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Secondary Indexing in Phoenix

Jesse YatesHBase CommitterSoftware Engineer

HBase BoF – June 25, 2013

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• Motivation• History• HBase Consistent Indexing– Index Management– Recovery Mechanism

• Conclusion

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A quick note…

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• Motivation• History• HBase Consistent Indexing– Index Management– Recovery Mechanism

• Conclusion

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Why do we need them?

• Sorted by key– Great for accessing on that key

What if we want to access by another dimension!?Table Scan!

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A short example

• Easy to search by name of food

• Hard to search on another dimension

Name Type Date Received Manufacturer Current Count

Apple Macintosh 6/23/13 Good Farm Inc. 200

Turkey Breast 6/23/13 Tasty Meat Co. 42

Chicken Drumstick 6/18/13 Pretty Ok Food 3

Jam Strawberry 6/18/10 Mash It Up Inc. 700

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A short exampleName Type Date Received Manufacturer Current Count

Apple Macintosh 6/23/13 Good Farm Inc. 200

Turkey Breast 6/23/13 Tasty Meat Co. 42

Chicken Drumstick 6/18/13 Pretty Ok Food 3

Jam Strawberry 6/18/10 Mash It Up Inc. 700

Date Received Name Type Manufacturer Current Count

6/18/13 Jam Strawberry Mash It Up Inc. 700

6/18/13 Chicken Drumstick Pretty Ok Food 3

6/23/13 Apple Macintosh Good Farm Inc. 200

6/23/13 Turkey Breast Tasty Meat Co. 42

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• Motivation• History• HBase Consistent Indexing– Index Management– Recovery Mechanism

• Conclusion

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HBase is “Special”…

• Partitioned Keys (“HRegion”)

• Scales because regions are independent

• Built-in data recovery mechanisms

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Hasn’t someone tried this?

• Omid

• Percolator

• Culvert

• Lily

• TrendMicro

• Client-coordinated

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We’ve gotten better…

• NGData– HBase-SEP– HBase-Indexer

• Intel– Lucene Full Text Indexing

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Still missing some things

• In-HBase index storage– Just another table in HBase

• Simple consistency guarantees– If X fails, then Y

• Minimal overhead for covered indexes– Network roundtrips

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• Motivation• History• HBase Consistent Indexing– Index Management– Recovery Mechanism

• Conclusion

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Two Major Components

• Index Management– Build index updates– Ensures index is ‘cleaned up’

• Recovery Mechanism– Ensures index updates are “ACID”

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Index Management

• Lives within a RegionCoprocesorObesrver• Access to the local Hregion• Specifies the mutations to apply to the index


public interface IndexBuilder {public void setup(RegionCoprocessorEnvironment env);public Map<Mutation, String> getIndexUpdate(Put put);public Map<Mutation, String> getIndexUpdate(Delete delete);


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Index Management

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Key Observation #1

“We shouldn’t need to provide stronger guarantees than HBase - that is just asking for a bad time.”

- Jon Hsieh

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* Paraphrased


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• Does NOT give you:– Cross-row consistency– Cross-table consistency

• Does give you:– Durable data on success– Visibility on success without partial rows

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Key Observation #2

“Secondary indexing is inherently an easier problem than full transactions… secondary index updates are idempotent.”

- Lars Hofhansl

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Idempotent Index Updates

• Doesn’t need full transactions

• Replay as many times as needed

• Can tolerate a little lag– As long as we get the order right

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Taking a little ACID…

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Durable Indexing: Standard Write Path

Client HRegion





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Durable Indexing: Standard Write Path

Client HRegion





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Durable Indexing





Indexer IndexBuilder

WAL Updater


IndexerIndex Table

Index TableIndex Table

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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

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Durable Indexing

Client HRegion







Index TableIndex TableIndex Table

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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

• After writing WAL, before index update– WAL Replay updates the index table and the

primary table

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Durable Indexing

Client HRegion







Index TableIndex TableIndex Table

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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

• After writing WAL, before index update– WAL Replay updates the index table and the

primary table

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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

• After writing WAL, before index update– WAL Replay updates the index table and the

primary table• Mid-index update– WAL Replay finishes index update, primary table


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Durable Indexing

Client HRegion







Index TableIndex TableIndex Table

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Failure Situations• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

• After writing WAL, before index update– WAL Replay updates the index table and the primary

table• Mid-index update– WAL Replay finishes index update, primary table


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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

• After writing WAL, before index update– WAL Replay updates the index table and the primary

table• Mid-index update– WAL Replay finishes index update, primary table update

• After index updates, before primary– WAL Replay restores primary state, idempotently

applies index updates

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Durable Indexing

Client HRegion







Index TableIndex TableIndex Table

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Failure Situations

• Before writing the WAL– Nothing is durable, nothing is visible

• After writing WAL, before index update– WAL Replay updates the index table and the primary

table• Mid-index update– WAL Replay finishes index update, primary table update

• After index updates, before primary– WAL Replay restores primary state, idempotently

applies index updates

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Special Note: Failed Index Updates

• Index is corrupted– Index Table does not exist– Index table does not have write schema– Etc.

• Fail-fast behavior– Kill the whole server– Forces WAL Replay to enforce correctness– Modular enough to support alternative schemes

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Key Points

• Custom KeyValues to enable index durability in primary table WAL

• Custom WALEdit Codec for index update with WAL Replay

• Will see index updates before primary– Only a little bit of lag and never ‘wrong’– Matches HBase consistency

• Fail-fast behavior to enforce correctness

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Upcoming Work

• Performance testing

• Standard covered index managers

• Index cleanup on compaction

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• Motivation• History• HBase Consistent Indexing– Index Management– Recovery Mechanism

• Conclusion

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• Fully transparent to client

• Easy to build custom index maintenance

• Meets current HBase consistency guarantees

• Supports HBase 0.94.9+– Coming to 0.96/0.98 soon!

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Detailed Blog Post

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• Usable as a standalone module

• Coming to phoenix*– Built-in support

• Future: added to HBase core (?)

* https://github.com/forcedotcom/phoenix

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Thanks! Questions!

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@[email protected]

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