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Seven Things that Trigger Toothache

1 out of 7 Australian people aged between 15 and over had a toothache, according to a recent study.

Toothache is one of the leading dental issues in Australia that affects around 15% of the population..

Toothache usually offers a throbbing pain and discomfort, which can either come and go or be persistent.

So what causes a toothache?

1. Tooth Decay

Also referred to as dental caries and the most common source of toothache that is caused by plaque build-up.

2. Receding Gums

When the gums shrink away from the teeth, this exposes the sensitive parts of the tooth and cause pain such as toothache.

3. Tooth and Gum Abscess

Dental abscess is often caused by bacterial infection that can initiate swelling of the face, gum swelling, severe pain, as well as tender teeth and gums.

4. Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth cause throbbing and sharp pain due to a tooth that’s in an undesirable position trying to erupt into the gum line.

5. Teeth Grinding

Grinding the teeth can harm the ligament around a tooth. The extra forces on teeth could trigger inflammation in the tooth’s nerve, causing toothache.

6. Sinusitis

When you have sinusitis, the pressure from your sinuses typically indicated to some upper teeth. Sinusitis can also bad breath and is linked to gum disease.

7. Broken Tooth or Filling

This is frequently responsible for toothache since bacteria can enter the tooth, causing the development of decay.

To prevent toothache and other uncomfortable dental problems, always maintain a good oral hygiene and see your dentist for routine checkups.

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