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The most recognised word on the planet after “OK”

The red and white Coca-Cola logo is recognized by 94% of the world's population.

Sell Coca-Cola at Exorbitant Price

Mission Statement

• To serve customers a broad selection of non alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages.

• To think globally and act locally.

• The ultimate objectives are to increase volume, increase market share in the non-alcoholic ready to drink beverage sales, increase prices and increase profits.

Revision Rate

• iPhone 5 price = Rs 45,500 (16GB)

• Samsung Galaxy S3 price= Rs 30,950 (16GB)

• [(45,500-30,950)/30,950]*100 = 47.01%

is the premium charged by Apple for its products.

• Since beverages are consumed faster than electronics, the premium charged should be less. Hence 35% would be the increase in price of Coca Cola.

Revision Rate: Why Apple & Samsung

• Apple was the first company to produce a smartphone.

• Samsung is a major competitor of Apple.

• Samsung is an aggressive advertiser

• Coca Cola was the first company to produce ready-to-drink beverage.

• Pepsi is a major competitor of Coca Cola.

• Pepsi is an aggressive advertiser.


Current Prices

• 600ml - 25Rs

• 1.5 Litres - 65 Rs

• 2.25 Litres – 75Rs

Revised Prices

• 600ml – Rs 34

• 1.5 Litres – Rs 88

• 2.25 Litres – Rs 100

Target Audience

People who consume coke atleast twice in a week ie GenY (15-25 years)

Why GenY?

They spend on themselves. They don’t have the responsibility of saving for their family and consumption is usually immediate/impulsive.

How to Convince People to Buy

• When people have a soft drink they don’t think about whether they are going to have coke or pepsi. They don’t differentiate between the two. They consume whatever is available.

• So the 1st step would be to create brand differentiation.

This can be done by-1. Increasing interest level of consumers- Introduce new flavours which are sold abroad but not in


Caffeine-Free Coca-Cola was introduced in 1983 in USA. It was introduced to compete against Pepsi Free, which is now called Caffeine-Free Pepsi.

Lime Coke

• Available and popular in Belgium, Netherlands, Singapore, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Citra Coke

• Only available in Bosnia and Herzegovina, New Zealand and Japan.

Coca Cola Party• This was experimented in

Pakistan and turned out to be a huge success. Its about having a musical evening at public parks.

• Since the event is organized by coke, only coke drinks would be available.

• Can also be aired on television giving more profits.


For Malls & Super-markets

• The 1 litre free campaign- Sell 1.5 litre and 1 litre bottle in a combo.

• Pick a chit at the cash counter. If you pick the correct chit, your 1 litre bottle will be free!

Festivals Of Scale For Sale

• Kumbh Mela, Kala Ghoda Arts Festival

• Eg: Lifebuoy at Kumbh Mela

• Official beverage at concerts, theatres.

Coke & Aadhar

Make waiting rooms for people standing in lines at Aadhar Card centres.


• Celebrities- Autographed versions of bottles or Meet your favourite star.


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