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Page 1: Service learning experience

Kayla D. Garcia

EDF2085 Spring 2014

Service-Learning Experience

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Gloria Floyd Elementary School

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The School Runs on a Very Tight Schedule!

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I was assigned to Mrs.

Navarro’s second grade

class on March 3, 2014. She

was very welcoming, and

included me in all of the

lessons. She explained

herself to me in various

ways, as to why she taught

a certain way or how to

address certain issues that

may arise while teaching a

lesson. Mrs. Navarro made

my service learning

experience incredible and

full of learning. I am very

grateful to have been

assigned to her.

Mrs. Navarro

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Mrs. Navarro’s

second grade

classroom was

very similar to

the picture

illustrated to the

left. She had the

students’ works

hanging from the

ceiling and walls,

and different

stations for

working in the


The Classroom

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Mrs. Navarro had a

rules list in her

classroom, warning

the students of what

was expected and not

expected of them.

She also had a

behavior chart, in

which the students

would change the

color each time they

misbehaved. Having

Green as the best

behavior and red as

the worst.

Rules & Regulations in the Classroom

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Math (9:30am- 10:30am)The students would

practice math problems during the time listed above. They would participate in a variety of activities, from word problems to simple addition and subtraction problems.

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Science (10:30am-11:30am)The Students performed

a variety of science projects, such as growing their own plant and experimenting on pigmentation with plants and food coloring. They would learn about different animals and what each animal lived, what they were known for, etc.

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SpanishThis is an important part of

the classroom as every grade, starting with second grade, would have Spanish incorporated in their lessons and daily activities in the classroom. This is done in part because it is believed that the students will have a better grasp on the new language if practiced more.

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The way the classroom was set up, was simply amazing. The students were very cooperative and by having the rules shown in the classroom, reminded them the way they should behave. Mrs. Navarro had complete control of the classroom and made sure to have their full attention by speaking in an engaging voice and providing them with interesting assignments.

I love the way Mrs. Navarro taught her class and she is absolutely an inspiration.

My Reaction

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