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Page 1: SFI Business Simplified

What Is Business?

The basic definition of business is movement of Goods or Services in exchange for a monetary value.

For this to happen there must be a Sale of a Good Or Service

When a Sale happens, it results in Business.

This is true for any kind of business.

This transaction of Goods Or Services in exchange for a monetary value makes a business legal.

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How Is Business Conducted?

Business is conducted in broadly 2 ways:

Online and Offline.

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What Is The Difference Between The Two?

Offline Business

High Investments Needed (Physical Store / Office, staff, salaries, inventory etc)

Breaking Even Takes Long

External Factors such as acts of God, Riot, shortages, government decisions force majeure etc dominate.

Online Business

Mostly Very Low Risk Free Investment And At Times Even Free

You Can Break Even In Virtually a Day

Generally Insulated from external factors.

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How Can I Relate This To SFI?

The definition of business in the external world is no different for SFI.

The only difference is in the way it is conducted.

In the external world business happens via the normal marketing chain (Eg: Manufacturer-Distributor-Wholesaler-Retailer-Consumer)

In SFI you directly buy from the store who could either be a manufacturer, a distributor, a wholesaler or a retailer and you are only charged for the product and a margin on that, percentage of which is distributed in commissions.

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How Does A Sale Happen?

Sale happens in 2 ways:

You refer a shopping member to the site tripleclicks or a product on the site. When the shopping member buys a product or the product you recommended you get a Sale and the sale proceeds(Commissions) which is 45 % of the Commission Volume(CV) comes to you.

You refer an affiliate to the site SFI. He automatically becomes a member of Tripleclicks. He then starts buying products or services from Tripleclicks, you start getting 45% Commissions on CV and also by the way the affiliate becomes your Sales Arm who can further recruit more affiliates who in turn do some purchases online via Tripleclicks and your network starts growing.

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Could I Do This Business For FREE?

Yes you are RIGHT, you can SURELY do this business for FREE by bringing people on to the site and making some sales.

This way you start earning commissions and the business comes to you for FREE.

PS: Please refer to the comp plan at the affiliate center

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How Can I Earn More?

As explained earlier one way is by introducing shopping members who buy products or services

However, to earn more you need to aim at building your Sales Arms or Network.

This can happen by constantly recruiting people by any means possible and getting them to listen to the plan when they show the interest.

Getting the plan to them correctly can greatly increase your chances of success.

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What Is The Best Strategy To Deploy To Increase Earnings?

There are just 3 simple steps to follow to increase earnings:

Place a Standing Order With Tripleclicks to achieve 1500 VP every month.

Recruit as many affiliates as possible.

Teach the interested affiliates the same three steps.

Note: The steps mentioned here are tweaked to obtain best results with SFI.

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Why Standing Order?

Placing a Standing Order shows your commitment to the business and projects you as a role model for your team to follow.

Imagine asking your affiliates to keep a standing order without you having one. Do you think they would listen to you?

It helps you easily attain EA2 Rank and puts the TL rank within close reach.

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What Is The Best Standing Order?

The Best one recommended is the 125 T-Credits(36.25$) available at Tripleclicks.

You are however free to choose the kind of product or service you wish to have.

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Page 12: SFI Business Simplified

1. Treat your business...like a business! 11. Have a plan (a realistic plan).

2. DO something to grow your business every

day.12. Winning starts with beginning.

3. Lead by example. 13. Focus.

4. Work with the workers. 14. Send praise down (and criticism up).

5. Treat TripleClicks as YOUR store. 15. Don't quit.

6. YOU succeed only if THEY succeed. 16. Think BIG.

7. YOU make it happen, no one else. 17. Don't major in minors.

8. Leaders are readers. 18. Don't be a negative thinker.

9. Open your eyes to your potential.19. Some will, some won't. So what?! Someone's

waiting! Next!

10. Set goals...and publish them! 20. Persist until you win. Brian Mario Fernandes – SFI TL

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