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New Paradigms in Search

New Paradigms in Search(Grand Poobah SEO)Search Optimization for Small Business

About UsWe drive waves of new customers to our clients through smart digital marketing.Geezers in Search.Wrote the documentation for the first graphic web browser editor (Hot Dog)On the internet before it was the webBeta Tested Mail Loop for online marketing 19 years ago.Our Niche is digital marketing specifically for Local Brands/Businesses.

First rule of the day.. No Geek Speak!Next rule is to make sure that you walk away understanding how local search worksNext is for you to walk away with real and practical knowledge of how to strengthen your practices local internet presence.

What we wont do is throw out confusing internet doublespeak, far flung strategies, awkward ROI calculations, and analytic mumbo jumbo.What to Expect

STAND UP!Your First New Dollar from this seminar

Corey Rudl & Ferraris, Mail Loop, and Rocket Science- 19 years agoCoreys protg Derek Gehl 15 years ago.What Google Wants, What Google Fears

Google Wants to deliver to their constituents the most relevant search results, and deliver the answer they want as fast as possibleGoogle Fears the back button, and you going to another search source.

My Most Important Lesson

We all know the story, but heres the results.People know if they dont rank on Google, they wont get great business leads.People have from the beginning looked for ways to GAME the Google Algorithm.Google does not like to be gamed, and Sneaky SEO is consistently shut down.Google Makes it Easy but SEOs dont get rich doing easy.Googles Meteoric Rise

https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fwebmasters%2Fdocs%2Fsearch-engine-optimization-starter-guide.pdf35 pages with Just the Basics.Every Client Site I have been called in on, has failed these basic guidelines.How can you expect Google to favor your site, if they tell you what to do, and you dont do it?No Geek Speak we arent going to review this.Google Makes It Easy

Build your site according to the Google GuidelinesYou will likely beat 90% of your competitorsDO NOT engage in a massive SEO campaign until your site is compliant You are building a house on the sandBe SocialBe MentionedNo Magic BulletEngage in advanced SEO only if your site is compliantThe Good News

Be Local

Google My BusinessGoogle.com/mybusinessDont Stop There10 data aggregatorsMoz.com/local

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