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Page 1: SCULTHORPE MARCH ‘20 MESSENGER · 2020-03-04 · Valentine was the bishop of Terni and martyred at Rome under the Emperor Claudius. It is unclear how and why he is now regarded



N E W S & V I E W S F R O M C H U R C H & C O M M U N I T Y

Page 2: SCULTHORPE MARCH ‘20 MESSENGER · 2020-03-04 · Valentine was the bishop of Terni and martyred at Rome under the Emperor Claudius. It is unclear how and why he is now regarded

Dear Parishioners,

I am writing this on St Valentine’s Day so you could say that “Love is in the air”. Valentine was the bishop of Terni and martyred at Rome under the Emperor Claudius. It is unclear how and why he is now regarded as the patron saint of lovers (and epileptics btw) but certainly many people will be wishing their loved ones ‘Happy Valentine’s Day” today! This reminds me of a story I often tell at weddings.

A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoebox in the top of her wardrobe. She had cautioned her husband never to open it or ask her about it. For all of these years, he never thought about the shoebox, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover.

As the husband was about their affairs, the little old man took down the shoebox and took it to his wife’s bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the shoebox. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling £25,000. He asked her about the contents. “When we were to be married,” she said, “my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.”

The husband was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the shoebox. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. Full of gratitude, he asked, “Honey, that explains the dolls, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?” “Oh,” the little old woman said, “That’s the money I made from selling the dolls.”

No doubt, marriage has its glorious and not so glorious times. But through it all, love forgives a multitude of sins, and love celebrates the awesome gift of being the beloved of another. Today take that moment to say, “I love you” to that special person in your life. And if that person is no longer with us here on earth, know that his/her eternal soul still loves you, remembers you, and celebrates you more now than ever before!

Fr Clive(Rector of North Creake, South Creake with Waterden, Syderstone with Barmer, and Sculthorpe)


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We are pleased to have co opted Simon Read onto the parish council. I am sure that he will add a strength to the team. Simon works as a paramedic and has since he came to the village has joined the village hall committee.

We discussed the recent flooding at the top end of Moor Lane and will be having a meeting with a representative from Highways to identify if there is a way to prevent it happening in future. As you can guess there are other villages with much bigger problems than ours so we may have to take our place in the queue.

There have been requests for speed bumps in parts of the village but these are not now considered to be effective. Your parish council is therefore looking at putting the devices known as SAM2 (lashing speed warnings) in the village. If you have any strong feelings about these devices please let us know. We are told that they are quite effective. Unfortunately not all the speeding cars are driven by people passing through the village so the easiest way to reduce the problem would be for all residents to set an example by following the message I saw in another village recently . . . . . THE LIMITS 30 BUT 20’s PLENTY . . . . .

Councillor Marie Strong from Norfolk District council pointed out to us that if you don’t have smoke detectors in your home the fire brigade is offering free home fire risk checks to vulnerable residents including fitting smoke alarms.

We are moving ahead with the opening up of the pond area on Creake Road. As with all such things progress is less than speedy but it is happening!!

So far we have confirmation from NNDC that the area belongs to the village and we can move ahead from there.

We had representations at he meeting reference the dog fouling problem which has quite recently reappeared in the village. Your parish council has approached NNDC who are more than willing to prosecute any owners who fail to “pick up”. There is a fine of up to £1000. It was suggested to the meeting that the problem is caused by visitors to the village not feeling that they are included in the law. Should you see them “offending” please let them know that it is offensive. We will have signs put up around the village to highlight our feelings.

From now on parish council meetings will take place at 7.15 on the first Wednesday of alternate months starting in March. You are very welcome to join us and there will be space for you to have your say (briefly) about any issue you would like to raise..

The full minutes of the meetings are posted on the notice board outside the village hall

RegardsBrian Watkin Chairman of Sculthorpe Parish Council01328 258268


This Sculthorpe charity consists of the five Alms Houses in Moor Lane, the playing field, allotments in the village and Sculthorpe Moor. The charity has five trustees and a clerk all of which are voluntary positions. The trust, like so many, suffered at the hands of storm Dennis recently. Unfortunately, the strong south-westerly wind brought down a large part of a tree onto the allotments in The Street. 

Trustees serve for a four or five year term and each retire on a rota basis. If you would like to serve the village by becoming a trustee, please contact the current chairman, David Smith on [email protected] or speak to any trustee for further information.

Cara & Christopher are excited to invite you to the grand opening of The Aviator on Sunday 8th March from 5pm. A hog roast and glass of fizz will welcome you to celebrate our new venture!

Page 3: SCULTHORPE MARCH ‘20 MESSENGER · 2020-03-04 · Valentine was the bishop of Terni and martyred at Rome under the Emperor Claudius. It is unclear how and why he is now regarded

Contact me as usual at:[email protected] 286 597

Update on the Independent Local Government Commission Review of Norfolk County Council Divisions: This is my eleventh year as county councillor and I have never known such confusion over an important issue. Whilst I have managed to check parish councils have received updates obviously I could not circulate such information to all residents. The following details, hopefully, will not be further amended: ‘The Commission has asked Norfolk County Council to provide  updated electorate forecasts by 11 February and  will extend the existing consultation period by six weeks to 24 March. Any party that has already made a submission based on the existing electorate figures is invited to make another submission once the updated electorate have been published. When they have been received, the new electorate forecasts will be published on the Norfolk review site at  http://www.lgbce.org.uk/all-reviews/eastern/norfolk/norfolk-county-council. As a result of this, the public consultation on the draft recommendations will now take place from 2 June - 10 August 2020. Norfolk County Council Budget 2020:I am writing this newsletter on the evening of 17 February having returned from a long and contentious session at county hall regarding the county budget.  Details can be found in the following press release:  https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/news/2020/02/council-budget-agreed

To learn about the debate which took place access NCC website for the minutes of the meeting.    Speeding:To deter speeding several parishes now have ‘Village Gates’ – letting drivers know they are approaching housing and pedestrians. Instead of gates or as well as other parishes have opted for  Sam2’s with flashing lights indicating speed. Gates: Cost will be dependent on width of verge, height and style of gate with costs likely to be between £500 and £1000 per individual gate, fully installed. Purchase only price of gates can be found on the ‘Glasdon’ website. SAM2: Cost will be dependent on requirements but likely to be in the region of £4K. Both Gates and SAM2 are acceptable for application to the NCC Parish Partnership - 50% paid by town/parish 50% by NCC. Details of the Partnership is likely to be sent to local council this Spring for applications by December.  Outcome will be known by March/April 2021 in time for installation in the following 12 months. 

News from your County Councillor ... Marie Strong

Speed Watch: Congratulations to the Sculthorpe Group excellent example to other parishes.  Whilst some parishes have tried Speed Watch and been disappointed other parishes continue and are satisfied with the outcome.  Raise the possibilities at parish council meetings with your local police officer. Reporting Highways Concerns: Rather than wait for a Parish Council meeting you can speed up repairs by reporting issues direct to [email protected]  or telephone 0344 800 8020. Broadband Checker:More residents now have the ability to access fibre broadband but are not up-to-date with how to check what is available to them. Therefore I have copied below a checker which for the vast majority of properties will provide an accurate result. However, occasionally there are properties where the data is inaccurate.  If the checker shows availability contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) which in turn will contact Openreach. If Openreach identifies that the checker has given incorrect information the ISP will advise you accordingly. I am assured that on balance most properties will return the correct information so it is worth the effort.https://www.openreach.com/fibre-broadband/. Having used this link press ‘Use our fibre checker’ button. Enter your postcode, tick the box to say you’re not a robot and then click on the green search button to the right of the box where you entered the postcode.  Pick your address from the list - it then either shows services as available or says whether something is planned. When services are available it has a ‘View Providers’ button which   shows which Internet Service Providers are offering services at your address. If a positive response check with your ISP and find out what Openreach tells them. (Regret the checker is not infallible but best on offer at present.)

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hardware and more -Call in to see us today.


Thurlow Nunn Standen Ltd“Leaders in every field”

01328 [email protected]

Eagle Iron Works, Creake Rd,Sculthorpe, Fakenham NR21 9NH

At TNS we have everythingyou need for the home,

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Cleaning products, Stihltools, lawnmowers, oils,antifreeze, WD40, paints,

clothes, wellies, toys,water softeners, pet food,

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Page 4: SCULTHORPE MARCH ‘20 MESSENGER · 2020-03-04 · Valentine was the bishop of Terni and martyred at Rome under the Emperor Claudius. It is unclear how and why he is now regarded

Notice Board


Mondays 14.00 - 16.00 Carpet Bowls 16.30 - 19.45 Yoga (3rd and 24th only) 20.10 - 22.00 Ballroom and Latin Dance

Tuesdays 9.00 - 13.00 Hartbeeps (Term time only) 16.00 - 19.00 Dance (Term time only) 19.00 - 20.00 Zumba

Wednesdays 10.00 - 12.00 Coffee Morning (2nd Wednesday of every month) 18.00 - 19.00 Keep Fit

Fridays 18.30 - 20.00 Choir


Wednesday 4th March 19.15 - 21.15 Parish Council Meeting

Thursday 12th March 18.45 - 21.30 Holistic Gongs

Thursday 26th March 13.30 - 15.30 Mardle and Craft (Craft optional)

Wednesday 1st April 17.30 - 21.30 Sculthorpe School Bingo Night

A big thank you to all who took part in the Valentine Quiz night - £286.00 was raised.

Also a huge thank you to everyone who helped make it happen.

See sculthorpevillage.wordpress.com or Sculthorpe Village on Facebook for details

To book the village hall please contact Vyv Matthews (4 Creake Road) on 01328 851985

or email: [email protected]


by 20th March with any notices or features of interest for the April issue.

[email protected] Creake Road01328 316087


SERVICESPlease find up-to-date information

regarding Sunday serviceson the Benefice calendar at: www.sculthorpe.org.uk


Every Sunday at 11am and 2.30pmChapel Lane, Sculthorpe

Everyone very welcome

NOTICE FROM NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCILAfter recent reports we would like to remind residents that materials other than vegetation and untreated wood should not be burnt.

Please call Paul on:

There is a minority of people exercising their dogs who don’t feel that it is necessary for them to clear up after their dogs. This is unpleasant for all who live in the village but even more serious is the risk of illness to the children in the village if they get the mess on their skin. If this note brings about a change of mind in the few that would be marvellous. If not, then if you see the problem occuring, it would be appreciated by the rest of the village if you would point out the error of their ways. Unfortunately the majority of dog walkers will carry the blame for the few which isn’t fair, so let’s try and put the problem behind us.

Also, It is not allowed to exercise dogs on the children’s playing field. So please, if you are taking the children out with you when you walk the dog avoid the playground, tempting as it may be.


“Music and Verse for an April Evening” on Friday 3rd April at 7pm, St. Mary’s Church, South Creake.  Refreshments Retiring Collection

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