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Page 1: Section 1 Terms and Namesimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/AL/MobileCounty...Case Study: Stalinist Russia Main Idea After Lenin died, Stalin seized power and transformed the Soviet



Chapter 14Revolution and Nationalism

Section 1 – Revolutions in RussiaMain Idea

Long-term social unrest in Russia exploded in revolution, and ushered in

the first Communist government.Why It Matters Now

The Communist Party controlled the Soviet Union until the country’s breakup

in 1991.

Section 1 Terms and Names

___________In Marxist theory, the group of _________ who would overthrow the czar and come to rule Russia

____________A group of revolutionary Russian Marxists who took control of Russia’s government in November, 1917

_______Gained command of the Bolsheviks; seized control of ________ in November, 1917

Provisional governmentTemporary government

_________One of the local representative _________ formed in Russia after the downfall of Czar Nicholas II

Section 1 Terms and Names_____________

Self-described “________;” claimed to have magical healing powers; allowed to make political decisions by __________; murdered by nobles who feared his increasing role in government

Section 1 Terms and Names__________ Party

A political party practicing the ideas of Karl ____ and V. Lenin; originally the Russian Bolshevik party

Joseph _________Took command of the Communist Party in 1928 following the death of _______

Page 2: Section 1 Terms and Namesimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/AL/MobileCounty...Case Study: Stalinist Russia Main Idea After Lenin died, Stalin seized power and transformed the Soviet



Czars Resist Change_________ II used _____ measures to wipe out revolutionaries

Strict __________ codes on written documentsSecret _______ watched secondary schools and universities – detailed reports on studentsPolitical prisoners sent to Siberia

Sought to establish a _________ __________

Made Russian the official _______ of the empire; forbade minority languages____ target of persecution - pogroms

Russia Industrializes

Number of _________ doubled between 1863 and 19001890s – program ___________ to move country __________

Government sought foreign investors and raised taxes

Boosted growth of heavy industry, ex. steelWork on largest continual rail line – Trans-Siberian Railway began in 1891, completed in 1916

Russia IndustrializesThe _____________ Movement Grows

Rapid _____________ stirred discontent

Bad working conditions, low wages, child laborTrade unions outlawed

_________ revolutionary movements began to grow and compete for power

Russia Industrializes__________ revolutionaries believed that the _________ class of _________ would overthrow the czar –___________ = the workers who would rule the country

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__________ split into two groups:

_________ – moderate; wanted broad base of _______ support for the revolution___________ – _________; supported a small number of committed revolutionaries willing to sacrifice everything for change

Russia Industrializes The Revolutionary Movement Grows

______ = major leader of the ___________

Engaging __________, excellent organizer, and __________Fled to western Europe to avoid arrest by the czarist regime; maintained contact with other Bolsheviks and waited until it was safe to return

Crises At Home and AbroadThe ______-_________ War

Russia and Japan competed for control of _________ and Manchuria

_________ broke __________ signed over the territory

________ retaliated by attacking the Russians at Port Arthur, ManchuriaRussian losses ____ __ _____ in Russia during the war

Crises At Home and Abroad

Crises At Home and Abroad_______ Sunday: The ________ of 1905

January 22, 1905 – _______ carried a petition to ________ Winter Palace

Asked for better working conditions, more personal freedom, elected national legislature

________ ordered soldiers to ______ on the crowd

More than 1,000 wounded, __________ ________Event nicknamed “Bloody Sunday”Provoked wave of strikes and violence

________ __ approved creation of the _______ –Russia’s first parliament; dissolved after 10 weeks

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Crises At Home and AbroadWorld War I: The ____ ____

1914 – _______ Nicholas II decided to bring ______ into World War IRussia ______ to handle the military and economic ____ –weak generals, poorly equipped troopsWorld War I revealed the weaknesses of czarist rule and military leadership

Crises At Home and AbroadWorld War I: The Final Blow

________ moved his __________ to the war front – hoped to rally his troopsCzarina ________ ran the government while he was away

She fell under the influence of _________

Son suffered from hemophilia, she believed that Rasputin had _____ her son; she allowed Rasputin to _______ key political __________

1916 – group of nobles murdered Rasputin

Crises At Home and AbroadWorld War I: The Final Blow

The March RevolutionMarch, 1917 – _________ textile workers led citywide strike in Petrograd; additional riots over _________ of _______ and fuel

The _____ ______ _______Local protests led to general uprising – the March Revolution –forced Czar Nicholas II to abdicate his throneRevolution brought down the czar but ________ to set up a strong government to replace his regime

The March RevolutionThe Czar Steps Down

____________ government established – ____________

Kerensky = leader; lost support of soldiers and civilians because he decided to continue fighting WWI

_____ – local _______ consisting of workers, peasants, and soldiers – had more influence than provisional government

Page 5: Section 1 Terms and Namesimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/AL/MobileCounty...Case Study: Stalinist Russia Main Idea After Lenin died, Stalin seized power and transformed the Soviet



The March Revolution______ _________ to Russia

________ arranged for Lenin’s return to Russia – they ______________ the Bolshevik revolution (believed it would weaken Russia’s war effort)

The Bolshevik Revolution

The ____________ Government __________

November 1917 –Bolshevik _____ _______ took over government offices and arrested the members of the provisional government

The Bolshevik Revolution_____________ in Power

Lenin ordered that all _________ be ___________ among the peasants______ of factories given to ___________________ _____ – signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk ______ _____ with Germany (WWI); gave up territory

The Bolshevik Revolution_____ War Rages In Russia

________ challenge – dealing with enemies at homeBolshevik opponents formed the _____ Army – made up of different groups –

Supporters of the czar, Some wanted democratic governmentSocialists who opposed Lenin’s style of socialism only desire to defeat Bolsheviks united them

The Bolshevik RevolutionCivil War Rages in Russia

Leon ______ commanded the Bolshevik _______ ArmyAround ___________ Russians ___ in the three year struggle and the famine that followedRed Army crushed all opposition – showed Bolsheviks were able to seize power and maintain it

The Bolshevik RevolutionComparing World Revolutions

_______ revolution more like ________ Revolution than ________ Revolution

Both Russian and French revolutions attempted to destroy existing social and political structuresRevolutionaries used violence and terror to control people

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Lenin Restores OrderNew ___________ Policy

NEP – small-scale version of ____________

Reforms allowed peasants to sell their surplus crops instead of gov’t takingKept control of major industries, banks, and means of communication, but let some factories, etc. operate under private ownershipEncouraged foreign investment

Lenin Restores Order___________ Reforms

________ saw nationalism as a threat to unity and party loyaltyLenin organized Russia into several self-governing republics under the central government = ______ __ __________ ____________ _____________

____________ renamed their party the _____________ PartyCreated a constitution based on ______ and democratic principles, but Communist Party held all power – Lenin had established a _____________

Lenin Restores Order Stalin Becomes DictatorLenin suffered a stroke in 1922 – survived, but started a struggle for power between Leon Trotsky and Joseph StalinLenin believed Stalin was a dangerous manBy 1928, Stalin was in total command of the Communist Party; Trotsky had been forced into exile

Section 2 – TotalitarianismCase Study: Stalinist Russia

Main IdeaAfter Lenin died, Stalin seized power and

transformed the Soviet Union into a totalitarian state.

Why It Matters NowMore recent dictators have used Stalin’s

tactics for seizing total control over individuals and the state.

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Section 2 Terms and Names_______________

Government control over every aspect of public and private life

Great __________A campaign of ______ in the Soviet Union during the 1930s, in which Stalin sought to eliminate all Communist Party members and others who threatened his power

______________ economyAn economic system in which the government makes all economic decisions

Section 2 Terms and Names

______-Year __________Plans outlined by Stalin in 1928 for the development of the Soviet Union’s economy

____________ farmA large government-controlled farm formed by combining many small farms

A Government of Total Control

___________ – government takes ____, centralized, state ______ over every aspect of public and private lifeMethods of control and persuasion = ______, indoctrination, __________, censorship, and religious or ethnic persecution

A Government of Total Control

__________ and ________________ or incomplete __________ used to sway people to accept certain beliefs or actions

________ of mass _______No publication, film, art or music is allowed to exist without permission of the stateSuggesting info. is incorrect = act of treason

A Government of Total Control________ _______

Police serve to enforce central government’s policies

____ on citizens or intimidating themUse brutal force and murder

____________Instruction in the government’s beliefs – used to ______ people’s ________

Control of educationBegins with very young children and encouraged by youth groups

A Government of Total Control

________ or Ethnic ___________“_______ of the ______” are blamed for things that go wrong in the country; usually belong to different ______ or religious groupGroups subject to campaigns of terror and violence

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Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State________ State

Secret police used tanks and armored cars to stop riots_________ telephone lines, read _____, and planted _________ everywhereGreat _____ – campaign of terror aimed at eliminating anyone who threatened Stalin’s power –including members of the Communist Party

Estimated 8-13 million deaths

Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State

Russian __________ and ___________

Controlled __________, motion pictures, ______, and other sources of informationArts were also used for propaganda

Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State__________ and ________________

___________ controlled all educationSchoolchildren learned ___________ of the Communist PartyStressed importance of _______ and hard work to build the Communist state

Stalin Builds a Totalitarian State

___________ _________________ religious teachings with ideals of ___________League of the Militant ______ –officially sponsored group of ________, spread propaganda attacking religionRussian ________ ________ was the main target of persecution

Police destroyed churches and synagogues

Stalin Seizes Control of the Economy

____________ economy –system in which the ____________ made all economic __________; political leaders identify the country’s economic needs and determine how to fulfill them

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Stalin Seizes Control of the EconomyAn Industrial Revolution

__ ____ _____ – introduced by Stalin to improve Soviet economy

Set _________ high ______ -steel, coal, oil, and electricityTo reach goals, gov’t ______ production of ___________ goods_________ of housing, food, clothing, etc.

Stalin Seizes Control of the EconomyAn ___________ ____________

1928 – government seized over ________ privately owned farms in the USSR; combined them into large government-owned farms = __________ ________________ resisted; terror and violence used to force them to work

Approx. ________ peasants _______ as a resultMillions more shipped to Siberia

Daily Life Under Stalin_______ ______ _________

Bolshevik Revolution declared men and women equalUnder Five-Year Plans, women had ___ ______ but to join the labor force; men continued to hold best jobsGiven new educational opportunitiesResponsible for housework in addition to full time jobs; motherhood = patriotic duty

Total Control AchievedBy the mid-1930s, ________ had:

Forcibly transformed the ______ _______ into a __________ regime; industrial and political powerStood unopposed as a ______ and maintained his authority over the Communist PartyUshered in a period of total social control and _____ ___ ________

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Questions 3,4,5,6,&7

Section 2 – p 445Questions 3,4,5,6,&8

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