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Page 1: SECOND WORD TO MANKIND. - IAPSOP · 2014-01-30 · viyoibla jo aavusn onsnd second word to mankind. part first. the origin of spiritualism. spiritual and temporal orders of the human

ViyoiblA Jo Aavusn onsnd










D A R L IN G T O N :P U B L IS H E D B Y T H E A U T H O R , 18 C H A P E L S T R E E T .

L O N D O N : J. B U R N S, P U B L IS H E R , P R O G R E S S IV E L IB R A R Y , 1 W e l l in g t o n R oad , C a m b e r w e l l , S.


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Introduction...................................................... ... .............. 3


Address To The Progressive Spiritual People, ....................... CThe Origin of Spiritualism—Reformers and Their Success,............. 7Permanent Dual Order, or The Temporal and The Spiritual Consti­

tution o f The Progressive Spiritual People, ........................ 14Spiritual Relationships To The Law, etc.......................................... 17Spirit Freedom ,............. ■ ... .............................................. 20Majority:—or The Ascent of The Human Race To Manhood and

Enfranchisement In The Universe, ................................... 22Conclusion— Spiritual Death: Its Causes and The Object,............. 22Sex Relation of The Angels, ........................................................ 23The Human Race A Democracy, ................................... ... 24Sex Relation of The Human Race.................... •........................ 24Woman............................................................................................. 24The Would-be Defenders of Woman, ... .................................... 26


An Address To The Heavens and To The Earth, ........................ 28Eternal Truth—Truth vested in Creation, ................................... 29“ The Son of Man,” ...................................................... . ... 31The Advent of “ Tlie Son of Man ” In Harmony with The Unchanging

Law of Nature, .............................................. ;............ 82The Morning of Existence, ... .............................................. 83The First Day of Creation, ........................................................ 30The Second Day of Creation, ... .............................................. 30The Third Day of Creation............................. . ......................... 37The Fourth Day of Creation............................................................. 38The Fifth Day of Creation........................................... ............. 39The Sixth Day of Creation, ........................ ... ... ... 40The Seventh Day, or The Sabbath.............................. .............. 43The Wicked Husbandmen, ........................................................ 44The Order of The Human Race, ................................... ... 49Christendom, ................................... ... ........................... 50The Kingdom of God, ......................................................... ... 60


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St. John ill. 19—“ And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world.”

THE above is Simple and Infallible Truth; and I have to say that it matters not by whom the light may come, the principle is

equally true. It is not only true in relation to the Earth, but it is also true in relation to the Heavens; and no Soul or Being in Earth or in the Heaven, can be released from said Condemnation, but by progressing into, or up to, said light in their daily life, and

.. in their conduct towards their fellow Beings: in this manner the J-said light becomes their status, and they have no condemnation.* Although The Heavens and The Earth should remain Thousands* of Millions of years under condemnation, yet there is no other way

than that stated above, by which they can be Saved, Redeemed, or* released, or Advanced, or Progressed beyond the Evil—beyond the ; Condemnation coming by the Light of Truth, which makes manifest ‘ to the Honest Soul its shortcoming status. It is Wisdom, then,

and true profit, to begin the struggle immediately, to be up with the true light which has in wisdom, and for the good of All Creation (perhaps by some simple way or manner), been given to Creation.

Depend upon it, God does not give The Increase of Light and Truth too l a t e i t is always given in good time, when but a very few either of Men or of Angels are ready for it. Truly did the Saviour say to Man, “ I have many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now;”—and those things were wisely withheld.

It was also promised by St. Paul, that the day or light would come, when even “ The Kingdom” should be given up, and the Rule of God ensue. - (1st Cor. xv. 24-28.) It was also promised by Isaiah the Prophet that the Day or light would come, when God would bathe The Sword of Truth In Heaven—(Isaiah xxxv. 5— “ For my Sword shall be bathed in Heaven”)—that the Heaven might Advance and Progress in Truth and Righteousness, that the New Jerusalem might descend from God, and that its order might be opened to the Heavens.

I have to say, let not those to whom light has now come, and ' who have accepted it, be astonished at the great opposition to the

Spirit; because all have come short of the Glory of God, so that even The House of God is Judged 1 and the Bitterness of the opposition, or Death, is being poured out, even by The Angel Race, upon Mortals in the Body.

Speak ye at all times, the increasing light and Truth 'which you receive in your own development; leaving the things and the

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4Doctrines of former Dispensations, not condemning tliem nor the Believers of them; (The True and untainted light which has come will magnify their calling) but rather approving them as The Blessing of God to Mortals in tho Day in which they were given, for the Status of some of God’s Creatures has been, and is now, very low.

Beware lest you also fall into opposition, when you are called upon to practically advance a little as the Day in which you live, and the work in which you havo engaged, advances.

Behold The Pope Orders, and The Churches, who possess the Keys to lock and to open Communion with Heaven, and who possess the only way of Salvation, cut down as grass whilst presuming to condemn and to bind mankind who do not join them, and support them; for God your Heavenly Father, according to promise, has come as “ The Son of Man,” and outside the Pale of The Churches, in the midst of the human family, has opened A Door in Heaven. (Eev. iv. 1.) And a means of Progressive Reform also has he given, by ~. which you receive knowledge, and become convinced of yourimmor- -tality, and by which you are raised above the Condemnation of •Death, Ignorance, and Sin.

See Part Second—“ The Advent of The Son of Man.” Also see Part First—The Paper on “ The Origin of Spiritualism and the Success of The Reformers,” which states when, and in part illustrates how, the Spiritual Ministry from the Heaven was ... inaugurated. In this Advent, and in the outpouring of the Spirit upon all flesh, The Presumption of Mortals, and the Presumption of The Angel Race, is cut down; but the good Order of “ The Church,” and their endeavours to do good, remain good as before the outpouring of the Spirit.

The Angel Race is required to withdraw from The Human Race to the Order of Races, which is the Order of The Universe, that The Human Race may be free to live in accordance with its own Nature, and to Progress in Unison with its own spiritual Heaven.

I sincerely respect The Church, and the Work of God of all Ages, and I will not place anything in their way of good doing to their less advanced Fellow Creatures,—I and all Spiritualists have enough to do to be good, and to speak of the Goodness of God, and to tell of the many wonderful ways which the Invisible Ministry are now making use of to guide Mankind from Darkness and Unbelief unto a knowledge of The Truth. And I thank God for the Wisdom to not molest The Servants or The Children of any Dispensation or spiritual degree of Progress, by whatever name they may be called.

But I as sincerely desire that The Heavens (each Created Race is A Heaven) may Progress, that The Earth may be released from The Curse which rests upon it from The Heavens: and short of this The Angel Race will not have my approbation, nor that of The Saviour, nor the countenance or support of The Living God.

In order to be en-rapport with Order, The Angel Race must Rise from rapport with the Earth to their place of advanced Order in the

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Created Universe I to wliich they have never yet attained (June 28) since tlieir Order was Created.

I have to explain that the First Part of This " Word to Man­kind ” was carefully prepared in its present form, to bo read as an Address to The Convention of Progressive Spiritualists, in session June 11, 12, 13, 14, in “ Bedford Hall,” Chennies Street, London, for tho purpose of laying before that body for its adoption, T jie T rue Societary , S p ir it u a l , and T emporal Constitution of T he H um an E ace : but in the first two days there was A Press of Business—The Country Members many of them had to hasten back to their Homes and to their employment, and tho Committee of Management could not make time for the delivery of My Address.

The Subject Matter of the Address concerns All Mankind, there­fore I publish it as part of this “ Word to Mankind.” Tho Spiri­tualist Society would have been perfectly welcome to A Copy of it, and to my further remarks in speaking to the subject. I am not a member of the Society, but I have been present at Conventions by Kind Invitations; and I was kindly invited by The President to bring my best thoughts to bear upon The Subject of my Address to lay it before Convention, hence my Address to Tlie Convention.

The Second Part of this Word To Mankind I Publish in My duty in The Service of God.

Although it would be pleasant to me to sit in seclusion, yet I do not shrink from pronouncing The Truth in the presence of mortals; but when speaking in person, it is desirable to have suitable Audience when speaking on some Sacred Subjects: Hence tho Convention Committee was informed, that if they could make it convenient to Select from their Audience, which was "mixed, A Company of Spiritualists who have realised communion with immortal spirits, to meet with me, I would deliver an Address to them: which Address is The Second Part of this Word to Mankind.

The Committee were not informed of the Subject of tho Address, and they and the members were now tired with business, and wished to be through, for it was then the third and closing day of business; and the next day being Gala or Picnic day, there was no opportunity for selecting an Audience to whom I could deliver the Address.

But I have to state that previous to the last mentioned interview, The Invisible Order of Progressive Spiritualists desired me to speak to the Committee, to see if they could give their hearty concurrence for me to deliver an Address to them from a position in Bedford Hall; and when I had delivered the message, each of the Com­mittee seemed moved by Inspiration, and with one accord expressed their warmest aud most hearty concurrence with the desire of their Invisible Order. This was on the Third Day in the morning (June 13), and the Second Part of this Word to Mankind was read in the spirit to the Invisible Order during open Convention, whilst the Con­vention proceeded with its Business. Thus the Visible Spiritualists ■were my platform, and The Progressive Heaven was my Audienoe.

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B re th re n and S iste rs ,—

The Spiritual Body or People has A Double existence— the Visible and the Invisible; Therefore it has a double _ History, The Recondite and the Seen. And, as visible Spiritualism Pro­ceeded from the Invisible, we must look for the History of its Origin to The History of The Invisible Body.

As spiritualism is not within the Pale of The Church of Christ, it is another People, Bisen up in the Power and in* the Wisdoin of The Lord. And as the Invisible Body has Ministered to Spiri­tualists in the Body that open and positive Communion with them which History reports as having been lost to the Human Bace in The Garden of Eden, In Paradise—Therefore I call the Invisible Body Refomiers; and visible Spiritualism and the accomplishment o f its Legitimate Refonns, I pronounce to be Paradise Regained.

Notwithstanding the first loss of The Human Bace from Spiri­tualism, as you all know, The Bace still exists: but having lost Spiritual Rapport with God by Severance caused by unfaithfulness, The Descendant Human Bace is Spiritually Dead — Dead to Auricular Communion with The Creator, and with Beings in The Spiritual World. And as, notwithstanding all opposition Visible and Invisible To Modern Spiritualism, Spiritualism exists de facto, therefore I call it T h e Success op th e R eform ers.

But _ this Revival of the Order of The Human Race, or this extension of Rapport From The Spiritual World, may be Lost again by Spiritualists not being faithful to Spiritual Principle: this I will endeavour to show before I close, in my remarks on “ Spiritual Relationships to The Law .”

I thought it would be well to introduce my Paper on “ The Origin o f Spiritualism ” etc., by this explanation of its Title.

At the close of my Paper, as Man is a Spiritual and a Temporal Person, having Societary Relationships Distinctly pertaining to liis Spiritual and to his Temporal Natures, I will lay before you for consideration and Adoption The “ Permanent D ual Order or Con­stitution o f the Progressive Spiritual People.” And I will speak to it in the closing section of my Address under The Heading “ Spiritual Relationships To The Law ,” etc.

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T H E O R I G I N OF S P I R I T U A L I S M .


A B r ief N arration of F acts , A n d of P ersonal E xperiences : A nd P o in t in g to the C r u e l C onduct of T h e S pir itu a l W orld T o­w ards M ortals in t h e B od~y V ictory G iv e n to R eformers.


B reth r en a n d S ister s ,—W h e n a Germ is seasonably dropped into the Earth, in good

soil, it begins to germinate, silently and gently pushing its way to the surface,—not overcoming the surrounding atoms, but simply moving them, asserting its own Right to existence and develop­ment ; and when it has gained its existence, you behold The Blade; and at its second stage of development, you behold The E a r ; and at its third stage of development, you behold The F u ll Grain in the

'F a r :—ready for its own perpetuation again, and a portion to spare for the use and benefit of Humanity.

I take the liberty to apply this as a figure of the Association of Progressive Spiritualists, and to say that The' People of Darlington have proved to be the good soil into which the germ was dropped,— the germ o f a spiritual society having fo r its vitality, th e great spir itual

t r u t h , r e v e a le d from th e in v is ib l e in th e present t e n se ,----THATMANKIND are im m ortal b e in g s .

This Germ was dropped from The Heavens, in union with the will of God, The Creator of your Beings: and by whom, and by The Good Loving Reformers in The Spirit World, it has been watched and guarded till maturity. And I congratulate tho Society of Progressive Spiritualists who met in Convention at Darlington, who met in Convention at Newcastle, and who now meet in Convention in the World’s Metropolis, in that you have attained your maturity as A Spiritual Body in the Earth, and that from this standpoint, you are not only prepared for self-perpetuation, but having something to spare, you are also in a position to give a portion of spiritual food to th e w o r ld at la r g e .

The Spiritual Constitution with Preamble, which is of a Universal Character, which The Committee of The Society is about to lay before you for your consideration and adoption, I hope and trust you will accept, and that its spirit and principles may be perpetual in your order, that in your future history there may be no Carnage, nor Sectarian Divisions and Animosities, which arise from the Spirit of Dominion, and from the Union of the Spiritual and Tem­poral Orders.

The new Societary Relationship of The Progressive Spiritualists, perhaps, is not yet in view. We behold, first the Spiritual—The

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“ N ew H e a v e n ,” — and if th is prove to be G ood, o f the K in gd o m of G od, w e m a y lo o k for the T em p oral R edem ption, or “ T h e N ew E a r th ,” to follow . (L u ke x ii. 81.) I hope to behold in y o u r m idst a veritab le C om m u n ity o f S p iritu a lists , a S p iritu a l and S o cietary R edem ption.

B u t I do not expect to see the accom plishm ent o f th e la tte r by yo u as a spiritual body; B u t b y In d iv id u al and C o-operative effort o f a few or o f m an y w ho m a y chose to em bark th eir m eans in the e n terp rise:— th e entire con trol o f w h ich should re st w ith the m em bers o f the enterprise.

B u t as to w h at sh a ll be the n atu re o f the T em p o ral R e latio n ­ships, as regard s O w nership or T en ure o f P ro p erty , &c., in the said enterprise, I w ill say , should be understood from the S p iritu a l H eaven . A n d w h y do I speak thus ? I w ill te ll you, i f y o u w ill bear w ith m e u n til I do so.

M y friends, it is a lam en table C h ap ter o f H isto ry . B u t n ev er­theless it is one th a t m ust be to ld , and recorded fo r the benefit of the P resen t and the F u tu re P rogressive H u m an B ein g s in this M ortal S ta ge. T o be brief, then, I h ave to sa y th a t, in the S p iritu a l W o rld , since th e R ace of M an began , there h as been a B a n d o f A n gels, whose condition, and w hose manipulations, h ave been and s t ill are opposed to the w ellbein g of M a n ; and th e y have sought to G overn M an in w ays, and b y P rin cip les, co n trary to the n atu re of th e ir own existence, and con trary to th e n ature o f M a n : and yo u r spirit friends know , better th an y o u do, the w ay b y w hich th e y can best p rotect y o u from yo u r enem ies. A n d as y o u h ave com m unication w ith them , therefore I m a y con sisten tly refer yo u to them , to ascertain w h at tem poral arran gem en t th e y ca n and w ill use th e ir B e st E n d eavo u rs to P ro tect and Support.

B u t lest som e o f you be discouraged because o f the fa ilu re o f a ll Co-operative R eform atory attem pts t o ' estab lish C o m m u n ity o f eq u ality o f in terests, I w ill explain to y o u T h e G reat H idden C ause o f those fa ilu r e s ; but w hich yo u , and future P ro gressive S p iritu a l­ists, m ay, in com m union w ith yo u r S p irit F rien d s, in te llig e n tly

. lab ou r to evade.T hose o f you w ho have atte n tive ly read “ T h e N ew T estam en t,”

w ill rem em ber th a t T h e S a vio u r gave to, or appointed in , H is C h urch , th a t w hich h as been ca lled T h e B in d in g and T h e L o o sin g P o w er; w h ich appointm ent established a re lation sh ip betw een the V isib le and tlie In visib le p arts o f H is C h urch , so th at th ey m ust A gree and act togeth er upon a ll th in gs, or fa ilin g to A gree, there m ust be a Suspen sion of the m atter in dispute u n til th ey could agree.

N ow , th is re latio n sh ip w ou ld n ot on ly h ave been h arm less, but it w as ve ry good, in th a t the visib le and co m p aratively inexperienced m igh t h ave been helped by th e in visib le and m ore experienced. B y this arran gem en t the la tte r were F re e, and the form er w ere n ot to be Coerced.

B u t this G ood R elatio n sh ip o f S p iritu a l C om m union, and of M u tu al F reedom , soon gave p lace to, o r w as trod underfoot by,

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those w ho m in istered the spirit and the doctrine o f dominion. A n d fin a lly , t o 'h a v e Com plete S p iritu a l and T em p oral D om inion, the invisible afterw ards Caused th a t T h e S p iritu a l and T h e T em p oral P o w er and L ea d ersh ip should be seated in One P erso n ,.as H ead of T h e C h urch and S ta te v isib le, and th a t he should stand subject or O bedient to T h e In v is ib le ; w hereas, in The True Order, T h e In v is i­ble and T h e V is ib le stood in Agreement, and not in Obedience.

M y friends, th is change w as caused by the P erverted and U n ­hap py A n g els, to geth er w ith a greater E n em y . B u t after T he C h urch h ad passed throu gh th a t lon g and un happy period o f O p­pression, o f C ru e lty , and of B lood, O ppressing and S laugh terin g T h e R eform ers w ho sprung up w ith in and by the outskirts o f T he C h urch under T h e R om an T em p oral P ow er, In T h e L a s t C entu ry, a t the tim e w hen T h e Shaker Society w as begun in E n gla n d , The T ru e O rder o r re latio n sh ip betw een the In visib le and the V isib le w as re n e w e d ; but soon it w as in E c lip s e : T h e S a vio u r’s Com pany o f A n g els n ow Demanding th a t A D om in ion Order should be set up o r estab lish ed in Shakerism . A nd th is D em and w as assented to under protest by “ T h e S a vio u r.” A n d th ey were inform ed, and also th e visib le S o cie ty w as afterw ards inform ed, th at the said D om inion ought n ot to be exercised in the S p irit W orld , n or in T im e. A n d in or abou t 1843, T h e A n gels, and the In visib le and the V isib le Society of S hakers, w ere inform ed th a t A great controversy w as pend in g

.proceeding from G o d ,, w h ich w ould affect a ll M ankind. B u t I am sorry to h a ve to say , th a t the exercise o f T h e S p irit o f D om inion w as s t ill continued b y T h e A n gels.

A n d again , as w hen the form er D om in ion had been set up in the C h ristian C h u rch o f R om e, etc., the good amongst the human, race in the spirit world, set them selves to w ork to M anipulate M ortals to be R e fo rm ers: and y o u m a y be th an k fu l to them for the m an y Reform s w ith w h ich m ortals have been m easurably blessed. T h e y have m ade m a n y attem pts to establish C om m unity, or to restore M an to h is T ru e R elatio n sh ip to T h e E a rth , and to One A n o th e r; but th ey h ad no open door o f Com m unication, b y w h ich to give Know ledge and A ssistan ce by verbal encouragement and guidance. T h e y sought to estab lish “ C o m m u n ity ,” th e y w ished to befriend M ortals w ith a R a tio n a l and M oral E x iste n ce, and w ith the enjoym ent o f T he A bun dan t B lessin gs b y w hich th ey are Surrounded.

B u t, M y F rien d s, I am so rry to have to say furth er, th a t the la st m entioned D o m in ion P a rty , also O perated from the S p irit W o rld , to C ause th a t no thorough or True Reform Movement should Succeed, D em an d in g th a t a ll who w ould have the B en efits o f C o m m u n ity , m u st com e in to , or be jo in ed to, T h e S h aker S ociety .

A n d th is P a rty , and the before m entioned D om in ion P a rty , operated again st The Reformers, and against The Reforms w hich th ey desired to give to M ortals. A n d the D om in ion P a rtie s succeeded, (together w ith a greater E n em y) F irs t , by C orrup ting T h e R eform s p ro p o sed ; A n d Secondly, by M anip ulatin g M ortal R eform ers, C ausin g th em to differ am ongst them selves, T h ey squashed the m ovem ent.

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M y F rien d s, I w ill n ot attem pt to enum erate a ll the in stances of E efo rm M ovem ents w h ich the In v isib le thus S q u a sh ed ; I w ill m ention o n ly tw o o f the R eform atory efforts •which th e y V io lated , b y w a y o f illu stra tin g to you, and b y w ay o f H isto rica lly R ecording, T h e F in a l Success o f the R eform ers O perating F ro m T h e S p irit W o r ld ; w hich success w as T h e O rigin o f M odern S p iritu a lism , and w hich h as since spread w ith such R a p id ity in the E a rth .

T h e first R eform M ovem ent to w hich I w ill ca ll y o u r attention,I w ill m ention as T h e L a b o r of “ T h e V en erab le R obert O w en.” T h is m ovem ent w as an attem pt to induce m ankind to be R a tio n a l, to liv e in H a rm o n y w ith th e L a w s o f H u m an N atu re, and in H arm o n y w ith th e L a w s o f exterio r N atu re, M ech an ica l and C h e m ic a l: and to begin anew , and B a se S o cie ty , S o cia l and P o lit i­ca l, on the grounds o f Justice and E q u ity . A n d I am sorry to have to say, th a t th is G reat and G ood M ovem ent w as bound, opposed, and overturned, as I have a lread y described. O f course it w as w ith ou t the P a le o f T h e Churches, and the p a rty o f D o m in ion view ed it as a fittin g la b o u r to B in d it, and to destroy it.

M y F rien d s, such has been the C h aracter and th e C on duct o f the In visib le , W h o assum ed to be the M in istry o f T h e C h urch o f C h rist, — in opposition to C h rist, and in opposition to G od, and in opposi­tio n to R eform ers. “ T h e W ick ed H u sb a n d m a n ” w anted T h e V in ey ard w hich belongs to G od, b u t G o d and The Promises w ere on the side o f The Reformers; and the G reat C o n tro versy w as to be brou ght abotit w h ich w ou ld settle the m atter, and w hich w ould decide the question as to w h eth er M an as a M an h a s the R ig h t to R eform , and. to liv e in accordance w ith h is H u m an and S p iritu a l N atu re, w hich, as y o u lea rn b y th e Scriptures, G o d pronounced to be “ V e ry G o o d ;” and b y yo u r experience as R eform ers, an d b y yo u r desires to R eform , th a t y o u m a y liv e good lives, so th a t you m a y n eith er Oppress n or be O ppressed by others, y o u kn ow th a t yo u r N atu re is Good.

I sh a ll n ext ask y o u to v iew w ith m e T h e L it t le R eform M ove­m en t a t H a m H ouse, H a m Com m on, afterw ards ca lled “ T he Concobdium” and “ Sacred S o cia lism .”

I w ill C h aracterise th e m ovem ent b y statin g th a t it w as a deeper w ork th a n its predecessor, it bein g o f a S p iritu a l C h aracter. I t not o n ly recognised T h e Ju st, E q u ita b le , and the R a tio n a l view s o f T h e N ew Order of S o cie ty advocated b y T h o G reat P h ilan th ro p ist, R obert O wen, but T h e C oncordist w as A Personal Reformer, b e lie v­in g in M an ’s S p iritu a l N atu re and in h is Im m o rta lity ; and th ey live d a life o f C e lib acy as a P ro b atio n ary m easure, w h ich th ey b elieved to be n ecessary to prepare th e S exes for T ru e S p iritu a l and N a tu ra l M arriage. T h u s it m a y be tru ly said th e y live d on the confines o f S p irit life . B u t a ll th is w ou ld n ot do fo r th e In visib le O rders o f D om in ion-seeking B ein g s. T h e C oncordists even were considered to be outside T h e P a le o f T h e C h urch es, and th e y m u st therefore be B o u n d and be D e s tro y e d ! or th e y m u st G ath er in to T he S h aker C h urch .

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I w ill hare re late th a t in 1848 a book w as com m unicated by in sp iratio n from th e S p irit W o rld to T h e S o cie ty o f Shakers. I t w as com m unicated th rou gh a S h aker M e d iu m ; and it w as printed by the So ciety , and distributed abroad to a ll T h e C iv ilised N ation s, o r to T h e G overn m en ts o f them ,— T o m a n y Societies, and even to N otable In d iv id u a ls ; and T h e Concordists, b y som e m eans or other, received a C opy of the said B o o k. A n d th is B o o k contained pressin g in v itatio n to a ll to come to T h e S h aker S ociety , and be R edeem ed from a ll S in , and from the S o cie ta ry evils o f the W o rld .

T h u s th e w a y w as opened b y w h ich T h e In visib le Reform ers could accom pan y th e ir Concordist M edium s (or R eform ers in the B od y) and becom e o f T h e C h u r c h ; and becom ing le g i t im a t e d , (so to speak) so retu rn to th e ir N ation , and be no m ore (by excuse of Spiritual Law) B o u n d and opposed in th e ir endeavours to bless M an k in d w ith R edem ption from E v il.

B u t th e ir go in g to T h e Sh aker S o ciety in A m erica in 18 4 4 ,18 4 5 , and 1846, proved to be the opening o f T h e P rom ised S p iritu a l C o n tro versy in T h e S p irit W o rld and in th e E a rth . I t w as in O ctober, 1845, th a t I proceeded to A m erica, in com pany w ith one o f th e la st three of the “ Concordium .” H e soon w en t to the S h akers, and becam e a p robation ary m em ber o f the S o c ie ty ; but I did n ot go there u n til Jun e, 18 4 6 ; and, a fter h a vin g tak en the n ecessary steps to be received, I w as received in the Sp irit. B u t afterw ards I w as m et b y the S h aker S o cie ty w ith the P rin cip le of D om in ion, in bein g requested to sign a leg a l docum ent, w hich I w as inform ed a ll m ust sign before becom ing C ovenant M em bers of th e So cie ty , b u t w hich docum ent I ju d g ed to be U nrighteous. I t professed to be an A greem en t, but it w as one-sided in p rin c ip le ; and hence in principle it w as n ot an A greem en t, and therefore its profession w as false. I t (the A greem en t, so-called) stipu lated in one condition th a t, a t the request o f the Officers o f th e S o ciety , i f I sh o u ld becom e chan ged in m y O pinions or B e lie f, I should retire from th e So ciety , and, as a m atter of course, from the work of The Spirit— w h ich w as not allow ed to ex ist by the In visib le M in istry outside o f T h e S o c ie ty ; and I asked the Officers, or Officer, the question as fo llow s, or in w ords of the sam e im port— T h a t i f th ey (T he S o ciety) should experience a C h an ge, w ould th e y retire from the S o cie ty , or from the Order o f The Spirit, at m y request ? to w h ich th e y w ou ld n ot A gree ; and I w ou ld not sign th e ir U n rig h t­eous D ocu m en t.

A fte r th is decision th e y requested m e to leave the S ociety , or, I w as inform ed, I should be le g a lly bundled into the road, w ith any effects I m igh t possess. I kn ew th e ir P o w e r ; but I w ould not bind m y se lf b y le g a l docum ent to be dism issed from the W o rk o f T h e S p irit b y the w ill o f A n o th er.

I w ill here state th a t the Officers were n ot h a sty , b u t th e y endea­vou red again and again to h ave m e sig n the D o cu m en t; and, fin a lly , I to ld th em I w ou ld sign it i f th e y w ould b ear the R espon ­

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sib ility . T h e y consented to be R espon sible for m y S ign in g it , and I Sign ed it.

A s I have said, I h ad p reviou sly been received in the S p irit, and in S ign in g T he D ocu m en t under said C ondition I becam e connected with the Order of The Society; but I n ever becam e a m em ber o f the S o cie ty under the S p irit and P rin cip le o f D om in ion. B u t in th is m y re latio n to the S o cie ty the Principle o f Dominion was Annulled in The S p ir it; and G od, In T h is F reedom o f T h e Sp irit, gave P o w er to th e R eform ers to m ove in F reedom in T h e S p irit, and to begin th e ir N ew M in istry o f T h e Spirit in an especial m anner. A n d in T h e U n ion , and in T h e A u th o rity o f G od, T h e y began to pour out T h e S p irit b y m an y w ays and m eans upon Souls both outside and w ith in T ho P a le o f T h e Churches— T h u s enfranchising them with their Natural and Spiritual Eight as Human Beings to a Knowledge o f their Immortal and Progressive Destiny, o f w hich th e y h ad been C ru e lly and B a se ly R obbed b y T h e W icked A n g e ls ; and la stly , Their Said Natural Bight h ad been C ru e lly and B a se ly W ith h eld b y those A n g els and Sp irits w ho A ssum ed to be T h e M in istr y of th e C hur ches .

T h is leg it im ate opening o f the new sp ir itu a l heaven, T o C o m ­m un icate w ith M o rtals in the B o d y, O ccupied T h e T hree Seasons o f 1846, ’47, and ’48. A n d T he F irs t C ircle o f The Authorised Spiritual Reformers W a s T h e F a m ily of M r F o x .

B u t, m y F rien d s, I rem ained m a n y years w ith the S o cie ty after th is V ic to ry w as effected b y G od fo r th e In visib le R eform ers and for H u m an ity in the E a rth ly T abern acle. A n d I have here briefly to state th a t there w as another C om pany o f S p irits a lso w ith m e, in addition to the R e fo rm ers; w ho rem ained w ith m e, and w ho w ith m e visited the S p iritu a l M edium s and C ircles O rigin ated by the R eform ers in variou s C ities aud T ow n s in the U n ited States down to the m onth o f M arch, 1853 : T h is C om p any is The Order o f Ancient Israel. In T h e Scriptures, T h is C om pany is n am ed “ T he H eave n ly Jerusalem .” T h is O rder, after T h e D estru ctio n of visib le Jerusalem , and the S ca tterin g of T h e Jew s, awaited R edem p­tion from under the pow er o f E v i l ; A n d th is Order is present w ith m e now . A n d also som e o f the R eform ers are n ow presen t, w ith M illion s M illion s w ho have been added to th eir num ber.

Y o u w ill agree w ith m e th a t it is not in the n ature o f th is paper to fu rth er trace m y relation sh ip w ith the Sh aker S o cie ty , n or to recite th in gs w hich h ave follow ed since 1846-7. T h e in crease and the spread o f S p iritu a lism you know , and you-kn ow th a t I am here to-day.

B u t I h ave fu rth er to state, th at T h e C o n tro versy in T h e S p irit W o rld h as been g r e a t : T h e Dominionists did n ot give up, and seek to do right, because th e y learn ed 'from G od, th a t in every respect, as D om in ionists, th e y w ere iii th e w r o n g :— th a t G o d h as C reated a ll Im m o rtal B e in g s w ith a lim ited F reea gen cy, and th a t therefore, the P rin cip le of D om in ion and A b so lu tism can h ave no plaoe in T h e C reations o f G od, in the H eaven s or in the E a rth ,— except in opposition to G od, and to the Order o f C reation .

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T h e n atu re o f D om inion is Self-exaltatio n , Su b tle ty , and B ru te F o rce I A n d to tliis the D om in ion P a rty in the S p irit W o rld have had recourse again st those w ho are -with m o,— against bo th J erusa­lem , and the S p iritu a l R eform ers, w ho are w ith m e : T he num ber of th e D o m in ion ists is vast, and for m an y years th e y have grea tly abused th e P erson s o f those w ho are w ith m e, and th e y have grea tly abused m y person both d a y and n ight for m a n y y e a r s : and but for the con stan t and p erpetual help and protection o f those who are w ith m e, th e y w ou ld have slain m y temporal person or b o d y : T h ey h ave rejected the T ru th , and th ey have sought to have D om inion over th e H u m an R ace by sheer force, but th ey cannot h ave it, how ­ever lo n g th e y m a y struggle for th at u n atta in ab le object.

T h e y h a ve also h ad recourse to the g iv in g o f false and w icked Com m u nications to Sp iritu a lists , w ith in tent to R etard , C orrupt, • and to D e stro y or close the movement. T h e y have failed in their attem pt. B u t still th e y labou r to engross yo u r tim e by C ontroversy w ith th e C h u rc h e s : and b y subtle, frivolous, and senseless stuff, w h ich th e y ca ll science, seeking by this m eans to R ob you o f the N a tu ra l and L eg itim a te use of Sp iritualism , and to prevent you from a tta in in g to a R a tion al, N atu ral, Just, and E q u ita b le Order o f S o cie ty , in w h ich every one w ould possess and enjoy Hie fruits o f their own labour.

I am sorry to have to say, th a t the A n g els, and the Shakers in the Spirit World in Alliance with them, are not w illin g for M ankind, or for you as Sp iritu a lists , to a tta in to the said Just and E q u ita b le State o f S o cie ty w hich G od p lan ted in the N atu re of M an, and w hich is M a n ’s o n ly tru e in terest, and h is T ru e E a rth ly S o cietary Order.

B u t I h ave to announce th at this O rder o f Co-O perative and ju s t re latio n sh ip can be attained n ow th a t you have S p iritu a l C om m u n ­ion w ith the H eaven s, n otw ithstan ding a ll their Sham efu l O pposition.

A n d I h ave to announce th a t th is im m ense Com pany, thus in opposition to G od, and to T h e L a w s and Order o f T h e U niverse o f C reation , o f w h ich th e y form a p art, m ust fin a lly becom e subm issive to un alterab le T ru th , to T ru e O rder, and, in th e ir F reea gen cy, to th e P rin cip les o f R ighteousn ess, P u rity , and G oodness, from w hich th e y h ave m ost a w fu lly departed in th e ir w icked w arfare to have dom inion.

M y F rie n d s, as y o u have borne w ith m e w h ilst I have endea­vou red to show y o u w h y y o u should Com m une w ith yo n r S p iritu a l F rien d s in the H eaven , to ascertain from them w hat m anner o f N ew S o cia l S o cie ty th e y w ill endeavour to help you live , you w ill n ow see w ith m e why the G re at N ecessity and the D esira b ility o f their A id and P rotection.

I desire to see y o u derive a P ra ctica l S o cietary benefit by the a id o f Sp iritu a lism . T h is w ou ld be som ething like “ Paradise R e g a in e d .” B u t I should be so rry to see y o u carried aw ay into an y I llu so ry or Irra tio n a l Schem es. O f course you ought to R ise to yo u r M anhood as M en and W om en, and understand y o u r part of the question. Y o u ought to understand yo u r S o cia l and L eg a l

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Status in relation to Human Government and Laws. This you should do before making any attempt at Communal Life.



S P I R I T U A L P E O P L E .

In v iew o f tlie foregoing P ap er, and in v ie w o f the fact th a t a stron g in terest is bein g fe lt in the S p iritu a l B o d y on the subjects o f T em p oral R eform , Propagan da b y m eans o f M edium M issionaries, and by approved L ectu rers on S p iritu alism , I w ill la y before y o u the fo llow in g p roject o f a Co-operative T em p oral C om m ittee, w h o selabou r w ill be to effect those desirable objects, b y m eans o f T h e V o lu n ta ry Offerings and assistan ce o f those M em bers and F rien d s o f the Sp iritu a l B o d y, w ho sh all enrol th e ir nam es fo r a n y o r for a ll those purposes.

V o lu n ta ry effort and vo lu n ta ry contributions to ca rry out those purposes I th in k w ill secure F reedom an d H a rm o n y to th e entire S p iritu a l B o d y : and those w ho sh a ll be sent on those m issions of L o v e and L ig h t to an enquiring w orld , w ill be enabled to go forth in th e S p irit and in th e un ion o f the society , and in th e stren gth o f those w ho vo lu n ta rily contribute m on ey to send th em , h a vin g no reflection to ann oy or to obstruct, or to m a r th e ir Independence and In teg rity o f Soul.


O R D E R S .

T h e Com m ittee (or Com m ittees) o f T h ree is enough for th e E stab lish m e n t o f O rder, and for the im m ediate needs o f T h e S o c ie ty ; but in v iew o f an in crease, o f T h e S o cie ty and o f B u sin ess , I suggest th a t A d d ition al Servan ts, as L eg is la to rs , be n om inated, [as soon as needed] to a id T h e O rders in the T ran saction of B u sin ess.

T he said L eg is la to rs to be n om inated b y T h e P eop le , in the various Sections or B ran ch es o f T h e S ociety . T he n om in atin g o f L eg is la to rs to be done b y those Sp iritu a lists w ho h ave caused th e ir nam es to be enrolled b y the S p iritu a l and the T em p oral Orders.

The T erm of Office o f tlie C om m ittees and o f th e L e g is la tiv e A ssistan ts,— Servan ts of the P eop le , [The C om m ittees are Servants o f Convention] m a y be a ltered to T w o o r T hree Y e a rs , should it be

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th o u gh t hest to do so b y th e P eo p le , or by T h e A ssem bled C onven­tion , w h ich w ould be capable of alterin g th e T erm o f I ts Servan ts.



1 s t . T h a t A T em p oral Com m ittee or Order o f Three Person s be n om inated . T h a t th e C om m ittee divide its e lf into functions o f lab ou r, as P residen t, Secretary, and T reasurer. T he Officers to be nom inated A n n u a lly .

2nd. T h a t th e im m ediate D u ty o f the Com m ittee be to R ecord the N am e and A ddress o f P arties w ho feel an in terest in T em p oral R eform — in P ropagan d a b y M edium M issionaries, and b y approved L ectu rers, in order th a t th e y m ay receive th e ir assistance, and th at th e y m a y be enabled to com m unicate to them notices o f appoint­m ents o f M edium s, M issionaries, &c., and the results o f their labou rs.

3rd. A fte r th u s organ ising, the first duty o f the Com m ittee shall be to com m unicate w ith the In visib le Order of Progressive S p iri­tu a list R eform ers,’" to receive from th em w h at th e y have to com ­m u n icate on th e subject o f P ra ctica l R eform M easures, and on th e . subject o f Propagan da.

4tli. T h a t the Com m ittee sh all then com m unicate the sam e, by c ircu lar or otherw ise, to the M em bers o f its O rganisation, and to a n y others as th e y m a y see to be prudent.

5th. T h a t the Com m ittee support its w orkin g expenses b y vo lu n ­ta r y contributions from its B o d y (or from F rien d s to Co-operative enterprise). T h e Com m ittee to devise its own R u les or m ode o f operation to ca rry out the above objects.

T h e S p iritu a l C on stitution in substance, excep tin g its U n iversa l C h aracter, h as been in operation since the Convention o f 1865. f

I t is n ot proposed to a lte r the Sp iritu a l C on stitution of the S o cie ty , but to give expression to it, to declare its U n iversal C h aracter, and to propose that A C onvention o f T he Sp iritu a l P eop le be h eld so soon as the S p iritu a l Com m ittee o f th is S o ciety can brin g it to pass. A n d I suggest th a t th is Convention earn estly recom m end the adoption of The D u a l Con stitution , b y every Section , B ran ch , and C ircle o f T h e Progressive Sp iritu a list Peop le.

* This should be done through the President of the Spiritual Committee and his Medium.

11 have been for many years living in accordance with the Principles of this Dual Constitution, which is as Practicable in Principle in one as in many persons.

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^ P R O G R E S S IV E S P I R I T U A L P E O P L E .

W h ereas A foretim e, and am ongst other P eop les of S p iritu a lists , in th is M ortal S tage o f existence, m uch evil [Oppression, and con­sequent Suffering, and even S la u gh te r o f h u m an C reatures b y th e ir fe llow m en,] h as been given rise to , and h as been perpetrated, on account o f tw o p rin cipal and F a ta l E rro rs , n am ely , F irs t ly , The Adoption and Practice o f the Principle o f Dominion in Spiritual Churches and in Communion with the Invisible.— A n d Secondly, T h e A doption and P ractice o f a joint S p iritu a l and T em p o ral O rder and P o w er o f E xecu tio n , in th e absence of C r im in a lit y , over th e S p irit and the B odies o f M a n k in d : therefore, w e, th e P ro gressive S p iri­tu a l Peop le in C onvention A ssem bled in the B ritish M etropolis, Jun e, 1807, do delib erately and em p h atica lly denounce, and in the fo llow in g C on stitution m ost un reservedly eschew , the said F a ta l E rro rs— fa ta l a like to T ru e R elig io n and S p iritu a l P ro gress, an d to T em p oral P ro sp erity , P le n ty , P eace, and H arm on y.


T H E P R O G R E S S I V E S P I R I T U A L I S T P E O P L E .


Membership, etc., etc.

1st. W e the T h ird C on vention of Progressive Sp iritu a lists declare, th a t the Progressive Sp iritu a list P eo p le consists o f P erson s who have realised S p iritu a l com m union w ith the in visib le O rder or w orld o f B e in g s, or w ho h ave rea lised a firm C on viction th a t the Im m o rtals Com m unicate w ith M o rta ls ; and w ho are endeavouring to live con sisten tly w ith such a solem n and exalted attainm en t.

2nd. T h a t such Person s are jo in ed in the spirit o f T ru th , and th e y are thus re a lly and w orth ily recorded m em bers, and w e d e li­berate ly declare th a t no fu rth er record in g or bond o f S p iritu a l M em bership is e ith er n ecessary or desirable,— exceptin g sim p ly a voluntary enrolm ent o f nam e and address for the purpose o f S p iritu a l notices.

3rd. T h a t th e S p iritu a list Peop le exist as S elf-regulated in d ivi­duals, or as C ircles, in a n y or in every la titu d e and longitude under H eaven , or in M ortal existence, h old in g la rge r m eetings o f D elegates or o f M em bers, and also M eetings w ith the P u b lic , w hen and w h er­ever th ey may. choose to do so.


Permanent Spiritual Committee.

T h is C onvention, in the S p irit doth n ow n om inate a S p iritu a l

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17Com m ittee con sistin g o f three P erson s, (T he Officers to bo n om inated A n n u a lly ,) to act b y C ircu la r, etc., in order to reach the entire o f the S p iritu a l P eo p le , and to receive a ll correspondence from the sam e.

A n d th is C on ven tion proposes,— T h a t the C om m ittee divide itself in to fun ction s o f labou r— as P resident, Secretary, and T r e a s u r e r : and th a t the said C om m ittee sh all bear a ll its owrl expenses, to w h ich end it m a y so licit vo lu n ta ry C ontributions. T h e C om m ittee to keep a record o f its business, and report th e sam e to the ensuing C onvention.

T h a t th e C om m ittee sh a ll act on a ll m a tte r sen t out to , and on a ll m a tte r received from , every q u a rte r : and a ll m atter sent out should be in u n ity o f the Com m ittee, and a ll said m a tte r should be in h a rm o n y w ith the Sp iritu a l freedom o f the P ro gressive S p iritu a l P eo p le In d iv id u a lly .

CONVENTION.T h a t in A ddition to the L o c a l A n n u a l Convention, a G en eral

C on ven tion o f the Peop le or of their D eleg ates be h e ld ; b u t th a t the h o ld in g o f said C onvention sh all be a m a tter o f agreem en t of th e P eo p le in a ll p arts o f the E a rth w here th e y e x is t : w hich agree­m ent sh a ll be gathered or co llated b y th e Com m ittee, w ho, after doin g bo, sh a ll ca ll a D elegate M eeting o f m em bers from the im m ed iate ly surrounding B ran ch es or C ir c le s ; w hich D elegate M eeting sh a ll sit as ju ry , to pass upon th e C om m ittee’s decision to ca ll a G e n e r a l C onvention of th e P e o ple : and to pass upon other m a tters re la tiv e to, or to be brought before, the said C onvention.

Th a t the first Convention thus called and held shall be called, T h e F ikst Convention o f th e P rog re ss iv e S p ib itua l P eo p le ,


A n d th is C onvention now earn estly recom m ends T h e Im m ediate A d o p tio n of T h e S p iritu a l and T em p o ral C on stitution by a ll S ection s, B ran ch es, and C ircles of T h e Progressive S p iritu a l P eo p le . T h a t th e y m a y be enabled to com m une togeth er in Spiritual and Temporal freedom, and to P ro gress in H arm on y, and in Peace be unfolded in the true S p irit o f th e ir own B e in g , and in the S p irit o f G od. .


B reth ren and S isters,— I h ave a few words to sa y to yo u on T h e R e lat io n sh ip b e t w e e n t h e spie it and m oetals in the B o d y, and on th e S p ib it u a l S ocietaby R e latio nsh ips to th e tem poral , ob to the l a w .

I t is subject w orth y of yo u r consideration, th a t the S p iritu a l W orks of Is ra e l and of C h rist h ave each h a d th e ir fa llin g aw ay.

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E a c h o f those m ovem ents opened w ith V e rb a l C om m union from th e S p irit W o r ld ; an d Secon dly, th e y Subsided to Sensuou s C om ­m union or V isio n s and operations on the S p iritu a l and on the P h y sica l P e r s o n ; and L a s tly , th e y Subsided to F a ith or B e lie f in tlie P a st, and in the P rom ises y et to be fulfilled .

T h u s, in these m ovem ents, th e y h ave n ow no open V e rb a l C om ­m un ion, n or sensuous operations on th e P erso n , from the S p irit W o r ld ; in fact, v e ry m a n y in those m ovem ents do not kn ow of the w hereabouts o f the S p irit W orld .

N ow , as R e al, L iv in g Sp iritu a lists, yo u w ill agree w ith m e, th a t there m ust be Cause for those C h an ges, or those chan ges n ever w ou ld h ave tak en p lace ; and I th in k it is o f th e utm ost im p o rt­ance to Sp iritu a lists , and also to the M em bers o f those M ovem ents, T o learn what is the Cause or C auses o f those D eclen sio n s, w h ich no one in H eaven or on th e E a r th h a th pow er to p reven t, except by avoiding the Cause. A n d I th in k th a t no P eo p le w ou ld be so poor as Sp iritu a lists if, in th e S p iritu a l m ovem ent, a lik e declension should take p lace : in short, it w ou ld soon be follow ed b y ex tin c­tion, as y o u have not y e t reduced yo u r P rin cip les as ta u g h t b y yo u r “ N ew H e a v en ,” to th e S u b sta n tia l and T an gib le R e a lity o f T h e “ N ew E a rth ” in w h ich sh a ll dw ell R ighteousn ess.

B u t m y F rien d s, y o u are ju s t arriv in g a t th e Jun ctu re in w hich the w hole m atter is contained,— T h e C ause or C auses o f S p iritu a l D eclen sion. In M ankind as R u d im en tal or M o rta l B e in g s, T h e L a w and T h e S p irit is co n ta in e d : M ankind are B o rn o f T h e L a w or the T em p oral O rder firs t; and secondly, M ankind are B o rn of T h e S p ir it : and if, after y o u r second B irth , yo u sh a ll subm it yo tir sp irit to be under T h e L a w , C ain -lik e T h e L a w w ill s la y yo u r S p ir it ; so th a t yo u r B lo o d — yo u r Scattered and Im perfect S p iritu a l ; F a ith , w ould alon e rem ain to C ry to G od from th e G roun d, like yo u r B ro th e r A b e l’s, and like th a t o f yo u r fello w S p iritu a lists—“ T h e Jew s ” and “ T h e C h ristia n s.”

B u t if, as Sp iritu a lists , you can lea rn y o u r True Relationship to The Spirit and to The Law, and sh a ll p ra tic a lly keep th e sam e in ­v io la te , and go on P ro gressin g as y o u are able u n til y o u sh all Com plete yo u r R edem ption, as A P eo p le y o u w ill kn ow o f no essentia l declension u n til M an as A R ace sh all be w ith draw n from M ortal existence.

I w an t y o u to v iew w ith m e fo r a few m om ents, T h e R oots and T h e O rders o f T h e L a w and o f T h e S p irit. T h is is n ecessary in order th a t yo u m a y see th e ir distinct n atu re, and th e ir tru e ap p li­cation :— T h e L a w applies to ride over M ankind w ho are wibom o f the Spirit;— B u t the Wisdom o f The Spirit is The Guide, and the Love and unalterable Truth o f The Spirit is The Law, to those w ho are Born o f the Spirit.

T h e L a w of w h ich I speak is based in the E a r th — in the R u d i­m en ta l or the low est fact ground o f existence :— T h e So lid E a rth , and the O rganic M ateria ls o f W e alth , and o f P ro p e rty m ade th ere­from b y H u m an S k ill and exertion, are So lid T h in gs w h ich do not

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v a n ish a t th e t o u c h ; and m ay, therefore, be la id hold o f b y L e g it i­m ate A u th o rities appointed as Servants o f tho People by the P eo p le , or by U surpers or Illegitim ate A u th o rities; and these Solid T h in gs are th e V is ib le B a sic E xisten ce o f B ayo n ets, C oronets, P o licem en ’s T ru nch eon s, and Prisons. A n d farther, perm it m e to say , o f L eg is la tiv e A ssem blies, L a w F un ction aries, and L a w In ter­preters and P lead ers, M agistrates and B a iliffs ; and of a ll B usin ess T ra n sa ctio n s b y N ote and b y Stam ps ; o f a ll D ecisions b y M ajori­ties ; o f a ll R esolu tio n s and A ppointm ents b y S o cia l and C iv il, T em p o ral and E e lig io u s M eetings, A ssem blies, and C o n ven tio n s; I sa y th e B a sis o f a ll I have enum erated is B ru te F o r c e ! A n d every tra n sa ctio n above enum erated is an appeal to B ru te F orce! B y th e ir n atu re as L e g a l T ransactions th e y appeal to T h e L aw , and hence to B ru te F o rce to Sustain them .

A s Individual Spiritualists, and as A Spiritual Body, y o u ought to h ave B ir th from under th is B ru te F o rce E x isten ce : y o u ought now to a tta in to y o u r Second or F u ll B irth as A S p iritu a l B o d y or P eop le .

A s A S p iritu a list, I w ou ld n ot come under T h e B east, T h e B ru te force o f T h e L a w :— I n ow subm it to you th a t i t does not follow , because I regu late m y tem poral affairs so th a t no one can come upon m e u n ju stly b y m eans o f L a w , therefore I m ust brin g M y Spiritual Society and my Devotional Communion, in like m anner, U n d er T h e L a w .

I w ish it to be d istin ctly understood th a t I do not seek to ignore the L a w , e ith er as in th e Scriptures, or as E m bodied in N ation al

- G o v e rn m e n ts ; on th e con trary, I affirm th a t The Law o f Power tmd Force m u st n o t o n ly abide and exist forever, but also E tern a lly . B u t it does n o t fo llo w th a t I , in m y status o f C ivilisatio n and in m y P ro gress as a B e in g , sh a ll forever be en rapport w ith the L a w to C om pel m e to abstain from Crim e by P e n a lt ie s : the L a w of P ow er and F o rce is to ch eck the Souls who are not quickened to be in M oral an d S o c ia l statu s w ith T he M oral and S o cia l L a w o f hum an n atu re and h u m an S o c ie ty ; T h e L a w is to breast up the descend­in g in Im m o ra lity and V ice , and to restrain, the C rim inal. _

T ho M o ral and S o cia l Progressive Co-operative Order is above th e L a w , and those Souls w ho have not attained to M oral and S o cia l S ta tu s in th e ir p ra ctical d aily Conduct, are not prepared to be (are n o t in B e in g Order) m em bers o f T he Co-operative T em poral O rder. T h en w h y should T h e Co-operative T em poral Order do its business on the B a sis o f T h e L a w ? W h y not base upon the In te g rity o f the M oral and S ocia l Q ualities and P rincip les o f tho H u m an B e in g ?

A g a in , i f I have in m y developm ent as A n Im m o rtal B e in g a tta in ed to the S p iritu a l B irth rig h t o f M an, so that I Com m une w ith those w ho have ascended throu gh th e F irm am en t, w ho are ever presen t, and b y w hich I have know ledge o f m y Im m o rtality , sh a ll I seek to p lace m y S p iritu a l B e in g , and the free g ift o f the S p irit o f G od under b a n ? O r sh all I a llow m y S p irit, M y D evo­


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tion to G od, and m y C om m union w ith T h e G ood w ho h ave b u t gone as it w ere a step before, to be p u t under E x te rn a l B o n d s b y en ter­in g into foolish A sso cia tio n w ith m y fellow T ra ve llers ? I te ll you n a y ! A n d I say, .P erish S p iritu a l A sso ciation and Sect and M u n ­dane Com m union, i f there can be no S p iritu a l C om m u nion and A sso ciation based in T h e S p irit o f Freedom .

I w ill n ot appoint (nomination is in h arm o n y w ith tho S p irit, so th at the In d iv id u al can assum e to be S ervan t in the S p irit in his F reea gen cy W ith o u t L e g a l R espon sibility) A S p iritu a l President or other Officer. I w ill not support A Resolution o f a n y kin d to Suppress A Minority— I w ill not, under The Spiritual Constitution, agree to m ake a n y B ro th e r or S ister an hireling Missionary. N or w ill I com e under any Bonds or Liabilities, under the Spiritual Constitution, to support a P ropagan dist P r e s s : L e t a ll T em p oral things be supported b y In d iv id u al, or b y Co-operative T em p oral effort, by those icho choose to do so in th e ir D u a l C a p acity as T em p oral and as S p iritu a l B e in g s ; let th is th in g be understood and P ractised , and yo u r Progress as a S p iritu a l B o d y w ill be in the F reed o m of T h e G ood S p irit, and it w ill be certain and sure. I f y o u sow in Sp irit, T h e H a rv est w ill be of the S p irit: and then , i f it sh a ll p lease any w ho are not under engagem ent w ith T h e T em p oral Com m ittee as M issionaries or as L ectu rers, th e y m a y , a t th eir own expense, m ake M ission ary or L e ctu rin g T o u rs, coun ting w ith J o y the Sheaves o f the Spirit.

B reth ren and S isters, be assured and be w arned, th a t The Spirit w ill not be bound b y you as a S o cie ty , a n y m ore th a n it h as been bound b y form er S p iritu a l P eoples. N or can yo u guide the S p irit as to W h en , W h ere, H ow , or b y W h om T h e G ood seed m a y be sown, and the H arvest R eaped and G arnered . W h en y o u see the Sow ers at w ork, then kn ow th a t th e y are S e n t ; and seek y e in the G en tlen ess o f th e S p irit to give to such a little h elp , and afford them som e T em p oral Support b y yo u r T em p oral C om m ittee.


B rethren and S isters,—

T h e S p irit w ill not be B o u n d , B ecau se its B a s is is in T h e In fin ite— In T h e P o w er and T h e W isdom , and in T h e G oodness o f G od, T h e E te rn a l B e in g [F rom and to E te r n ity o f D u r a tio n !] A G lo rio u s B e in g and P erso n , W h ose S p irit is F reed o m in Truth and in Righteousness to a ll C reated B e in g s ; and hence, The Messenger and Messengers o f The Spirit will not come to Mortals to a bid e u n d e r the l a w . B u t th e y h ave com e, and th e y w ill com e, to M ortals U nder T h e L a w , to R ap and T ap , an d to M ove M ateria l T h in gs, and to operate T h e P erson s o f th e B o u n d and in P riso n under L a w , and b y Ignoran ce o f th e ir G lo rio u s Im m o rta lity , to w ake them up, and to lea d them forth to th e new B ir th o f S p iritu a l F re e d o m ! A n d T h e S p irit M essengers w ill abide w ith S p iritu a lists to h elp them

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becom e F re e In deed in the T ru th and in the R ighteousness o f T h e N ew H eaven and the N ew E a rth , i f th e y w ill endeavour to P r o ­gress.

I w ill o n ly sa y th is m uch at present on T he B a sis and operation o f T h e L a w , and on T h e B a sis o f T h e S p ir it ; because it is enough fo r the present purpose.

In T h e T ru e S p irit, yo u w ill nom inate the Sp iritu a l C om m ittee,* and th e y should act in th e ir F ree A gen cy from their nom ination : and i f th e y are fa ith fu l, the Sp irit w ill In spire them w ith ligh t and w ith en ergy to enable them to do a ll th a t is required of them .

Y o u w ill also, i f it be yo u r p leasure at th is tim e to favour T em ­p o ral C o-operation and enterprise, nom inate, and thus originate, A P erm an en t T em p o ral Com m ittee, (the Officers to be nom inated A n n u a lly ,) w ho w ill also be attended by M inisters o f S p irit, to assist and guide th em in th e ir labours.

Y o u r in struction s to yo u r Com m ittees’ Officers and fellow S er­van ts in th e S p irit, w ill be by suggestions and b y Proposals fo r Consideration, but not b y Decisions, because Decisions are Binding. I f

< ;(a n y m em ber should raise a nonessential m atter w hich could not be 'J i settled b y u n an im ity, it m igh t be w aived for the tim e b y said

m em ber, and thus th e Com m union w ould be free.> T h ere is y e t an im p ortan t subject upon w hich I have a few words

to say. T h e P resid en t o f T h e Sp iritu a l C om m ittee should have by> h is side or a t h an d A M ale M edium who sh a ll be a volu n tary Mem-

ber o f the S o c ie ty ; one w hom T h e H u m an Spirits, the In visib le3 O rder O f T h e S p iritu a l Com m ittee o f the Society, can easily 3 entran ce— to speak b y h im as an in strum ent in the presence of the ~j P residen t o nly, or otherw ise w hen the President desired. A n d this

C h an n el w ill con stitute yo u r only one for R eliab le Com m union 5̂ w ith the In visib le C om m ittee on a ll m atters touching the G uidance

and w elfare of the V is ib le S o c ie ty : and even th is one In strum en t at tim es and for short periods m igh t be m ore th a n can be protected from y o u r in visib le E n em ies. B u t the President in such an event w ou ld be a check upon yo u r enem ies. T he President should not be a M edium — he should be a firm , strong-m inded M an— One w ho liv e s in hu m an n ature in its dual developm ent o f P h ysio lo gy and of the H u m an S p irit— A R a tio n a l Person and L o g ic a l: one who w ould take n o th in g for gran ted even from the Spirits, but rather take p leasure in exam in in g w hat is offered, so th a t he m ight under­stand it in its application and effects. A t the sam e tim e there m ay be thousands o f M edium s in the Sp iritu a l B o d y at large ; and every C ircle and M eeting m igh t rin g w ith Songs of T h an k sgivin g, or w ith P a th e tic o r w ith Philosop hical A ddresses: yet, be it

* In case there should at any time be a greater number of Persons nominated than the Functions require, then the nominated should nominate from themselves tho required number, if they w ill voluntarily do so; of course they may be considered to oe the advanced minds, and are therefore the most fitting^ to finish the selection

« bv nomination; but i f the Body desire to finish the nomination, there could be no objection:, all must be free, as anything else is repressive, and retards True Progress.

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rem em bered, a lth ou gh the P u lse beat, T h e H eart is n ot a ll over th e B o d y ; th ough a ll the m em bers fee l, th e n erve centre, th e seat o f thought and direction, is not a ll over the B o d y : and it is ju s t so w ith a S p iritu a l S o cie ty . T h is P rin cip le y o u h ave a lread y acted upon in n om in atin g y o u r N atio n al C om m ittee in th e P rev io u s Conventions.

T here is an oth er subject upon w hich I w ill sa y a few w ords to yo u before I conclude.


A N D E N F R A N C H IS E M E N T IN T H E U N I V E R S E ! 1!

T h e H u m an R ace, as regards both S p iritu a l and T em p oral G overn m en ts, h as h ad its M in ority. M ankind h as h a d T h e P a tria rch a l C h u rch and G o vern m en t; and Secon dly, C h rist’s C hurch and K in gdom , w hich S t P a u l te lls you w as to be g iven up to G od, and, o f course, T h e R u le of G od ensues.

In both these, the Btages of In fan cy and Y o u th , I m u st te ll you, and th e ir H isto ry R ecords T h e F a c t, T h e A n g e l R ace and R aces h ave been T h e M inisters and R u lers, so fa r as th e y h ave h ad pow er to enforce the la tte r, and sad has been T h e H isto ry o f those periods, b oth S p iritu a lly and T em p o rally .

B u t T h e H u m an R ace has now attained its M ajo rity— T h e H u m an R ace in its R eform ers, V is ib le and In v isib le , h as been E n fran ch ised . T h e N ew H eaven , to C om m unicate w ith M an in the B o d y, h as been E s ta b lis h e d : and I hope to see the Co-operative N ew E a rth E stab lish ed , in w hich sh a ll dw ell R ighteousn ess, and w hich sh a ll be developed to em brace a ll the T em p o ral affairs o f L ife . T h e L eg itim a te M in istry to M ankind in T h e N ew E a r th is the D ep arted Sp irits o f T h e H u m an R ace.


T IO N O F T H E A N G E L S — T H E H U M A N R A C E A D E M O ­

C R A C Y — S E X R E L A T IO N O F T H E H U M A N R A C E —

W O M A N — T H E W O U L D -B E D E F E N D E R S O F W O M A N .

W h en the H u m an R ace began , as y o u read in the S criptures, its re lation to the S p iritu a l W o rld w as p recisely , as regards C o m ­m union, w hat is n ow and S p iritu a lism in its h igh est and best m odes of Com m union w ith th e S p iritu a l W orld.

T h e H u m an R a ce , in th e first in stance, w as en rapport w ith G od

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28its C reato r. T h e A n g el Eaoe from T h e P la n e t Jupiter w as present. T h e F o rm s of G overn m en t o f T h e A n gels w ere M on archical and P a tr ia rc h ic ; and a ve ry large section -of them desired to Rule over the hitman race. B u t th e y could not rule over the H u m an Eaoe so lo n g as it w as en rapport w ith G od ; so the said Section of A ngels b egan to deceive the H u m an E a ce , to C ause them to break F a ith w ith G od, and th u s v io la te their holy spiritual relation to God, w hich w as ca lled The L ife. A n d th is w as the life w hich G od cautioned T he H u m an E a ce th e y w ou ld die to by so breaking F a ith ; and it is A F a c t th a t T h e A n g els, by a subtle manoeuvre, succeeded in deceiving th e N ew ly C reated H u m an E ace to break fa ith w ith G od, and thus th e y S le w th e C om m union of H oliness. T h e R esult to the H um an R ace w as, th a t th e y ceased to be conscious Sp iritu a l M edium s, excep t w hen sp ecial effort w as m ade b y T h e In visib le to prepare M edium s.

T h e A n g els, in stead of speaking T h e T ru th in a direct m anner to th e H u m a n R ace, spoke in am biguous term s, and as though the speech proceeded from a s e rp e n t; and b y m anipulatin g their fee lin gs and th e ir heads also, th e y effected their purpose. B u t the S a id S ection of A n g els , by so doing, lost th eir own Rapport w ith the U p righ t O rder and L a w s of the S p iritu a l Or In visib le U n iv e rs e : A n d i t fo llow ed , th a t th e y m ust either becom e en rapport w ith the B e in g O f E v il , or w ith the Order of the E a rth , in w hich the H um an R a ce , w hom th e y h ad in jured, w as tt> be m ultip lied and d evelop ed ; and it w as pronounced upon th a t Section o f A n gels, w ho w ere, from th e above-m entioned circum stance, nam ed th e Serpent, th at th ey should be en rapport w ith the E a rth , for the support o f their exist­ence as lo n g as their order should live , w hich, in consequence of the New Rapport i t h a d been p laced in, w ould be executed, by A n Order w h ich G o d h a d prepared from “ T he B e g in n in g ” — F ro m T he M orn in g o f E x iste n c e , to take effect in the H u m an R ace in a C e rta in E p o ch o r stage o f its D e ve lo p m en t; and th is E p o ch has n ow arrived , and the H u m an R ace is again en rapport w ith G od’s O rder, and the order o f the A n gels is E xeouted because of their C rim e. A n d th e y are requested to rise to T h e Order of T he U n iverse , and to abstain from In term eddling w ith T h e H um an R ace.

S E X R E L A T IO N O F T H E A N G E L S .

I t is proper to exp lain here th a t th e Section o f the A n g el R ace th a t in terfered w ith T h e H u m an R ace in P aradise w as the oldest p ortion o f th e R a c e ; th a t the first A n g el was a F em ale , and hence th e y cla im ed P rio rity o f R igh t O ver the other Section of T h e A n g el R ace to be G uardians to T h e H u m an R a c e ; and the first A n g el c la im ed P rio rity o f r ig h t over h e r Section of A n gels, to M in ister to the W o m an portion o f T h e H u m an R ace the f ir s t ; and tho F em ale A n g e ls ’ w ill w as to placo W om an over the h u m an fa m ily ; thus

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perpetuating and extending the Angel Natural Order, or relation of sex, oyer the Human Eace.

T h e other Section o f the A n g e l E a ce w as T h e P ro gressive O rder, and th e y h ad adopted an Order o f E q u a lity w ith th e M ale portion o f T h e E a c e ; b u t th e y retain ed the D om in ion O rder in the P a tria rch ic form — the M ale and the F em a le stan din g as h ead of th eir S ex , and o f both Sexes, as F a th e r P a ren t and M other P a ren t. T h is O rder is m anifested in T h e S h aker Order in T h e U n ited States.

A n d w hen th is Section o f the A n g els, w ho w ere C a lled The Angels o f the Lord, &o., set up th e ir O rder for D o m in ion in the Shakers, and in the S p irit W o rld , th e y did a th in g w h ich th e y w ere forbid to d o ; and th e y lost th e ir T itle o f bein g w ith T h e L ord , and th e ir rapport w as then w ith T h e Shakers, and th e y h ave been since th a t tim e endeavouring to exercise The Dominion over C reation in the H eaven s and in the E a rth . A n d as th e ir O rder of E q u a lity o f the S exes, and the P rin cip le o f D om in ion, is e q u a lly Subversive o f tho F reea gen tive O rder o f the H u m an E a ce as th e O rder o f the other section o f A n g els, and because of the C rim e o f in troducin g th e ir O rder, and becom ing en rapport w ith The Hum an Race in Shakeristn, T h e ir Order is E x ecu te d S im u ltan eo u sly w ith th a t o f the O ldest Section o f T h e A n g e l E a ce , b y T h e O rder w hich G od . had prepared from T h e M orning o f E x iste n c e , w hich O rder w as to take effect in T h e H u m an E a ce , in H a rm o n y w ith its O rder and G en ius, and w ould, as A Sw ord of P rin cip les, and as a S p iritu a l F ire , s la y and Consum e from it a ll S tates and C onditions of B e in g s th at are not of it, and n ot in H arm o n y w ith it.

T h e A n g e l E a ce m u st, therefore, bear a S p iritu a l E esu rrectio n , and A P ro gress in P rin cip les, to becom e en rapport w ith the U p right O rder o f T h e U n iverse . '

T H E H U M A N E A C E A D E M O C E A C Y .

T h e T ru e O rder o f T h e H u m an E a ce is n o t A Dominion of Inequality, n or is it a Dominion o f E qu a lity : T h e O rder o f T h e H u m an E a ce is a L im ite d F reeagen cy, both in T h e M ale and in T h e F e m a le ; B o th are at lib erty to be G ood, to live in H arm o n y w ith th e ir h u m an n atu re, but n eith er S ex is at lib erty to be W icked, to be in disharm on y w ith h u m an n atu re, at th e ir P e ril o f P a in s and P en alties. A n d as all men have the same nature, T h e E a ce Order is therefore D em o cratic in every respect— in every D e p a rtm e n t: it is A V o lu n teer O rder, in C on tradistin ction to T h e A n g e l O rder or C ondition o f D om inion w hich is Com pulsion.

S E X E E L A T IO N O F T H E H U M A N E A C E .

T h e C ondition o f T h e M ale S ex o f T ho H u m an E a ce w hen T h e F em ale w as m ade, w as th a t o f a needy person h a vin g a great w ork

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25to do, A G re a t E n e m y to B a tt le W ith T h e Sw ord— w h ich m ust be done b y the M u ltip lyin g o f h is Species, to becom e Numerically Strong and Massive enough to Reject The Numbers w ho h ad beset h im w ith false O rder.

A lso M an m u st overcom e the E n e m y in T h e A n g el B a ce in A S o cie ta ry poin t o f view , b y m eans o f Science and b y m en tal acum en. A n d la stly , M an m ust also, B y the Sword o f Principles, overcom e th em in th e ir false System s w hich th e y have thrust upon T h e H u m an F a m ily . T ho la tte r is th e fin a l V icto ry over E v il, and over those w ho h ave been perverted to be [To serve E v il Being as]“ The L ast Enem y."

W O M AN .

T o enable M an to accom plish a ll th is, he needed and m ust have a H elp O rd e r: and T h e H e lp O rder is on ly equal to the Order o f Man and to his want, in bein g different to the Order of M a n ; Woman’s Equality with M an, therefore, is because of the P e cu lia r kin d of h elp w hich She w as Created to give to M an, w hich M an h im self did not possess. ' ,

Suppose W o m an C reated capable of ta k in g charge over M an in unison w ith T h e first Section o f T h e A n g els, or suppose W om an C reated able to stan d in E q u a lity w ith M an in unison w ith The Second D o m in ion Section of T h e A n g el R ace, W o u ld She in her Creation be m ade an help, A Sure help to M an, to enable him to overcom e those D om inions ? She w ou ld n o t ..

I f W o m an h ad been C reated E q u a l to M an in every sense, instead o f bein g C reated an h elp , T h e A n gels m igh t have attained their a im ; B u t G od m ade W o m an so p erfectly an help to M an, and able to stand in h er p lace, th a t it w as im possible for T h e A n g el E ace to p erm an en tly overcom e the E ace o f M an, hold in g it in U n n atural S u b je c tio n ; P ro gressive M an has a lread y throw n off the A n gelic O ppressor, and he w ill overcom e a ll F in ite D om inions.

In W o m an b ein g C reated in different S p iritu a l Order to eith er o f T h e A n g e l Section s, and different to M a n ; in being D eveloped in h e r own O rder, and in perform ing th at Order alone is she help to M an, and E q u a l w ith M a n ; and in perform ing h er Order alone can She be in h arm o n y w ith M an and w ith the w ork of Creation, and in h arm on y w ith H e rse lf and w ith the w ork of H er Creator. T he argum en t is p erfectly applicable to M an and his Order, and to The A n g els and tlie ir T ru e Orders.

B y liis C reation or N atu re, and b y P rio rity , M an has the R u le— Woman as his help being morally infolded in h is Order. B y the E esp o n sib ility o f O rder bein g p ut upon M an, it is m anifest th a t the burthen is upon M a n ; and th at is The Helm to steady and to G uide T h e O rder o f T h e State .

B u t M an is Responsible to be P o litica lly Just to W om an . A lth o u gh M an h as the E u le and the P o litica l G uidance, M an cannot in The True Natural Order E u l e over W om an . In h er Person

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W o m an h as the sam e rig h t to protection as M an ; in h e r Property W o m an has the sam e rig h t to protection as M an— B o th in her possession or ten ure o f it, and in the m ode and ce rta in ty o f its descent to h er H eirs.

M an h as A u th o rity to E u le for, or as in service o f h is help, but n ot to ru le over h e r in the absence o f Crime— such is the P ristin e L a w o f N atu re. W o m an w as C reated M an ’s h e lp ; She is V o lu n ta rily h is help, and, therefore, H e r N atu re, and h er rig h t to F reedom , M ay n ot be V io lated .

T H E W O U L D -B E D E F E N D E R S O F W O M A N .

I advert ve ry p la in ly to the status and the R elation sh ip o f W om an o f T h e H u m an E a ce , because T h e “ W ic k e d ” o f T h e A n g e l E a ce are la y in g h old o f som e o f the best am ongst M ankind, E v e n L ea d ers o f the P eo p le , to oppose The Created Relation o f T h e Sexes o f Tho H u m an E a ce — th a t the p erverted O rder o f T h e A n g e l E a ce m a y obtain , o r be established, in the H u m an F a m ily .

I f T h e F rien d s of W o m an w ill w eigh over th e foregoing, th e y m a y see how to p rotect W o m an from th e ir E n em y . F o r be assured, there is no sure protection for W om an o r for M an, but in The Order which God Created. T o y ie ld to “ T h e L a s t E n e m y ” is no b etter th an to y ie ld to T h e F irs t E n em y — Confusion and w orse th a n Confusion w ill fo llow .

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, TO THE EARTH. .M:]o ■' ^

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This Discourse is necessarily very condensed, because of the vastness of its Subject. It may be viewed as Synthetical in its character, because of its brevity in treating so extensive a Subject and subjects; but still the subjects are treated somewhat Anna- lytically and also Historically, spanning over a vast period of Time or Duration.

In laying before you briefly The History of The Spirit of Truth,I wish you to feel encouraged and strengthened in the Cause of The Spirit, which has been ministered in every age and Dispensation, and which is now being poured out upon all flesh—yea, in the Day of Christ it has been poured out upon alt Peoples, and it is now being reached to all Peoples and Nations by The Creator! I desire that all in Heaven and in Earth may be encouraged to press for­ward in Reform, and in the regeneration of the Spirit unto true light and newness of life, which restores to communion with God, and with the good, loving, departed Souls in Immortality.

Truth is consistent with itself in all its parts, and in all its stages of Historical Development down to the latest moment. The Ground of Truth is that on which you may stand, and on which you may Progress, with the onward Progress of the Universe, to your full Development, and to be with God your Heavenly Father.

It is true that mortals who have been neglected, who have been oppressed, and cast down and peeled, and who have contracted habits and ways detrimental to the whole Man, and a bar to true Progress, have need of salvation—have need of being gathered by kindness and by sympathy, and by promises of future Bliss and a happy home ;—they have need even of a Shepherd to lead them, that they may be helped over much suffering, and that they may attain to commence in the Path of True Progress and Development, that they may finally be prepared to dwell with God tlieir Heavenly Father.

You all know that had Man instinctively caught and kept on the path of true Progress, that had he not been afflicted to diverge therefrom, he would not have needed A Saviour or Salvation; but the fact of divergence from the path of True Progress is too plainly before your eyes to be doubted.

In view of the condition of vast numbers of your Brethren and Sisters by nature, and whilst feeling thankful to God that A Saviour has been provided, let the Order and Society of Progres­sive Spiritualists do its utmost to win the erring, and the unde­veloped, to start in the path of true Progress. I kindly submit tho question to you, seeing that your final aim, and the Profession of the Order of Salvation, is one and the same, why should you be

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Antagonistic ? why should you labour in opposition to said Order ? It is true that the various Churches and Sects are in various degrees of Progress, but they are all in some degree of Progress as com­pared with the low condition of the Sensual, and the Dissipated, and the Profane.

The Order and Society of Progressive Spiritualists, allow me to submit, may well afford to evade opposition contact with the Order of Salvation, and facilitate its own progress and its increase in numbers. The Sea of Human Kind is Great, from which the two might be Fishers of Men: and finally the Shepherd and the sheep will start en masse in the Path of Progress, which is Development or Unfoldment of the Being to become enabled to receive Eternal Life, and so to be with God, which is the Great Hope, and the final of every Christian.

But happy are they who do not need to pass through the Order of Salvation. To whom God comes, Christ doth not need to lead to God. Do not forget this, as you may have to converse with those of the Order of Salvation on this point—(see Rev. xxi. 8)—“ Be­hold the Tabernacle of God is with Men, and God will dwell with them.” The Human Race is Re-enfranchised in Spiritualism, A nd by G od pour ing out T h e S pir it upon a l l M ank ind as such . (Joel ii: 28-82.) There shall be Deliverance even “ in the remnant whom The Lord shall call.”

Since the Destruction of the Person called the Devil, The King­doms of this World in their sad condition of necessity become the Kingdoms of God and of Christ. Since that event, Christ has given “ The Kingdom ” vested in him to God; and the Kingdom of God is now Order over all.

In this giving of The Kingdom, the preparatory work of Progress and Development has commenced in the Order of Salvation in Heaven.

The Refiner and Purifier of Silver doth now sit, and those who Devote themselves to Progress and Reform, will rise in the Light of The City, “ New Jerusalem.”

All Nations or Individuals who may receive the light of The Holy City, will be Blessed in the degree or measure which they receive the light and walk therein: God’s Spirit influence will thus be in them to aid them to Progress, that finally God may be all in them.


I have learned by experience, that no one needs to give up any previous Truth in order to receive any new Truth, or, rather, newly acquired knowledge of Truth. Be patient and examine, Truth will appear to your rescue from Darkness and Error; Truth vested in Creation is consistent with itself in all its parts, and in all its stages of Historical Development down to the latest moment.

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Truth has advanced down from The Morning of Existence on one broad gauge track, broad as Created Existence: and having for its own Origin and basis of existence, The Infinite Mind, The Eternity of Duration, The Immensity of Extent, and The Infinite Elemental Ocean which occupies the same.

The Infinite Ocean was the Primary Eternal Abode of God: and from this point I have to speak to you of Creation, the secondary abode o f God, in which your own Eudimental Existence has been commenced.

I f you can view yourself as being a light, or as bearing a light, in the midst of an Ocean that is not light, but which is a Media for light, and that you have the power to lower and to raise that light, so that you could see a Portion of that Ocean, or The Entire extent of that Ocean, you have a figure of the Power of The Infinite Being called God, in the Illimitable Elemental Ocean, before any Solid Matter was produced.

The Production of Spirit substance, of Matter, and of Solid Matter, was the commencement of the secondary Abode of God.

The introduction of this Period of Existence, and the work of Production, is called Creating. The Earth on which you now live, and The Moon which Primarily was a portion of it, was the first Created Material Body in the Universe.

But after this last announcement, and before I proceed from the Elemental Ocean with you, I want to hew a Stone or two from the Quarry of Creation, as at present within the Compass of the Scien­tific Spiritual Mind.

The first Stone,' or Vital fa ct, that I want to hew out is, W hat is the Seat and Power Basis o f Memory ? As Believers in Immortality, or as Spiritualists who have realised communion with the departed, you know that the Mortal part is not the seat or Basis of Memory. You also know that the Spirit of Man is his Spiritual Body in the Immortal stage of existence, and, therefore, by like reasoning you know that the Spiritual Body is not the Seat or Basis of Memory.

It is true, that both the Spirit Organisation and the Physiology of the Mortal are conformed to the active. Power of Mind, and they manifest the Power o f M in d ; but the Seat and the Power of Memory is in the Vital, in the Essence, in the Principle and Prin­ciples of Man as manifested in the Phrenological Organs.

As Spiritualists, you have another proof and illustration that Body is not the Seat and Power of Memory, when you pass into the Trance Condition, and Spirits make use of your Spiritual and your Mortal Bodies, to speak by the same, entirely without your Consciousness.

As Mesmerists also, you have a perfect illustration of the fact that the Power and Seat of Memory is in the Vital, in the fact that when the Vital Principle is withdrawn from the surface or external Person, where the vitality by means of the nervous system is most active, the Operator or his assistant may cut or otherwise violato the Physiological and the Spiritual Body without producing any

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sensation, or without recording the transaction in the Memory, or the v it a l m an . Therefore you may conclude that the Seat and the Power of Memory is in the Vital o f Mankind.

As Spiritual Phrenologists, you allMmow that Man is made up of Principle—of Spirit Body or substance—and of Human Phy­siology, and that the Spirit is conformed to the Principle, and that the Animal Organisation is conformed to the Principle. It is tho Vital, the Essence, that works out all the development of Man, and that Bears The Conscious Record.

The next Stone I wish to present to you from the quarry is, that Mankind have the Power. to Generate or multiply those Vital Beings; that at Birth, or in coming into conscious existence, the vital is as a Blank sheet of paper—it bears no conscious Record. Such is the true Natural Condition of the Offspring of Mankind.


But I have stated to you in my Pamphlet entitled “ A Word to M ankind,” That the Woman Function of Generation is capable of being used, and that it has been used, to supply a Mortal Body to the Vital of A Being [or to A Being] who was mesmerically ab­stracted by The Creator from its Spirit Body in the Spiritual World.

This Character having no human Father, was therefore called “ th e seed of th e w om an His name is “ Jesus Christ”—A Saviour Sent—“ The Only-Begotten Son of G o d y e t not begotten after the Order of Man, but as Ministered by God to Woman—the act of Ministering being The Function of A Father.

The Saviour is spoken of as “ The Son o f M an,” but at first sight this statement appears absurd, as The Woman only bears The Son: So that, as “ T h e S on of G od ,” he cannot be T h e S on of M an who was to come from Eternity. But The Person called “ The Spirit of Truth,” of whom the Lord spoke by The Son, is “ The Son of Man ” on D escen d in g into m ortality as hereafter explained.

And now, Dear Friends, be not alarmed : I am going to tell you of nothing more than Man—A Man just like yourselves—the differ­ence being in the amount and kind of experiences. I know of no greater Being than Man and Woman, and Man and Woman Pro­gressed to Eternal Life, except God.

I want you to lay aside Prejudice : I want to forestall any pos­sible objection that might arise in your minds, to prevent you from giving me a hearing;—I want you to hear with calm and Rational Minds and Feelings : and after making a simple statement in refer­ence to myself, and after calling your attention to a single passage or two of Scripture, I will return with you to Station Number One of Truth—The Beginning of Created Existence : and I will proceed on the Broad Gauge Track of Truth and Science with you, to Bedford Hall in the British Metropolis.

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Luke xviii. 7, 8, “ When The Son of Man cometh, shall he find Faith in The Earth ?”

I have to explain to you that th e g ener ative function of man has been used to bear to Woman the Vitality of A Spirit Person mesmerically abstracted and Ministered by The Creator, and to ■which Woman has given Birth into Mortal Existence. I explain that the Physiological Semen of The Male is not always Vital; Man and his Semen is sometimes Barren, and when this is the case He is capable of receiving The Vital of an Immortal as Ministered by The Creator; but there is no other Being who can accomplish this Ministry—God only is Capable. In this wise The Son of Man has had Birth into Mortal Existence, and now stands before you. You may view me, I am only Man.

But I must tell you that I attained to my Immortal Status in The City of London in 1858. From that time The Spirit World has been open to my Hearing and to my Feelings Continually. But I could not bear it on my sight without injury to my Physical nervous system, excepting partially and occasionally.

This brings me to the second passage of Scripture to which I thought to call your attention—St John xvi. 13. The Saviour was speaking to his Church or Spiritual followers, and he said—“ How- beit when he the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all Truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak,” &c.

And I have to say to you that I have many times raoken and Communicated to Christ’s followers the words given/'puKtojie ,^ because of the influence of Gog and Magog operating fromthe invisible, The Visible Church cannot receive the word; but the Invisible Church of Christians, except a portion of the “ Shakers,” has in Order received the word. The Male and the Female Angels are Gog and Magog.

After all my search I have to declare I have not found “ Faith in The Earth” in any one individual, or in any one Sect of Chris­tians. Faith in God and in Christ, and in “ th e prom ises ,” as a matter of course, is in the Earth; but it is only in a broken Fragmentary Condition—dispersed amongst the Sects and indivi­duals of The Sects.

The President of The Society of Progressive Spiritualists was the the first public Officer in England who kindly invited me to speak to his People. I attended to speak to them in Convention held at

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Darlington, August, 1865,—My subject, The Progressive' Circles of God, etc. And in Convention at Newcastle, 1866, I spoke tlie few words which I received from God to speak. And now again in Convention in London, June, 1867, I have offered to the same The Constitutional Arrangement, with explanations, as I was directed to do. And now, as I have not been heard, I speak to you in your Spirit Home about the True Order of Scientific Spiritualism, Dating from Tlie Morning of Existence, and about the present movement called The Society of Progressive Spiritualists, The True Order of which is the Spiritual and the Temporal Order of * the now Spiritually enfranchised, but long Abused and Misruled hum an eace . This Address is intended to be Published, and it may then be read and viewed by your Visible Order.

Speaking from my Memory—From The Vital Record of my pre­existence, with such help as God sees it proper and necessary to give me, I have to say, [That Spiritualism, and its Negative Organi­sation to secure spir itu al fr eed o m , which can only be accomplished by means of Voluntaryism, and by means of The Dual, Distinct, and Independent existence of the Spiritual and the Temporal Orders,] that The Church and The State of Spiritualism, The Primary Order of the Human Race, was as truly prepared from the Foundation of the World, From The Morning of Existence, in the Architectural Plan of God, as was The Kingdom of Christ, Or the Primary Order of The Spiritual World. Therefore, Spiritualism ought not to be perverted or Violated by Angels or by Men.


But now advancing in my Address, I will return with you,—you are yet at station number one of The Trunk Line of Truth, and be­fore starting therefrom I have much to say to you, which I learned from The Creator at the Beginning Period or during The Morning of Existenoe, which is purely of the Character of Scientific Spiritualism, and is of first interest to Mankind at large.

Permit me to say to you that The Primary, Eternal, Elemental Ocean was not all a Blank! Yet I must not detail too much of it in this place.

There is no Centripetal or Centrifugal forces to the Elemental Ocean of Illimitable and Infinite Extent. • The application of the Principles to Infinity is, or would be, simply absurd. They are applicable only to Creation extent, and to Created Bodies. .

The Elemental Ocean contained Myriads of Productions,-— Paterns of Creatures of Perfect Organisms—Paterns of Indivi­dual Functions—Patterns or forms of Parts of Beings to be Immortal —of Men and of the Angel Race. And Patterns of Animals—and of Vegetable Organisations, or The Vegetable Kingdom—Patterns of

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Celestial Systems—Orreries of Systems in motion, intended to bo Created or embodied in Created matter, or Planted in The universe

op CREATION.Some of the Patterns were Automaton, but none were Vital,

Possessing Voluntary Powers of Mind; nor did any one possess A Physiological or what is commonly called A Material Body, but they were The Embodiment of Wisdom and of Vast Labour. Very many of them were Germs ready to be planted in material Body or Substance when it should be Created or produced from The Elemental Ocean of Immensity, In which material Body they would become developed and unfolded, to possess the Power and means of their own Reproduction and Perpetuation by seeds, etc.

Many of the Animal Class were prepared, as Organised Germs, to receive the Material Physiology, and to receive Vitality, and to be developed to their own reproduction by Generation. Another Class of Animal Life is Generated by the Action of Matter in Cer­tain Condition, as Animalcule, etc.- In this Germinal and Pattern Laboratory there was the Pattern of Man in all his functional Order, so that when Creation should be made ready for him, he might be Created and stand in his place, and become developed, and thus be prepared to receive Woman— His Helper necessary to his own Perpetuation or Multiplication.

The Germ Organism of the first Immortal was Clothed with a Spiritual Body; and, secondly, it was planted in Mortal Physiology, and Vitalised as hereafter explained, so that when the Mortal was exhausted, He rose to his Spiritual Home, which is the Elemental Sphere of The Earth or Planet in which he had been Mortal.

Finally, He became further Vitalised and Developed by the Principles of Immensity, and by Eternal Life from God, by which he became enabled to Travel in Unbounded Space.

Before the starting of the Train, permit me to say further, that . the First Man was not Blessed with a Helper Meet, and therefore he had no descent: the first Man had another occupation and work to do, a portion of which was to labour over mentally and in the Spirit, as in College, To Understand The then and all the intended Creations of God—Both of Men and Angels, and also to understand their Spiritual Development in their Mortal Stage, and in the Spiritual World. This having been accomplished, The Architectu­ral Plan and Drawing of God’s Created Universe was complete, and it had been written in the Vital, in the Memory, and Understand­ing of the First Man. In this my capacity, and as part witness, and as guide or guard, permit me to say, start gently on your journey from the Infinite and Eternal Elemental Ocean.

In “ The Beginning,” that is, when nothing existed but Ele­mental Ocean and the Patterns, eto., it contained, God Created The Heaven and The Earth, and all that is in them in six Days.

The Body called Matter, and The Body called Spirit, in all their . variety or qualities, were Created from the substance of the Ele­mental Ocean, and from the Principles of it. The course of

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labour was by processes of Expansion, Condensation, and Com­bination.

But The Vital of Immortal Being was Created by the embodiment of the Principles of the Being of God, in extracted essence of the Elemental Ocean; and The Vital Being was planted in the prepared Pattern or Organism; in the Spirit Body,—in the Mortal Physiology. When the Vital Being was so planted, Man became a living Mortal and Immortal Soul, the word Soul simply meaning fourfold, which together with The Vital numbers five.

When the Mortal fails, it is said, “ The Soul has fled,” but the Immortal is still fourfold, which is clothed with imperishable Clothing o f Celestial substance. Thus the Being is still fivefold, a Vital Spiritual Being.

I have now described to you in a simple manner the Creating of the First Man, the First Finite Immortal Being. But I shall say more before I conclude concerning the Creating of the Mortal Part.

I will here state that the first Person of Each Race was Vitalised from the Being and from the Fountain of the Being of the First Man. The process in the Book of Genesis is described as God Breatfiing into Created Man, and he became a Living Soul.

I have here to state that two Beings were Created and Breathed into in the same manner as the First of each Race, but they were Created without Mortal Bodies, and they were Clothed with Celestial Clothing. They were thus Created living Souls in The Heaven or Spiritual World, and from the time of their Creation they were in Company or Companionship with God, which was a very great privilege and facility for their unfoldment, and for their progress as unfolded Beings. The name of the first is Mother Wisdom, and the name of the second is The Son of God.

Mother Wisdom was instrumental in Clothing The Son with Celestial Clothing, and hence She was called his Mothor, and God, who gave The Son into her care, is called his Father, and the Son is the only Son in this Order; and hence he is called “ The only Begotten Son.” But this Title applies more strictly to his Birth into mortality by the Virgin Mary, his Mother, because God M inis­tered The Vital Being o f The Son to H er, and the same is the function of a Father. See Psa. i i : 7. Acts xiii: 88. Heb. i : 5 v: 6. I shall have a little more to say of the two of Celestial,Origin before I close.

In the Parable related by the Saviour, Mark xii: G. it is stated that The Lord of The Vineyard had yet one son. The full realising of this statement was not until after 1816, Christian era, when God had Ministered “ The Son o f Man ” into Mortality in England.

I have now Spiritually looked down the length of the line, but the Train is still on the Border of The F irst Day o f Creation,

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The first effort or process towards producing Matter called Created was to produce Created Extent. Created Extent was pro­duced by a Vast Expansion of Elemental substance, by A Limited Chemical Ignition, The Cause and the Power of Ignition God had in Control. And there was. a consequent Immense Compression of The Primary Element on the Verge of Created Extent. To accom­plish this there was also A Consumption or Change of an Immense Quantity of the Primary Element. The Expansion was succeeded by, or consisted of a Permanent Production which may be denominated A Vacuum—The most peifjct Vacuum that can be produced.

The existence of the Globular Area or Vacuum was now The Extent of The Blank Created Universe, which you cannot break by your Air Pumps when you have abstracted The Elastic and Moveable Element called The Atmosphere from the vessel which you have exhausted.

The next effort was the production of The Primary Gages To exist and to move in the Created Universe E xtent. These were Created in great and Superfluous abundance from the Ocean of Primary Eternal Element. And the Superfluity was rcduced by the pro­duction of Denser Gase3 Capable of Mixing or Compounding, and Capable of being reduced to Fluids. I may remark here that the entire work of Creation thus far was open to be drawn upon By The Creator as needed. Thus The Source o f Material for all future increase of Material Creation may now be pronounced Established.

This day’s labour and production of Created Extent, and of Gaseous Existence, Constituted The First Day of Creation.



The Second Day Effort in the Work of Creation was The Produc­tion of Fluids by the Reduction of Gases, which was an Immense Operation, making even a draw upon the Established Order o f P ro ­ducing Oases from the Elemental Ocean, which of course lessened the Pressure of The Elemental Ocean upon the Created Universe of Space, which latter had A Consequent Expansion and Extension,- which Process has been going on from that Day to this in which you now live, in the Production of Comets, Solar Systems, and Planets which now exist in Great numbers.

It will be seen, then, that the Area of the Created Universe, when the process of Creating the First Planet was accomplished, was Insignificantly Small Compared with its present extent; and that as Creation Progresses in the Production of Solid Bodies, The Infinite Elemental Ocean is being changed. But as its amount is

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Illimitable, The Process of Creation might proceed to all Eternity without any limit. But The Creator who opened up the Process of Creation also holds it in Power to close it again, and also to reverse the Process; so that, when all The Immortals shall have Progressed into the Order of Eternal Life and Being, all Created Material Existence may be restored to the Primary Elomental Ocean. You may safely conclude that whichsoever of these finals is Wise, is best for Created Beings, that will be the course of The Creator.

I may here also state, that The Progressive and Progressed Order of Beings will attain to be able to livo in Tho Elemental Eternal Ocean, which will be the Highest Heaven to them, but the non-progressive and non-progressed, should there be such a class, will be left behind’in Created Existence, to endure en rapport with The Planets, and with the Principles of the Created Universe, which is the best that can be done for them in their Condition. There would thus be an Eternal Separation, except when Creation should be visited by Messengers, Ministers, or Missionaries,—to instruct, exhort, or to guide them to Progress, and to attain to God’s Abode —The Eternal Heaven.

You will at once see the Vast Importance to yourselves, in establishing yourselves as Scientific Progressive Spiritualist Beings; so that you may be enabled to Scientifically, and in the Spirit, Walk from Place to Place in and through The Created Universe in Company with God The Creator. Those who think that God, or that Christ is going to do their work of Progress for them, and so carry them into this Heaven, will find out they are mistaken: it never was promised, but that all would have to advance from Glory to Glory. All will be assisted to Progress, who will make the Effort to Progress.

The subject of the Production of Fluids in The Beginning of Created Existence, I will now continue. The Fluids were not all of one quality, they were of various qualities, made by the special effort of God, so as to be the Groundwork or Basis of a great Variety of Solids, which variety you now behold in the Aggregate of this Earth. This being accomplished, and the Process of producing Simple Solids by Animalcula and by Sediment being established, The Second Day of Creation Closed.


The Third Day of Creation was the effort to produce The Special Variety of Solids contained in this Earth: and there is no Addi­tional Variety in all The Created Universe. This variety was Created with a view to the requirements of The Race of Mankind, and the uses to which they might be applied, and even misapplied j

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so that even in this, Man’s limited Agency would be tried and proved to Good or to Evil.

The Spccial effort of this Day was to produce The Order or P ro ­cesses by which the various Minerals were and are produced; the full fructification of this day’s labour to Planetary B u lk , was a long Period of Duration. And as you learn by the Science of Geology even many Decades of Vegetable Kingdom have been buried deep * in the Bowels of the Earth. By which you will also see that God did not suspend the work of Creation until full Bulk was attained in the previous day’s labour.

I have also to state here, that there was another Small Planet, somewhat less than this Earth, prepared in like manner; and A Eace of Man was Created and Multiplied on the same, and the Mortal or Multiplying Order became extinct in appointed course, and the Eace Eise into the Spirit "World; and the said Planet is now resting in the Body of the Sun.

Jupiter was also prepared in like manner, in view of The Angel Eace being produced or Created and Multiplied thereon. They be­came extinct in their Mortal Order Fourteen Millions of years ago; And The Planet Jupiter Tenantless is still suspended in the Solar System. And there is no other Body in ' Created Celestial Existence at present prepared or suitable for an Order or Eace of Immortal Beings to dwell in.

But the Production of all those Solid Bodies, which you behold in space, has been the means of Extending the Area of The Created Universe, and of Producing more and Superior Atmosphere for the use of Beings in their Mortal stage ; and also more and Superior Spiritual Substance for the increasing number of those in the Im­mortal State, so that they could be energised with Power to Pro­gress in Body, Mind, and in Spirit: and So That Each Succeeding Eace could be Created Superior to its Predecessor. And hence The Eace of Man is the most Energetic, the most Mental, and the most Progressed, and the Strongest in Principle, of The Three Eaces, which constitute The A ll O f the Created Universe; in which alone Immortal Beings can be Created and Progressed to become Suitable Companions for God Their Creator.

The Measure of Mind, and of Wisdom, and of The Evidences of The Goodness of God as Implanted and Embodied in The Created Universe, is the Measure of Progress, of the Culture, of the Status necessary suitably to prepare the Soul for the Citizenship of Eter­nal Life—for The Eternal Elemental Heaven—The Abode of God.


The Fourth Day labour was to transplant, from the Elemental Ocean The Organisations, and to endow them with vitality as seeds of vegeta-

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tion and of Trees. And also to plant in The Earth a power of Spon­taneous Vegetation, by infusing • into it A Portion of The Primary Elemental Ocean, which, compared with the Solid Material Productions of the Third Day, is vital; and hence in all Climates of the earth, wherever the proper conditions for vegetation exists, The Vegetable Kingdom is manifested.

This day of labour included The Class of small Animalcular Animals so closely connected with the Vegetable Kingdom as to be necessary to consume the exudations of portions of the Vegetable Kingdom.

The Vegetable Kingdom in its growth and decay was not only designed to increase and to enrich the Soil, but it was also designed for the production of Coal, Oils, and Gases, which are now being used by Civilised, Scientific, or Cultivated Man. Also it was fully adopted and good for food for the Animal Kingdom, which was to be Created by the Fifth Day Labour; and also it contained all that was necessary for food for Man.


The Fifth Day Labour was the Creation of Animals.A Reservoir or Small Sea of Gelatinal matter was Created by Com­

pounding Portions of the Earthy, the Fluid, the Vegetable, and tho Elementary Creations, as a Gross Physiological Basis or Womb.

And The Organisations or Germs of all Beasts (of the same class of flesh,) were removed from the Great Laboratory—The Elemental Ocean, and placed, in the Gelatinal Sea or Womb : they were now in process of being clothed by their own Vital Activity with Animal Body; into which, after Birth, Suitable portions of the Vegetable Kingdom could be introduced into the Stomach and by process become Assimilated, and thus Sustain them. In due course, after much activity, they emerged from, or had Birth of this Gelatinal Sea to Breathe the Atmospheric element, and to feed upon the Vegetation and Fruits by which their Mother was Surrounded.

The Organisms of The Animal Creation—prepared in the Great Laboratory, The Elemental Ocean, were in their nature a Semi-Source of Vitality ; and the Gelatinal Sea in its Nature, was the Mater Semi- Source of Vitality; and when the two were brought together, by the Activity of the Primale (The Organisation from the Elemental Ocean) A Vital Physiological Animal Entity was thus Produced; and it waxed and laboured to Birth of the Gelatinal Womb, which was less in nature than the Germ or Animal Organism. The Animal could now breathe the Atmospheric element, and partake of fluids, and of vegetation, and Purify its Circulating fluid called blood, and Sustain its Body.

And when the Animal Organism is Vitally injured, or the Physiology Produced from the Geletinal Womb becomes exhausted, or should it become chemically deranged by Disease, Its Entity becomes Extinct.

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But the Immortal at a like crisis, being in the Possession of A Spiritual Body, Has, as it were, A Second Birth,—a Birth from The Anim al Body or Physiology ; and he is thus Born through (Death) into Heaven, or into The Elemental Sphere of The Earth, there to make further Progress unto Eternal Life; and to The Abode of God, The Eternal Heaven.

Like reservoirs were prepared for other Classes of Animals whose flesh is of a different Order: as for instance, The flesh of Birds : and also A Class of Beasts, which, in a certain emergency, was intended for food for Man. Also the Animal or tho Physiological Body of Created ,)Ian was prepared in like manner.

I have to state here, that the Animals, or all life, in travail in the Gelatinal Womb, drew support in like manner as the same life in travail in the Womb of Generation or Pro-creation.

Of course the Originating of Creation is very different to Generation and Birth. The Germs or Organisations were further prepared, were nearer maturity; so that by The Creation Process, they were born nearly of full Growth, and capable of selecting food, and otherwise taking care of themselves.

Yet there is a similarity between Creation and Pro-creation, in the fluid or Gelatinal nature of the Semen, in which the Vital nature is contained, and in which it works out its Body form: The Germ is Created to possess The Power and Affinity to Assimilate the Mineral or Earthy matter necessary to compose Bone and Sinew, The Fluids for their various purposes, and the Component Whole of The Gelatine necessary to com­pose flesh: This first Process is completed immediately after Concep­tion.

The next process is Growth,—The Infant begins to draw and to As­similate support from the Mother, and thus or .in this manner it becomes matured unto Birth: afterwards to be reared with care until maturity of Person is attained.

In the Generation of Immortal Beings, there is also Spirit Substance which accompanies the Vital Semen To Clothe the Vitalised Organism as A Spiritual Body which is Immortal; and this Spiritual Body con­taining The Vital M an, Rises into the Spiritual World, when the Tem­poral Body returns to the earth from whence it was taken. •


The Heaven and The Earth, and The Vegetable and The Animal Kingdoms were now Created: But the Immortal was yet to be Created.

And this Creation (The Heaven and Earth) In Its Order and Sub­stance, and in its Vitality, was the Basis of all that has since been accumulated in The Created Universe : All Solid Bodies in Space, All Planets and their contents and their Spheres, are of the same nature as this Earth.

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T he E arth and Heaven on and in which The Human Eace now lives, and about which The Other Two Immortal Eaces or Creations now move, W as “ The Beginning,” The F irst Created Order, and it is also “ The E n d in g” Order of Immortal Multiplying Creation.

I again express i t : this E arth Order o f Matter and Spirit, W as The F irst Creation in The Infinite Universe. And after a period of D ura­tion equal to 1900 years dating from the Creating of Humanity, This Order was reduced to Latency. In this condition the Earth was said to be “ V oid ,” but it was not yet out of form. Disturbance afterwards was the means of producing deform ity; this disturbance was tho separating o f a large portion o f E arth from the main Body, to plant at a proper distance, preparatory to the E arth becoming A Planet revolving around the present S u n ; and The Moon which you now behold by night, is the identical portion which was taken from the Earth. “ The E a rth ” was now “ without form and V oid,” in which condition it was permitted to remain. The present Eace of Man is Tho L ast Creation,— there will be no other Creation of Im mortal Beings in the Infinite Universe To

- A ll E ternity.I w ill now speak of the Labour of the Sixth D ay of Creation. A

suitable locality, a place of sufficient Safety from the injurious portions o f the Anim al Creation was chosen and prepared for the Creation of M an. A s there must be an Identical L ocality where Man was Created, it will not be deemed improper to point it o u t; that it may be Historically Eecorded, and become impressed upon the Memory of every Being in Created E xistence: I have to say, that the Identical Locality where the first Immortal Being was Created, is The District of London. I who now speak to you am the Identical Man (Except M y Body) Created at The Beginning period of Existence in the District of The C ity of London.

The mode of Creating The Human Body has already been pointed to in the account o f the Fifth D ay Labour.

A t the Beginning there was no Sun nor Moon nor Stars to give Light to the E arth . B u t I will explain, that the Earth .was clothed or sur­rounded by an Halo of L ight in which I could see, which light was Created for “ The Beginning ” Period.

The Firmament, or the Partition between Heaven and E arth, was the same as it is h o w ; you are engaged taking cognisance from the inner, through the Organism and the live Senses of the Organism o f the M ortal or Physiological B o d y : when this Body dies you are in sensuous relation to Im m ortals, and having become withdrawn from the Mortal Body, you are to and in the Spirit World, Beholding at the same timo the Mortal Corpse and the Material World you have been Born out of. The M ortal Physiology, then, is the Firmament, together with tho Atmosphere or Exterior Elem ental Physical Nature,— it is the Partition between The Heaven and The Earth Societies of Beings— Between The Inhabitants of The E arth and The Inhabitants of Heaven.

T o be in rapport with God was a living Spiritual Telegraph which connected with the Spiritual Organs of Senso, yet by it no one can

• realm Bave the Mortal in eaid rapport. W hen the L ife Telegraph


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has been lost, communication is effected by The Im m ortal; and those in M ortality who live in accordance with (or nearest to) The L aw s and Principle o f their Being,— in M orality, Sociality, Dietetics, and Genera­tion— stand ready to be communicated with, by Impression, Illum ina­tion, or Inspiration ; but those who live grossly in these respects may also be reached by Ministering Spirits, but with difficulty, and perhaps with uncertainty : such ones, therefore, should become Reformers, and progress to live in harmony with the Law s of their Nature, that they may thus stand in readiness to bo restored to their Birthright.

In “ The Beginning ” there were no D ays nor years, but Duration was the same as now; and I have to say, that I remained in the Mortal state a period equal to 4 57 y e a rs ; and I departed from M ortality when m y work was done, Rising into The Heaven under influence o f The Creator.

In order to glance at the whole Order down to the present, because of m y limited Time and Space, I must compress this history. Proceed­ing then at Express rate, I will say, that it was quite easy for me to walk the air, which is a Compound of Elem ents, but more difficult to walk in Space above the air, and to enter upon The Elem ental Ocean.

A fter leaving the Mortal B ody I beheld the same E arth in every way, but more clearly and to greater advantage as regards scenery, &c.

A fter entering The Spirit W orld, I had a great mental labour, in view­ing and reviewing Creation; and in looking down into futurity which was to be marked with events in the Creation or M ultiplication of W orlds,— Celestial Bodies and System s,— of Immortal Races of Beings, and the Progressive Development of them, even down to The Descend­ing of The “ New Jerusalem .” And it was then appointed, that I should give this account o f myself, and this Chapter of Scientific Spiritualism, in this D istrict, to Spiritualists— to those who have become Spiritual Heirs to the Order o f Their Race.

The labour in the Spiritual Heaven occupied me intensely during a period equal to 1400 years. I have to say, that I was then Somnam- bulised by The Creator, and m y V ital Being and m y Spirit Substance • were preserved until 18 15 , present era; at which time it was Ministered to be clothed with its present Mortal Tenemont, which you now behold. B ut from “ The Beginning ” until now, The Fountain of H oly Spirit in the Bosom of The Infinite was never closed.

I have to say, that after I had been withdrawn from Active L ife , The Second Created, Immortal Being was made in the Spirit W orld. The same was of the Order of W oman. H er name is “ Mother W isdom .” A t the commencement o f her time, the Moon was separated from the E arth.

The next or Third Created Being was “ The Son O f G od,’ ’ who was sent to this E arth 1867 years ago. H e was Created in the Spiritual Heaven, and he was cared for by God and by Mother W isdom. And after a very long Period, The Sun of this Solar System was Created, and this Earth was caused to revolve around i t : The Sun was the Second Created Solid Body.

After another long period, Another E arth or Planet was Created and .

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appointed to revolve around the Sun. This Planet also was suitably prepared for A Race o f Im mortal Beings, to be Created and developed in i t ; and in it, The F irst Race o f Procreative Beings was Created. They were much Smaller Persons than the Present Raco o f Man, although they were the same as Mankind in every other respect. This Race existed in their Planet, and its Spiritual Heaven, 7;000,454 years ; and it was put to rest in this E arth on the Continent of North A m erica ; and after resting four Million Millions of years, in 1854, present era, they were waked up and they are now near this Earth E n ­gaged in A Labour of Progress. T hey number fourteen Million Millions of Beings.

Again, after a very long period o f time, The Planet Jupiter was Created, placed in the Order o f this Solar System, and prepared for the Creating, M ultiplying, and partial development of the Immortal Race called Angels.

T he Mortal lifetime o f The Angel Race was a thousand years : they too were less in Person than the Race of Man. They existed in their Mortal Order, as a Race, Three Million Millions of years. Tho Entire Race has been in the Spiritual W orld more than Fourteen Millions of years. And they have clustered around The Human Race to have Dominion over it, but they are now rejected and required to desist, that T he Hum an Race may be Governed in Harmony with its own unfallen nature, which God pronounced to be very good. Gen. i : 81.

T H E S E V E N T H D A Y , O R T H E SA B B A T H .

In the Beginning, when the Orders and Processes of the five D ays of Creation had been Established, and their work of Production would advance without aid ; and when on the Sixth D ay Man had been Created, who was the object of G od’s L ore and care, A D ay of Rest could ensue, and God “ In the B egin nin g” Established T he Sabbath D ay.

I have to explain, that in Creating M an, A Source or Fountain of H oly Spirit ” was opened in the Being of God. [Do you not, as Good Parents, know that, when you have Offspring Born, your Affections are opened up ?] I The F irst Man was not The Fountain, nor The Spirit which was Ministered therefrom : B u t by its Blessing I loved The Truth, I Loved to be Kind to all that had Life, to be innocent and H o ly : And in consequence I was called by The Lord,— “ The Spirit of Truth ” — “ The H oly Spirit.” And now in m y calling as “ The Son of M an,” W ithout The Spirit From God, I should be poor indeed.

Think you that T he Saviour was the Fountain o f Salvation 1 N ay, H e declared that without God He could do nothing. (St. John v : 80.) B u t the Fountain o f Salvation in Tho Being of The Infinite was opened in relation to The Saviour when he was sont as Christ, and had B irth into T im e ; And hence he is The Saviour, and of this Title and

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Relation to God The Infinite, none m ay rob him. In like manner, I am The H oly Spirit, The Spirit o f Truth. And I work together with The Infinite, to the best o f m y poor mortal ability, Rejecting E v il. St. J o h n x v i:1 8 .

“ In The Beginning,” T he Sabbath was set apart for Spiritual Meditation, W orship, and Thanksgiving; and the Blessings o f God were Special on that D ay. And I bear witness that, now at “ The E nding,” The Blessing is Special on The D ay of Devotion to Spiritual Meditation, W orship, and Thanksgiving. Therefore I say unto all, let nothing Rob you of the Sabbath D ay. The Sabbath D ay has been given to E ach of the Three Creations of God.

The account of Creation given in Genesis commencing with “ And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the w aters,” was the restoring of the E arth from Latency, Chaos, and D eform ity: which work may be properly called Creation. B u t The Race of Man was Created in the same manner as the first Created Race of Man.

The account in Genesis is a very brief Synopsis accoun t: T he first

AND SECOND VERSES INFOLDING THIS PRESENT ACCOUNT OF “ THE BEGIN­NING ” w ork of creation , W hich The Lord now gives to Mortal Man and to the Heavens. I am not required to expatiate on the Synthetical account of Creation in the Book of “ Genesis.”

L e t no one doubt about the Power of God to move and to wield large Bodies of Solid M atter or portions of th e m ; God can operate by means of The Law s and The Principles by which they are suspended In Space, and by which they are Compounded and H eld Together, as easily as you can operate by means of Cords and Ropes attached to objects : so that in Wisdom and ease, and even Instantaneously, The Immense Lum inary and its System of Planets, etc., entire, are under Control and in Motion. The most perfect Illustration in Nature is the apparent control of the Mesmerist Over his Subject.

L et no one think that God Could not as with A Breath, or by a movement of The Hand, Sweep all Created Beings in The Heavens and in The E a r th : Y et God does not deal with Created Beings in that w a y ; but the necessary restraint and checks to evil, and the means of Progress or Reform, m ust be m in is te r e d .


Matt, xxi: 33. .Mark x ii: 1. Luke x x : 9.

A fter the Protestant Reformation, A Special w ork was opened by God in “ Great B rita in :” And, as on all former such occasions, The Inhabitants o f the Spirit W orld flocked to i t : So that The Mass of The Angel Order, and the Mass o f The Human Fam ily, were gathered over Great Britain.

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T he L ord required these two Bodies to work together over Great Britain, T o Establish The Reformation Orders, and by tho same, to Send out Gospel Missions to all Peoples and Nations.

In the Reform Order, The Spirits of The Human Fam ily were to communicate to or to inspire The Human Fam ily who were yet in M or­tality ; and the Angel Order was to be with The Saviour in The Church Order, and with Him to form A Special Ministry to the Human Fam ily On The Sabbath Day.

Under this M inistry “ The V in e ” (Under The care of God The Husbandman) began to put forth Branches— The Puritans, Tho Pres­byterians, The Quakers, &c. (The full Growth o f The Vine in all its Branches is to give and to Secure Religious Freedom to Mortals.)

The Angel Orders were not satisfied; they desired The Saviour to have a further work in Mortals than the mere redemption of M ankind; they desired their own Order to be introduced, in which Mankind would live as The A n g e ls ; but The Saviour objected, and The Lord put it into The Saviour’s Mind to protect his Kingdom. B u t the Saviour planned [to Pacify the Angels] to introduce A Second E ve Order, in which Souls would be Volunteers, and live A Virgin life. The Saviour claimed this Order, and The Angels were to be Ministers with T he Saviour to it, in The Order of Tho Kingdom of Christ.

B u t The Angels demanded to set up A Dominion— Those Born into The Second E ve Order were to be The Kingdom, The True Seed And, Heirs in Christ,— The New Creation Children— The Offspring of The Second Adam and E ve. Thus the Spiritual Birthright was to descend from The Protestant Reform Church. T he Saviour Yielded to The Angels under Protest.

The m atter was presented by The Saviour to G o d ; and I have to say, that the M atter was Premature and Unnecessary, viewed in the A ngel aspect in particular, as the fulness o f the Kingdom, o f Christ had not been realised since the falling away o f The Church from the fulness introduced by Christ in Person. The latter day fulness of Tho Church and Kingdom was prom ised; therefore it must be evident that the dissatisfaction o f The Angels, which caused the matter to be laid before T he Saviour, was over haste 1 and a little want of Faith in God.

T h e S a n c tif ie d O rd e r of The Church in The Kingdom of Christ is yet to be opened, or Restored and opened in Greater fulness than at the beginning o f Christianity. The Church is looking Backward in Ritualism, but it will y et move forward with The Lord. There will yet be The Sacred Order of The Church on Earth consisting of Souls, from whatever rank of Society they may bo called, who, having ful­filled The Law and Order o f Generation, have risen in Tho Spirit of The Lord, and have devoted themselves to God In Spirit and in Person, and to The Principles of The Church and The Kingdom, to walk in the samo by D ay and by Night. These and none others are “ The L atter D ay Saints,” who will not need to live in Cloisters or walled Villages to shut themselves out from Tho W orld for fear of contam ination; they are risen above temptation and the desire to do a wrong thing, and they can do good, in Order and in Season, amongst

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the Poor and the Needy of their Brethren and Sisters o f The Human Fam ily.

B u t The Second E v e Order must be viewed. I have to say, that The Second E ve promised at “ The Beginning ” Period was already in E xisten ce; The First E ve was the Woman of The F irst Bace o f M an— The Woman of The A ngel Order is called The S era p h ; She was not an E v e — She was the first, The Created Person of The Angel Race, As Adam was The First or The Created Person of'T he Race of M a n : The Woman of The Race of Man is Therefore The Second E ve . So far,' then, as The Promise given at the Beginning was concerned, it had been accom plished; B u t the Spiritual loss by the fall of Man must be restored, So that The Spirit o f Truth as The Son of Man could have B irth into Time by means of Souls Redeemed by the Spirit o f C h r is t; but this Birth could not possibly take place in_ the Saviour’s Shaker Order of the Second E ve, because they are A Virgin Order.

B ut in T he Christian Order which has Received The Spirit o f Re- demption by Christ, [As in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive] “ The Son of Man ” could have B irth into m ortality, because it is not A Virgin Order. Therefore Tho Kingdom o f Christ could not descend from The Reform Order, nor be given up, until “ The Son of Man ” should come.

I have to say, that The Infinite Overruled The Rebellious desire o f The Angels, and also The Petition of the Saviour, to introduce Another Kingdom in The Kingdom, and in yielding to The Angels, anoth er dom inion into the E arth by means of The Second E ve , B y Permitting it, and at the same time introducing the W ork and Judgm ent of The Apocalypse ; by which “ H im that had the Power of Death ” would be judged and Destroyed, and by which “ D eath ,” which caused the disaffection of The Angels, would also be Destroyed.

Although The D evil would have Power to afflict the Projected K in g­dom with Death, (Rev. x i i : 1 1 .) yet' The Lord took the opportunity to make an E n d and E n d of E vil in destroying the two W ilful Enemies— The D evil, and that Rebellious W icked Spirit which has been revealed In The Angels, and in A Portion of The Followers of The Second E ve . (2nd Thess. ii: 8-12.)

In Overruling to defeat The Angel, and "to give Power to Christ to defeat and to Destroy The Devil, God laid the plan, that the work- of The Apocalypse should be opened in relation to the proposed Kingdom which The D evil was ready to possess.

The work of the Apocalypse could have been introduced into the E arth and laboured otherwise. B u t they were permitted to go forward, and God appeared to help them in their work ; but they (nor even the Son Christ Jesus) knew not The Counsel of God.

The Second E ve was made or prepared, and the Saviour appeared unto her in Manchester in E n g la n d ; and the Order was Characterised as “ T he Second Appearing o f Christ.”

The next Great question was, a place or Seat for the Proposed Order or Kingdom. The accomplishment of such a work was not a thing of a moment,— it was viewed that such A Kingdom could not be E sta ­

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47blished in E ngland Proper, but in one of the Colonies, by taking ground or Settling there, and by causing A Revolution, wresting the Colonies from the Order of E n g la n d : but finally they found they could not obtain Ground of Order in that way, nor in any way without God gave them Order. One of the L ord ’s Parables given by The Saviour was already in course of Development in the Colonies.

M att, x iii: 24. The Puritan Fathers and Others were counted Seed o f T he Kingdom , and they had been Sown in the American ColonieB. The D evil Sowed Slavery Called “ The Tares,"— thus the ground was occupied, The Battle between Good and E vil was already set in array, when the Second E ve, with her company, went to America in 1774 .

In planting the Seed of The Kingdom, The Lord, “ The Husbandman ” o f “ The Y in e ,” planted The Church of Christ in The Colonies as “ T he V ineyard.”

Now The Fulness o f The Vineyard Order would be A Virgin Order like unto The Church of The Apostles, which was after the example or daily life of Christ when on E arth. Again, The Order of “ The Second Appearing o f Christ ” to be consistent, M ust necessarily be based on The F irst Appearing. Thus, at this juncture, The Lord could give them an arrangement on certain terms-: So The Vineyard in its fulness Order was let to T he A n gela; but this did not destroy The Reform Order of The V ineyard,— The Protestant Church and its Branches in A m erica:— T he Fruit o f The Vineyard was not to be withheld when The Lord should send The Servants.

The fulness of The Vineyard Order was adopted as the mode of life for The Shaker People. B u t by means of A Church Covenant which Established them as A Common Property Order, and by means of an Agreem ent made in writing and Tenable at-Law, which all new comers or Probationary Members must sign after deciding to remain with the People, they stood in the Form and Power of Dominion.

The Vineyard Order was perverted, to bo in harmony with the Sex Relation of The Angels of Progress, by a piece of Subtlety. It has been stated that in Christ there is neither M ale nor F e m a l e this was laid hold of as favouring the E quality of the Sexes in Spiritual O rder; and this was the Form and Relation of the Sexes in the Angel O rder; but how can this be true, when The Saviour contained (?) A “ Second E ve ?”

B ut even in this form it was not necessary to use the Power of D om inion; and The Husbandmen and The Shakers were forbid to do so by The Lord, as it was incompatible with The Spirit of the Lord to do so. Nothing but prayer and the Power o f the Spirit of God was to be used against the Spiritual Conduct of G od’s Free agentive Creature M an. It was understood that The Law of The Land would deal with any who should prove Criminal, without the exercise o f The Order of T he Spiritual Vineyard, and without the Brute Force of The Husband­men.

I am sorry to have to say, that The Angels devised means to wrest The Vineyard from Creation because it was good. It was in harmony with M an’s F ree-A gen cy: and to this E nd they caused the visible

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People to exercise Dominion, sometimes one over another, and some­times over Probationary members to drive them off, or to cast them out. The afflicted Shaker Order had all this to endure, but the Great Trial and Affliction was yet to come, when The Lord should send Ser­vants to Obtain The Vineyard Order, and to return with it for the Benefit of their Fellow Mortals.' And whom should T h e L ord send ? The Church of Christ already contained The Order of The Fulness to be unfolded in “ the Fulness of T im es" by the rising of Tho Church to its Glory and The G lory of God. A ll Practical Reformers And Teachers of Reform are Servants o f God, and these were the needy, and from these The L ord called and sent The Servants. Charles Lane, o f London, was Sent 18 4 8 ; Robert Atkin in the winter o f 1844 : Samuel Bower, o f Bradford, Yorkshire, was s e n t; Thomas Richmond in the winter o f 184rf, and others. The Servants were all abused, and operated by what was called T he Bind­ing and Loosing Power of The Church— which was made use of on the Assumption that The Birthright and The Order of The "Kingdom of Christ, had descended from The Protestant Reform Church to The Second E ve Church. A s this has already been shown to be absurd and fallacious, (except as the labour o f the Apocalypse, and The Judg­ment Battle has been in relation to the Second E ve Order,) I need not go over it again. The Servants were abused, and sent away empty.

. Mark xii: 6 .— I was sent to The Vineyard from The City o f London in December, 18 53. I was in Audible relation to the Spirit W orld. T he Angels and The Shakers in the Spirit W orld made great Deceptive promises, wishing me to go. I arrived early in 18 54. B u t when they had me in their Order, or Society Power, they cast me out, and they slew m e ! That is, The Invisible and The Visible Society Co-operating together made use of Legal measures to eject me from the Prem ises of The Society, and that for no fault whatever on m y part, but simply because I went when I was sent for The F ru it, The Order of The Vineyard.

B u t ejectment was not the end of the matter. A B ody of Millions of the invisible, Composed of Angels and Shakers, Pursued me to afflict me by means of Brutal Mesmeric Power and Operations, such force as Spirits use in Spiritualism to move gross matter. And they Violated M y Person in ways-and by Means unfit to be mentioned, Operating the Functions of M y Person to Pollute and to destroy me from being M orally Good and V irtu o u s; And also afflicting m y most sensitive parts, causing much pain and many Diseases, and even doing all in their power to slay m y Hum an Body. T hey have Deprived me o f m y Natural Rest, and neither Time nor Place has exempted me from The F ury of Tho B east for m any years.. So that, in . consequence of those things, and I might say unspeakably more of the same character, I am fully decided, and I forever abstain from forming part of any Order of Created Beings in The E arth or in The Heavens. Because Creatures Sink down to take Power Over Souls,— ju st as though any organisation which Creatures can enter into is equal in Value and more in Value than the Soul or than the Freedom of the Upright Soul. I deny that

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any Order, Society, or Kingdom that can be formed in Heaven or on E arth , is o f as m uch Value as T he Immortal Soul, or as the Freedom o f the U pright Soul. Therefore, I say, except you can Associate in Freedom in A Society Order In Harmony with the Soul, and even Sub- —servient to the Associated, aw ay w it h a l i^ association 1! ! And r e l y ^ * 1̂ ^ * upon God and the Nature o f your Being for your Eternal Happiness,Because G od is the Source of Harmony, and your Being is the means to the E n d— Universal H arm ony I ! And when your Being shall Fructify and bear F ru it ,,it will be in Unison with God, Eternal Freedom,Eternal Heaven.

T o be Free, I , and every Free-agentive Creature of God’s Creation, m ust be in The In fin ite ! And in relation to The Infinite alone do I expect to be Free In The Truth and in Righteousness and Goodness of Life.

The operation o f Order, [in all mere Spiritual and Secular Societies,] except against Criminals to be tried by Jury, &c., Is Brute Force ! is the Im age of the hidden B east which operates from the Spirit W orld:—Prim arily from The D evil, B u t as the last enemy to be destroyed,Secondarily from T he Angels and a portion of The Shakers, who have pursued me with evil, and also many before me. Rev. 18 . The F irst Beast came up through Nature ; but the Second came up through H um an Government or “ The E a rth ;'' And The Second Beast Is The Vineyard Husbandman, &c. The Im age of The Beast is tho visible Shaker Order.

The call and Order o f Christ is Voluntaryism Pure and Simple.The present call o f God, and any Society or Order in harmony there­with, is the same, and anything else will not stand in the Judgment I So let all be W arned to set The House of God and of Christ in Order, so far as they are personally concerned, and so to keep it.

T H E O R D E R O F T H E H U M AN R A C E .

P fh. cxxvii. 1 , “ E xcep t Tho L ord Build The House, they labour in vain that build it .”

I w ill support no Propaganda in the Order of The Human Race, but that o f Messengers or Ministers to tell The News of the work of God, and the Reforms which they are endeavouring to effect in Co-operation with each other, and with Tho Invisible Ministry. I will build no s p ir it u a l so ciety but that of A Committee^ who shall record gratis the names and Addresses o f those whom the Spirit makes Members, and even the Said Members ought to voluntarily offer their names &o. to be recorded, so that they may be in Communion, and in Order to engage in Co-operative Reformatory Measures with the Temporal Committee.

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C H R IS T E N D O M .

I will not in m y Spirit Sustain A Government or A Chuvoh that will ■wantonly [without Crim inal Offence] Resort to Use the Spirit o f Power and Dominion.

ft* ?

T H E K IN G D O M O F G O D .

Tlio F ru it o f The Vineyard has not been given, but it has been taken. The Kingdom of God has been taken from them. M att, xxi. 48.

The Angels, and the union o f some o f the Shakers with them, To Force a Dominion upon Creation, have caused the Destruction o f the Vineyard Order o f The Angel Husbandmen. M att. xxi. 4 1 . M ark xii. 9. Luke xx. 16 .

A t the close of The Judgm ent, T he A ngel Order and R ace is requested to withdraw from the E arth. And The Vineyard is restored to “ The Kingdom ” in the restored union of T he Reform Protestant Church o f America with the English Church; and of course, The fulness o f the Vineyard Order is restored with The Vineyard Order, and Tho Shaker People will assume or Rise to other Order: I t m ay be to the Order o f the Fulness of The Kingdom of Christ In Tho Kingdom of God, i f they are able.

T he Stone which The F in ite Builders Reject, is the Spirit o f The L ord.

Henceforth The “ departed S p irits” o f The H um an Race Are The M inistry To T he Human R ace in M ortal Bodies. The Saviour will be with his Angels and V isit The E arth on Sabbath D ay.

T he Kingdom does not consist in Devoted or Consecrated Property, or in Common Property Systems. It does not consist in V irginity or o f Celibacy. T he Kingdom does not mean, or in any w ay infold, The Subjection o f One Soul to Another. B u t it consists in victory over e v il — In Righteousness of daily life, E qu ity , and Truth.

Those who M arry to M ultiply the Species do well, and when that w ork is accomplished, if they become Virgin again, they do so in Wisdom and in True Progress. And those whom the Spirit m ay move to be Virgin through life, in Voluntarily Serving to be with the Spirit, also do w e ll; and they begin early to make True P ro gress:— This iB The Door which Christ opened. B u t the fulfilment of Tho L aw of T he Human Race opens T he Form er Door of Virginity, ivhich is the Orderly preparation fo r H eaven ; A Portion o f The Pristine Order of T he Human Race, and of course it is the course o f Progress In Paradise Regained : Regained in labour o f God [A n d o f Christ whom G od B y means o f the L aw Or Israel, B y means of Christ and

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Christianity, B y Tho Coming o f Tho Kingdom o f God, and the out­pouring o f The Spirit. The Spirit is poured out upon Natural Man as well as upon the Members o f the The Church. And as Nature, Tho Law , and The Gospel are equally o f God, They are Equally Included in God’s Kingdom.

“ Eternal L ife ” in The Heaven o f God’s Eternal Being, or in those •who Progress T o Receive and to live in H o ly Order, I need not speak o f further in this place. ,

A fter many Ages o f labour in The Spirit, for Special puposes, This matter Relative to “ The Husbandman,” etc., Is still “ Marvellous.” Matt. xxi. 42. But let no one on that account Doubt Tho Verity of what is stated in the foregoing Pages o f the present work o f God.

D A V ID R IC H M O ND .18, Chapel Street, Darlington,

D urham County, England.






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