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  • 8/2/2019 Secrets Lies Behind Pretty Faces


    Secrets Lies Behind Pretty Faces: Chapter 1: Miley's POV

    I hear the words of strangers around me. The tone one of not so niceand caring, but of one filled with anger and annoyance. I could

    faintly make sense of what they were saying.

    "We need to pull the plug now." Stranger 1 argued.

    "We can't just let her die," Stranger 2 replied with a hint ofsensitivity.

    "It has been 3 months she's been in coma," Stranger 1 harshlystated.

    "Just one more week if there's no improvement you could go aheadand kill the poor girl," pleaded Stranger 2.

    "Fine one week and that's it," Stranger 1 spoke.

    Someone opened the door and left slamming it so hard I felt thevibrations.

    I felt someone touching and smoothing my long brown curly hair.They whispered, "Please wake up out this coma soon."

    I tried saying something but no words came out. I painfully tried toopen my eyes. After a few tries and moments later, I could see theplace around me. I was lying down on a rough bed in a whitepainted room with 2 chairs and a whole lot of medical equipment. Itwas all so overwhelming I couldn't figure out why I was in ahospital. Wait, I was in coma for 3 weeks! Where was my family? I

    tried saying something but my throat was too dry. All I could do waslet out a cough. I started moving around and creating noise so thenearby nurse can come in to my room. After a few minutes twonurses rushed into my room and alerted a doctor. The same voicethat whispered me to wake up before was now asking me to saysomething. I opened my mouth a let out a weak cough to show them

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    my throat was dry. One of the nurses handed me a paper cup withtap water in it. I drank it so quickly I almost choked. I tried onemore time to say something and this time my weak low voice washeard. The nurse who talked to me before was overjoyed.

    "Hello, Ms. Stewart. I'm May a nurse at this hospital," the familiarnurse said to me softly with a kind grin, "you've been in coma herefor the past 3 weeks."

    "Umm...May, how did I end up in coma and why isn't my parentshere?" I asked weakly struggling to get the words out.

    Trying to avoid my question she asked, "Oh honey, what is the last

    thing you remember?"

    I tried thinking about what happened before and all I couldremember is me and my sister driving home from the P4R4MOR3[a/n the 4 stand for a's and the 3 means a E I couldn't write the realname of the band because of ff] concert and there was a suddencrash that caused me to black out.

    "I remember being in the car with my sister driving home and therewas a crash," I whispered to the nurse.

    "I'm sorry to say the crash is what led you to be in this hospital."May said with a sympathetic smile, "a drunk driver passed a redlight and crashed into your car and you became unconscious"

    "What happened to my sister?" I asked not prepared to hear adreaded answer.

    May frowned a bit and told me softly, "I'm sorry to say the drivercrashed into your sister side of the car and she passed awayimmediately after the impact." She wrapped her arms around me asI buried my face into her crying floods of tears. I slowly detachedmyself from her wiping my tears.

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    "I'm sorry for staining your clothes with my tears," I whispered toher.

    "Oh, sweetie I don't mind at all," she told me as she pushed away

    my hair from my face.

    I gulped a little before I asked, "Where are my parents and the restof my family?"

    I gazed up at her soft green eyes that stood out in her delicate whiteskin tone and jet black hair. She was really pretty even though shewas kind of old. There were a few wrinkles forming and there werelight streaks of grey hair which if you really didn't look so carefully

    wouldn't be noticeable.

    There was sadness in her eyes as her eyes as she slowly spoke thewords that broke my heart to bits, "Your parents left town after thefirst week you were in coma and they said if you ever do wake upthey left some money for you in a bank accountant."

    "No! You're lying my parent will never leave me! They love me I'mtheir baby girl," I screamed between the sobs. This couldn't behappening my parents said they will always be their for me and theywill always love me no matter what. No, this most is a nightmare!What was I to do now? Where am I going to stay with now? I haveno family, I have no one. More tears started to cascade down Istarted wiping my face with the tissues May handed me. I shouldn'tbe crying over them. They lost 2 daughters instead of one. I tried topull myself together. I drank some water that was in a cup on thetable next to me.

    "How long am I to stay in this hospital for," I asked May.

    She replied a little surprised I guess you can say since I recoveredfrom the fact my parents leaving so quickly, "Ummwell.I'm so

    sure but probably in a 2 weeks the least."

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    "Okay, so I'm going to be sent into the system once I get out of thisplace since I'm only sixteen." I spoke with a blank expression on myface trying to hide my emotions of despair and agony.

    May was taken back with a quizzical expression on her face a bitconfused by what I meant, but she finally realized a moment laterand said, "Your parents may come back when they hear that yourout of coma and you won't have to end up in the foster care system."

    I laughed and said, "I'm definitely ending up in the system, well atleast I only have to be in there for a year and a few months since I'llturn 17 this November." There was a slight hint of optimism in myvoice as I spoke those words. I bet May found me bipolar or strangebecause of my constant change of emotion.

    May's POV

    I was in the room with one of the patients named Miley. I had beenvisiting her for the past 3 weeks she has been admitted into thishospital. This precious almost fragile looking girl had met into a carcrash, lost her sister, and her families abandon her. She met into a

    series of horrible events but yet she is able to let out a genuine smilethat I must say is very contagious. Her sea of blue eyes hides thepain and sadness she must be feeling inside. Her beautiful white skinis now scarred with streaks of bruises and stitches. Her light brownhair remains in a tangeled mess on the white hospital pillows. Withall these things working against her she still remains beautiful. [a/nMay is not gay or anything I just wanted to describe Miley and sinceNick isn't in the story yet I used May POV to do this.]

    Miley was now laughing at the fact she is going to end up in fostercare. She is a bit strange but I suppose being in such tragedies youjust have to laugh at some things instead of being such a pessimist. Iwish I could do anything help but right now I feel so useless. I endedup laughing myself

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    "You still don't know you may end up in a very lovely family oryour parents may realize the error in the decision about leaving youbehind and come back for you." I said.

    "Knowing my parents I bet they wont come back unless they wantthe money they left in the bank back," Miley spoke after letting outa sigh.

    "I guess" I said trailing off not knowing what else to say.

    "Ummcan I have the clothes and all things I had the day I camein," she asked so shy and kindly that I couldn't refused.

    "Okay, dear...I'll be right back with them," I said not knowing whyI have done that since it is against the rules to return the patientsstuff until they recovered and is ready to leave. I just couldn't say noto does pleading blue eyes. I walked off into the other room insearch of Miley's belongings. After a few minutes I finally found herthings and returned to her room to see her just daydreaming andplaying with her fingers. She must be really bored staying in thishospital with nothing to do. She looked up at me and saw the iteams

    in her hand and smiled.I walked over to her and said, "This is all you had when you came inand there are a few things your sister had as well,"

    "Thank you so much," she said with such delight as she gave me aquick hug.

    I was going to say something when my beeper went off alerting me

    that I'm immediately needed by my other patients."I'm sorry but I have to go," I said to her in a rush, "are you goingto be okay with being by yourself for the rest of the day? I'll be backtomorrow, oh and if you need anything at all just press the button,"

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    "Oh, it's fine and do I have to have this iv in my arm right now itsnot like I'm sick or anything," she asked me with curiosity

    "Oh... I guess not, I'll take it off for you," I said as I took out the IV

    from her arm, "I have to go bye." I rushed out of that room asquickly as possible to my next patient.

    Miley's POV

    I watched as May rushed out of my room. I waited until therewasn't any sight of nurses as I locked the door. I quickly took of myhospital robe and changed into the clothes I had with me. I wasabout to pull on this white tee when I saw there was blood stains all

    over it so I changed my mind and put on a black Paramore shirtthat said riot! in white and Paramore in red. I bought this shirt atthe concert with my sister. I bit my lip and held back the tears. Ipulled on the black skinny jeans and put on the socks and myblack/white high top converse. I went over to the small bathroomthat was in the room and looked for a brush once I found one Islowly brushed it through my tangled mess of hair until everythingwas all smooth. I washed my face and tried to make the scars less

    noticeable. I went through the rest of my belongings and took mysidekick, iPod, and money. I slowly crept out of the four walls I callhome for the next couple of days and walked into the busy hallwayfilled with patients, nurses, doctors, and saddened people. I tried toblend in with the mass of people, hoping no one will notice that I'ma patient. I steadily walked over to the cafeteria hoping I will findsome decent food to eat instead of that bland hospital food thenurses will try to stuff down my throat. I walk over to the cafeterialady and buy a sandwich, pepsii, cookies, and an apple for $5.50.Almost all the seats were taken except for this one seat across thisbreathtaking boy. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw him. Howam I going to sit across from him without staring at him like someweirdo. Ughhe's going to think I'm some ugly fat weirdo. I was

    ugly enough before the accident and now I have scars all over my

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    face to add to it. That seat just had to be the only empty seat left inthis whole cafeteria right. Oh well, I guess I have to just face myfears it's not like I'm going to see him again. I should get the mostout of actually being so close to such a gorgeous boy it may be the

    last time I will see someone like that. I slowly started walking over tothe seat not anticipating sitting across him and humiliating myself..

    Miley's POV

    With each step I was a step closer to the brown eyed curly brownhair boy. I was almost there when I noticed he was in a deep textingconvo. Hopefully he wouldn't notice me at all. I sat down at the seatlooking at my food, not wanting to even steal a glance at him in casehe was looking at me. I took out my phone and used it's reflection tosee what he was doing. I started turning bright red when I saw thathe was staring at me. This is more awkard then it was suppose to beand I'm actually hungry. How am I supposed to eat with him staringat me? Then again what did it matter if he was looking at me it's notlike he'll notice me again and starting making fun of me because Iwas doing something must girls wouldn't do; eating. Shocking isn'tit.

    I was about to open the bag of cookies when I heard thismesmerizing voice say "hi".

    I looked up to see it was the brown eyed boy. I whispered a hi back.

    "I'm Nick. Why are you whispering?"he asked. I was almost aboutto be lost in his brown eyes. He even had a cute name too. What iswrong with me I'm crushing over I guy who I barely even know.

    "I'm Miley...Umm...i don't even know why I whispered," I spoke asI let out a nervous laugh.

    "That's a pretty name." he said.

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    Ohemgee! He actually gave me a compliment. I never knew scarswere so flattering.

    "Thanks," I said giving him a genuine Miley Stewart smile.

    He gave me an adorable crooked smile that just made me melt.Gosh, he really is cute.

    "You have a beautiful smile," he said honestly, "so why are youhere in the hospital? Wait you don't have to tell me that if you don'twant to"

    What should I tell him? I could say I'm visiting someone but what if

    he sees me again wearing theses same clothes he may thinksomething's up and that I'm a liar or something. I can't have thathappening.

    "Thanks, your smile ain't that bad yourself, "I said and laughed alittle, "I was in a car crash, so why are you here?" I was rathercurious to why such a gorgeous boy would be stuck at this crummyhospital.

    "Ohare you okay; wait how did you even get out of your roomaren't you still a patient here," he asked, "Oh and well my brotherhas cancer and he has to stay here some times so I come to visit himwhenever I get the chance. I might be coming to visit the hospitalmore often maybe I'll see you around."

    Yes, I didn't make a complete fool of myself he wants to see meagain.

    "It's kind of a long story, oh I hope your brother gets better," I said,"I guess you'll be seeing me around more often since I'm going be apatient here for another 2 weeks or more."

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    "I enjoy long stories and I have time my brother is going throughhis chemo therapy right now," he said showing off one of those amillion dollar smiles.

    "Well okay then, the story isn't really that long. So well I got thisnurse May to give me my belongings so I changed my clothes tookmy money, cell phone, and iPod. Then I sneaked out of my roomand camouflaged in with the crowd and then I ended up here." Isaid, "it's a really short story."

    "I wish I was as brave as you, I would freak myself out and wimpout," he said laughing. He even had an adorable laughter.

    "I don't think it was much braver it was more like I was bored todeath in that room and I need some air to breathe. I was suffocatingin there," I replied.

    "Next time your bored to death call me and I'll help you out withthat," he said.

    "I might take you off for that offer, but I don't even have yournumber," I said sort of flirty.

    "Well, I guess I have to give it to you; I'm a put my number in yourcell and you put your number in mines," he said as I handed himmy phone and took his.

    I typed in my name and number and handed him back his phoneand he gave me mines. He was about to take a picture of me when Iblocked him from that. I looked horrible my hair was big puffy and

    curly and my face has scars all over it."What's wrong? Why can't I get a picture of you?" he askedjokingly, "camera shy?"

    "I look horrible, my hair is a mess and I have scars all over myface," I said rather honestly.

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    "I think you look beautiful," he softly whispered to me as he movedout a hair from my face. The slightest touch sent a tingle down myspine.

    "You don't have to lie to make me feel better" I said.

    "But I'm not lying I truly think you look beautiful," he said.

    "Thanks, you're pretty handsome yourself," I said laughing a bit.He ruffled his hair and gave one of those crooked smiles. He had mein a daze.

    "So let's talk about something else," he said, "what's your favorite


    "I don't really pick favorites since I can't choose one, I loveP4r4mor3 though," I said, "whats your favorite band,"

    "Hmmmthat's really a tough decision, I like P4r4mor3 as well,"

    he said.

    We started talking about each other for what seemed like hours.

    Our conversation had to come to a halt when his phone rang and hismom told him that it was time for him to come home. We huggedgoodbye. I got butterflies in my stomach and I didn't want to let goof him. He had me mesmerized. As I watched him leave I quickly atemy food and sneak back into my room and changed into my clothes.Even though I just met him I feel like I always knew him.

    We started talking about each other for what seemed like hours. Our

    conversation had to come to a halt when his phone rang and his mom

    told him that it was time for him to come home. We hugged goodbye. I

    got butterflies in my stomach and I didn't want to let go of him. He

    had me mesmerized. As I watched him leave I quickly ate my food and

    sneak back into my room and changed into my clothes. Even though I

    just met him I feel like I always knew him.

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    I feel asleep right after I slipped into the covers. I must say I had anamazing dream=]. Guess who I was dreaming ofgive up? Nick ofcourse! =]. Oh gosh this dream was awesome. I didn't have all thesescars my hair was in its natural curls, we were on this insanely great

    date, we were at like this cave in the beach and then he asked me tobe his girlfriend and we kissed. It wasn't like a really forced or a justa soft peck it was really romantic. Of course my dream just had toturn into a nightmare when we were driving and we got.hit by a

    car. I started screaming and then I woke up to see a swarm ofdoctors and nurses were surrounding me. There expressions variedfrom each other.

    "What's up?" I asked trying to lighten the mood."Oh, there's nothing wrong, some of your scars will fade overtimewhile other may last forever," one doctor said, "after a week or twounder observation you'll be released."

    I didn't know what to say or how to feel. It was a whole mix ofemotions ranging from enthusiastic to sad to worried. I reallywanted to leave this place behind me but I still wanted to see Nick

    and I'm not sure were I'll go after I'm released.

    All I could mutter out was, "Umm.where will I go after I'm


    A couple of people left and the doctor had a sad look on his face ashe softly said, "you're going to have a meeting with Child Servicesand they will first see if you have any relatives to live with, if not youwill go to a foster care or orphanage."

    "OhI guess I'm going to end up in foster care I have no relatives

    left. All my family is gone" I said with a long sigh.

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    "Okay, if you need anything at all press that button next to your bedand a nurse will be in here to take care of you," he said and then heleft.

    Right after he left I received a text from Nick and I just couldn'thelp but smile when his name came up on my phone. I couldn't helpbut grin even more as I read his text:

    Hey Mi, I was just about to go visit you but those annoying doctors

    were in a room. I saw that they left so can I come in, oh yeah I'm kind

    of like waiting outside your door.

    I immediately replied:

    Of course you can come in put don't let those doctors see you they

    might come in as well.=]

    I pressed send before I realized I must've looked like a mess withhorrible bed hair and I was in those ugly shapeless hospital gowns.Ugh. Nick is going to see how disgusting I look and leave. Great!

    Just as I was about to reach for a brush trying to salvage the mess I

    called my hair Nick walks in with a bag in his hand a huge grin onhis face. His smile is contagious I can't help but smile back at him.He grabs a chair a pulls it over to the side of my bed and sit down. Isit up and face him. If I leaned in just a little bit more I could bekissing him. Hmm.I bet he would be horrified if I did kiss him

    and leaves. Never to come back and visit me. I let out a low sigh sohe couldn't really hear.

    "So, what's in the bag," I asked."It's a surprise," he said teasingly with a mischievous smile.

    "Hmmwhat kind of surprise," I say with a coy smile.

    "A good surprise," he said.

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    "Are you going to show me this surprise," I asked as I tried to reachover and grab the bag. I was a second to late. He has fast reflexesjust as I was about to grab the bag he moves his hand and holds itup so I can't get it.

    "Not until later, it won't be a surprise if I show it to you now," hesaid as he playfully hit my hand for trying to get the bag.

    "Gosh, you're so mean, toying with my emotions. You get my hopesup and now their just crashing down. Don't talk to me," I saidjokingly and I crossed my hands and made a sad face.

    "AwI didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I'm very berry sowwie,"

    he said in this very cute baby voice. I couldn't help but laugh he wasso adorable.

    "Awe You're forgiven but I still want to see what's in the bag," I

    said pouting a little at the end. He grabbed me into a warm hug. Ijust didn't want to let go but I had to since he did. He smells reallynice, wow I'm such a dork.

    "Be patient," he said waving his finger in my face as if he was tryingto discipline me. It was rather funny so I started laughing.

    "I'm hungry," I said quite randomly.

    "It is breakfast time, I guess you want to go a get something to eatfrom the cafeteria," he said.

    "What? Its morning already didn't I like just met you at lunch," Isaid kind of shocked.

    He started laughing at how surprised I was over this and he finallystopped to say, "time goes by quickly. So do you want somebrekkie?"

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    "Brekkie?" I asked as I started laughing, "sure but I'm not sure Ican walk out in this." I lifted my hospital gown a little.

    "I used to say brekkie when I was little," he said, "can't you just

    change your clothes into regular clothes and sneak out like lasttime."

    "I guess, but I only have those clothes I wore last time. You won'tmind that I'm wearing the same clothes again," I said kind of shyly.

    "Why would I mind, I understand the problem and it's not really abig deal. So go on and change I'll be waiting for you outside thedoor," he said as he walked out the door closing it so softly the

    sound of it meeting to its end was faint. I quickly got up andgrabbed the clothes I stashed before I went to sleep. I changed intothe clothes, put on my socks and converse, and quietly slipped outthe door. I saw Nick sitting in one of the lounge chairs playing withhis cell phone so I thought it would be fun to surprise him. I quietlycrept up behind the chair and screamed boo quietly so others can'thear it but loud enough for Nick to get freaked out about it. Hejumped and fell out of his chair and ended up on the floor. I started

    laughing uncontrollably. When Nick noticed that I was laughing hefigured out I was the one who said boo. He seemed mad at first butthen he smiled. I guess I'm forgiven for scaring him.

    He got up from the floor and we started walking toward the elevatorsince the cafeteria was on the 1st floor. As we were walking I felt hishand gently graze past mines. There was like an electric shock thatwent through my body. It was something I never felt before. Wefinally reached the elevator and thankfully there was an empty one

    waiting for us. After a few seconds we reached the first floor and wewalked towards the cafeteria. I started walking over toward the linewhen I noticed he was going towards the tables.

    "Your not going to get anything to eat?" I asked.

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    "Uhmm..not really I already ate before I came to the hospital," hereplied.

    "Ohh..but I'm going to feel weird that im eating and your not," I

    said looking down.

    "I guess I could just get a small snack," he said.

    "Okay," I said as I smiled at him and grabbed him by the wrist andwalked over to the line.

    I bought a bagel and some apple juice, while he got cookies.

    "Cookies for breakfast, yum," I said playfully."Yup, it's the best breakfast out there," he said as we walked over toa empty table.

    He reached the table before me and like a gentlemen he pulled outthe chair for me and pushed it in when I sat that.

    "Thanks," I said.

    "No problem my mom taught me how I should always be agentleman," he said.

    I giggled a little and said, "Well your mom must be really proudbecause you're a real gentleman."

    "I try," he said giving me one of those heartbreaking smiles. God, heso gorgeous and here he is wasting his time to be with me.

    I began eating my bagel; I didn't really how hungry I was. Nickmust think I'm a real pig. I was about to get up and throw away mystuff but Nick already was there to pull out my chair and to take mytray from me and throw it out.

    "Thanks," I said again.

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    "You don't have to be so polite," he said.

    "I can't help it when you're being so nice to me," I said.

    "I'm nice to beautiful girls out of habit so get used to it," he saidwith a crooked smile. I couldn't help but start blushing bright red. Imust look horrible, yet he still there.

    "Thanks, I mean, umm, so what's the big surprise you have for

    me," I said trying to change the subject.

    He started laughing; not loudly and hysterically but a soft laughthat was like music to your ears and was quite contagious. I

    would've started laughing to but I think I was humiliated enough.

    "It's a surprise so you're going to have to wait," he said.

    "Do I have to wait; I'm really impatient," I said.

    "Fine the big surprise is, are you ready to hear it," he said teasinglyand I nodded yes, "well the big surprise is a drum roll please, a

    big surprise."

    "Oh thanks that's so helpful," I said laughing a bit as I playfully hithim in the arm.

    "You're welcome," he said with a huge goofy grin.

    I started laughing and he joined in. Here I was with a face full ofscars in a room full of strangers laughing with a cute adorable guyfor no reason. This is unreal. For some reason even how nervous I

    get with the thought of Nick around when he's right next to me I feelall calm down and relaxed; I'm carefree and I don't care whatothers think of me. Nick has some effect on me that no other guy Ibeen with ever had. Even if I just met Nick I feel like I always knewhim. I started looking how perfect he looked and I couldn't help butsmile. I can't believe his actually here talking to me.

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    "So where are we going to do now?" I asked.

    "It's a surprise," he said.

    "What's with all these surprises, so are we just going to stand hereor do nothing," I said.

    "I like surprises, well do you want your surprise now or later," heasked.

    "HmmI'll take now so I could just get it over with," I said.

    "Okay, but you're going to have to close your eyes, no peaking," he

    said as he covered my eyes with his hands. I got shivers down myspine with his touch.

    "Fine," I said as we started walking his hands still cover my eyes.

    We came to a stop I guess to wait for the elevator when we got on wewent up. After a couple of seconds we walked out the elevator andstarted walking down a hall but we stopped.

    "I'm going to open the door so keep your eyes closed," he said."Okay," I said. I kept my eyes shut as he went to open the door. Igot tingles like an electric current going through my body when hegrabbed my hand and led me up a flight of stairs. He pushed openanother door and I felt a cool breeze touch my body and warmthkiss my cheeks. He took my hand and walked me over to some placeand whispered softly into my ears to open my eyes. The view beforeme was breathtaking. We were on the roof of the hospital and you

    could see the outline of mountains surrounding the trees below it.The sun was peeking out from the peaks of the mountains slightlyhidden behind clouds. It was so much take in and there I saw apicnic blanket laid out with a guitar on top of it. [a/n] if you guyssaw the show Everwood will I was thinking about how the town theylived in while writing this.

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    "Wow, it's beautiful," I said.

    "Yeah I know I found this place the first time I ever came here tothis hospital," he said watching me.

    "Are we even allowed to be here?" I asked.

    "UhmmI don't think; so probably not, but what they don't know

    won't kill them," he said with a playful smile.

    "Khay. This place seems like your special spot, you really didn'thave to bring me here," I said softly.

    "I know I didn't have to but I wanted to, oh yeah there's still moreto your surprise," he said.

    "Gosh, this view is enough for a good surprise I don't deserveanything more," I said.

    "You deserve much better. But you seemed kind of sad so I thoughtI should cheer you up," he said.

    I started blushing more fiercely than before. I saw him get the baghe had before and he pulled out a teddybear with a pink a purplebow

    He handed the bear to me and said, "You told me your favoritecolors were pink and purple so I got you a bear with pink andpurple bow. So whenever you're sad you'll always have this bear tocheer you up."

    "Aww thanks you really didn't have to buy me something I barelyknow you," I said as he took my hand and made me hold onto thebear.

    "I know but I know this may sound weird to you but since the firsttime I talked to you, the first time I saw you, and the first time I

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    heard that laugh of yours I felt that I always knew you and rightnow I really don't want to ever lose you," he said looking down.

    I didn't know what to say so I took his hand in mines and when the

    brown and blue connected [their eyes] I softly said, "I feel the sameway. When I'm with you I feel so relaxed and carefree, I don't havea worry at all. Even though I just met you I feel like we have knowneach other for so long."

    His once worried face broke out into a huge smile and he wrappedhis arms around me in a hug. Our bodies were so close together Icould feel his breath on my neck and the sound of his heart beat.The moment was perfect but we broke apart.

    "Oh yeah there's still more to your surprise," he said with a wink.

    "When does it end," I said.

    "Soon, I think," he said as he pulled out a dvd player from the bag.

    "What's that for," I asked.

    "Well I thought you would like to see your favorite movie oncemore," he said setting up the dvd player on the picnic blanket andhe patted a space next to him motioning me to sit down; as which Idid.

    "O.M.G. You actually going to watch The Notebook with me?" Isaid surprised and enthusiastic.

    "Well I suppose since I'm about to start the movie and I'm going to

    be sitting next to you," he said sarcastically.

    "Aww, you're the best. You're like the only boy I know who wouldwillingly watch The Notebook," I said hugging him.

    "I know, I'm just so incredible," he said sort of cocky.

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    I started shivering a little from the cold breeze and Nick noticed; sohe handed me a soft blanket.

    "You come prepared," I said jokingly.

    "Yup, you never know what will happen," he said as he wrappedthe blanket around me

    "Won't you get cold as well," I asked holding out the blanket forhim to come under as well

    "HmmI guess I will," he said as he came under the blanket andstarted the movie. I snuggled up to him as I felt his arm wrap

    around me.

    I started shivering a little from the cold breeze and Nick noticed; so he

    handed me a soft blanket.

    "You come prepared," I said jokingly.

    "Yup, you never know what will happen," he said as he wrapped theblanket around me

    "Won't you get cold as well," I asked holding out the blanket for himto come under as well

    "HmmI guess I will," he said as he came under the blanket andstarted the movie. I snuggled up to him as I felt his arm wrap around


    I began to choke up as the movie came to an end; this happens every

    single time I saw the movie. I saw Nick's eyes getting watery as well.He looked so adorable as the sunlight hit his face and his deepbrown chocolate eyes sparkled. I could just melt. I let out a sigh.

    He looked back at me and our eyes connected; our faces were soclose that if I just leaned up a bit I could've been kissing him, which

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    I was really tempted to that at that point. I felt his hot breath as heleaned closer to me; I thought he was going to kiss me but instead hewiped my tears. I felt an electric rush go through my body when hissoft fingers touch my tearstained face. I was so close to kissing him

    when I felt the melodious sound of what seemed to be Nick's voicesinging the words, "

    You know when the sun forgets to shineI'll be there to hold you through the nightWe'll be running so fast we could fly tonightAnd even when were miles and miles apartYou're still holding all of my heart

    I promise it will never be darkI know, were inseparable"

    He took his hand off my face and arm from my shoulder and hefrantically searched for what I guessed was his cell phone.

    When he finally found it he flipped it open and as calmly as he couldhe said, "hello."

    I couldn't really make out the voice of the other person but itsounded like a girl.

    After a few seconds he said, "I'm at the hospital, yeah I'm goingtomorrow, I'll talk to you later bye,"

    "I love you too," he said very quietly perhaps I won't hear. When heclosed his phone and put it back into his pockets I looked back at thescreen and pretended I wasn't listening.

    "Who was that," I asked curiously.

    "Ohum..that..wasmy girlfriend," he said stammering but

    rushing at the end. I didn't let the words get to me I know thethought of him possibly even liking me was too good to be true.

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    "Oh, so what's her name," I said as calmly as I could possiblymanage trying to cover up the searing pain I feel deep inside. Whyam I getting so jealous over a girl I don't know because of a guy Ijust met.

    "Uhit's Selena," he said looking down at his hands; he's not even

    looking at me anymore. I guess I'm a hideous beast with horrendousscars compare to his perfect little girlfriend.

    "That's a pretty name; so what's she like," I asked curious about hisgirlfriend and what she had that I didn't; wait why am I getting soworked up about this.

    "She's great; I guess I knew her since we were little, we startedgoing out just last month; she's one of my best friends; she's reallysweet and caring," he said. Good she really is perfect; while I'm thegirl who got her sister killed. He'll never like me when he had her;he doesn't even know me. Who am I to get in the way of those two?

    "She seems nice," I said but quickly changed the subject so I didn'thave to hear more about this girl who got to call Nick hers instead of

    me and said, "so was that you singing the ringtone?""Oh um yeah, I'm not that good; but Sel wanted me to put that asher ringtone when she calls," he said still looking down. God, heeven had a nickname for her.

    "You're great, I really want to hear you sing one day in person," Isaid, trying to hide my detest against Sel.

    "Oh uh yeahh sure some day," he said nonchantly then he looked athis watched and said, "I think you should go back to your room orthey might start worrying about you."

    "Um okay, I guess bye," I said while getting up. He didn't get up hejust sat there still looking down. He didn't even give me a huggoodbye. Well there goes my only friend at this hospital.

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    As I started walking to the door I could hear his ringtone playingonce more and the shrill screams of angered girlfriend echoing outof the phone. I walked out the door only taking once glance back atthe now distraught and confused Nick.

    "Goodbye my almost lover," I whispered so softly and quietly as Ilooked at Nick and started to descend down the stairs.

    As I started walking to the door I could hear his ringtone playing once

    more and the shrill screams of angered girlfriend echoing out of the

    phone. I walked out the door only taking once glance back at the now

    distraught and confused Nick.

    "Goodbye my almost lover," I whispered so softly and quietly as Ilooked at Nick and started to descend down the stairs.

    I quickly walked back to my room trying to go unnoticed by thenurses and doctors. I quickly changed back into the shapelesshospital gown. I had a flood of thoughts drowning my brain in pain.How could I be so foolish to even think that Nick would like me? It'sobvious that he would have a girlfriend when he looked as gorgeous

    as he does. I bet the only reason he's with me is out of pity becauseI'm a patient at this stupid hospital. God why am I even so angryand jealous over this little thing. Stupid feelings! Stupid hot boy! Istarted crying and I screamed a bit and I guess the nurses heardbecause a couple rushed in. There were different expressions fixedupon the faces of the nurses; but they all were a blur except for afamiliar one. There stood May with a worried look hovering aboveme wiping my tears with a tissue and comforting me.

    I quietly whispered to hear between my sobs, "can everyone elseleave," not wanting all these strangers surrounding me.

    "Of course," she said softly as she got up and shooed all the othersnurse out of the room.

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    "What's wrong?" she said wrapping me around in a warm hug.

    "I-i-m-iss-my-par-ent," I lied, I couldn't tell her that I was cryingover a boy I just met and the fact he has a girlfriend. That's just too

    embarrassing to admit.

    "Aww, honeypie, its going to be alright just watch their going tocome back looking for you cause there missing their baby girl somuch," she said with a warm reassuring smile. I smiled back; buttruth be told I really didn't want my parents to come back. Homelife was all the great to start with and I don't think I can wake upevery morning to see my rest of my family and still know Brandywon't be there because of my stupid mistake to go to that stupidconcert. I started crying even more at the thought of Brandy. Maystarted rocking me as if I was a baby and lulled me to sleep.

    I woke up hours later to feel the sudden warmth of the vibrant sunrays creeping through the blinds on the hospital window kissing mycheeks. I felt the soft cotton of the blue blanket touching my skin

    which I assumed was wrapped around me by May after I fell asleep.I saw dried up tear stains making a pattern across my pillow whichI guess were created when I was in sobs over Nick and Brandy. I letout a deep sigh and got up to stretch my legs. I looked down at myphone and noticed it was already 3 o Clock. I must have beenknocked out for hours. I missed breakfast and lunch so I wasterribly hungry. I didn't want to leave this room in fear I'd gazeupon those brown eyes of his. Wait; weren't patients delivered therefood by nurses. Where are my breakfasts, lunch, and dinners theses

    past days. I pressed the button that alerted a nurse. A young, blondnurse wearing too much makeup with a huge puffy updo arrived atmy door. She seemed annoyed to be here.

    "What do you want you brat," she said coldly. What the heck. Shedoesn't even know me, she has no right calling me a brat.

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    "Well, I'm hungry and I'm wondering where the food I was supposeto get was," I said as sweetly I could manage.

    "It's way past lunch time; you got two arms and legs go get your

    own food," she said as cruelly as before.

    "You know I could report you for you inhospitality andunwillingness to help a patient," I said with a smirk when I saw herfuming like before.

    "Go ahead and try," she said.

    "Fine," I said grabbing the nurse's button and pressing it again for

    another couple times.

    Two nurses and May quickly rushed into the room.

    "What's wrong Miley?" May asked concerned.

    I innocently and nicely said," that nurse is being mean to me, shecalled me a brat, and she said that I won't get any food," pointing atthe little witch.

    All the nurses turned to face the now fuming red nurse while I stuckout my tongue at her.

    "You little bitch," she icily screamed at me.

    I acted shocked and upset pretending to be so very innocent.

    "Selena! I told you before that if you get another complaint that

    your fired, and this is the final straw. Your fired you can turn in allyour equipment at the front desk," bellowed May.

    How ironic the little witch has the same name as Nick's oh so perfectgirlfriend.

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    All the nurses left except for May who asked me, "Are you hungrydear?"

    "Yes, I missed breakfast and lunch," I said softly.

    "Okay I'll be back in ten with some food," she said heading out thedoor.

    "Thanks," I said as she left the room.

    I sat back down at my bed when I received a text. The name in boldblack print shocked me that I almost dropped my phone.

    I sat back down at my bed when I received a text. The name in boldblack print shocked me that I almost dropped my phone.

    The screen read BRANDY in black bold letters. How can that be?Brandy died weeks ago! Hesitantly I flipped open my phone and wasmore worried when I read the text:

    Miley Raee its your father! Call back immediately.

    Why is he texting me from Brandy's phone and why do have to callhim now after all these weeks he left me. Not even worried aboutme.

    I called back until to hear his voice say, "hello."

    A bit scared from hearing his voice after all these weeks Iwhimpered a low, "hi dad its Miley."

    "Miley Rae! Why haven't you answered our previous calls; we havebeen worried sick about you," he said trying to fake sadness. I couldsense that he was lying through his Southern accent. They didn'tcare.

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    "I been in coma for the past weeks how am I supposed to call andyou left me at the hospital in coma I don't get any worridness then,"I said angrily.

    "Miley Rae Stewart do not use that tone with me; we are coming toget you in 1 week so get yourself ready."

    "How are you so confident that I'll go with you?," I said throughclenched teeth.

    "I'm your father and you will do as I say. We are moving toTennessee like it or not,"

    "Tennessee is at another part of the country. I'm not going," I said.

    "Yes you are and this conversation is over," he said and hung up.

    Agh. That man aggravates me so much. I screamed into the pillow.How can he just come tell what to do after leaving me behind andnot once looking back? I need to find a way out of this. I startedthinking of what I should do when May and a doctor walked in. Ifixed myself and sat back down on the bed Indian style.

    "I'll be given you a quick checkup to see how far you came," thedoctor said.

    "Okay," I muttered softly.

    After a few tests the doctor left.

    "What's up; you seem angry and your not your usual Smiley Miley

    self," May asked concerned.

    "My dad called me after all these weeks he left me and said he'staking me to Tennessee," I said.

    "Isn't that a good thing your going to be with your family again,"May softly said.

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    "No! what kind of family leaves their doctor behind not caring howshe'll be. They are no family of mines. I rather be in foster care thenbe with them," I angrily said.

    "It'll be alright. We'll think of something to get you out of this,"May said her soft caring voice.

    "Really. You'll help me," I said surprised.

    "Yes," she said smiling.

    I hugged her tightly and said thank you over a hundred times. I lether go when I heard the doctor walk in.

    "Miley it seems like you dramatically improved and you can bedischarged in one week," he said and walked right back out.

    "Ugh. This means they can take me away in one week," I saidaggravated.

    "It'll be alright. Let's talk about something else and not make this adreary day," May said sitting down across from me Indian style as


    "Okay," I replied.

    We talked for hours and discussed everything about eachother. Itold her about Nick and she told me how he'll come around and seehow he's missing out on a great girl and if he doesn't he wasn'tmeant to be and your soulmate is out there looking for a special girllike you. I found out she once had a husband; they were madly in

    love but he died from a stroke; she misses him dearly but she knowsthat one day everyone will passed and he's timed had come so sheshouldn't question the judgement of God. May knew more aboutthen anyone else. I grew a liking for her almost a daughterly love.She seemed to care more about me then my mom had ever done. I

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    was sad when it was time for May to leave and go home. She tuckedme into bed though. I forgot all about my dad.

    It has been a 3 days since Nick last talked to me on the roof. 3 long

    painful days. As much as I hate it I was missing him dearly; hiscurly hair, those deep chocolate brown eyes, his angelic voice, andthat breathtaking smile. I tried my best to forgive him. I occupiedmyself by playing games on my phone, listening to music, sneakingout of the room to visit the little kids, and talking to May. Even afterall that my mind is always on him, while my dreams are filled withthoughts of him. I keep checking my phone ever so often hopinghe'll just leave a text or call; I keep looking at the door eager to see

    if he'll just walk through giving me his crooked smile. I had beenwrong time every time and now I may not get to say my finalgoodbye to him since my dad is going to forcefully take me toTennessee next week.

    I just laid back down on the soft white pillow letting my mind driftthrough those wonderful thoughts of him; I was sick of fightingmyself to forget him. Those moments with him were one of thehappiest I ever been and may the only happiest I will ever be if I'm

    forced to leave with my "parents" again. I was thinking about howsweet and caring Nick was when we were on the roof; when I hearda slightly faint hesitant knock on my door.

    Thinking it was just another nurse to check on me I softly said,"Come in."

    Contrary to my belief it was not a nurse but the guy all my thoughtshave surrounded upon holding up a bouquet of roses and an I'm

    sorry bear. I was shocked and ecstatic. I didn't know what to say soI just sat there on the bed with my messy bed hair and my jawhanging. After a few moments of silence and staring at each other Itried a recollect myself by gently brushing through my hair with myhand; I didn't say anything though in fear my voice will be raspyand I'll croak.

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    "Mi, I'm really sorry I didn't talk or come visit you these past days.I didn't want to ignore you; but I was caught up in a lot of thingsand I just didn't know what to do. Do you forgive me?" he said withhis brown eyes pleading and sad.

    "Nick, why are you being sorry its not like you had some attachmentto me and that you had to come and see me everyday," I said hidingthe sadness I felt that he didn't come early.

    "I know but I still feel sorry for just leaving you hanging when wewere on the roof and not even coming to see you after that," he saidsadly.

    "It's alright Nick. You're forgiven. So what happened when youweren't visitng me," I said with genuine concern.

    "My brother only has a month left to live. His chemo didn't workout. Selena broke up with me," he said quietly looking down at thefloor.

    I got up from the bed and gave him a tight hug and whispered it tohis ears, "Nick, you brother doesn't want you to be sad, you shouldmake the best of this month and do everything possible. Don't startsmourning for if you do you'll miss out on some incredible lastmemories. If Selena was meant to be the one you guys will betogether again and if not then it wasn't meant to be."

    He hugged me back tightly and softly said, "Thanks,"

    When we finally let go, Nick said, "I actually like this other girl and

    I truly think she could be the one."I tried to give him the best smile I could possibly could that couldmask the pain I was feeling.

    "Who's the lucky girl?" I asked.

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    He looked into my eyes and softly whispered, "You."

    I was surprised and overjoyed that he said it was me and all I couldmutter out was, "really."

    "Yes Miley, I really do like you; possibly even love you. Becausewhen I'm with you I can't help but smile and laugh. You listen andyou really understand me. I know we only known eachother for ashort time; but I really do care for you. I feel that I can becompletely honest with you and I could tell you anything," he saidholding my hands.

    "Nick I don't know what to say. I really do like you too, and I may

    even love you. You're all I think about and all I dream about. Whenyou weren't here for these three days the sight of your face andsound of your voice were all I wished for," I said burying my headinto his chest.

    "Miley, I promise that I'll never leave you ever again," he saidcupping my chin and then he brought his lips to mines I was in bliss.I felt actual sparks and that kiss was breathtaking.

    I suddenly remembered that my dad was taking me away and thatI'll never going to see Nick again. My parents just had to ruin thisperfect moment. I pulled apart from him and started crying.

    "Whats wrong Miley," Nick said wiping my tears and hugging me.

    I said, ".."

    I suddenly remembered that my dad was taking me away and that I'll

    never going to see Nick again. My parents just had to ruin this perfectmoment. I pulled apart from him and started crying.

    "Whats wrong Miley," Nick said wiping my tears and hugging me.

    I said, ".."

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    I said, "Nick I think you should leave and forget about me. We cannever be," trying to push him out the door while he tried to standground.

    "Miles, but why? I love you and you love me I don't see theproblem," Nick said confused.

    "It'd be easier if you forgot about me," I said looking down I reallydidn't want to look into his deep brown eyes when I say the nextthing, "Ni-Nick, I-I d-do-don't love you."

    I didn't dare look up in fear of his expression. We just stood there insilence waiting for the other to say something.

    Finally Nick broke the silence and slowly said with a bit of anger inhis voice, "I don't believe that Mile. I know our lying why you can'tjust tell me the truth. I love you and I know for sure that you loveme to do. If you don't then look me in my eyes and say you don'tlove me."

    I slowly looked up from the ground and looked in his gorgeousbrown eyes that got me week in the knees, I slowly sputtered out, "I-I-I dda-do-don'tI can't do it! Yes Nick I do love you, but wecan't be together and you should just forget me, I don't deserve youloving me."

    I started crying a bit as I sat down on the bed and brought my legsup and rested my head on my knees. I felt an arm wrap around meand envelop me into a warm hug. I assumed those toned musculararms surrounding my body were Nick so I cried into his chest whole

    my hands were holding on to his chest. He removed a stray strandfrom my face and gently caressed my cheek and whispered into myeared that everything was going to be all right. I wanted to believehim, but I knew otherwise so I pulled apart from him and pushedhim away.

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    "But, Nick! Everything isn't going to be all right," I almostscreamed in despair.

    "Why wont it. Miley please tell me why?" Nick softly said moving

    me so I was facing him and then taking my hands in his; gentlystroking the back of my hand with the pad of his thumb. I wanted tocry even more seeing how perfect and caring Nick was and Icouldn't be with him.

    "Be-be-because it wont," I sputtered out quickly. I didn't know howto tell nick about my sister and my parents coming back. I justdidn't know how to tell him. It pained me too much; to repeat andrelive all that. I skipped past all those gruesome details when I toldMay what happened that night. I just don't know how to find thewords to tell him.

    "Miley your not giving me enough reason, please tell me, yourmaking it all difficult," he said.

    "Nick just forget it if its so difficult, you should go be with yourbrother since I'm so very difficult," I said in false anger and

    annoyance, hoping Nick will get aggravated as well and leave."Miley. Please stop changing the subject. You're being so childish,why cant you tell me. I want you to trust me and be honest with me.If you want me to leave so badly, I'll go but don't worry I'll be backtomorrow and I want you to tell what's the problem with us beingtogether," he said gently placing a soft kiss on my cheek and swiftlywalking out the door without waiting to hear a word I was soon tosoon.

    I'm happy that Nick left but I'm sad that he's gone. After three daysof not seeing him the end of his visit wasn't something I reallywanted to happen. Hopefully he wasn't mad at me. Why do myparents have to ruin this for me? Why do they suddenly feel theneed to come back for me after leaving me in coma after the first

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    week? Don't they know I can't bear waking up each day knowingthat Brandi won't be there all because of me and my urgency just togo to that stupid concert? I feel guilty enough I don't need the addedguilt of the sadness and incompleteness in their faces and the family

    when I'm back. I can't go back, I just can't. How am I going to tellNick? He's going to think I'm a selfish spoiled brat just letting mysister die while he is so worried about his brother. Why does lifehave to be so difficult?

    I screamed and cried into my pillow. I felt the presence of a swarmof nurses but I paid them no mind. I needed to let out my anger andfrustration. I'll cry and scream until I have no tears left and until

    my voice is so sore and hoarse I cant say anything else. Today I'mgoing to wallow in pain, and nothing the doctors or nurses say or dois going to stop me. My life is caving in on me and I just need todayto let go all this confusion and pain. The hell with my pride; I'mgoing to cry and I don't give a damn to who sees.

    I screamed and cried into my pillow. I felt the presence of a swarm of

    nurses but I paid them no mind. I needed to let out my anger and

    frustration. I'll cry and scream until I have no tears left and until my

    voice is so sore and hoarse I cant say anything else. Today I'm goingto wallow in pain, and nothing the doctors or nurses say or do is going

    to stop me. My life is caving in on me and I just need today to let go all

    this confusion and pain. The hell with my pride; I'm going to cry and I

    don't give a damn to who sees.

    I woke up the next morning feeling a soft fabric wrapped aroundbody and to find my pillow covered in dry tear stains. As I sat up onmy bed I saw Nick sitting in the chair beside my bed holding twocups of coffee and staring at me.

    I tried to say something but my voice was sore and all I could let outwas a weak croak. Nick handed me a cup which I eagerly took. Weboth sat there looking deeply into the others eyes drinking ourcoffees and enjoying the silent. There was no need for words; for

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    eyes said it all so clearly. If only everything was as simple andperfect as this. Of course this moment didn't last forever and we hadimpending trouble to face.

    I set my cup down on the table besides the bed and quietly saidalmost as if it was a whispered secret, "Nick, why are you here?"

    "Miley," he said in the almost similar soft whispered tone as I clungon to each letter as he spoke my name, "I told you I was going tocome back."

    "How long were you here and were you watching me sleep?Stalker," I said just as quietly trying not to strain my almost

    inaudible voice.

    "Just an hour;; how can I resist watching a beautiful angel sleepespecially when there softly muttering my name," he said smirking abit.

    "You waited for an hour;; I wasn't saying your name. Was I?" Isaid a bit unsure.

    "Yes you were; and that's a sign that you can't stop thinking ofmean which means you love me," he said grinning.

    "Get over yourself," I said jokingly.

    "Anyways Miley you still have to tell me what's wrong," he saidconcerned. I was wishing he forgot about that.

    Well its now or never.

    I rather take never; so I said, "I don't love you," as clearly as Icould without showing a hint of lying. I looked into his eyes and Iwasn't sure what he was thinking.

    ".."Nick said.

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    "Anyways Miley you still have to tell me what's wrong," he saidconcerned. I was wishing he forgot about that.

    Well its now or never.

    I rather take never; so I said, "I don't love you," as clearly as I could

    without showing a hint of lying. I looked into his eyes and I wasn't

    sure what he was thinking.

    ".."Nick said.

    "Miley, please stop lying to me; just this once will you tell me thetruth," Nick said looking at my eyes holding on to my hands. It justpained me so much to see him like this but I can't tell him why.

    So I took a deep breath and said, "I think were better off as friendsor you should just start forgetting me." I watched him whileawaiting his response. I didn't know how he'd react or say for his

    face was unreadable.

    "Fine I'll forget you, I'll forget how much I love you, I'll forget youcarefree laugh, your beautiful smile, I'll forget how light and blueyour eyes are, I'll forget you & I'll forget my heart and soul foryou," he said in his whispered tone his hands still clinging on tomines his brown eyes watering. I couldn't stand it I started bitingmy lip trying to stop the tears from falling as I watched him get up awalk over to the door not once looking back.

    Why does this have to happen to me? I can't just let him go.

    So without taking another second to think I called out, "Nick." Myvoice still hoarse was barely audible and Nick was already out thedoor. I got up from the bed and rushed over to Nick and grabbed

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    him by the hand. I pulled him back into the room and wrapped myarms around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug. I began to cryinto his chest as I felt his arms wrap around my back, we were asclose as possible. Neither one of us wanted to let go. I looked up to

    see he had tears rolling down his face as well which I wiped off andthen I crushed my mouth on to his in a kissed that was filled withsuch urgency and eagerness. This kiss was like no other I literallyfelt sparks or am I just imagining it since the kiss was so perfect. Islowly parted my lips as Nick slipped his tongue into my mouth. Thekiss became a make out session before we both separated in need ofoxygen.

    I looked up to see a grin on Nick's face and I knew telling him thetruth would be the right choice.

    I softly whispered into his ear, "I love you."

    Nick in response picked me up and I wrapped my legs around hiswaist as kissed me.

    He put me down on the bed and untangled himself from me and sat

    across from me on the bed.I looked up him confused and then he said, "Miley, tell me why youwanted me to forget you and why you kept saying you didn't loveme,"

    I took a deep breath and grabbed a pillow from behind me huggingit tightly. I looked down and then quietly said, "Nick, you know howI'm a patient at this hospital right. Well I ended up here because I

    was in a car crash. My sister, (I took another deep breath), died inthe crash. I was in coma for weeks. My parents left me after my firstweek in coma. I was supposed to go to foster care and now-now myd-d-dad's coming back." I started crying at the thought of my dadcoming back for me.

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    I wept uncontrollably into his chest as his arm wraps around me; Iwished that moment could last forever I couldn't imagine beinganywhere else but safely in his arms.

    He wiped my tears away and then softly said, "Mi, your dad'scoming back so what's wrong with that."

    I shook my head furiously in protest and then said, "Nick you don'tunderstand my dad's horrible man I can't, no I won't go with him.He wants me to move to Tennessee! I can't go there I'd die withoutseeing you almost every day." I began crying even more.

    Nick gently stroked my back as I cried into his chest while saying,

    "Mile, it's going to be alright we'll find a way out of this. Don'tworry, everything going to be alright."

    I wanted to believe those words were true but I knew otherwise. Iwiped the last of my tears and I was about to ask Nick about hisbrother when his cellphone rang.

    "Hello," he said answering the phone.

    "Right Now?" he said a few seconds later, "Alright, Bye."

    He hung up the phone and turned his head so he faced directly atme and then said, "Miles, I have to go home but don't worry I'll beback tomorrow." He kissed me on the mouth and just before he gotup and left he said, "I love you."

    Before I could even get a word out he was already out the door.


    I was lying down on the bed daydreaming about Nick when I hearda knock on the door.

    "Come in," I said as I started to sit up and fix my self.

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    I saw May walk in with a bag in her hand and a warm smile on herface. Her smile and cheeriness was contagious I couldn't help butsmile as well.

    "What's up?" I asked.

    "Nothing really, thought I should stop by. I bare gifts! ChocolateChip Cookies!" she said excitedly. I couldn't help but giggle at herexcitement as she handed me a cookie.

    "Oh my gosh! These cookies are beyond amazing," I exclaimed.These cookies really were delicious.

    "I know, I get them from this small bakery near my house," she saidand then handed me another as the one I had before was devouredby my mouth.

    "Hmm," I said while munching on the cookie.

    "So what's new with you?" she asked me.

    I wiped my face of cookie crumbs and then said quietly, "My dad

    said he's coming back to take me to Tennessee."

    I started playing with the hem of the hospital gown when May spokeup and said, "That's great, you get to go and be with your family." Ilooked up to see her giving me a warm smile.

    "I want to stay in California; I like it here," I said, "and my dad's abad man."

    "How is he bad?" she questioned.

    "I never told you the whole story of what happened that night I wasin the crash. I'll tell you if you promise me not to tell anyone else," Isaid quietly.

    "I promise, you can trust me Miley," she said softly.

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    "So it all started" I said


    I and Brandy were sitting on the bed in our room.

    "We need to find a way to get to the concert tonight," she saidholding the two concert tickets.

    "Mom and dad would never let us go. Mom wouldn't care though,she won't even notice if we ran away. Dad is a different story. He'sdrunk beyond belief and you know the drill. He's going to bebanging on the door if 5 seconds. 5..4..321.

    "O-open up this door you good for nothing whores," my dad slurredas he pushed open the door.

    My dad stormed into the room anger etched across his faced as hefumed at us. He looked as if he was ready to strike us while juststood there not sure of what to do. He had a empty beer bottle on hishand that I was sure he was going to hit us with.

    He grabbed me by the hair and threw me across the room; I bit mylip trying to stop from crying. He threw the beer bottle at Brandy ather stomach. She yelped in pain. He started hitting us more andthen he fell unconscious on the floor. Brandy and I took thisopportunity to drag him out of room and onto his bed in the otherroom. We saw our mom smoking in the kitchen talking to someoneon the phone. She didn't even notice us walk by her dragging ourdad. We then ran back to our room and put on the three sets of

    locks."Miley we can go now dad's knock out he wont notice us gone," shesaid.

    "I'm not sure," I said.

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    "Come on we'll sneak out the window and take the car. We'll beback until anyone notices," she pleaded giving me the puppy dogeyes.

    "Oh alright, just let me change," I said.

    We left 10 minutes later.

    After the concert was over on our way back home we got hit by adrunken driver.

    *end of flashback*

    "So yeah, I have a drunken abusive father and mom who just don'tcare about me. So I don't want to go home with them," I said slowlytrying not to cry over the memory.

    "Oh Miley. I'll find a way out of this," she said while pulling me intoa hug.

    "I got an idea," she said happily while grinning at the thought of heridea.

    "Okay"I said unsure.

    "Oh Miley. I'll find a way out of this," she said while pulling me into ahug.

    "I got an idea," she said happily while grinning at the thought of heridea.

    "Okay"I said unsure.

    "Miley, what do you think about living with me?" she asked me.

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    "Umm, that'd be great. But are you sure you want me to live withyou," I asked trying to conceal my happiness. Living with Maywould be so great; May is awesome and I'd get to stay in California.

    "Of course. Anyways, I'm getting old and I need someone to help mearound the house," she said warmly.

    "Oh, my gosh! Thank you so much. You're the best May," I saidexcitedly as I jumped up from the bed to give her a huge hug. I can'tbelieve it but May wants me to stay with her.

    "I didn't you get so excited to live this old lady," she said laughing abit at my excitement.

    "Pshh, May you can pass for 30. You look so young. And anywayyou rock so of course I'm excited," I said smiling.

    "Smiling is the key to looking young," she said giving me a hugegrin.

    I was about to give her my signature huge Miley smile when Irealized my dad was still coming and he could still take me back

    since he's still my parent.

    "Wait May, what about my parents. There still coming to take me. Ican't live with you without their consent. Their still my parents; andyour not even my legal guardian," I said disappointed. I guess thisplan wasn't going to work out after all.

    "Hmm. I guess I can go to the adoption center and places of thatsort and get the legal papers to adopt you. If your parents deny I

    can use the fact that they left you in coma so they lose their parentalrights over you," she said while pondering the thought. [a/n]idk?

    "Okay," I said.

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    She looked at her watched and then said, "Oh my it's late. I have togo but don't worry I'll be back in the afternoon after getting thepaperwork."

    "Okay bye see you tomorrow," I said while giving her bye beforeshe left.

    *The Next Day*

    I woke up to the touch of someone moving my hair away from myface. When I slowly opened my eyes I saw Nick smiling ear to ear. Icouldn't help but smile back. I took his hand in mine.

    "Creepy much," I joked.

    "No hello; gosh Miley. Anyway I'm just admiring your beauty whileyou sleep; you look so peaceful so I didn't want to wake you. Noneed for thank you a kiss will do just fine," he said leaning inforward.

    I leaned in a bit then I hit him on the arm.

    "Hey, that's such a nice way to greet your loving boyfriend," he saidjokingly.

    "Yesh it is," I said then giving him a quick kiss on the lips.

    "Hmm, that was very short," he said scrunching up an eyebrow andwagging a finger at me.

    "I'm very sorry forgive me wont you," I said almost in a mock

    pleading tone before I wrapped my arms around his neck andbrought him down onto the bed with me and started kissing him.His arms made their way around me as my legs overlapped andintertwined with his. Before we could get any farther I pulled apartand was holding his hands in mines.

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    "You're very much forgiven," he said with a smirk.

    I giggled a bit and I then remembered what happened yesterday so Isaid, "Nick I have a plan to stay back in California."

    "What is it," he asked curiously.

    "Well, one of my nurses said she'll get the rights to be my legalguardian and I could stay with her here in Cali," I said.

    "Are you sure you want to stay with her," he asked.

    "Yes, she's really nice and super sweet. Oh and she's going to come

    by in a couple of hours so you can meet her," I said."Okay," he said.

    "Hopefully she lets me come visit you often or else I'm going to dieand you'll find a new girl," I said looking away from him.

    He picked up my chin with one hand and moved a stay strand awayfrom my face and said, "Miley I'll never find a new girl since you're

    the only girl I'll ever see in a crowed room, the only one I'll everthink about, the only one constantly on my mind, and you are theonly girl I love and will ever love. So please don't think otherwise."

    Salty tears began to cascade down my face and I said, "How did Iever get lucky to be with such a wonderful guy like you. You're soperfect whereas I'm tainted with so many flaws."

    He softly wiped away my tears in gentle strokes and said, "I'm far

    from perfect and I think I'm the lucky one to have such a beautifuland amazing girl like you." He then kissed me in such a caring andloving way.

    I softly whispered, "I love you."

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    "I love you too and I have to show you something," he said whilegetting up and pulling me up from the bed.

    "Okay, let me just grab my hoodie," I said as I took the red/black

    hoodie and put it on and zipped it up.

    He took my hand in his and led me out the room and up the sameflight of stairs that led to the roof. When he opened the door therelaid the same blanket on the ground and guitar that was there lasttime I was here. Nick took me to the blanket and we both sat down;he let go of my hand and grabbed the guitar.

    "Nick, why are we here," I asked.

    "Mi, I wrote a song for you and I like to play it for you. So I thoughtwhat better place to play it but here at our spot," he said with a shygrin.

    "Awe, Nick. That's so sweet," I said and then I gave him a kiss onthe cheek.

    He began strumming the guitar and he sang in the most angelic

    voice, "


    When you look me in the eyes

    And tell me that you love me

    Everything's alright

    When you're right here by my side


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    (I'm not typing all the lyrics mainly because I don't want to searchfor them, & if you don't know this song why are you even readingthis story)

    My eyes began swelling up with tear as he ended the song and putthe guitar by his side.

    "Nick, I loved it," I said before attacking him in hug and crashingmy lips on to his.

    After a few seconds of kissing we sadly had to get some oxygen intoour lungs we separated our foreheads still touching and I was on topof him; his arms making out the outline of my back, our legs

    intertwined, and my hands playing with his hair and on his neck.

    "I'm glad you liked it," he said grinning.

    "I didn't like it; I loved it," I said replicating his ever so contagiousgrin, "that is for sure my second favorite song."

    "Second favorite song," he said confused scrunching his eyebrows.

    "Yup," I said teasingly.

    "What's your favorite song?" he asked.

    "It could only be heard when I'm at my favorite place," I said.

    "Where's your favorite place?" he asked.

    "Right here in your arms," I said hugging him more tightly and

    burying my face into his chest. I felt his hand play with my hair andtry hold me as close as possible.

    "What's your favorite song?" he asked.

    "The sound of your steady heartbeat," I muffled out.

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    He lifted me up a bit so we were eye to eye.

    "My favorite place is anywhere you are and my favorite song is thesound of your laughter, your voice, and the way you say I love you,"

    he said.

    My lips felt upon his and I softly murmured, "I love you," throughour each kiss.

    I faintly heard him say, "I love you," before he flipped me over andwas now on top of me.

    "I'm defiantly the luckiest guy in the world. I get to call this

    beautiful girl mines; I get to hear her utter I love you only to me,and I get to kiss her," he said before he started kissing my neck. Ifelt his hands go under my gown. I pushed him away, I wasn't readyfor this.

    He said, "I'm sorry Miley. I really am sorry, please-."

    Before he could get out another word I softly kissed him and said,"Nick, its okay. I'm just not ready and I really not so keen on having

    my first time on the roof of the hospital even if it's our spot."

    "I understand Mi," he said looking guilty and upset.

    "Nick, don't beat yourself up over this. So why don't we just talk," Isaid.

    "Alright," he said as he started to get up and sit somewhere.

    I pulled his arm and brought him down next to me and said, "wheredo you think you were going?"

    "To sit over there," he said.

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    I made him lay down next to me and rested my head on his chestwrapped my arm around him and said, "I want to talk while I'm atmy favorite place."

    Nick laughed a bit and then put his arms around me and said,"Alright, so what you want to talk about?"

    "Hmm, what about everything," I said.

    "Okay then you starts," he said while running his hand through myhair.

    After talking for hours we just laid there in silence. It wasn't an

    awkward silence, it was perfect. We didn't need to speak any wordsbecause we both knew our loves for each other ran deep we justenjoyed the company of each other and the other in our arms.

    A few seconds later I noticed it was starting to get dark and I said,"We should get going but right after we see this sunset."

    "Okay," Nick said as we both sat up and he wrapped an armaround me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

    "It's so beautiful," I said as I watched the colors of red and orangedip down and subside into the mountains leaving traces of pink,purple, and blue etch out into the sky.

    "Yes you are," Nick said as I looked up and saw him staring at me.

    "Your so corny and we should get going," I said.

    "I'm only corny for you, babe," he said before kissing me on thecheek.

    I watched him stand up and look down at me and say, "Aren't yougoing to get up."

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    "Well I would but my legs are numb from the cold, so um yeah," Isaid, "you don't mind carrying me would you."

    "Fine," he said before picking me up bridal style as I wrapped my

    arms around his neck and snuggled into him.

    "Why didn't you tell me you were cold, I would've gave you ablanket or we could've have gone back downstairs," he saidconcerned.

    "If I told you, you would've got up and moved; and I was reallyenjoying the position we were in so I didn't. Anyway I'm pretty gladI didn't tell you or else I wouldn't have a reason to be carried in

    your arms," I said.

    "Uh huh," he said.

    We were almost down all the stairs when I thought it'd be fun tomess with him so I started playing with his hair and scratching thatone place behind his ear on his neck that I knew no guy could resist.I heard him moan a bit and I smiled in triumph.

    "Miley, quit it," he said.

    I went up a notch and started kissing him on the sides of face andneck and softly said, "why should I."

    "If you don't stop I wont be responsible for my actions when I haveyou pinned against the wall and start kissing you senseless," he said.

    That didn't sound like a bad idea, I really wouldn't mind so in the

    most seductive tone I could manage I said, "Make me stop"

    Right after I said that Nick had me pinned to the wall and then hishands began making their way to my waist.

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    In that brief second he let go of my arms I said, "Catch me if youcan," and I gave him one last kiss on the mouth, wiggled my way outof his clutch, and ran down the stairs and made my way to my room.

    Right as I went to open the door I felt two hands on my waist; Iturned around to see it was Nick with a playful smile on his face.

    "You're pretty fast for a girl whose legs were numb," he said stillholding onto me but bringing me closer to him.

    We were inches apart from our faces touching when I said, "Whatcan I say, you warmed me," with my own playful smile dancing atmy lips.

    "I see. Since I caught you, I think I'm entitled to a reward," he said

    "Maybe you do, but I think we should go in the room first sincepeople are starting to look at us strangely," I said while looking atthe nurses and doctors staring wait no gawking at us.

    "I guess so," Nick said as he saw the people gawking at us.

    I took his hand and led him into the room. As soon as the doorclicked closed I spin around and had Nick's lips crashing down andme and his arms on my hip and back. My arms involuntary madethey way to his neck and hair.

    When we pulled apart to take some deep breaths of oxygen I said,"You couldn't wait to get a reward."

    "Nope," said Nick right before he frantically began kissing me. I felt

    him pick me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist and he laidme onto the bed.

    Are make out session got even more heated by the second as I pulledof his shirt and my hands began searching his abs. Right when Nickwas about to take off my gown their was a knock at the door.

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    We pulled apart and I said, "that must be May."

    I got off the bed and began fixing my gown and hair when Nick said,"May?"

    "Yeah she's the nurse I was talking about. Put on a shirt and sitover there," I whispered softly.

    As Nick grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head and sat on thechair next to the bed, I opened the door and saw May standing therewith some papers in her hand.

    "Hey May," I said as I gave her a hug and let her into the room,

    "this is my boyfriend-,"

    Right before I can say another word, May said, "Nick?"

    "May?" Nick said just as confused as May.

    "Wait you two know each other?" I said.

    "Yeah, we're neighbors and I was Nick's brother Frankie's nurse.

    How is Frankie by the way?" May said.I saw Nick's face light up at the sound of his brother's name. Iforgot all about him. I feel terrible for not asking about him justonce.

    "Frank's fine, he's getting better though. The chemo is actuallyhelping him this time," Nick said, "how do you know eachother."

    "May was the one who convinced the doctors not to pull the plug onme and she was always there since my parents left me in coma at thehospital," I said.

    "oh," Nick said, "and you're the nurse who was going to adoptMiley."

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    "Yeah. But, how do you two know each other," May said slightlyconfused, "oh and Miley I got all the papers ready I only need yoursand you dad's signature."

    I got sad a bit at the thought of my dad, but I recovered before Nickand May would notice and said, "We met at the hospital. It's a longstory, I'll tell you another time. I'll sign today and my dad'll signwhen he comes on Wednesday.

    "Okay, but Miley tomorrow's Wednesday," said May while handingme some papers and a pen.

    "Wait he's going to be here tomorrow," I said worriedly as I signed

    the papers and handed them back to May.

    "Mi, it's going to be all right, we're here for you," said Nick as hegently rubbed my back.

    May's beeper went off and she said, "I have to go. I'll talk to youtomorrow Miley. And Nick I'm leaving in a hour so meet medownstairs in the lobby then." She gave me a quick hug and was outthe door.

    "We're going to be neighbors," Nick said cheerfully.

    "Yeah," I said unenthusiastically

    "What's wrong?" Nick asked so sweetly and genuinely concerned.

    "I'm a horrible girlfriend," I said.

    "Why would you ever think that; you're a wonderful girlfriend,"said Nick while cupping in his hands.

    "I didn't once ask about how you are or how your brother is. I onlytalked about me and my problems. I have been really selfish to you.

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    I'm really sorry Nick. You deserve someone better then me," I saidas I wriggled my way out of his grasp and sat on the bed.

    I saw Nick walk over to me and he wrapped his arm around me and

    said, "Mi, you don't have to be sorry. Sometimes people just have tobe selfish. It's okay that you didn't ask because I still know that youcare. You care so much about people, more then I do; so I'm the onewho doesn't deserve you but I'm sure as heck lucky that I do." Hethen kissed me on the forehead.

    "You're wonderful," I said before burying my head into his chestand enjoying his embrace.

    "I know, it's a gift," he said cockily and I laughed.

    "You have a beautiful laugh," he said softy.

    "You're so mushy and romantic," I said giggling at his fake hurtexpression.

    "You were supposed to say something sweet about me. Not insultme," he said.

    "I don't go by the ordinary; and that wasn't it insulted; it was afact; I like romantic though," I said before kissing him on the cheek.

    "Hmm, so Miles do you want to go back to what we were doingbefore we were interrupted by the knock or do something else. I gotan hour," Nick asked.

    "Let's do something else; let's explore the hospital," I said excitedly.

    "Okay," said Nick a bit disappointed.

    "Cheer up," I told him before dragging him out the room.

    We began our adventure through the hospital.

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    "Hmm, so Miles do you want to go back to what we were doing beforewe were interrupted by the knock or do something else. I got an hour,"Nick asked.

    "Let's do something else; let's explore the hospital," I said excitedly.

    "Okay," said Nick a bit disappointed.

    "Cheer up," I told him before dragging him out the room.

    We began our adventure through the hospital.

    You'd be surprised at the many things that can be done at thehospital over a course of time of only a hour. Nick and I first set outexploring the fifth floor which was filled with patients in the mereages of 9 or 10. The joyful childish smile was evident as they proudlyshowed their innocence while playing with the toys the hospital hasprovided for them. They agony or suffering over the reason of which

    they have been placed in this floor wasn't slightest bit shown. Nickthought it be a great idea to play games with the kids. We playedhide and seek all over the floor and we pulled pranks on the staff.The sheer shock from the nurses and doctors brought laughter andamusement to the kids. There bright radiant smile were so infectiousthat me and Nick couldn't help but burst into wide grin. I finallymet Nick's brother after that. He was a very bubbly kid with thesame brown chocolate eyes as Nick. We spent 10 minutes or so therefor we were kicked out his room by his very strict nurse.

    [I have no idea why I wrote that like that]

    Nick took my hand in his and we raced down the stairs to the thirdfloor where the elderly patients were at. We walked into the loungeroom where a few patients were sitting and talking. The room

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    lacked excitement and happiness. So we livened it up. I turned onthe radio and tuned up the stereo and proceeding getting some ofthe elderly up and dancing. Soon enough everyone was inmerriment as they were dancing and laughing together. Nick held

    me close to his arms as we slow danced; our eyes set only upon eachother as we forgot all about everyone else. A few minutes later I gottired of only dancing so I thought it would be fun to wheelchair race,since I always wanted to do that. We bid our goodbyes and wequietly made our way past the nurses as we sneaked off to grab twowheelchairs. When we were sure the coast was clear of nurses wehopped in the wheelchair and began speeding down the halls Iaccidently swerved right and collided with Nick causing us both to

    fall out the wheelchairs. As we got up we saw a security guardcoming at us and he wasn't all that happy. We did the only logicalthing we could think of we ran. We zoomed down the stairs andmade it to the first floor. We looked behind us to hear the quickstomps of the guard on our tail. We quickened our pace and tried tododge everything and everyone in our way. This of course wasunsuccessful when we crashed into May of all people. She looked abit furious as she scolded us for our reckless behavior. She thenmade us walk with her and told us to be apart which of coursedidn't happen and led us to be dragged by the ear; I was to be stuckin my room and I couldn't see Nick until tomorrow. I barely got achance to say goodbye properly to him.

    That is how I got stuck lying on the bed of room going over whatjust happened only a few moments ago. I let out a deep sigh andlooked at the clock on the other side of the wall; I saw that it wasalmost 11. I think it's time for me to go to sleep; tomorrow was

    going to be a big day.

    *The Next Day*

    I woke up to the gorgeous sight of Nick smiling a goofy grin; which Iof course returned.

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    "Hmm, you really enjoy watching me sleep," I said.

    "Not as much as I enjoy just being with you and holding you in myarms," he said, "and this may be the last time I get to be the first

    thing you see when you awake for a while; for today is your last dayat this hospital."

    "You're so cheesy; but I still love you," I said while giving him apeck on the lips, "I can't believe today is my last there being apatient. Hopefully everything goes as planned and I get to live withMay and then we could be neighbors and be together and see eachother every day."

    "I could then show my brothers and parents the beautiful I get tocall mine," he said still smiling broadly.

    "What if your parents don't like me," I said with a bit uneasiness inmy voice.

    "That'd be impossible for anyone to not like you," he said, "oh yeahand May told us to meet her in the lobby."

    "So lets go, wait let me brush my teeth and fix my hai

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