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Session 4

FGA Genesis Cell GroupPeter Huang

23rd October, 2009

Acts 1: 8 - You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you.

When we received Christ at salvation we also received the Holy Spirit – the power of God that changes the world.

• Inventor: Frederick Nobel• Established: Nobel Peace Prize• 1867 – patented his invention• Swedish

• Root word – dunamisdunamis

•MeansMeans – – Power & StrengthPower & Strength

But Dynamite placed in cracks of

wall?By itself




Not much


We should

look for

spiritual “cracks”

all around us that

might easily be

mined for

God’s kingdom.

Power Power

from the from the

Holy SpiritHoly Spirit

Power To ChangeThe Holy Spirit Filling the Believer

• Transform us into a new creation.• Gives us power to do His work.


• to go into all the world• to preach to the whole of creation• to make disciples of all nations• to witness• to proclaim who Jesus is• to declare what God has done in and through Him;


• to tell the good news (i.e. the Gospel)

• to announce the need of repentance

• to tell of forgiveness of sins

• to bring men and women into obedience to Christ.

The Holy Spirit

• The Holy Spirit fills us with power so that we can do what God is calling us to do

• We are all called to do different things

• No one is any more or less important to God

WHAT IF WHAT IF everyevery Christian … Christian …

• are willing to serve in every phase of their lives rather than being served?

• stopped paying attention to their fears, critics or worry what might go wrong before or when serving?

• seriously look at what Jesus is calling them to do?

• pray without ceasing for revival in Malaysia?• understood the commandment to love and

would love by choice rather than out of having to feel the love?

WHAT IF WHAT IF everyevery Christian … Christian …

• realized that we must seek to overthrow every idol in our life to really be free to serve in the army of our Lord?

• realized that the greatest idol that you and I have is "self," and then began to become selfless in our pursuit of Christ and His Kingdom?

• would love me even if my opinions were different from theirs?

• realized the lifetime process we are in and could walk without judging those not as far along in the process?

• chose to forgive in every situation (not only because the Father said He would not forgive us unless we did) because it was in our heart to love in that way?

• wants every church to sought relationship with the others of the community to fulfill a citywide vision beyond their own ministries?

• realized the Lord owned everything we have and He asked us to steward everything? Then ask Him how much to give, where, always willing to give 100% if He were to ask that of us?

• would accept others and the blessing they are, rather than be offended by them in our differences?

• in their own beings, lived and moved in the Holy Spirit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

• loved as Jesus loved? • spoke as Jesus spoke? • did what Jesus did?

WHAT IF WHAT IF everyevery Christian … Christian …

A Mustard SeedA Mustard Seed


Holy Holy SpiriSpiritt


Word of God

Are we willing to carry the cross of



For to me,

living means living for Christ, and

dying is even better.

If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will save it.

Luke 9:23-24

If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it

Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints - Psalm 116:15

The sacrifice you desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God. Psalm 51:17

Purging ourselves of all thingsWhich makes us think of ourselves 1st and God 2nd ….Pride, selfishness, self-esteem, etc

To be in God’s will, we have to be out of our own.

He must increase but I must decrease.

John 3:30

C.S. Lewis – Counting the cost

"The terrible thing,

the almost impossible thing,

is to hand over your whole self—

all your wishes and precautions—

to Christ.

A.W. Tozer:

"Among the plastic saints of our times,

Jesus has to do all the dying,


all we want to hear

is another sermon about his



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