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Review ArticleSGLT2 Inhibitors, GLP-1 Agonists, and DPP-4 Inhibitors inDiabetes and Microvascular Complications: A Review

Christopher El Mouhayyar ,1,2 Ruba Riachy ,2,3 Abir Bou Khalil ,2,3 Asaad Eid ,1,2

and Sami Azar 2,3

1Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon2Diabetes Program, American University of Beirut-Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon3Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes, American University of Beirut-Medical Center,Beirut, Lebanon

Correspondence should be addressed to Asaad Eid; [email protected] and Sami Azar; [email protected]

Received 16 August 2019; Accepted 3 January 2020; Published 29 February 2020

Academic Editor: Silvia Monticone

Copyright © 2020 Christopher El Mouhayyar et al. (is is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

(e prevalence of diabetes and its associated complications is increasing throughout the decades. Promising diabetes medicationswere introduced to the market including GLP-1 agonists, DPP-4 inhibitors, and SGLT2 inhibitors aiming to target these com-plications. (e literature lacks sufficient data regarding these new medications and their influence on nephropathy, retinopathy, andneuropathy. (is review expands on the major results of effects of the 3 drug classes on microvascular complications. In our review,both SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists appear to have promising nephroprotective outcomes at this stage, with less promisingoutcomes seen with DPP-4 inhibitors. Moreover, the retinoprotective outcomes of both SGLT2 inhibitors andDPP-4 inhibitors wereonly tested on mice, while those of GLP-1 agonists were assessed in few trials. In addition, the results of both GLP-1 agonists andDPP-4 inhibitors showed discrepancies in these studies. On the contrary, conclusions regarding the effect of these medications onneuroprotective outcomes cannot be drawn at the time due to the lack of clinical trials targeting these complications. Hence, a clearerpicture of the microvascular outcomes will manifest over time with the release of multiple upcoming clinical trials.

1. Introduction

During the 19th century, the discovery of insulin constitutedthe landmark of the era in terms of glucose control. Al-though insulin was capable of controlling glucose levels, itlacked the protective effects that scientists strived to achieve.Moreover, patients on insulin are at risk of hypoglycemiaand lipodystrophy which hinders their compliance. (is hasenticed the search for easier and safer drugs with an ad-ditional protective effect other than glucose control. Mul-tiple drugs were introduced to the market includingglucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists since 2005,dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors since 2006, andsodium glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors since2013. (e effect of these medications on multiple organsystems is summarized in Figure 1.

To date, the current clinical trials show special interest inthe effect of antidiabetic medications on macrovascularcomplications and mortality. (e literature lacks sufficientdata regarding new antidiabetic medications and their in-fluence on nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy. (ispaper is among a few to tackle the effect of 3 classes ofantidiabetic medications onmicrovascular complications. Inour paper, we included the main published data in MED-LINE and PubMed journals about this topic. We includedresults from both human and animal studies.

2. Nephropathy

2.1. SGLT2 Inhibitors and Nephropathy. Evidence hasshown that SGLT2 inhibitors in addition to loweringglucose levels exert a protective effect at the microvascular

HindawiInternational Journal of EndocrinologyVolume 2020, Article ID 1762164, 11 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1762164

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SGLT2 inhibition


Ketone bodies

Intraglomerular pressure


Weight Total body Na+

and H2O


Heart failure

Sympathetic nerve activity


DKD/CKD progression



Blood pressure





Tubuloglomerularfeedback activation



Pancreatic IsletsEnhance β-cell function

(GLP-1/GIP)Decrease glucagon




IntestineDecrease lipoproteinproduction (GLP-1)

Immune CellsIncrease chemotaxis DPP-4 inhibitors

Progenitor cellsIncrease egress and

homing (SDF-1)


Figure 1: Continued.

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and macrovascular levels. In particular, the EMPA-REGOUTCOME trial (Empagliflozin, Cardiovascular Out-comes, and Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes) has shown thatempagliflozin reduced the risk of incidence or worseningof nephropathy compared to placebo in type 2 diabeticswith a high cardiovascular risk [4]. (e trial also revealed areduction in progression to macroalbuminuria, doublingof the serum creatinine in patients with an estimatedglomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 45mL/min/1.73m2, and the requirement of renal-replacement ther-apy. An initial short-term decrease in the eGFR was notedin diabetic patients on SGLT2 inhibitors. However, thisdecrease was corrected upon long-term administration ofthe drug, and thereafter, the eGFR remained stable, while itcontinued to steadily decline in the placebo group.

Although the CANVAS (Canagliflozin CardiovascularAssessment Study) trial’s primary outcome focused on car-diovascular disease due to its prespecified hypothesis, resultsshowed possible benefits with respect to the progression ofalbuminuria [5]. Progression of albuminuria, according to thestudy, was defined as an increase of more than 30% inpreexisting albuminuria or a change either from a state ofnormoalbuminuria to microalbuminuria, from normoalbu-minuria to macroalbuminuria, or from microalbuminuria tomacroalbuminuria. (is trial showed that individuals withtype 2 diabetes with a high cardiovascular risk experienced areduction of 40% in the eGFR as well as the need for renal-replacement therapy (dialysis or transplantation) or deathfrom renal causes (defined as death with a proximate renalcause) after being treated with empagliflozin.

Likewise, the DECLARE (Dapagliflozin and Cardio-vascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes) trial’s primaryoutcome focused on cardiovascular disease, and the renaloutcome was only secondary [6]. However, results haveshown an improvement in renal composite (more than 40%decrease in the eGFR to less than 60ml/min/1.73m2 ofbody-surface area, new end-stage renal disease, or deathfrom renal or cardiovascular causes) in individuals with type2 diabetes with a high cardiovascular risk treated withdapagliflozin compared to those taking placebo. In theoverall population, the incidence of the renal compositeoutcome was 4.3% in the dapagliflozin group versus 5.6% inthe placebo group.

(e only trial to date to tackle nephropathy as a primaryoutcome was the recently published CREDENCE trial(Canagliflozin and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes andNephropathy) [7]. (e primary outcome of this trial was acomposite of end-stage kidney disease (dialysis for at least 30days, kidney transplantation, or an eGFR <15ml per minuteper 1.73m2 sustained for at least 30 days), doubling of theserum creatinine level from baseline, or death from renal orcardiovascular disease. Type 2 diabetes patients with albu-minuria and chronic kidney disease on canagliflozin showeda 30% reduction in primary composite outcomes of end-stage kidney disease, doubling of the serum creatinine level,or renal/cardiovascular death.

Both the CANVAS and EMPA-REG trials revealed arenoprotective effect exerted by SGLT2 inhibitors on kidneyfunction. A reduction in albuminuria was reported whichmight aid in delaying the progression to renal-replacement




Cardiac Output

GI tractGLP-1

Insulin sensitivity

Liver Muscle

Insulin secretion

Insulin biosynthesis

β cell proliferationβ cell apoptosis

Glucose production




Gastric emptying

Glucagon secretion


Figure 1: Mechanism of action of diabetes medications on multiple organ systems: (a) SGLT2 inhibitors [1]; (b) DPP-4 inhibitors [2];(c) GLP-1 agonists [3].

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therapy. Similar results were shown in the DECLARE trialwhere dapagliflozin showed more than 40% decrease in theeGFR, a decrease in progression to end-stage kidney disease,and a decrease in death from a renal outcome. However,multiple factors might have contributed to the ameliorationof kidney function including improved glycemic control,improved blood pressure, and a decrease in glomerularpressure and volume overload.

Furthermore, the results obtained in the CREDENCEtrial support those previously obtained. However, the dia-betic patients on canagliflozin enrolled in this trial showed avery modest difference in the blood glucose level, bodyweight, and blood pressure compared to those on placebo.(is suggests that the mechanism of benefit is likely to beindependent of glycemic control. Further trials with reno-protective outcomes set as the main hypothesis are due inorder to validate the previous results as well as to dwellfurther on the rationale behind kidney function improve-ment. Definitive evidence about the effect of multiple SGLT2inhibitors is likely to be provided in the near future startingwith the ongoing and upcoming clinical trials.

Animal studies on SGLT2 inhibitors and diabetic ne-phropathy were not mentioned in this paper due to theavailability of the above clinical trials.

2.2. DPP-4 Inhibitors and Nephropathy. (e effect of DPP-4inhibitors on diabetic nephropathy was evaluated in manystudies, but few clinical trials about this topic have beenconducted so far.

(e SAVOR-TIMI 53 trial (Saxagliptin Assessment ofVascular Outcomes Recorded in Patients with DiabetesMellitus–(rombolysis in Myocardial Infarction) eval-uated the effect of saxagliptin on renal outcomes in di-abetic patients with cardiovascular risk factors [8]. Atbaseline, diabetic patients had normoalbuminuria (urinealbumin/creatinine ratio (UACR) <30mg/g), micro-albuminuria (UACR 30–300mg/g), or macroalbuminuria(UACR >300mg/g). Treatment with saxagliptin was as-sociated with a statistically significant improvement and/or less deterioration in UACR categories from baseline tothe end of the trial (10.7% in the saxagliptin group versus8.7% in the placebo group). Analyzing the UACR as acontinuous variable also showed reduction in albumin-uria with saxagliptin. However, the change in the eGFRand serum creatinine and initiation of dialysis weresimilar in both the treatment and placebo groups.

TECOS (Trial Evaluating Cardiovascular Outcomes withSitagliptin) is another clinical trial that evaluated chronickidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2diabetes individuals with established cardiovascular diseasetreated with sitagliptin according to their baseline eGFR [9].Results revealed the same rate decline in kidney function inboth the sitagliptin and placebo groups, with a marginallylower but constant eGFR difference. In this study, sitagliptindid not show any clinically significant impact on CKDoutcomes, irrespective of the baseline eGFR.

A third trial, the MARLINA-2DM trial (Modification ofAlbuminuria in Type 2 Diabetes Subjects with Renal Disease

with Linagliptin), aimed to investigate the renal effects oflinagliptin on individuals with type 2 diabetes with baselinemicroalbuminuria or moderate macroalbuminuria [10].Results showed no statistically significant difference in theUACR, although patients treated with linagliptin had areduction in albuminuria compared to those treated withplacebo. (is effect, at best modest, was not associated withany major effects on the eGFR.

Finally, the CARMELINA trial (Cardiovascular Safetyand Renal Microvascular Outcome Study with Linagliptin)aimed to study the nephroprotective effects of linagliptin ontype 2 diabetes patients with a high cardiovascular and renalrisk as a secondary outcome [11]. (e secondary kidneycomposite outcome, as defined by the trial, constitutes first-time occurrence of adjunction-confirmed ESRD, death dueto renal failure, or a sustained decrease of at least 40% in theeGFR from baseline. Results showed no significant differ-ence between patients on linagliptin (9.4%) and those onplacebo (8.8%) with an absolute incidence rate difference of0.22. (e study also had exploratory kidney and micro-vascular outcomes which comprised sustained ESRD ordeath due to renal failure or sustained decrease of 50% ormore in the eGFR and progression of albuminuria. (eresults were similar to those of the secondary outcome withno statistically significant difference between the linagliptinand placebo groups. Progression of albuminuria which wasdefined as the change from normoalbuminuria to micro-albuminuria/macroalbuminuria or change from micro-albuminuria to macroalbuminuria occurred less frequentlyin patients on linagliptin (35.3%) than in those on placebo(38.5%) with an absolute incidence rate difference of 3.18.

Compared to other microvascular complications, ne-phropathy is considered the most studied in major trials onDPP-4 inhibitors including TECOS, SAVOR-TIMI, MAR-LINA, and CARMELINA. A major conclusion to be drawnfrom most of these studies, particularly SAVOR-TIMI andCARMELINA, is the positive effect of DPP-4 inhibitors onprogression of albuminuria. However, the effect of thismedication class on the UACR is still inconclusive as it wasnot proven to be statistically significant in both the TECOSand MARLINA studies.

CARMELINA showed no significant difference in oc-currence of the composite kidney endpoint with linagliptinversus placebo, even after stratifying patients by theirbaseline characteristics.

Few other studies evaluating the effect of DPP-4 in-hibitors on renal function and microalbuminuria have beenconducted with some promising results. However, thesestudies also had major limitations such as a small number ofpatients, short-duration follow-up, absence of the parallelcontrol group, and results either approaching or completelylacking statistical significance.

Animal studies on DPP-4 inhibitors and diabetic ne-phropathy were not mentioned in this paper due to theavailability of the above clinical trials.

2.3. GLP-1 Agonists and Nephropathy. (e LEADER (Lir-aglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes)

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trial, which assessed the effects of liraglutide on type 2 di-abetes subjects with a high cardiovascular risk, showedsignificant benefits of liraglutide on renal endpoints [12].Liraglutide was associated with a statistically significantreduction in nephropathy risk, defined as a composite of theonset of macroalbuminuria, persistent doubling of serumcreatinine, an eGFR ≤45mL/min/1.73m2, for continuousrenal-replacement therapy, or death from renal disease [13].(e renoprotective effects of liraglutide were mainly drivenby the lower incidence of macroalbuminuria [12, 13].

(e ELIXA (Evaluation of Lixisenatide in Acute Coro-nary Syndrome) trial which assessed the effects of lix-isenatide on cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2diabetes who had a recent acute coronary event had onlyanalyzed the change in the UACR as a marker of therenoprotective effect [14]. (is trial showed a modest dif-ference in the UACR in favor of lixisenatide over placebo.

(e SUSTAIN-6 (Semaglutide and CardiovascularOutcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes) trial, whichevaluated the effects of semaglutide, a once weekly GLP-1analogue, on type 2 diabetes patients with established car-diovascular disease, showed some benefits on renal end-points [15]. New or worsening nephropathy defined similarto that in the LEADER trial was significantly lower in thesemaglutide group with lower macroalbuminuria comparedto that in the LEADER trial.

Joined data results from 9 phase II and III trials of theAWARD (Assessment of Weekly Administration of Dula-glutide in Diabetes) study of once weekly dulaglutide did notshow a significant difference neither in serum creatinine norin the eGFR in type 2 diabetes individuals receiving dula-glutide versus those receiving placebo [16]. However, aminor improvement in albuminuria was observed in thedulaglutide group [16].

Study results of the AWARD-7 trial which comparesdulaglutide and lispro to glargine and lispro in type 2 di-abetes patients with moderate-to-severe CKD revealed fa-vorable outcomes in the former [17]. (e eGFR wassignificantly higher with both dulaglutide doses than withinsulin glargine.Moreover, a decline in the eGFR change wassignificantly smaller for both dulaglutide doses comparedwith insulin glargine mainly in patients with macro-albuminuria (insulin glargine, –5.5%; dulaglutide 1.5mg,–0.5%, versus insulin glargine; dulaglutide 0.75mg, –0.7).On the contrary, decreases from baseline in the UACR weresignificant within each group but did not differ significantlybetween groups (insulin glargine, –13.0%; dulaglutide1.5mg, –22.5%, versus insulin glargine; dulaglutide 0.75mg,–20.1%).

Across preclinical and clinical trials, GLP-1 agonistsshowed renoprotective benefits due to effects on bothglomerular endothelium and mesangial cells via the in-hibition of the angiotensin II signaling pathway, inhibitionof the receptor for AGE (RAGE) gene expression inmesangial cells, and reversal of the abnormal elevation ofthe oxidative stress markers [18]. Moving to clinical trials,LEADER and SUSTAIN-6 trials showed significantrenoprotective effects of liraglutide and semaglutidemainly by reducing macroalbuminuria. Similarly, the most

recently published AWARD-7 trial showed renal protec-tion in CKD patients, and such data propose that dula-glutide may have specific therapeutic benefits that can slowprogression of moderate-to-severe chronic kidney diseasein type 2 diabetes patients, specifically those with mac-roalbuminuria. In addition, despite the use of an angio-tensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor and anangiotensin receptor blocker (ARB) in most patients in theAWARD-7 trail, albuminuria decreased mostly in thehigh-dose dulaglutide group suggesting that the effectcould be dose related [17]. Note that the key player leadingto improvement in the three above trials is the baselinepresence of macroalbuminuria. On the contrary, ELIXAand AWARD II/III trials only showed a mild decrease inalbuminuria in patients with normal initial kidney func-tion. (e latest trial with yet unpublished results is theREWIND (Researching Cardiovascular Events with aWeekly Incretin in Diabetes) trial further evaluating theeffect of dulaglutide on renal protection.

However, none of the trials were powered for analysis ofthe individual renal outcomes, although it was a prespecifiedsecondary outcome in the LEADER, SUSTAIN, andAWARD-7 trials. All trials had a short duration of follow-upranging from a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 5 years.(ere were confounding factors that may have led torenoprotective effects including glucose control and use ofother glucose-lowering agents. Future studies with longerdurations assessing nephropathy as a primary outcome willhelp in asserting the renoprotective effect of GLP-1 agonists.

3. Neuropathy

3.1. SGLT2 Inhibitors and Neuropathy. Neither EMPA-REGnor CANVAS, DECLARE, and CREDENCE trials assessedthe effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on neuropathy in type 2diabetes patients, and so far, no human clinical trialsaddressed this association. A study conducted by Takakuraet al. [19] investigated the effect of another SGLT2 inhibitoripragliflozin, not yet approved by the FDA, on the pro-gression of neuropathy in diabetic Torii fatty rats. Motornerve conduction velocity (MNCV) measured on the rightsciatic nerve at 24 weeks of age using the Sharma and(omas method revealed a dose-dependent improvement inrats treated with ipragliflozin versus the diabetic controls.(us, more trials are needed in order to establish theneuroprotective effect exerted by SGLT2 and whether thisclass functions to slow down the neurodegenerative processor completely reverse it.

Further studies have revealed that SGLT2 inhibitorsreverse glucose-induced vascular dysfunction by reducingglucotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation and also byrestoring insulin signaling. (e antioxidant and anti-in-flammatory effects exerted by SGLT2 inhibitors are mostlikely due to their glucose-lowering effects as well as theimproved glucose utilization by restored insulin sensitivityand signaling [20].

Empagliflozin has been reported to cause reduction incellular glucotoxicity. It also prevented oxidative stress,advanced glycation end-product (AGE) signaling, and

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inflammation via NADPH oxidase (NOX) inhibition anddecreased the AGE precursor and methylglyoxal. (isresulted in maintaining a normal endothelial function in thestreptozotocin- (STZ-) treated animal type 1 diabetic model[21].

(us, the animal trials performed so far revealedpromising outcomes in delaying neuropathy. However,human trials need to be conducted in order to assess thereproducibility of these protective outcomes. Moreover,further clinical as well as animal studies should address themode by which ipragliflozin improves neuropathy: whetherthrough a direct mechanism or by simply controlling bloodglucose levels.

3.2. DPP-4 Inhibitors and Neuropathy. Currently, there areno available large randomized clinical trials focusing on theeffects of DPP-4 inhibitors on diabetic neuropathy. Somestudies on this topic have been conducted, although most ofthem are animal studies. Jin et al. [22] conducted a study toevaluate the effect of vildagliptin on peripheral nerve de-generation in streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced male SpragueDawley diabetic rats, which was assessed by measuringintraepidermal nerve fiber density changes. Results showed asignificant reduction (% change) in the decrease of intra-epidermal nerve fiber density in the DPP-4 inhibitor-treatedgroup (normal (10.1%), DM (25.8%), DM with 0.3mg/kgDPP-IV inhibitor (13.3%), and DM with 10mg/kg DPP-IVinhibitor (7.9%)).

Another study conducted by Bianchi et al. [23] inves-tigated the protective effects of vildagliptin analoguePKF275-055 on diabetic neuropathy in STZ-induced dia-betic rats. (ey reported that treatment with PKF275-055restored mechanical sensitivity thresholds by 50% andprogressively improved changes in the thermal respon-siveness in therapeutic experiments [23, 24].

Tsuboi et al. [25] conducted a study on Goto-Kakizaki(GK) rats with diabetic neuropathy. Vildagliptin was shownto improve both nerve conduction velocity and nerve fiberatrophy, in addition to decreasing intraepidermal nerve fiberdensity.

In another study performed by Davidson et al. [26],alogliptin was shown to improve nerve conduction velocityin STZ-induced male Sprague Dawley diabetic rats by im-proving vascular relaxation in epineurial arterioles.

A retrospective cohort study using a large sample fromthe German electronic medical record database was con-ducted by Kolaczynski et al. [27] to compare the effect ofvildagliptin versus sulfonylurea (SU) on diabetic neuropa-thy. Treatment with vildagliptin was associated with a sig-nificant lower incidence of neuropathy when compared withthe SU-treated group.

Another small clinical trial by Da Silva et al. [28] in-cluded patients with uncontrolled diabetes on metforminand glyburide who were randomized to receive eithersitagliptin or bedtime NPH insulin. It was shown that therewas no significant change in sensory and motor nerveconduction parameters in both the two treatment groupsafter 1 year of follow-up.

Animal studies showed promising beneficial effects ofDPP-4 inhibitors on diabetic neuropathy. (ese studiesmainly used vildagliptin, with one study using alogliptin.However, human clinical studies are still scarce in this field.Moreover, the absence of large randomized clinical studiestackling the effects of DPP-4 inhibitors on diabetic neu-ropathy in the long term makes drawing conclusions aboutthe benefits of DPP-4 inhibitors on neuropathy too pre-liminary at this point.

3.3.GLP-1Agonists andNeuropathy. Major trials mentionedpreviously did not assess neuropathy as an outcome. Onlyone study targeting neuropathy and GLP-1 analogues wasconducted in humans. (is study included type 2 diabetespatients with mild to moderate diabetic peripheral neu-ropathy (DPN) who were randomized to receive eitherexenatide twice daily or glargine [29]. Exenatide did notreduce the prevalence of established DPN, did not affectelectrophysiology or measures of small fiber neuropathy,and had no effect on symptoms or signs of DPN. On thecontrary, Exendin-4 in preclinical trials showed beneficialeffects on diabetic polyneuropathy and peripheral nervedegeneration [30]. In addition, exenatide and liraglutide inanimal models with diabetes provided some neuroprotectiveeffects [30].

(e effect of GLP-1 agonists on neuropathy is not wellstudied. Preclinical trials showed benefits of GLP-1 agonistson DPN. (e published human study is limited by the smallsample size and the short study duration [26]. (us, theanimal studies showing GLP-1 benefits on neuropathy arenot be extrapolated to humans. Hence, this complicationmust be assessed further in human studies through ran-domized trials with longer follow-up durations.

4. Retinopathy

4.1. SGLT2 Inhibitors and Retinopathy. Trials so far did notaddress the effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on diabetic reti-nopathy. Similar to mesangial kidney cells, retinal pericytesemploy SGLT2 receptors for glucose uptake [31]. Studieshave shown that, during early phases of diabetic retinopathy(DR), pericytes begin to swell and are eventually lost,resulting in microaneurysm formation, bleeding, and pro-liferative changes in the retina [32]. A case report byYoshizumi et al. [33] reported an improvement of visualacuity as well as diabetic macular edema measured by opticcoherence tomography in a 63-year-old female with a 7-yearhistory of diabetic retinopathy.

Again the study conducted by Takakura et al. [19] in-vestigated the effect of the SGLT2 inhibitor ipragliflozin onthe progression of retinopathy in diabetic Torii fatty rats.Morphological examination of cataract formation wasconducted on weekly basis via a slit lamp to measure lensopacity. Wave patterns’ peak latency was also measured inthese rats via electroretinograms at 18 weeks of age. Diabeticrats not on ipragliflozin showed prolonged peak latenciescompared to nondiabetic rats. (is prolongation has beenreduced dose-dependently in rats on ipragliflozin.

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Histopathology also revealed that rats on ipragliflozinshowed mild lens fiber degeneration and a lower incidenceof epithelial hypertrophy/proliferation compared to non-treated diabetics.

To date, limited clinical as well as animal data areavailable regarding the effect of SGLT2 inhibitors on diabeticretinopathy. (us, more trials are needed to understand thebasis of the limited results at hand and whether the reductionin prolonged peak latency, epithelial hypertrophy, and lensfiber degeneration is a direct effect of SGLT2 inhibitors or isjust secondary to glycemic control.

4.2. DPP-4 Inhibitors and Retinopathy. Similar to neurop-athy, there are no available large randomized clinical trialsfocusing on the effect of DPP-4 inhibitors on diabetic ret-inopathy. Available studies are mainly experimental onesconducted on animals.

Gonçalves et al. [34] conducted a study using sita-gliptin on STZ-induced diabetic rats (type 1 and 2 dia-betes) to test its effect on retinopathy. (e breakdown ofthe blood-retinal barrier (BRB) caused by diabetes wasassessed by Evans blue dye. Results showed that treatmentwith sitagliptin significantly prevented BRB breakdown indiabetic rats as well as decreased the retinal inflammatorystate and neuronal apoptosis by a mechanism independentof glycemic control.

Another experimental study was conducted by Maeda elal. [35] using vildagliptin in obese rats with type 2 diabetes.Results showed that treatment with vildagliptin inhibited theoverexpression of the genes (vascular endothelial growthfactor, intercellular adhesion molecule-1, plasminogen ac-tivator inhibitor-1, and pigment epithelium-derived factor)caused by diabetes.

(us, vildagliptin showed a protective role against di-abetic retinopathy by inhibiting inflammatory and throm-bogenic reactions in the retinas of these rats.

Dietrich et al. [36] performed a study on STZ-diabeticWistar rats to test the effect of linagliptin on the retinalneurovascular unit. Rats on linagliptin showed a preventiveeffect on the loss of pericytes and retinal ganglion cells. (estudy also revealed a 70% reduction in the increase inacellular capillaries caused by diabetes as well as a 73%reduction of the rise in Iba-1-positive microglia. (us, thedata suggest that linagliptin has a protective effect on themicrovasculature of the diabetic retina, most likely due to acombination of neuroprotective and antioxidative effects onthe neurovascular unit.

A clinical study conducted by Ott et al. [37] aimed toevaluate the effect of saxagliptin on early retinal micro-vascular changes by measuring retinal perfusion and pulsewave pressure. Retinal capillary flow (RCF) and centralsystolic blood pressure were both reduced significantly aftertreatment with saxagliptin, suggesting a potential effect onimproving central hemodynamics and protecting renalmicrovessels.

Another clinical study was conducted by Chung et al.[38] retrospectively reviewing the medical records of pa-tients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. (is

study aimed to investigate the effects of DPP-4 inhibitors onthe progression of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type2 diabetes based on the diabetic retinopathy severity scale.Treatment with DPP-4 inhibitors significantly reduced theprogression of diabetic retinopathy in patients after pro-pensity score matching when compared to treatment withother oral diabetes medications, independent of glycemiccontrol.

Again, Kolaczynski et al. [27] in their retrospectivecohort study using a large sample from the German elec-tronic medical record database also compared the effect ofvildagliptin versus sulfonylurea on diabetic retinopathy.Treatment with vildagliptin was associated with a significantlower incidence of retinopathy when compared with thesulfonylurea-treated group in this clinical setting.

Opposing study results were reported by Lee et al. [39]who used various in vivo and in vitro diabetic retinopathymodels. (ey demonstrated that DPP-4 inhibitors lead todisruption of endothelial cell-to-cell junctions causing in-creased retinal vascular permeability and leakage. (eseresults, albeit preclinical, raised concerns of the safety ofDPP-4 inhibitors with diabetic retinopathy in type 2 diabetespatients.

To date, limited clinical data are available regarding theeffect of DPP-4 inhibitors on diabetic retinopathy. However,available data have shown that the use of this class in diabeticpatients enhances vascular homeostasis and possibly nor-malizes early diabetic retinopathy-related hemodynamicchanges [18, 39].

A single, opposing preclinical study result would notoutweigh the multiple benefits that we have observed fromthe aforementioned studies to date, but the multiple limi-tations of these studies do warrant a careful interpretation[18].

4.3. GLP-1Agonists andRetinopathy. (e LEADER trial [12]showed that the incidence of retinopathy, defined as theneed for retinal photocoagulation or treatment with intra-vitreal agents, vitreous hemorrhage, or the onset of diabetes-related blindness, was nonsignificantly higher in the lir-aglutide group than in the placebo group.

(e SUSTAIN-6 trial [15] showed a drawback on reti-nopathy in patients on semaglutide. (e semaglutide grouphad significantly higher retinopathy complications (vitreoushemorrhage, onset of diabetes-related blindness, and theneed for treatment with an intravitreal agent or retinalphotocoagulation) compared to the placebo group. How-ever, the majority of complications occurred in patients whoalready had baseline retinopathy [16].

Discrepancy was observed between the results of pre-clinical and clinical trials. Based on several preclinical trials,GLP-1 and its agonists have a protective effect against di-abetic retinopathy through their antiapoptotic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms by reversing and inhibiting earlychanges, such as neurodegeneration and BRB permeability[18].

On the contrary, the LEADER trial [12] had shown anonsignificant increase in retinopathy events, while the

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SUSTAIN-6 trial [15] showed a significant increase in ret-inopathy incidence. Several factors to explain the discrep-ancies were listed by Simo and Hernandez [40] including theshort duration of the trials, absence of grading of diabeticretinopathy, rapid lowering of HbA1c, and a possible directeffect of semaglutide on the retina.

A post hoc analysis of SUSTAIN trails showed no in-equity in diabetic retinopathy adverse events across SUS-TAIN 1 to 5. (e majority of the effect with semaglutideversus placebo in SUSTAIN-6 may be related to the mag-nitude and speediness of HbA1c reduction early in treat-ment in patients who had preexisting DR and poor glycemiccontrol at baseline and who were treated with insulin [41]. Aretrospective study evaluating the effect of exenatide ondiabetic retinopathy showed that exenatide was associated

with transient worsening of diabetic retinopathy despiteimprovement in glycemic control. However, retinopathyimproved with continued treatment in the majority of cases[42, 43].

A recent review of the Food and Drug AdministrationAdverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) hypothesized thatsemaglutide and retinopathy progression could be due torapid improvement in blood control [44].

(erefore, abrupt improvement in glycemia may be atrigger for worsening retinopathy in diabetic patients whoare poorly controlled. Further trials to evaluate the effects ofGLP-1 analogues on retinopathy should be performed, andnew guidelines to monitor retinopathy progression in pa-tients on GLP-1 analogues who have baseline diabetic ret-inopathy and poorly controlled diabetes should be initiated.

Table 1: Overview of the renal protective studies.

Authors Study Treatment Size Duration Population OutcomeWanner andMarx [1]

EMPA-REGOUTCOME Empagliflozin 7020 3.1 years DM II

High CV risk Decreased nephropathy

Neal et al. [5] CANVAS Canagliflozin 10142 3.6 years DM IIHigh CV risk Decreased albuminuria

Marso et al.[12] LEADER Liraglutide 9340 3.8 years DM II

High CV riskDecreased nephropathy and

macroalbuminuriaPfeffer et al.[14] ELIXA Lixisenatide 6068 2.1 years DM II

Recent ACS Decreased UACR

Marso et al.[15] SUSTAIN-6 Semaglutide 3297 2 yrs DM II

High CV riskDecreased nephropathy and


Tuttle et al. [16] AWARD II/III Dulaglutide 6005 0.5 years DM II No eGFR changeDecreased UACR

Tuttle et al. [17] AWARD-7 Dulaglutide 577 1 yearDM II

Moderate-to-severe CKD

Less eGFR decline in dulaglutide versusglargine

Decreased UACR in each group, notsignificant when compared to glargine

Wiviott et al.[6] DECLARE Dapagliflozin 17160 4.2 years DM II

+/– High CV riskLower eGFR, ESRD, and death from renal


Perkovic et al.[7] CREDENCE Canagliflozin 4401 2.62




Lower eGFR, ESRD, Cr doubling, and deathfrom renal cause

CV: cardiovascular; ACS: acute coronary syndrome; CKD: chronic kidney disease; ACEI: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; DM II: diabetes mellitustype 2; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD: end-stage renal disease; UACR: urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio; Cr: creatinine.

Table 2: Overview of the neurological protective studies.

Authors Treatment Size DurationPopulation

OutcomeClinical Animal

Takakura et al. [19] Ipragliflozin 44 12 weeks SDT fatty and SD rats Reduced prolonged peak latencyImproved MNCV

Tsuboi et al. [25] Vildagliptin 30 18 weeks Goto-Kakizaki (GK)DM rats

Improved nerve conduction velocityand atrophy

Davidson et al. [26] Alogliptin 32 12 weeks STZ-induced DM rats Improved nerve conduction velocityKolaczynski et al.[27] Vildagliptin 16321 — DM II Lower incidence of neuropathy

Da Silva et al. [28] Sitagliptin 30 1 year DM II No benefit on nerve conduction

Jaiswal et al. [29] Exenatide 42 1.5 yearsDM II


No effect on neuropathy

DM II: diabetes mellitus type 2; MNCV: motor neuron conduction velocity; DPN: diabetic peripheral neuropathy; DM: diabetes mellitus; SD: SpragueDawley; SDT: spontaneously diabetic Torii; STZ: streptozotocin.

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5. Conclusion

Both SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists appear to havepromising nephroprotective outcomes at this stage, with lesspromising outcomes seen in DPP-4 inhibitors (Table 1).However, more studies are due in order to understand therationale behind these outcomes and the benefits of thesediabetes medications. On the contrary, the neuroprotectiveoutcome has still not been assessed in human clinical trials asneither a primary nor a secondary outcome in the threeclasses of drugs mentioned in this study. So far, the results athand are based on a few studies mainly conducted on rats(Table 2). Finally, the retinoprotective effect exerted by bothSGLT2 inhibitors and DPP-4 inhibitors was only tested onmice with no human clinical trial conducted yet, while thatof GLP-1 agonists was assessed in few trials. However, theresults of both GLP-1 agonists and DPP-4 inhibitors showeddiscrepancies in the different conducted trials (Table 3). Allin all, a clearer picture of the microvascular outcomes willmanifest over time with the release of the multiple upcomingclinical trials.

Conflicts of Interest

(e authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Authors’ Contributions

Both the corresponding authors SA and AE defined theresearch question. CM wrote about the SGLT2 inhibitors,RR wrote about the DPP-4 inhibitors, and ABK wrote aboutthe GLP-1 agonists. All the authors contributed to the

interpretation of the results, revised the manuscript, andapproved the final version of this manuscript.


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Authors/Study Treatment Size DurationPopulation

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riskIncreased retinopathy

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riskIncreased retinopathy

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