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  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    Urban Design MeritUrban Design Merit evaluates the proposed vacationsimpact on the street grid and the physical impacts ofthe proposed development.

    Factors considered by the SDC include:

    Auto and pedestrian traffic functions in the areaNeighborhood characterImpacts on relocated utilitiesQuality of the pedestrian experience in the areaThe potential loss of open space from the vacationThe scale of proposed development

    SDC meetings on Urban Design Merit:March 7, 2013April 18, 2013

    Public BenefitThe SDC evaluates the proposed public benefits, using theCouncils street and alley vacation policies as its guide.

    Public benefits can be located on- or off-site and be designedto enhance the remaining open space and transportationnetwork. Public benefit features typically include:

    Publicly accessible plazas or green spacesWidened sidewalksAdditional street trees or vegetation in the right of wayStreet furniture seating, lighting, etc.Public artBicycle facilities

    Investments in City parksImplementation of a neighborhood plan elementImprovements to designated Green Streets

    SDC meetings on Public Benefit:May 16, 2013June 20, 2013

    The Seattle Design Commission (SDC) advises theCity Council on two issues related to a proposedstreet or alley vacation.


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    The SDC voted unanimously to deny the Urban Design Merit phase of the vacation:

    Improve safety with the midblock connector address conflict between autos andpedestriansResolve pedestrian auto conflicts along 40th Avenue at the midblock connectorDesign a gateway feature at Alaska and Fauntleroy, as anticipated in the West SeattleTriangle Plan

    Improve pedestrian connections along the remaining portion of the alley

    March 7, 2013First SDC meeting


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    Enhanced pedestrian elements along themidblock connector

    Continuous planting stripGreen wallEnhanced crosswalkSidewalk into residential entry

    Intersection of 40th Ave SW and midblockconnector

    Raised crosswalk Further defined pedestrian walkways

    April 18, 2013Second SDC meeting

    SDC received a second presentation on Urban Design Merit. The presentation addressedconcerns raised by SDC in its March 7 meeting.


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    March 2013

    Residential entrance at plaza

    Alaska and Fauntleroy Plaza

    May 2013Updated design

    Reoriented residential entranceRefined landscapingChanges to art program


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    Alaska and 40 th Ave SW Plaza

    March 2013

    Original design

    May 2013Updated design

    Decking in plazaMore table seatingArt in plazaRefined landscapeAdditional seating area nextto building


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    SDC denied Public Benefit with these recommendations: 1. Resolve the hierarchy of plazas2. Refine the Fauntleroy and Alaska plaza3. Simplify the 40th Ave SW design elements and connect the

    various gathering spaces4. Simplify the art elements for more consistency5. Provide a direct connection to the proposed park across

    40th Avenue SW

    May 16, 2013Third SDC meeting


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    June 20 SDC meetingFauntleroy and Alaska Gateway Plaza

    May 2013

    June 2013

    Simplified art conceptAdditional trees andshrubs in plazaAdditional seating


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    Fauntleroy and 40 th Ave SW Plaza May 2013

    June 2013

    Simplified art concept inplaza


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    40 th Ave SWOffsite landscape improvements Masonic Lodge


  • 8/12/2019 Seattle Design Commission presentation for alley-vacation public hearing on The Whittaker


    Approved public benefit package1. Voluntary building setbacks2. Midblock pedestrian connector3. Five small plazas4. 40th Ave SW green street improvements, including offsite improvements along Masonic

    property5. All street improvements abutting the development

    6. $25,000 contribution toward design of proposed park7. Planning and installation of bike lane along Fauntleroy

    Conditions subject to further SDC reviewSDC shall be consulted if public benefit changes if needed to meet code requirements orcannot be built

    SDC shall review Art Plan once it has been developedSDC shall continue review of Fauntleroy/Alaska gateway elementSDC shall continue review of green wall in the midblock connector

    Recommendation SDC requests that SDOT allow a crosswalk from midblock connector to proposed park.

    June 20 SDC approves public benefits


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