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CE419 Web Programming Session 11: Web Application Architecture


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There are two common elements: One is the highest-level breakdown of a system into its parts; the other, decisions that are

hard to change.

What is architecture?


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Architectural Styles

• Pipe and Filter, Client-Server, Event-based, Object-oriented, Layered, etc.

• A good architecture:

• Minimizes coupling between modules.

• Maximizes the cohesion of each module.


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• Layering is one of the most common techniques to break apart a complicated software system.

• The higher layer uses various services defined by the lower layer, but the lower layer is unaware of the higher layer.

• Each layer usually hides its lower layers from the layers above.


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OSI Model


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Layering: Pros & Cons

• Benefits:

• You can understand a single layer as a coherent whole without knowing much about the other layers.

• You can substitute layers with alternative implementations of the same basic services.

• You minimize dependencies between layers.

• Once you have a layer built, you can use it for many higher-level services.


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Layering: Pros & Cons (cont'd)

• But there are downsides:

• Extra layers can harm performance.

• Layers encapsulate some, but not all, things well.

• May not be able to identify (clean) layers.

• Cascading changes.

• The hardest part of a layered architecture is deciding what layers to have and what the responsibility of each layer should be.


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Two-Layer Model

• Client-server systems.

• The client held the user interface and other application code, and the server was usually a relational database.

• If the application was all about the display and simple update of relational data, then these client–server systems worked very well.

• Complex domain logic.


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Three-Layer Method

• Rise of Object-oriented Programming

• The object community had an answer to the problem of domain logic: Move to a three-layer system.

• In this approach you have a presentation layer for your UI, a domain layer for your domain logic, and a data source.


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The Three Principal Layers

• PresentationProvision of services, display of information

• Domain LogicLogic that is the real point of the system

• Data SourceCommunication with databases, messaging systems, etc.


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Web Presentation

• Rise of Web-browser-based applications.

• We talked about its advantages before.

• Three-Layer architecture for Web apps.

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• Model–View–Controller (MVC) is a software architecture pattern which separates the representation of information from the user's interaction with it.

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–Connelly Barnes

“An easy way to understand MVC: the model is the data, the view is the window on the screen, and the controller is the glue between the two.”

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The model consists of application data, business rules, logic, and functions.


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A view can be any output representation of data, such as a chart or a diagram.


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The controller mediates input, converting it to commands for the model or view.


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• Several commercial and noncommercial web application frameworks have been created that enforce the pattern.

• Django, Ruby on Rails, Symfony, ASP.NET MVC, etc.

• Early web MVC frameworks took a thin client approach that placed almost the entire model, view and controller logic on the server.

• As client technologies have matured, frameworks have been created that allow the MVC components to execute partly on the client.

• Angular.js, Ember.js, etc.

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View Patterns

• Three popular patterns on the view side:

• Template View

• Transform View

• Two-Step View

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Template View

• Template View allows you write the presentation in the structure of the page and embed markers into the page to indicate where dynamic content needs to go.

<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>My Bank</title></head> <body> <h1>Welcome, {{ user.username }}</h1> <p>Your balance is: {{ user.balance }}</p> </body> </html>

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Let's take a look at PHP

<!doctype html> <html> <head><title>My Bank</title></head> <body> <?php $user = run_query("SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE username = $username"); $username = $user['username']; ?> <h1>Welcome, <?php echo $username ?></h1> <p>Your balance is: <?php $balance = get_balance($username); for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) { do_something(...); } ?></p> </body> </html>

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Transform View

• The basic notion of Transform View is writing a program that looks at domain-oriented data and converts it to HTML.

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Two-Step View

• The first stage assembles the information in a logical screen structure that is suggestive of the display elements yet contains no HTML. The second stage takes that presentation-oriented structure and renders it into HTML.

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Two-Step View (cont'd)<album> <title>Zero Hour</title> <artist>Astor Piazzola</artist> <trackList> <track><title>Tanguedia III</title><time>4:39</time></track> <track><title>Milonga del Angel</title><time>6:30</time></track> <track><title>Concierto Para Quinteto</title><time>9:00</time></track> <track><title>Milonga Loca</title><time>3:05</time></track> <track><title>Michelangelo '70</title><time>2:50</time></track> <track><title>Contrabajisimo</title><time>10:18</time></track> <track><title>Mumuki</title><time>9:32</time></track> </trackList> </album> <screen>

<title>Zero Hour</title> <field label="Artist">Astor Piazzola</field> <table> <row><cell>Tanguedia III</cell><cell>4:39</cell></row> <row><cell>Milonga del Angel</cell><cell>6:30</cell></row> <row><cell>Concierto Para Quinteto</cell><cell>9:00</cell></row> <row><cell>Milonga Loca</cell><cell>3:05</cell></row> <row><cell>Michelangelo '70</cell><cell>2:50</cell></row> <row><cell>Contrabajisimo</cell><cell>10:18</cell></row> <row><cell>Mumuki</cell><cell>9:32</cell></row> </table> </screen>

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• Patterns of Enterprise Application ArchitectureBy Martin Fowler, David Rice, Matthew Foemmel, Edward Hieatt, Robert Mee, Randy Stafford

• http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ModelViewController

• http://queens.db.toronto.edu/~papaggel/courses/csc309/docs/lectures/web-architectures.pdf

• http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~sme/CSC340F/slides/21-architecture.pdf


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Any questions?

Thank you.


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