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Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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SelectHR v2.0

Slideshow &



Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Table of Contents

Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Version Compatibility ......................................................................................................................................................... 3

Slideshow Management .......................................................................................................................................... 4

Important Note on Company Feed (“Newsfeed”) Administration ................................................................................... 4

Creating a New Slideshow ................................................................................................................................................. 5

Adding Slides ..................................................................................................................................................................... 6

Amending Slideshows ....................................................................................................................................................... 8

Adding a Slideshow to a Dashboard ....................................................................................................................... 9

New Processes ..................................................................................................................................................... 12

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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This document details the slideshow functionality which has been enhanced and brought into prominence with the

release of SelectHR v2.0.

Slideshows are a way of delivering rich content via SelectHR. They can be embedded on dashboards and

significantly improve the richness of the self-service experience.

Whilst slideshows have always formed part of the core product, they have not been widely adopted for a number

of reasons. Mainly this is because creating content for slideshows was an activity which took place in the

SelectHR Administrator application, but also because of the restrictions of dashboards.

SelectHR v2.0 brings slideshow management into the browser so that HR and other trusted content providers can

create new slides very easily without administrator access. It was also felt that slideshows were the best way of

bringing the mobile and onboarding modules to life with their ability to deliver rich, engaging content to


Three specific use cases were identified for v2.0 features, and these come as out-of-the-box templates. These


News Feed

o A slideshow dedicated to delivering company news of any type to self-service and mobile users.

o Ideal for distributing news about company events, charity work, new starters, business


o Configured as the default home page for mobile users.

Onboarding Landing Page

o A slideshow displayed by default on an Onboardee’s landing page.

o Intended for you to deliver a branded welcome experience to your new staff, potentially just one

slide with the “wow” factor.

o Configured as the default home page for Onboardees.

Onboarding Culture

o A slideshow to communicate your company culture to new employees.

o A way to introduce your new starters to some of the company events, charitable activities and

key characters around your business.

o Configured as one of the items on an Onboardees checklist.

Note: All Screenshots are from SelectHR v2.0 using the ‘Modern Theme’ v2.0 Menu Sets.

Version Compatibility The Slideshow functionality requires version 2.0 of SelectHR and does not require an additional license. It is not

backwards compatible.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Slideshow Management

Slideshows enable you to deliver content to your end users. Pictures and text can be uploaded, as well as the

ability to include embedded links to re-direct to another web location. This could be more content on your intranet,

the internet or specific menu items within their portal.

The slideshow management process is required on your menu to add new slides or slideshows. The process to

do this is called ‘Slideshow – Manager (All)’. This is the administrator process giving access to all slideshows.

There are three out-of-the-box slideshows:

Company Culture – by default, for communicating company culture to Onboardees

Company Newsfeed – by default, for communicating company news to self-service and mobile users

Onboarding – by default, for delivering the “wow” factor to Onboardees

The content for all these slideshows can and should be amended, but they should not be deleted. The names can

be changed, but bear in mind where they are already hooked into the mobile and onboarding modules.

Important Note on Company Feed (“Newsfeed”) Administration

The ‘Company Feed’ is a slideshow that is configured to be seen in the SelectHR Mobile Module and Onboarding

Module. The ‘Company Feed’ slideshow has been put into a separate process for organisations that require

someone to be able to edit only the ‘Company Feed’ and not have full slideshow administration. This also makes

it far easier to add newsfeed content.

The process you need to add to a menu to enable company feed administrator is ‘Slideshow - Manager

(Company Feed)’.

Both the company feed and full slideshow manager work in the same way in terms of adding slides.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Creating a New Slideshow

Creating a new Slideshow requires the ‘Slideshow Name’. This field dictates how long slides will be displayed for,

and has a default of 10 seconds. This duration is only applied to the slideshow if there are two or more slides.

Once the slideshow has been created, another tab appears which will list the slides that comprise this slideshow.

Initially it will be blank.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Adding Slides

Slides are added from the ‘Slideshow Items’ tab. If the slideshow is brand new, the listing will be blank. Click

‘New’ to create a slide.

The slide configuration form enables the following:

Title Text Position – the title justification

Title Text – the summary of slide content

Optional Title Hyperlink – the URL the user is redirected to from clicking the title

Body Text Position – the body justification

Body Text – the main slide content

The ‘Body Text’ box has rich text capability. This means you can change fonts, colours and sizes to change the

impact of your slide or specific elements within your slide. When you click in the box, the toolbar will appear. The

HTML can be modified by clicking on the HTML footer tab.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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The second form in the workflow allows an image to be uploaded. It is not mandatory to have an image, but will

add impact to your slide.

The ‘Mobile Images’ section will only be visible if you have a license for the SelectHR Mobile Module. The ‘Mobile

Image’ will automatically create a thumbnail image held internally in the system.

The next screen enables you to control when the slide appears. This is done through a combination of dates you

may only want your slide to display from/until, and a simple ‘Publish Now’ tick box.

Each slide within a slideshow has the following scheduling options:

Publish Now

o Check this box when this slide is ready to publish. The slide will not be shown if it is not


Start Showing Slide On

o Leave this date empty to start showing the slide immediately.

Stop Showing Slide On

o Leave this date empty if the slide should always show from the start date.

It is recommended that you trial different settings for your slides and check the resulting slideshow to find what

suits your requirements. Once you have agreed those settings, you should apply them to each slide you create.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Amending Slideshows

Once you have a number of slides in your slideshow, the slide listing displays key information about your

slideshow items.

Slides within a slideshow are easily amendable by drilling into the slide you want to amend. All of the fields from

the new slide workflow are available, but editable in a simple form.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Adding a Slideshow to a Dashboard

Slideshows can be added to a dashboard. This can be done in the SelectHR Administrator, in the ‘Business

Intelligence’ section, and the heading of ‘Dashboards’.

Select and click the ‘Edit the selected dashboard’ under ‘Tasks’ you want to add slideshow to.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Click the ‘Launch Designer’ in the ‘Dashboard Properties’ box.

In the ‘Dashboard Designer’, click ‘Add Slideshow’.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

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Select the slideshow you want to add to your dashboard and press ‘OK’.

The slideshow is added at the top left corner. Drag the corner to scale it the desired size.

Once the desired size has been achieved click ‘Close’ and then the ‘OK’ buttons on each screen until the ‘Save’.

Access SelectHR v2.0 – Slideshow & Newsfeed Management

This Document is the property of Access UK

© Copyright 2014 Access UK Ltd |All rights reserved

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New Processes

Process Name Brief Overview Recommended Menu/Tab License Key

Slideshow – Manager (All) Administer all slideshows. HR / Configuration Core

Slideshow – Manager

(Company Feed)

Administer the ‘Company

Feed’ slideshow only.

HR / Configuration Core

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