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Yilu (Ellen) LiuAssociate Professor

Electrical Engineering Department Virginia Tech University

Analysis of Transformer Turns Ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2

Analysis of a Step-Up Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2

Analysis of a Transformer Connected to a Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3

Selection of a Transformer for Impedance Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3

Performance of a Transformer with Multiple Secondaries . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4

Impedance Transformation of a Three-Winding Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5

Selection of a Transformer with Tapped Secondaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6

Transformer Characteristics and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7

Performance and Analysis of a Transformer

with a Lagging Power-Factor Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7

Performance and Analysis of a Transformer with a

Leading Power-Factor Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10

Calculation of Transformer Voltage Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.10

Calculation of Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.11

Analysis of Transformer Operation at Maximum Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12

Calculation of All-Day Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.12

Selection of Transformer to Supply a Cyclic Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.13

Analysis of Transformer under Short-Circuit Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14

Calculation of Parameters in the Equivalent Circuit of

Power Transformer Equivalent Circuit Using Open- and

Short-Circuit Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.14

Performance of a Step-Up Autotransformer

(Buck/Boost Transformer in Boost Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.16

Analysis of a Delta-Wye Three-Phase Transformer Bank Used as a

Generator-Step-Up Transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.17

Performance of an Open Delta or Vee-Vee System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.19

Analysis of a Scott-Connected System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.20

Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.21


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Compute the value of the secondary voltage, the voltage per turn of the primary, and thevoltage per turn of the secondary of the ideal single-phase transformer of Fig. 4.1.

Calculation Procedure

1. Compute the Value of the Secondary Voltage

The turns ratio, a, of a transformer is the ratio of the primary turns, N1, to the sec-ondary turns, N2, or the ratio of the primary voltage, V1, to the secondary voltage, V2; a �N1/N2 � V1/V2. Substitution of the values indicated in Fig. 4.1 for the turns ratio yieldsa � 1000/500 � 2. Secondary voltage V2 � V1/a � 120/2 � 60 V.

2. Compute the Voltage per Turn of the Primary and Secondary Windings

Voltage per turn of the primary winding � V1/N1 � 120/1000 � 0.12 V/turn. Voltageper turn of the secondary winding � V2/N2 � 60/500 � 0.12 V/turn.

Related Calculations. This procedure illustrates a step-down transformer. A character-istic of both step-down and step-up transformers is that the voltage per turn of the pri-mary is equal to the voltage per turn of the secondary.


Calculate the turns ratio of the transformer in Fig. 4.1 when it is employed as a step-uptransformer.

Calculation Procedure

1. Compute the Turns Ratio

In the step-up transformer, the low-voltage side is connected to the input, or primary,side. Therefore, a � N2/N1 � V2/V1; hence, a � 500/1000 � 0.5.

Related Calculations. For a particular application, the turns ratio, a, is fixed but is not atransformer constant. In this example, a � 0.5 when the transformer is used as a step-uptransformer. In the previous example, a � 2 when the transformer is used as a step-downtransformer. The two values of a are reciprocals of each other: 2 � 1/0.5, and 0.5 � 1/2.

FIGURE 4.1 Ideal single-phase transformer.

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A 25-kVA single-phase transformer is designed to have an induced emf of 2.5 V/turn(Fig. 4.2). Calculate the number of primary and secondary turns and the full-load currentof the primary and secondary windings.

Calculation Procedure

1. Compute the Number of Primary and Secondary Turns

N1 � V1/(V/turn) � 2500 V/(2.5 V/turn) � 1000 turns. Similarly, N2 � V2/(V/turn) �250/2.5 � 100 turns. The turns ratio a � N1/N2 � 1000/100 � 10:1.

2. Compute the Full-Load Current of the Primary and Secondary Windings

Primary current I1 � (VA)1/V1 � 25,000 VA/2500 V � 10 A. Secondary current I2 �(VA)2/V2 � 25,000 VA/250 V � 100 A. The current transformation ratio is 1/a � I1/I2 �10 A/100 A � 1:10.

Related Calculations. One end of each winding is marked with a dot in Fig. 4.2. Thedots indicate the terminals that have the same relative polarity. As a result of the dot con-vention, the following rules are established:

1. When current enters a primary that has a dot polarity marking, the current leaves thesecondary at its dot polarity terminal.

2. When current leaves a primary terminal that has a dot polarity marking, the currententers the secondary at its dot polarity terminal.

Manufacturers usually mark the leads on the high-voltage sides as H1, H2, etc. Theleads on the low-voltage side are marked X1, X2, etc. Marking H1 has the same relativepolarity as X1, etc.


Select a transformer with the correct turns ratio to match the 8- � resistive load in Fig. 4.3to the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the source.

FIGURE 4.2 Single-phase transformer connected to load.

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Calculation Procedure

1. Determine the Turns Ratio

The impedance of the input circuit, Zi, is 5000 �. This value represents the Theveninimpedance of the source. The load impedance, ZL , is 8 �. To achieve an impedancematch, the required turns ratio is

Therefore, the impedance-matching transformer must have a turns ratio of 25:1.

Related Calculations. The maximum power transfer theorem (Sec. 1) states that maxi-mum power is delivered by a source to a load when the impedance of the load is equal tothe internal impedance of the source. Because the load impedance does not always matchthe source impedance, transformers are used between source and load to ensure matching.When the load and source impedances are not resistive, maximum power is delivered tothe load when the load impedance is the complex conjugate of the source impedance.


Determine the turns ratio of each secondary circuit, the primary current, I1, and rating inkVA of a transformer with multiple secondaries, illustrated in Fig. 4.4.

Calculation Procedure

1. Select the Turns Ratio of Each Secondary Circuit

Let the turns ratio of circuit 1 to circuit 2 be designated as a2 and the turns ratio of cir-cuit 1 to circuit 3 as a3. Then, a2 � V1/V2 � 2000 V/1000 V � 2:1 and a3 � V1/V3 �2000 V/500 V � 4:1.

2. Compute the Primary Current I1

Since I2 � V2/Z2 and I3 � V3/Z3, then I2 � 1000 V/500 � � 20 A and I3 � 500 V/50� � 10 A. The ampere turns of the primary (N1I1) of a transformer equals the sum of the

a � √Zi/ZL � √5000 �/8 � � 25

FIGURE 4.3 Transformer used for impedance matching.

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ampere turns of all the secondary circuits; therefore, N1I1 � N2I2 � N3I3. Solving for I1,we have I1 � (N2/N1)I2 � (N3/N1)I3. The turns ratio is N2/N1 � 1/a2 and N3/N1 � 1/a3.Hence, I1 � I2/a2 � I3/a3 � (20 A)( ) � (10 A) ( ) � 12.5 A.

3. Compute the Rating in kVA of the Transformer

The winding ratings are kVA1 � V1I1/1000 � (2000 V)(12.5 A)/1000 � 25 kVA,kVA2 � V2I2/1000 � (1000 V)(20 A)/1000 � 20 kVA, and kVA3 � V3I3/1000 � (500V)(10 A)/1000 � 5 kVA. The apparent power rating of the primary equals the sum of theapparent power ratings of the secondary. As a check, 25 kVA � (20 � 5) kVA �25 kVA.

Related Calculations. When the secondary loads have different phase angles, the sameequations still apply. The voltages and currents, however, must be expressed as phasorquantities.


Calculate the impedance, Z1, seen by the primary of the three-winding transformer of Fig.4.4 using impedance-transformation concepts.

Calculation Procedure

1. Calculate Z1

The equivalent reflected impedance of both secondaries or the total impedance “seen”by the primary, Z1, is: Z1 � Z2 � Z3, where Z2 is the reflected impedance of cir-

cuit 2 and Z3 is the reflected impedance of circuit 3. Hence, Z1 � (2)2(50 �) � (4)2(50�) � 200 � 800 � 160 �.

2. Check the Value of Z1 Found in Step 1

Z1 � V1/I1 � 2000 V/12.5 A � 160 �.





FIGURE 4.4 Transformer with multiple secondaries.

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Related Calculations. When the secondary loads are not resistive, the preceding equa-tions still apply. The impedances are expressed by complex numbers, and the voltage andcurrent are expressed as phasors.


Select the turns ratio of a transformer with tapped secondaries to supply the loads ofFig. 4.5.

Calculation Procedure

1. Calculate the Power Requirement of the Primary

When a transformer has multiple, or tapped, secondaries, P1 � P2 � P3 � � � � , whereP1 is the power requirement of the primary and P2, P3, � � � are the power requirementsof each secondary circuit. Hence, P1 � 5 � 2 � 10 � 3 � 20 W.

2. Compute the Primary Input Voltage, V1

From P1 � /Z1, one obtains V1 � � 200 V.

3. Compute the Secondary Voltages

V2 � � 5.48 V, V3 � � 4 V, V4 � � 12.7 V, and V5 �� 38.7 V.

4. Select the Turns Ratio

The ratios are a2 � V1/V2 � 200/5.48 � 36.5:1, a3 � V1/V3 � 200/4 � 50:1, a4 �V1/V4 � 200/12.7 � 15.7:1, and a5 � V1/V5 � 200/38.7 � 5.17:1.

Related Calculations. A basic transformer rule is that the total power requirements ofall the secondaries must equal the power input to the primary of the transformer.

√3 � 500√10 � 16√2 � 8√5 � 6

√P1 Z1 � √20 � 2000V 21

FIGURE 4.5 Transformer with tapped secondaries.

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Compute the number of turns in each secondary winding, the rated primary current atunity-power-factor loads, and the rated current in each secondary winding of the three-winding transformer of Fig. 4.6.

Calculation Procedure

1. Compute the Number of Turns in Each Secondary Winding

The turns ratio in winding 2 is a2 � V1/V2 � N1/N2 � 4800/600 � 8:1; hence, N2 �N1/a2 � 800/8 � 100 turns. Similarly, a3 � V1/V3 � N1/N3 � 4800/480 � 10:1 fromwhich N3 � N1/a3 � 800/10 � 80 turns.

2. Compute the Rated Primary Current

I1 � (VA)1/V1 � 100,000/4800 � 20.83 A.

3. Compute the Rated Secondary Currents

I2 � (VA)2/V2 � 50,000/600 � 83.8 A and I3 � (VA)3/V3 � 50,000/480 � 104.2 A.

Related Calculations. This method may be used to analyze transformers with one ormore secondary windings for power, distribution, residential, or commercial service.When the loads are not at unity power factor, complex algebra and phasors are usedwhere applicable.


Calculate the primary voltage required to produce rated voltage at the secondary termi-nals of a 100-kVA, 2400/240-V, single-phase transformer operating at full load. Thepower factor (pf) of the load is 80 percent lagging.

FIGURE 4.6 Three-winding transformer.

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Calculation Procedure

1. Analyze the Circuit Model of Fig. 4.7

The model of Fig. 4.7 includes winding resistances, inductive reactances, and core andcopper losses. The symbols are defined as follows:

V1 � supply voltage applied to the primary circuit

R1 � resistance of the primary circuit

X1 � inductive reactance of the primary circuit

I1 � current drawn by the primary from the power source

IEXC � exciting current

Ic � core loss component of the exciting current; this component accounts for thehysteresis and eddy-current losses

I� � magnetizing component of exciting current

Rc � equivalent resistance representing core loss

Xm � primary self-inductance that accounts for magnetizing current

I2/a � load component of primary current

E1 � voltage induced in the primary coil by all the flux linking the coil

E2 � voltage induced in the secondary coil by all the flux linking the coil

R2 � resistance of the secondary circuit, excluding the load

X2 � inductive reactance of the secondary circuit

I2 � current delivered by the secondary circuit to the load

V2 � voltage that appears at the terminals of the secondary winding, across the load

2. Draw Phasor Diagram

The phasor diagram for the model of Fig. 4.7 is provided in Fig. 4.8. The magnetizingcurrent, I�, is about 5 percent of full-load primary current. The core loss component of theexciting current, Ic, is about 1 percent of full-load primary current. Current Ic is in phase

FIGURE 4.7 Circuit model of a practical transformer.

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with E1, and I� lags E1 by 90°. The power factor of the exciting current, IEXC, is quite lowand lags E1 by approximately 80°.

3. Simplify the Circuit of Fig. 4.7

The exciting current is neglected in the approximate transformer model of Fig. 4.9.The primary parameters R1 and X1 are referred to the secondary side as R1/a2 and X1/a2,respectively. Hence, REQ2 � R1/a2 � R2 and XEQ2 � X1/a2 � X2. The equivalent imped-ance of the transformer referred to the secondary side is: ZEQ2 � REQ2 � jXEQ2.

4. Solve for V1

Transformer manufacturers agree that the ratio of rated primary and secondary voltagesof a transformer is equal to the turns ratio: a � V1/V2 � 2400/240 � 10�1. ZEQ2 � (R1/a2 �R2) � j(X1/a2 � X2) � (0.3/100 � 0.003) � j(1.5/100 � 0.015) � 0.03059 , but �I2� � (VA)2/V2 � 100,000/240 � 416.67 A. Using V2 as a reference, I2 � 416.67A, but V1/a � V2 � I2ZEQ2 � 240 � (416.67 )(0.03059 ) �

249.65 . However, �V1� � a�V1/a� � 10 � 249.65 � 2496.5 V.�1.952�




FIGURE 4.8 Phasor diagram for circuit of Fig. 4.7.

FIGURE 4.9 Simplified version of Fig. 4.7.

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Related Calculations. For lagging power-factor loads, V1 must be greater thanrated value (in this case 2400 V) in order to produce rated voltage across the sec-ondary (240 V).


Calculate the primary voltage required to produce rated voltage at the secondary termi-nals of the transformer of Fig. 4.7. The transformer is operating at full load with an 80percent leading power factor.

Calculation Procedure

1. Solve for V1

With V2 as a reference, I2 � 416.67 A. Substituting, we have V1/a � V2 �I2ZEQ2 � 240 � (416.67 )(0.03059 ) � 234.78 . The magni-tude �V1� � a�V1/a� � (10)(234.78) � 2347.8 V.

Related Calculations. When the load is sufficiently leading, as in this case, �V1� �2347.8 V. This value is less than the rated primary voltage of 2400 V to produce the ratedsecondary voltage.


Calculate the full-load voltage regulation of the transformer shown in Fig. 4.7 for 80 per-cent leading and lagging power factors.

Calculation Procedure

1. Solve for the Full-Load Voltage Regulation at 80 Percent Lagging Power Factor

Transformer voltage regulation is defined as the difference between the full-load andthe no-load secondary voltages (with the same impressed primary voltage for each case).Expressed as a percentage of the full-load secondary voltage, voltage regulation is: VR �[(�V1/a� � �V2�)/�V2�] � 100 percent. From the results of the 80 percent lagging powerfactor example, VR � (249.65 � 240)/240 � 100 percent � 4.02 percent.

The phasor diagram for a lagging power-factor condition, that is illustrated in Fig.4.10, indicates positive voltage regulation.

2. Solve for the Full-Load Voltage Regulation at 80 Percent Leading Power Factor

From the 80 percent leading power-factor example, VR � (234.78 � 240)/240 � 100percent � �2.18 percent. The phasor diagram for a leading power-factor condition,shown in Fig. 4.11, illustrates negative voltage regulation.


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Related Calculations. Negative regulation denotes that the secondary voltage increaseswhen the transformer is loaded. This stems from a partial resonance condition betweenthe capacitance of the load and the leakage inductance of the transformer. Zero trans-former voltage regulation occurs when V1/a � V2. This condition, which occurs with aslightly leading power-factor load, is illustrated in Fig. 4.12.


A 10-kVA transformer has 40-W iron loss at rated voltage and 160-W copper loss at fullload. Calculate the efficiency for a 5-kVA, 80 percent power-factor load.

Calculation Procedure

1. Analyze the Losses

The sum of the hysteresis and eddy-current losses is called the core, or iron, loss ofthe transformer; this will be designated Pi. The core loss is a constant loss of the trans-former.

The sum of the primary and secondary I2R losses is called the copper loss, Pcu; Pcu �R1 � R2. This shows that copper losses vary with the square of the current.

2. Solve for Efficiency

Efficiency, , can be found from � Pout/Pin � Pout/(Pout � losses) � Pout/(Pout �Pi � Pcu) � (VAload)(pf)/[(VAload)(pf) � Pt � Pcu(VAload/VArating)2]. From this equation, � (5000 � 0.8)/[5000 � 0.8 � 40 � 160(5000/10,000)2] � 0.98 or 98 percent.

Related Calculations. The iron losses of a transformer are determined quite accuratelyby measuring the power input at rated voltage and frequency under no-load conditions.

I 22I 2


FIGURE 4.10 Phasor diagram of transformer for lagging powerfactor.

FIGURE 4.11 Phasor diagram of transformer forleading power factor.

FIGURE 4.12 Phasor diagram for zero trans-former voltage regulation.

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Although it makes no difference which winding is energized, it is usually more conve-nient to energize the low-voltage side. (It is essential to use rated voltage for this test.)

The copper loss is measured by short-circuiting the transformer and measuring thepower input at rated frequency and full-load current. It is usually convenient to performthe short-circuit test by shorting out the low-voltage side and energizing the high-voltageside; however, it does not matter if the procedure is reversed.

Because changing the power factor of the load does not change the losses, raising theload power factor will improve the efficiency of the transformer. The losses then becomea smaller proportion of the total power input. The no-load efficiency of the transformer iszero. High loads increase the copper losses, which vary with the square of the current,thereby decreasing the efficiency. Maximum efficiency operation occurs at some interme-diate value of load.


Calculate the load level at which maximum efficiency occurs for the transformer of theprevious example. Find the value of maximum efficiency with a 100 percent power-factorload and a 50 percent power-factor load.

Calculation Procedure

1. Calculate the Load Level for Maximum Efficiency

Maximum efficiency occurs when the copper losses equal the iron losses. Then, Pi �Pcu(kVAload/kVArating)2 or 40 � 160(kVAload/10 kVA)2. Solving, find kVAload � 5 kVA.

2. Calculate Maximum Efficiency with 100 Percent Power-Factor Load

With the copper and core losses equal, � Pout(Pout � Pi � Pcu) � 5000(5000 �40 �40) � 0.9842 or 98.42 percent.

3. Calculate Maximum Efficiency with 50 Percent Power-Factor Load

Maximum efficiency is � (5000 � 0.5)/(5000 � 0.5 � 40 � 40) � 0.969 or 96.9percent.

Related Calculations. Maximum efficiency occurs at approximately half load for mosttransformers. In this procedure, it occurs at exactly half load. Transformers maintain theirhigh efficiency over a wide range of load values above and below the half-load value.Maximum efficiency for this transformer decreases with lower power factors for a valueof 98.42 percent at 100 percent power factor to a value of 96.9 percent at 50 percentpower factor. Efficiencies of transformers are higher than those of rotating machinery, forthe same capacity, because rotating electrical machinery has additional losses, such as ro-tational and stray load losses.


A 50-kVA transformer has 180-W iron loss at rated voltage and 620-W copper loss at fullload. Calculate the all-day efficiency of the transformer when it operates with the followingunity-power-factor loads: full load, 8 h; half load, 5 h; one-quarter load, 7 h; no load, 4 h.

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Calculation Procedure

1. Find the Total Energy Iron Losses

Since iron losses exist for the entire 24 h the transformer is energized, the total ironloss is Wi (total) � Pit � (180 � 24)/1000 � 4.32 kWh.

2. Determine the Total Energy Copper Losses

Energy copper losses Wcu � Pcut. Because copper losses vary with the square of theload, the total-energy copper losses are found as follows: Wcu (total) � (12 � 620 � 8 �0.52 � 620 � 5 � 0.252 � 620 � 7)/1000 � 6.006 kWh over the 20 h that the trans-former supplies a load.

3. Calculate the Total Energy Loss

The total energy loss over the 24-h period is: Wloss (total) � Wi (total) � Wcu (total) �4.32 � 6.006 � 10.326 kWh.

4. Solve for the Total Energy Output

Wout (total) � 50 � 8 � 50 � � 5 � 50 � � 7 � 612.5 kWh.

5. Compute the All-Day Efficiency

All-day efficiency � Wout(total) / [Wout(total) � Wloss(total)] � 100 percent � 612.5/(612.5 �10.236) � 100 percent � 98.3 percent.

Related Calculations. All-day efficiency is important when the transformer is con-nected to the supply for the entire 24 h, as is typical for ac distribution systems. It isusual to calculate this efficiency at unity power factor. At any other power factor, the all-day efficiency would be lower because the power output would be less for the samelosses.

The overall energy efficiency of a distribution transformer over a 24-h period is highin spite of varying load and power-factor conditions. A low all-day efficiency exists onlywhen there is a complete lack of use of the transformer, or during operation at extremelylow power factors.


Select a minimum-size transformer to supply a cyclic load that draws 100 kVA for 2min, 50 kVA for 3 min, 25 kVA for 2 min, and no load for the balance of its 10-mincycle.

Calculation Procedure

1. Solve for the Apparent-Power Rating in kVA of the Transformer

When the load cycle is sufficiently short so that the temperature of the trans-former does not change appreciably during the cycle, the minimum transformer sizeis the rms value of the load. Hence S � �

� 53.62 kVA.√(1002 � 2 � 502 � 3 � 252 � 2)/10√(S 2

1t1 � S 22t2 � S 2



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Related Calculations. When selecting a transformer to supply a cyclic load, it is essen-tial to verify that the voltage regulation is not excessive at peak load. The method used toselect a transformer in this example is satisfactory provided the load cycle is short. If theload cycle is long (several hours), this method cannot be used. In that case the thermaltime constant of the transformer must be considered.


A transformer is designed to carry 30 times its rated current for 1 s. Determine the lengthof time that a current of 20 times the rating can be allowed to flow. Find the maximumamount of current that the transformer can carry for 2 s.

Calculation Procedure

1. Calculate the Time for 20 Times Rating

Transformers have a definite I2t limitation because heat equals I2REQ and REQ is constantfor a particular transformer. (REQ represents the total resistance of the primary and sec-ondary circuits.) Hence, I2

rating t rating � I2new t new � 302 � 1 � 202tnew; solving, tnew �

2.25 s.

2. Solve for the Maximum Permissible Current for 2 s

Since 302 � 1 � I 2 � 2, I � 21.21 times full-load current.

Related Calculations. The thermal problem is basically a matter of how much heat canbe stored in the transformer windings before an objectionable temperature is reached. Themethod followed in this example is valid for values of t below 10 s.


Both open-circuit and short-circuit tests are made on a 50-kVA, 5-kV/500-V, 60-Hzpower transformer. Open-circuit test readings from the primary side are 5 kV, 250 W,and 0.4 A; short-circuit test readings from the primary side are 190 V, 450 W, and 9 A.Calculate the parameters of the equivalent circuit (Rc, Xm, R1, X2, R2, X2), referring toFig. 4.7.

Calculation Procedure

1. Analyze the Equivalent Circuit Model in Fig. 4.7

The equivalent circuit symbols that have been used are defined on page 4.8. In order todetermine all of the parameters of this equivalent circuit, we need to calculate the wind-ing resistance, inductive reactance, the equivalent resistance representing the core loss,and the primary self-inductance that accounts for the magnetizing current.


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2. Calculation of the Shunt Resister (Rc) and the Magnetizing Reactance of theTransformer (Xm) by Open-Circuit Test

The equivalent circuit diagram of the open-circuit test for power transformer is pro-vided in Fig. 4.13.

Since Rc is much larger than R1, we can omit the influence of R1 when we calculate.Hence, Poc � /Rc, Rc � /Poc � (5 � 103)2/250 � 100,000 �. Also, since Xm ismuch larger than X1, we can omit the influence of X1 when we calculate. Then, Ooc �

/Xm.At first, we calculate the apparent power, Soc � Voc � Ioc � 5000 � 0.4 � 2000 VA,

and the power factor, pf � Poc/Soc � 250/2000 � 0.125 (lagging). The power factor isthe cosine of the angle between the voltage and current vector, so the pf angle � � cos1

0.125 � 82.8°. Then, Qoc � Voc � Ioc � sin � � 5,000 � 0.4 � sin 82.8 � 1984 VAR.Finally, Xm � /Qoc � (5 � 103)2/1984 � 12,600 �.

3. Calculation of the Coil Resistance (R1 , R2) and the Leakage Reactance (X1 , X2)by Short-Circuit Test of Power Transformer

The equivalent circuit diagram of short-circuit test of transformer is provided in Fig. 4.14.Since the value of Rc, Xm is much larger than that of a2R2 and a2X2, we could get a

simple equivalent circuit of the transformer for the short-circuit test. The equivalent cir-cuit diagram referring to the primary side is shown in Fig. 4.15.

In most cases, R1 is very close in value to a2R2, and X1 is very close in value to a2X2,thus we could assume that R1 � a2R2 and X1 � a2X2. Then the equivalent circuit will besimplified further to the circuit shown in Fig. 4.16.

We define two parameters: Rw � R1 � a2R2 � 2R1 � 2a2R2 and Xw � X1 � a2X2 �2X2 � 2a2X2. At first, we calculate the apparent power Ssc � Vsc � Isc � 190 � 9 �

1710 VA, so we get Qsc � � � 1650 VAR.Then, Rw � Psc/ � 450/92 � 5.56 �; Xw � Qsc/ � 1694/92 � 20.4 �. Thus, R1 �

Rw/2 � 5.56/2 � 2.78 �. We know a � 5000/500 � 10. So, R2 � Rw/(2 � a2) � 5.56/(2 �102) � 27.8 m�; and X2 � Xw/(2 � a2) � 20.4/(2 � 102) � 102 m�.

I 2scI 2


√ 17102 4502√ S 2sc P 2


V 2oc

V 2oc

V 2ocV 2


FIGURE 4.13 Equivalent circuit diagram of an open-circuit test for a powertransformer.

FIGURE 4.14 Equivalent circuit diagram of a short-circuit test for a power transformer.

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Related Calculations. We could get the transformer exciting current from I� � Ioc, themagnetizing current Im � Voc /Xm and the current Ic supplying core losses when we con-duct open-circuit and short-circuit tests on the transformer. Furthermore, the core loss ofthe transformer is approximately equal to Poc, and the copper loss of the transformer isapproximately equal to Psc. This result could be used for the calculation of the efficiencyof power transformer discussed on page 4.12.


Calculate the full-load currents of the 50-kVA, 2400-V, and 120-V windings of the2400/120-V isolation transformer of Fig. 4.17a. When this transformer is connected as astep-up transformer in Fig. 4.17b, calculate its apparent power rating in kVA, the percentincrease in apparent power capacity in kVA, and the full-load currents.

Calculation Procedure

1. Find the Full-Load Currents of the Isolation Transformer

I1 � (VA)1/V1 � 50,000/2400 � 20.83 A, and I2 � (VA)2/V2 � 50,000/120 �416.7 A.

2. Determine the Power Rating in kVA of the Autotransformer

Because the 120-V winding is capable of carrying 416.7 A, the power rating in kVA ofthe autotransformer is VA2 � (2520 � 416.7)/1000 � 1050 kVA.

3. Calculate the Percent Increase in Apparent Power Using the Isolation Trans-former as an Autotransformer

kVAauto/kVAisolation � 1050/50 � 100 percent � 2100 percent.

4. Solve for the Full-Load Currents of the Autotransformer

Because the series winding (X1 to X2) has a full-load rating of 416.7 A, I2 � 416.7 A.Current I1 � (VA)1/V1 � (1050 �1000)/2400 � 437.5 A. The current in the commonwinding is Ic � I1 I2 � 437.5 416.7 � 20.8 A.

FIGURE 4.15 Equivalent circuit diagram re-ferred to the primary side.

FIGURE 4.16 A more simplified equivalent cir-cuit diagram.

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Related Calculations. With the circuit as an autotransformer, the power in kVA has in-creased to 2100 percent of its original value with the low-voltage winding operating at itsrated capacity. The effect on the high-voltage winding is negligible because Ic � 20.8 Awhile I1, with the circuit as an isolation transformer, is 20.83 A.

The increase in apparent-power capacity produced by connecting an isolation trans-former as an autotransformer accounts for the smaller size in autotransformers of thesame capacity in kVA compared with ordinary isolation transformers. However, thismarked increase in capacity only occurs as the ratio of primary to secondary voltages inthe autotransformer approaches unity.


Calculate the line current in the primary, the phase current in the primary, the phase-to-neutral voltage of the secondary, and the turns ratio of the 50-MVA, three-phase trans-former bank of Fig. 4.18 when used as a generator-step-up transformer and operating atrated load.

Calculation Procedure

1. Find the Line Current in the Primary

I1P � S/( � VLP) � 50,000,000/( �13,000 ) � 2221 A.

2. Determine the Value of the Phase Current in the Primary

Iline � Iphase/ � 2221/ � 1282 A.

3. Calculate the Phase-to-Neutral Voltage of the Secondary

V1N � VLS/ �138,000/ �79,677 V.

4. Solve for the Line Current in the Secondary

I1S � S/( � VLS) � 50,000,000/( � 138,000) � 209 A.√3√3




FIGURE 4.17 Application of an (a) isolation transformer and (b) autotransformer.

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5. Compute the Transformer Turns RatioThe turns ratio is a � N1/N2 � 13,000/79,677 � 0.163 � 1:6.13.

Related Calculations. The line current in the secondary is related to the line current inthe primary as follows: I1S � aI1P/ � (0.163 � 2221)/ � 209 A, which checks thevalue of I1S calculated in Step 4. The voltage phasor relations (Fig. 4.19) show that the sec-ondary voltages of the wye side lead the primary voltages of the delta side by 30°.


FIGURE 4.18 Delta-wye, three-phase transformer bank used as a generator step-uptransformer.

FIGURE 4.19 Voltage phasor relations for a step-up transformerwith (a) delta primary at 13 kV and (b) wye secondary at 138 kV.

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Each of the delta-delta transformers of Fig. 4.20 is rated at 40 kVA, 2400/240 V. The banksupplies a 80-kVA load at unity power factor. If transformer C is removed for repair,calculate, for the resulting vee-vee connection: load in kVA carried by each transformer,percent of rated load carried by each transformer, total apparent power rating in kVA of thetransformer bank in vee-vee, ratio of vee-vee bank to delta-delta bank transformer ratings,and the percent increase in load on each transformer.

Calculation Procedure

1. Find the Load in kVA Carried by Each Transformer

Load per transformer � total kVA/ � 80 kVA/ � 46.2 kVA.

2. Determine the Percent of Rated Load Carried by Each Transformer

Percent transformer load � (load in kVA/transformer)/(rating in kVA per transfor-mer) � 100 percent � 46.2 kVA/40 kVA � 100 percent � 115.5 percent.

3. Calculate the Total Rating in kVA of the Transformer Bank in Vee-Vee

Rating in kVA of vee-vee bank � (rating in kVA per transformer) � � 40 �69.3 kVA.

4. Solve for the Ratio of the Vee-Vee Bank to the Delta-Delta Bank TransformerRatings

Ratio of ratings � vee-vee bank/delta-delta bank � 69.3 kVA/120 kVA � 100 per-cent � 57.7 percent.

5. Compute the Percent Increase in Load on Each Transformer

Original load in delta-delta per transformer is 80 kVA/ 3 � 26.67 kVA per trans-former. Percent increase in load � (kVA per transformer in vee-vee)/(kVA per transformerin delta-delta) � 46.2 kVA/26.67 kVA � 100 percent � 173.2 percent.



FIGURE 4.20 Removal of transformer C from a delta-delta system results in a vee-vee system.

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Related Calculations. This example demonstrates that while the transformer loadincreases by 173.2 percent in a vee-vee system, each transformer is only slightly over-loaded (115.5 percent). Because each transformer in a vee-vee system delivers line currentand not phase current, each transformer in open delta supplies 57.7 percent of the totalvolt-amperes.


A two-phase, 10-hp, 240-V, 60-Hz motor has an efficiency of 85 percent and a power fac-tor of 80 percent. It is fed from the 600-V, three-phase system of Fig. 4.21 by a Scott-connected transformer bank. Calculate the apparent power drawn by the motor at full load,the current in each two-phase line, and the current in each three-phase line.

Calculation Procedure

1. Find the Apparent Power Drawn by the Motor

Rated output power of the motor is Po � 746 W/hp � 10 hp � 7460 W. Active power,P, drawn by the motor at full load is Po/ � 7460 W/0.85 � 8776 W, where � effi-ciency. Apparent power drawn by the motor at full load is S � P/pf � (8776 W)/0.8 �10,970 VA.

2. Determine the Current in Each Two-Phase Line

Apparent power per phase � 10,970/2 � 5485 VA; hence, I � S/V � 5485/240 �22.85 A.

3. Calculate the Current in Each Three-Phase Line

I � S/( � V) � 10.970/( � 600) � 10.56 A.

Related Calculations. The Scott connection isolates the three-phase and two-phase sys-tems and provides the desired voltage ratio. It can be used to change three-phase to two-


FIGURE 4.21 Scott-connected system, three-phase to two-phase or two-phase to three-phase.

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phase or two-phase to three-phase. Because transformers are less costly than rotatingmachines, this connection is very useful when industrial concerns wish to retain their two-phase motors even through their line service is three-phase.


Anderson, Edwin. 1985. Electric Machines and Transformers. Reston, Va.: Reston Publishing Co.

Elgerd, Olle Ingemar. 1982. Electric Energy Systems Theory: An Introduction, 2nd ed. New York:McGraw-Hill.

Gingrich, Harold W. 1979. Electrical Machinery, Transformers, and Control. Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Henry, Tom. 1989. Transformer Exam Calculations. Orlando, Fla.: Code Electrical Classes &Bookstore.

Hicks, S. David. 1995. Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations, 3rd ed. New York:McGraw-Hill.

Jackson, Herbert W. 1986. Introduction to Electric Circuits, 6th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall.

Johnson, Curtis B. 1994. Handbook of Electrical and Electronics Technology. Englewood Cliffs,N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Kingsley, Charles, A. Ernest Fitzgerald, and Stephen Umans. 1990. Electric Machinery, 5th ed. NewYork: McGraw-Hill College Division.

Kosow, Irving L. 1991. Electric Machinery and Transformers, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall.

McPherson, George, and Robert D. Laramore. 1990. An Introduction to Electrical Machines andTransformers, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Richardson, David W. 1978. Rotating Electric Machinery and Transformer Technology. Reston, Va.:Reston Publishing Co.

Wildi, Theodore. 1981. Electrical Power Technology. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

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