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Page 1: Section 1: A Control Theoretic Approach to Metabolic Control Analysis.

Section 1: A Control Theoretic Approach to Metabolic Control


Page 2: Section 1: A Control Theoretic Approach to Metabolic Control Analysis.

Metabolic Control Analysis (MCA)

S1 S2v

X2X1v v1 2 3

1E E E2 3

MCA investigates the relationship between the variables and parameters in a biochemical network.


1. Concentrations of Molecular Species

2. Fluxes


1. Enzyme Levels

2. Kinetics Constants

3. Boundary Conditions

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Stoichiometry Matrix:

Biochemical Systems




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Biochemical Systems


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Biochemical Systems

System dynamics:

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Steady State

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Steady State Sensitivity

Slope of secant describes rate of change (i.e. sensitivity) of s1 with respect to p1

As p1 tends to zero, the secant tends to the tangent, whose slope is the derivative of s1 with respect to p1, measuring an “instantaneous” rate of change.

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Steady State Sensitivity


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Responses (system sensitivities):

Species Concentrations:

Reaction Rates (Fluxes):

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Scaled Sensitivities

measure relative (rather than absolute) changes:-- makes sensitivities dimensionless-- permits direct comparisons

Equivalent to sensitivity in logarithmic space:

This is the approach taken in Savageau's Biochemical Systems Theory (BST)

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Sensitivity Analysis

Asymptotic Response



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Input-Output Systems

The input u may include

• a reference signal to be tracked (e.g. input to a signal transduction network)

• a control input to be chosen by the system designer (e.g. given by a feedback law)

• a disturbance acting on the system (e.g. fluctuations in enzyme level)

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The output y is commonly a subset of the components of the state

The output may represent

• the ‘part’ of the state which is of interest

• a measurement of the state

Input-Output Systems

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The system dynamics

Can be linearized about

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Biochemical systems:

Species concentration as output:

Reaction rates as output:

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Sensitivity Analysis

Asymptotic Response



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Two key properties of Linear Systems

1. Additivity

2. Frequency Response

systeminput output

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Additivitysum of outputs = output of sum

allows reductionist approach

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Reductionist approach can be used with a complete family of functions:

arbitrary function = weighted sum

monomials: 1, t, t2, …


sinusoids: sin(t), sin(2t), …


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Expression in terms of sinusoids:Periodic functions: Fourier Series

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Frequency Domain: Fourier Transform

Time Domain description

Frequency content description

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Nonperiodic functions: Fourier Transform

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Asymptotic Response



sum of sinusoids u1 + u2 + u3 + ...

sum of responses y1 + y2 + y3 +...

y1 + y2 + y3 +...


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Frequency Response

The asymptotic response of a linear system to a sinusoidal input is a sinusoidal output of the same frequency.

This input-output behaviour can be described by two numbers for each frequency: • the amplitude (A)

• the phase ()


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Frequency Response The input-output behaviour of the system can be

characterized by an assignment of two numbers to each frequency:


input output

These two numbers are conveniently recorded as the modulus and argument of a single complex number:

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Plotting Frequency ResponseBode plot: modulus and argument plotted separately



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Calculation of Frequency Response

Through the Laplace transform:

Frequency response:

derived from the transfer function.

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Recall: response to step inputSpecies:

Response to sinusoidal input

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Recall: response to step input

Response to sinusoidal input


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Example: positive feedback in glycolysis

input u


output y

feedback gain

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strong feedback

weak feedback

Example: positive feedback in glycolysis

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Example: negative feedback in tryptophan biosynthesis

Model of Xiu et al., J. Biotech, 1997.

input u

output y

feedback gain




active repressor

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Example: negative feedback in tryptophan biosynthesis

weak feedback

strong feedback

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Example: integral feedback in chemotaxis signalling pathway

Model of Iglesias and Levchenko, Proc. CDC, 2001.

input u

output y

Methylation: linear (integral feedback) or nonlinear (direct feedback)

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Example: integral feedback in chemotaxis signalling pathway

direct feedback

integral feedback

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• recovers standard sensitivity analysis at =0

• provides a complete description of the response to periodic inputs (e.g. mitotic, circadian or Ca2+ oscillations, periodic action potentials)

• provides a qualitative description of the response to 'slowly' or 'quickly' varying signals (e.g. subsystems with different timescales)

Sensitivity analysis in the frequency domain

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Summation Theorem

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Summation Theorem -- Example

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Connectivity Theorem

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Connectivity Theorem -- Example

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Summation Theorem

If p is chosen so that is in the nullspace of N:

Proof: gives

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Connectivity Theorem

Proof: gives


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Example: Illustration of Theorems

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Example: Illustration of Theorems: Summation Theorem

v1, v2, v3

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Example: Illustration of Theorems: Summation Theorem

s1 s2

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Example: Illustration of Theorems: Connectivity Theorem



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Example: Illustration of Theorems: Connectivity Theorem



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