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  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018

    Blood Splatter

    When a wound is inflicted and blood leaves the body, a bloodspatter pattern may be created.  A single stain or drop of blood does not constitute a spatter.  Instead, a grouping of bloodstains composes a bloodspatter pattern.  This pattern can help reconstruct the series of events surrounding a shooting, stabbing, or beating.



  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018

    Questions Answered by Blood Spatter Interpretation

     The distance between the target surface and the origin of blood

     The point(s) of origin of the blood

     Movement and direction of a person or object

     The number of blows, shots, etc. causing the bloodshed and/or the dispersal of blood

     Type and direction of impact that produced the bloodshed

     Movement of the victim and/or the object after bloodshed

     The position of the victim and/or object during bloodshed

    Low Velocity Spatter

  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018

    Medium Velocity Pattern

    (blunt force trauma/stabbing)

    High Velocity Spatter

  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018

    Wipe Pattern

    Swipe Blood Pattern

  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018

    Arterial Spurts

    Blood Droplet Characteristics

    A blood droplet will remain spherical in space until it collides with a surface. Once a blood droplet impacts a surface, a bloodstain is formed. A droplet falling from the same height, hitting the same surface a the same angle, will produce a stain with the same basic shape.

    How will the shape change as the height is increased or decreased?

  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018

    Conditions Affecting Shape of Blood Droplet

    Size of the droplet

    - The size of the drop depends on the volume of the drop.

    - Volume depends on the object blood originated from

    - A needle = small

    - A bat = large

    Angle of impact

    - If more than one drop results, the point of origin can be determined

    - The angle can be determined mathematically. Width / length, then take the inverse sin. This number is the impact angle ( 90 = perpendicular to surface; < 10 at a sharp angle)

    - For each blood drop, a string can be guided back to the point of origin.

    Velocity at which the blood droplet lefts its origin

    - Low Velocity - relatively large stains 4 mm in size and greater

    - Medium Velocity - larger individual stains (beating)

    - High Velocity - mist like appearance (gun shot)

  • Serology Blood Splatter.notebook


    June 06, 2018


    - Blood drops fall as small spheres

    - Drops form circles when hitting surfaces

    - Size depends on speed of blood drop

    - Faster drop = smaller diameter

    - Higher distance = larger diameter

    Texture of the target surface

    - if on clean glass or plastic - droplet will have smooth outside edges

    - on rough surface - will produce scalloping on the edges

  • Attachments


    IBloodSpat student lab.doc

    F30  Blood Spatter Analysis Lab Answer Key.docx

    F30  Blood Webquest Answer Key.docx

    Fake blood recipies.pdf


    Forensic Blood Analysis Webquest.docx








    Using Blood Tests to Identify Babies and Criminals

    Copyright, 2006, by Jennifer Doherty and Ingrid Waldron, Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania

    I. Were the babies switched?

    Two couples had babies in the same hospital at the same time. Michael and Danielle had twins, a boy, Michael, Jr., and a girl, Michelle. Denise and Earnest had a girl, Tonja. After being home for a few days, Danielle was convinced that she had the wrong girl. There must have been a mix-up at the hospital. After all, her kids were twins, and even though they were fraternal twins, you would think that they would look a lot more alike than they do—one is light-skinned and the other is dark-skinned. At Danielle's insistence, blood types were taken for her family and for Denise, Earnest and their daughter. In order to interpret the results of the blood type tests, you will need to understand the basic biology of blood types.

    Blood Types

    There are many different ways to classify blood types, but the most common blood type classification system is the ABO (said "A-B-O") system. There are four blood types in the ABO system: Type A, Type B, Type AB, and Type O. These blood types refer to different versions of carbohydrate molecules (complex sugars) which are present on the surface of red blood cells.

    People with:


    Type A blood

    Type A carbohydrate molecules

    on their red blood cells

    Type B blood

    Type B carbohydrate molecules

    on their red blood cells

    Type AB blood

    Type A and B carbohydrate molecules

    on their red blood cells

    Type O blood

    Neither A nor B carbohydrate molecules

    on their red blood cells

    The Type A and Type B carbohydrate molecules are called antigens because they can stimulate the body to produce an immune response, including antibodies. Antibodies are special proteins that travel in the blood and help our bodies to destroy viruses or bacteria that may have infected our bodies (see figure on next page).

    Adapted from Figure 40.5 in Holt Biology by Johnson and Raven

    Normally, our bodies do not make antibodies against any molecules that are part of our own bodies. Thus, antibodies help to defend against invading viruses and bacteria, but normally antibodies do not attack our own body cells.

    For example, people with Type A blood do not make antibodies against the Type A antigen which is present on their red blood cells, but they do make antibodies against the Type B antigen. Test your understanding of blood groups by filling in the blanks in the chart below.

    Blood group A

    If you belong to the blood group A, you have A antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and _______ antibodies in your blood.

    Blood group B

    If you belong to the blood group B, you have B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and _______ antibodies in your blood.

    Blood group AB

    If you belong to the blood group AB, you have both A and B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells and no anti-A or

    anti-B antibodies in your blood.

    Blood group O

    If you belong to the blood group O, you have neither A nor B antigens on the surface of your red blood cells, but you have both

    ______ and _____ antibodies in your blood.

    Blood transfusions — who can receive blood from whom?

    If you are given a blood transfusion that does not match your blood type, antibodies present in your blood can react with the antigens present on the donated red blood cells. For example, if a person who has Type A blood is given a Type B blood transfusion, then this person's anti-B antibodies will react with the Type B antigens on the donated red blood cells and cause a harmful reaction. This reaction can cause the donated red blood cells to burst and/or clump together and block blood vessels. This type of transfusion reaction is illustrated in the following drawing.

    Transfusion reactions can be fatal. To prevent this from happening, doctors test whether a person's blood is compatible with the donated blood before they give a transfusion. A person can only be given donated blood with red blood cells that do not have any antigen that can react with the antibodies in the person's blood.

    Test your understanding of blood groups by completing the table below.

    Blood Group

    Antigens on red blood cells

    Antibodies in plasma

    Can receive

    blood from

    Can give

    blood to




    A and O

    A and AB




    A and B



    Which blood type would be considered a universal donor (someone who can give blood to anyone)?

    Genetics of Blood Types

    Your blood type is established before you are born, by specific genes inherited from your parents. You receive one blood type gene from your mother and one from your father. These two genes determine your blood type by causing the presence or absence of the Type A and Type B antigen molecules on the red blood cells.

    The blood type gene has three different versions or alleles:

    IA results in A antigen on the red blood cells,

    IB results in B antigen on the red blood cells, and

    i does not result in either antigen.

    Everyone has two copies of these genes, so there are six possible combinations of alleles (called genotypes):

    IA IA and IA i - both resulting in Type A blood,

    IB IB and IB i - both resulting in Type B blood,

    IA IB - resulting in Type AB blood,

    i i - resulting in Type O blood.

    In a heterozygous IA i person, which allele is dominant, IA or i? Explain your reasoning.

    Codominance refers to inheritance in which both alleles of a gene affect the phenotypic traits of an individual. Thus, in codominance, neither allele is recessive—both alleles are dominant.

    Which one of the genotypes shown above results in a phenotype that provides clear evidence of codominance? Give the genotype and draw a picture of a red blood cell for this genotype to illustrate how both alleles influence blood type in this case.

    Each biological parent gives one of their two ABO alleles to their child. For example, a mother who is blood type O has genotype ii and can only give an i allele to her son or daughter. A father who is blood type AB could give either an IA or a IB allele to his son or daughter. This couple could have children of either blood type A (i from mother and IA from father) or blood type B (i from mother and IB from father). This is illustrated in the Punnett square below.


    (Type AB)



    (Type O)





    IA i

    IA i


    IB i

    IB i

    Now, suppose that a mother has blood Type A and genotype IA i and the father has blood Type B and genotype IB i. Draw a Punnett square to show the possible genotypes and blood types for their children.

    Were the babies switched?

    Now you are ready to evaluate whether Earnest and Denise's baby girl was switched with Michael and Danielle's baby girl. The following family tree shows the blood types for both families.

    1. Is it possible for Michael and Danielle to have a child who is type O?

    How do you know this?

    Was a switch made at the hospital?

    2. How could fraternal twins be as different in appearance as Michelle and Michael, Jr., including one having light skin and the other having dark skin?

    II. Who Killed Shamari Davis?


    Shamari Davis was a 20-year-old college freshman who was majoring in Physical Therapy. She paid for school by working as a personal trainer at a local gym. Shamari had been promoted to head personal trainer at the gym just before she was killed.

    Crime Scene

    The body was found in the women’s locker room of the gym at 1 am by the night janitor, Harvey Willis. The victim had been strangled and was wearing a robe. There were signs of a struggle in the room and the glass door of the shower was broken and had traces of blood on it. The victim was pronounced dead at the scene and the coroner suggested that the time of death was at least 3 hours before the body was found.

    Criminal Investigation

    Shamari’s co-worker Daleesha Jones told police that Shamari was a newer employee who did not deserve her recent promotion and only got it because she spent a lot of time with their boss, Steve O’Hare. When asked if he knew if Shamari had problems at work, Steve told Police that Shamari had complained to him that one of her fitness clients, Mike Reed, kept asking her out and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

    Blood Analysis

    Obviously a real crime investigation would use many clues, but your investigation will be based on the simplest type of blood testing, namely testing for blood types A, B, O, and AB, for the blood sample found at the scene and for each of the possible suspects.

    No individual can change blood types, and blood type does not change with age. Explain why.

    In order to test blood type, you mix a sample of the blood with two different types of antiserum—one which contains anti-A antibodies and one which contains anti-B antibodies. The reactions between the antibodies in the antiserum and the corresponding antigens on the red blood cells in the blood sample result in clumping.

    Which types of blood have the antigens that will react with anti-A antibodies?

    Which types of blood have the antigens that will react with anti-B antibodies?

    Before you carry out the blood type tests, fill in the following chart that will help you to identify the blood type of each individual.

    Reacts with anti-A antibody

    Reacts with anti-B antibody

    Blood type

    (A, B, AB, O)










    1. Place your dish with the test wells on a piece of white paper, and put two drops of the blood of one suspect on both the A and B wells of the dish.

    2. Place two drops of A antiserum on the drop of blood in the A well and place two drops of antiserum B on the drop of blood in the B well.

    3. Mix the blood sample with the added A antiserum with one end of the toothpick. Mix the blood sample with the added B antiserum with the other end of the toothpick. Discard each toothpick after you use it for each suspect or victim.

    4. Observe the reaction of the antiserum with each blood sample. Record the blood type of the individual in the table below.

    5. Repeat the procedure, steps 1 through 4, for each blood sample.

    6. Compare the blood types for the samples from the victim and each suspect to the blood type from the broken shower door glass at the scene of the crime. Use your observations to suggest who committed the murder.

    Reacts with anti-A antibody (Yes or No)

    Reacts with anti-B antibody (Yes or No)

    Blood type

    (A, B, AB, O)

    Shamari Davis


    Daleesha Jones


    Harvey Willis


    Mike Reed


    Steve O’Hare


    Blood on shower door

    Investigator’s Report

    Describe the circumstances which you believe led up to the crime, the time of the crime, and the individual that you believe is guilty of the murder. What evidence supports your conclusions?

    � Teachers are encouraged to copy this student handout for classroom use. A Word file (which can be used to prepare a modified version if desired), Teacher Preparation Notes, comments, and the complete list of our hands-on activities are available at � HYPERLINK "http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/sci_edu/waldron/" ��http://serendip.brynmawr.edu/sci_edu/waldron/�.



    SMART Notebook



    An explosion in media coverage of real crimes as well as fictitious crime scenes depicted in television dramas has increased public interest in forensic science techniques. One technique used by CSI is the analysis of stains left by blood shed at a crime scene. Using this kit, you will be introduced to basic bloodstain pattern analysis. Students will be asked to sketch and document patterns produced by several and keep a “Crime Scene Notebook.” Activity sheets, data, sketches, notes and photographs can be included in the notebooks. This lab includes 3 teacher demonstrations so less paper is used.


    To observe the appearance or patterns of common bloodstains found at a crime scene including: height relationships, velocity impacts, textured surfaces, angle of impact


    1. Simulated blood can stain clothing and other surfaces.

    2. Safety goggles and aprons should be worn.

    PART A: Vertical Drip Pattern Recognition

    MATERIALS (Needed per Group)

    5 X 8 note cards

    metric ruler

    10 mL graduated cylinder

    simulated blood

    Data Table A and B worksheets

    PART A1: Single Blood Drop Patterns


    1. Hold bottle of simulated blood upside down in a vertical position so that the dropper end is 15 cm from target surface (note card).

    2. Squeeze one drop onto the card at the 15 cm height. Mark this specimen as vertical drop at 15 cm.

    3. Reposition blood bottle so that tip is 30 cm from target surface. Repeat steps 1 and 2, labeling for the correct heights. Generate the remaining blood drops at the vertical heights listed on Data Table A using the same procedure.

    4. When blood drops are dry, measure diameter of the circular part of the drops. If there are spines or protrusions on the drop, disregard them as part of the measurement. Record measurements on Data Table A.

    5. Make a sketch of each drop in Data Table A, noting any spines or protrusions in the drop.

    PART A2: Multiple Blood Drip Pattern Recognition


    1. Use simulated blood to drop a single drop of blood onto a target surface from a height of 30-cm. Do not move your hand …drop a second drop onto the first drop. Note any change in the blood drop pattern after dropping the second drop. Record your observations and sketches in Data Sheet B.

    2. Drop a 3rd blood drop from the 30-cm position so that it lands on the first two drops. Record your observations.

    3. Repeat procedure until you have mixed a total of 4 blood drops. Record your observations. Allow target surface to dry overnight. Label the surface-- multiple single vertical blood drops.

    4. Obtain a clean target surface (index card). Place 2-3 mL of simulated blood into a graduated cylinder. Position the cylinder 30-cm above the target surface and pour the entire volume of blood all at once onto the target surface. Observe and record our observations in Data Table B. Label the stain “large volume vertical drip pattern”. Allow to dry overnight. Observe and compare patterns.

    PART B: Common Blood Stain Patterns (Follow directions for each stain. Record your description in Data Table C and make a sketch. Clean up all spills immediately.)

    MATERIALS (Needed per Group)

    simulated drip blood


    simulated transfer blood


    roll of butcher paper

    tongue depressors or plastic knives

    paper towel, cloth, or rag

    flat, non-porous floor surface

    objects such as hammer, screwdriver, shoe, etc.flat, non-porous wall surface

    Data Table C worksheets

    copy or typing paper

    Part B1: Walking Drip Pattern


    1. Place a 12 foot long piece of butcher paper along a floor with NO carpeting.

    2. Use simulated drip blood and squeeze gently as you walk normally down the length of the paper. Keep blood drops on paper.

    3. Record observations and sketches in Data Table C.

    Part B2: Wipes

    1. Use several sheets of typing paper or 2 feet of butcher paper on a flat, non-porous surface.

    2. Using simulated transfer blood, place small puddle of blood on target surface (butcher paper or copy paper). Select object (rag, paper towel or cloth) to push the blood or wipe it around (as if cleaning up). Use the object to attempt to clean up the stain by wiping.

    3. Note the appearance of the stain relative to the direction of movement. Record information on Data Table C.

    Part B3: Swipes

    1. Use several sheets of typing paper or 2 feet of butcher paper on a flat, non-porous surface.

    2. Using wiped cloth, rag, or paper towel from last lab (B2) to swipe across target surface and note the appearance. Record your findings.

    Part B4: Other Transfer Stains

    4. Use several sheets of typing paper or 2 feet of butcher paper on a flat, non-porous surface.

    5. Select an object such as a hammer, screwdriver, shoe or plastic knife and place a small quantity of simulated transfer blood on it. Press the “bloody” object against the target surface and note the appearance of the stain. With shoeprint, make several impressions and observe. Do the same for “bloody” hand or fingerprints. Note the shape, pattern and directionality of the stain pattern.

    Part B5: Arterial Spurts—Vertical

    1. Find a flat, non-porous wall surface and place a 10-foot section of butcher paper on the wall, waist high, parallel to the floor. Secure with tape.

    2. Using a syringe filled with simulated drip blood, begin walking along the length of the paper squeezing short spurts of drip blood to simulate the beating of a heart.

    3. Record your findings.

    Part B6: Arterial Spurts—Horizontal

    1. Find a flat, non-porous wall and floor surface and place a 8-foot section of butcher paper on the wall, chest high, perpendicular to and laying on the floor. Secure with tape.

    2. Using a syringe filled with simulated drip blood, aim the syringe parallel to the floor and squeeze off several short spurts of drip blood to simulate the beating of a heart.

    3. Record your findings.

    Part B7: Cast Off Spatter

    1. Find a flat, non-porous wall and floor surface and place 2--8-foot sections of butcher paper on the wall, chest high, perpendicular to and laying on the floor. Secure with tape.

    2. Use a tongue depressor or plastic knife covered with about 1 mL of simulated drip blood. Use a horizontal slashing motion in the direction of the target surface. Go back and forth several times. Each time, note the pattern the stain makes as you sweep back and forth.

    3. Record your findings.

    PART C: Vertical Drips on Various Surfaces: Pattern Recognition

    MATERIALS (Needed per group)

    Simulated drip blood

    One meterstick

    One 5 X 8 notecard

    One sheet of copy paper

    Piece of cardboard

    Paper bag

    Plastic grocery bag

    Non-porous floor tile or piece of plexiglass

    Data Table D

    1. Use a 5 X 8 notecard as the target surface. Hold bottle of simulated blood upside down and drop one drop of blood from a height of 30 cm onto the target surface. Observe the pattern. Record and sketch your findings on Data Table D.

    2. Repeat step one using the other materials listed on the table as target surfaces.

    PART D: Relationship Between Shape and Impact Angle of Bloodstains

    MATERIALS (Needed per group)

    simulated drip blood

    9--5 X 8 notecards


    metric ruler

    clipboard (impact angle apparatus)



    small wooden block

    Data Table E

    1. Tape one end of the clipboard to the table by making a hinge out of a piece of tape. The clipboard should be at the edge of the table. Hold the protractor to the edge of the clipboard at the hinge end so that the center of the protractor is at the edge of the hinged end of the clipboard and edge of the table.



    60 degrees



    30 degrees



    target surface (notecard)


    2. Select an impact angle to study. Data Table E includes angles form 10-90 degrees. Once you have selected an impact angle, Use a lab partner to hold and set the angle. To obtain the desired impact angle, set the angle of the board at a protractor angle of 90 degrees minus the desired angle…for example, to set a 60 degree impact angle, set the board at the protractor setting at 30 degrees.

    3. Using simulated drip blood, place the dropper 30 cm above the impact board.

    4. Allow 2-3 drops of blood to fall sequentially onto the card, moving your hand so the drops do NOT overlap.

    5. Then drop multiple drops on the same target surface in a different area of the card. Leave the card in place 2-3 minutes before carefully removing it to dry. Make sure you have marked the angle on the card before starting the next card.

    6. Repeat steps 2-5 for the remaining impact angles. Record your descriptions on Data Table E and do your sketches. After drying, place your cards into your notebooks.

    PART E: Impact Force and Blood Stain Patterns

    Part E1: Medium Velocity Impact Spatter

    MATERIALS (Needed per group)

    Simulated drip blood


    4 sheets of copy paper

    hard bristle toothbrush

    paper towels

    metric ruler or calipers

    1. Tape target surface (copy paper) to a wall or chalkboard. Lay paper or paper towels on floor to keep area clean.

    2. Hold your hand horizontally 20-30 cm from the target surface with palm side down. Place a small pool of simulated blood (about the size of a quarter) on top of your hand.

    3. Use the fingers of your other hand to slap the hand with the blood, pushing the fingers forward in a perpendicular (90 degrees) orientation, pushing toward the target surface.

    4. Carefully remove the target surface with the bloodstain and label it “Medium Velocity Impact Spatter at 90 degree angle). Let dry.

    5. Repeat steps 2-4 above. This time angle your hand at an angle OTHER THAN 90) DEGREES. Take down and allow to dry. Label “Medium Velocity Impact Spatter, non 90 degree angle”.

    6. When stains are dry, measure the long axis of the smaller stains. Typically, they should be 1-4 mm in length.

    Part E2: High Velocity Impact Spatter

    1. Tape target surface (copy paper) to a wall or chalkboard. Lay paper or paper towels on floor to keep area clean.

    2. Using a hard bristle toothbrush, cover just the top tips of the brush with simulated drip blood.

    3. Aim the brush directly at the target surface (perpendicular to the surface) and rub your finger across the bristles from front to back so that the blood sprays onto the target surface. The pattern will be light and blood drops small.

    4. Remove the target surface and label “High Velocity Impact Spatter at 90 degrees”.

    5. Repeat the process in steps 1-3 above, but this time orient your brush AT AN ANGLE to the target surface. Remove this target surface and label as “High Velocity Impact Spatter, non 90 degree. Allow to dry.

    6. When stains are dry, measure long axis of the smaller stains. Typically, they should be < 1mm in length.

    Data Table A

    Height of Blood Drop

    Diameter of Blood Drop (mm)

    Sketch of Blood Drop

    15 cm

    30 cm

    45 cm

    60 cm

    75 cm


    150 cm

    Data Table B

    Blood Drips

    Observations (Verbal and Sketches)





    Large Volume

    Data Table C

    Source of Stain



    Walking Drip Pattern



    Other Transfer Stains

    Arterial Spurts- Vertical

    Arterial Spurts – Horizontal

    Cast Off Spatter


    Surface Material

    Description and Sketch

    5 X 8 notecard

    Copy paper


    Paper bag

    Plastic bag

    Non-porous surface


    Data Table D

    Data Table E

    Impact Angle



    20 degrees

    30 degrees

    40 degrees

    50 degrees

    60 degrees

    70 degrees

    80 degrees

    90 degrees


    1. How are the blood drops at different heights alike? How are they different?

    2. How do the large volume and the dripped volume blood patterns compare?

    3. Given the following diameters of blood drops, from what height (approximately) did they fall?

    a. 8 mm

    b. 14 mm

    c. 18 mm

    4. Why is it important to know how blood patterns differ on different surfaces?

    5. What differences did you see in the blood that was dropped onto smooth and rough surfaces?

    6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement “Blood evidence can be used long after

    the crime.” Explain.

    7. Draw and describe the approximate size and shape of a droplet of blood that:

    a. Has fallen straight down from a height of four feet.

    b. Has fallen from a running person from a height of four feet.

    SMART Notebook

    Blood Spatter Analysis Lab – Answer Key

    Part A – Vertical Drip Pattern

    · 90 degrees so should be circular shape

    · Diameter of spot increases with height

    · 15 cm should be smaller than 30 cm

    Part B – Multiple Drip Pattern

    · Blood dripping into blood will produce small round satellite spatters (0.1 to 1.0 mm in diameter)

    · Large volume vertical drip – low velocity therefore a larger main drop and some satellite spatters. Prob b/n 4 and 8 mm in diameter

    Part B – Common Stain Patterns

    1) Walking drip – low velocity, should be circular drops, large with diameters of 4 mm or more, relatively evenly spaced

    2) Wipe – see source of original drop, direction of wipe (dark to light in direction of movement)

    3) Swipe – might be able to make out the object that was swiped (i.e. hand), should be able to tell direction of movement (dark to light – light is towards direction of travel, or large to small in direction of travel). Hair swipe = long thin fine line. One side of swipe is feathered indicating direction of travel

    4) Transfer stains – should see impression of whatever object was used. Creates a recognizable mirror impression

    5) Arterial spurts – should see circular or elliptical blood drops (depending on velocity and direction), and blood dripping down from drop indicating a relatively large amount of blood exiting the wound at once. Should show some pressure fluctuations (i.e differences in height)

    6) Cast off Spatter – blood is released from whatever the instrument was that was used. Drops should approximate a linear pattern. Drops will be small, should see drops hitting at increasing acute angles resulting in them appearing more elongated. Tail points in direction of motion

    Part C – Vertical Drips on Different Surfaces

    · Smooth surface = circular drop patterns, blood does not spatter

    · Rough surface = blood will spatter and produce an irregular shaped droplet with rough or jagged edges

    Part D – Relationship b/n Shape and Angle of Impact

    · Drops at 90 degrees are circular

    · As angle increases, the drop becomes more elliptical or elongated.

    · To determine angle of impact take the antisine of the width of the drop divided by the length (not including tail)

    = 30 degree angle

    Part E – Impact Force and Stain Pattern

    · Medium velocity spatter = blood drops smaller in diameter, usually results from stabbings or blunt force trauma. Smaller secondary spatter is produced, droplets usually between 2 and 4 mm

    · High velocity spatter = blood drops even smaller in diameter (less than 2 mm in diameter). Appears mist-like. Common in gushot wounds, explosions, high speed collisions.

    SMART Notebook

    Forensic Blood Analysis Webquest

    Head to the following website. Read about the Chamberlain Case and answer the questions below: http://science.howstuffworks.com/bloodstain-pattern-analysis5.htm

    How could blood stain analysis have been used to solve this case?

    · Didn’t take the bloodied clothes of chamberlains until after

    · Typed the blood to determine blood group/DNA analysis

    · Contaminated scene made it unusable

    · Properly photographed and collected data could have reconstructed scene

    Go to the website: http://www.virtualmedicalcentre.com/anatomy/blood-function-and-composition/30 and complete the following

    · Blood makes up 8% of the adult’s body

    · Females have 4 to 5 L of blood

    · Males have 5 to 6 L of blood

    · The pH of blood is 7.35 to 7.45

    The three main functions of blood in the human body are:

    · Transport gases, wastes, nutrients, hormones

    · Protection – white blood cells, antibodies, platelets for clumping

    · Regulation – pH and water balance

    Go to the website: http://anthro.palomar.edu/blood/blood_components.htm

    The main components of blood and their primary functions are:

    · Red blood cells – transport oxygen and carbon dioxide

    · White blood cells – locate foreign particles and kill them, get rid of dead or dying blood cells, get rid of dust and foreign particles

    · Platelets – clot wounds

    · Plasma – nourishes cells throughout the body and removes waste products of metabolism

    What does agglutination mean?

    · Red blood cells become attached to one another and separate out from plasma

    What is the difference between antigens and antibodies?

    · Antigens = large protein molecules attached to red blood cells in some blood types

    · Antibodies = substances that are able to identify and bind to foreign antigens causing them to clump or aggulate

    How did the discovery of ABO blood groups improve blood transfusion success?

    · Improved the success of transfusions…not as many were killed from transfusions of the wrong blood type

    Create five of your own questions you would like to research about blood (human or animal). Record your questions and answers below.

    · Answers will vary

    Blood and Forensics-

    Go to the website: http://www.exploreforensics.co.uk/serology.html

    Serology is: study and examination of bodily fluids excreted by assailants or attackers in various crimes

    How is serology used in forensics?

    · Body fluids are segregated and tests performed to determine what the fluids are, where/who they came from

    What is the different between presumptive and confirmatory tests?

    · Presumptive Testing: These tests provide two separate means of producing a result. One is to use compounds that can have an effect on blood when introduced to it. These results are a simple and quick way of proving that samples are actually blood especially if time is of the essence.

    · Confirmatory Tests: This is a more involved set of tests that are carried out using samples of what is believed to be blood and mixing them with a chemical compound that reacts adversely with haemoglobin, the resultant factor being the production of crystals under the microscope that can be identified as blood.

    Blood Splatter Evidence

    Read the following article: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/3430712-418/blood-lyons-spatter-case-daughter.html

    What might be some concerns with blood splatter analysis?

    · Tend to be more subjective than scientific

    · Forensic scientist analysis in the field is not as controlled as in a lab

    Go to the website: http://www.crimescene-forensics.com/Blood_Stains.html

    Define bloodstain pattern analysis: examination of shapes, locations, and distribution of patterns of bloodstains in order to provide an interpretation of the physical events that created the pattern

    What information can we obtain from this type of evidence?

    · Distance from source to target

    · Direction of travel and impact angles

    · Nature of force that caused bloodshed

    · Object used to cause bloodshed

    · Sequence of multiple bloodshed events

    · Interpretation of contact or transfer patterns

    Compare and contrast a splatter and transfer pattern:

    · Spatter = blood acted upon by force

    · Transfer = blood source comes in direct contact with a surface

    SMART Notebook

  • FSB06

    blo o d spatte rFake Blood Recipes

    Teacher Background InformationThe following recipes have been collected from a variety of sources. The aim is to make fake blood that has similar viscosity to real blood.

    A number of the recipes use corn syrup (a popular US brand is Karo that can be bought at specialty stores) however corn syrup can be substituted with golden syrup.

    Fake Blood Recipe 1You will need:

    �75g cornflour

    75mL water

    �75mL golden syrup

    3 teaspoons red food colouring

    � teaspoon green food colouring

    container for mixing

    mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)

    MethodMix corn flour and water together in a bowl or jug.

    Add the golden syrup.

    Add the red and green food colouring. You will need to play around with the quantities of red and green food colouring. Adding more red food colouring will make the blood more pinky and adding more green will give the blood a more browny colour.


    NB: Blood appears red because when white lights falls on it, it absorbs all the colours in sunlight except red, which it reflects. Red food colouring is much more of a pinky colour than blood so you need to add green to remove the pink tinge.

    Green food colouring absorbs all colours apart from green, so when mixed into the red colouring it absorbs some of the red light that was previously been reflected. This makes the blood mixture darker and the colour ‘dirtier’. Instead of a bright clear red, it becomes a sludgy brown. By adding only a little bit of green to the red food colouring you should get just a brown tinge to the blood.

    Fake Blood Recipe 2You will need:

    �60mL corn syrup

    80mL water

    44g of cornstarch

    �5mL-25 mL red food colouring

    2-3 drops green food colouring

    container for mixing

    mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)

    MethodMix the cornstarch thoroughly with the water.

    Add the corn syrup. Mix well.

    Add red food coloring to the mixture using only 3 teaspoons at first.

    Then add a couple of drops of green food coloring to take the “pink” edge off the red coloring. If the mixture is too light, add one or two teaspoons more of red food coloring. Add an extra drop of green food coloring if the mixture gets too pink again.

    *This makes about � cup of simulated blood.


    Fake Blood Recipe 3You will need:

    �00mL corn syrup

    25mL water

    �0 drops red food colouring

    container for mixing

    mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)

    MethodCombine the corn syrup thoroughly with the water.

    Mix well.

    Add red food colouring drop by drop.

    Oller, A.R. 2006 Medium velocity spatter creation by mousetraps in a forensic science laboratory. The American Biology Teacher, 68(3): �59-�6�.

  • FSB06

    blo o d spatte rFake Blood Recipes


    Fake Blood Recipe 4You will need:

    2 fl ozs ivory dish washing liquid

    red food colouring.

    container for mixing

    mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)

    MethodPour a couple of ounces of the ivory liquid into a bowl.

    Add food coloring and mix thoroughly.


    Fake Blood Recipe 5You will need:

    canola oil

    red coloured sugar crystals – purchase from the cake decorating section

    measuring cyclinder

    �50mL beaker

    mortar and pestle

    MethodGrind the sugar crystals into a fine powder in the mortar & pestle.

    Measure 40mL of the ground sugar crystals into a dry measuring cylinder.

    Pour the sugar powder into a beaker.

    Add oil to the beaker containing the sugar powder, while stirring, until the volume reaches �00mL.


    Fake Blood Recipe 6You will need:

    �6 oz. White corn syrup (Karo syrup - this is a US product, but adding golden syrup does the job just as well, alternatively just mix sugar and water and reduce on the stove until it becomes syrupy)

    �oz. red food colouring

    �oz. washing detergent

    �oz. water

    2-3 drops blue food colouring

    condensed milk

    container for mixing

    Mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)

    Method:Mix together the corn syrup with the food colouring and water.

    Add some condensed milk to makes it less transparent and more like real blood.

    Adding Liquid Washing Detergent to any recipe will ensure that the blood washes out easily.

    Fake Blood Recipe 7You will need:

    2 teaspoons arrowroot powder

    red powder paint

    coffee granules


    mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)


    bunsen burner, tripod, gauze mat (or other heating device)

    Method:Add 2 teaspoons of arrowroot powder to heating water.

    Add a small amount of non-toxic paint powder (red) and stir.

    Prepare the coffee concentrate by adding a small amount of water to coffee granules.

    Add a tiny amount of the coffee concentrate to the mixture.


    Fake Blood Recipe 8

  • FSB06

    blo o d spatte rFake Blood Recipes


    You will need:�/2 cup water

    � tablespoon cocoa powder

    3 or 4 tablespoon corn syrup

    �/2 to � teaspoon red food coloring

    2 drops yellow or green food coloring (optional)

    container for mixing

    mixing implement (spoon, stick etc)


    Method:Mix the cocoa powder thoroughly into the water before adding the other ingredients - it may help to use warm water.

    After adding the rest, blend the concoction well, and then wait for it to settle a bit.

    Either skim the bubbles & chocolate scum off the top with the edge of a tissue, or pour the mixture into another container. The longer it sits, the more the cocoa tends to settle to the bottom, which oddly mimics the effect of real blood separating.

    If you splatter this mixture onto cloth, it makes neat two-part marks that dry into pretty convincing bloodstains.

    If you let it run from a victim’s mouth and then let it dry, the blood darkens and cakes to the skin in much the same way real blood does.

    For blood typing experiments

    Recipe No.1Blood group A = 0.5M sodium chloride (2.9 g/�00mL water) + red food dyeBlood group B = 0.�M barium nitrate 92.6g/�00mL water) + red food dyeBlood group AB = mix equal amounts of the above 2 reagents + red food dyeBlood group O = water + red food dye

    Antisera A = 0.�M silver nitrate (�.7g/�00mL water)Antisera B = 5% sodium silicate (5.0g/�00mL water)

    Use only enough food dye to obtain desired colour.

    Keep all samples in sealed airtight containers after preparation and before use.

    A “+” test results if solids form when “antisera” is mixed

    with “blood”

    A “-” test results when no solids are formed by the mixture.

    Recipe No.2 Blood Group A = HClBlood Group B = H2S04Blood Group AB = HCl + H2S04Blood Group O = water

    All solutions are coloured with red food dye.

    AntiseraA = AgNO3 solutionB = BaCl2 solution

    Concentrations of solutions are not critical (all

  • FSB06

    blo o d spatte rFake Blood Recipes


    Red sequins (red blood cells) - enough to fill 40mL of a �00mL measuring cylinder

    Glass or plastic beads (white blood cells, platelets) - the ratio is �000 rbc’s for every wbc and �00 platelets – estimate rather than count!

    �00mL water

    yellow food colouring


    clear plastic cup

    measuring cylinder

    Method:Create the plasma by adding a few drops of yellow food dye and cola to water to make �00mL in the plastic cup.

    Add the red sequins and beads to the cup and mix all parts.

    Pour the mixture into the measuring cylinder.

    As the mixture settles the “cellular” components appear to be suspended in the plasma.


    SMART Notebook

  • Name _____________________________________ Period ____

    DNA Fingerprinting Activity

    Introduction: DNA fingerprinting relies on the fact that the DNA code is universal for all living things and that there are

    differences between individuals within that code. Because human DNA is very similar to every other human’s DNA,

    DNA fingerprinting primarily focuses on the areas of the genetic code that vary greatly amongst individuals. These non-

    coding regions of DNA, called introns, have the most variable coding sequences within members of a species because

    they do not code for proteins.

    Scientists use restriction enzymes to cut intron segments of DNA. They “run” the fragments of DNA in a gel

    electrophoresis, and then use the cried bonding patterns (created by the fragments) between individuals to determine

    identity. Uses for DNA fingerprinting include: crime scene investigation, missing person identification, paternity testing,

    diagnosing genetic disorders, species identification and many others.


    1. Using the restriction enzymes Bam HI, Hin dIII and Eco RI, identify and label the sites where each would cut the

    DNA sequence provided.

    2. Record the number of cuts, the number of fragments and the length of each fragment created by each of the three

    enzymes. NOTE: To count fragment lengths, only count the number of bases on the longest side of the DNA


    3. Using the data collected, draw the banding patterns that would result if these fragments were run on an

    electrophoresis gel.

    Data Table:

    Restriction Enzyme # of cuts # of fragments Length of DNA fragments

    Bam HI

    Hin dIII

    Eco RI

    Restriction Enzyme and where the cut: DNA Sample:

  • Results:

    Draw the fragments created by each restriction enzyme in

    the diagram below:

    Analysis Questions:

    1.. What is the relationship between the DNA fragment

    length and the distance it traveled in the Gel?

    2. What characteristic about the DNA molecule fragments

    allows them to separate when an electrical current is applied

    to gel in the electrophoresis box?

    3. What is the advantage of using multiple restriction

    enzymes to cut the DNA during DNA fingerprinting?

    Crime Scene Analysis:

    Case #1: A stolen car was found on the side of the road with an empty bottle of Sprite. Detectives were able to collect

    enough DNA from the saliva left on the top of the bottle to create a DNA fingerprint. Below are the DNA fingerprints from the crime scene and two suspects who were seen near the abandoned car.

    Analysis Questions:

    1. Who stole the car?

    2. How do you


    Case #2: A mother files a lawsuit for child support against a man she claims is the father of her child. The man claims that

    he has no children and does not even know the woman and so shouldn’t have to pay child support. Below are the DNA

    fingerprints of the child, the mother and the man. Remember, children receive half of their DNA from their mother and

    the other half from their father.

    Analysis Questions:

    1. Could the man be

    the father of this


    2. How do you


    Bam HI Hind III Eco RI



















    Start Start Start

    Crime Scene DNA Sample Sally “Sticky” Finger Bubba “Ballistic” Ray

    Bam HI Hind III Bam HI Hind III Bam HI Hind III
















    Child’s DNA Mother’s DNA The Man’s DNA

    Bam HI Hind III Bam HI Hind III Bam HI Hind III
















    SMART Notebook

    Forensic Blood Analysis Webquest

    Head to the following website. Read about the Chamberlain Case and answer the questions below: http://science.howstuffworks.com/bloodstain-pattern-analysis5.htm

    How could blood stain analysis have been used to solve this case?

    Go to the website: http://www.virtualmedicalcentre.com/anatomy/blood-function-and-composition/30 and complete the following

    · Blood makes up ______ of the adult’s body

    · Females have _______ L of blood

    · Males have ______L of blood

    · The pH of blood is _________________

    The three main functions of blood in the human body are:

    Go to the website: http://anthro.palomar.edu/blood/blood_components.htm

    The main components of blood and their primary functions are:

    What does agglutination mean?

    What is the difference between antigens and antibodies?

    How did the discovery of ABO blood groups improve blood transfusion success?

    Create five of your own questions you would like to research about blood (human or animal). Record your questions and answers below.

    Blood and Forensics

    Go to the website: http://www.exploreforensics.co.uk/serology.html

    Serology is:

    How is serology used in forensics?

    What is the different between presumptive and confirmatory tests?

    Blood Splatter Evidence

    Read the following article: http://www.suntimes.com/news/metro/3430712-418/blood-lyons-spatter-case-daughter.html

    What might be some concerns with blood splatter analysis?

    Go to the website: http://www.crimescene-forensics.com/Crime_Scene_Forensics/Bloodstains.html

    Define bloodstain pattern analysis:

    What information can we obtain from this type of evidence?

    Compare and contrast a splatter and transfer pattern:

    SMART Notebook













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