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Page 1: Screen grabs contents page indie

Screen Grabs of contents page

By Melissa Edwards

Page 2: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screenshot I have just put boxes and little notes around to just get started. I have used tools such as the image tool, text tool and colour scheme.

Page 3: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screenshot I started to write out my contents and add numbers. However i am planning on changing the colour scheme and picture as it doesn't relate to the target audience . I have used tools such as the text tool and move tool.

Page 4: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screenshot I started to add more pictures however the pictures were not good quality and therefore I need to change them. I have also started to fiddle with the colour scheme which originally matched my questionnaire. However this did not work with my theme of indie therefore needed to be changed. I have used the image tool and text tool, as well as the move tool.

Page 5: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screenshot I changed the colours to red, black and white. I also moved the pictures around, and changed the person who was on my front cover because the person I originally used didn't look to indie . I also moved the positional statement above the masthead as it stood out more.I have used the image tool and move tool.

Page 6: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screenshot I started to add there page number, so you can follow the article or review, however this style of writing is not write for a indie magazine.I have used the text tool a lot and using the colour scheme.

Page 7: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screenshot I started to add quotes and mastheads to that certain picture however I did not make it clear enough to were each quote belongs to which image. I have used the text tool and move tool.

Page 8: Screen grabs contents page indie

In this screen shot I have separated each article with a yellow line, I used the shape tool to create the line. I have also added the issue of this weeks front cover at the bottom, I did this by saving the front cover as a JPEG image and adding it as an image onto quark. I used the image tool to do this and used the rotator tool to turn it on a slant.

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In this screen shot I have taken out the positional statement as it is not needed on the contents page. I have also done each number in a colour (red) and taken out the dot after each number. I have used the colour scheme and delete button.

Page 10: Screen grabs contents page indie

I have changed the masthead to ‘Indi’ to match my front cover as it is now short and more eye catching. I have changed my central image as it is more effective. I have changed the front size of artillery to make it stand out more. The tools I have used are picture box tool, front size, and the move tool.

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I have delete the editors letter to make more room for another photo of Natalie. I have moved the photos onto the other side the fit the writing in. I have put the numbers at the top of the picture to make them stand out more and I have put the writing over the top of the photo some its more clear and the photos could be bigger. I have also made the boarders bigger so it stands out more and shows the colour.

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I have made ‘contents’ more wider and ‘indi’ now matches the front cover masthead. I have added in a photo of the front cover of this months issue on the bottom.

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