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Page 1: Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians€¦ · for your prayer life beyond this time. PRAYING FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FOREWORD We can hardly imagine the pressure and fear


clear words.strong actions.

2.–8. November 2020

Seven days of prayerfor persecuted Christians



Page 2: Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians€¦ · for your prayer life beyond this time. PRAYING FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FOREWORD We can hardly imagine the pressure and fear


Dear prayer partners,

The Bible speaks plainly: »Everyone who belongs to Jesus Christ and wants to live as God pleases must expect persecution«

(2 Tim 3:12). The prediction has been true –

for over 2000 years.

As Christians who are currently not among

those directly affected, we have a mandate

to support and pray for those who are. In this

booklet we aim to give ideas for prayer and

intercession. For each day of the week, we

present an example from a particular coun-

try in which Christians are severely perse-

cuted. The week leads up to the International

Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church /

Sunday of the Persecuted Church. Of course

you can also pray beyond this week and we

hope this booklet will serve as an inspiration

for your prayer life beyond this time.


We can hardly imagine the pressure

and fear which Christians in persecuted

countries are constantly facing. Let us pray

for them: individually, in a house or prayer

meeting, in our churches.

Let us remember: The International Day

of Prayer for the Persecuted Church /

Sunday of the Persecuted Church brings a

subject into focus that will remain relevant

throughout the year and unfortunately into

the unforeseeable future.

Best wishes,

Eduard Schmidt

Director AVC Germany

Page 3: Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians€¦ · for your prayer life beyond this time. PRAYING FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FOREWORD We can hardly imagine the pressure and fear


DAY 1 I Yemen

Name Republic of Yemen

Capital Sana‘a, about 2.2 million inhabitants

Area 528 000 km²

Population 28.5 million

Religions Islam as official state religion, beside it small communities of Yemeni Jews and foreign Christians and Hindus

World Watch List Rank 8


Current situationAccording to the United Nations, Yemen is facing the biggest humanitarian crisis in the world. 80% of its 30 million inhabit-ants are dependent on humanitarian aid. A large part of them have no access to clean water and health care.

Christians suffer additional persecution. Islam is the state religion, based on Sharia law. Missionary work carried out by other religions is strictly prohibited, including the conversion of Muslims to another faith. The death penalty may be imposed.

An AVC employee has been able to make his way to visit Christians in Yemen several times, risking his own life. A network for the supply of food and other necessities is being established. Among other things, thousands of Bibles have already been brought into the country.

We pray for ...• an end to the war in Yemen.

• the protection of Christians.

• a functioning network conveying food

and hope.

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DAY 2 I Pakistan

Name Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Capital Islamabad

Area 796 095 km²

Population 216.5 million

Religions 96,4 % Muslims (majority Sunnis, 10-15 % Shiites), 3,6 % other (Hindus, Christians)

World Watch List Rank 5


Page 5: Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians€¦ · for your prayer life beyond this time. PRAYING FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FOREWORD We can hardly imagine the pressure and fear


Fatal errorSaleem Masih (22) was unloading chaff in the fields around the village of Baguyana (Karsur district). After work he washed at the well - a fatal mistake.

The landowner Sher Dogar and other men rushed over and began to beat him. Saleem‘s father, Ghafoor Masih, reports: »They called him a ›dirty Christian‹ who had polluted the water and they cursed him. Then they dragged him to their farm where they chained his hands and feet and tortured him further. He suffered several fractures in his left arm and ribs.«

Police officers wordered Saleem‘s family to come to Dogar‘s farm. »When we arrived there, we found Saleem lying unconscious on the ground, face and body covered in blood as a result of the torture. Dogar had apparently called the police himself. It was obvious that he had bribed them, because the police officers were trying to convince us to ›settle the matter amicably‹. Dogar‘s accusation was that Saleem had committed a crime by pol-luting the well water; his punishment had been justified.«

The Masih family begged the landowner to return Saleem to them. After many pleas for mercy, he gave in. All the while, the po-lice stood by like onlookers as these events were unfolding. The family took Saleem to a district hospital, but due to the severity of his internal injuries he had to be trans-ferred to the hospital of Lahore, where he died three days later.

Even before this young man‘s death, members of the Pakistan Center for Law and Justice (PCLJ) had helped the father register a so-called initial information report against Dogar and four other men. After the accused had been briefly de-tained, the police obtained bail. The PCLJ executive director stated that the govern-ment has thus far failed to reform a deeply corrupt police system.

The district police chief, Zahid Nawaz Marwat, denies that the police discrim-inate against non-Muslims. He said he would investigate allegations that the police officers acted incorrectly in the Sal-eem case. Kasur, incidentally, is the same district where in 2014 a young Christian

couple, Shahzad and Shama Masih (26 and 24 respectively), were almost beaten to death by a Muslim mob and then narrowly escaped with their lives as an attempt to burn them failed. All this was allowed to take place on false blasphemy charges, in plain view of police officers at the scene.

Source: Morning Star News, Partner von AVC

We pray for ...• the abolition of the blasphemy law.

• protection for Christians by police and

the justice system.• the strengthening of Christians in


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DAY 3 I Sudan

Name Republic Sudan

Capital Khartoum

Area 1 850 000 km²

Population 42.1 million

Religions Islam is the state religion, Christian minority, scattered indigenous religions

World Watch List Rank 7


Khartoum, Sudan. Bakrey attends a house group for people with a Muslim background who want to know more about Jesus. There he makes the momentous decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

It is hardly surprising that a growing tsunami of family terror is released upon him. Bakrey is isolated within his family clan, threatened and finally kicked out. He finds shelter with Christian friends, gains spiritual depth and understanding. He develops the ardent desire to be baptized. When Bakrey refuses to pray with his family during Ramadan, his uncle furiously calls the security forces.

Bakrey tries to escape, but it is of no avail. He is arrested, dragged to prison, and se-verely tortured by security forces. Bakrey steadfastly resists the demand to deny Christianity and return to Islam. Three weeks after his release, he goes straight to his father and pleads with him to receive Jesus Christ as well. This provocation prompts his father to beat him up and call the police.

With the help of AVC, Bakrey manages to escape to South Sudan. He now lives in one of the country’s larger cities, and is supported through our work, for which he is tremendously grateful. He is actively engaged in sharing the Good News with other Muslims. In the meantime his great wish has been fulfilled: Bakrey has been baptized in a church in South Sudan. Praise God.

Betrayed by the clan

We pray for ...• the Christians who have been cast out

by their families.• the relatives who do not yet know

Jesus Christ.• those who persecute and torture


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Page 8: Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians€¦ · for your prayer life beyond this time. PRAYING FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FOREWORD We can hardly imagine the pressure and fear


DAY 4 I Nigeria

Name Federal Republic of Nigeria

Capital Abuja

Area 923 768 km²

Population around 188 million, 250 ethnic groups

Religions 50 % Muslims, 40-46% Christians, other followers of natural religions

World Watch List Rank 12


Page 9: Seven days of prayer for persecuted Christians€¦ · for your prayer life beyond this time. PRAYING FOR PERSECUTED CHRISTIANS FOREWORD We can hardly imagine the pressure and fear

For many years now, Nigeria has been the scene of repeated bloody attacks by Muslim extremists (Boko Haram and Fulani). Mass graves have been used to bury all those who have been murdered for their faith.

Our intervention at the political level, among others with the German Federal Government, remained unsuccessful. So we went to Nigeria again and attempted to find a way for AVC to help the persecuted Christians in Nigeria.

For example Gashish About 50 km (30 miles) south of Jos, the capital of the Nigerian state Plateau, lies Gashish. AVC staff visit the newly built church of the local community under heavy police protection. Two years earlier it had been attacked and destroyed by Fulani. Dozens of people lost their lives. Survivors found makeshift accommodations in a school. Since then, they have been trying to rebuild their homes and their lives. Other villages nearby were completely aban-doned by Christians. Gashish is almost the exception.

Flimsy reason At a conference with over one hundred participants, most of them pastors, we hear the shocking accounts of the mur-derous attacks that have dramatically affected the lives of most of the attendees. Contrary to the ›official‹ explanation, this is not a fight for resources, but a deliberate ›cleansing‹ of Christians in Central Nige-ria. The representatives of the ›resource theory‹ cannot produce a convincing explanation when urged to clarify why in one area Christians were murdered, their houses and churches burned down, but Muslim neighbors remained unharmed.

Our vision We see it as our role to stay connected with our Nigerian contacts that live and min-ister in the midst of persecution, in order to translate our commitment into tangible help and support. Our pledge to them that we would return was received with joy and gratitude.

The killing continues

We pray for ...• an end to the violence emanating from

the Fulani and Boko Haram.

• provision and care for Christians who

have lost everything during raids or

while fleeing.• Christians in the midst of hardship.


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DAY 5 I India

Name Republic of India

Capital New-Delhi

Area 3 287 469 km²

Population 1.33 billion

Religions 79,8 % Hindus, 14,2 % Muslims, 2,3 % Christians, 1,7 % Sikhs, 0,7 % Buddhists, 0,4 % Jains, 0,7 % other, 0,2 % none

World Watch List Rank 10


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AVC employees are on the road visiting churches, encouraging partners and standing with Christians suffering from the rapidly growing persecution. Their stories are typical of what millions of their brothers and sisters throughout the sub-continent are experiencing. In 2020, India ranks number 10 on the World Watch List of persecution. In contrast, back in 2011 the country was still ranked 31st.

Himachal Pradesh is one of the eight Indian states in which an anti-conversion law was introduced and subsequently intensi-fied in August 2019. Anyone who explains the gospel to a man is automatically sent to prison for three years. If a woman, a child or someone from a minority tribe is evangelized, the penalty is seven years imprisonment. In addition, a heavy fine is also imposed.

But it is not only persecution that is grow-ing, Christianity is also spreading. In Delhi we meet Reverend Vijayesh Lal, General Secretary of the Evangelical Alliance of India. He provides us with an example from the state of Rajasthan, where a right-wing

Indestructible communitiesnationalist politician wanted to eradicate Christians: »This man swore to make the Banswara district, with 100,000 inhabi-tants, Christian-free within three years. As a result, there were many attacks, pastors were beaten up and put in prison, but the church has grown all the more.« For Lal, this is a sign of God’s power: »The church is God’s church. And God says: ›The gates of hell will not prevail against it.‹«

Is persecution a cause for growth? Lal is not convinced. He says: »Whenever persecution comes upon Christians, the church grows. This is not true. Whether the church grows or not always depends on the Christians’ reaction to persecution.«

Lal knows: »There are many romantic myths associated with India. For example, that India is a tolerant, non-violent coun-try.« If you look closely, you will see that the church in India is suffering. That is why Lal calls on people to pray for his country: »We need prayers more than anything else, because we believe they make a difference.«

We pray for ...• the young Christians that they remain

steadfast in spite of difficulties. They

are often excluded from village, com-

munity and family life.• the local church leaders, who expose

themselves to great danger.

• the Holy Spirit’s guidance as Christians

respond to questions about their faith.

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DAY 6 I Eritrea

Name Eritrea

Capital Asmara, ca. 900 000 Population

Area 124 000 km²

Population 5,258 million (in Eritrea), in addition, more than 800 000 outside Eritrea

Religions about 50 % Christians (predominantly Orthodox, also Roman Catholic and Protestant), 48 per cent Sunni Muslims

World Watch List Rank 6


In Eritrea, North-East Africa, born-again Christians are persecuted more rigor-ously than in almost any other country in the world. Mass arrests occur time and time again. They are threatened with long prison sentences under the worst conditions. Those affected report abuse. Christians are confined to dark dungeons or crammed together in freight containers: enduring unbearable heat during the day, and frightening cold at night, all the while they hunger and thirst. Survival is difficult.

Semere (name changed) knows what imprisonment means. The now 37-year-old came to a living faith in Jesus Christ and joined an unregistered Christian church. During the closing prayer at a church ser-vice he and eleven others attended, police and soldiers suddenly stormed the room. Semere and the others were taken to prison in the Eritrean capital, Asmara.

It was clear to them that many years of imprisonment could follow. Trials in Eritrea usually do not take place, and they are certainly not just. The interrogations were exclusively about the ›sacrilege‹ of being an

Arrested during the closing prayeractive Christian. Despite threats they refused to give up their faith and activities.

After a few weeks they were released. »Why we, of all people, were released and others not, remains a mystery to us,« Semere still wonders today. The young man is aware that his release is a rare ex-ception. He himself had prepared himself to grow old in prison or to die because of the conditions there. Semere is convinced: »Persecution is part of following Jesus - especially in Eritrea. But this must never stop us from fulfilling our commission and inviting as many people as possible into the Kingdom of God. That is our ultimate joy.«

There are no signs of improvement in Eritrea. Fleeing the country - especially for Christians - is often the only chance for a humane existence. Most who succeed are severely traumatized.

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Our contacts enable us to examine the in-dividual cases of persecuted Christians and to provide appropriate support: Help for the bereaved of martyrs, financing medical care after their release from prison and other emergency aid.

We pray for ...• a change in the government’s mindset.

• the Christians still in detention.

• the courage to share their faith despite



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DAY 7 I China

Name People’s Republic of China

Capital Beijing

Area 9 596 960 km²

Population 1,386 billion

Religions 52,2 % atheists, 21,9 % Followers of the popular religion, 18,2 % Buddhists, 5,1 % Christians, 1,8 % Muslims, 0,8 % other

World Watch List Rank 23


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Chinese Christians are suffering. The current terror exceeds everything that has been experienced in the past two decades. It is a result of the astronomical growth of Chinese churches, which has been perceived as a threat by the communist authorities.

The Chinese government has systemat-ically closed churches throughout China and destroyed many of them. Further re-pression is expanding in China: nationwide digital surveillance through facial recogni-tion cameras and a points-based system. Blocking Christian social media accounts, putting limitations on Christian businesses and restricting their access to networks is all part of an effort to suppress those who profess Christ as Lord.

A law, introduced in February 2018, which has triggered a new wave of religious persecution against Christians and peo-ple of other faiths, was tightened at the beginning of this year. It demands church leaders to give their full devotion to the Communist Party. In addition, a five-year plan calls on Christian churches in China

Worst wave of persecution in two decadesto replace their crosses with national flags, to sing patriotic songs and to deliver sermons prescribed by the Communist Party. Images depicting Jesus Christ and posters with Christian content - even the Ten Commandments - have been removed from churches and replaced with portraits of President Xi Jinping and quotations from Chairman Mao. Video cameras with live transmission to police headquarters are also being installed in places of worship. Although many Christians have been arrested, the right to religious freedom is enshrined in the constitution.

Further measures have included the editing of the Bible. The official gov-ernment church and the Chinese Chris-tian Council - China’s state-recognized Protestant institutions - have developed a five-year plan to make the Chinese Bible translation “Chinese compliant” by adding Buddhist, Confucian and communist ele-ments. A similar attack is also planned on Christian worship songs.


We pray for ...• Christian leaders to stand firm in the

midst of opposition.• Christians who are imprisoned for their

faith and pray for their families.

• the preservation of the complete,

authentic Bible.

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AVC I Action on behalf of persecuted Christians and the needyRanstädter Str. 20 I 63667 Nidda I GermanyTel. +49 (0)6043 98492-0 I [email protected] www.avc-de.org I avcdeutschland

clear words.strong actions.

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