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The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

3. The Second Coming of Christ: The return of Jesus Christ to earth from heaven to judge His enemies and to set up His earthly rule

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

3. The Second Coming of Christ: The return of Jesus Christ to earth from heaven to judge His enemies and to set up His earthly ruleArmageddon: A great battle marking the end of the Tribulation period

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

3. The Second Coming of Christ: The return of Jesus Christ to earth from heaven to judge His enemies and to set up His earthly ruleArmageddon: A great battle marking the end of the Tribulation period

Binding of Satan: Satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

3. The Second Coming of Christ: The return of Jesus Christ to earth from heaven to judge His enemies and to set up His earthly ruleArmageddon: A great battle marking the end of the Tribulation period

Binding of Satan: Satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years

4. The Millennial Period: 1,000 year period during which Christ’s Glorious Earthly Kingdom will rule

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

3. The Second Coming of Christ: The return of Jesus Christ to earth from heaven to judge His enemies and to set up His earthly ruleArmageddon: A great battle marking the end of the Tribulation period

Binding of Satan: Satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years

4. The Millennial Period: 1,000 year period during which Christ’s Glorious Earthly Kingdom will rule

5. Loosing of Satan: Satan is loosed to deceive the nations into battle against the saints

The Biblical Prophetic Order of Events

1. The Rapture: The catching away of the saints involving the change from mortality to immortality

2. The Tribulation Period: A seven year period of intense judgment upon the earth

3. The Second Coming of Christ: The return of Jesus Christ to earth from heaven to judge His enemies and to set up His earthly ruleArmageddon: A great battle marking the end of the Tribulation period

Binding of Satan: Satan is bound and cast into the bottomless pit for 1,000 years

4. The Millennial Period: 1,000 year period during which Christ’s Glorious Earthly Kingdom will rule

5. Loosing of Satan: Satan is loosed to deceive the nations into battle against the saints

6. New Heavens and New Earth: The earth is destroyed with God creating a new heaven (sky) and a new earth

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

Miller predicted the advent to take place between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

Miller predicted the advent to take place between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.

Ellen G White became the prophetess of the Seventh-Day Adventists

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

Miller predicted the advent to take place between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.

Ellen G White became the prophetess of the Seventh-Day Adventists

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

Miller predicted the advent to take place between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.

Ellen G White became the prophetess of the Seventh-Day Adventists

Strange phenomena accompanied her visions

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

Miller predicted the advent to take place between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.

Ellen G White became the prophetess of the Seventh-Day Adventists

Strange phenomena accompanied her visions

Her visions brought revelations which were later altered.

History of SDAAdventism in general is a faith based upon the belief that the second advent of Christ is the sole hope of the world.

Adventism became strongest under the leadership of William Miller

Miller predicted the advent to take place between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844.

Ellen G White became the prophetess of the Seventh-Day Adventists

Strange phenomena accompanied her visions

Her visions brought revelations which were later altered.

James and Ellen White worked and spoke together to establish the Adventist movement.

Fundamental Beliefs

Needs a mention of the Bible being the sole authority for faith and practice, but overall good.

Fundamental Beliefs

Self-revelation should be noted as being the scriptures only in the present day, but again, a good statement overall.

Fundamental Beliefs

A true description.

Fundamental Beliefs

Everything here is true if it means what Christianity has taken it to mean, however the Adventists have a different meaning for Christ’s ministry in the so-called heavenly sanctuary on our behalf.

Fundamental Beliefs

A true description.

Fundamental Beliefs

God did bless and sanctify the seventh say [Genesis 2:3], but did not tell man to do anything about it at that time. In the same way he would later use the rainbow as a memorial, it is something with a meaning to be considered, but not to act on.

Fundamental Beliefs

The Body, soul, and spirit can be separated, which the SDAs deny. Adam and Eve died spiritually that day, they did not just become “subject to death.” Although we are to care for the environment, it is not so important as to be a part of the nature of man.

Fundamental Beliefs

Though the specifics may seem good, The Great Controversy theme comes from Ellen G. White’s book “The Great Controversy.” The theme implies that God and Satan are locked in a power struggle for control, when In reality, God is infinitely greater and already has the victory.

Fundamental Beliefs

Maybe a sneaky way of putting Christ’s suffering in the garden as part of his atonement, but otherwise a good description

Fundamental Beliefs

Repentance from dead works, yes, repentance from false gods, yes, but we must recognize repenting of all our sins is not part of the gospel message- there will be sins in our life we will repent of after salvation.

Fundamental Beliefs

Doom of the evil spirits was guaranteed from the beginning- Christ’s death was not for the sake of the evil spirits, but for mankind. Otherwise seems to be correct.

Fundamental Beliefs

Several different things, the community of believers, family of God, body of Christ, and bride, are all equivalated with the Church, which does not match with Bible truth.

Fundamental Beliefs

1. Universal church is unscriptural 2. We are not bound to the commandments any longer 3. The Second coming is not next the rapture is- which SDAs deny 4. The ‘judgment in heaven’ here refers to an unscriptural ‘investigative judgment’ belief. Our real mission is to preach the Gospel.

Fundamental Beliefs

Only problem here is again equivilating the church with the body of Christ.

Fundamental Beliefs

Although Baptism pictures the death, burial, and resurrection, our confession of faith and becoming God’s people takes place at salvation, not baptism.

Fundamental Beliefs

#1 – The Bible never tells us to carry on foot washing as an ordinance#2 – Though a matter of polity, many Baptists hold to closed communion or close communion as opposed to open communion shown here.

Fundamental Beliefs

Healing ,prophecy, and apostleship are not available in the present dispensation.

Fundamental Beliefs

Prophecy is not in this dispensationEllen G. White was a false prophetIf you test EGW by the Bible, you find her to be a liar!

Fundamental Beliefs

The commandments are not binding on us today [Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.]

Fundamental Beliefs

The Sabbath was for a specific people (The Jews) for a specific time (The Old Covenant) The covenant was not eternal. [Hebrews 8:13 In that he saith, A new covenant, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away.]

Fundamental Beliefs

It’s been a while

Fundamental Beliefs

Is there a Christian dress code? There are no binding commandments on what to eat in the New Covenant.

Fundamental Beliefs

Good until the end- where Malachi 4:5-6 is taken out of context

Fundamental Beliefs

God knows those who are his and there is no ‘investigative judgment’ God is not checking to see whether we’ve kept the law.

Fundamental Beliefs

This teaching confuses the second coming with the rapture. SDAs reject the literal 7-year tribulation period and say it’ll all come to a close in this one event, with the total annihilation of the wicked, and a second future resurrection of the wicked.

Fundamental Beliefs

1. The soul is also immortal 2. All souls will be conscious forever 3. Death does not bring unconsciousness 4. If Christ’s appearing as they mention it refers to the rapture it would be correct, but they consider it the second coming.

Fundamental Beliefs

1. Millennium is on earth 2. Wicked are not being judged but are in hell 3.Satan will not be on earth, but bound in the bottomless pit for the whole time. 4. The city surrounded is millennial Jerusalem, not New Jerusalem from heaven 5. Wicked will not be annihilated, but will go to hell awaiting the Great white throne

Fundamental Beliefs

Great controversy is not as SDAs would have us believe.The “God is love” thing is kinda out of left field

Problems with SDARedefining the grace of salvation to include the works of the law

Problems with SDARedefining the grace of salvation to include the works of the law

Sabbath Keeping

Problems with SDARedefining the grace of salvation to include the works of the law

Sabbath Keeping

Soul Sleep

Problems with SDARedefining the grace of salvation to include the works of the law

Sabbath Keeping

Soul Sleep

Annihilation of the wicked

Problems with SDARedefining the grace of salvation to include the works of the law

Sabbath Keeping

Soul Sleep

Annihilation of the wicked

Investigate Judgement

Problems with SDARedefining the grace of salvation to include the works of the law

Sabbath Keeping

Soul Sleep

Annihilation of the wicked

Investigate Judgement


SDA TodayClaims over 18 million followers worldwide

Has over 1.3 billion dollars in annual income

Recruits through an emphasis on Biblical prophecy, healthy dieting, and education

The Seventh-Day Bible translation designed to fit their theology is called The Clear Word Bible


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