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  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    Introduction Web server forget what you are, after sending a response HTTP is stateless: When it gets a page request, it has no memory

    of any previous requests from the same client

    This makes it difficult to hold a conversation Typical example: Putting things one at a time into a shopping cart,

    then checking out--each page request must somehow be associatedwith previous requests

    The server must be able to keep track of multiple conversations withmultiple users

    Session tracking is keeping track of what has gone before inparticular conversation Since HTTP is stateless, it does not do this for you

    We have to do it yourself, in your servlets

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    Options to track Clients Interaction Use a stateful session enterprise java bean

    Every time requests comes in, servlet should locate

    clients stateful bean. Use a database

    Store user information in database.

    Use an HttpSession

    Its object can hold conversational state across multiplerequests from the same client.

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    URL rewriting- If client wont take cookies, you can use URL rewriting as abackup.

    Hidden fields- It can be used to store a unique ID.- HTML forms can have an entry like the

    This entry means that, when the form is submitted, thespecified name and value are automatically included in theGET or POST data.

    -Not applicable to static pages. Only works for dynamicpages generated after form submission.

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    How Sessions works

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    Problem : How does container

    know who the client is Idea is simple : On first request the Container

    generates a unique session ID and gives it back to theclient.

    Then client sends back the session ID with eachsubsequent request.

    Container seees the ID, finds the matching session andassociates the session with the request.

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    How client and Container exchange

    Session ID Container generates session ID for the client as a part

    of response

    Client has to send back the session ID as a part ofrequest.

    Simplest way is cookies.

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    Container does all cookie work HttpSession session=request.getSession();

    This method creates a session, it also cause cookie to

    be sent with the response for the first time.

    -we dont generate unique session ID

    -we dont make the new Cookie object

    -we dont associate the session ID with the cookie.

    -we dont set the Cookie into the response

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    To know whether session already

    been created or not getSession() returns a session regardless of whether

    theres a pre-existing session.

    Way to know if the session is new is to ask the session

    - if (session.isNew())

    isNew() returns true if the client has not yet respondedwith this session ID.

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    What if Client doesnt accept a

    Cookie : URL rewriting isNew() method will always return true if the cookies

    are not enabled.

    URL rewriting

    -add the session ID to the end of all the URLs in theHTML we send back in the Response.

    URL rewriting kicks in ONLY if cookies fail, and ONLYif we tell the the response to encode the URL.

    out.print( click me );

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    When to deactivate session

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    Two ways for session timeout

    1) Configuring session timeout in the DD


    2) Setting session timeout for a specific session

    session.setMexInactiveInterval (20*60);

  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


  • 8/12/2019 Session Tracking in Servlet


    Summary Even if HTTP is stateless we can keep track of clients

    previous interactions by using HttpSession, Cookies,URL rewriting.

    Sessions, Cookies, URL rewriting all are handled byContainer.

    URL rewriting works only when cookies are disabled.

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