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Submitted By:Sunawar Khan (38)

Submitted To:Sir Suleman

Class:MCS 4th


Topic:Search Engine Optimization

Subject:Software Engineering

Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

BahawalNagar Campus

Search Engine Optimization Page 1

You've finished your web design, uploaded your files, and set up your blog,

but you're still not getting as many visitors as you hoped for. What

gives? Chances are you haven't started working on one of the most

important ways to market your site, Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What Is Search Engine?

An internet-based tool that searches an index of documents for a

particular term, phrase or text specified by the user. Commonly used

to refer to large web-based search engines that search through billions

of pages on the internet.

Examples popular Search Engines

Search Engine Optimization Page 2

What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)?

SEO is a term described as a set of techniques used to achieve high

ranking in search engines and quality visits, whether organic or

natural, from search engines. Everyone with a website online wants to

get high ranking and a marked increase in traffic through popular

search engines as Google, Yahoo, MSN and AOL. SEO is a large term

that encapsulates Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Link building

strategies into it.

What is Search engine marketing (SEM)?

SEM is a form of Internet marketing that seeks to promote websites

by increasing their visibility in search engine result pages (SERPs)

through the use of, paid placement, contextual advertising, and paid


SEM is the act of marketing a website via search engines by

purchasing paid listings.

What are paid listings?

These are listings that search engines sell to advertisers, usually

through paid placement or paid inclusion programs. In contrast,

organic listings are not sold.

Search Engine Optimization Page 3

• Paid inclusions

- Advertising programs where pages are guaranteed to be

included in a search engine's index in exchange for payment

- no guaranteed ranking

- payment made on a Cost Per Click (CPC) basis

- eg Looksmart: a directory that lists pages and sites, not based

on position but based on relevance. Advertisers pay to be

included in the directory on a CPC basis or per-url fee basis

with no guarantee of specific placement

Organic Links V/S Sponsored Links

Sponsored Links

Sponsors Links are paid for through Pay-Per-Click or Pay-Per-Call

campaigns (also known as "PPC"). Simply put, businesses bid on

keywords that are relevant to their business. Then, according to how

high their bid was, their ad appears in the sponsored link areas when

the search terms are engaged by a user.

Organic links

Organic links are different from sponsored links. You do not bid on

them. Instead, organic results are achieved by matching the user's

search terms with the HTML and copy on a particular site. In other

words, if you want people searching for "German T-Shirts" to find

your site that sells them, you would have an SEO expert code your

site accordingly

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SERP (Search Engine Result Page)

SERP is the detailed list of web pages or web documents that are

returned by the search engine as a response to any search query made.


This is a program that acts like a browser by downloading web pages.

But instead of displaying the information in form of text and graphics,

it works directly on the underlying HTML code of a page.


It's a program that has been designed to automatically follow all the

links embedded in a web page. Crawler helps in determining the pre-

defined set of addresses for the spider. New documents getting on-line

are cached through this crawler program

What is a SEO Algorithm?

• Top Secret! Only select employees of a search engines company

know for certain

• Varies by Search Engine – some give more weight to on-page

factors, some to link popularity

• The SEO algorithm is constantly changed, tweaked & updated

• Websites and documents being searched are also constantly


Ranking Factors

Search Engine Optimization Page 5

• On-Page Factors (Code & Content)

• Title tags <title> #3

• Header tags <h1> #5

• ALT image tags #4

• Content, Content, Content (Body text) <body> #1

• Hyperlink text #6

• Keyword frequency & density #2

Off-Page Factors

• Link Popularity (“votes” for your site) – adds credibility


• Anchor text #1

Developers Sheet From developing point of view.

Important SEO HTML tags are discussed below

Important HTML Tags

Title Tag





<h1>Most Important</h1>

<h2>Second Most Important</h2>

<h3>Third Most Important</h3>

Bold, Strong(Same Worth)

Search Engine Optimization Page 6




<img src=”keyword.jpg” alt=”keyword” />



title=”keyword”>Keywordin Anchor Text</a>

Hyperlink(No Followed)

<a href=”http://www.mysite.com/webpage.html” title=”

Search Engine Indexing Limits

Does not apply to websites with significant authority

Page File Size No more than 150 kilobytes (Before Images, CSS and

other Attachments)

Amount of links No more than 100 unique links per page

Title Tag No more than 70 characters

Meta Description No more than 155 characters

Parameters in URL No more than 2

Bad Example:



Good Example:


Depth of URL No more than 4

Bad Example:


Search Engine Optimization Page 7

*Best Practice

Good Example:


Recommended Title Tag Syntax

In HTML code, the title tag specifies the title of your Web page. It is

code which is inserted into the header of your web page and looks like



<title> Creating Title Tags for Search Engine Optimization & Web



The World Wide Web Consortium describes the title as a required

element in an HTML document.

Search Engine Optimization Page 8

The first and most important part of your on-page SEO is the title tag

(<title></title>). Many people who outsource or create a site in a

WYSIWYG editor completely forget about the last of the meta tags

that still gives some quality ranking love from search engines.

The benefits of using optimized title tags are three fold:

A user searching for your keyword will see your site's link highlighted

in the search engines if your page's title is the same as the phrase they

searched for. This drastically increases click through and can even

give you more traffic than those who rank above you if their title tags

are not optimized.

Increase your rankings on the search engines.

Help the engines distinguish between pages that might look similar.

What is Canonical URLs?

Canonical URL: the search engine friendly URL that you want the

search engines to treat as authoritative. In other words, a canonical

URL is the URL that you want visitors to see.

Quite often canonical URLs were used to describe the homepage. The

typical example used is that most people treat the following URLs as

the same:





Search Engine Optimization Page 9

Canonical simply means relating to or belonging. It also means

reduced to the simplest and most significant form. Just remember that

a canonical URL is the simplest and most significant (authoritative)

version of the URL that you want to be seen.

What is Redirects?

301 redirect is a catch phrase often used in SEO where nobody really

explains how to do it. Many people feel too dumb to ask "how do I do

a 301 redirect?" because they feel they should just know what one is.

301 redirects are used to permanently move a site to a new location.

Search engines do not apply penalties to 301 redirects the way they

apply them to many other types of redirects.

301 redirect is the most efficient and Search Engine Friendly method

for webpage redirection. It's not that hard to implement and it should

preserve your search engine rankings for that particular page. If you

have to change file names or move pages around, it's the safest option.

The code "301" is interpreted as "moved permanently".

SEO Process:

Search Engine Optimization Page 10

Website Analysis

The first step involves an in-depth analysis of the website which needs

to be optimized for the Search Engines. We check the current website

positioning on the Search Engines, its Search Engine Friendliness and

the amount of traffic it is getting from the Search Engines.

Client Requirements

In the second step, we identify the purpose behind doing SEO.

Whether the client wants to achieve high search engine rankings,

increase sales, get newsletter subscribers or improve popularity? Once

we know the client expectations, we set our goals


Keyword Research

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Keyword Research is one of the most essential steps of any SEO

campaign. The client gives an initial list of keywords and we expand it

to find related keywords which can help drive traffic through the

search engines. The final keywords list is approved by the client.

Content Writing

After the final list of keywords is discussed, we start writing content

for the different sections of the website. Keywords are incorporated to

the text content of the website. New pages are also added to the

website and content is written for the new pages.

Website Optimization

The Website Optimization step involves a number of sub-steps and

processes which are carried out on the website pages to make them

Search Engine Friendly. We propose and implement a new navigation

structure for the website if there are problems with the existing

website navigation plan which can cause problems with the Search

Engines. Sitemap is incorporated to the website, and the Title Tags,

Meta Keywords and Meta Description Tags are added to the website

pages. Internal linking of the website is improved and heading tags

and ALT Tags are added to the web pages. On-page

optimization is carried out to make the website Search Engine

Friendly and easy to navigate by the search engine spiders.

Submission of Website

The submission process allows the website to be submitted to some of

the most Prominent search engines and directories on the Internet.

Submission to these directories and search engines allows quick

indexing of the website and its pages.

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Link Building

Link Building is the most important step in off-site optimization of a

website. Finding quality link partners for a website can be a tedious

and time consuming task. We hand pick quality sites and contact them

to finalize the link deal using appropriate anchor texts in the incoming



The 8 step process ensures results for our clients within the time

frames we provide to the customer at the start of anyproject.

For more information about our Search Engine Optimization Services,

Search Engine Optimization Technique

1. Avoid Flash, but if you must use Flash, use SWF_Object() and have

a text-only, keyword-centric and fully functional backup site loading

behind it. This is only compliance, anyhow.

2. Use meaningful filenames such as "turtle-food.jpg" instead of

"image1.jpg" for all files including graphics, sound, scripts, etc...

3. Use hyphens in filenames instead of underscores

4. Use the meta description and meta keywords tags and put them

immediately after the page title, as high on the page as possible - and

make different titles as well as meta tags for each page.

5. Get a list of keywords for EACH PAGE and work them into the

tags in number four. Also, use them in the page titles. Put keywords

Search Engine Optimization Page 13

ahead of the company name in page titles, such as in: "Turtle Food

Experts ¦ ACME Turtleworld!"

6. Try to use header tags where possible, around keywords. If using

css, use css to define the size and characteristics of your header tags.

Validate CSS, just like the HTML and XML on the site.

7. Put bold or italics around keywords where possible, and name links

using keywords.

8. Link internally, even to anchor text, using keywords

9. Do not put text in graphics. Use text.

10. Use the ALT tag and combine ALT text with keywords

11. Generate RSS feeds for pages with good content and syndicate

them. Use something like Feedburner

12. Be sure the site is compliant to coding standards

13. Sites with private content should try to have public pages as well

14. Use a sitemap, ideally sitemap.xml (registered with Google and at

the root of your site), but at the least a header/footer/menu that

includes text links

15. Be sure that WebTrends or similar program is installed on the


Search Engine Optimization Page 14

16. If using a CMS, try to install a "search-engine-friengly URL"

component or mod_rewrite for Apache (is there an IIS equivalent?)

17. Avoid using frames. If you must use frames, use <NOFRAMES>


18. Manually submit site to at least Google, Yahoo, DMOZ

19. Try to ensure that at least some page content is static and


20. Make sure that links are not "click here" but instead consist of

keywords and keyword phrases. Shorter is not necessarily better.

21. Have a "links/resources" page that will be used for reciprocal

links and other outbound links (to open in "_blank") or better - put

contextual links within the site.

22. Make a custom 404 page that looks good and links to the site's

main sections or includes a sitemap. Have the custom 404 page do a

meta refresh to the main page after a few seconds, and let browsers

know "you will be directed to our main site in X seconds"

23. If the site is geared towards a specific geographic area, try to find

hosting in that area

#) Use lowercase file names. It seems to matter to some search engine


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#) Follow The First Letter Capital, Every Other Letter Lowercase

naming convention in links with keywords (where it isnt painful or

displeasing to do so)

#. Don't use a new technology just because it is "cool". Check for seo

implications before implementing.

#. If AJAX is creating any of your page content, know that it is

probably not being indexed.

SEO - what is NOT recommended

Flash and shockwave - spiders do not pick up these files

Image only sites - spiders do not pick up images

Image maps - spiders cannot read image maps.

Do not use them on your home page or critical pages. Frames - only

one page can be titled (titling is critical in search rankings)

- If the spider cannot read the complete page (because of the frames),

it will not be indexed properly.

- Some spiders may not even read a frames web site

Password protected pages – spiders cannot enter password protected


PDF files - can be problematic for spiders. Although some search

engines can index them, the pages must be interpreted into HTML and

Search Engine Optimization Page 16

can lose much of their content.

- place PDFs lower down in your site

Dynamic pages - spiders cannot index some content on pages using

ASP, CGI or other dynamic languages.

- Make sure important pages are HTML, no dynamically generated


Drop down menus – spiders cannot read them

Search Engine Optimization Page 17

Keyword Research

Before you can start optimizing your site for the search engines, you

must first know which terms you want to target. A good start would

be to choose 3 or 4 keywords you would like your website to rank

well for. With these keywords in your mind you can then set a goal to

rank in the top 10 results on Google for each of them (we refer to

Google because if you can rank well there, you'll rank well on the

other search engines). These keywords can be either broad or specific,

but you'll want to study our list of pros and cons of each before


Broad Keywords

A broad keyword is one that many people search for, because they

may only have a vague idea of what they're looking for. Broad

keywords tend to be very short and aren't very specific (e.g. "shoes" or

"sports"). These keywords are difficult to rank #1 for because so many

other websites might have an article or two that mention shoes.

However, if you can rank well for a broad keyword, you will be

receiving a great deal of traffic.

Summary: Hard to rank for, but worth it in the long run. We

recommend that beginners only choose a broad keyword if their

industries are not very competitive.

Specific Keywords

Search Engine Optimization Page 18

A specific keyword is something that contains many adjectives or

words that make the search very targeted. The people doing these

types of searches know exactly what they want (e.g. "used black high

heel shoes"). These keywords are much less competitive and are

easier to rank for on search engines. The downside is that they receive

a great deal less volume of searches per month. In terms of traffic, you

will need to have several #1 rankings for specific keywords to equal

one #1 ranking broad keyword.

Summary: Easier to rank for and it's highly targeted traffic. The only

downside is that the number of visitors you will receive is relatively


Unique or Branded Keywords

These are the words that are specific to only your company. They are

one of the most easiest ways to get traffic. However, some companies

will release a new product, with a unique name, and then forget to

optimize for that keyword on their website. Their SEO savvy

competitors can then pick up the slack and take over the top rankings

for these terms. If you have a popular brand or product, make sure that

you have optimized for these freebie keywords.

Keyword Research Tools

Search Engine Optimization Page 19

Keyword research tools are 2 parts voodoo magic and 1 part hard

statistic. This is partly due to Google not releasing actual numbers and

partly due to overeager SEO Tool developers trying to sell their

products. Because there is such a sizable uncertainty in all keyword

research tools, it is best to use as many different sources as you can,.

Even with multiple sources, you should only take the information you

gather as a recommendation, rather than a fact.

Yahoo has been releasing their keyword search information for years,

and many tools are based off of this specific data. We've collected a

wide variety of helpful tools that will give you a general idea of which

keywords you should target when making and optimizing your


Keywords Density

How many times is your keyword mentioned on your site? If it's too

much, you'll look like a spammer; if it's too little, you won't look like

a relevant match and the search engines won't consider your site.

Keyword Variation

Altering versions of your keywords will help you capture hidden

search engine traffic.

Similar Keywords

These are closely related topics to your keywords that will aide the

search engines in correctly categorizing your traffic.

Keyword Variations

Search Engine Optimization Page 20

You may have found a couple of high traffic keywords using a

keyword research tool, but those estimates often group similar

keywords, alternate spellings, and plurals into a single word. Valuable

traffic is hidden when using those tools. This hidden traffic lies in all

the subtle variations of your keyword that someone may search for.


The easiest way to optimize your site is to include the plural version

of your keyword at least a couple of times on your page. Nearly every

keyword can do this (instead of "free hat", try "free hats").


Although it may make your site look a little unprofessional, including

a very common misspelling of your keyword is one of the easiest

ways to rank #1 for that exact spelling and get some free traffic. This

is one of the fun things to experiment with after you've optimized the

rest of your site.


If your keyword is an acronym like SEO, write out the words

completely (Search Engine Optimization) so that you can target those

people who do not know the acronym.

Targeted Keywords

If you want a page to rank for a keyword that is particularly difficult,

be sure to focus on getting the keyword in your anchor text. Many

newbies will request links to the page they're trying to boost and

forget about the anchor text. While getting links to the page is most

certainly going to help, you should try to get at least part of your

keyword into the anchor text whenever you get the chance.

Search Engine Optimization Page 21

What is PageRank?

PageRank is a ranking system that previously was the foundation of

the infamous search engine, Google. When search engines were first

developed, they ranked all websites equally and would return results

based only on the content and meta tags the pages contained. At the

time, however, the PageRank system would revolutionize search

engine rankings by including one key factor: a site's authority.

To determine how important, or authoritative, a site was Google chose

big sites, such as cnn.com, dmoz.org, and espn.com. These sites were

clear authorities, and Google figured that if these websites chose to

link to another site (let's say site B), then site B would receive a piece

of that site's authority. If site B were to link to another site (how about

C), then site C would also receive a piece of authority, though much


Search Engine Optimization Page 22

Using this system of passing authority, Google would then count up

how much authority a site had and give it a PageRank from 0 to 10.

The PageRank system has become more complicated since then, but

this is how it all started.

What's my PageRank?

If you would like to see what PageRank your site has or other sites

have, install Google's Toolbar. Google has made a small green bar

that starts at 0 page rank (a blank bar) all the way up to 10 (a full

green bar, which is 100% authoritative). It should be noted that the

PageRank shown in the toolbar is an estimate released by Google, and

it is only updated every 3 months or so.

Who Uses PageRank?

When PageRank first came out, only Google was using the

technology, but as other search engines have seen how much it

improved Google's accuracy, nearly every search engine has added the

PageRank system in to be at least part of their algorithm. In the past,

while many of the search engines were still working on adding

PageRank to their search algorithm, some couldn't wait to make their

own and instead signed deals with Google to have them power their

results (Yahoo did this for quite some time).

Apart from search engines, SEOs (Search Engine Optimization

specialists), link buyers, webmasters, marketers, and anyone interested

in a site's value will often look to the Google PageRank when trying

to quickly determine the importance of a site.

How Important is PageRank?

Search Engine Optimization Page 23

When Google was in its childhood, PageRank was the single most

important factor for ranking well. However, as soon as the SEO

community caught on to this, there was a great deal of people who

found ways to artificially boost their clients' PageRank. Those sites

became more authoritative than Google thought they should be. Since

then, Google and other search engines have constantly refined how

important PageRank is, and its importance has definitely declined

through the years.

One tactic Google uses is to update Google Toolbar PageRank values

four times a year instead of every week, making it difficult for SEOs

to know a site's real PageRank. Another tactic is to prevent a site that

has been known to sell links from passing any of its PageRank

(authority) on to sites that it links to. However, Google can't use that

tactic too much because then they run the risk of preventing good sites

from being ranked as they should be.

This is a battle between Google and SEOs that will not be ending

anytime soon!

Where do I Get PageRank for my Site?

Now we've come to the part where you actually have to do work! It's

tough, but getting a high PageRank for your site should definitely be

part of your long-term SEO strategy.

The only way to get PageRank is to get a link from a site that already

has PageRank. This means that getting a ton of links from PageRank 0

sites will not help your score. However, a single link from a site with

a PageRank 6 can immediately boost your site to a PageRank 5 if the

site is trusted by Google and is not linking to a massive amount of

other sites.

Search Engine Optimization Page 24

The process of increasing your PageRank is directly tied to link

acquisition. Link acquisition is getting links from other sites, be it via

natural or through link purchasing. We cover both of these topics in

greater detail, and you should read each lesson to learn more about the

benefits and drawbacks of each.

Search Engine Optimization Page 25

SEO Tools

There are a lot of repetitive tasks to be done when optimizing your site

for the search engines. To make your life easier, we've compiled a list

of the most popular SEO Tools (nearly all 100% free) and categorized

them into the following:

Keyword Discovery

Find popular keywords that your site should be targeting.

Keyword Volume

Estimate how much search traffic a specific keyword receives each


Keyword Density

Analyze how well a specific webpage is targeting a keyword.

Site Popularity

Determine how popular your site is on the internet.

Keyword Rankings

Track of your site's rankings for a keyword in the search engines.

Firefox add-ons

Install these add-ons to turn your browser into an SEO research


Keyword Discovery

Before you can begin to optimize your site for search engines, you

must first know which keywords you are going after. Use these tools

to find which things people are searching for in your industry!

Search Engine Optimization Page 26

Google Adwords

Google's tool is probably the easiest to use and maybe the best if you

think about the fact that Google is the most used search engine in the

world (meaning they have access to the most data).

Ad Center Keyword Group Detection

Microsoft's unique tool that will analyze a word or phrase that you

give it and determine related phrases.

Term Extractor

This tool will take a URL that you give it and return the relevant

keywords from that page. It might be smart to insert an article about

your industry and see what keywords they're using.


This program finds out what terms a site is advertising on with their

Pay per Click campaigns. Let them continue to pay for those

keywords while you work on ranking #1 in the search engines and

getting all your traffic for free!

Popular Searches

If you have no idea what you want to have your site be about, consider

using this tool which keeps track of the most popular search terms


Keyword Volume

Almost as important as knowing what people are searching for is

determining how many people are searching for it. Use these tools to

get a rough estimate of the number of people searching for a keyword

or phrase.

Search Engine Optimization Page 27

Google Adwords External Tool

This has become a lot more helpful, as it now displays the actual

volume of searches in a month.

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool

This tool uses word tracker’s API to get the estimated number of

searches a keyword receives on each search engine (Google,

Microsoft, and Yahoo).

Keyword Density

Term Target - This tool takes a URL and the keyword you're

attempting to target and returns a letter score (A-F) on how well you

have done. Fun, but it's hard to determine exactly how accurate it is as

the search engines have not released their formulas for determine how

relevant pages are for a given keyword.

Keyword Rankings

Rank Checker - Keeps track of your ranks in the search engines

without sharing it with anyone but yourself. However, you do have to

download it and install it to your computer.

Keyword Rankings

One of the first popular keyword trackers out there. It will tell you

your daily, weekly, and monthly changes for each term that you enter.

It also has a nice graph feature so you can see your progress


Rank Checker

A very unique name, and it does what it says.

Firefox Add-ons.

Search Engine Optimization Page 28


Google Analytics

Although this isn't really related to SEO, Google Analytics has a

section that displays all the search terms that your visitors used to get

to your site.

Crawl Test

Looks at a given URL to check for any common problems that might

prevent your site being crawled properly by a search engine.

Search Engine Optimization Page 29


Search Engine WikipediaSearch Engine Optimization WikipediaSearch Engine Marketing WikipediaPaid Listings http://www.unisa.edu.au/wag/design/seo.p

ptOrganicLinks V/S Sponsored



anic-links-vs-sponsored-linksRanking FactorsCanonical URLs http://ask.enquiro.com/2009/what-is-a-


What is Redirects?http://www.seobook.com/archives/000215.




SEO Processhttp://www.etrix.ie/downloads/process-


SEO Techniquehttp://www.webmasterworld.com/search_engine_promotion/3383619.htm

Keyword Research http://www.tizag.com/SEOTutorial/SEO Tools http://www.tizag.com/SEOTutorial/Page Ranking http://www.tizag.com/SEOTutorial/

Search Engine Optimization Page 30

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