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  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Research Methodology Proposal

    Prepared by: Norhasmizawati Ibrahim (813750)

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Sentiment Analysis using Voice

    AnalysisEarly Detection of

    Parkinsons Disease

    Presentation Outline

    1. Introduction

    2. What is the research allabout?

    3. What is the research


    4. Why this research isimportant?

    5. How to answer all these


  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Background of Study

    Sentiment analysis Widely used to identify and extract particular information

    from both live and recorded conversations.

    Part of speech analyticemphasize on emotional states

    Different method of scaling been used to analyze the

    common words that have correlation to negative, positive

    or natural sentiment


    to define the attitude of human when they speak or write

    on certain issues. Information extracted perhaps deliver meaningful


    Developing a prevention of disease.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Problem Statements

    Parkinsons Disease (PD) refer to nerve cell in themidbrain having slow progression. Often causing

    symptom like tremor/shaking, slow movement and

    stiffness. About 1 in 500 people has Parkinson's and

    15K20K patients. Individual at risk60 years andolder. Causesdont exactly know why people get

    Parkinson's and how to prevent it.

    Factsresearches on voice analysis has shownvaluable finding to detect Parkinsons disease at early

    stage. The lacking of voice database and some

    research findings not clear since not applied to

    pathologic yet.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Significant of Study

    Important to find out

    Scope of data set for analyzing

    Analyzing voice pattern and classification

    Modelling method for early detection Accuracy of the voice diagnose result


    Clinicalbiomarker for PD disease detection

    Individual with PDto get earlier treatment

    Normal individualearly detection

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Research Questions (RQ)

    1. How to detect voices changes of early

    stages of PD?

    2. How to analyze the various voice


    3. What is the impact of the voice sentimentanalysis to related domain?

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Research Objective (RO)

    1. To identify changes of voice and

    articulation at early stages of PD


    2. To determine the most effective method

    for early detection of PD?

    3. To evaluate the method performance in

    terms of the accuracy?

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection



    Research on voice analysis is used

    extensively in order to detect disease that

    affected to voice disorder.

    Inspired researchers to determine the most

    effective indicator for detection.

    Methods used will be describe later.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Automatic Detection

    The automatic detection for voice impairment has been carriedout in short-term frame basis using Multilayer Perceptron and

    Learning Vector Quantization. Based on observation done to

    vocal folds, LVQ is more reliable to parameterized voice

    disorder detection with 96%.

    Using artificial techniques, Optimum-Path Forest techniques

    was introduced which not assuming any shape or separability

    of classes or feature space[12]. On the other hand, OPF alsofree of parameter and run training phase faster than others.

    Even though, if considering standard of deviation, OPF appear

    to be similar to others.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Classification Features

    Performed to identify the most important features to

    differentiate between normal speaker and speakers with

    early stage of PD.

    By performing a correlations-based feature selection foracoustic and vocal modelling, the result are promising with

    rate for both is 88% and 79%. The result expected to

    improved after performing feature selection [13].

    However, besides voice, articulation and prosodic

    evaluations, other feature like energy pauses and F0 also

    need to consider. The research found that masses and the

    compliances of spring as the most important parameters in

    two- mass vocal fold model [13].

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Classification Features

    Other research, suggest Intrinsic Mode Functions supported byFuzzy Set Classifier to differentiate. The experiment , 99% of

    the participant are successfully classified.

    In 2012, there also research to analyze the characteristic ofspeech. By recording /ah/ phonation from136 respondent, 16

    features have been extracted using students t-test. For further,

    two types of ANN (MLP and RBF) are used for classification.

    RBF showing good classification compared to MLP.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection



    The most effective method will be selected for the


    Even OPF is provided with more advantages and result

    outperformed but if considering the standard deviation, it issimilar to other techniques.

    MFCC and SVM will be utilized for this research implementation

    due to both are non-invasive method, fast, easy to use, less

    computational intense and affordable for the clinicians.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Research Design

    Purposeto provide answer to the method

    proposed as accurate as possible

    Type of study

    Experimental approachto identify and determine

    which method is appropriate for early detection of PD.

    Method used

    Quantitative approachapply systematic process

    utilizing data to test the following research questions.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Population and Sampling

    Important step in conducting a research. Probability samplingsample is

    randomly select from the population.

    Populationhealthy and unhealthy


    Population Gender Age Ethnic Total

    Healthy Male 46-85 Malay, Chinese, Indian 30

    Female 46-85 Malay, Chinese, Indian 30

    Unhealthy Male 46-85 Malay, Chinese, Indian 30

    Female 46-85 Malay, Chinese, Indian 30

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


    Data Collection

    Use primary data

    Specifically to address the problem in question.

    Most voice database not classifying ethnic.

    Voice collected will provide different vocal in terms of vocalfold that typically considered nearly periodic in healthy

    voices [15].

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection





    Acoustic FeaturesExtraction

    Data Analysis / process

    Voice SignalProcessing



    Flow of research implementation


  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection



    Extraction processto identify the best parametricrepresentation for voice detection using MFCC

    Feature extraction of MFCC computation

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection



    SVM classifierto differentiate each of the voice pattern


    WEKA toolkit will be use for signal classification.

    Feature selection will be performed in order to identify

    healthy and unhealthy voice signal especially to detect PD

    at early stage.

  • 8/12/2019 Sentiment Analysis - Voice Analysis for PD Detection


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