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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 1 of 33 California High School Speech Association

I. The meeting was called to order by President Prefontaine at 9:07am

II. Roll Call: Absent, Nermin Fraser (VP Activities); Proxy for Matt Fraser (Area 1 Rep), Aleisha

Readye; Proxy for Caiti Gale (YFL Pres), Karen Minick; Proxy for Sharon James (WBFL Pres), Cindy Johnson

III. Minutes from May 2016 offered for review, edit, and comments.

Moved to approve by Johnson Second Underwood Unanimous approval

Osborn: Can we add to the minutes from May all the earlier proposals? Prefontaine: Yes. IV. Officer Reports

President Prefontaine Thank you for all your work yesterday. It was a full day and you accomplished a ton. Thank you

Angel and Mikendra for dinner and lunch. You took great care of all us. Thank you! Ralph Driggs has retired from council. Angel has replaced Mr. Driggs. Thank you, Ralph for all your

help and assistance over the years. You are in our hearts. Caiti Sarvey is now Caiti Gale and expecting a child and newly married. Best wishes. Welcome new members. We have two areas to cover today. We have established a way to make sure proposals have a process.

We bring it forward in one meeting and vote in the next meeting. Send feedback from your league to the chair of the committee that proposed the legislation. Debate committee has eight proposals, talk it over, and then take it home and give feed back to Eric Larsen, [email protected]. Please comment before the state tournament. Because there is not a meeting in January, we will vote in May 2017. Typos or mistakes in the legislation, those may be corrected manually by the President. I am going to ask on an emergency vote of a by-law change. 2/3's needed to approve the eight instances in our by-laws that require action in January will have added the words "no later than January 15th."

Vice President of Activities Fraser No report. Vice President of Curriculum Martha Managhas: We decided that the videos that Rita created, that with the remaining DVD's we will sell

at the state tournament. Those must be purchased at the council meeting or at state. No mailing services are being offered. Under Coaching 101, some links are dead, so Ben called NSDA to receive approval to link to NSDA. They granted such permissions. We were wanting the website to be a one- stop shop. We developed a Google survey as to whether or not one has curriculum and if you would like curriculum. We can take this survey and receive submissions. We will vet them in May so that coaches may receive useful classroom strategies. We are providing materials for competition and for classroom education. UC a-g approval is included.

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Matley: $20 per DVD per event? Managhas: Yes. You may give a check to Neil, or credit card. Treasurer Barembaum (Revised Treasure report emailed to Council on 9/7/16, attached below) Barembaum: Please get me any money requests ASAP. We need to approve

Underwood moves Larsen seconds Pielstick: Host fee has been an issue in the past. Is it now? Barembaum: Area 3 issues? Kindred: I think we are good. Wear: I have a concern about the program budget. We are adding more to the program, may we

increase that budget? Barembaum: Program income is growing. So that is not so much an issue. Is there an alternate

amount you wish? Wear: A more realistic amount is $6000. Barembaum: Objections? Okay, then I will update. Wear: Insurance has substantially more coverage. Barembaum: We have a new policy that is year-round and covers us more. It also costs less. Underwood: Year-round? Barembaum: It assumes larger liability.

VOICE PASSES Secretary Niemi No report. Historian Underwood

No report. V. Area Chair Reports (Google document used in Exec Committee--attached at end of minutes)

Area 1 Chair Keller-Firestone Keller-Firestone: Gay Brasher received the Madelyn Overly award given by the National

Communication Association. Only one award is given nationally, and Gay has been selected. Area 2 Chair Darling

Darling: Special thanks to Ralph Driggs. We need a site for State 2018 in Sacramento. We are looking around. Area 3 Chair Kindred Kindred: State 2017 is at Arcadia HS.

Area 4 Chair Osborn Osborn: Area 3 colleague is leaving us. Disdain.

VI. Committee Reports (Google document used in Exec Committee--attached at end of minutes)

Debate Committee (Larsen)

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Larsen: We have posted the topic areas for Parli at State 2017. Those are available and we will start writing them soon. We have five proposed policy debate topics for next year and we receive a vote so please give me feedback on your choices. They will narrow it to three in October and finalize in January.

You should be receiving notice that we are asking to increase the number of qualifiers in Parli and

PF. We hope we can get this through for next year, but are not expecting it to be easy. Underwood: Does this gives us fewer debate rounds? Larsen: By one round. We get rid of the bye round late in the tournament. Public Relations Committee (McCoy) McCoy: Check out our Face Book page please! If you have students that are awesom, let us know so

we may contact them for the 60th anniversary book. Thank you Angel for all your hard work and to Ben for his hard work. Three leagues need to pony-up a person each to help with the book. We would like to create a press release form for state. Send us your local press contacts please.

Individual Events Committee (Graber) Graber: I have put it in the notes below. We have Extemp areas listed in the notes. We reworded

some of the areas but they are the same. Karen is here to speak to the by-law proposal. New proposal about impromptu is forthcoming.

Congress Committee (Matley) Matley: Survey about Congress coming out. Please take the survey. We are going to pilot a different

process for bills this year. Each school will be asked to submit legislation. It begs the question about authorship speeches. We will need to discuss that. Please share out.

Minick: How does that timeline work? Matley: We have two weeks. Congress committee may make modifications at time of submission.

We hope this will work. This is much more democratic. Graber: Normally, the league president forwards to you. So now the school? Matley: Yes, league presidents may thank me later. If we receive two of the same, we will select one

of the two. This will be easy. Graber: Is there a penalty if you do not submit legislation? Matley: Yes, state registration is dependent upon submission of legislation. Registration cannot be

completed if it is missing. Curriculum Committee (Martha)

Above report

VII. Old Business Prefontaine: Proposals you received earlier. They are numbered and listed below for your review.

09-11-16A Extemp Sources Osborn: Currently, May 1st is the deadline. So we cleaned that language up. SECOND KELLER-FIRESTONE


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09-11-16B Impromptu Wordiness SECOND UNDERWOOD Kindred: This gets rid of redundancy.


09-11-16C Manuscript Requirements

SECOND UNDERWOOD Kindred: Manuscript must be, not shall. The second part adds league president and gets rid of wordiness.


09-11-16D Clarify Rules on Time Limits

SECOND ORFIELD Kindred: Judge should mark the violation and the tab room checks with the judge. Osborn: We want the actual violation. Wear: Our judges do not read the by-laws. What notice are we giving the judges? Larsen: The rules are the ballot. Ko: This language is before we changed the ballot. We are needing a double check. Kindred: It is on the ballot. Minick: We discussed the box on the back of the ballot. What about tab room checking with the judge. Matley: My concern is that we do not use discretion in the judges room. I would like IE committee to look at this. Ko: Change the word judges to tab room. Kalashian: If the intent is to say overtime because of laughter, we need the judge to have the discretion. The judge is key...we need an added box about laughter. Prefontaine: Remand? Graber: Remand it to committee

REMAND GRABER SECOND WEAR Osborn: We did discuss this in May. This has not changed. I don't feel this should be the judge's discretion. It is a calculated risk...the students cut the piece to 10:30. I would like the emphasis on the coach. But remanding it is not good, it went through the process. IE Committee said yes. Johnson: An amendment process is available. Make a formal motion to amend. Graber: We were recommending this. I think it is worth looking at a second time. Larsen: I have a problem IE Committee telling IE tab what to do. Ko: We need to change the language. Orfield: This has become a discussion of philosophical approach. We don't care about the laughter. They don't deal with audience reaction. Either we need to address this or let it go. Is there a vehicle to address audience reaction? Curtis: The vehicle is the 30 second grace period. If one chooses to write the speech to over 10 mins, that is on the speaker. This seems obvious. Wear: I think that until something is specifically written. We must be clear. Johnson: We do not to remand because paragraph B is not on the proposal.

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Ko: This could happen in other rounds. Coaches do not understand that the discretion would be removed. We need to be clear on the intent. Remand. Osborn: Remand?? Just vote no. Matley: It effects other parts of the process in discretion. One cannot expect no discussion, and that discussion will not uncover other issues in the intent. Discussion is not bad.




09-11-16E OPP Purpose Osborn: When we were looking at the by-laws we noticed the uniqueness was essential to all events. We felt that OPP is unique because of the writing. Creative writing. SECOND CURTIS Curtis: I think this is really important change. This is our one interp event that the student writes themselves. This is the primary focus. Simple change that is needed. Johnson: We are not a writing competition organization. Why not other events. The judge currently has the discretion to evaluate the writing. There is a risk that a better speaker loses a round because they wrote worse. What is the intent of this? Why change this? I am opposed. Larsen: This event in our league to allow others to speak to their hardship and position. Why are looking at the writing? Kalashian: I agree with the last two statements. Status Quo allows the students creativity. They can focus on one element or the other. So if you want to leave it as a student event, leave it as is. Osborn: We are speech and debate, but writing is key. Creativity is key. Johnson: What is currently written is not exclusive of your intent. The judge should make this decision. Not us. Minick: This is semantics. All things are incorporated into the work. Adding this to the ballot is to cause the judge to focus on it. Curtis: This makes OPP different then the other events we offer. We give them the ability to write their own work. We are just codifying this. Kalashian: I worry that people will take creative writing to be academic writing. Could that make the judge change their opinion? Creativity, is key. This is a classic example of how we think it should be versus what students can do and control. Osborn: Minnia touched on this: we should be most impressed by the creative writing. Keller-Firestone: To win it must be good writing. It is key of all our originals.



09-11-16F Duo Physical Contact Osborn: IE Committee pointed out that the wording was from an earlier version in the by-laws. I emailed the proper one to you yesterday. You should have the new one in your email. The changed parts are the same. It comes down to the second section as clarification. We do not ask the judge to assess the penalty. The change is concerning multiple touches. It is the only event rule that has multiple penalties. SECOND MANAGHAS

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09-11-16G Increase LD Prep Time Pielstick: Best practice. SECOND UNDERWOOD


09-11-16H Decrease Restrictions on Debate Judge Paneling Pielstick: In break rounds we can no longer use some judges because they have already been used. If one judges a team in prelim, you are done with them, but in out rounds a judge may judge the same team again. SECOND JOHNSON Orfield: I want to know what problems have been created by this rule in place? Pielstick: Yes, we were short on judges so we had to break this rule. Orfield: In my prior life, in the courtroom I could not listen to a lawyer before. I want to be fair and impartial in order to give a second win. Underwood: As a last result, it is good, We have gone beyond this now. The tab room is deciding what a good judge is. Who is a good judge. Larsen: When you rank the judge in JOT, Nermin is putting them in the final round. Half are not able to be used because they have been used. Kalashian: This motion would make us aligned with other tournaments in the country. Second, we have multiple judges in out rounds anyways. Third, these restrictions have other repurcussions, such as no one else to judge. Fourth, I realized warm bodies are used. In my experiences, I have not seen the worries of Ron. The debate committee supports the motion. Curtis: We are against this proposal. It is too vague. To put into practice, all judges in out rounds could have seen the debaters. Practice is key. My league and I oppose this. Minick: One is assuming one may not be impartial. We cannot assume people will cheat, to quote Cardoza. Johnson: This disqualifies a competent judge if we do not pass this. We need a capable judge. I am in favor of this. Harris: I am in favor a fabulous opinions. We discussed this in the spring. I received no new discussion. Our vote is in favor of this but I want to hear from other league presidents. Graber: Our league was against this. Smacks of elitism. Orfield: We had concerns -- how often this was a problem? We were concerned about the appearance of bias. How is this fair if a judge did not like the debater the first time? I understand the need for judges but it should not be a rule. Larsen: We are split on this. We do not want a higher judge ratio. We would have to vote yes. Kalashian: We did not have a problem with this. If we have to reuse a judge, no problem. Matley: We were in favor of this. BUT, so many parent judges get assigned for finals and get there and are not used. If we are not using parent judges in finals, do not assign them for those rounds. Second: same side not mentioned. Larsen: Flip for sides. Nguyen: This is a common practice.

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Minick: We have not had a coach meeting to address this. We would abstain. JOHNSON MOVES HARRIS SECONDS



09-11-16I Internet for Evidence in Debate Larsen: Last year we had a protest concerning this. A judge used the internet to check a definition. The teams did not use the internet, the judge did. We thought this language would be more clear. SECOND CURTIS Minick: This seems reasonable. Ko: I personally am for this. It is common at Parli tournaments for judges to check the internet. Larsen: Yes, we do not want the students to push them towards the internet. Graber: We were very divided on this. Debate coaches do not want this to pass. It is very important for a debater in Parli to ask a judge to fact check. This keeps the debaters honest. I will have to abstain. Larsen: We have a mechanism for fact checking. Judges are told not to look at evidence. Johnson: Slippery slope is bad. Parli is suppose to common knowledge. We are continually changing the intent. This is not a good direction. Leahy: This issue is from a push where the topics are going policy. Nguyen: Overall, we were in favor of this. What is the judge wants to check this on their own,. Larsen: Many do this, but we cannot enforce behavior. Kalashian: Our rules are explicit--a debater cannot give a judge evidence. This is a fundamental issue. Why are we wanting to make judges fact checkers?



09-11-16J Penalty for Failure to Pay Dues Pielstick: This clarifies the penalty in order to penalize the league and not a school. This would put the penalty on the school. It makes a financial penalty. SECOND MINICK JOHNSON: This could be a large penalty. You could destroy a program with this. Minick: The league is still punished, read the proposal. If they are not patying dues, how would they pay the fine? Pielstick: The league can cover the fine. It is up to the league to decide. Currently, another league gets the qualifier and that is an award. Graber: How often does this happen? Osborn: I agree with Einar, but why are we penalizing them at all? It is the area chair's affirmative duty to check. Why are we penalizing at all? Ko: The point is that that school being in the tournament could change the results. Curtis: The key issue is that there should be no one competing at the qualifier if dues are not paid. The problem is that the league is harmed when a non-member competes. It changes everything. It is up to the league president and area chair. Matley: This is excessive. It should be up to the league to decide how to deal with the school.

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Kalashian: I like what Gregg said. All the checks and balances do not always catch this problem. It changes results of the tournament. The status quo is to screw the league over twice. Wear: We keep bringing up the worst case scenarios. Johnson: I will offer to the committee a motion to solve this without punishment at this level. Vote this down and I will commit to write this. Keller-Firestone: If not today, then the next state tournament will be effected. Graber: This has never been a problem in our league. The responsibility lies with the league president. Barembaum: Dues are due in December. The fine is not too big so schools may abuse the system. Pielstick: I do not think this is done on purpose. In our league we had a occurrence where a school had no money in the account and no check had been sent and it was too late. The fault on the school district, not the school or league. There are always conflicts of who has paid dues. Roll-overs, etc. It is a severe fine but not as large as denying students to attend State. Nguyen: This issue is the last line of the proposal. Johnson: We do not want to harm students. I vote no. Wear: We must make a decision today.



VIII. New Business

May 2017 proposals (Numbering to be updated at the May 2017 meeting. Current copies available on the website)

PRO 09-11-A1 Committee naming

Kindred: Currently there are two different committees that are the same. Grievance committee becomes the protest committee. SECOND HARRIS

PRO 09-11-B1: More spontaneity in Impromptu Graber: This would get rid of topic areas in impromptu so that no prediction is available. The intent is to increase the spontaneity. SECOND CURTIS

PRO 09-11-C1 Graber: We have seen debaters reading evidence with their analysis. There needs to be a clear demarcation. It would not be protest-able at the tournament. SECOND CURTIS Larsen: Debate committee is against this. We think we are making a requirement that has no remedy. Ko: This is a serious problem. Curtis: I would like to see the proposal. Johnson: We are making too many rules. Kalashian: Will we get the proper one? Graber: Once available, it will be posted on line.

PRO 09-11-D1

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Minick: I submitted this because it is an example of bait and switch. Is one qualifying the student or the piece? This addresses this. SECOND CURTIS Nguyen: IE Committee is divided on this. Ko: How do we have this discussion before the May meeting? Underwood: You want me to keep the same script with edits allowed? Nguyen: This causes problems in our league because you can switch pieces at auto-qualifiers. Osborn: Advocacy? How does this work if the law is changed after quals? Minick: There are exceptions, but you take the calculated risk. Osborn: So I could not change an advocacy? Minick: Correct. Orfield: The nature of the discussion centers on the actual speech. I could not find someone who was harmed as a result of the status quo. Keller-Firestone: Out of seven qualifiers in HI, I received six new scripts. There is a ton of time to turn them in. It has not gone through league. It is a real nightmare to switch scripts. Minick: Do not vet scripts if they do not keep the same script. The script and student are one unit. Nguyen: This is probably not the best solution.

OVERVIEW OF DEBATE PROPOSALS TO INCREASE PARITY WITH ENTRIES Larsen: Please read the disclaimer for all seven proposals first. This will make it clear. We would like 64 in all debate events. To do that, we had to mess with the schedule. It would be 4 prelims and 4 brackets. Curtis: So all would get more prelim rounds? Larsen: Yes, four rounds. We would go to 2 judge panels, like Nationals. Keller-Firestone: Rooms have always been a problem. This proposal means even more rooms are required. Larsen: We never use more than 64 rooms. We have a document that compares the status quo with our proposals. Ko: This is great and you have worked hard on this. Can you write a detail cover letter on this? Position paper would be nice. Johnson: I'll write it up. Ko: Why not drop policy lower? Larsen: That is not the direction we wanted to go. Kalashian: Our starting point is to see as many students as possible at State.

PRO 09-11-E1 (This proposal of multiple motions will be consolidated into one proposal that will be posted on

chssa.org) SECOND NIEMI

IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER Prefontaine: There is no order of succession in our constitution. As a body we should address the duties and responsibilities of officers and their replacements.

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Barembaum: On the CHSSA website you may see the "Support Us" button. We get money from the vendors listed. Please try these vendors and help us out. Every little bit helps.

Next CHSSA, check the website for details. Meeting adjourned at 1:11 PM Respectfully submitted by Reed Niemi CHSSA Secretary

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     Exec  Committee  Reports  9  Sept  2016  

Time:  5:21  PM  

Sharon  Prefontaine,  Martha  Mangahas,  Nermin  Fraser  (absent),    Mikendra  McCoy,  Linda  Darling,  Shirley  Keller-­‐Firestone,  Jennifer  Kindred,  Ron  Underwood,  Neil  Barembaum,  David  Matley,  Gregg  Osborn,  Eric  Larsen,  Ben  Cummings,  Reed  Niemi,  Kathy  Graber      

President  Report-­‐Prefontaine    

3  day  meeting  work  for  all?  Task  groups  should  remain  on  the  task  they  chose  and  also  produce  a  deliverable  to  contribute  to  the  program  we  give  out.  (60th  Anniversary).    

Group  1  Data:      

Group  2  website  

Group  3  program  

Group  4  state  program  

Thank  you  to  Angel  and  Mikendra  for  taking  care  of  dinner  arrangements  and  lunch  throughout  the  weekend!  

It  was  great  to  watch  everyone  collaborate.  Truly  inspiring.  


VP  Activities  Report-­‐Fraser      

State  2017  -­‐  Area  3  SCDL  -­‐-­‐  Arcadia  High  

● April  28-­‐30**  (State  dates  for  this  year)  ○ Online  by:  March  14  ○ Postmarked  by:  March  21    

● Easter  (Western)  -­‐  April  16  ● Easter  (Orthodox)  -­‐  April  16  ● Passover  -­‐  April  11-­‐April  18  


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Curriculum  Committee  -­‐  Mangahas    I.    DVD  sales.  -­‐                    decide  to  stop  providing  free  DVDs  at  state  competition  -­‐                    since  DVDs  are  all  available  online,  consensus  was  to  cease  reproducing  them  and  only  sell  the  remaining  

stock  at  state  tournaments  and  have  area  chairs  keep  a  stockpile  for  new  coaches  -­‐                  if  we  create  new  DVDs,  focus  should  be  on  events  that  are  unique  to  CHSSA      II.    Curriculum  development  goals  for  2016-­‐2017                     -­‐  curriculum  should  have  two  areas  of  focus:  

A.  Curriculum  for  speech/debate  classes  not  specific  to  competition  -­‐ For  further  development  based  on  surveys  of  teacher  needs  (see  Item  III)  

                 B.    Specific  curriculum  to  support  teams  and  competition.    This  will  include:                        .            Quick  Start  Guides  for  Events  –  Areas  of  Need  

-­‐              Area  of  focus  was  decided  to  be  creating  a  catalogue  of  introductory  “quick  start  guides”  for  all  the  events  (focusing  specifically  on  events  unique  to  CHSSA).  

-­‐              Plan  o Submit  proposal  for  how  we  would  the  website  would  organize  these  manuals  o Canvas  seasoned  coaches  for  their  handbooks  o Create  a  google  folder  for  submissions  throughout  the  year  o Edit  and  curate  at  May  meeting  

   -­‐  OO,  OPP,  OA,  EXPOS,  HI,  DI,  TI,  OI,  DUO,  National  Extemp,  International  Extemp,  Impromptu,  Lincoln  Douglas,  

Policy  Debate      -­‐    Called  NSDA  –  they  said  they  could  use  their  one-­‐sheet  event  description  for  overlapping  events  with  following  

conditions:  o cite  date  is  was  created  o credit  them  

-­‐                    ideally,  each  event  on  our  website  would  contain  a  sub-­‐menu  consisting  of:  o event  one-­‐sheet  o rules  o sample  ballot  o successful  script  o successful  video  of  a  performance  o lesson  plans  //  “quick  start  guides”  ***  this  will  be  particularly  important  for  events  unique  to  CHSSA  ***        III.    Areas  for  further  development:  

A.  General  classroom  support  –  how  to  incorporate  debate  and  speech  exercises  in  classrooms  -­‐  Speaking  Across  the  Curriculum  type  lesson  plans,  etc.    The  idea  here  is  to  establish  CHSSA    as  a  resource  for  ALL  classroom  teachers,  a  go-­‐to.  

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-­‐ We  created  a  Google  Form  surveying  council  members  if  they  have  lessons  and  materials  that  they  can  contribute  to  CHSSA  to  be  shared  with  teacher  members  

B. Creating  outreach  for  ethnic  diversity  and  low  SES  schools.      PR  Committee-­‐McCoy  

● Angel  is  aptly  named,  as  she  has  been  an  Angel;  thank  you  for  putting  feet  to  our  ideas!    ● Media  Influence  is  growing  ...  

○ Website  is  getting  new  updates  all  the  time!  Thanks  Ben  for  placing  those  there!  ■ Coaches  corner  -­‐  mentor/mentee  questions  and  answers  and  soundbites.  

● Need  your  help  on  this  one;  please  fill  out  the  paper.      ● Blog  addition  -­‐  Hoping  to  generate  some  communication  online  

○ Videos  for  each  of  the  three  areas  (competition,  classroom,  career)  will  be  finished  ■ Those  are  the  links  that  will  be  on  the  “mailers”  to  schools  and  community  organizations  

to  take  them  to  the  website.    ○ Bulletin’s  will  be  placed  on  the  webpage  to  see  our  history.    ○ 1st  Newsletter  send  out  this  weekend!    

■ Area  chairs  and  league  presidents,  need  your  email  lists  for  updates  ■ Need  to  know  first  year  coaches  names  and  schools:  for  book,  for  help.    

○ Facebook  page  is  getting  1000%  more  hits!    ■ Like  the  California  HIgh  School  page!  Then  share  with  everyone!  ■ Student  testimonials  are  creating  quite  the  viewing;  please  get  your  kiddos  the  join  as  

well.    ● [email protected]    

○ Upcoming  Press    ■ The  book:    

● Still  need  people  for  the  committee  to  create  that  from  a  few  areas:    ○ CFL,  WBFL,  OCSL  

■ Press  Releases  for  upcoming  tournament  to  qualifying  schools  ■ Press  release  for  60th  Jubilee  for  local  newspapers    

● Looking  to  add  a  sheet,  like  NSDA  does  for  press  release  information  on  the  state  forms  so  that  we  can  help  get  the  news  out!  

   Treasurer  Report-­‐Barembaum  

● Report  was  emailed  to  council.  I  want  to  update  the  budget.  If  you  can  get  me  budget  requests  I  can  incorporate  them  before  we  approve  the  budget.  If  you  are  in  charge  of  spending  money  for  your  area  of  work,  please  make  sure  that  the  budget  reflects  the  amount  of  money  you  need  for  the  year.  Until  the  budget  is  approved  changes  can  be  made.  

● Budget  needs  to  be  approved  at  this  meeting.  That  means  that  we  are  approving  the  expenditure  of  funds  for  this  year.  As  much  time  as  you  would  consider  when  a  separate  request  for  funds  is  made  during  other  meetings,  you  are  considering  many  requests  for  funds  right  now.  So  if  the  budget  is  going  to  mean  anything,  it  needs  to  reflect  the  money  that  we  want  to  spend  and  the  way  we  want  to  spend  it.  

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● We  are  still  accepting  credit  cards.  If  anyone  has  questions  or  is  experiencing  difficulties,  please  refer  them  to  me.  I  also  am  able  to  take  credit  cards  at  this  meeting.  

     Historian  Report-­‐Underwood      Secretary  Report-­‐Niemi  

● No  January  meeting  no  minutes!!!  I  love  you  all.      Area  1  Report-­‐Keller-­‐Firestone  Thanks  to  everyone  who  helped  with  the  State  Tournament.      Gay  Brasher  has  won  The  Marcella  Oberle    National  Award  for  Outstanding  Teaching  given  by      the  National  Communication  Association.    They  give  only  one  award  nationwide  each  year.    Congratulations!        Hoon  Ko  is  the  Representative  at  Large  from  CFL.      Welcome  back!  

 Area  2  Report  -­‐  Darling  

  Nothing  new  to  report;  still  looking  for  a  site  for  2018.  Congrats  to  Martha  for  being  elected  VP  Curric.  Welcome  Ben  as  new  curric  rep  and  Angel  Ronald    as  rep  at  large.  Thanks  to  Ralph  for  his  years  of  service.    

 Area  3-­‐Kindred  

● State  2017  will  be  at  Arcadia  High  School.    Dates  April  28-­‐30,  2017.    Nermin  will  have  fabulous  hotel  accommodations  for  all.    The  dinner  dance  will  be  lit.    This  will  be  my  last  year  as  Area  3  Chair.    I  am  very  grateful  to  CHSSA  for  the  friendships  I’ve  made  and  the  opportunities  I’ve  had.    I  will  still  be  coaching  for  now,  but  it  is  time  for  me  to  start  reclaiming  some  of  my  weekends.      

             Area  4  Report-­‐Osborn  

● Doug  Miller  is  new  OCSL  President.  ● Will  be  meeting  with  Josh  House  at  Cypress  in  the  winter  to  check  on  progress  for  2019.  

 IE  Committee-­‐Graber  IE  will  recommend  passage  of  each  IE  proposal  up  for  a  vote  this  meeting.    We  asked  Gregg  Osborn  to  revise  the  Duo  touching  penalty  bylaw  to  reflect  the  actual  language  of  the  By-­‐Laws.    Once  those  corrections  are  made,  we  will  recommend  its  passage.        We  discussed  the  Extemp  areas  for  State  2017-­‐-­‐topic  areas  are  supposed  to  be  announced  in  January,  but  due  to  the  fact  that  we  will  not  meet  in  January,  we  are  prepared  to  announce  them  now.    Basically  they  remain  the  same  as  last  year,  but  we  propose  changing  “The  Economy”  to  “Finance  and  Economics”  to  allow  for  broader  questions  regarding  Wall  Street,  Business,  etc.    AND-­‐-­‐we  felt  that  a  couple  of  the  IX  areas  were  too  broad,  and  so  we  propose  slightly  more  specific  language.    Here  are  the  proposed  areas;  the  new  wording  is  italicized:    

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NX:  Politics/Government,  Finance  &  Economics,  Science  &  Technology,  US  Foreign  Policy,  Social  Issues  &  Controversies    IX:  The  Americas,  Africa,  Europe/Russia,  Asia/Australia/Oceania,  Middle  East    We  also  discussed  Karen  Minick’s  bylaw  change  proposal  at  length  regarding  changing  the  rule  that  allows  students  to  substitute  an  entirely  new  speech  to  replace  the  speech  they  qualified  with.    Her  bylaw  proposal  allows  for  updating  scripts,  but  would  prohibit  an  entirely  new  script  submission.    We  are  divided  on  this  topic.    We  have  requested  feedback  from  Derek  Yuill  of  SCDL  as  to  this  proposal,  since  Derek  makes  liberal  use  of  this  allowance.    Once  we  receive  it,  we  will  consider  and  share  his  viewpoint,  hopefully  on  Sunday.    We  also  discussed  a  new  proposal  from  Iain  Lampert  of  TCFL  to  increase  the  likelihood  of  SPONTANEITY  in  Impromptu  (what  a  concept!).    We  endorse  the  spirit  of  the  proposal,  but  made  a  few  recommendations  to  him  to  amend  it  slightly.    He  accepts  our  suggestions  and  is  revising  it.    We  plan  to  circulate  the  revised  proposal  Sunday  for  general  council  discussion.    Also:  we  are  studying  a  thoughtful  letter  written  by  a  coach  at  Windsor  High  School  in  Area  4  regarding  the  confusing  restrictions  in  OI.    We  all  feel  her  concerns  are  legitimate  and  likely  widespread.    We  plan  to  discuss  it  more  thoroughly  Saturday  morning  over  breakfast.    It  may  result  in  a  bylaw  proposal  out  of  IE  committee  to  hopefully  clarify  what  constitutes  an  OI.    And  while  we  are  on  the  subject,  we  are  looking  into  the  problem  of  legit  OI  sourcing-­‐-­‐i.e.,  the  speech  exists  online  as  a  video,  but  the  word-­‐for-­‐word    transcription  is  on  a  verboten  website,  as  in  wordpress.com,  which  is  considered  a  social  media  website  and  therefore  illegal.    Finally,  we  are  all  aghast  at  the  prevalence  of  companies  who  advertise  their  services  in  writing  both  “original”  speeches  and  personalized  “interps”  for  speakers  who  are  willing  to  pay  their  fees.    Jennifer  Nguyen  noted  that  one  of  these  companies  was  a  vendor  at  Nats  this  year.    Not  to  single  any  one  of  these  companies  out  because  there  are  many,  but  Picket  Fence  Forensics  comes  to  mind.    We  think  this  is  a  serious  problem  but  are  at  a  loss  as  to  how  to  curb  the  practice.    Debate  Committee  -­‐  Larsen  Topic  Areas  for  Parli  at  the  2017  State  Tournament  are  suggested  as  follows.  


 Motions  09-­‐11-­‐16G,  09-­‐11-­‐16H,  and  09-­‐10-­‐16i  have  the  approval  of  the  debate  committee.    The  Policy  Resolution  for  2017-­‐18    is  up  for  a  vote  in  October.    I  have  synopses  printed  for  every  league  president,  and  can  send  the  document  in  an  e-­‐mail  if  your  prefer.    Please  share  with  your  league,  send  me  feedback,  make  California’s  vote  count!    Your  choices:  Energy  Policy,  Income  Inequality,  Education  Reform,  Domestic  Agriculture,  Russia.    Other  states  have  lobbied  us  to  vote  for  the  Ag  topic,  but  read  them  all  and  send  me  your  rankings.    We  have  a  workable  proposal  to  bring  all  forms  of  debate  up  to  64  entries.    I  will  e-­‐mail  this  to  the  council  members  by  Saturday  night.    We  would  like  your  input  over  the  next  few  months  as  you  share  this  with  your  

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leagues.    Based  on  the  feedback  we  receive,  we  will  draft  a  formal  proposal  in  March/April  to  be  brought  to  the  table  in  May.        Congress  Committee  -­‐  Matley      I  would  like  to  thank  Reed  Niemi,  Hoon  Ko,  and  Neil  Barembaum  for  their  creative  input,  positive  attitudes,  and  strong  work  ethic.    It  was  a  very  productive  meeting.    We  drafted  the  6  topic  areas  for  the  2017  State  Tournament  with  suggestions  for  legislation  for  each  League.    Those  topic  areas  will  be  emailed  to  Ben  on  Sunday  to  be  posted  to  the  CHSSA  website.    We  discussed  a  new  method  of  determining  the  legislation  for  the  2017  State  Tournament  and  came  up  with  the  following  plan:    

1. Each  school  with  an  entry  at  the  State  Tournament  will  be  asked  to  write  one  bill  or  resolution  from  the  topic  area  assigned  to  their  League.    Legislation  will  be  due  by  the  deadline  for  online  registration.    

2. All  Legislation  will  then  be  posted  on  the  CHSSA  website  for  students  and  coaches  to  review.  3. All  schools  with  entries  in  Congress  will  then  complete  an  online  ballot  (Google  Form)  to  rank  their  

legislation  preference  in  each  topic  area.    The  top  legislation  from  each  topic  area  will  be  chosen  for  the  State  Tournament.    An  alternate  7th  piece  of  legislation  will  then  be  chosen  from  the  most  number  of  2nd  place  votes  in  any  of  the  topic  areas.  

 We  discussed  a  congress  survey  and  brainstormed  questions  to  be  used  in  this  survey.    One  of  the  primary  purposes  of  this  survey  was  to  gather  information  on  this  selection  process  and  how  schools  feel  about  allowing  for  authorship  speeches.    The  results  of  the  survey  will  be  shared  among  members  of  the  congress  committee  and  we  will  make  further  recommendations  based  on  the  data  from  this  survey.    The  survey  was  completed  on  Saturday  during  the  Area  1  task  group  meeting  on  data.    Finally,  we  recommended  that  we  eliminate  the  wording  in  the  CHSSA  By-­‐Laws  that  require  Leagues/Coaches  to  submit  legislation  by  Nov.  15.    This  provision  of  our  by-­‐laws  is  dated  and  hasn’t  been  followed  for  many  years.    This  by-­‐law  revision  will  be  presented  at  the  2017  May  meeting.                  

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Area 1: Topic Area – Data Collection: Hoon Ko Matt Fraser (Absent) David Matley Shirley Keller Chris Harris Danial Leahy Ron Underwood Aleisha Readye

TASK(S) DISCUSSION: What kinds of data would be most effective to collect to show direct link between forensics and academic/social success? RESEARCH 1: Find 3 or more of the most current data-based article(s) demonstrating link between forensics and academic/social success. Save to computer. RESEARCH 2: If sources are available TIMELINE 1: What were national debate topics over last 10 years? What critical national/international events were taking place each of the last 10 years of State Tournaments [This one still needs completion.]

Area 2: Topic Area – Website /Cummings Kalashian Kalashian Angelique Ronald Linda Darling Ben Cummings Eric Larsen Reed Niemi Martha Mangahas Karen Minick (for Caiti Sarvey)

TASK(S) RESEARCH 1: What are objective, professional criteria for evaluating an effective website? EVALUATION 1: To what extent does the CHSSA website meet the criteria? PRODUCT 1: What specific modifications need to be made to the CHSSA website to meet effectiveness criteria as well as specific needs of the CHSSA audience? Make changes. (Show T-shirts from former years. Make links to league sites.)

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Area 3: Topic Area: funding, products/sponsors McCoy/Johnson Kathy Graber Jennifer Nguyen Einar Johnson Jennifer Kindred Mikendra McCoy Susan Foley Cindy Johnson (for Sharon James) Neil Barembaum

DISCUSSION: Sponsors and how to get them Store? Funding from sale of curriculum materials?. Deliverable: Develop 3 products that will be sold at 2017 tournament.

Area 4: Topic Area – Mentoring, Teacher/Coach Support and Retention Michael Orfield Gregg Osborn Erik Pielstick Rachel Wear Minnia Curtis Doug Miller (Absent)

Produce clear Guidelines: Who does what? How? What should CHSSA do? How to share best practices with new coaches? League level? Deliverable: Create ad or info for program.

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OPENING SESSION 9:38 9/10/16

Task group discussions-DELIVERABLE (D) Group 1-Mately (Ron, Hoon, Dan) Data/Research articles--what kind of data? (D) Items for the program, e.g. past debate topics Group 2-Cummings Website--(D) coversheets by the end of the meeting. Cummings creating, Graber checking. Professional measure to evaluate the website. Info for the program. Leagues linked to the CHSSA website or can use the CHSSA website for hosting. Send information to [email protected] Group 3-Johnson "Swag"--items available and curriculum. (D) 3 specific items to be sold and the ad for the program Group 4-Orfield Mentoring and support--(D) list of new coaches and pictures of first year coaches. How might we best share information? Webinars? Presentations? Dog and pony show? Best practices for retention or processes for new coaches. Graber shared out their start of the year. Clinics taught by varsity students. Coaches, students, parents all encouraged to attend. (D) program write-up or article, pictures, etc. Prefontaine: From now to 1:15pm working lunch to 4pm. This was hard to plan – concerned about too much to do -- not enough to do. The magazine-style program being is spearheaded by Nermin and PR committee. Graber: Can we meet to discuss other issues? Osborne: Bonuses are completed. Will be shared out with distribution, allocations, and bonuses. Graber: May we address the letter that I shared? There are some valid concerns expressed in the letter. Prefontaine: Is it a proposal? IE committee may want to raise the questions on the website or develop proposals to prompt more focused discussion rather than sharing a general letter.

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Task Group Share-outs

4:12pm 9/10/16

Task Group 4 Program Additions/Coach Retention Welcome page for new coaches in the CHSSA State Program shared. Rather than pictures, we will list the names. Websites you cannot live without. Much discussion concerning legitimate websites. Orfield: We are a family and need to share our best practices and help build up a team. FAMILY OF COACHES. We spoke of negatives that keep people from staying on longer with the activity. Administrative support and parental support needed to not burn-out. New Coaches meeting at State Champs--offered twice at the tournament and on the website as a video.

Curtis: Handout and slide show would be desired by our committee. This would help league presidents as well.

Orfield: Power Points with handouts an awesome idea. Also spoke of a "buddy system" for new coaches. It is invaluable for a new coach. Finally we spoke of the value of protocols; e.g., fundraising, best practices. Prefontaine: League websites would allow for this as well through our website.

Orfield: Yes, our website is one-stop shopping and it is looking promising.

Task Group 2 Website Cummings: Analytics shown for the website. Engagement with the website is key. Connecting league websites under CHSSA is also key to traffic. Front page will be the most current content. Cover pages will be available tonight. Benjamin demonstrated web updates and revisions. Please remember to have coaches sign-up for the chssa.org. Once one sign-ups other menus are available, such as curriculum and such.

Matley: Can we at least show it is available and not be invisible if one does not sign-in? Much discussions prevailed.

Graber: Pre-approved list of scripts went by the wayside but how about listing the pieces from the previous State tournament?

Cummings: Face Book shown and reviewed. Alum testimonials and resources. This is for all so have your students follow it. Demonstrated league websites. [email protected]

Task Group 1 Data

Matley: We divided up duties. Ron found articles and studies that have been done to be added to the program. Chris worked on a timeline for topics in the debate events. Word cloud of cultural events over the past 10 years and 60 years. We made two surveys for all schools. One deals with Congress specifically and that will be sent out to schools that competed last year (51 schools total). Main concern is the coach survey and I would like to share that out for you to review. We are wanting demographic data on the state of the activity in California.

Prefontaine: Placement on the assessment form should be coming soon.

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Matley: We are wanting to get a better idea of what is going on at the school level. Coach survey is most meaningful if we can follow it and see the direction that the state is moving in at the state level. We would like it every five years.

Niemi: CADA and NFHS collect this data yearly, just like this. It is an organizational best practice. Graber: Turnover is large, may be do it more often. What about coaches that are not teachers at the school?

Task Group 3 Program McCoy: Internal legacy request in the program. Diamond donation page. Change for Change to help nonprofits. Donation letters created. 60th pin designed. Creating a swag bag that would be prepaid and available at the tournament. NSDA does a March 3rd speech and debate day and we would like to do the same...Sleepers Awake! Johnson: What do we need money for? We can utilize the money easily. Support programs in the state. Funding speech and debate from the state level.

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OLD BUSINESS Number: 09-11-16-A

Proposed: 05-14-16B

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to expand deadline for Extemp sources and eliminate redundancy Submitted by: Jennifer Kindred Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n): X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 1.B .1.a, b, d , paragraph 1

X Addition to By-Laws: Article_ IX ,section 1.B.1a, b,d__ , paragraph_1 B. Specific Rules for each Spontaneous Event 1. Extemporaneous a. Broadly newsworthy topics shall be drawn from publications dated January 1 through May 1 of the current competitive year. one week prior to the State Tournament. A minimum of eleven topics will be written for each round of each extemporaneous speaking event. The topics for each round will be in a distinct topic area not to be used in any other round for the duration of the tournament. The topic areas by round will be determined by the Individual Events Committee and announced at the January meeting. b. Drawing: Each contestant shall draw three topics for each round. Each shall be called to draw by speaking order and panel. Contestants must draw their three topic slips in the correct speaking order and from the correct panel. The contestant shall promptly choose one topic of the three drawn and return the other two topics. Each contestant shall draw topics thirty minutes prior to his/her scheduled speaking time. … d. Use of computers: Extemporaneous Speaking contestant may make use of electronic retrieval devices to store and retrieve their subject files. Students can retrieve extemporaneous files to read, but cannot write speeches or organize their thoughts on the computers. Electronic retrieval devices are defined as laptop computers, netbooks, iPads, or other portable electronic retrieval equipment. Secondary devices such as flash drives or external hard drives are allowed as well. Cell phones or smart phones are prohibited. (Students may not share electronic devices with one another. Rationale:

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Housekeeping. - May 1 postdates the State Tournament. - Redundancy - Improved grammar

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Number: 09-11-16 B

Proposed: 05-14-16C

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to eliminate wordiness re impromptu rules

Submitted by: Jennifer Kindred Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n): X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 1.B.2.b , paragraph 1 , page # 1-2 Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] b. Drawing: Each contestant shall draw three topics from a judge in the round, from which the contestant shall and immediately select one, Rationale: Eliminate wordiness

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 25 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16 C

Proposed: 05-14-16D

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to clarify manuscript requirements

Submitted by: Jennifer Kindred Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n): X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 2.A.5-6 , paragraph 1 , page # 3

X Addition to By-Laws: Article IX ,section 2.A.5-6 , paragraph 1 , page # 3

X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 3.A.5d , paragraph 1 , page # 7

X Addition to By-Laws: Article IX ,section 3.A.6 , paragraph 1 , page # 7

p Other change: Article_____ ,section____ , paragraph___ , page #___ Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] 5. Manuscript Requirements: A double-spaced typewritten copy of the speech with all quotations underlined must be submitted to the League President prior to the State Qualifying Tournament. The manuscript must follow the MLA style guidelines for internal citations and must include a “works-cited” page., or shall include a disclaimer from the student indicating that the composition was If no outside sources are used, the student will sign the disclaimer on the CHSSA cover sheet. The number of quoted words (including a, an, the) must be specified on the CHSSA cover sheet.

6. Verification of Manuscripts: League Presidents shall forward to the Area Chairperson proper all qualified manuscripts qualified for the State Tournament. with appropriate signatures on the attached coversheets. The coach, contestant, parent/guardian, and a school administrator must sign the CHSSA cover sheet and attach it to all manuscripts submitted for qualification for the State Tournament. Rationale: Clarity & consistency

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 26 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16 D

Proposed: 5-14-16E A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to clarify rules on time limits

Submitted by: Jennifer Kindred Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n): X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 2.A.2 , paragraph 1 , page # 3

X Addition to By-Laws: Article_____ ,section____ , paragraph___ , page #___ X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 3.A.3.a , paragraph 1 , page # 7

X Addition to By-Laws: Article_____ ,section____ , paragraph___ , page #___

p Other change: Article_____ ,section____ , paragraph___ , page #___ Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] a. Presentations shall be no longer than ten minutes; there is no minimum time. If this time limit is exceeded by more than 30 seconds, the speaker will be penalized by a lowering of one rank by tab room officials. Judges should use discretion if the speaker is forced to exceed this time limit due to audience reaction. Rationale: This line does not represent actual practice, can confuse judges and may give the judge more power than we want. The judge is only to record the time.

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Number: 09-11-16 E

Proposed: 5-14-16F

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to Specify the Primary Purpose of OPP

Submitted by: Gregg Osborn Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n): X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 2.B.4.a , paragraph 1

X Addition to By-Laws: Article IX,section 2.B.4.a , paragraph 1 Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] 4. Original Prose/Poetry: a. Topics: Any appropriate subject may be used, but the primary purpose of the event is to demonstrate the creativity creative writing of the contestant. The presentation may consist of prose or poetry or a combination. The tone may dramatic, humorous, or a combination. More than one written selection may be presented within the allotted time. The entire presentation may or may not be based on a thematic concept. Rationale: The focus of Original Prose Poetry should be on the writing. “Creativity” might include staging, vocal presentation, etc… Whereas, those can be part of the decision, what makes OPP unique is the writing ability of the student.

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 28 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16 F

Proposed: 05-14-16G

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to modify penalty for physical contact in Duo

Submitted by: Gregg Osborn Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n): X Deletion from By-Laws: Article IX ,section 3.B.2.b , paragraph 1 , page # 8

X Addition to By-Laws: Article IX ,section 2.A.5-6 , paragraph 1 , page # 3

p Other change: Article_____ ,section____ , paragraph___ , page #___ Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] b. The partners may react to each other’s verbal and/or non-verbal expressions, but they may not touch each other, except during the introduction. If unintentional physical contact is noted as a violation, the duo will be dropped one rank for each touch. If the physical contact is determined to be intentional, the duo will be given last place in the round. These penalties will be assessed by tournament officials and not by the judges. Physical contact between the partners during the introduction is optional. Rationale: Clarity. Penalty as written is excessive.

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 29 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16 G

Proposed: O5-14-16H

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to: Increase Prep Time in LD to 4 Minutes

Submitted by: Erik Pielstick Second by:

**Other change: Article__XI___ ,section__1__ , paragraph_F Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] F. Preparation Time Allotted

1. Policy Debate No more than eight minutes of total preparation time shall be allowed each team during the debate.

2. Lincoln Douglas No more than three (3) four (4) minutes of total preparation time shall be allowed each debater during the debate.

3. Parliamentary Debate a. No preparation time is permitted during the debate presentation period before the

judge(s). b. Twenty minutes of preparation time is allotted to be used before the debaters report to

the judge(s). During the presentation period the next speaker must get up to speak within 20 seconds following the preceding speech.

4. Public Forum Debate. No more than two minutes of total preparation time shall be allowed to each side during the debate.


1. More preparation time allows for students to craft more salient arguments in rebuttals. 2. NSDA time limits are now 4 for preparation, nearly all invitationals have 4 minutes of

preparation time, and many leagues have specified 4 minutes of preparation time as well. 3. LD Debate is structured to be ½ of a Policy debate. In both events, each speaker speaks

for 13 minutes and cross-examines for 3. In Policy, teams have 8 minutes of Prep. LD debaters should have 4 minutes of prep.

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 30 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16H

Proposed: 05-14-16I

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to: Decrease Restrictions on Debate Judge Paneling.

Submitted by: Scott Wheeler Second by:___________________ This revision will be a(n):

Deletion and Addition: Article___XIV__ ,section__2__ , paragraph_B__ , page #_2__ Specific revision: [Exact wording is required. Show strikethroughs original language that is deleted and put any added/changed language in bold print] B. In Team Debate, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, Parliamentary Debate and Public Forum Debate three judges shall be used in each round up to and including the quarter-final round. In the semi-final and final rounds, five judges shall be used. No judge should score the same debate team or Lincoln-Douglas debater twice during the Tournament. preliminary and double-elimination rounds. A judge may score a previously scored debate team or Lincoln-Douglas entry one additional time in quarterfinals or beyond. Rationale: Despite the best efforts of the tournament director to pre-panel all rounds, we are often left with the judge table looking for judges late in the tournament because the quality / expert judges who were pre-paneled for those rounds are unable to judge the entry a second time. The current rule excludes some of our best judges in an event from judging the late elimination rounds. The proposal change could also help the tournament to run smoother as well by placing fewer constraints on which judges Tab/Judge House can assign to a given round.

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 31 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16 I

Proposed: 05-14-16J

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to further limit use of the Internet for Evidence during rounds

Submitted by: Debate Committee Second by:___________

This revision will be a(n):

III. **Addition to By-Laws: Article_XI, Section K, paragraph_4_


4. In all forms of debate, debaters shall not have access to or activate any other electronic devices during the round, other than those specified in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Section K. Debaters shall not be allowed to utilize the Internet during rounds. In a round where the use of computers or cellphones as timers is permissible, Internet access must be disabled. Evidence acquired from the use of the Internet during the round is invalid. Therefore, debaters shall not explicitly encourage or invite judges to acquire evidence from the Internet.

Rationale: While the by-laws clearly state that competitors are not to use the Internet during their debate rounds, there is a need (discovered during a protest) to specify that neither may competitors encourage or invite their judges (or anyone in the audience) to acquire evidence from the Internet during the round or prior to completing the ballot. In Parli, for example, competitors could exceed the limits of the piece of paper from which they are to work by requesting that judges research for evidence that the debaters do not have with them.

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September 11, 2016 Minutes from Fall 2016 Page 32 of 33 California High School Speech Association

Number: 09-11-16 J

Proposed: 05-14-16K

A Motion to Revise the By-Laws to: revise penalty for failure to pay dues prior to entering a State Qualifying tournament Submitted by: Erik Pielstick - CBSR Second by:_____________ This revision will be a(n):

• Deletion from By-Laws: Article_VII , section 6_ , paragraph_D (2) ( i)_ , page #_6 • Addition to By-Laws: Article VII , section 6_ , paragraph_E (1)_ , page #__7

Strike: Article VII , Section 6. D. 2. i i. A league found to have allowed a non-CHSSA paid school to enter a qualifying tournament

will forfeit a qualifier in each affected event for the following competitive year. The forfeited qualifiers would be redistributed to the assigned “designated league” as per item “d” above

Add: Article VII Section 6. (E ) E. All CHSSA member schools in good standing who have eligible and qualified students, and who are members in good standing of recognized Leagues, may participate in state qualification tournaments and the State Tournament. Each school participating in a state qualification tournament must be guaranteed at least one entry in each event.

1. No school shall be admitted to a state qualification tournament unless the school's CHSSA assessments are postmarked on or before two weeks prior to said state qualification contest. A league found to have allowed a non-CHSSA paid school to enter a qualifying tournament will be fined $100 per event in which the school competed. The delinquent school’s dues plus the late fee (as in Article I. Sec 1, a.3), and assessed fines must be paid before any league schools are allowed to pass final registration at the state tournament. Rationale: · It is reasonable to assume that every past failure of a school to pay CHSSA dues, and every past

failure of a league to discover this failure happened as a result of inattention or an administrative mistake and not out of malice or an attempt to reap the benefits of membership for free.

· As such, it is contrary to the mission statement of the organization to punish children for an administrative error by the adults in charge.

· The current penalty system compounds the injustice by not penalizing those responsible, but rather punishing the league’s competitors from dues paying schools the following year by reducing their chances to attend the state tournament.

· The current system also bestows unearned rewards on another league by transferring the qualifying spots denied to the competitors of one league to the competitors of another.

· A financial penalty is more just because it allows children to compete and would allow the league at fault to pay from league resources or collect from those most directly responsible.

· Also, CHSSA makes money rather than losing it

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