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Page 1: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces

Page 2: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Advertising on entrance gates

Size of the advertisement: 600x300mm, 600x430mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 197

Price: 1500 EUR + VAT

Advertising on security gates

between tills

Size of the advertisement: 650x1400mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 219

Price: 1300 EUR + VAT

Floor sticker in the entrance area

Size of the advertisement: 1000x1000mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 53

Price: 980 EUR + VAT

Advertising on security gates

on entrance

Size of the advertisement: 650x1400mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 100

Price: 980 EUR + VAT

Page 3: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Shelf solution 2 pc per store

Size of the advertisement: 210x800mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 106

Price: 1080EUR+ VAT• The space between advertisements should be at least

1 meter

Shelf solution “saw” 1 pc per store

Size of the advertisement: protruding part

max 240x240mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 53

Price: 600 EUR+ VAT

Shelf solution “saw” 2 pc per store

Size of the advertisement: protruding part max 240x240mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 106

Price: 900 EUR+ VAT

Shelf solution 1 pc per store

Size of the advertisement: 210x800mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 53

Price: 720 EUR + VAT

Page 4: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...


Size of the advertisement: 120x120mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 5pieces / per store – 265 pc

Price – 650 EUR + VAT

Amount: 3pieces / per store – 159 pc

Price – 440 EUR + VAT

Amount: 1piece / per store – 53 pc

Price – 220 EUR + VAT

Price tag cover

Size of the advertisement: 110x100mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 5pieces / per store – 265 pc

Price – 650 EUR + VAT

Amount: 3pieces / per store – 159 pc

Price – 440 EUR + VAT

Amount: 1piece / per store – 53 pc

Price – 220 EUR + VAT

Cube or ohter advertisement in a shelf*

Size of the advertisement:

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 53

Price: 750 EUR+km

* Space must be agreed with purhcasing


Advertisement will be installed in place of


Page 5: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Shelf edge decorationSize of the advertisement: sides 400x800mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 106

Price: 980 EUR + VAT

Shelf edge decoration with 5

wobblers or 5 price tag covers

Size of the advertisement: sides 380x800mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: sides 106+ wobbler 265

Price: 1080 EUR + VAT

Full shelf edge decoration

Number of stores: 53

Price: 35 EUR + VAT 1 week/1 store

*No coefficient will apply

* All technical conditions in accordance withthe specific agreement

Page 6: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Stand wrapper when purcahsing a stand

Height of the advertisement: 600mm* *except special solution

Period: 1 week/entire chain or 1 week/store

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 53

Price: 750 EUR + VAT or 30 EUR + VAT/store**no coefficient will apply. from 25th store full price will apply

Promotional leaflet in product shelfPeriod: 1 week/entire chain or 1 week/1 storeNumber of stores: 53Amount: 1piece/per store – 53 pcs

Price: 220 EUR+VAT3pieces/per store – 159 pcsPrice: 440EUR+VAT

Page 7: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Poster on the necks of bottles

Size of the advertisement: 210x300mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Price: 300 EUR+VAT

Page 8: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

A3 advertisement on the

alcohol *tree*

Size of the advertisement: A3, landscape

Period and price will be agreed individually.

Posts in alcohol section

Period: 1 week/20 stores

Price: 800 EUR+VAT

Period: 1 week/10 stores

Price: 450 EUR+VAT

Period: 1 week/5 stores

Price: 270 EUR+VAT

Page 9: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Advertising subjects on

grocery sticks

Size of the advertisement: 100x300mm (folded lengthwise into four)

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 1287

Price: 780 EUR + VAT

Grocery sticks

(belong to the orderer)

Size of the advertisement: 280x35mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 1287

Price: 650 EUR + VAT

Cash plates at half of the tills

Size of the advertisement: 94x197mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 217

Price: 650 EUR + VAT

Page 10: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Cart advertisementSize of the advertisement: 296x214mm, A4, landscape, one-sidedPeriod: 1 week/entire chain,

except Balti JaamNumber of stores: 53Half of the carts (advertisement for two sides): 5970pcAll carts (advertisement for two sides): 11940pcPrice for half of the carts: 980 EUR + VATPrice for all carts: 1500 EUR + VAT

Advertising on multimedia scales

Size of the advertisement: 800x600px,

800x462px when scale is in use

(the lower part of the advertisement

is covered by information bar)

Period: 1 week, display frequency

10 seconds per 30 seconds or more

Number of stores: 22

Amount: 104 scales

Price: 180 EUR + VAT

Adds are replaced at the start of odd

HH periods and the advertising on

the scales can be purchased for a

minimum period of two HH periods.

Shopping basket support surface sticker in

the till area

Size of the advertisement: 320x200mm

Period: 1 week/entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 302

Price: 650 EUR + VAT

Page 11: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Advertising on cash register screens

Period: 1 week/ entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 302

Size of the advertisement: video: 4:3

sides ratio, VGA 640x480


picture: 270x382 (preferably JPEG/JPG)

Price: 150 EUR + VAT

Advertising on indoor screensPeriod: 1 week/ entire chain

Number of stores: 53

Amount: 144

Size of the advertisement: video: Portrait

(1080x1920); Landscape (1920x1080),

.mp4, framerate preferably up to 25

frames per second, Bitrate no more then

30 000 bps (preferably up to 25 000)

picture: JPEG/JPG/PNG, 1080x1920

(Preferably JPEG/JPG)

Price: 1500 EUR + VAT

When advertising in fewer stores,

following prices will apply: 1-10 stores:

150 EUR + VAT per store

Starting from 11 stores 125 EUR + VAT per


For a longer period a discount of -10% per

week will apply.

Page 12: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Roll up at the information desk

Period: 1 week

Number of stores: 1

Amount: 1

Price: 100 EUR + VAT

*except Viimsi Selver

Car spot in Järve Selver

Period: 1 week

Number of stores: 1

Amount: 1

Price: 165 EUR + VAT

Car spot in Merimetsa, Ülejõe, Pirita,

Tondi, and Männimäe Selver

Period: 1 week

Number of stores: 1

Amount: 1

Price: 110 EUR + VAT

Page 13: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Advertising and giveaways on socialmedia channels


Size of the advertisement: 1200x1200

Period: 1 week

Price: 300 EUR+VAT

Format: consumer game

Condition: 3 prizes

Contacts: 89 000 page like

Post boosting: possible forextra charge

Summary of reach and engagement will beissued after the game isfinished.



Size of the advertisement: 1200x1200

Period: 1 week

Price: 100 EUR+VAT

Format: consumer game

Condition: 3 prizes

Contacts: 3000 followers

Post boosting: possible for extra charge

After the game we will issue spread statistics

Facebook+ Instagram*

Size of the advertisement: 1200x1200

Period: 1 week

Price: 400 EUR+VAT

Format: consumer game or advertising banner

Post: will be boosted. Will appear in Facebook and Instagram as sponsored post.

*This option is for advertising new products oritems in campaign without running a giveaway..

Page 14: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Banner at the opening page of www.selver.ee

Period: 1-4 weeks

Sizes and price per week:

small banner 747x747 px – 170 EUR+VAT

big banner 848x410 px – 300 EUR+VAT

Products position boosting in e-Selver

Period: 1-4 weeks

Package: In each e-selver category, up to 3

products are increased on top of popularity

rankings. For the given period, a sticker

„Selver soovitab“ („Selver reccomends“) will

be added to the product.

Price: depends on category visitation

numbers and will be between 50-150

EUR+VAT per week

Page 15: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Samples for e-Selver clients

Period: 2 weeks

Package: Includes the banner for Selver website

and assembling samples to shopping bags.

Samples must have e-Selver stickers.

If for the same time a banner at the opening page

of www.selver.ee is booked, combined price will be


Price per week:

• Small banner - 100EUR+VAT

• Big banner – 170EUR+VAT

Advertising in Selver´s newsletter

Size of the advertising photo: 300x200px

Max length of the advertising text (link):

250 characters, text box size 300x200px

Price: 200EUR+VAT

Page 16: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Advertising in the customer

magazine “Hea Mõte”

print run of 360 000

Size and price of the advertisement:

1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, 2500 EUR + VAT

½ pages 178x120 mm 1350 EUR+VAT

Advertising in the customer

magazine Weekly Deals

print run of 360 000

Size and price of the advertisement:

½ pages 176x128 mm 1350 EUR+VAT

The advertisement must be ofsufficiently good quality and in PDF


Advertising in Selver’s Summer and Christmas Newsletter

Detailed information with advertising

options, prices, and deadlines is forwarded

with separate materials.

Page 17: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...

Further information:

To contact Selver Marketing Departement: Kristel Kauts +372 5308 0494, +372 6673280, [email protected]

Ambient Marketing manages Selver’s internal media under a cooperation agreement. To order advertising, please contact:Ede Meister +372 58 226 967, [email protected]

Artist manages Selver’s internal radio under a cooperation agreement. To order advertising, please contact: [email protected] 6 484 455

Rules for ordering internal media:

• The advertising surfaces are priced for the entire chain (53 stores), unless the price list states otherwise. When the advertising is displayed in fewer stores, the following additional coefficients shall be applied to the surface unit price (to the store):

– 1-15 stores: x 2.0

– 16-25 stores: x 1.6

– 26-35 stores: x 1.4

– 36-45 stores: x 1.2

– 46-47 stores x 1,0

– Starting from 48 stores price for the whole chain shall apply.

Additional coefficients are added regardless of the extent of product variety in Selver.

• Internal media is sold:

– For campaign period(s) (campaign calendar attached) or

– For a specific agreed period (month, half a month, 2 weeks, etc., the minimum period is 2 weeks)

• The advertiser can make bookings, but for surfaces with limited availability the booker has to confirm the order within 3 working days after another potential purchaser emerges.

• The advertisers have to re-formalise the booking into an order no later than 4 weeks before the desired campaign period. The order must be submitted at least 1 week before the beginning of the campaign period, otherwise the period is postponed.

• Confirmed orders cannot be cancelled less than 4 weeks before the campaign. A contractual penalty of 30% of the booked surface price shall be paid for orders cancelled more than 4 weeks before the campaign.

• The purchasers are obligated to confirm the designs at least 2 weeks before the campaign period (for a customer magazine, 1 week before the magazine goes into print) by sending them to Ede Meister via email ([email protected]). Selvereither confirms the design or forwards amendments via email within 4 working days, at the latest.


Page 18: Selver 2019 price list of advertising spaces...magazine “Hea Mõte ” print run of 360 000 Size and price of the advertisement: 1/1 pages 210x297mm+5 mm bleed, ...


Rules for ordering internal media:

• Selver checks product availability in stock or in the campaign (in case of offers related to displays, also the display availability). Designs for products and offers that are not available in stock or in the campaign are not confirmed.

• For Mix &Match offers, a 50% discount applies to media surfaces. Discount and specialstandards apply when the communication contains the precise Mix &Match offeravailable exclusively at Selver and the design conveys all the necessary information on the offer. The advertisement must contain the precise details of the offer (conditionsof the offer, products).

• Advertising of spirits is only allowed in the alcohol department.

• Selver has the right to propose changes in design without giving a reason. Generally, such recommendations are associated with Selver’s policies and values, in which Selvershall retain the right to its own interpretations.

• Advertising surfaces need to meet the agreed manufacturing standards (standards determined in the price list, mail order, and other documents forwarded to the contractor)

• Material that does not meet to the manufacturing standard shall not be exhibited, which does not exempt the advertiser from paying for the surface.

• In case of any problems or questions, advertiser should contact Ede Meister([email protected], +372 58 226 967), indicating in the complaint the specific store, date, and a photo of the situation. The complaint shall be addressed within 2 working days. A credit invoice shall be issued for non-published advertising (store / day as the unit, based on a confirmed correct complaint)

• If the materials are installed by the advertiser, then

– The materials can be installed within +- 1 working days of the campaign period. If the offer starts on a specific date, the materials cannot be displayed earlier. To the same degree, removal needs to be arranged sooner/later, so the advertising display period would be as agreed.

– The installer shall inform the information desk that he/she came to install the advertising and to take photographs in the store. If necessary, the information desk shall inform the security department. More complex works shall be coordinated with the store manager or sales manager.

– Upon removing the materials, all the surfaces need to be cleaned and restored to their original form (remove traces of glue, fixing tape, all used mounting devices), otherwise the advertiser will be invoiced for the costs of rectifying the deficiencies.


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• If the materials are not removed by the advertiser, Selver has the right to remove thematerials and destroy them. Every excess media day shall be billed.

• An invoice for the advertising surface subscriber shall be issued 7 days after the beginning of the advertising surface period. In case of complaints, the credit invoice shall be issued in the amount of the complaint. Complaints are not the basis for refusing to pay the invoice on time. Invoice deadline for payment is 14 days.

• The media fees include a media charge in the advertising purchase price. Installation, production, and fees for other acquired services that are added, are not included in the contractual marketing support amounts.

• Selver shall frequently check the accordance of the advertising with the orders table. If advertising that has not been ordered is detected in the store, the advertiser shall be invoiced for the used media volume.

• Selver has the right to change the internal media prices by notifying the provider/partners 2 months in advance.

• Confirmed orders shall be sold at the price indicated in the order.

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