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Page 1: September Boomer News 2015

BOOMER NEWSIssue: 1 Volume: 1 September 8th, 2015

Message from Presidential Diamond Sandy Durre

Welcome to our very first Boomer News. It is my hope that each month we are able to share each others successes, tips and tricks for success as a unit.

The plan is to have a way that we can all learn and start connected on another level. I first wanted to start off by sharing my story with all of you. I feel that is

the best way for you to get to know me.

First off Hi my name is Sandy Durre, I live in Roanoke IN and I am married to Chad, I have a son, Austin, 17 and a step son, Jacob,14. Before It Works! my life was very different. I'm going to go back a little because I want everyone to see that no matter what their past was like, it was jut preparing you for your future. Life was hard when I was a kid. I had a dad that didn't want me, gave me up for adoption, a mom that was always angry and never really told us she loved us. I had 3 different step dads in my life and mom was very strick. By the time I was 18 I was pregnant, married and then divorced by the time I was 21. I dropped out of college, I had no idea what I was going to do, didn't feel like I was worth anything. No one ever told me I was GOOD ENOUGH. No one ever said you CAN DO MORE. No one ever said why don't you GIVE IT A SHOT. Until 2004 when I met Chad, at the time I was working as a waitress working crazy hours, I still don't know how I managed to raise a son then, life was a blur, just going through the motions, and at times I was very selfish. Then one day Chad says to me, "I KNOW you CAN do better then this. I BELIEVE in you! " That one statement changed my life forever and I didn't even know it then. He's faith in me gave me the courage to DO MORE... BE MORE.. GO FOR MORE.. DREAM MORE! I got out of the world of waitressing, went into banking, it was during this time is when I was offered a job at State Farm. That was the hardest job I ever had to train and test for. Failurs happen, but they don't have to define us. It took me a total of 7 attempts to pass those Indiana State Board tests. I could have given up and quit after the 1st fail, the 3rd fail even the 6th fail, but I didn't!!! I know I could do it, because Pat, my boss, said I could, and if he believed in me, then I better!

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Just because you fail at something doesn't mean you won't succeed too! You just can't give up! DON'T GIVE UP!! You never know when your time will come and then success is YOURS! I passed that test, was the best at what I did in the office. Made a great friend, this friend invited me to an event one night, a fundraiser. God works in ways we don't alwys understand, HE had a plan for me from the day I was born, every moment in life, every up and down I went through brought me to this moment at that event...... I FOUND IT WORKS GLOBAL!!!I didn't know then that my life was going to be changed FOREVER, my future was going to be changed FOREVER, all I knew at that moment was I wanted to try this Wrap, to see if it really worked, and IT DID! Now, mind you when I was working at State Farm, things were not great for us. We were living pay check to pay check, we were borrowing money from the line of credit to pay the bills, and if there wasn't enough there we overdrew our accounts, and if that wasn't enough we charged things. None of this was helping us get ahead in our life. There were times I couldn't go to the grocery store, we didn't have the money. I was lucky if I could go once a month to the store. When the kids needed clothes, they had to wait for the layaway to be paid off. I will be honest and my husband didn't know how bad it was, I don't think we would have made it much longer if I hadn't found It Works! when I did. NO we didn't have the $100 to get started, but I took it from the mortgage payment because I had a feeling something was about to change forever. I had NO CLUE what I was doing. I'm not a leader, I'm not a business owner. I had never tried Network Marketing before. What I did know is I was pretty good on th computer, and I could hand out a coupon. That's all I needed to know. So, I joined! I took a leap of faith, believed I could do it. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I was over being broke!!! OVER IT! Lisa Fuller told me, give me 3-5 years and I will change your life. What she didn't know was she changed it on February 18th, 2012! You don't have to know ANYTHING about It Works or network marketing to be successful. If you have a hungry to make a difference you're on the right path. My It Works journey at times has been a fast one, frustrating one, exciting one, sad one, but always better then where I was before. I didn't have a lot of friends coming into this, I didn't know what my family would think, but what I did know was I was going to give it a good solid shot! February 18th, 2012 was my start date, by the 28th I was a Ruby. I don't know how I did it other then I took off running. I asked a lot of favors, I posted DAILY 10 times a day... yes a bit crazy but it worked. I asked strangers to have a party. I was so scared when I had to do it alone. Lisa lived 2.5 hrs away from me, she only helped me with a party once, then I was on my own. Sink or swim... but really, only WE know if we sink right? The guests have no idea, because we are the exports. By April 2012, I hit DIAMOND and earned the 1st ever $10,000 Diamond Bonus (first year they offered it). Same thing, I just flat out asked people to join me, I was still posting 10x a day or more on Facebook. In August 2012 I hit DOUBLE DIAMOND. The team I had at that time was on fire, they were out there doing the same thing I was, NONE of us really knew WHAT we were doing just that we needed to share this amazing company. We were excited, we were driven, we wanted more, we wanted what we didn't have.... FREEDOM & PEACE OF MIND. That's what pushed us! We had FAITH in It Works Global and their vision. There were many ups and downs during this time. Believe me. My family does not and did not suppot what I as doing. My sister would make snide remarks on my posts. They will say things to me because I was missing birthday parties or family gatherings. But what they didn't understand is the earlier sacrifices were worth it to me, because I knew one day I wouldn't HAVE to make ANY sacrifices EVER again. My husband and boys knew where I was going and what this company was going to do for us. It's been 3.5 years, and I still don't have the support from my family and friends I had hoped I would have. In June of 2013, I quit my job at State Farm to all ALL IN with It Works!!! In November of 2013 I promoted to Triple Diamond and earnd a $2500 Christmas Bonus. Again the amazing team I had at that time was out there working their butts off, they had BIG DREAMS and they wanted more. The craziest part about my journey, is, the majority of the people who started with me and had big dreams and wanted more, have QUIT, yes they quit and are no longer with the team. It's ok! I have to be ok with that. Because I am STILL DREAMING BIG and I will never quit on you, and I will never quit on my family! I know where I want to go, and I want anyone who is with me, to go with me! I will take you all as far as you want to go!! It's your DREAMS I want to see come true!! By April 2015, I finally hit Presidential Diamond and earned the $50,000 Bonus. But never have I done this alone, all of you have been apart of this journey, no matter if your journey with us has only beena few months or a few years. Everyone plays apart in the success of others. I have no doubt that whereever you all came from, your pasts, your futures, your right now, I can tell you, if you NEVER GIVE UP, YOU NEVER QUIT....... YOU WILL ALWAYS WIN!!

-Love, Sandy Durre

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Who needs volume? We all do! We hustle to get parties scheduled, but sometimes it's hard to get people to commit!! Sometimes we are just desperate! That's where catalog parties come in to play! Catalog parties are a great hands off way to get volume! You can post on Facebook requesting people to have a catalog party for you or you can private message random people on social media! Another great thing you can do is ask your Loyal Customers to have a catalog party

for you...LC's are my favorite people to ask because they already have product testimonies!So what is a catalog party?

Here's what I do for my catalog parties:I get a black plastic folder that zips and inside I put the flowing things:

2 product catalogs 1 Instruction sheet

2 blitz cards 1 DT form

4 loyal customer forms 1 pen

1 party padI then give the hostess one week to either find four loyal customers or one distributor! By doing so, they get a free wrap

of their choice! If they are only able to get a couple loyal customers, I then give them a discounted wrap, if they get a distributor, I offer the business opportunity and explain to them that they already earned their $99 back from their

business builder kit because they will get a $99 fast start bonus for that DT! If they sign a 4 loyal customers I also present the business opp to them and tell them about the $120 in free product credit and two wrap rewards that they

will get as a DT for signing those loyal customers! I have had three catalog parties already with success!

I hope you guys all try this out and I can't wait to hear about your progress! Diamond leader Tina Aumsbaugh

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Did you know that you can give back automatically each month through your eSuite? Choose $1, $2, or $5 to be donated from your monthly commission check and together, we can help change the world.

# ItWorksGivesBack

It Works! Gives Back strives to make a lasting difference in communities locally and globally through financial, practical, and emotional support. Our hope is that your passions lead you to give back to change

the lives of those in need. For more information, please contact our Gives Back Team at [email protected].

It Works! Gives Back FoundationThe It Works! Gives Back Foundation, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was founded in 2014 to help us

share the passion that our team has for helping those in need in our local communities and globally to truly make an impact on the world! The Foundation will give to other 501(c)(3) nonprofit tax exempt

organizations that align with our values and goals. We will also support victims of natural disasters and humanitarian crises in America and around the world.

Some of the foundations It Works Gives Back to:

The V Foundation: It Works! Gives Back Foundation partnered with The V Foundation for Cancer Research at our July Green

Carpet Experience. With the help of our team of distributors, we were able to raise $25,000 to support research that will help cure cancer.

Children’s Cup: Children’s Cup, a humanitarian and spiritual aid organization, is on a mission to spread hope, inspire

dreams, and change the world for children in 4 different countries and growing. They offer food, water, medical care, education, discipleship, and leadership to these children and families in underdeveloped

countries. Children’s Cup and It Works! Global started their partnership in 2013 when It Works! Independent Distributors and our Corporate Team raised $150,000 to feed over 60,000 children.

Selah Freedom:Selah Freedom is a nonprofit organization based in Sarasota, Florida, that exists to confront the issue of

human trafficking and exploitation through advocacy, training, and restorative services. Selah Freedom and It Works! Global have partnered since 2012 with a 5K to raise awareness and fundraise for this worthy cause.

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Cora HallChristina MelvinAaron Eckman

Sirahia Ostermeyer

Katie CraceNicole Valle

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TEAM SHOUT OUTSJust wanted to tell Cheyanne how incredible she is. I knew she would just be amazing at this business because of her passion for others. She strives for excellence and continues to amaze me with her success!! I love you to pieces girl. Thank you for being apart of the It Works family! Your dedication on reaching out to changes lives is what This company is all about.. You are gonna bring your business to a whole natha level!! I'm honored that I get to be apart of that with you - DESTINY ZUBER

I want to give a shout out to Breanna Lutton for hitting the ground running since her 1st day with It Works! She joined my team on August 15th and hasn't taken a day off since! She posts on social media daily, keeps me updated on her accomplishments and her set backs, asks questions and just never stops! She has amazed me with her drive and love for the products already and I know she will go far with her adventure. -KATIE CRACE

Hey there I would like to give to shout out to my DT Courtney she is rocking it and pushing thru the NOs she is getting and determined to hit her 400 volume this month!I d like to give a shout out to you for doing all that you do not only for the team but for me, putting up with all of my questions and over thinkingshout out to Amy for answering all my ?s as well and helping me along my wayTina for giving me words of encouragement and answering my ?s too - TAMMY BRYANT

I just wanted to say congratulations to this rockstar again! Katie Crace has totally ran with this business from day one with no excuses and she is definitely one to watch out for. I know I will be

announcing many more promotions for this beautiful girl. Congrats Katie You are amazing!!!! - Trisha Eckman

I can’t wait to see what we all do in September, I know it’s going to be HUGE!!!!! My hope for everyone one of us on this team is that we all make an effort to get on the team calls, lets blow our numbers out of the water this month. Also lets make an effort to make it to ONE training this month. It doesn’t matter

which one, but lets make it to one. Post your goals somewhere in your homes where you see them everyday and keep your eye on the prize. Own them and post them out on the team page so we can all help on another push to mark each and every goal off our lists this month. I think you all are amazing

and we are all blessed to have each other.

Trisha EckmanDouble Diamond Leader

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HUGE shoutout to following ladies who are amazing on so many ways! I am truly blessed to have each and everyone of you on my team and to be able to call you my friends! I appreciate you all!!!

Mackenzie Mercer: it's amazing how you signed your first distributor so quickly AND you've been in the 400pbv VIP club for the past 2 months! Keep it up girl!

Destiny Zuber: Wow! You have really taken this business by storm, you're totally rockin it! You signed a DT way before your 30 days was even close to being up! Plus you were in the 400pbv VIP club your first full month in the business!!! You're awesome! I am so proud

to call you my sister and love that this business has brought us together!

Pam Nichols: you my friend are a true fighter! I love your dedication and consistency! You always stay plugged in and look at you, all boxed in for Diamond! You will be Diamond in September! Get it girl!

Jessica Brooks: You are one of the sweetest girls I've ever met! You have such a huge heart! Plus you're a loyal customer singing machine;) You post on social media consistently and you stay plugged in! This is just the beginning for you girlie!

Marivel Guzman: You just always seem to amaze me! When you put your mind to something or set a goal for yourself, you make it happen! You stay plugged in and it shows!!! You're so close to Emerald! September to remember is your month! Love you girl!

Cassie Swam: Such a loyal customer singing machine and you knocked the 400pbv VIP club out of the water last month! You are so confident and that right there will take you far! Love it!

Jessica Bollet: You have been through so much, but never given up...you're not a quitter, you're a winner! You're so close to Ruby!!! You can do it, I believe in you!!!

April Miller: You're determination and motivation is contagious! You post on social media daily, stay plugged in and sign lcs and dts like crazy! Great job!

Cathi Robinson: Even though you are way down in Florida, you have never given up! You stay consistent and stay plugged in! You're so close to Emerald! Keep it up girl and Emerald is yours!!!

Debb Ebersole: You have never given up, no matter what life threw at you! It just made you more determined! Never stop dreaming, because with your determination...you will achieve all your dreams!

Katie Olson: My Indy girl!!! I love how self sufficient and motivated you are! Congrats on being in the 400 pbv VIP club for the last three months! That's awesome! I am so proud of you for going out there and getting that health fair event all on your own and making

the time to do it! Things like this is what's going to take you to the top! Can't wait to see you again!!

Christal Baca: One of my soon to be Rubys!!!! You are always plugged in and so consistent with social media! Keep it up!!!!

I would like to end with one of my favorite quotes; "A lot of people start, but they don't finish!" -Mark Pentecost


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For Cali girls ~ I just want to give our Cali girls a special thanks. Lori Mathis for running us around all weekend, allowing us to stay at her

home and for helping us with training in Fresno on Saturday. I want to thank Beverly Gervasi, Krystal-Ann Rigsby, and Arlene Luchok for

driving 4.5-5 hours for training in Fresno. Our California team is amazing and I love them all very much and appreciate all of their hard


Tyanna Radabaugh-Haines & Aaron Arrendale are two new comers to our business that have totally blown me away in their first month. I am so excited to watch them unfold into beautiful leaders on this


Alexis Ogle and Aubrey Mills have been with us for a couple of months now. Alexis took off really well and then had a slow period. She didn’t let it get her

down, instead she reached out to myself and another leader on what she could do to better herself. In doing that she ended the month of August with

an amazing party. And Aubrey Mills joined us and struggled a little in the beginning but stuck it out with us thank goodness, and is totally taking off and rocking this crazy wrap thing!! I am so very proud of both of them for staying plugged in with their up lines. Aubrey Mills doesn’t miss a call or a

beat on our team page.

I just wanted to welcome Nancy Coffman back to our team. She took some needed time off to find herself and to figure out

exactly what she wanted. She decided It Works was for her after all. I look forward to watching her grow in this business. I

can’t wait to see where this business takes her.

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NEW DISTRIBUTORS : DO NOT GO TO PAYONEER!!! This program is for international distributors ONLY!!! If you accidently signed up for this card, make sure that you call PAYONEER's customer service 1-800-251-2521 to cancel the card. You need to make sure you to go www.myitworkspay.com to set up your account and signe up for the direct deposit.

PAYONEER has tons of fees. The only fees you should be paying is a monthly $2 maintenance fee and a $1 transfer fee to your account when we are paid from It Works! Global.

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I wanted to give a quick shout out to Spencer Herbst!!! Her passion for her business and her WANT to have more time with her kids is what pushes her daily to share her business. Spencer I have no doubt you will be able to cut back on your babysitting to spend more quality time with your kiddos!!

Neva Baker!!!! I am so proud of you!! I can tell you really want this, you are always on team calls, you come to training, and you reach out for help!

I know you want to suppliment your income, and I have no doubt you will!! ! You had an amazing ah-ha moment when we got together today and

I know you will take what you learned and run with it!!

Ausha honey! I just want you know I'm proud of you too girl!!! You have a little one on the way, and it's not stopped you from working your business and dreaming big!!! I know it took you

several months to join us on this CRAZY TRAIN, but we are getting started sometimes. I am so excited to have you on our team and I

know you will make your kiddos proud!!!

Ms Tammy Bryant!!! My East Noble buddy!!! WOW!! I am proud of you girl!!! You're first mon th in the business and on the

team, and you were already rocking it out!!! 20 new customers and a distributor right out of the gate!!! Keep up that drive and

you will be at the top in no time!!!!


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Honestly, I feel like self development is one of the most important things that we can do for our businesses and our lives!

When I first started this business I was the shyest person ever! I would walk into a room wondering if people liked me, I would then sit in the corner and not talk to a

soul because I was SO nervous!

When I joined It Works 2-1/2 years ago, I was told how important self development was, but it took me nine months before I really took self development seriously!

The first self development book I ever read was The Secret By Rhonda Byrne and I can honestly say it was a game changer! I became a more positive person and I started believing in myself! After that, my goals an dreams were coming true!

I don't want to tell you what The Secret is all about, but I do want you all to read it!

I can't wait to hear all of your thoughts!

Diamond Leader Tina Aumsbaugh

Self Development!

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