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WEEK ONE: CLUES ABOUT JESUS’ BIRTH Christmas was just a couple of months ago, but how much do you remember about the story of Jesus’ birth? Do you remember what city Jesus was born in? Do you remember who His mother was? How about the name of His cousin—the one who grew up to live in the wilderness, eat grasshoppers and baptize people?

DAY 1: Color picture of "Jesus is God with us." Read the paragraph above to your child. Work on answering the questions together and writing those answers on paper. Allow time and space on the paper for coloring—perhaps stars, donkey, stable, animals, manger, and grasshoppers.

DAY 2: Pray together: “Dear God, we are so thankful for the birth of Jesus. We are thankful for the Old Testament prophets that gave us clues about Jesus’ birth hundreds of years before it happened. We are thankful that this Jesus of Nazareth really is the Savior that God promised all along. Amen.”

DAY 3: Make a pathway to Bethlehem. Use any common items in your home to create a path your child can travel along—chairs, boxes, stu�ed animals, plants—as they journey to Bethlehem. Perhaps the parent can be the donkey! Talk about the trip that Mary and Joseph had to make.

EXTRA ADVENTURE: Look up pictures of ancient roads, types of clothing, and food.

Begin to create a picture timeline as you journey toward Easter. Place your �rst colored picture card on the wall, bulletin board, or fridge door. Make sure you leave space for the next 6 picture cards!

“The Lord himself will give you a sign. The virgin is going to have a baby. She will give birth to a son. And he will be called Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14 NIrV)

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WEEK TWO: CLUES ABOUT JESUS’ MISSIONThe Old Testament prophets gave clues about Jesus’ mission, the things that He stood for, and the things He did. They knew Jesus would believe that doing what is right is more important than looking holy and that He would be full of compassion for people who are spiritually lost and that He would love people of all nations.

DAY 1: Color your picture of Malachi saying a messenger would get people ready for the Messiah.

DAY 2: Draw or �nd pictures of di�erent kinds of foods that animals would eat. (Cows eat grass and hay, chickens eat grains and insects, cats drink milk, squirrels eat nuts, and bears eat honey.) Have your child guess which animal would eat this food. Talk about how the prophets gave clues that pointed to Jesus and His mission on this earth. (Amos 5:23-24; Jonah 11; Micah 7:18; Hosea 1:11; Micah 5:4-5a)

EXTRA ADVENTURE: Use playdough to make the animal foods!

DAY 3: Pray together: “Thank you, Father, for giving us a Savior in Jesus. Help us to tell others about our Savior just as the Prophets did. In Jesus name. Amen.”

DAY 4: Look for Clues: Give your child a clue or hint about some object that they could �nd in your home. For example, you could say “We eat with this item.” The children can �nd a spoon or a fork. “You use this soft thing when you go to sleep at night.” The child could �nd a blanket or pillow or favorite stu�ed animal. Relate your game back to the clues about Jesus found in the Old Testament.

DAY 5: Place your coloring page next to last week’s picture to continue to form your timeline.

“God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. God did not send his Son into the world to judge the world. He sent his Son to save the world through him.” (John 3:16-17 NIrV)

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WEEK THREE: CLUES ABOUT JESUS’ WORKGod’s people, the Israelites, expected that God’s promised Savior would come like a mighty warrior who would overthrow the Roman rulers. This did not happen. Jesus’ role was not to overthrow the government, but to show people who His Father was. Some people don’t understand this about Jesus, and they “stumble” over Him; other people do understand, and they make Jesus the “capstone”—the most important part of their lives.

DAY 1: Color your picture card: “Jesus Taught That HE is the Messiah.” Notice the angry faces of the other people in the picture. They are choosing to trip over the stone (Jesus) instead of making Him the capstone.

DAY 2: Spend some time looking through a Children’s Bible for stories that show Jesus helping others, showing compassion, forgiving sins, healing illness and disease.

DAY 3: Pray together: “Dear Jesus, please help us to make You the most important part of our lives. Help us to show other people who Your Father is. In Jesus name. Amen.”

DAY 4: Build a tower together using household items such as bowls or plastic cups or toys such as blocks or duplos. Discover where the capstone goes (a stone �xed on top of something, typically a wall). Talk about the importance of putting Jesus �rst in your life.

DAY 5: Add your coloring sheet to your timeline. Use a calendar to follow how many more days until Easter Sunday.

“ This stone is very valuable to you who believe. But to people who do not believe, ‘The stone the builders did not accepthas become the most important stone of all.’ (Psalm 118:22) And, ‘It is a stone that causes people to trip. It is a rock that makes them fall.’ (Isaiah 8:14) They trip and fall because they do not obey the message. That is also what God planned for them.” (1 Peter 2:7-8 NIrV)

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WEEK FOUR: CLUES ABOUT JESUS’ FOREVER KINGDOMGod has created all people in His image, and He loves them all, no matter where they are from or what language they speak. Jesus showed this when He lived on earth. His plan was to open His kingdom wide, to welcome people from all nations who put their faith in Him!

DAY 1: Color and/or decorate your picture of a throne.

DAY 2: What do other languages sound like? Find a site (such as babbel.com) and listen to words in other languages.

EXTRA: Find a song such as “Jesus Loves Me” sung in another language!!

DAY 3: Pray together: “We thank you, Jesus, for calling every nation, tribe and people to believe in You. Thank you for Your love. In Jesus name. Amen.”

DAY 4: Make a throne of your own. How does a kingly throne look? Use your imagination with items around your home such as blankets, pillows, scarves, jewelry, stickers or even streamers. Talk over who our King is (Jesus) and how He welcomes all people who their faith in Him.

DAY 5: Place your coloring page next to last week’s picture to continue to form your timeline.

“After this I looked, and there in front of me was a huge crowd of people. They stood in front of the throne and in front of the Lamb. There were so many that no one could count them. They came from every nation, tribe and people. That’s true no matter what language they spoke. They were wearing white robes. In their hands they were holding palm branches. They cried out in a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God,who sits on the throne.Salvation also belongs to the Lamb.’” (Revelation 7:9-10 NIrV)

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WEEK FIVE: CLUES ABOUT JESUS’ NEW KINGDOMOur coloring picture for this week shows Jesus talking to Nicodemus about God’s great plan. Jesus wanted Nicode-mus to be made into a new creation. “The old is gone! The new is here!” We can come back to God because of Christ’s death on the Cross. God is at work changing people’s lives with His love and peace.

DAY 1: Color your picture card of Jesus talking with Nicodemus.

DAY 2: Visit your recycling bin and see what can be made new again. Can a plastic bottle be made into an instru-ment? (add rice or noodles) Can an old plastic soda bottle be made into a lava lamp? (add water, food coloring and oil) Can an old milk jug be made into a planter? (add potting soil and seeds) Talk about God’s plan to bring Jesus into this world to work and love those around Him and ultimately give His life so we can be made new.

DAY 3: “We are happy, God, that You had a plan to make us new through Jesus. Please help us to be help others know the love and peace of Jesus.”

DAY 4: Draw opposites (little ones learn so much through the concept of opposites!). For example: dark/light, straight/curvy, high/low. Move your body in opposites: fast/slow, smooth/bumpy, up/down. Talk about how Jesus can make us new inside (hearts and minds) and outside (how we act toward others). Make a plan to show others how Jesus is your ‘capstone’.

DAY 5: Place your coloring page next to last week’s picture to continue to form your timeline.

“When anyone lives in Christ, the new creation has come. The old is gone! The new is here! All this is from God. He brought us back to himself through Christ’s death on the cross. And he has given us the task of bringing others back to him through Christ.” (2 Corinthians 5:17-18 NIrV)

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WEEK SIX: CLUES ABOUT JESUS AS JUDGEGod is the best gardener ever! His “garden” is made up of His people, who He carefully nurtures and tends. But, because God is a good gardener, He must also cut o� the evil. But for those who call out to Him, Jesus will be our strong protector, our loving Gardener.

DAY 1: Color the beautiful �owers in the garden. Circle all the ‘weeds’ growing among the pretty �owers.

DAY 2: Spend some time together looking at pictures of �owers. How are the �owers the same and how do they look di�erent? Look at plants that you have in your home. Carefully touch the leaves. Have your child help you water the soil. Are there dead leaves to remove? Talk about pruning the plants and how God prunes His plants.

EXTRA: Bring home a bouquet of �owers from the store. Tell someone in your home how Jesus is a loving Gardener.

DAY 3: “We are thankful that You tend to us as a garden. Please keep us healthy and growing. In Jesus name. Amen.”

DAY 4: Help your child cut out �ower petals made of paper. Glue them onto a plain piece of paper and draw a stem. Talk about how Jesus wants us to live a holy and obedient life. Write good choices onto the petals, (i.e. loving others, reading God’s Word, following instructions, sharing, being kind to others).

DAY 5: Place your coloring page next to last week’s picture to continue to form your timeline.

“The Lord is good. When people are in trouble, they can go to him for safety. He takes good care of those who trust in him. But he will destroy Nineveh with a powerful �ood. He will chase his enemies into the place of darkness.” (Nahum 1:7-8 NIrV)

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WEEK SEVEN: CLUES ABOUT JESUS’ SUFFERINGThe prophets wrote these clues, so that when these things really happened, people would understand that Jesus was the promised Rescuer. Jesus came to earth knowing all about His death on the Cross—it was His special rescue plan! His death allows us to be declared “not guilty.” It is His free gift to all who believe!

DAY 1: Color the scene of Jesus’ su�ering on the Cross. This was Jesus’ special plan to save us.

DAY 2: Show your child a small bandage and talk about when and why we need them. Talk over taking care of wounds and how it feels when we get a paper cut or fall and skin our knee or elbow. Jesus su�ered much more than this and He did it freely because He loves us. Draw a cross on the Band-Aid and stick it on your child so they can be reminded of Jesus.

DAY 3: “Su�ering is so di�cult. We do not like it. We remember the su�ering of Jesus today and say ‘thank you’. It is by Your wounds that we are healed. In Jesus name. Amen.”

DAY 4: Create a paper chain using small strips of paper. Once the chain is complete use it to ‘capture and jail’ your child. Is it easy to move now? Does the chain slow you down? Ask the child to rip the paper and break the chain. Remember that Jesus gave His life for our sins setting us free from this evil world. Choose a praise song that you and your child know. Give glory to God together.

DAY 5: Place your coloring page next to last week’s picture to continue to form your timeline. Is there room for one more celebration and resurrection picture?!

“These things happened in order that Scripture would come true. It says, ‘Not one of his bones will be broken.’ Scripture also says, ‘They will look to the one they have pierced.’” (John 19:36-37 NIrV)“Jesus gave his life for our sins. He set us free from this evil world. That was what our God and Father wanted. Give glory to God for ever and ever. Amen.” (Galatians 1:4-5 NIrV)

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