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Session Descriptions

Day 1 (Hands-on Session 1)

Introduction to NetLab+

During this session an NDG team member will overview the programs, courses and lab libraries

supported by NDG NETLAB+. We will review the hardware components required to setup a

NETLAB+ system. We will discuss the positives and challenges that NETLAB+ host sites should

consider prior to investing in NETLAB+. A NDG product engineer will then lead attendees through

setting up an example pod of virtual machines that can be used in the classroom for students to

complete hands-on labs to support a course. Proposed example: EMC Information Storage Man-

agement (Windows Server, Linux and SAN).

Teach VDI and Mobility Concepts

This session will demonstrate how to easily incorporate an Introduction to VDI module or entire

VDI course into your ICT program using Citrix VDI-in-a-Box. The VDI-in-a-Box virtual appliance is

designed for the SMB market and is great for teaching VDI and mobility concepts such as hypervi-

sors, desktop provisioning, storage, load balancing and remote display protocols. An instructor

from Florida State College will review the VDI course they developed, discuss how to teach it in

both physical and virtual (NETLAB+) environments and allow attendees to experience the hands-

on labs developed to support the course and are willing to share.

Linux Essentials Train-the-Trainer

This practical and focused 2 hour hands-on workshop will accomplish several goals for attending

instructors, including:

● Technical Skills – Providing hands-on access to the NDG LPI Linux Essentials online curriculum,

access to slides, labs, quizzes etc. will provide invaluable experience for the attending instructor.

● Instructional Skills - Introducing instructors to methodologies that will ensure successful class-

room experiences for their attendees.

Take the opportunity to review the new NDG LPI Linux Essentials Course. Cisco, NDG and LPI Acad-

emy staff will be delighted to answer any questions about using this new course.

Session Descriptions

Day 1 (Hands-on Session 1)

Cloud Computing 101

Every ICT Instructor knows cloud computing is the new paradigm, but most don't understand it

very well. As the demand for ICT workers with basic cloud computing skills increases, your students

need to distinguish themselves. Certification validates the technical capabilities of your students.

This introductory session examines concepts such as public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, and

community cloud. We sort through the alphabet soup of PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, and DaaS or VDI. We

cover cloud foundational topics such as virtualization, hypervisors, hardware abstraction, OS mo-

bility, etc. We explain the basic cloud concepts of multi-tenancy, snapshots, fenced networks,

linked clones, and more. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and your

students achieve three unique VMware Certified Associate (VCA - www.vmware.com/go/vca) certi-

fications by teaching these three VMware courses.

Multi-User Packet Tracer

During this session become actively involved with Cisco’s Mult-User Packet Tracer labs. We will

explain and demonstrate the Multi-User feature and bring the attendees into a live Multi-User lab

activity. We will discuss the benefits and potential uses of the Multi-User feature while demon-

strating fun collaborative labs that can help build effective teamwork and comprehensive under-

standing of relevant CCNA R&S material. Come join us for a fun filled session of Packet Tracer

teamwork and enjoyment!

ITE Essentials Overview

This session will provide a fun and interactive overview of the IT Essentials course. This will focus

on the best practices for teaching IT Essentials using both physical equipment and virtual environ-

ments. As an attendee, you’ll be able to experience virtualized mobile devices , Linksys wireless AC

smart routers, custom PC building, and more! Come on in to find out what IT Essentials contains

and how to make it a course that your students will never want to leave!

Digital Forensics

This session will provide an interactive experience with mobile forensics. Each par-

ticipant will use an open source mobile forensics distro and create an android vir-

tual device. Using this device we can load tools and software that can be also be

replicated on a real phone . It’s a fun an informative experience for all !

Session Descriptions

Day 1 (Hands-on Session 1)

CCNA R&S Troubleshooting

Have you noticed how much troubleshooting exists on the new CCNA certification exams? Also,

there is a large amount of troubleshooting within the CCNA RS 1-4 courses within the curriculum

labs. Join our distinguished team in their walkthrough of what you need to know in order to rock

the troubleshooting objectives and excel above the rest!

IPv6 Routing

Don’t hide from IPv6! This is one session you don’t want to miss. As the curriculums, labs, and

equipment is evolving, IPv6 is more prevalent than ever before. Experience IPv6 routing on a scale

you could only dream of! RIPng, EIGRP for IPv6, and OSPFv3 are here to stay, whether you want to

believe it or not. Come on in to learn the mystical methods of IPv6 routing and embrace your des-


Day 1 (Hands-on Session 2)

Advanced NetLab+ Administration

During this session Richard Weeks of NDG will provide an overview of NDG future plans. We will

discuss courses that are supported today; courses planned for the future and ask attendees for

input for new courses that should be supported by NDG. NDG will ask attendees for feedback:

What do you value? What can be improved? What do you need to be successful? After the over-

view session an NDG product engineer will go over an advance setup example. As time allows

NDG staff will answer questions you might have about deploying custom setups. NDG staff will

schedule meetings with attendees of this session during the conference to assure each attendee

gets questions answered specific to their goals.

Virtual APPs & Desktops

Until now the only option Citrix IT Academies had to deliver the XenApp and XenDesktop courses

was in a physical lab environment that is cumbersome to setup and manage. During this session

you will review the XenApp and XenDesktop curriculum, how to obtain the community developed

NETLAB+ Installation Guide and VMs for course labs, how to install the lab files and how to deliver

each course using the instructor materials and NETLAB+ labs. The IT Academy workshop instruc-

tor will lead attendees through setting up a pod of virtual machines and interactively walk through

several labs from each course.

Session Descriptions

Day 1 (Hands-on Session 2)

Linux+ Train-the-Trainer

LPI - This practical and focused 2 hour hands-on workshop will accomplish several goals for attend-

ing instructors, including:

● Technical Skills – Providing hands-on access to the Beta NDG LPI Linux+/LPIC-1 online curricu-

lum, access to slides, labs, quizzes etc. will provide invaluable experience for the attending instruc-


● Instructional Skills - Introducing instructors to methodologies that will ensure successful class-

room experiences for their attendees.

Attendees benefits include: Pre-release access to the new NDG LPI Linux+/LPIC-1 Course.

-The attendees will have in-class access to test-drive the NDG LPI Linux+/LPIC-1 online course.

NDG and LPI Academy staff will be delighted to answer any questions about using this new course.

IT Career Orientation Class

Until now, boosting enrollment and setting successful pathways for our students was always a

challenge. Join this session to discover a proven and successful method of introducing your future

and current students to your IT program. Experience the knowledge and become part of the Ca-

reer Orientation class successfully implemented and used to boost retention, advertise the IT pro-

gram, provide student degree/certificate planning and more. Come to this session to learn how to

bring these successes back to your institution!

Certification Exam Preparation Using MeasureUp

Talking about student success and actively providing student success are two different things. Join

us in this session on MeasureUp technology. Receive a free practice certification exam and experi-

ence what the MeasureUp certification practice exams are like. Our students have highly in-

creased their COMPTIA passing scores after utilizing this test engine. Experience it for yourself

today and also receive free access within this session to your own Certification practice exam. Any-

one prepping for that Linux Certification later today?

Session Descriptions

Day 1 (Hands-on Session 2)

Your ICT Student + VCP = Job

The ICT industry needs tens of thousands more employees with advanced data center virtualiza-

tion skills. Your students can fill that void. Earning VMware Certified Professional (VCP -

www.vmware.com/go/vcp) validates the technical capabilities of your students. This industry-

recognized certification requires completion of a VMware-authorized training course and hands-

on experience with VMware technologies. VCP-DCV certification confirms that your students have

the education needed to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage VMware vSphere environ-

ments. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and your students achieve

VCP-DCV certification by teaching VMware vSphere:ICM (Install, Configure, and Manage) classes.

Prerequisites: Basic computer hardware & OS (Linux, Windows, etc.) knowledge.

Network Management Primer (SNMP, Netflow, Syslog)

Boost your CCNA RS Network Management Skills by coming to this session! The new CCNA R&S

curriculum and certification cover Netflow, SNMP, and Syslog. Come to this session to learn the

concept and watch/experience the effective implementation of this technology. Attendees will be

able to walk out of this session feelin g fully prepared for CCNA SNMP, Netflow, and Syslog.

CCNA Security (IDS/IPS)

Register for this session to experience detection and prevention systems and their varieties within

the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum. Come (re)visit the differences between IDS and IPS

devices and experiment with their detailed configuration.

IPv6 Labs

Schedule yourself for this session and receive a fresh look at what is required to successfully imple-

ment IPv6 technology in the Cisco Networking Academy IPv6 Labs. The Cisco Networking Academy

is constantly being updated and the IPv6 Labs don’t have to be a sore spot for attendees of this

session. Join us for a fun-filled and informative session/walkthrough of the iPv6 labs of the CCNA


Session Descriptions

Day 2 (Session 2)

Flipping the Classroom using NetSpace

Feeling stuck in the traditional lecture hall teaching style. Attend this session to learn tips and trick

of flipping your classroom using the NetSpace Canvas LMS. NetSpace is constantly being updated

with new features. Come on in to join a session that will help you provide a fresh look and easy to

use feel for your LMS courses. Attendees will learn ways to make their courses more interactive,

fun, and thus increase student participation.

Internet of Everything– Raspberry Pi (Takes up the combined Session 1 & 2 )

Looking for a fun way to involve your students in the Internet of Everything (IoE)? Cisco is intro-

ducing more content and materials on what our future may be like with the coming Internet of

Everything. As this topic grows and the world becomes more connected, come join our session on

using Raspberry Pi within the IoE. Attendees will receive a Raspberry Pi.

Link Aggregation Solution– Etherchannel

The new CCNA RS has received a large amount of new features, one of them being Etherchannel.

This previous CCNP topic has made its way down to CCNA. Come to this session to experience a

review of “What is Etherchannel?” “How do I implement it at Layer 2?”. Attendees will review

Etherchannel lab implementations and what they need to know to effectively teach Etherchannel

and more!


Have you heard about the competitive recognition program available to Cisco Academy students?

Netriders is a competition that has been recently re-designed to allow your students to compete

across the Nation and Canada against their peers. Winners of this competition receive life chang-

ing prizes! Come join us to find out what Netriders can do for you and your students!

Packet Tracer 6.1

Feature-iffic! What is this new Packet Tracer 6.1 and when can we expect it’s release? Attendees

will get a 1st look at the new Packet Tracer 6.1 and the multitude of new features, including fire-

walls and 5505 Cisco boxes. Come join other attendees as you get to become involved in the new

PT 6.1!

Session Descriptions

Day 2 (Session 2)

Security+ Web Tour

Ever wonder where you can show real time security incidents and updates to your students. This

session will provide a tour of internet sites where students an watch real time incidents also play

security related games. If you like to see what’s out there come to this fun session.

Tips for Teaching Subnetting/VLSM

Since the beginning, there has been subnetting. With the implementation of IPv6 and the ease of

subnetting that, IPv4 subnetting may seem unneccisarily difficult. Join our Tips for Teaching Sub-

netting to get the best methods for teaching subnetting to your students. Become a subnetting

superhero if you aren’t one already!

Wireless Security

Don’t use WEP! There is much more than this in the realm of wireless security. Join this session to

learn about the endless amount of possibilities with wireless security. Come take a peep at the

Leap, Peap, and Eap protocols and the multitude of devices we can use for wireless security!

Day 2 (Hands on Session 1)

Cloud Computing 101

Every ICT Instructor knows cloud computing is the new paradigm, but most don't understand it

very well. As the demand for ICT workers with basic cloud computing skills increases, your stu-

dents need to distinguish themselves. Certification validates the technical capabilities of your stu-

dents. This introductory session examines concepts such as public cloud, private cloud, hybrid

cloud, and community cloud. We sort through the alphabet soup of PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, and DaaS or

VDI. We cover cloud foundational topics such as virtualization, hypervisors, hardware abstraction,

OS mobility, etc. We explain the basic cloud concepts of multi-tenancy, snapshots, fenced net-

works, linked clones, and more. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and

your students achieve three unique VMware Certified Associate (VCA - www.vmware.com/go/vca)

certifications by teaching these three VMware courses.

Enterprise Switching

The new CCNA RS curriculum takes switching to the next level! Attendees will get a great review of

the concept HSRP and how to configure it in a lab environment. We will test out both Switches

and Routers using the Hot Standby Redundancy Protocol. Take that Fail-over!

Session Descriptions

Day 2 (Hands on Session 1)

Internet of Everything– Raspberry Pi (Takes up the combined Session 1 & 2 )

Looking for a fun way to involve your students in the Internet of Everything (IoE)? Cisco is introduc-

ing more content and materials on what our future may be like with the coming Internet of Every-

thing. As this topic grows and the world becomes more connected, come join our session on using

Raspberry Pi within the IoE. Attendees will receive a Raspberry Pi.

IT Career Orientation Class

Until now, boosting enrollment and setting successful pathways for our students was always a

challenge. Join this session to discover a proven and successful method of introducing your future

and current students to your IT program. Experience the knowledge and become part of the Ca-

reer Orientation class successfully implemented and used to boost retention, advertise the IT pro-

gram, provide student degree/certificate planning and more. Come to this session to learn how to

bring these successes back to your institution!

ITE Essentials Overview

This session will provide a fun and interactive overview of the IT Essentials course. This will focus

on the best practices for teaching IT Essentials using both physical equipment and virtual environ-

ments. As an attendee, you’ll be able to experience virtualized mobile devices , Linksys wireless AC

smart routers, custom PC building, and more! Come on in to find out what IT Essentials contains

and how to make it a course that your students will never want to leave!

Linux Essentials Train-the-Trainer

This practical and focused 2 hour hands-on workshop will accomplish several goals for attending

instructors, including:

● Technical Skills – Providing hands-on access to the NDG LPI Linux Essentials online curriculum,

access to slides, labs, quizzes etc. will provide invaluable experience for the attending instructor.

● Instructional Skills - Introducing instructors to methodologies that will ensure successful class-

room experiences for their attendees.

Take the opportunity to review the new NDG LPI Linux Essentials Course. Cisco, NDG and LPI Acad-

emy staff will be delighted to answer any questions about using this new course.

term and Final Exam review, Full set of Course Slides, Instructional resources and content, and

Presentation techniques, tips and tricks.

Cisco, NDG and LPI Academy staff will be delighted to answer any questions about using this new


Session Descriptions

Day 2 (Hands on Session 1)

NetLab+ Building Local Competitions

During this session MVCC staff will provide an example of a competition running via a NETLAB+

system. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a "capture the flag" exercise hosted

via NETLAB+ system at MVCC. At the end of the session presenters and attendees will discuss

how to improve competitions and provide a wider range of competitions for more students

throughout the US. Examples of additional competitions may be provided as time allows.

Teach VDI and Mobility Concepts

This session will demonstrate how to easily incorporate an Introduction to VDI module or entire

VDI course into your ICT program using Citrix VDI-in-a-Box. The VDI-in-a-Box virtual appliance is

designed for the SMB market and is great for teaching VDI and mobility concepts such as hypervi-

sors, desktop provisioning, storage, load balancing and remote display protocols. An instructor

from Florida State College will review the VDI course they developed, discuss how to teach it in

both physical and virtual (NETLAB+) environments and allow attendees to experience the hands-on

labs developed to support the course and are willing to share.

VPN Primer

CCNA security curriculum and VPNs??? Need some help with those GRE tunnels and more? Join

our session as a VPN Primer to get you up to speed on what you need to know to successfully

teach and implement VPNs. Businesses are finding that a public WAN with a VPN can be a perfect

cost saving and secure solution. Stop by our session to get in on the WAN VPN action!

Day 2 (Hands on Session 2)

NetLab+ Building Custom Courses

This session will focus on how to use NETLAB+ to build custom courses. NDG will explain a meth-

odology for setting up a custom course. Specific examples of courses developed by NDG will be

used as examples. The audience will brainstorm a list of proposed courses. The audience will then

participate in the steps necessary to start the process of building a custom pod to support a library

of lab exercises for a distance learning course. If desired, cost analysis of cloud based labs versus

academic institution hosted labs will be reviewed. Potential examples: Virtualization courses,

cyber security courses and NDG Linux Essentials (hosted by NDG).

Session Descriptions

Day 2 (Hands on Session 2)

CCNA Security (IDS/IPS)

Register for this session to experience detection and prevention systems and their varieties within

the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum. Come (re)visit the differences between IDS and IPS

devices and experiment with their detailed configuration.

Cisco VoIP

This session will address the Cisco CCNA-Voice Curriculum and associated LABs. Learn about Cisco

Voice Solutions and how to deliver the CCNA-Voice program utilizing various learning materials,

Cisco Press Books and LAB methods. This session will provide attendees the ability to experience

selected CCNA-Voice LAB activities utilizing both Packet Tracer and Real Equipment.

IPv6 Labs

Schedule yourself for this session and receive a fresh look at what is required to successfully imple-

ment IPv6 technology in the Cisco Networking Academy IPv6 Labs. The Cisco Networking Academy

is constantly being updated and the IPv6 Labs don’t have to be a sore spot for attendees of this

session. Join us for a fun-filled and informative session/walkthrough of the iPv6 labs of the CCNA


Linux+ Train-the-Trainer

LPI - This practical and focused 2 hour hands-on workshop will accomplish several goals for attend-

ing instructors, including:

● Technical Skills – Providing hands-on access to the Beta NDG LPI Linux+/LPIC-1 online curricu-

lum, access to slides, labs, quizzes etc. will provide invaluable experience for the attending instruc-


● Instructional Skills - Introducing instructors to methodologies that will ensure successful class-

room experiences for their attendees.

Attendees benefits include: Pre-release access to the new NDG LPI Linux+/LPIC-1 Course.

-The attendees will have in-class access to test-drive the NDG LPI Linux+/LPIC-1 online course.

NDG and LPI Academy staff will be delighted to answer any questions about using this new course.

Session Descriptions

Day 2 (Hands on Session 2)

Multi-User Packet Tracer

During this session become actively involved with Cisco’s Mult-User Packet Tracer labs. We will

explain and demonstrate the Multi-User feature and bring the attendees into a live Multi-User lab

activity. We will discuss the benefits and potential uses of the Multi-User feature while demon-

strating fun collaborative labs that can help build effective teamwork and comprehensive under-

standing of relevant CCNA R&S material. Come join us for a fun filled session of Packet Tracer

teamwork and enjoyment!

Syntax Checker

This session will introduce attendees to an unthought-of use for the entirely new Syntax Checker

created for the new CCNA Curriculum. Did you know you can design your own? Attendees are

encouraged to join this session and begin building their own Syntax Checker problems! There is a

multitude of uses for this within your Cisco classroom. Register for this session and take a great

new skill back with you.

Virtual APPs & Desktops

Until now the only option Citrix IT Academies had to deliver the XenApp and XenDesktop courses

was in a physical lab environment that is cumbersome to setup and manage. During this session

you will review the XenApp and XenDesktop curriculum, how to obtain the community developed

NETLAB+ Installation Guide and VMs for course labs, how to install the lab files and how to deliver

each course using the instructor materials and NETLAB+ labs. The IT Academy workshop instruc-

tor will lead attendees through setting up a pod of virtual machines and interactively walk through

several labs from each course.

Your ICT Student + VCP = Job

The ICT industry needs tens of thousands more employees with advanced data center virtualiza-

tion skills. Your students can fill that void. Earning VMware Certified Professional (VCP -

www.vmware.com/go/vcp) validates the technical capabilities of your students. This industry-

recognized certification requires completion of a VMware-authorized training course and hands-

on experience with VMware technologies. VCP-DCV certification confirms that your students have

the education needed to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage VMware vSphere environ-

ments. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and your students achieve

VCP-DCV certification by teaching VMware vSphere:ICM (Install, Configure, and Manage) classes.

Prerequisites: Basic computer hardware & OS (Linux, Windows, etc.) knowledge.

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Session 1)

Certification Preparation– Free MeasureUP

Looking to provide more certification exam practice for your students? Join this session and our

MVCC staff will introduce you to a certification practice exam company that has significantly in-

creased our students Certification exam pass rates. We will also provide you with a free Certifica-

tion practice exam of your choice. Just register for our session and we’ll help you get that next


Cisco VoIP

This session will address the Cisco CCNA-Voice Curriculum and associated LABs. Learn about Cisco

Voice Solutions and how to deliver the CCNA-Voice program utilizing various learning materials,

Cisco Press Books and LAB methods. This session will provide attendees the ability to experience

selected CCNA-Voice LAB activities utilizing both Packet Tracer and Real Equipment.

CompTIA CASP Curriculum

Ever wonder what comes after CompTIA Security+? Join us in the discussion and analysis of what is

included in the CASP curriculum from CompTIA. The CAPS certification is intended to follow Comp-

TIA Security+ or equivalent experience and has a technical, hands-on focus at the enterprise level.

Come join in and find out what the curriculum is all about!

Crafting Packet Tracer Activities

Do you ever wish you could design your own auto-grading, topology changing Packet Tracer? Join

this session and learn how to craft your own Packet Tracer activity. This session will include the

basics of building your own Packet Tracer, instructions, auto-grading, topology changing lab. This is

guaranteed to be a fun session and will provide you with hours saved in the classroom!


A clear understanding of cloud computing is a must for students hoping to enter the IT workforce.

To help prepare them for successful careers, EMC offers a free technology-based course, Cloud

Infrastructure and Services (CIS) to faculty through our Academic Alliance program. Specifically,

the CIS course is a “Cloud Essentials” course for all IT professionals responsible for server, storage,

networking, and applications.

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Session 1)

Packet Tracer 6.1

Feature-iffic! What is this new Packet Tracer 6.1 and when can we expect it’s release? Attendees

will get a 1st look at the new Packet Tracer 6.1 and the multitude of new features, including fire-

walls and 5505 Cisco boxes. Come join other attendees as you get to become involved in the new

PT 6.1!

Teaching Hashing and Stenography

To Be Announced

Teaching PHP Scripting

To Be Announced

Wireshark Basics

Did you ever feel lost when browsing through the Wireshark interface? Join this session and learn

how to use the basic features of Wireshark. This tool has advantages for every networking and/or

security course that can be taught. Attendees of this session will learn some of the best and most

useful features available in Wireshark!

Day 3 (Session 2)

Certified Ethical Hacking

To Be Announced

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Session 2)

Flipping the Classroom using NetSpace

Feeling stuck in the traditional lecture hall teaching style. Attend this session to learn tips and trick

of flipping your classroom using the NetSpace Canvas LMS. NetSpace is constantly being updated

with new features. Come on in to join a session that will help you provide a fresh look and easy to

use feel for your LMS courses. Attendees will learn ways to make their courses more interactive,

fun, and thus increase student participation.

Introduction to NetLab+

During this session an NDG team member will overview the programs, courses and lab libraries

supported by NDG NETLAB+. We will review the hardware components required to setup a

NETLAB+ system. We will discuss the positives and challenges that NETLAB+ host sites should con-

sider prior to investing in NETLAB+. A NDG product engineer will then lead attendees through

setting up an example pod of virtual machines that can be used in the classroom for students to

complete hands-on labs to support a course. Proposed example: EMC Information Storage Man-

agement (Windows Server, Linux and SAN).

Netspace “One Dozen Tricks” you don’t want to miss!

Attendees of this session will learn the latest and greatest tricks of the Netspace environment. As

the Netspace system is constantly being revised, you will leave with the best of the latest Canvas

LMS system around. Join us for Gradebook auto grading Packet Tracer Files and embedding links

for a custom and unique LMS implementation for your classes.

Tips for Teaching IPv4 and IPv6 Access Lists

We have resolved ourselves to the knowledge that IPv6 is here to stay! It’s time to refresh your

knowledge of IPv4 access lists and take your skills to the next level with IPv6 ACLs. Join us for a

fresh look at how to write ACLs for both IPv4 and IPv6. This is one session you won’t want to miss.

As the CCNA curriculum now discusses these technologies, use this session as a bonus to your ACL


Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Session 2)

Using Wireshark to Detect Attacks

Do you ever wonder what else you can do with Wireshark besides compare Telnet to SSH? Come

join this session in using Wireshark to detect network attacks. Follow the stream and check out all

the possibilities and uses of Wireshark within the IT Security realm!

VoIP CCNA R&S course using the Voice Primer

To Be Announced

Wireless Security Session

In this session we will address the ever increasing need for Wireless Security, Scalability and Man-

agement. We will discuss the various types of Wireless Security along with their strengths and

weaknesses. Learn about WPA2 Enterprise, IEEE 802.11i and EAP/802.1x deployment methods. A

demonstration of the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller and Meraki Cloud Management Advanced

Security. Attendees will gain valuable insight into how to incorporate this topic into the existing

CCNA Curriculum.

Women in Technology Program

Interested in Boosting enrollment and bringing more women into your Technology Program? Join

this session where we address the common solutions we have implemented in bringing our enroll-

ment up while working with our community to boost the amount of women in our Technology

Program at MVCC.

Day 3 (Session 3)

CCNA R&S Troubleshooting

Have you noticed how much troubleshooting exists on the new CCNA certification exams? Also,

there is a large amount of troubleshooting within the CCNA RS 1-4 courses within the curriculum

labs. Join our distinguished team in their walkthrough of what you need to know in order to rock

the troubleshooting objectives and excel above the rest!

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Session 3)

Cloud Wireless “Meraki”

Learn about the Meraki Cloud Managed Wireless Solutions and how to incorporate this valuable

and prolific real world deployment method into your existing Cisco Networking Academy Clas-

ses. The focus of this session will be on the Meraki Wireless Products and Cloud Management

Solutions. A demonstration of the Meraki Dashboard and Tools will be presented. Learn how you

may be eligible for a Free Meraki AP and Cloud Management License.

Internet of Everything– Raspberry Pi (Takes up the combined Session 3 & Hands-

On 1)

Looking for a fun way to involve your students in the Internet of Everything (IoE)? Cisco is intro-

ducing more content and materials on what our future may be like with the coming Internet of

Everything. As this topic grows and the world becomes more connected, come join our session on

using Raspberry Pi within the IoE. Attendees will receive a Raspberry Pi.

Link Aggregation Solution– Etherchannel

The new CCNA RS has received a large amount of new features, one of them being Etherchannel.

This previous CCNP topic has made its way down to CCNA. Come to this session to experience a

review of “What is Etherchannel?” “How do I implement it at Layer 2?”. Attendees will review

Etherchannel lab implementations and what they need to know to effectively teach Etherchannel

and more!

Tips for Teaching Subnetting/VLSM

Since the beginning, there has been subnetting. With the implementation of IPv6 and the ease of

subnetting that, IPv4 subnetting may seem unneccisarily difficult. Join our Tips for Teaching Sub-

netting to get the best methods for teaching subnetting to your students. Become a subnetting

superhero if you aren’t one already!

Wireshark Basics

Did you ever feel lost when browsing through the Wireshark interface? Join this session and learn

how to use the basic features of Wireshark. This tool has advantages for every networking and/or

security course that can be taught. Attendees of this session will learn some of the best and most

useful features available in Wireshark!

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Session 3)

Visio Basics

This session will help you build professional diagrams to simplify complex information with updat-

ed shapes, collaboration tools and data-linked diagrams. Come experience the program Microsoft

Visio and what it offers for you and your organization. Learn the best implementations and fea-

tures of Visio!

Using Online Services in the Classroom

Description Needed

Student Success Team- “Getting Students Jobs”

Need some assistance getting your completed students out into the workforce? Join this session to

have a discussion with our Student Success team at MVCC. Our team has successfully placed stu-

dents in jobs throughout the year. Use their tips and tricks for your institution’s gain!

Day 3 (Hands-On Session 1)

CCNA Security (IDS/IPS)

Register for this session to experience detection and prevention systems and their varieties within

the Cisco Networking Academy curriculum. Come (re)visit the differences between IDS and IPS

devices and experiment with their detailed configuration.

Cloud Computing 101

Every ICT Instructor knows cloud computing is the new paradigm, but most don't understand it

very well. As the demand for ICT workers with basic cloud computing skills increases, your stu-

dents need to distinguish themselves. Certification validates the technical capabilities of your stu-

dents. This introductory session examines concepts such as public cloud, private cloud, hybrid

cloud, and community cloud. We sort through the alphabet soup of PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, and DaaS or

VDI. We cover cloud foundational topics such as virtualization, hypervisors, hardware abstraction,

OS mobility, etc. We explain the basic cloud concepts of multi-tenancy, snapshots, fenced net-

works, linked clones, and more. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and

your students achieve three unique VMware Certified Associate (VCA - www.vmware.com/go/vca)

certifications by teaching these three VMware courses.

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Hands-On Session 1)

Cloud Computing 101

Every ICT Instructor knows cloud computing is the new paradigm, but most don't understand it

very well. As the demand for ICT workers with basic cloud computing skills increases, your stu-

dents need to distinguish themselves. Certification validates the technical capabilities of your stu-

dents. This introductory session examines concepts such as public cloud, private cloud, hybrid

cloud, and community cloud. We sort through the alphabet soup of PaaS, SaaS, IaaS, and DaaS or

VDI. We cover cloud foundational topics such as virtualization, hypervisors, hardware abstraction,

OS mobility, etc. We explain the basic cloud concepts of multi-tenancy, snapshots, fenced net-

works, linked clones, and more. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and

your students achieve three unique VMware Certified Associate (VCA - www.vmware.com/go/vca)

certifications by teaching these three VMware courses.


A clear understanding of cloud computing is a must for students hoping to enter the IT workforce.

To help prepare them for successful careers, EMC offers a free technology-based course, Cloud

Infrastructure and Services (CIS) to faculty through our Academic Alliance program. Specifically,

the CIS course is a “Cloud Essentials” course for all IT professionals responsible for server, storage,

networking, and applications.

Internet of Everything– Raspberry Pi (Takes up the combined Session 3 & Hands-

On 1)

Looking for a fun way to involve your students in the Internet of Everything (IoE)? Cisco is intro-

ducing more content and materials on what our future may be like with the coming Internet of

Everything. As this topic grows and the world becomes more connected, come join our session on

using Raspberry Pi within the IoE. Attendees will receive a Raspberry Pi.

IT Career Orientation Class

Until now, boosting enrollment and setting successful pathways for our students was always a

challenge. Join this session to discover a proven and successful method of introducing your future

and current students to your IT program. Experience the knowledge and become part of the Ca-

reer Orientation class successfully implemented and used to boost retention, advertise the IT pro-

gram, provide student degree/certificate planning and more. Come to this session to learn how to

bring these successes back to your institution!

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Hands-On Session 1)

NetLab+ Building Local Competitions

During this session MVCC staff will provide an example of a competition running via a NETLAB+

system. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a "capture the flag" exercise hosted

via NETLAB+ system at MVCC. At the end of the session presenters and attendees will discuss

how to improve competitions and provide a wider range of competitions for more students

throughout the US. Examples of additional competitions may be provided as time allows.

Network Management Primer (SNMP, Netflow, Syslog)

Boost your CCNA RS Network Management Skills by coming to this session! The new CCNA R&S

curriculum and certification cover Netflow, SNMP, and Syslog. Come to this session to learn the

concept and watch/experience the effective implementation of this technology. Attendees will be

able to walk out of this session feelin g fully prepared for CCNA SNMP, Netflow, and Syslog.

IPv6 Routing

Don’t hide from IPv6! This is one session you don’t want to miss. As the curriculums, labs, and

equipment is evolving, IPv6 is more prevalent than ever before. Experience IPv6 routing on a scale

you could only dream of! RIPng, EIGRP for IPv6, and OSPFv3 are here to stay, whether you want to

believe it or not. Come on in to learn the mystical methods of IPv6 routing and embrace your des-


Student Success Highlight (Open Panel)

Come in and share your stories of Student Success! Do you have a method to share with your col-

leagues or do you have questions that you are hoping other peers may be able to answer. This

Open Panel is a great session to join in order to collectively boost our Student Success efforts. This

panel will be hosted by MVCC staff.

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Hands-On Session 2)

NetLab+ Building Custom Courses

This session will focus on how to use NETLAB+ to build custom courses. NDG will explain a meth-

odology for setting up a custom course. Specific examples of courses developed by NDG will be

used as examples. The audience will brainstorm a list of proposed courses. The audience will

then participate in the steps necessary to start the process of building a custom pod to support a

library of lab exercises for a distance learning course. If desired, cost analysis of cloud based labs

versus academic institution hosted labs will be reviewed. Potential examples: Virtualization

courses, cyber security courses and NDG Linux Essentials (hosted by NDG).

VPN Primer

CCNA security curriculum and VPNs??? Need some help with those GRE tunnels and more? Join

our session as a VPN Primer to get you up to speed on what you need to know to successfully

teach and implement VPNs. Businesses are finding that a public WAN with a VPN can be a per-

fect cost saving and secure solution. Stop by our session to get in on the WAN VPN action!

Enterprise Switching

The new CCNA RS curriculum takes switching to the next level! Attendees will get a great review

of the concept HSRP and how to configure it in a lab environment. We will test out both Switches

and Routers using the Hot Standby Redundancy Protocol. Take that Fail-over!

Netspace “One Dozen Tricks” you don’t want to miss!

Attendees of this session will learn the latest and greatest tricks of the Netspace environment.

As the Netspace system is constantly being revised, you will leave with the best of the latest Can-

vas LMS system around. Join us for Gradebook auto grading Packet Tracer Files and embedding

links for a custom and unique LMS implementation for your classes.

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Hands-On Session 2)

Your ICT Student + VCP = Job

The ICT industry needs tens of thousands more employees with advanced data center virtualiza-

tion skills. Your students can fill that void. Earning VMware Certified Professional (VCP -

www.vmware.com/go/vcp) validates the technical capabilities of your students. This industry-

recognized certification requires completion of a VMware-authorized training course and hands-

on experience with VMware technologies. VCP-DCV certification confirms that your students have

the education needed to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage VMware vSphere environ-

ments. We discuss how the VMware IT Academy Program helps you and your students achieve

VCP-DCV certification by teaching VMware vSphere:ICM (Install, Configure, and Manage) classes.

Prerequisites: Basic computer hardware & OS (Linux, Windows, etc.) knowledge.

ITE Essentials Overview

This session will provide a fun and interactive overview of the IT Essentials course. This will focus

on the best practices for teaching IT Essentials using both physical equipment and virtual environ-

ments. As an attendee, you’ll be able to experience virtualized mobile devices , Linksys wireless AC

smart routers, custom PC building, and more! Come on in to find out what IT Essentials contains

and how to make it a course that your students will never want to leave!

Test Drive EMC Storage Labs

Test Drive the Storage Labs from EMC using NDG's NETLAB+

The need for ICT students to learn about storage has become mainstream in the era of server vir-

tualization and the deployments of cloud infrastructures required manage the explosion of digital

information which is doubling in size every two years. To help prepare them for successful careers,

EMC offers a free technology-based course, Information Storage and Management (ISM) to faculty

through our Academic Alliance program. Specifically, the ISM course is the only course of its kind

to fill the knowledge gap in understanding modern storage infrastructures. This session will get

you started by:

• Briefly explaining how you can adopt the ISM course as a participant of the EMC Academic

Alliance program.

• Having you complete one or more labs from the new NDG NETLAB+ ISM lab library.

Session Descriptions

Day 3 (Hands-On Session 2)

Bus Tour to Cisco Solutions Center in Chicago

To Be Announced

Geospatial Information Systems

To Be Announced

Take your free Linux Essentials Exam (Powered by LPI)

Use this session slot to take your Free Linux Essentials Certification Exam!!

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