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Secondary SchoolKey Features

Individual subject teachers

Subject specialists in every subject


Testing and Exams

Regular reporting

Refined pastoral care and discipline

Continued individual focus – Tutor group

Year 7 and 8Timetable & Setting

6 days timetable – 45 periods – rotating lunchtime

Contact time enhanced in all subjects

Students studying at their academic level in each subject

Competition a focus

Tutoring mentality…. Needs to change

World Class team …I have led four schools and never worked with a more dedicated

and talented group

Tutoring twice a week from next term…onus is now on parents and children

Tutoring in-lieu of class needs to be stopped…if done should compliment what is done in

classroom not replace it


8 subjects (5 core, 3 options)

5 Core examined

C-G grade in all 5 Core needed to Graduate

A U need to repeat whole year (after the November re-sit)

IGCSEYear 10

8 subjects continued

All 8 examined IGCSE.

Plan & develop for future years

Why not take the easy 4 by 4 route?

Worldwide evidence of best practice is 8 over two years (Egypt only place in the world offering 4 by 4)

Schools that offer this are treating IGCSE as the end point and limiting child’s potential

IGCSE is the starting point – should never be the end point

Skills and information are both developed over a 2 year period

Forced information does not prepare one for University

Critical thinkers and life long learners are not developed with rote learning mentality

What is the reality – what were our subject passes last year?

To quote a parent “I have heard the passrates were 27% last year”

YEAR 9 results 2011-12


Maths Chem Physics




100% 98% 100% 93% 100%

YEAR 10 results 2011-12


Maths Chem Physics




84% 100% 100% 100% 96%


A Levels 5 C grades

IB2 B grades, 3 C grades

Who has the responsibility for learning?

Three legged triangle

Text books have their place but are not the sole way

Teachers are the professionals – support the learning culture

Let us develop a drive in our students?

UCAS assistance

World-wide assistance

AUC a back-up – not the end result


Year 11 & 12

A Levels - Mr Hooper

IB – Mr Pickett

Cambridge International Exams (CIE)

Globally recognised and valued international qualifications

Excellent preparation for the Cambridge Advanced Stage

Learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches to learning

Culturally aware

Ministry requirements

In Years 9 and 10, we deliver IGCSE Courses at Extended Level in 8


At the end of Year 9, students are examined in 5 at Core Level:

English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology

AS and A2

Internationally benchmarked qualifications providing excellent

preparation for university education

Taken in over 125 countries

Widely valued by Universities and employers

OPTION ATake a 'staged' assessment route –

take the Cambridge International AS Level in one examination session and

complete the final Cambridge International A Level at a subsequent


OPTION BTake the Cambridge International AS

Level only. The Cambridge International AS Level syllabus content

is half an Cambridge International A Level programme.

At CES we currently offer courses in the following:

English LanguageBusiness Studies



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