQ show t)

Simple refinements to deal with Simple refinements to deal with parentheses, infix constructors etcparentheses, infix constructors etctoConstrtoConstr on a primitive type (like on a primitive type (like IntInt) ) yields a yields a ConstrConstr whose whose conStringconString displays the valuedisplays the value

Page 45: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

Further generic functionsFurther generic functions read :: Data a => String -> aread :: Data a => String -> a toBin :: Data a => a -> [Bit]toBin :: Data a => a -> [Bit]fromBin :: Data a => [Bit] -> afromBin :: Data a => [Bit] -> a

testGen :: Data a => RandomGen -> atestGen :: Data a => RandomGen -> a

class Data a where toConstr :: a -> Constr fromConstr :: Constr -> a dataTypeOf :: a -> DataType

data DataType -- AbstractstringCon :: DataType -> String -> Maybe ConstrindexCon :: DataType -> Int -> ConstrdataTypeCons :: DataType -> [Constr]

Page 46: Scrap your boilerplate: generic programming in Haskell Ralf Lämmel, Vrije University Simon Peyton Jones, Microsoft Research.

ConclusionsConclusions““Simple”, elegantSimple”, elegantModest language extensionsModest language extensions

Rank-2 typesRank-2 types Auto-generation of Typeable, Data instancesAuto-generation of Typeable, Data instancesFully implemented in GHCFully implemented in GHC

Shortcomings:Shortcomings: Stop conditionsStop conditions Types are a bit uninformativeTypes are a bit uninformative

Paper: http://research.microsoft.com/~simonpj

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