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Second Part (Grammar Practice)

Who taught by the Pen (4) taught Man that he knew not (5)


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Questions related to Lesson -1 – Introduction

Fill in the blanks with هو، هم، أنت، أنتم at least three times:

Translation دعد Number Person

3rd و ا دح .He sr هو هو هو


ئ عمج .They pl هم هم هم اغ

2nd و ا دح .You sr انت انت انت

عمج .You all pl انتم انتم انتم احرض

1st و ا دح .I sr انا انا انا




ى .dl عمج .We pl نحن نحن نحن



Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings (ف= thus,

((and =و

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

ف+ هو فهو =Thus he Thus They فهم

و انتم Thus you And you all فأنت

فنحن And they Hence We وهم

وهو Hence I And he فأنا

فأنت And We Hence you ونحن

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Questions related to lesson 2 – Surah Fatiha 1-3

Q1) As it is done with word مسلم , please fill in the blanks for the remaining three


Number Person دعد

هو مسلم ؤمن هو م صالح هو عابد هو sr. 3 و ا دحrd


ئ هم مسلمون ونمن ؤ هم م نصالحينهم عابدون هم اغ

pl. عمج

أنت مسلم ؤمن أنت م صالح أنت عابد أنت sr. 2 و ا دحnd

أنتم مسلمون ونمن ؤ أنتم م نصالحينأنتم ابدون ع أنتم احرضpl. عمج

أنا مسلم ؤمن أنا م صالح أنا عابد أنا sr. 1 و ا دحst




نحن مسلمون ونمن ؤ نحن م نصالحيننحن عابدون نحن pl. عمج dl. ى



Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings (ف= thus, و=


Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

From Allah الل +من =من الل Thus they all are

Muslims فهم مسلمون

He is rabb And we believers هورب ون و نحن مؤمن و اعوذ Thus he is believer And I take refuge فهو مومن

Thus Allah فالل You all are good

people انتم صالحون

So For Allah فلله

He associate partners to Allah هو مشرك

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Questions related to lesson 3 – Surah Fatiha 4-5

Q1) As it is done with word رب, please fill in the blanks for the remaining three


Number Person دعد رب کتاب دين آيات

آياته دينه ـه ، كتابه 3rd و ا دح .sr ربه


ئ عمج .pl ربهم ، هم ـ كتابهم دينهم آياتهم اغ

2nd و ا دح .sr ربك،ك ــ كتابك دينك آياتك

عمج .pl ربكم ،م ـك كتابكم دينكم آياتكم احرض

كتابى دينى آياتى 1st و ا دح .sr ربي،يــ




ى .dl عمج .pl ربنا،ناــ كتابنا ديننا آياتنا



Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

His name اسمه And their

Deen دينهم و

Allah is our Lord الل ربنا وربكم and Lord of you all

And He is our Lord

وهو ربنا

Their Day يومهم You are my

Rabb ىانت رب

Thus your Lord فربك Your Lord is

Mercy full ربك الرحيم

From their Lord بهم من ر We ask for

help نستعين

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Questions related to lesson 4 – Surah Fatiha 6-7

Q2) Write the feminine gender of the following and write the plural of those feminine genders?

Q1) Write the feminine form of

the following?

مذکر مؤنث جمع

الفاظ +ھا رب اه رب مسلم ةمسلم اتمسلم

دين دينها کافر ةکافر اتکافر کتاب كتابها شرکم ةمشرک اتمشرک

ايات آياتها عابد ةعابد اتعابد اسم اسمها صالح ةصالح اتصالح

صراط صراطها منافق ةمنافق اتمنافق

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

The one went ضال astray

Our deen and our book

ديننا و كتابنا

And those who والذين

Your Lord and his book

ربك وكتابها

Thus on them فعليهم

Al-Quran is our Book

ناالقرأن كتاب

You Lord and your ربکم و دينکم deen

Their deen and their Book

دينهم و كتابهم

And our deen وديننا

My Lord and My Book

ربى و كتابى

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Questions related to lesson 5 – Purpose of revelation.

Q1) As it is done with word ل, Using all possessive pronouns, please fill in the

blanks for the remaining three columns:

Number Person دعد ل من عن مع


و ا دح .sr ه ل منه عنه



ئ لهم منه م عنه م معه م اغ

pl. عمج

و ا دح .sr لك منك عنك معك


م احرض م معك ممن عنك لكم ك pl. عمج

لي مني عني معيsr. و ا دح





ى .dl عمج .pl لنا منا عنا معنا



لها منها عنها معها


ئ .sr و ا دح ؤم

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

Allah is with us May Allah be الل معناpleased with you

ضى الل عنك ر

اسمك Thus for them Your name فلهم و منك And for us And from you ولنا

Hence from you فمنکم all

And for them و لهم

القران معى Thus for her Al-Quran is with me فلها

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Questions related to lesson 6 – Quran is easy and best thing is to learn it.

Q1) As it is done with word ب, Using all possessive pronouns, please fill in the

blanks for the remaining three columns:

Number Person دعد ب في على الى

إليه ه ب فيه عليهsr. و ا دح



ئ بهم فيهم عليهم إليهم اغ

pl. عمج

بك فيك عليك إليكsr. و ا دح


م احرض م إليك م عليك بكم فيك pl. عمج

بي في علي إليsr. و ا دح





بنا فينا علينا إلينا pl. عمج dl. ى



بها فيها عليها إليها


ئ .sr و ا دح ؤم

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

And in you all وفيکم On him and on

me عل علي و يه

الى القران Thus on me Towards Quran فعلي And towards you واليک

Peace be upon you all

السلم عليك

فى القران In your book In the Quran في کتا بکم We sent down on انزلنا عليک الکتاب

you the book On you and on

her عليهاوعليك

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Questions related to lesson 7 – Supplication for learning and how to learn

Like the example please fill in the blanks Write the meaning of the following demonstrative pronouns

هؤآلء These هذا کتاب هذا قلم هذا ذلك That هؤآلء مسلمون هؤآلء كتب هؤآلء هذا This ذلك مؤمن ذلك كفر ذلك أولـئك Those أولـئك مومنون أولـئك كفرون أولـئك

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

Forgive for me Learned and اغفرلي taught

تعلم و علم

And have mercy وارحمني on me

Learned by the pen

م بالقلم تعل

The most gracious الرحمن علم القرآن taught the Quran

Increase me in Knowledge

زد نى علما

فانتم And from you Hence you all ومنک And on you all And amongst وعليکم

them و منهم

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Questions related to lesson 8 – Surah Al-Asr

Q1) Write three times the six form of past tense علف and write its meanings:

Translation دعد لعف امیض لعف امیض لعف امیض Number Person

He did فعل فعل فعل sr. 3 و ا دحrd


ئ فعلوا فعلوا فعلوا They Did اغ

pl. عمج

You did فعلت فعلت فعلت sr. 2 و ا دحnd

فعلتم فعلتم لتم فع You all did احرضpl. عمج

I did فعلت فعلت فعلت sr. 1 و ا دحst




We did فعلنا فعلنا فعلنا pl. عمج dl. ى



Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

فعلت هذا Who did this I did this فعل هذامن فى خسر And you did In loss وفعلت From your Lord من ربک

Believed and did good

ا منوا و عملوا

In their deen في دينهم Your religion

and my religion دينك و دينى

Toward your Rabb لي ربکا My name and

your name اسمى و سمك

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Questions related to lesson 9 – Surah Al-Nasr

Q1) Write three times the six form of imperfect tense عل ف ي and write its meanings:

Translation دعد اضمر علعف اضمر علعف اضمر علعف Number Person

He will do يفعل يفعل يفعل sr. 3 و ا دحrd


ئ عمج .pl يفعلون يفعلون يفعلون They will do اغ

You will do تفعل تفعل تفعل sr. و ا دح


احرضYou all will

do عمج .pl تفعلون تفعلون تفعلون

I will do أفعل أفعل أفعل sr. 1 و ا دحst




We will do نفعل نفعل نفعل pl. عمج dl. ى



Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

Who will do that He did and I did من يفعل ذلک فعلت و فعل

Indeed Allah will do ان الل يفعل

They did and you did

فعلوا و فعلت

ين To the day of الي يوم الدjudgment

He is doing and I am doing

يفعل و افعل

With her book مع کتابها

And we are doing

و نفعل

And On Allah وعلي الل I am doing this افعل هذا

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Questions related to lesson 10 – Surah Al-Ikhlas

Q1) Using all nominative pronouns fill in the blanks as it is done in the first row

Translation ر خلق

ئ Number Person دعد امض

He created him ـه ـه خلقـه sr. 3 و ا دحrd


ئ عمج .pl ـهم هم ـ م خلقـه He created them اغ

He created you ك ــ ك خلق sr. 2 و ا دحnd

عمج .pl م ـك كم خلق He created you all احرض

He created me ين نىخلق sr. 1 و ا دحst




He created us ناــ ناخلق pl. عمج dl. ى



Write three times the لعف ا رم and لعف یہن . and write the meanings.

Translation نهيامر و نهيامر و نهيامر و

Don’t do ال تفعل ال تفعل ال تفعل

Do you all افعلوا افعلوا افعلوا

Don’t do you all ال تفعلوا ال تفعلوا تفعلوا ال

!Do افعل افعل افعل

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

Thus he Created فخلق He created me نىخلق

Don’t do this التفعل هذا He does not do ال يفعل

He did it فعله And we did not

do وما فعلنا

And do the good وافعلواالخير Hence don’t do

this لتفعل هذاف

And I did not do it ومافعلته The one who

created you الذى خلقك

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Questions related to lesson 11 – Surah Al-Falaq

Q1) Write the Arabic word for the translation given below Number Person دعد Translation فعل ماضي Translation فعل مضارع

He did فعل He will do/does يفعل sr. 3 و ا دحrd


ئ They Did فعلوا They will do / do يفعلون اغ

pl. عمج

You did فعلت You will do /do تفعل sr. 2 و ا دحnd

You all did فعلتم You all will do تفعلون احرضpl. عمج

I did فعلت I will do أفعل sr. 1 و ا دحst




We did فعلنا They will do نفعل pl. عمج dl. ى



تفعل She does / Will

do She did ت فعل


ئب .sr و ا دح ؤم

ئ اغ

Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

Imp forms : فعل ، ، عل ف ي عل افTranslation فعل مضارع Translation يفعل ماض

He does / will

do فعل He did عل ف ي

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey

do/Will do فعلوا They Did يفعلون

/ You do افعل ال تفعل

will do فعلت You did تفعل

/ You all do افعلوا ال تفعلوا

will do فعلتم You all did تفعلون

ل :عفا Doer

I do / will

do فعلت I did أفعل

ل : و ف عم The one on whom it is done

We do / will

do فعلنا We did نفعل

to do :فعل

She does /

will do ت فعل She did تفعل

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

And they did not do it ومافعلوه I did not do ا فعلت م

ال يفعلونThey will not do

Hence I will not do

فل افعل

You all did not do مافعلتم You won’t do ال تفعل

ما فعلنا Thus do you all We did not do وافافعل

And ask his واستغفره forgiveness

You all did not do

ما فعلتم

Questions related to lesson 12 – Surah An-Naas

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Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

Imp forms : افتح ، يفتح ، فتح Translation فعل مضارع Translation فعل ماضي

He will open يفتح He Opened فتح

Translation نهي Translation أمر They open /

They will open ون ح ت يف They Opened واتح ف Don’t

Open ال افتح !Open ح تفتYou open / You

will open ح ت تف You Opened ت ح ت ف Don’t


(you all)

تفتحوا الOpen!(you

all) افتحوا You all open /

You all will open ون ح ت تف You all Opened تم ح ت ف Opener فاتح

I open /. I will

open ح ت أف I Opened ت ح ت ف Which is opened مفتوح

We open / We

will open ح ت نف We Opened ناح ت ف To Open فتح

She opens / she

will open ح ت تف She Opened ت فتح

Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

Imp forms : اج عل ، يج عل ، جعل Translation فعل مضارع Translation فعل ماضي

He makes/

will make عل جعل He Made يج

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey make /

They will make علون جعلوا They Made يج


Make! عل ال عل اج !Make تج You make / You

will make عل جعلت You Made تج Don’t

Make! all علوا ال تج Make!



علوا اج You all make/

You all will make علون ج علتم You all Made تج Maker : جاعل

I make / I will

make عل جعلت I Made أج

The one which is made :مج عولWe make / We

will make عل ن جعلنا We Made ج

To Make :جعل

She makes / She

will make عل جعلت She Made تج

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

We made you جعلناکم

We made it ه جعلنا We made جعلنا

Hence we made them

هم جعلناف

عله And make it واج

He makes you all علكم يج

You all open تفتحون

You make him عله تج

He will open يفتح

We opened فتحنا Questions related to lesson 13 – Surah Al-Kafiroon

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Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

( 92نصر

:To helpرنص )ن

Imp forms : ر،صرن ي ،نصر ا نص فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He helps / He will

help صرن ي He Helped نصر

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Help / They

Will Help صرون ن ي They Helped وانصر


Help! صرال تن Help! ر ا نص You help/ You

will help نصرت You Helped صرتنDon’t

Help! (you


صرواال تن Help!

(you all ر واا ن ص You all help / You

all will help ن صرتم You all Helped صرون تن Helper:ناصر

I help/ I will help نصرت I Helped صرن أ

The one who is Helped: منصورWe help / We will

help نصرنا We Helped صر نن

اTo help: نصر

She helps / She

will help نصرت She Helped نصرت

( 248خلق

To create )ن

Imp forms : اخلق ، لق خ ي ،خلق فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He creates / He

will create لق خ ي He Created خلق

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey created /

They will create لقون خ ي They Created جعلوا


Create! تخلق ال Create! اخلق You create / You

will create لق تخ You Created ت خلق Don’t



تخلقوا ال Create!



اخلقواYou all create /

You all will


تم You all Created لقون تخ خ لق Creator :خالق

I create / I will

create ت I Created لق خ أ خلق

Which is created :مخلوقWe Create / We

will create لق نخ We Created نا خلق

To create :خلقShe Creates /

She will create لق تخ She Created ت خلق

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143ذكر )

: رذك )ن to remember

Imp forms : ذکر، كر اذ ،كر ذ ي فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He remembers /

will remember ذکر He Remembered كر ذ ي

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey remember

/ will remember They كرون ذ ي

Remembered ذكروا


remember / You remember كر اذ !Remember كر ال تذ

/ will remember You كر تذ

Remembered ذکرت Don’t

remember !Remember كرواال تذ

(You all) You all كروااذ

remember/ will

remember r

You all كرون تذ

Remembered ذ کرتم Who remembers :ذاكر

I remember /

will remember ذکرت I Remembered كر ذ أ

One who is remembered :مذكور

We remember /

will remember ذکرنا We Remembered كر نذ

To remember:ذكرShe remembers

/ Will


ذکرت She Remembered كر تذ

122رزق )

To Provide: قرز )ن

Imp forms زق ار ،زق ر ي ، رزق فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He Provides /

will Provide زق ر ي He Provided رزق

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Provide /

Will Provide زقون ر ي They Provided رزقوا


Provide! زق ال تر Provide! زق ار You Provide /

Will Provide زق تر You Provided ت رزق Don’t

Provide!(all) زقواال تر Provide!

(you all) زقواار You will Provide

/ Will Provide زقون تر They Provided رزق تم Provider:ازقر

I Provide / will

Provide ت I Provided زق ر أ رزق

Who is Provided :مرزوقWe Provide / will

Provide زق نر We Provided نا رزق

To provide:رزقShe Provides /

will Provide زق تر She Provided رزقت

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

He created you all خلقکم و رزقکم and provided you all

You helped me نصرتنى

And indeed Allah ولقد نصر کم الل helped you all

I helped you نصرتك

Who will help me رني من ينص

He remembered me ذكرنى

Thus remember me فاذکروني

I remembered him ذنرته

I will remember you اذکرکم

Thus help us فانصرنا

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Questions related to lesson 14 – Azan and Supplication for Wudu

Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings


461 (

To deny:رفك (ن

Imp forms : کفر، فر اك ،فر ك ي فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He Disbelieves /

will Disbelieve فر ك ي He Disbelieved کفر

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Disbelieve

/ Will Disbelieve فرون ك ي They Disbelieved كفروا Don’t

Disbelieve فرال تك Disbelieve! فر اك You Disbelieve /

will Disbelieve فر تك You Disbelieved کفرت Don’t

Disbelieve فرواال تك Disbelieve!

(you all) فروااك You all

Disbelieve / Will


فرون تك You all

Disbelieved ک فرتم Disbeliever :کافر

I Disbelieve /

Will Disbelieve کفرت I Disbelieved فر ك أ

The one who is disbelieved :مکفور

We Disbelieve /

will Disbelieve فر ك ن We Disbelieved کفرنا

To Disbelieve: کفر

She Disbelieves

/ will Disbelieve فر تك She Disbelieved کفرت

78 دخل )

To enter: لدخ )ن

Imp forms : خل اد ، خل د ي ، دخل فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He Enters / Will

Enter خل د ي He Entered دخل

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Enter / Will

Enter خلون د ي They Entered دخلوا


Enter! خل ال تد Enter! خل اد You Enter / will

Enter خل تد You Entered ت دخل Don’t


(You all)

خلواال تد Enter!(

You all) خلوااد You all Enter /

Will Enter خلون تد You all Entered تم دخل

One who Enters :داخلI Enter / Will

Enter تدخل I Entered خل د أ

خول Entrance :مد

We Enter / Will

Enter خل ند We Entered ان دخل

To Enter :دخول

She Enters / Will

Enter خل تد She Entered دخلت

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143 عبد )

To Worship :دعب )ن

Imp forms :بد اع ،بد ع ي ، عبد فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He Worships /

Will Worship بد ع ي He Worshipped عبد

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Worship /

Will Worship بدون ع ي They Worshipped عبدوا


Worship! بد ال تع Worship! بد اع You Worship /

Will Worship بد تع You Worshipped ت عبد Don’t


(You all)

بدواال تع Worship!

(you all) بدوااع You all Worship

will Worship بدون تع You all

Worshipped تم عبد

worshipper:،عابدI Worship / Will

Worship ت عبد I Worshipped بد ع أ

Who is worshipped:معبودWe Worship /

Will Worship بد نع WE Worshipped ان عبد

To Worship :عبادة

She Worships /

will Worship بد تع She Worshipped عبدت

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

Thus you all worship فاعبدوه him

We worship you نعبد ك

ه Thus you worship فاعبد him

You entered and I entered

دخلت و دخلت

او ر ف کوالت And don’t disbelieve

you all

I worshipped and not Denied

ت وما كفرت عبد

And indeed you have وقد کفرتم disbelieved

He denied and not worshipped

و ما عبد كفر

And who disbelieved ومن کفر

I enter اد خل

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Questions related to lesson 15 – Sana Ruku and Sujood

Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings


58 )

Gave example: ضرب مثل ، He hit: ضرب )ض

Imp forms : اضرب ،رب ض ي ، ب ضر فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He hits / will hit يضرب He hit ضرب

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey hit / Will hit يضربون They Hit ضربوا

Don’t Hit! تضر ب ل Hit! اضرب You hit / will hit تضرب You hit ضرب ت

Don’t Hit!

(You all) تضرب وال Hit!



ا ضرب واYou all hit / will

hit تضرب ون You all hit ضرب تم

Who Hits :،ضارب

I hit / Will hit أضرب I hit ضرب ت

Who is hit :مضروب

We hit / will hit نضرب We Hit ب ناضر

to hit:ضرب

She hits / will hit تضرب She hits ت ضرب


266 )

He Wronged: ظلم )ض

Imp forms : اظلم،ظلم ي ، ظلم فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He does

wrong/will do


ظلم He Wronged ظلمي

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey do wrong /

will do Wrong ون ظلم ي They Wronged واظلم

Don’t Do

Wrong! ظلمتل Do

Wrong! ظلماYou do Wrong /

will do Wrong ظلم ت You Wronged ت ظلم Don’t Do


(you all)

واظلم تلDo




واظلم ا You all do Wrong

/ will do Wrong ونظلم ت You all Wronged تم ظلم

wrong doer :،م ل اظ I do Wrong / will

do Wrong ت ظلم I Wronged ظلم أ

The one who received wrong :م ول ظ م We do Wrong /

will do Wrong ظلم ن We Wronged ناظلم

Wrong :ظلمShe does Wrong

/ will do Wrong ظلم ت She Wronged ظلمت

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( 53صبر

He observed patience: صبر )ض

Imp forms : اصبر،صبر ي ، صبر فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He is Patient /

will be Patient صبر ي He was Patient ر صب

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey are patient

/ will be Patient ون صبر ي They were

Patient واصبر

Don’t be

Patient! صبرتل Be

patient! صبراYou are patient /

will be Patient صبر ت You were Patient ت صبر Don’t be


(You all)

واصبر تلBe




وااصبر You all patient /

will be Patient ونصبر ت You all were

Patient م ت صبر

Who Observes Patience :،بر اص I am patient /

will be Patient ت صبر I was patient صبر أ

From whom one observes patience :ر ومصب We are patient /

will be Patient صبر ن We were Patient ناصبر

Patience :صبرShe is patient /

will be Patient صبر ت She was Patient صبرت غفر


He Forgave: غفر )ض

Imp forms : اغفرغفر،ي ، غفر He Pardons / Will

Pardon غفر ي He Pardoned غفر أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمج

They Pardon /

Will Pardon ون غفر ي They Pardoned واغفر


Pardon! غفرتل Pardon! غفراYou Pardon / will

Pardon غفر ت You Pardoned ت غفر Don’t


(You all)

واغفر تلPardon!



وااغفر You all Pardon /

will Pardon ونغفر ت You all Pardoned م ت غفر

One who Pardons :،فر اغ I pardon ./ Will

Pardon ت غفر I Pardoned غفر أ

The who gets pardon :ر ومغف We pardon / Will

Pardon غفر ن We Pardoned ناغفر

To Pardon :رفغ She Pardons /

will Pardon غفر ت She Pardoned غفرت

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

!Thus Hit you all فاضربوا

Don’t do wrong ال تظلم

You had hit م صبرت

He beat, hence he wronged

ضرب فهو ظلم

Thus we forgave فغفرنا

Be patient you all اصبروا And we did not وماظلمناهم

wronged them

They wronged ظلموا

And they did not وماظلموناwronged us

Be patient! اصبر

Questions related to lesson 16 – Tashahhud

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Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

100 سمع to listen: سمع (س)

Imp forms : اسمع،سمع ي ، سمع فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He listens / Will

Listen سمع ي He Listened سمع

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Listen / Will

Listen ون سمع ي They Listened واسمع


Listen! سمعتل Listen! سمعاYou Listen / Will

Listen سمع ت You Listened ت سمع Don’t


(You all)

واسمع تل




وااسمع You all Listen

Will Listen ونسمع ت You all Listened م ت سمع

One who Listens :،مع اس I Listen / Will

Listen ت سمع I Listened سمع أ

The one who is listenedd :ع ومسم We Listen / Will

Listen سمع ن We Listened ناسمع

To Listen :سمعShe Listens / will

Listen سمع ت She Listened سمعت

to know: معل (س) 518علم

Imp forms : اعلم ،يعلم ، علم فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He knows / will

know يعلم He Knew علم

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey know / Will

know يعلمون They Knew علموا


Know! ال تعلم Know! اعلم You know / Will

know تعلم You Knew علمت Don’t

know (

You all)

ال تعلمواKnow!



اعلمواYou all know /

Will know تعلمون They Knew علمتم The one who knows :، عالم

I know / Will

know أعلم I Knew ت م ل ع

which is known :معلوم

We know / Will

know نعلم We Knew نام عل

To know :علمShe knows / will

know تعلم She Knew علمت

He worked: عمل (س) 318عمل

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Imp forms : عمل ، ل م اع،ل م يع فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He does / Will do يعمل He did مل ع

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey do / Will do ون ل م يع They Did وامل ع

Don’t Do! ل م ال تع Do! ل م اع You do / Will do ل م تع You did ت مل ع Don’t Do (

You all) وال م ال تع Do!



وال م اع You all do / will

do ون ل م تع You all did م ت مل ع ت ل م ع I did ل م أع Doer I do / Will do :، ملعا

----- We do / Will do ل م ع ن We did نال م ع

To do :عملShe does / will do ل م تع She did ت مل ع

to have mercy :مرح (س) 148رحم

Imp forms : م ح ير ، رحم، م رح ا فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He shows

mercy /will

show mercy

يرحم He Showed Mercy حم ر

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey show

mercy / will

show mercy

وارحم They Showed Mercy ون رحم ي Don’t



رحم ال ت Show

mercy! رحم اYou show

mercy /will

show mercy

رحم ت You Showed Mercy ت رحم




(you all)

وارحم ت ال Show


( you


وارحم اYou all show

mercy / will ون رحم ت You all Showed Mercy م ت رحم who shows mercy:، حمار

I show mercy /

will show mercy رحم أI Showed Mercy ت رحم

The one who received mercy :مرحومWe show mercy

/ will show


نارحم We Showed Mercy رحم ن

to show mercy:رحم

She shows

mercy / will

show mercy

رحم ت She Showed Mercy ت رحم

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

سمعت فعلمت You all listened I heard, so I knew سمعتم

Very soon you all ستعلمون will know

I knew, so I worked علمت فعملت

فاسمعوا !He knows them Thus you all listen يعلمهم

They will listen you يسمعونکم all

Know you all and act! اعلموا و اعملوا

You all will listen to تسمعونهم them

Show mercy you all! ارحموا

Questions related to lesson 17 – Durood

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Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

: He promisedوعد (و ) 107وعد

Imp forms : عد ،عد ي ، وعد فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He promises /

will promise يعد He Promised وعد

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey promise /

Will promise يعدون They Promised وعدوا Don’t

Promise! د عتلPromise! د ع

You promise /

Will promise تعد You Promised ت وعد



(you all)

وا لتعد


(You all)

وا عد You all promise /

Will promise تعدون You all

Promised ت م وعد The one who promises :، اعد و

I promise / Will

promise أعد

I Promised ت وعد

The thing which is promised : وعودم

We promise /

Will promise نعد

We Promised نا وعد

Promise : دع و

She promise /

Will promise تعد

She Promised وعدت

107وجد He found :وجد (و )

Imp forms : د ج،يجد ، وجد فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He finds / will

find د ج ي He found د ج و

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Find / will

find دون ج ي They found دواج و


Find! د جلت Find! د ج You find / Will

find د ج ت You found ت ج و د Don’t

Find! (

You all)

واجلت د Find!



واج د You all find / Will

find دون ج ت They found ت ج و م د The who finds I find / will find:، د ج او تجو I found د جأ د

The who is found: ودج و م We find / will find د جن We found ناجو د

To find :دوج و

She finds / will

find د جت She found دتجو

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He gave birth: ولد (و ) 54ولد

Imp forms : يلد ، ولد، د ل فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He gives birth /

will give birth د ل ي He gave birth د ل و

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey give birth /

will give birth دون ل ي They gave birth دوال و

Don’t give

birth! د للت Give

birth! د لYou give birth /

will give birth د ل ت You gave birth ت ل و د Don’t give


(you all)

واللت د Give




وال د You all give birth

/will دون ل ت You all gave birth ت ل و م د The one gives birth :، د ل ا

I give birth / Will

give birth أ تلو I gave birth د ل د

The one who is born: ودل و م We give birth /

Will give birth د لن We gave birth نالو د

To give birth:والدة

She gives birth /

will give birth د لت She gave birth دتلو

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

Allah promised دکم الل وع with you all

I found it/him وجدته

ته You promised وعد with him

He found me وجدنى

He promised with وعدک you

He will find you يجدك

He did not be get لم يلد They promised

with him وعدوا ه

تکم وع I promised with د you all

You all will find them


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Questions related to lesson 18 – After Durood

Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

He said :ل قا (ق) 1719 ل قا

Imp forms : ل ق ل،يقو، ل اق He says / will say ل وق ي He Said ل اق

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey say / will

say ون ل وق ي They Said وال اق

Don’t say! ل ق ال ت Say! ل ق You say / will say ل وق ت You Said ت ل ق Don’t say!

(You all) وال وق ال ت Say!



وال وق You all say / Will

say ون ل وق ت You all Said م ت ل ق ق The one who says (Speaker:، ،ل ائ

I say / Will say ت ل ق I Said ل وق أ

We say / will say ل وق ن We Said الن ق

to say :قول

She says / will

say ل وق ت She Said ت ل اق

55قام He Stood قام: (ق)

Imp forms : م ق ،م يقو، ام ق He stands / Will

stand م وق ي He stood م اق

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey Stand / Will

stand ون م وق ي They Stood وام اق


stand! م ق ال ت Stand

up! م ق You stand / will

stand م وق ت You stood ت م ق Don’t


(you all)

وام وق ال ت Stand




وام وق You all stand /

will stand ون م وق ت You all stood تم م ق ق The one who stands:، ،م ائ

I stand / will

stand ت م ق I stood م وق أ

We stand / will

stand م وق ن We Stood امن ق

to stand :قيامShe stands / will

stand م وق ت She Stood ت م اق

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

فاقول لك Thus he said to him Hence I say to you فقال له

And you all said to me وقلتم لي And you will say to

me وتقول لى

Thus they said to you all فيقولون لکم

And you all say to them

و تقولون لهم

You said to him قلت له

You all stand up and say

قوموا و قولوا

I said to you قلت لک They stood and said قاموا و قالوا

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Questions related to lesson 19 –Supplication

Write the complete conjugation of the verb given in first column and write the meanings

ن ك He was: ن ك (ق)1361

Imp forms : كن ،يكون ، كن فعل ماضي رتهمج ضارعفعل م رتهمج

He is / will be يكون He was كن

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey are / will be يكونون They were كنوا

Don’t be! ال تكن كن !Beہ

You are / will be تكون You were كنت

Don’t be!

(you all) ال تكونوا !Beہ




كونواYou all are / will

be تكونون You all were كنتم The one which becomes:، ،كئن

I am / will be أكون I was كنت

We are ./ Will be نكون

We were كنا

to be :كون

She is / will be تكون She was كنت

He repented :بتا (ق) 72ب تا

Imp forms : ب ت ب،يتو، اب ت فعل ماضي رتهمج فعل مضارع رتهمج

He repents / will

repent ب وت ي He repented ب ات

أمر رتهمج نهي رتهمجThey repent /

will repent ون ب وت ي They repented واب ات


Repent! ب ت ال ت Repent! ب ت You repent / will

repent ب وت ت You repented ت ب ت Don’t


(you all)

واب وت ال ت Repent!



واب وت You all repent /

will repent ون ب وت ت You all repented م ت ب ت The one who repents:، ،ب ائ

I repent / will

repent ت ب ت I repented ب وت أ

We repent / will

repent ب وت ن We repented اب ن ت

repent :توبه

She repents /

Will repent ب وت ت She repented ت ب ات

Q2: Break the Arabic words and write the meanings

Q3) Translate the following to Arabic

وال تكن Forgive O Forgiver And don’t be اغفر يا غفور

االذين تابو Those who repented

Soon he will be سيكونوا

فكن And they were not Thus he became وماکانوا توبوا Thus he becomes Repent you all فيکون الذين يتوبون And be you all! Those who repents وکونوا

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