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This CPD section was prepared by Eric Beck FRCP FRCP(Ed) FRCP(Gl)

MEDICINE 41:6 365

by email to: [email protected]

Questions Select the ONE single best answer from the five alternatives:

1 Regarding the structure and function of skin, hair and 4 Regarding the use of systemic drugs for the treatment of

nails it is UNTRUE that:

A racial variation in skin colour is directly related to

the number of melanocytes in the basal layer of the


B skin is an important site of the body’s energy reserve

C the commonly experienced phenomenon of ‘goose

bumps’ is due to contraction of erector pili muscle

D sweat has an important anti-bacterial action against

Staphylococcus aureus

E fingernails grow faster than toenails

2 The following cutaneous manifestation is CORRECTLY

paired with an associated systemic condition:

A acanthosis nigricans AND Addison’s disease

B erythema nodosum (EN) AND diabetes mellitus

C granuloma annulare AND sarcoidosis

D hypertrichosis AND acromegaly

E pre-tibialmyxoedemaANDhyperthyroidism/Graves’


3 Regarding the use of topical agents in the treatment of

dermatological disorders it is TRUE that:

A the topical retinoid, adapalene, used in the treatment

of acne, is, structurally, a vitamin A derivative

B the anti-bacterial, retapamulin, is used in the treat-

ment of impetigo in young children (>9/12)

C the topical immunomodulator calcineurin inhibitor,

tacrolimus, is recommended by NICE as first-line

treatment for moderate-to-severe atopic eczema in

preference to topical corticosteroids

D there is no risk of hypercalcaemia resulting from

topical useofvitaminDderivatives suchascalcipotriol

E with topical corticosteroids, over-treatment through

long-term use of potent agents is a greater problem

than under-treatment through use of too weak a

preparation or inadequate dosage

dermatological disorders it is TRUE that:

A routine serial liver biopsy is the method of choice to

monitor the risk of hepatic fibrosis in treatment with

the antimetabolite methotrexate

B when using the calcineurin inhibitor ciclosporin in se-

vere atopic eczema or severe psoriasis, serial serum

type III procollagen aminopeptide measurements are

made to detect hepatotoxicity

C absence of thiopurine methyl transferase (TPMT)

activity is a contraindication to the use of azathio-


D when treating severe acne, the oral retinoid isotreti-

noin can be safely given in pregnancy after the first


E long-term treatment of severe psoriasis with a ‘bio-

logic’ such as infliximab carries a risk of developing

malignancy (e.g. lymphoma)

5 Regarding the different forms of psoriasis seen in

different groups of patients it is TRUE that:

A the clinical scoring system Copenhagen Psoriatic

Severity Index (CPSI) combines area of involvement

with severity of scaling, plaque thickness and erythema

at each of four body regions

B permanent hair loss (alopecia) commonly occurs in

scalp psoriasis

C exacerbations of psoriasis in pregnancy get worse post-


D tonsillectomy may be helpful in preventing recurrent

guttate psoriasis

E topical corticosteroids are the treatment of choice when

psoriasis begins in childhood

For the answers and for more questions andanswers, go to:


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