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  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in




    June 19, 2010


    -no excused absences

    -duty: to learn, to study, to pray, to pass

    -no !o"n! out #ro$ class

    -no tal%"n!

    -$entally &onest 'no c&eat"n!( no coac&"n!)

    *"rst + &apters- Lecture

    Start"n! Sect"on 1 o# .// 129rec"tat"on

    3ext $eet"n!: 4u"5

    o6era!e: 7&at &as been ta%en up


    8&e subect "s about t&e control o6er land

    *or a person to &a6e exclus"6e enoy$ent o#


    Ho7e6er, a person cannot absolutely control a

    certa"n p"ece o# land

    o .ersons !o to ot&er places

    8&us, t&ere "s only te$porary control because "t

    "s "$poss"ble to p&ys"cally possess or controllar!e tracts o# land/

    # a person 7"ll not !o a7ay or 7"ll not !o to so$e

    ot&er places, no one 7"ll ta%e &"s property 'land)/

    ;UES8O3: HO< =3

    8&"s 4uest"on "s ans7ered by t&e de6elop$ent o#

    land la7s? pr"6ate land o7ners can assert r"!&tsbecause o# RE@S8R=8O3 'land t"tles ordocu$ents)


    =ct 9A

    Land Re!"strat"on =ct lasted #or B(BB years unt"l

    repealed by .// 3o/ 129 7&"c& "s t&e la7 no7

    "n #orce and "n e##ect/

    Cecause 7e l"6e "n a soc"ety 7"t& d"6er!ent

    "nterests, t&ere ar"se d"sputesD



    o Ho7 can t&"rd persons be a##ected>


    8&ese 4uest"ons are ans7ered "n t&"s class/

    r"t"cal de6elop$ents t&rou!& t&e ad6ance$ent

    o# c"6"l"5at"on de6eloped consc"ousness o# land

    o7ners&"par"se t&e necess"ty o# protect"n! t&er"!&ts o# o7ner


    R"c&ard Robert 8orrens

    urrent syste$ o# land re!"strat"on

    Private land ownership did not come fromnowhere.

    8&ere could be a source: 7&o( #ro$ 7&o$ d"d

    you ac4u"re your land>


  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    SOURE: pr"6ate land o7ners&"p $ust e$anate

    #ro$ t&e S8=8E/

    8&e State "s t&e source o# land to t&e REGALIAN

    DOCTRINE. '=ll lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"nbelon! to t&e State, 7&"c& "s t&e source o# anyasserted r"!&t to o7ners&"p o# land/ =ll lands notot&er7"se appear"n! to be clearly 7"t&"n pr"6ateo7ners&"p are presu$ed to belon! to t&e State/

    =ll lands not ot&er7"se clearly appear"n! to bepr"6ately-o7ned are presu$ed to belon! to t&eState)

    Secretary ! DENR ". Mayr $e Ya% &'(()*

    @/R/ 3o/ 1ABB0B Oct/ F, 200F

    Expla"ned Re!al"an doctr"ne/

    8&"s "s about Coracay sland/

    @roup o# persons bu"ld &ouses( bu"ld"n!s 'o#

    a!r"cultural lands)

    8&e @o6ern$ent sa"d t&at t&e Coracay sland "s a

    #orest and t"$berland and re$a"ned to be #orestand t"$berland, so not a!r"cultural land/

    S: t&e lands are "nal"enable publ"c land? unt"l t&e

    !o6ern$ent reclass"#"ed Coracay sland, "t "s st"ll#orest and t"$berland? t&us, "t canGt be ac4u"redby pr"6ate persons/

    Cas"s: Re!al"an doctr"ne 'all o# publ"c do$a"ns

    belon! to t&e State? State reser6es suc& r"!&to6er suc& lands/

    8&e 19+, 19B+ 19FB onst"tut"on appl"es t&"s


    =ll lands not ac4u"red #ro$ t&e !o6ern$ent

    belon! to t&e State/

    8&e state can cons"der 7&at "s al"enable or not/


    La7s o# nd"es

    Ley HepoD/'Iort!a!e La7 o# 1F9+)


    .// 3o/ 129

    o$"nat"on o# Spa"n:

    o .r"6ate land o7ners&"p t&rou!& @R=38S

    o =ll lands belon! to Spa"n


    1) .ossess"on o# person o#land #ro$ t"$e"$$e$or"al'predecessors-"n-"nterest)? presu$pt"ont&at land "s pr"6ate land/

    2) &urc&( educat"onalpropert"es 't&e K"n!dec"ded t&at &e 7as nott&e o7ner o# t&eselands)/

  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    as a rule, assert r"!&t to exclus"6e possess"on andenoy$ent o# property/

    E/!/ 8rans#er ert"#"cate o# 8"tle( ert"#"cate o# 8"tle)

    Dee3"s a 7r"tten "nstru$ent executed "n accordance7"t& t&e #or$ prescr"bed by la7 7&ere a person!rants or con6eys land/


    o trans#er o# t"tle? or

    o encu$brance o# land? or

    o $ort!a!e? or

    o l"en

    P$$e$$,- "s d"##erent #ro$ O4-er$+,%.

    P$$e$$,- O4-er$+,%

    Ex/ Lease:LessorM O7ner

    LeaseeM .ossessor

    .ossess"on "s t&e &old"n! o# at&"n! or t&e enoy$ent o# a r"!&t'Article 523 Civil Code)

    I- rer !r a DEED TO 5E EFFECTIVE


    8&ere $ust be a !rantor

    8&ere $ust be a !rantee

    8&ere $ust be 7ords o# !rant '"/e/ trans#ers,

    ass"!ns, leases)

    escr"pt"on o# property

    S"!nature o# !rantor '"$portant: "ntent"on tocon6ey or trans#er)

    =ttested by at least 2 7"tnesses

    =c%no7led!ed by a notary publ"c

    Sec. ""2# P$ "52%!

    $portant to render "t a publ"cdocu$ent

    Re!"strable ocu$ent

    C+e-6 ". Ge-at

    Re6,$trat,-3 "s t&e entry $ade "n t&e

    Re!"strar 7&"c& records sole$nly andper$anently t&e r"!&t o# o7ners&"p and allt&e real r"!&ts/


    =rt"cle 1:

    1. Per$-a r 7"a8e

    '. Rea r ,77"a8e



    "/ cons"sts o# all property bypr"6ate person e"t&er"nd"6"dual or collect"6ely 'Art.&25: N.roperty o# pr"6ateo7ners&"p, bes"des t&e

    patr"$on"al property o# t&eState, pro6"nces, c"t"es, and$un"c"pal"t"es, cons"sts o# allproperty belon!"n! to pr"6atepersons, e"t&er "nd"6"dually orcollect"6ely)

    ""/ se!re!at"on #ro$ publ"clands

    """/ Article "&": @o6Gt/ !rantspubl"c a!r"cultural landst&rou!& 6ar"ous %"nds o#patents


    =lready beco$es pr"6ateland

    'Jud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t"tleSec/ F 'b), /=/ 11)


  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    P:8,c3 not se!re!ated #ro$ $ass o#lands/

    ,. T+e C-$t,t:t,- ca$$,!,e$

    ; ca$$e$9

    1/ *orest andt"$berlands

    2/ I"neral

    +/ =!r"cultural

    / Reser6at"on

    19+ and 19B+ onst"tut"on'only + class"#"cat"on)

    A6r,c:t:ra a-$3 "nal"enable(not d"sposable

    H7e$tea< $ae< -at,-

    Once ac4u"red, can be ac4u"red t&rou!&

    re!"strat"on under t&e 8orrens La7/


    Ord"nary Re!"strat"on

    Jud"c"al on#"r$at"on o# 8"tle


    =d$"n"strat"6e #or$ o# re!"strat"on

    E=a7%e ! %:8,c a-$ -t $:8>ect t %r,"ate4-er$+,%? -t re6,$tra8e :-er Trre-$9

    e6oted #or publ"c use: roads, street

    e6oted #or publ"c ser6"ce

    *orest and t"$berlands

    I"neral resources


    Ho7 lost>

  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    '. Fr U-re6,$tere La-$9

    Sec/ 11+


    1. T :,te t,te t a-

    Sec. 31, par. 2: The decree of registrationshall bind the land and quiet title thereto,subject only to such exceptions or liens asmay be proided by la!. "t shall be conclusieupon and against all persons, including the#ational $oernment and all branchesthereof, !hether mentioned by name in the

    application or notice, the same being includedin the general description %To all !hom it mayconcern%.

    &egarda ' (rieto .

    +0 .&"l/ +90


    -pr"$ary purpose o# land re!"strat"on "s to settlet"tle to land/

    -t"tle "s already un"$peac&able

    -not subect to anot&er re!"strat"on

    -to put a stop #ore6er to any 4uest"on to t&ele!al"ty o# t&e t"tle except cla"$s 7&"c& are dulynot"ced at t&e t"$e o# t&e re!"strat"on 't&at cla"$ss&ould be duly recorded "n t&e t"tle)

    Crary t t+,$ ,$ t+e -e=t9


    '. T re,e"e t+e a- ! :--4- ,e-$< ca,7$:$t r :->:$t

    Sec. )): Statutory liens affecting title. *eryregistered o!ner receiing a certificate of titlein pursuance of a decree of registration, andeery subsequent purchaser of registeredland ta+ing a certificate of title for alue and ingood faith, shall hold the same free from allencumbrances

    -S"nce "t "s already 4u"te, t&e land "s rel"6ed o#un%no7n l"ensD

    -t&"rd persons 7&o d"d not appear are alreadybarred exceptP t&ose pro6"ded by la7 'Sec/ )

    @. T %re"e-t !ra::e-t ca,7$

    Sec. -3: (resentation of o!ners duplicateupon entry of ne! certificate. #o oluntaryinstrument shall be registered by the /egisterof 0eeds, unless the o!ners duplicatecertificate is presented !ith such instrument,except in cases expressly proided for in this0ecree or upon order of the court, for cause


    The production of the o!ners duplicatecertificate, !heneer any oluntary instrumentis presented for registration, shall beconclusie authority from the registered o!nerto the /egister of 0eeds to enter a ne!certificate or to ma+e a memorandum ofregistration in accordance !ith suchinstrument, and the ne! certificate ormemorandum shall be binding upon theregistered o!ner and upon all personsclaiming under him, in faor of eery

    purchaser for alue and in good faith.

    "n all cases of registration procured by fraud,the o!ner may pursue all his legal andequitable remedies against the parties to suchfraud !ithout prejudice, ho!eer, to the rightsof any innocent holder for alue of a certificateof title. fter the entry of the decree ofregistration on the original petition orapplication, any subsequent registration

    procured by the presentation of a forgedduplicate certificate of title, or a forged deed orother instrument, shall be null and oid.

    -s&ould be read "n relat"on to At&

    -Re!"strat"on "s a spec"es o# not"ce because t&ereGs aper$anen publ"c record "n t&e O##"ce o# Re!"ster o#eeds/


  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    -Sect"on +1(+2: Once land "s already re!"stered undert&e 8orrens Syste$? =ll transact"ons "n order to b"ndt&"rd persons $ust be RE@S8ERE/

    - REGISTRATION3 ,$ t+e %erat,"e act t+at8,-$ r a!!ect$ re6,$tere a- ,-$!ar a$ t+,r%er$- are c-cer-e.

    8ransact"on o# land cannot be concealed because "t

    "s re!"steredpre6ent #raudulent cla"$s/

    Ex/ =ct 1 N#"rst re!"strant "n !ood #a"t&re!"strat"on b"nds/

    ;. T e$ta8,$+ %r,r,ty ,- r,6+t$

    Sec. -: (rimary *ntry oo+4 fees4 certifiedcopies. *ach /egister of 0eeds shall +eep a

    primary entry boo+ in !hich, upon payment ofthe entry fee, he shall enter, in the order oftheir reception, all instruments includingcopies of !rits and processes filed !ith himrelating to registered land. 5e shall, as a

    preliminary process in registration, note insuch boo+ the date, hour and minute ofreception of all instruments, in the order in!hich they !ere receied. They shall beregarded as registered from the time so noted,and the memorandum of each instrument,!hen made on the certificate of title to !hich itrefers, shall bear the same date: (roided,that the national goernment as !ell as the

    proincial and city goernments shall beexempt from the payment of such fees inadance in order to be entitled to entry andregistration.

    *ery deed or other instrument, !hetheroluntary or inoluntary, so filed !ith the/egister of 0eeds shall be numbered andindexed and endorsed !ith a reference to the

    proper certificate of title. ll records andpapers relatie to registered land in the office

    of the /egister of 0eeds shall be open to thepublic in the same manner as court records,subject to such reasonable regulations as the/egister of 0eeds, under the direction of the6ommissioner of &and /egistration, may


    ll deeds and oluntary instruments shall bepresented !ith their respectie copies and

    shall be attested and sealed by the /egister of0eeds, endorsed !ith the file number, andcopies may be deliered to the person

    presenting them.

    6ertified copies of all instruments filed andregistered may also be obtained from the/egister of 0eeds upon payment of the

    prescribed fees.

    0. T create ,-e!ea$,8e &,-,",$,8e* a-,7%re$cr,%t,8e t,te 8,-,-6 - t+e 4+e4r

    Sec. )2: /egistration oo+s. The original copyof the original certificate of title shall be filed inthe /egistry of 0eeds. The same shall be

    bound in consecutie order together !ithsimilar certificates of title and shall constitutethe registration boo+ for titled properties.

    Sec. )7: /egistered land not subject toprescriptions. #o title to registered land inderogation of the title of the registered o!nershall be acquired by prescription or aderse


    -Sec/ 2: a#ter 1 year o# entry o# '"ssuance) o#re!"stry, t"tle beco$es conclus"6e and


    t"tle can no lon!er be de#eated byany ot&er person/

    -Sec/ B: "$prescr"pt"ble 't"tle)land re!"stered canGtbe ac4u"red by prescr"pt"on/

    . T %r",e a 7ea-$ ! %:8,cat,- r -t,ce tt+,r %er$-$

    3spec"es o# not"ceM per$anent publ"c records

    O-ce tra-$act,- ,$ REGISTERED< t+at $er"e$ a$a CONSTRUCTIVE NOTICE t t+e 4+e 4r.

    (A) *+ C*+SRUCI,E +*ICE

    8per$anent publ"c records pro6"de source and"n#or$at"on #or t&e status o# land


  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms




    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    -t&ere "s a presu$pt"on t&at any buyer &as alreadyexa$"ned t&e records

    -presu$ed to %no7 #acts

    -!ood #a"t& "s not a 6al"d de#ense

    S*6. 32 /eie! of decree of registration4"nnocent purchaser for alue. The decree ofregistration shall not be reopened or reisedby reason of absence, minority, or otherdisability of any person adersely affectedthereby, nor by any proceeding in any court

    for reersing judgments, subject, ho!eer, tothe right of any person, including thegoernment and the branches thereof,depried of land or of any estate or interesttherein by such adjudication or confirmation oftitle obtained by actual fraud, to file in the

    proper 6ourt of 9irst "nstance a petition forreopening and reie! of the decree ofregistration not later than one year from andafter the date of the entry of such decree ofregistration, but in no case shall such petitionbe entertained by the court !here an innocent

    purchaser for alue has acquired the land oran interest therein, !hose rights may be

    prejudiced. heneer the phrase %innocentpurchaser for alue% or an equialent phraseoccurs in this 0ecree, it shall be deemed to

    include an innocent lessee, mortgagee, orother encumbrancer for alue.

    ;pon the expiration of said period of one year,the decree of registration and the certificate oftitle issued shall become incontroertible. ny

    person aggrieed by such decree ofregistration in any case may pursue hisremedy by action for damages against theapplicant or any other persons responsible forthe fraud.

    orollary to t&"s "s t&e MIRROR DOCTRINE &a y:+a"e t ,$ t rey - t+e t,te? t 7as en6"sa!edt&at a person 7&o 7as cons"der"n! purc&as"n! an"nterest "n land could #"nd all t&e "n#or$at"onnecessary to $a%e a dec"s"on by "nspect"on o# t&ere!"ster/ 8&at "s, t&e re!"ster 7ould be a $"rrorT o# t&eactual state o# t&e propr"etorTs t"tle, and d"sclose anybene#"ts or encu$brances assoc"ated 7"t& t&e t"tle

    -irror principle - t&e re!"ster 'ert"#"cate o# 8"tle)re#lects '$"rrors) accurately and co$pletely t&ecurrent #acts about a personTs t"tle/ 8&"s $eans t&at, "#

    a person sells an estate, t&e ne7 t"tle &as to be"dent"cal to t&e old one "n ter$s o# descr"pt"on o#lands, except #or t&e o7nerTs na$e/

    S:%%$,-6, a re!"stered land subect o# sale? t&esale "s not re!"stered, 7&o are bound>

    Only t&e part"es 'estoppels by deed)

    He"rs, ass"!ns, successors-"n-"nterest 'based on


    A"a-ta6e$ ! Trre-$ Sy$te7

    Re#er to boo%(s? read and learn

    C7%arat,"e 8e-e!,t$

    Re#er to boo%? read and learn

    W+,c+ 6"er-7e-t a6e-cy ,7%e7e-t$

    L=3 RE@S8R=8O3 =U8HOR8Q 'EO 292)

    Headed by: =d$"n"strator ass"sted by 2 deputy


    Under OJ

    ts ar$s 'under "t) are: 6ar"ous Re!"ster o# eeds

    "n pro6"nces and c"t"es

    Headed by: Re!"ster o# eeds ass"sted

    by eputy Re!"ster o# eeds

    Iust be $e$bers o# t&e .&"l"pp"ne Car

    I7%rta-t !:-ct,-$ ! t+e LRA

    Section /.$eneral 9unctions.

    >1< The 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shall hae thefollo!ing functions:

    >a< "ssue decrees of registration pursuant to final judgments of thecourts in land registration proceedings and cause the issuance bythe /egisters of 0eeds of the corresponding certificates of title4

    >b< *xercise superision and control oer all /egisters of 0eedsand other personnel of the 6ommission4

    >c< /esole cases eleated en consulta by, or on appeal fromdecision of, /egisters of 0eeds4

    >d< *xercise executie superision oer all cler+s of court andpersonnel of the 6ourts of 9irst "nstance throughout the(hilippines !ith respect to the discharge of their duties andfunctions in relation to the registration of lands4

    >e< "mplement all orders, decisions, and decrees promulgatedrelatie to the registration of lands and issue, subject to theapproal of the Secretary of ?ustice, all needful rules andregulations therefor4

    >f< @erify and approe subdiision, consolidation, and

    consolidation8subdiision surey plans of properties titled underct #o. )A except those coered by (.0. #o. A-7.

    >2< The &and /egistration 6ommission shall hae the follo!ingfunctions:

    >a< *xtend speedy and effectie assistance to the 0epartment ofgrarian /eform, the &and an+, and other agencies in theimplementation of the land reform program of the goernment4

    >b< *xtend assistance to courts in ordinary and cadastral landregistration proceedings4

    0c1 e the central repositor of records relative to

    ori4inal re4istration of lands titled nder theorrens sstem# incldin4 s6division andconsolidation plans of titled lands.

    Report "n6ol6"n! lands subect to land re!"strat"on



  • 8/12/2019 Serrano Notes Midterms





    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    I7%rta-ce ! !:-ct,-$9

    8o 6er"#y "# t&e decree o# t&e o$$"ss"oner(

    =d$"n"strator 'decree o# re!"strat"on) "s !enu"ne

    or not, !o to LR=

    *or records t&at are al$ost destroyed, you can

    !et "t #ro$ LR=

    A7,-,$tratr< !:-ct,-$9

    .o7er( duty to "ssue decree o# re!"strat"on

    ssuance "n Re!"stry o# eeds o# ert"#"cates o#


    Iay resol6e cases ele6ated to &"$ in consulta:

    s t&e docu$ent re!"strable or not>

    =ppealable to t&e ourt o# =ppeals

    uty to "$ple$ent order, "ssue decrees o#

    re!"strat"on o# lands, pro6"de rules and


    Re6,$ter ! Dee$- repos"tory o# records "n

    pro6"nces or c"t"es

    Section 7.Bffice of the /egister of 0eeds. There shall be at leastone /egister of 0eeds for each proince and one for each city.*ery /egistry !ith a yearly aerage collection of more than sixtythousand pesos during the last three years shall hae one 0eputy/egister of 0eeds, and eery /egistry !ith a yearly aeragecollection of more than three hundred thousand pesos during thelast three years, shall hae one 0eputy /egister of 0eeds and onesecond 0eputy /egister of 0eeds.

    The Secretary of ?ustice shall define the official station andterritorial jurisdiction of each /egistry upon the recommendation ofthe 6ommissioner of &and /egistration, !ith the end in ie! ofma+ing eery registry easily accessible to the people of theneighboring municipalities.

    The proince or city shall furnish a suitable space or building forthe office of the /egister of 0eeds until such time as the samecould be furnished out of national funds.

    Section 8.ppointment of /egisters of 0eeds and their 0eputiesand other subordinate personnel4 salaries. /egisters of 0eedsshall be appointed by the (resident of the (hilippines uponrecommendation of the Secretary of ?ustice. 0eputy /egisters of0eeds and all other subordinate personnel of the /egistries of

    0eeds shall be appointed by the Secretary of ?ustice upon therecommendation of the 6ommissioner of &and /egistration.

    The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds and their 0eputies shall be atthe follo!ing rates:

    >1< 9irst 6lass /egistries The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds in firstclass /egistries shall be three thousand four hundred pesos perannum less than that of the 0eputy 6ommissioner.

    >2< Second 6lass /egistries The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds insecond class /egistries shall be three thousand four hundred

    pesos per annum less than those of /egisters of 0eeds in firstclass /egistries.

    >3< Third 6lass /egistries The salaries of /egisters of 0eeds inthird class /egistries shall be three thousand four hundred pesos

    per annum less than those of /egisters of 0eeds in second class/egistries.

    >)< The salaries of 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds and Second 0eputy/egisters of 0eeds shall be three thousand four hundred pesos

    per annum less than those of their corresponding /egisters of0eeds and 0eputy /egisters of 0eeds, respectiely.

    The Secretary of ?ustice, upon recommendation of the6ommissioner of &and /egistration, shall cause thereclassification of /egistries based either on !or+ load or the classof proinceCcity, !hicheer !ill result in a higher classification, for

    purposes of salary adjustments in accordance !ith the rates

    hereinaboe proided.

    Section %.Dualifications of /egisters of 0eeds and 0eputy/egisters of 0eeds. #o person shall be appointed /egister of0eeds unless he has been admitted to the practice of la! in the(hilippines and shall hae been actually engaged in such practicefor at least three years or has been employed for a li+e period inany branch of goernment the functions of !hich include theregistration of property.

    The 0eputy /egister of 0eeds shall be a member of the (hilippinear. (roided, ho!eer, that no /egister of 0eeds or 0eputy/egister of 0eeds holding office as such upon the passage of this0ecree shall by reason hereof, be remoed from office or bedemoted to a lo!er category or scale of salary except for causeand upon compliance !ith due process as proided for by la!.

    Section ".$eneral functions of /egisters of 0eeds. The office ofthe /egister of 0eeds constitutes a public repository of records ofinstruments affecting registered or unregistered lands and chattelmortgages in the proince or city !herein such office is situated.

    "t shall be the duty of the /egister of 0eeds to immediately registeran instrument presented for registration dealing !ith real or

    personal property !hich complies !ith all the requisites forregistration. 5e shall see to it that said instrument bears the proper


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    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    documentary and science stamps and that the same are properlycanceled. "f the instrument is not registerable, he shall forth!ithdeny registration thereof and inform the presentor of such denial in!riting, stating the ground or reason therefor, and adising him ofhis right to appeal by consulta in accordance !ith Section 117 of

    this 0ecree.

    Sec. 1(- *unct"on duty to "$$ed"ately re!"ster

    appl"cat"on presented #or re!"strat"on o# real property

    pro6"ded "t co$pl"es 7"t& all re4u"s"tes/

    # not re!"strable, 7r"te "t and t&e reason o# den"al

    .o7er to deter$"ne re!"strab"l"ty co$ply 7"t&

    Sect"on 112 '. 129) Re4u"s"tes o# eed suc& as

    t&e ac+no!ledgment by notary publicbecause onlypubl"c docu$ents $ay be re!"stered "n Re!"ster o#


    Nat:re a- C+aracter ! F:-ct,-$

    Mara-6a ". 5:$t,

    I"n"ster"al duty pro6"ded t&at t&e docu$ent "s

    re!"strable, pay$ent "s $ade, etc/

    Ro no d"scret"on to deny

    Ro precluded #ro$ exerc"s"n! personal

    ud!$ent or d"scret"on

    8&e supposed "n6al"d"ty o# contract "s not a 6al"d

    excuse #or deny"n! re!"strat"on/

    n deter$"n"n! 7&at "s 6al"d: t&"s "n6ol6es

    d"scret"onud"c"al and not $"n"ster"al

    ;uest"ons "n6ol6"n! t&e 6al"d"ty be dec"ded a#terre!"strat"on 'Sec/ 2)

    Supposing, document proides that Eao Fing,

    6hinese >buyer< of land situated in 9orbes (ar+, if

    your /o0, !ill you register=

    -3O, Sec/(A: c"t"5ens&"p "s re4u"red

    deter$"nes re!"strab"l"ty #"rst 'pr"6ate corporat"ons

    also 4ual"#"ed to o7n land "n t&e .&"l"pp"nes)

    SECTION '< PD NO. 10'2

    Ty%e$ ! La- Re6,$trat,-

    1/ @eneral

    2/ Jud"c"al

    +/ =d$"n"strat"6e

    a/ oluntary

    b/ o$pulsory

    c/ Jud"c"al con#"r$at"on

    Nat:re ! La- Re6,$trat,- Prcee,-6$


    Cased on !enerally accepted pr"nc"ples o#

    8orrens Syste$

    n re$ 'b"nd"n! on all persons, on t&e 7&ole


    Ho7> Ho7 do court ac4u"re ur"sd"ct"on o#


    -su$$ons '"$pract"cal)

    -publ"cat"on 'Sec/ 2+)

    -Sect"on 2Aconse4uences o# publ"cat"on: N8o


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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    0oes /T6 hae exclusie jurisdiction=

    o 3o, 'Sec/ +), a$end$ent R= BA91

    S !"6en aut&or"ty to ass"!n cases to"n#er"or courts 'Sec/ +)

    o =/O/ A-9A-= '3o6/ 1, 199): I8, etc/

    dele!ated ur"sd"ct"on

    W+at ca$e$ 7ay 8e !,e 8e!re ,-!er,r c:rt$

    Sect"on +:

    cases o# land 7"t& no contro6ersy

    case o# contro6ersy o# land 6alue does not

    exceed 100,000 pesos

    W+ere t a%%ea

    ourt o# =ppeals Land Re!"strat"on

    adastral ases

    :,c,a C-!,r7at,- ! I-c7%ete T,te

    Sect"on F 'd) o# = 11

    - Jud"c"al "n re$

    - Re!"strat"on proceed"n! "s conclus"6e and


    1. hat +inds of lands are coered=

    - =l"enable and d"sposable land o# publ"c


    2. (eriod of possession and occupation of land

    - S"nce June 12, 19 or earl"er

    3. hen should application be filed=

    - eadl"ne: 7"t&"n or up to ece$ber 21, 2020

    ). Faximum area

    - S&ould not exceed 12 &ectares

    Ne=t 4ee9

    &apter +, ,

    ;u"5 and rec"tat"on




    "n rem8a!a"nst t&e 7&ole 7orld


    (ublic &and ct>6.. 1)1

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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    of a certificate of title therefor, under the(roperty /egistration 0ecree, to !it:

    xxx xxx xxx xxx

    >b< Those !ho by themseles or through theirpredecessors in interest hae been in theopen, continuous, exclusie, and notorious

    possession and occupation of alienable anddisposable agricultural lands of the publicdomain, under a bona fide claim of acquisitionor o!nership, since ?une 12, 1A)-, except!hen preented by !ar or force majeure.These shall be conclusiely presumed to hae

    performed all the conditions essential to a$oernment grant and shall be entitled to acertificate of title under the proisions of thischapter.

    >c< Fembers of the national cultural minorities!ho by themseles or through their

    predecessors8in8interest hae been in open,continuous, exclusie and notorious

    possession and occupation of alienable anddisposable agricultural lands of the publicdomain, under a bona fide claim of o!nershipsince ?une 12, 1A)-, shall be entitled to therights in subsection >b< hereof.J


    8&e latest extens"on o# t&e per"od "s unt"l ece$ber+1, 2020, 7"t&"n 7&"c& to #"le sa"d appl"cat"ons/

    LIMITATION OF AREA APPLIED FOR9Ns&all applyonly 7&ere t&e area appl"ed #or does not exceed 12&ectares/


    Cy la7 and ur"sprudence, t&e #ollo7"n! $ay t&ere#ore

    apply #or ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t&e"r "$per#ect or"nco$plete t"tle:

    1/ *"l"p"no c"t"5ens 7&o by t&e$sel6es or t&rou!& t&e"rpredecessors-"n-"nterest &a6e been "n open,cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous possess"on andoccupat"on o# al"enable and d"sposable lands o# t&epubl"c do$a"n under a bona fidecla"$ o# ac4u"s"t"ons"nce June 12, 19 or pr"or t&ereto, or e6en s"ncet"$e "$$e$or"al/

    2/ *"l"p"no c"t"5en 7&o by t&e$sel6es or t&e"rpredecessors-"n-"nterest &a6e been pr"or to t&ee##ect"6"ty o# .// 10B+ on January 2, 19BB, "n open,cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ous possess"on and

    occupat"on o# a!r"cultural lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n,under a bona fidecla"$ o# ac4u"s"t"on o# o7ners&"p,#or at least +0 years, or at least s"nce January 2,19B/

    +/ .r"6ate corporat"ons or assoc"at"ons 7&"c& &adac4u"red lands, #or$erly part o# t&e al"enable andd"sposable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n, #ro$ *"l"p"noc"t"5ens 7&o &ad possessed t&e sa$e "n t&e $annerand #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e "nd"cated "n subpara!rap&s1 and 2 abo6e/

    / 3atural-born c"t"5ens o# t&e .&"l"pp"nes 7&o &a6e lost

    t&e"r .&"l"pp"ne c"t"5ens&"p, 7&o &a6e ac4u"redd"sposable and al"enable lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n#ro$ *"l"p"no c"t"5ens 7&o &ad possessed t&e sa$e "nt&e sa$e $anner and #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e "nd"cated"n subpara!rap&s 1 and 2/


    1/ 8&e land "s al"enable and d"sposable land o# t&epubl"c do$a"n, and

    2/ H"s possess"on $ust be #or t&e len!t& o# t"$e and "n

    t&e $anner and concept stated "n Sect"on F'b) o#t&e .ubl"c Land =ct, as a$ended/

    8&e burden o# proo# l"es 7"t& t&e appl"cant to pro6e&"s pos"t"6e a6er$ents/

    Sec. of $E+R# et al. v. 9ose -. :ap

    2 Re4u"re$ents

    1/ open, cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ouspossess"on and occupat"on o#

    2/ al"enable and d"sposable lands o# t&e publ"cdo$a"n

    J P$$e$$,-K


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    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    - Croader t&an occupat"on because "t "ncludesconstruct"6e possess"on


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    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    0irector of &ands . "6 and cme (ly!ood and@eneer 6o., "nc.

    1/ St"ll, a pr"6ate corporat"on $ay "nst"tute con#"r$at"onproceed"n!s under Sec/ F 'b) o# t&e .ubl"c Land =ct"#, at t&e t"$e o# "nst"tut"on o# t&e re!"strat"onproceed"n!s, t&e land 7as already pr"6ate land/

    2/ 8&e correct rule "s t&at al"enable publ"c land &eld by apossessor, personally or t&rou!& &"s predecessors-"n-"nterest, openly cont"nuously and exclus"6ely #ort&e prescr"bed per"od "s con6erted to pr"6ate propertyby t&e $ere lapse or co$plet"on o# sa"d per"od, ipso


    +/ S"nce Sec/ F 'b) "tsel# cons"ders Npossess"on o#publ"c land 7&"c& "s o# t&e c&aracter and durat"onprescr"bed by statute as t&e e4u"6alent o# an express!rant #ro$ t&e State, t&en con#"r$at"on proceed"n!s7ould "n trut& be l"ttle $ore t&an a #or$al"ty, at t&e$ost l"$"ted to ascerta"n"n! 7&et&er t&e possess"oncla"$ed "s o# t&e re4u"red c&aracter and len!t& o#t"$e? and re!"strat"on t&ereunder 7ould not con#ert"tle, but s"$ply reco!n"5e a t"tle already 6este '6estedr"!&t)/

    / 8&e purely acc"dental c"rcu$stance t&at con#"r$at"onproceed"n!s 7ere brou!&t under t&e ae!"s o# a

    subse4uent la7 7&"c& #orb"ds corporat"ons #ro$o7n"n! lands o# t&e publ"c do$a"n cannot de#eat ar"!&t already 6ested be#ore t&at la7 ca$e "nto e##ect,or "n6al"date transact"ons t&en per#ectly 6al"d andproper/ 8&e onst"tut"on cannot "$pa"r 6ested r"!&ts/

    / 8&e obect"on t&at =IE "s not 4ual"#"ed to apply #orud"c"al con#"r$at"on "s tec&n"cal, rat&er t&ansubstant"al/


    Fr7 a- c-te-t$ ! a%%,cat,-

    Sec/ 0 o# t&e .ubl"c Land =ct pro6"des t&at t&eappl"cat"on #or ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# "$per#ect or"nco$plete t"tle Ns&all con#or$ as nearly as $ay be "n"ts $ater"al alle!at"ons to t&e re4u"re$ents o# anappl"cat"on under t&e Land Re!"strat"on =ct, no7 t&e.roperty Re!"strat"on ecree/

    =ccord"n!ly, t&e appl"cant s&ould state "n &"sappl"cat"on t&e $ater"al #acts and "n#or$at"on

    re4u"red under Sect"on 1 o# sa"d ecree/

    Section "5.9orm and contents. Theapplication for land registration shall be in!riting, signed by the application or the

    person duly authoriIed in his behalf, ands!orn to before any officer authoriIed toadminister oaths for the proince or city !herethe application !as actually signed. "f there ismore than one applicant, the application shallbe signed and s!orn to by and in behalf ofeach. The application shall contain adescription of the land and shall state thecitiIenship and ciil status of the applicant,

    !hether single or married, and, if married, thename of the !ife or husband, and, if themarriage has been legally dissoled, !henand ho! the marriage relation terminated. "tshall also state the full names and addressesof all occupants of the land and those of theadjoining o!ners, if +no!n, and, if not +no!n,it shall state the extent of the search made tofind them.


    = ud"c"al declarat"on 'e"t&er ord"nary or cadatral) t&ata parcel o# land "s publ"c does not preclude e6en t&esa$e appl"cant #ro$ subse4uently see%"n! a ud"c"alcon#"r$at"on o# &"s t"tle to t&e sa$e land, pro6"ded &et&erea#ter co$pl"es 7"t& t&e pro6"s"ons o# Sec/ F 'b),as a$ended, and as lon! as sa"d publ"c land re$a"nsal"enable and d"sposable/


    'by Jud!e Serrano)

    OR3=RQ L=3RE@S8R=8O3.ROEE3@S

    JU=LO3*RI=8O3 O*


    8"tle to land ex"st subectto con#"r$at"on

    .resu$pt"on "s t&at t&eland appl"ed #or perta"nsto t&e State, and t&at t&eoccupants andpossessors only cla"$ an"nterest "n t&e sa$e by


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    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    6"rtue o# t&e"r "$per#ectt"tle or cont"nuous, open,and notor"ous possess"on

    Iay be d"s$"ssed 7"t& or7"t&out preud"ce'=ppl"cant $ay re-#"lecase)

    "s$"ssal "s al7ays 7"t&preud"ce 'res ud"cata)

    # 7"t&out preud"ce,appl"cant 7"ll not loseo7ners&"p to t&eproperty

    # appl"cant #a"ls to pro6et&e !rant as bas"s o#con#"r$at"on, property "sdeclared land o# publ"cdo$a"n and losesproperty



    'appl"cable to or"!"nal re!"strat"on and con#"r$at"on o#"$per#ect or "nco$plete t"tle)

    1/ Sur6ey o# land by Land Iana!e$ent Cureauor a duly l"censed pr"6ate sur6eyor?

    '=ccord"n! to s"r) Ce#ore #"l"n! 7ould bepreparation.

    2/ *"l"n! o# appl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on by t&eappl"cant?

    +/ Sett"n! o# t&e date #or t&e "n"t"al &ear"n! o#t&e appl"cat"on by t&e ourt?

    / 8rans$"ttal o# t&e publ"cat"on and t&e date o#

    "n"t"al &ear"n! 7"t& all t&e docu$ents or ot&ere6"dences attac&ed t&ereto by t&e ler% o#ourt to t&e Land Re!"strat"on =ut&or"ty'LR=)?

    / .ubl"cat"on o# a not"ce o# t&e #"l"n! o# t&eappl"cat"on and date and place o# t&e &ear"n!"n t&e O##"c"al @a5ette?

    A/ Ser6"ce o# not"ce upon cont"!uous o7ners,occupants and t&ose %no7n to &a6e "nterests"n t&e property by t&e s&er"##?

    B/ *"l"n! o# ans7er to t&e appl"cat"on by anyperson 7&et&er na$ed "n t&e court or not?

    F/ Hear"n! o# t&e case by t&e ourt?

    9/ .ro$ul!at"on o# ud!$ent by t&e ourt?

    10/ ssuance o# t&e decree by t&e ourtdeclar"n! t&e dec"s"on #"nal and "nstruct"n!t&e LR= to "ssue a decree o# con#"r$at"onand re!"strat"on?

    11/ Entry o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on "n t&e LR=?

    12/ Send"n! o# copy o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"onto t&e correspond"n! Re!"ster o# eeds? and

    1+/ 8ranscr"pt"on o# t&e decree o# re!"strat"on "nt&e re!"strat"on boo% and "ssuance o# t&eo7nerGs dupl"cate or"!"nal cert"#"cate to t&eappl"cant by t&e Re!"ster o# eeds, uponpay$ent o# t&e prescr"bed #ees/

    = cert"#"cate o# t"tle "ssued 7"t&out #ully co$ply"n! 7"t&t&e abo6e re4u"s"tes are t&us "lle!al and "n6al"d and$ay be cancelled by t&e courts/


    'by Jud!e Serrano)

    .repares sur6ey plan

    8ec&n"cal descr"pt"on 'purpose: to "dent"#yand descr"be t&e landJ)

    Sub$"tted to t&e Land Iana!e$ent Cureau#or appro6al by t&e "rector



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    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in


    Section "&.ho may apply. The follo!ing

    persons may file in the proper 6ourt of 9irst"nstance an application for registration of titleto land, !hether personally or through theirduly authoriIed representaties:

    >1< Those !ho by themseles or throughtheir predecessors8in8interest hae beenin open, continuous, exclusie andnotorious possession and occupation ofalienable and disposable lands of the

    public domain under a bona fide claim ofo!nership since ?une 12, 1A)-, orearlier.

    >2< Those !ho hae acquired o!nership ofpriate lands by prescription under theproision of existing la!s.

    >3< Those !ho hae acquired o!nership ofpriate lands or abandoned rier beds byright of accession or accretion under theexisting la!s.

    >)< Those !ho hae acquired o!nership ofland in any other manner proided for byla!.

    here the land is o!ned in common, all theco8o!ners shall file the application jointly.

    here the land has been sold under pacto deretro, the endor a retro may f ile anapplication for the original registration of theland, proided, ho!eer, that should the

    period for redemption expire during thependency of the registration proceedings ando!nership to the property consolidated in theendee a retro, the latter shall be substitutedfor the applicant and may continue the


    trustee on behalf of his principal may applyfor original registration of any land held in trustby him, unless prohibited by the instrumentcreating the trust.

    W+ ca- a%%y

    1/ 3atural persons2/ Jur"d"cal persons

    +/ V orporat"ons 'under t&e onst"tut"on $ustbe A0X o7ned by *"l"p"nos)

    Sec. 1; &1*

    sa$e as ud"c"al con#"r$at"on o# t"tle under .ubl"cLand =ct

    Re4u"s"tes under Sec/ 1 '1)

    1/ 8&at t&e property "s an a!r"cultural land o# t&epubl"c do$a"n?

    2/ 8&at "t &as been class"#"ed by a pos"t"6e act o#

    !o6ern$ent as al"enable and d"sposable?

    +/ 8&at t&e appl"cant, by &"$sel# or t&rou!& &"spredecessors-"n-"nterest, &as been "n open,cont"nuous, exclus"6e and notor"ouspossess"on and occupat"on o# t&e land "n t&econcept o# o7ner? and

    / 8&at suc& possess"on and occupat"on "sunder a bona fidecla"$ o# o7ners&"p s"nceJune 12, 19 or earl"er/

    =l"enable and d"sposable land

    Re4u"res t&at t&e property sou!&t to be re!"stered asalready al"enable and d"sposable at t&e t"$e o# t&eappl"cat"on #or re!"strat"on and not at t&e t"$e(be#oreappl"cantGs possess"on


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    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    8o pro6e t&at t&e land "s alienable: appl"cant $ustestabl"s& t&e ex"stence o# a pos"t"6e act o# t&e!o6ern$ent suc& as pres"dent"al procla$at"on or anexecut"6e order/

    Sec. 1; &'*

    =rt"cle 11+B o# t&e "6"l odepro6"des t&at No7ners&"p and ot&erreal r"!&ts o6er "$$o6ables alsoprescr"be t&rou!& un"nterruptedad6erse possess"on t&ereo# #or t&"rty

    years, 7"t&out need o# t"tle or o# !ood#a"t&/

    Rules #or +0-year per"od:

    1/ 8&e present possessor $ay co$plete t&eper"od by tac%"n! &"s possess"on to t&at o# &"s!rantor or predecessor-"n-"nterest?

    2/ 8&e present possessor 7&o 7as also t&epossessor at a pre6"ous t"$e, "s presu$ed to&a6e cont"nued to be "n possess"on dur"n!

    t&e "nter6en"n! t"$e "n t&e absence o# proo#to t&e contrary?

    +/ 8&e #"rst day s&all be excluded and t&e lastday "ncluded/

    =c4u"s"t"on o# No7ners&"p o# pr"6ate lands byprescr"pt"on under ex"st"n! la7- t "s not t&ere#ore,o7ners&"p o# any %"nd o# N"$$o6able ac4u"red byprescr"pt"on t&at $ay be re!"stered under sa"decree, but only t&e o7ners&"p o# pr"6ate lands/

    Ex/ Lands re!"stered under t&e Span"s& Iort!a!eLa7 7&"c& are not yet co6ered by a cert"#"cate o# t"tleby t&e t"$e o# t&e "ssuance o# . 129 on June 11,19BF and cons"dered as unre!"stered land: t&ese

    lands $ay be ac4u"red by a person by prescr"pt"on byad6erse possess"on a!a"nst t&e or"!"nal !rantee/

    Sec. 1; &@*

    =rt"cle B, : N8o t&e o7ners o#lands ado"n"n! t&e ban%s o# r"6ersbelon! t&e accret"on 7&"c& t&ey!radually rece"6e #ro$ t&e e##ects o#t&e current o# t&e 7aters/

    *or accret"on and allu6"on to be re!"strable, re4u"s"tes

    $ust concur:

    1/ 8&at t&e depos"t be !radual and"$percept"ble?

    2/ 8&at "t be $ade t&rou!& t&e e##ects o# t&ecurrent o# t&e 7ater?

    +/ 8&at t&e land 7&ere t&e accret"on ta%esplace "s adacent to t&e ban%s o# r"6ers/

    / 8&at "t $ust be exclus"6e 7or% o# nature andnot caused by &u$an "nter6ent"on/

    =n accret"on #ro$ r"6er to re!"stered land does notauto$at"cally beco$e re!"stered land/ =s suc& "t$ust be placed under t&e operat"ons o# t&e 8orrenst"tle/

    =rt"cle A1, : Nr"6er beds 7&"c& areabandoned t&rou!& t&e naturalc&an!e "n t&e course o# t&e 7aters

    ipso factobelon! t&e o7ners 7&oselands are occup"ed by t&e ne7course "n proport"on to t&e area lost/Ho7e6er, t&e o7ners o# landsado"n"n! t&e old bed s&all &a6e t&er"!&t to ac4u"re t&e sa$e by pay"n!t&e 6alue t&ereo#, 7&"c& 6alue s&allnot exceed t&e 6alue o# t&e areaoccup"ed by t&e ne7 bed/


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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    Sec. 1; &;*

    .ersons or ent"t"es ac4u"r"n! o7ners&"p o# land byot&er $odes $ay apply #or re!"strat"on o# t"tle t&ereto:

    1/ = land reser6ed, by pres"dent"alprocla$at"on, #or a certa"n purpose "s notsubect to entry by any ot&er person or ent"tyand no la7#ul settle$ent on t&e$ can beac4u"red/ 8&e procla$at"on le!ally e##ected aland !rant, 6al"dly su##"c"ent #or "n"t"alre!"strat"on by t&e !rantee under t&e .129/ Suc& land !rant "s const"tut"6e o# a N#ees"$ple t"tle or absolute t"tle "n #a6or o# sa"d!rantee/

    2/ .ersons or ent"t"es to 7&o$ a land &as beenceded by t&e Republ"c o# t&e .&"l"pp"nes byla7 $ay t&us also properly apply #orre!"strat"on o# t"tle t&ereto/

    Per$-$ 4+ ca--t %r%ery !,e a- a%%,cat,-!r re6,$trat,- ! a-

    1/ = publ"c land sales appl"cant2/ = $ort!a!ee, or &"s successor-"n-"nterest to

    t&e $ort!a!e 'a l"en(encu$brance "s noto7ners&"p)

    +/ =n ant"c&ret"c cred"tor cannot ac4u"re byprescr"pt"on t&e land surrendered to &"$ byt&e debtor/ H"s possess"on not "n concept o#o7ner but $ere &older placed "n possess"ono# t&e land b "ts o7ners? suc& possess"oncannot ser6e as a t"tle #or ac4u"r"n! do$"n"on/

    / = person or ent"ty 7&ose cla"$ o# o7ners&"pto land &ad been pre6"ously den"ed "n are"6"nd"catory act"on, and t&e r"!&t o#

    o7ners&"p t&ereto o# anot&er up&eld by t&ecourts, cannot apply #or t&e sa$e land "n are!"strat"on proceed"n!s/



    Section "5.9orm and contents. Theapplication for land registration shall be in!riting, signed by the application or the

    person duly authoriIed in his behalf, ands!orn to before any officer authoriIed to

    administer oaths for the proince or city !herethe application !as actually signed. "f there ismore than one applicant, the application shallbe signed and s!orn to by and in behalf ofeach. The application shall contain adescription of the land and shall state thecitiIenship and ciil status of the applicant,!hether single or married, and, if married, thename of the !ife or husband, and, if themarriage has been legally dissoled, !henand ho! the marriage relation terminated. "tshall also state the full names and addressesof all occupants of the land and those of theadjoining o!ners, if +no!n, and, if not +no!n,it shall state the extent of the search made tofind them.

    Section 2.hen land applied for borders onroad. "f the application describes the land asbounded by a public or priate !ay or road, itshall state !hether or not the applicant claimsany and !hat portion of the land !ithin thelimits of the !ay or road, and !hether theapplicant desires to hae the line of the !ay orroad determined.

    Section 2"./equirement of additional facts

    and papers4 ocular inspection. The court mayrequire facts to be stated in the application inaddition to those prescribed by this 0ecreenot inconsistent there!ith and may require thefiling of any additional paper. "t may alsoconduct an ocular inspection, if necessary.

    T+e a%%,cat,- $+a c-ta,- t+e !4,-69

    1/ escr"pt"on o# t&e land appl"ed #or, to!et&er7"t& t&e bu"ld"n!s and "$pro6e$ents t&ereon,"# any/ 8&e plan duly appro6ed by t&e

    "rector o# Land Iana!e$ent Cureau, andtec&n"cal descr"pt"ons o# t&e land appl"ed #or,$ust be attac&ed to t&e appl"cat"on/ '=llt&ese are produced "n t&e 1ststep: sur6ey)

    2/ 8&e c"t"5ens&"p and c"6"l status o# t&eappl"cant, 7&et&er s"n!le or $arr"ed, and "#$arr"ed, t&e na$e o# t&e 7"#e or &usband,and, "# t&e $arr"a!e &as been le!ally


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    d"ssol6ed, 7&en and &o7 t&e $arr"a!erelat"on ter$"nated/

    +/ 8&e assessed 6alue o# t&e land and t&ebu"ld"n!s and ot&er "$pro6e$ents t&ereon,based on t&e last assess$ent #or taxat"onpurposes/

    / Iort!a!e or encu$brance o# any %"nd7&atsoe6er a##ect"n! t&e land appl"ed #or, orna$es o# ot&er persons 7&o $ay &a6e an"nterest t&ere"n, le!al or e4u"table/ Ot&er7"se,t&e appl"cant s&all state t&at to t&e best o# &"s%no7led!e and bel"e#, t&ere "s no suc&encu$brance or "nterested persons/

    / 8&e $anner by 7&"c& t&e appl"cant &asac4u"red t&e land 'Re#er to Sec/ 1)

    A/ 8&e #ull na$es and addresses o# alloccupants o# t&e land and t&ose o# t&eado"n"n! o7ners, "# %no7n, and "# not %no7n,t&e appl"cant s&all state t&e extent o# t&esearc& $ade to #"nd t&e$/


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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    Under t&e abo6e pro6"s"on, t&ere "s need to co$ply7"t& t&e re4u"red publ"cat"on and not"ce "# t&ea$end$ent o# t&e appl"cat"on cons"sts "n:

    1/ = substant"al c&an!e "n t&e boundar"es?2/ =n "ncrease "n t&e area o# t&e land appl"ed

    #or? or

    +/ 8&e "nclus"on o# an add"t"onal land/

    Reason #or republ"cat"on: to !"6e not"ce to all personsconcerned re!ard"n! t&e a$ended appl"cat"on/1< publication4 >2< mailing4 and>3< posting.

    1. y publication.

    ;pon receipt of the order of the court settingthe time for initial hearing, the 6ommissionerof &and /egistration shall cause notice ofinitial hearing to be published once in theBfficial $aIette and once in a ne!spaper ofgeneral circulation in the (hilippines:(roided, ho!eer, that the publication in the


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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    Bfficial $aIette shall be sufficient to conferjurisdiction upon the court. Said notice shallbe addressed to all persons appearing to haean interest in the land inoled including theadjoining o!ners so far as +no!n, and %to all

    !hom it may concern%. Said notice shall alsorequire all persons concerned to appear incourt at a certain date and time to sho! cause!hy the prayer of said application shall not begranted.

    2. y mailing.

    >a< Failing of notice to persons named in theapplication. The 6ommissioner of &and

    /egistration shall also, !ithin seen days afterpublication of said notice in the Bfficial$aIette, as hereinbefore proided, cause acopy of the notice of initial hearing to bemailed to eery person named in the notice!hose address is +no!n.

    >b< Failing of notice to the Secretary of (ublic5igh!ays, the (roincial $oernor and theFayor. "f the applicant requests to hae theline of a public !ay or road determined, the6ommissioner of &and /egistration shallcause a copy of said notice of initial hearing tobe mailed to the Secretary of (ublic

    5igh!ays, to the (roincial $oernor, and tothe Fayor of the municipality or city, as thecase may be, in !hich the land lies.

    >c< Failing of notice to the Secretary ofgrarian /eform, the Solicitor $eneral, the0irector of &ands, the 0irector of (ublicor+s, the 0irector of 9orest 0eelopment,the 0irector of Fines and the 0irector of9isheries and quatic /esources. "f the landborders on a rier, naigable stream or shore,or on an arm of the sea !here a rier orharbor line has been established, or on a la+e,or if it other!ise appears from the applicationor the proceedings that a tenant8farmer or thenational goernment may hae a claimaderse to that of the applicant, notice of theinitial hearing shall be gien in the samemanner to the Secretary of grarian /eform,the Solicitor $eneral, the 0irector of &ands,the 0irector of Fines andCor the 0irector of9isheries and quatic /esources, as may beappropriate.

    3. y posting.

    The 6ommissioner of &and /egistration shallalso cause a duly attested copy of the noticeof initial hearing to be posted by the sheriff ofthe proince or city, as the case may be, or byhis deputy, in a conspicuous place on each

    parcel of land included in the application andalso in a conspicuous place on the bulletinboard of the municipal building of themunicipality or city in !hich the land or portionthereof is situated, fourteen days at leastbefore the date of initial hearing.

    The court may also cause notice to be seredto such other persons and in such manner asit may deem proper.

    >6aption and Title:r,$,ct,-

    3o/ 0irector of &ands . 6 >27 S6/ 27:67e-t 8ye!a:t a- a%%,ca-t +a$ areay


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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

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    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    %re$e-te e",e-ce9 $ot"on #or ne7 tr"al'!round: #a$e-$)

    A%%ea !r7 >:67e-t !r7 c:rt9

    # #ro$ R8- to ourt o# =ppeals

    # #ro$ I8- st"ll to ourt o# =ppeals

    'dele!ated ur"sd"ct"on)

    'Re$edy d"scussed "n "ts proper place)


    n land re!"strat"on cases, t&e burden o# proo# "s

    upon t&e appl"cant to s&o7 t&at &e "s t&e real andabsolute o7ner "n #ee s"$ple/

    8&e appl"cant $ust o6erco$e t&e presu$pt"on

    t&at t&e land sou!&t to be re!"stered #or$s part o#t&e publ"c do$a"n 'by 6"rtue o# t&e Re!al"andoctr"ne)/

    Ho7> Cy present"n! co$petent, clear andpersuas"6e e6"dence o# pr"6ate o7ners&"p oro# ac4u"s"t"on #ro$ t&e !o6ern$ent/

    =ppl"cant $ust stand on t&e stren!t& o# &"s o7n

    e6"dence and not rely on t&e absence or7ea%ness o# t&e e6"dence o# t&e oppos"tors/

    W+at a%%,ca-t 7:$t %r"e9

    1. 8&at t&e a- a%%,e !r +a$ 8ee-eca$$,!,e and "s a %:8,c a6r,c:t:ra a-:r,$,ct,- t +ear a- re6,$trat,-


    1. R8 exclus"6e ur"sd"ct"on o6er:a/ =ppl"cat"ons #or or"!"nal re!"strat"on o# t"tleb/ .et"t"ons #"led a#ter or"!"nal re!"strat"on o# t"tle

    2. Ie8, I8, I8 dele!ated ur"sd"ct"ono6er: >Sec.3), ( lg. 12A,or the ?udiciary/eorganiIation ct of 1AHN, as amended by /7A1:67e-t/

    Ho7e6er, not7"t&stand"n! t&e lapse o# t&e 1-day

    per"od #ro$ rece"pt o# ud!$ent by t&e part"es,t&e c:rt c-t,-:e$ t reta,- c-tro6er t&ecase unt"l t&e e=%,rat,- ! 1 yeara#ter t&e entryo# decree o# re!"strat"on by t&e LR=/

    # an appeal "s ta%en #ro$ t&e ud!$ent o# t&e

    lo7er court, t&e 1-day per"od s&ould berec%oned #ro$ rece"pt o# not"ce o# ud!$ent o#t&e appellate court/

    8&e pre6a"l"n! party "n t&e lo7er court cannot

    $o6e #or an execut"on pend"n! appeal "n t&eappellate court/

    ourt orders and dec"s"ons sent to t&e !,$ca,

    act"n! as a!ent o# t&e Sol"c"tor @eneral "n landre!"strat"on cases are -t 8,-,-6unt"l t&ey areactually rece"6ed by t&e Sol"c"tor @eneral/ 8&us,t&e per"od o# appeal s&all be rec%oned #ro$ t&erece"pt o# t&e dec"s"on by t&e Sol"c"tor @eneral/

    8&e court $ay st"ll "ssue sa"d order o# decree o#re!"strat"on and cert"#"cate o# t"tle e6en beyondt&e 1-day per"od so as not to preud"ce t&eadud!ed o7ner/

    reason: t&e ud!$ent "s $erely declaratory "n

    c&aracter and does not need to be asserted or

    en#orced a!a"nst t&e ad6erse party/

    8&e ,$$:a-ce ! a ecree "s a 7,-,$ter,a :ty

    bot& o# t&e ud!e and o# t&e Land Re!"strat"ono$$"ss"on/

    = dec"s"on "n a land re!"strat"on case "s not

    rendered "ne##"cac"ous by t&e statute o# l"$"tat"ons

    and(or by lac&es, so t&at a decree "ssuedpursuant to suc& ud!$ent e6en a#ter t&e lapse o#10 years "s not 6o"d/

    Re$ >:,cata

    = #"nal ud!$ent "n an ord"nary c"6"l case

    deter$"n"n! t&e o!nership o# land "s res judicata'conclus"6e adud"cat"on) "n a re!"strat"onproceed"n! 7&ere t&e part"es and t&e property

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    Judge Serrano - Midterm 200

    San !eda Co""ege o# La$

    %' Can(ino) *ri+" & Ve"o+o) ,in

    are t&e sa$e as "n t&e #or$er case/ 8&us,subse4uent l"t"!at"on "s barred/


    1/ 8&e #or$er ud!$ent $ust be #"nal

    2/ t $ust &a6e been rendered by a court &a6"n!ur"sd"ct"on o# t&e subect $atter and o# t&epart"es

    +/ t $ust be a ud!$ent on t&e $er"ts/ 8&ere $ust be, bet7een t&e #"rst and second

    act"ons, "dent"ty o# part"es, o# subect $atter,and o# cause o# act"on

    = ud!$ent d"s$"ss"n! an appl"cat"on #or t&e

    re!"strat"on o# land does 3O8 operate as resud"cata bet7een t&e appl"cant and t&e opponent7&o &as success#ully res"sted t&e appl"cat"on/

    8&e appl"cant or any person der"6"n! t"tle #ro$&"$ $ay "nst"tute anot&er proceed"n! #or t&ere!"strat"on o# t&e sa$e land, and t&e #act t&at &eor &"s predecessor "n "nterest 7as unsuccess#ul"n t&e #or$er proceed"n! does not const"tute abar t&ereto/ >5enson . 0irector of &ands

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