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    They laugh at our sorrow, glory in our pain, and revel in our confusion.

    Ghosts have passed beyond the physical needs that were once all they knew. Now they strive to make sense

    of what they are and why they have not passed on -- if there is anywhere to pass on to. Madness consumes

    them as they consume each other. Unexplained imprisonment, never ending, never ceasing, wailing for


    Within Shades of the Harrowingyou find the unbridled existence of Ghosts detailed with powers and

    descriptions of their changing beings. These creatures are the most vitally roleplay-intensive. Unable to endthey merely change from one personality to the next, an incorporeal web of unimaginable proportions.

    "Whoever wishes to keep

    a secret must hide the fact

    that he possesses one."


    Theatre of the Shadows Playtest EditionEverything included is property of Paul Allen Timm,

    1997 Silver Shadows Publishing

    This game is primarily about interaction or depending on how you look at it, interference. Since these

    creatures have no real life of their own, they relish the myriad ways they can affect the lives of others. After

    all if a Ghosts plans are interrupted or altered, it usually only results in annoying them. Rarely are they ever

    actually put out by the success or failure of others. Many Ghosts have been known to assist both sides in a

    conflict rather then let the situation be resolved. But even this can eventually lead to boredom, which forces

    the damned soul to create even more intricate forms of entertainment.

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    Ghosts are brought into being in any number of ways, but they all have one thing in common: they are

    virtually isolated from everything they once knew. No one has come to ferry these souls across the great river

    Styx. Valkyeries have not appeared to escort these creatures to Valhalla. The Ankou has not brought his

    carriage to collect them. They are alone.

    This is not to say that the afterlife is completely devoid of purpose, it just means that each soul must ascertain

    his own raison dtre. As the soul becomes more acclimated to his new state and comes to understand theenergies that continue his existence, he is better able to exert influence on his surroundings.

    Once the mortal shell is shaken off and the cares and concerns of existence are found to be unnecessary, a

    soul is left with only the core elements of his being. Primarily, there are two components to the soul:

    memories and emotions. What would a Ghost be if there werent the memories of his past for him to hold on

    to? And since physical feeling is denied the dead, only the strong currents generated by emotions help the soul

    maintain a grip on his sanity.

    Many Ghosts find purpose and relief from the tedium of existence by participating in the lives of others. This

    is one of the most important concepts in the game. A new Ghost who is relatively weak in power cannot do

    much of anything. Often he cant even communicate with those he left behind. This isolation and despairbegins to take over the creature, especially if he runs afoul of those stronger than himself. As the Ghost gains

    power, he discovers that there areways to affect the physical world. Sure, hell spend time reveling in these

    new powers as he wreaks havoc on the mortal population, but within a short amount of time hell see that its

    just too easy. Eventually, hell turn his eyes to the others that inhabit the world of Dark Reality.

    Without this process Ghosts would simply be mindless souls wandering through the world; never seeking to

    accomplish anything, never able to interact with anyone except other mindless souls. Some historians and

    researchers have studied wretched, oblivious souls such as this and concluded that all Ghosts are the same;

    that they cannot affect the world or have absolutely no interest in it. This is so far from the truth as to be

    ridiculous. Its just that as Ghosts develop the power needed to affect the world around them, their sights

    gradually become set on more dangerous game. They will not hesitate to interfere with anything and anyone

    if it suits their plans to do so. Think of a child and an anthill: normally kids could care less about a mound of

    ants, theyre literally beneath notice. But every now and then, some crazed plan seizes the kid and he floods

    the hill with a hose, or brings out a magnifying glass, or even pulls the aerosol bug spray and lighter

    combination. When asked why he did such a thing, the response usually follows along the lines of, To see

    what would happen. Ghosts.

    Sometimes a Ghost will play the role of guardian angel and follow a loved one throughout their life, giving aid

    and assistance when needed. Other times, the Ghost will latch onto a victim and make their life a living hell.

    More often though, a Ghost will jump headlong into a situation and just stir up events in order to keep

    things interesting. Boredom and tedium are two things that Ghosts try to eradicate when possible. You try

    spending a couple of centuries just sitting around. You get to a point where you can notice the signs of

    stagnation setting in.

    Ghosts, being reduced to a state that some describe as pure emotional energy, seem to have more control and

    influence over a greater range of emotions and feelings than any other type of creature. Most supernatural

    creatures can only enjoy and manipulate the most basic forms of feeling: love, hate, sadness, happiness, fear,

    and desire. Ghosts have lost most of societys emotional restrictions and tend to act on whatever impulses

    they feel at any given moment. It is this constant indulgence of the self that keeps a Ghost in touch with the

    finer aspects of feeling an emotion. For example, Ghosts who delve into these things understand the blurry

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    line that separates desire, lust, and greed. Although they all seem like varieations on the I want! principle,

    there is a distinction between the three that only a Ghost is able to exploit to its fullest.

    Nothing is known for certain about the existence of some great plan for the soul after death. Most souls do, infact, move on to something. Whether that something is a paradise of never ending torture is unknown.

    Death does not grant anyone assurances about an afterlife even the Fallen do not know what awaits them

    when they die. It seems that only those whose transition is interfered with in some way are left to remain here

    as Ghosts. And it seems that transition is a one shot deal. If you dont go wherever youre supposed to,

    when youre supposed to, you dont go at all; there is no second chance.

    It is said that there are many living humans that look forward to the death of their mortal shell: the terminally

    ill, those that suffer every day in pain, people who long for something better, those who have simply given up,

    and many others. They all look forward to a release, a change. Ghosts are forever denied that experience, and

    with complete understanding of that fact, madness is the undeniable result.

    Ghosts cannot be destroyed. No matter if their life force is reduced to nothing, they simply discorporate for atime and eventually reform. A little weaker for the trouble, but they do come back. Even those powerful souls

    that are able to devour other Ghosts do not actually destroy their victims; instead, they absorb them. The

    collected knowledge, personality, and experiences are randomly blended into a new composite creature. This

    is why devouring, although an easy way to gain power, is not pursued by wiser individuals. Split

    personalities, incoherent memories, and utter chaos await those that seek this path.

    It is important to realize that Ghosts do not get a chance to move on; it isnt an option open to them. Of

    course, they dont knowthat in the beginning. Some poor Ghost may accomplish his last wish (seeing that a

    stolen treasure is returned to its owner) thinking that he gets to pass on. Hes waiting nothing happens.

    Maybe, he thinks, I have to atone for something else Ive done. He continues for a while doing what he

    thinks are good deeds, but still nothing happens. As he grows in power, he meets other, older Ghosts. Theylet him know that theyve been around for centuries waiting to be set free. But it hasnt happened yet. This

    is when he realizes that Ghosts are truly forsaken. In defiance and anger, he sets off on a terrorizing spree. He

    has realized a tiny bit of the consequences in becoming a Ghost. He cant pass on, change, or die. The only

    hope, held by a small few, is there must be something theyve overlooked. Maybe, the universe does have a

    plan for them, but theyve got to wait until the end of existence to find out what it is.

    These are the two paths a Ghost has once he truly accepts his fate: either be devoured and continue on as a

    fragment of someone elses life, or seek enough power to protect yourself from being devoured and in the

    process go insane.

    Ghosts do not exist in some metaphysical other world. Ghosts do not travel to a land of the dead; they are

    trapped here. Their continued presence on the earth is exactly that on the earth, right here, among us,

    everywhere. They see the same things we do, hear the things we hear, and sometimes, touch what we touch.

    Remember, these creatures were once mortal. Although they very quickly lose interest in the mortal world,

    they still carry with them the passions and motivations they had in life. For this reason you will often find

    Ghosts that are greedy, manipulative, vengeful, even power hungry. Of course, there are those that are loving,

    giving and full of self-sacrifice but unless theyre strong (or have strong allies) they tend not to last long.

    What passes for a Ghosts society is not all that different from the world of mortals. Wars occur over

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    philosophies, territories, and insults (perceived and intended). Kingdoms are formed, unite, and are destroyed.

    Various Ghosts and their Covens represent all cultures throughout time. There are some Ghosts that rule over

    a territory like a feudal lord, with vassals, serfs, and protectors. There are others who exist in small bands that

    travel the world telling their stories and performing for any who will listen. Strange, esoteric cabals continue

    to research and study the mystical writings of the ages.

    The afterlife is to be explored; there is no certainty here. There are game systems that present everything for

    the player in one neat package (This is the world your character lives in). Shades of the Harrowinghas no

    such guarantees. One territory could indeed have savage slavers that trap unwary souls and bind them asservants. And yet another could be a simple commune of the dead. One Coven may have strict laws and rules

    about associating with Vampires, and another may even include them as members. In this game, you could be

    the one who creates a kingdom out of nothing more than a few loyal friends.

    First it must be understood that the following descriptions are for the average, generic Ghost; certain powersexist that can alter any or all of these principles. Also, a Ghost is normally completely and utterly invisible to

    mortals. Supernatural creatures can detect wispy, ethereal, insubstantial (although identifiable) form, but

    mortals remain completely oblivious to the existence of the Ghost.

    One of the best metaphors for this concept is the radio. While there are hundreds of different radio

    frequencies, a receiver can normally pick up only one at a time. The mortal is exactly like the radio; she is

    tuned to one frequency and thats all she can pick up. It is up to the Ghost to shift his own frequency in order

    for her to notice him at all. Supernatural creatures are similar to a badly tuned radio; they can perceive part of

    the Ghost just like a listener can hear a bit of bleed through from another radio frequency. Again, its up to

    the Ghost to shift his own frequency in order to interact with someone in a different frequency. Anyone thats

    in the same frequency can interact freely at all times.

    For the purposes of Dark Reality, this is considered the natural state of the Ghost. In this state, the Ghost

    can interact freely with other Ghosts or those in a ghost-like state. The Ghost can move freely through

    physical objects such as walls, floors, ceilings, and people. While insubstantial, the Ghost is also unrestricted

    by gravity and most of the laws of physics. Ghosts can fly, hover, and soar through the air at will. They can

    also travel inside a car, plane, or subway car just as easily as they can let it pass right through them. Of

    course, if the car was insubstantial it wouldnt be able to pass through the Ghost.

    Direct, physical contact with any corporeal creatures is impossible. Sometimes a power description will make

    reference to touching the intended target; passing a hand through the target can also satisfy this requirement.

    The Ghost cannot be involved in any physical interactions and will not take any Normal or Execrated

    Damage from a corporeal creature or object. Only powers that deliver Consecrated Damage in a direct

    fashion will cause damage to the Ghost (if the power itself is used on an object and that object is used against

    the Ghost, it will have no effect). Also unless powers stating otherwise are gained, the Ghost can cause no

    direct physical damage to corporeal creatures while in this state.

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    Powers used by an insubstantial creature against another insubstantial creature work as written. For example:

    A Vampire is corporeal and tries to useEnkindlingon a Ghost. It doesnt work because the

    corporeal Vampire cant cause damage to the insubstantial Ghost. Now, if that Vampire shifts into

    Ghostly Visageand becomes insubstantial, its a different story. If he now usesEnkindling

    against the Ghost, it works perfectly fine. But he couldnt useEnkindlingon a corporeal creature

    while hes insubstantial.

    Some sort of signal is needed to let other players know that a character is in this state; it would be

    rather obvious. We recommend a small strip of gauzy, white material (2 by 6) be pinned to your

    shoulder. If you go invisible or corporeal, take it off.

    A Ghost can normally only achieve this state through the powers of either the Manifesting, Death,or the

    Possessioncharts. While in this state, the Ghost can interact freely with others who are also corporeal.Obviously, the Ghost cannot pass through solid objects in this state. In other words, a Ghost who is corporeal

    is treated just like any other corporeal creature.

    A Ghost in this state will suffer any and all damage that successfully hits him (Normal, Execrated, or

    Consecrated). In this state, Normal Damage will affect the Ghost as follows: For every 30 points of Normal

    Damage taken in one round, the Ghosts Reaction Score is reduced by three for one round. So if the Ghost is

    hit for 60 points of Normal Damage, his Reaction Score is at a 3 for two rounds, 90 points of Normal

    Damage would leave Reaction Score at 3 for three rounds, and so on. Additionally for every 30 points of

    Normal Damage the Ghost suffersfrom one sourcein one round, hell be stunned for one round.

    Notice that while a Ghost is possessing or inhabiting another creature or an object, he is considered corporeal.Within the limits of the power being used, the Ghost can communicate, touch, and interact with the corporeal

    world. Additionally, the Ghost always suffers all forms of damage while in this form.

    Though technically not a State of Beingfor a Ghost, visibility/invisibility can be tricky, so it gets its own


    As stated, a Ghost is normally always invisible (and inaudible) to the average, witless mortal. A mortal can be

    made to see a Ghost through various illusions, manifestations, and possessions. Occasionally a mortal willcome along who can sense the Ghosts presence see her, hear her, or just know that shes there.

    As far as other supernatural creatures go, they will most often see the Ghost as a standard, wispy,

    insubstantial form. Again, through the use of certain powers, the Ghost can make herself invisible to other

    creatures. Depending on the power used, the Ghost can be insubstantial or corporeal when this occurs. If the

    Ghost is invisible and corporeal, she will still take damage from other corporeal sources that manage to hit

    her. And likewise, if insubstantial, she will still take damage from others in a like state as well as any direct,

    targeted Consecrated Damage.

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    Before we even get into what is cool and unique about Ghosts in this section, Im going to define the three

    types of damage that can occur in Dark Reality. Thisll be real quick, because its covered later in the section,

    Roleplaying the Game.

    Normal Damage:The result of any normal force or weapon. A gun, a fist, a vase over the skull, a very largetwo by four with nails in it, and so on. If applicable, this damage is subtracted from the Ghosts (Current

    Dynamic Point Total) CDPT and can possibly stun him.

    Execrated Damage:Any damage caused from a supernatural or mystical source. Powers, claws, sharp pointy

    werewolf/vampire/zombie teeth are a few examples. If applicable, this damage is subtracted directly from the

    Ghosts CDPT.

    Consecrated Damage:This is damage caused from holy sources. Consecrated Damage is always a

    percentage that is calculated on the Ghosts DPT. That total is then subtracted from his CDPT.

    Ghosts that are insubstantial will never take Execrated or Normal Damage from a corporeal being, only

    Consecrated Damage. The Consecrated Damage must be directly aimed at the Ghost. It cannot be a

    Consecrated object as the object itself will pass right through the Ghost. Think of it this way, the Consecrated

    Damage must go directly from the source that created it to the Ghost, with nothing in-between.

    You can also imagine Consecration as water. People can enter water for extended periods and the water itself

    does no harm to them. But if you direct a stream of water with enough pressure at a human body, it can cause

    tremendous damage. The same thing for Ghosts. Being around Consecrated ground or a Consecrated object is

    not a problem. Having pure Consecration aimed directly at you is another story. [This only works for true

    Ghosts, not everyone in Ghost form.] Likewise, True Faith does not normally harm a Ghost as true faith in

    and of itself is not Consecrated; it just has a nasty affect on Vampires and the Diabolic. There are thoseGhosts who have developed a vulnerability to true faith because of certain powers theyve attained or curses

    theyve placed.

    An insubstantial Ghost is still affected by any non-damaging effects of any powers that fulfill all the

    restrictions of the power itself (eye contact, DPT restrictions etc., but not touch). For example, if a Vampire

    uses the Mind & Heart / BeastpowerIgniting the Pool, an insubstantial Ghost in the area of effect will not

    take the damage but will be affected by the emotion (if his DPT is less than the Vampires as per the power


    Likewise it is incredibly difficult for a Ghost to cause direct, physical damage to anyone not in the same state

    (corporeal or insubstantial) as she is. Therefore, those in the same state can interact freely with each other(hit, damage, touch, etc.).

    Regarding the effects of powers used against insubstantial ghosts:

    Wed love to be able to say, use common sense. However, experience has shown very strongly that

    definitions that are common sense are far from common, so here goes. An action that requires a victim to be

    physical for any part of its effect wont work on a Ghost. Any form of Normal or Execrated Damage wont

    work because theres nothing there to damage. Stunning effects may or may not work depending on how they

    are caused: an area suddenly becoming cold wont have any affect, but a sound based attack would stun a

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    Ghost as well as anyone. All emotion based, telepathic, and confusion-oriented powers (that dont require

    touching the victim) will work. Remember that although two powers may have the same final outcome, how

    they accomplish that result is very important in this game.

    Just remember that if a power requires the user (corporeal) to touch the victim (insubstantial Ghost) then the

    power fails. If the Ghost is corporeal, then its almost all fair game. Equally important is that the Ghosts are

    never subject to any Shadow dominant powers corporeal or otherwise. That means any power from the

    Vampire charts that being with Shadow/.

    If a Ghost is ever reduced to zero CDPT, he is not destroyed. Instead he is forced to discorporate for a period

    of one week per 25 points of his DPT. While discorporate, he has no awareness of what is going on in the

    world. He can take no actions and cannot communicate with anyone. Anyone trying to contact him through

    the various mystical means will not be able to reach him and theres a one in ten chance that they will be

    stunned for one round due to the overwhelming nothingness that they experience.

    When the Ghost manages to recorporate (in the same location he discorporated from) his maximum DPT isreduced by one third. So, a 300 DPT Ghost is discorporated. When he reforms after 12 weeks, his DPT

    maximum will now be 200. The Ghost always loses his highest color/shape levels first and he will never

    recorporate with less than 30 DPT.

    Also, the Ghost will recorporate with a random personality trait as his core trait. This new trait will now

    occupy two spaces on the characters personality Matrix (see Releasement).

    Although it sounds like Ghosts rarely ever take damage, this is far from the case. Most, Ghosts actually cause

    large amounts of damage to themselves. Unless otherwise noted, anytime a Ghost uses a power, he loses 5

    points from his CDPT. This expenditure of energy needed to interact with the Ghosts surroundings is called

    exaction. Exaction is subtracted directly from the Ghosts CDPT (just like Execrated Damage). There are

    some instances, curses most often, where exaction is treated like Consecrated Damage. In this case, the

    exaction is a percentage that is figured on the Ghosts maximum DPT and then subtracted from the CDPT.

    In most cases, a Ghost must return to his Sanctum and spend time there in isolation before he can recover

    these lost CDPT points. There are a few powers that allow for rapid healing or siphoning of DPT.

    This extremely dangerous practice is relatively easy to accomplish. All a Ghost has to do is plunge his hand

    deep into his victims chest and draw forth her soul (she must have a soul for this to work spirits dont

    count). The soul is a tricky object to catch, even for a Ghost, and takes four rounds to pin down completely.

    During this time if the Ghost is separated from his victim, he takes 10% Consecrated Damage. If he is

    successful however, he has the option of absorbing the soul, in which case he will gain 10% of its DPT as his

    own (and those points are immediately added to his CDPT). If he chooses not to absorb the soul, it will be

    reabsorbed by its body within five rounds. The victim will be quite groggy for at least three rounds after she

    regains her soul. While out of body, the victim experiences a loss of time as well as perception. If there is

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    no body for the soul to return to and the Ghost doesnt devour the soul, then the soul begins its new existence

    as a Ghost (30DPT).

    There are two major conditions to devouring: the victim must be of lesser DPT than the Ghost and the

    Ghost must have been in the same state as the intended victim (corporeal or insubstantial, as well as

    visible or invisible) for a minimum of three rounds prior to beginning the procedure.

    As stated before, if a victim is absorbed in this manner, the Ghost must incorporate aspects of herbackground, goals, and desires into his personality. Even the DPT that he gains can only be used in charts that

    the victimpossessed. If the victim is not another Ghost, then he can only use the absorbed DPT to boost

    charts he already has points in.

    If the victim is another Ghost and has devoured other souls, these other souls are placed further into a passive

    mode. Each and every soul involved is aware of what is happening, but these weaker souls are completely

    helpless and have no chance of attaining dominance. They are the truly damned for they have the knowledge

    that their power and their very essence is being used only to further someone elses goals while they can only

    observer what is to come.

    There is a fine distinction to be made here. Devouring does not mean the character has actually died;being devoured doesnt set the soul free. The character that is devoured is actually made a part of the

    devouring Ghost. Of course that doesnt help the player; hes still without a character to play. Powers

    that allow someone to contact the victim will simply not make contact.

    There is a limit to how many times a Ghost can withstand the strain of devouring another soul (see

    Releasement); the control involved in maintaining a dominant personality is staggering. Once the Ghost has

    reached his limit, the sheer volume of memories, passions, experiences and perspectives has overcome the

    mental barriers of the character and madness has finally made its claim.

    The character is still not dead, not destroyed. There is no restful oblivion for any of the souls trapped in thenow insane Ghost. Instead, all of the trapped souls fight for dominance in a never-ending succession. The only

    thing that is comprehensible to the rest of the universe is the horrific wailing that can be felt on a

    subconscious, ineffable-level by all beings within 50 yards of the pitiful creature. This baleful, mournful sound

    will usually manifest itself as fits of depression, suicidal temptations, nightmares, and severe loneliness to all

    that are exposed to it. The Ghost has now become a Banshee.

    Ghosts exude an other-worldly presence called the Haunting. Theories abound as to the nature of this force,

    but it always surrounds the Ghost and makes his presence known in subtle ways. Rooms get just a bit colder,

    animals may act oddly, the air feels heavier, and mortals always seem a bit more edgy than normal. If a Ghost

    stays in one area for a time, the area itself begins to take on features of the Haunting as well and becomes

    whats called a Sanctum.

    One of the oddest aspects of the Haunting, is that it doesnt change. No matter how powerful the Ghost

    becomes or how many Ghosts are present, the Haunting remains constant. This has proven very useful to

    Ghost Covens who wish to disguise their numbers or their true power levels.

    The Haunting is closely related to a Vampires Knowing, but it is not the same thing (even though many

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    unfortunate creatures have confused one for the other). The effects of the Haunting are the same for every

    Ghost, but the Knowing varies for each Vampire. The Haunting doesnt change with the power of the Ghost,

    but the Knowing grows stronger as the Vampire does. They both remain constant within themselves; they

    dont get more intense the closer you get to the source.

    The Haunting (and for that matter, the Knowing too) does not function as a radar device. Actually, if youre

    inside the range of a Ghosts Haunting, then you dont know if one is around. Also, if a Ghost is corporeal in a

    crowd of creatures, no one can tell who is the Ghost just be sensing the Haunting. If a creature is already

    within one Ghosts Haunting range, they wont detect another Ghosts approach.

    Think of the Haunting (or the Knowing) as someone with cologne or perfume. If youre that person and you

    smell something thats not you, youre pretty safe guessing its the other guy. If youre in a small restaurant

    with a few friends and you detect a whiff of Old Spice, then you know someone in the area has it, but

    youre not sure who. If youre in a crowd of people who are all wearing fragrances, its eve harder to pin any

    one of them down.

    In the case of Vampires though suppose a Ghost is talking to three Vampires and the Knowing and

    Haunting levels are pretty stable. If the Ghost suddenly feels a surge in the Knowing level, it might be a safe

    guess that someone more powerful is somewhere in the area, but its impossible to tell in what direction, how

    far away, who it is, etc.

    A Ghost can create a Sanctum by staying in one area (a room, a house, a section of a park, etc) for three days.

    To determine the size of the Ghosts Haunting range (which is the same as the maximum size of his Sanctum)

    take the Ghosts DPT as the number of feet in diameter of the area. So, a 300 DPT Ghost could have a

    Sanctum 300 feet in diameter. This covers a spherical area.

    The Ghost can now actually gain strength simply by being in this area. For every three consecutive hours theGhost remains within his Sanctum, he regains 25% of his DPT to his CDPT. Remember that the CDPT can

    never be higher than the DPT. There is no credit for partial time spent in a Sanctum; its always in three hour


    In order to maintain the Sanctums special properties, the Ghost must spend a minimum of three consecutive

    hours there at least once every three days. This is called replenishing the Sanctum. If a Sanctum is not

    replenished once every three days, then its special properties for that Ghost cease to exist and he will have to

    recreate it.

    Notice that in order to create one Sanctum, the Ghost must stay there for three days. If the Ghost wanted to

    create another Sanctum, he would have to stay there three days (72 hours) and so the first Sanctum wouldcease to provide any benefits. In other words, without specific powers, the Ghost can only have on Sanctum

    (plus his place of death/burial) at a time.

    The Ghost will always have one place as an automatic Sanctum that does not have to be created and

    does not have to be replenished: either his place of death orhis place of burial.

    A Sanctum must be affixed to the Earth. Portable objects like cars, necklaces, or a sword are not valid

    locations for a Sanctum. It must be a physical place in the generic sense of the word.

    Sanctums can be Consecrated and in that way they will lose their benefit to the Ghost. If a Vampire is

    destroyed on a Ghosts Sanctum, it will need to be recreated. Note that the Consecrated area doesnt do any

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    actual harm to the Ghost, it just wipes out the benefits of his Sanctum. If any individual with true faith

    actively blesses a Sanctum, it can also wipe out the benefits to the Ghost. Consecrated areas are highly fought

    over as Sanctums by Ghosts who are trying to avoid Vampires. This is because the Ghost could easily enter a

    Consecrated area but a Vampire would suffer greatly in that area.

    Many theories exist to explain why Consecrated areas cause discomfort and pain to Vampires but not Ghosts.

    One of the more prominent is: Consecration fills the physical space that the Vampire occupied because the

    worlds natural state is a Consecrated one. Ghosts are mortal souls who are also in their natural state and

    therefore the area doesnt harm them. Only when Consecration is directly aimed at a Ghost does it damagethem.

    Coven Sanctums are special areas that all members of a Coven have spent at least three days in. Once an

    initial Sanctum is created, each Coven member must spend three days with her Haunting range overlapping

    the initial Sanctum. After that, the combined area is considered Sanctum for all members of the Coven. The

    entire Sanctum only needs to be replenished by any one of the Coven Members in order for everyone to

    benefit from it. Often, Covens will capture a lesser Ghost and bind him to the area in order to keep it


    Another example: Malcolm [150 DPT] creates a Sanctum 150 feet in diameter. Another CovenMember, Illume [75 DPT], comes along and camps out right on the edge of Malcolms Sanctum.

    After three days, both Malcolm and Illume can claim the entire area as Sanctum as long as one of

    the two stops by for three consecutive hours once every three days.

    The mournful sound of the Ghosts wail is legendary and persists throughout many of the worlds cultures. In

    the world of Dark Reality this horrific cry is caused by a combination of the Ghosts emotional and mental

    controls threatening to break down as the Ghost approaches Releasement.

    When the Ghost lets this torrent of pain escape her control temporarily, its enough to stun everyone within

    her Haunting range for one round per trait in the Ghosts Matrix. Those whose DPT is 100 or more points

    greater than the users are unaffected. This can only be done one time a day plus one time per 100 points of

    the Ghosts DPT (a 300 point Ghost could use the Harrowing four times a day).

    Curses are often seen as the most powerful weapons a Ghost has. These special powers have long-term

    affects that can seriously impact on the game. There are a few things common to all curses:

    The Ghost who places a curse can remove it whenever he feels like as long as its affects have not run their

    course. Someone cursed to become a Ghost when they die could have that fate lifted before they actually die.

    If they do die and become a Ghost, then its too late.

    Most curses require either an activating or a terminating trigger. An activating trigger places the curse in a

    stand-by mode, waiting for the trigger event to happen before the curse goes into effect. A well known

    example of this is the popular mummys curse. The archaeologist isnt actually cursed until he opens the

    tomb. That sort of thing.

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    A terminating trigger will release the victim from the effects of the curse. You know the type: You are

    doomed to ride your horse over the bridge at midnight every Halloween until your head is reunited with your

    body. Once his head and body are put back together, the curse will be lifted. The Story Guide will be the

    final arbiter of what triggers are acceptable. They have to be able to be achieved or can be interpreted

    loosely. When monkeys fly out my ass, should probably be disallowed.

    Almost every curse requires an exaction cost figured as a percentage of the users DPT. This is not the same

    as the CDPT. A 50% exaction curse placed by a 300 DPT character will cost 150 DPP. It doesnt matter ifthe user is at full strength or not; the exaction is calculated on the maximum DPT of the character. If the user

    doesnt have enough DPT to place the curse, then there is no effect.

    True names can have great power over individuals. Any power that requires them sets that forth in its

    description, but they most often come into play when binding a spirit or Ghost. A true name for a Ghost is the

    name his mother wanted to name him when she was pregnant. This may be different from his legal name

    throughout his life. A true name is limited to the individuals first name. This system works exactly the samefor Vampires. God gives fallen Angels true names to them, and Witches are given their true names when they

    come of age into the Illustia (the Machiavellian society of the Witches).

    Whenever the Ghost is forced to reveal his true nature, his form becomes visibly transparent (whether he is

    corporeal or not) and a pale blue aura appears around his form. Those creatures who can assume a Ghost-like

    state will show their own true natures and will not show signs of being a Ghost.

    Twilight is an important time to Ghosts as it is a period of change, of transition. Just as Ghosts see themselves

    as being stuck in a perpetual period of transition, so they are affected by the transition of the world they exist

    in. As day turns into night and night into day, many of the powers of the Ghost are either diminished or

    cancelled outright. For the purpose of this game, twilight is considered to be the 17 minutes of sunrise andsunset. During this time, none of the powers of the Ghost may be initiatedand he will fade from the sight of

    everyone except other Ghosts.

    Candles are said to burn with a blue flame when in the presence of Ghosts. There have been many myths to

    explain why this occurs as well as an equal number of attempts to scientifically validate this phenomenon.

    One hypothesis that has recently gained popularity, though no real belief is that the candle itself is a

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    representation of the Ghosts existence. Something plain and corporeal (the candle) is turned into something

    ephemeral and insubstantial (the flame). The point where this transition occurs (the wick), normally burns

    blue, the flame turning bright yellow-orange. Because the Ghost is stuck in perpetual transition, the flame

    itself never moves past the transition stage and therefore stays blue.

    Ghosts are not normally able to communicate with those friends and loved ones left behind; this is often a

    source of frustration and despair for those who were intimately connected to their previous lives. Mortals

    cannot hear (or see) Ghosts unless powers or abilities are brought into play. However, other mystical

    creatures are able to hear and communicate with Ghosts on a normal basis.

    As Ghosts can shift the frequency they operate on, they can also alter the way they communicate with each

    other. Often this is referred to as Spirit Words or Shroud Speech. The level that this communication takes

    place on is audible only to other Ghosts or those that can communicate on this level; this is not a form of

    telepathy or mind linking. Since this frequency is so innately tied to a Ghosts natural state, conversation in

    this medium tends to drown out any normal or mundane methods of speaking. To those that can hear it,

    Shroud Speech has an almost lilting, hypnotic, and soothing quality about it (one theory is that this is wherethe phrase speaking directly to someones soul comes from). Over time, it tends to become rather seductive

    to Ghosts and many stop speaking in any other form.

    Ghost and shadows do not intermix, in any way, at all, period. Ghosts never cast a shadow and this is one of

    the telling signs that a target could be a corporeal Ghost theres no shadow. Ghosts cannot affect shadows

    and shadows cannot affect Ghosts. Additionally, none of the Vampire powers that are Shadow dominant will

    affect Ghosts at all, and no Ghost powers will affect a shadow (see Shades of Nightfall). This continues to the

    point where a Ghost cannot even enter the Shadow Realm. Even with powers that would allow him to follow

    a victim anywhere, he cannot interact with shadows.

    Other creatures in shadow form count as shadows. The Ghost can no longer interact with the shadow as

    long as it is in shadow form. This prevents any form of communication, power usage, combat, etc., even if the

    Ghost is fully corporeal. On the flip side, the creature cant interact with the Ghost at all either. Likewise, a

    Ghost cannot be turned into a shadow no matter if hes in corporeal form or possessing a host, or even in

    control of a corpse. If a situation arose where a shadow was involved with a Vampire (or some non-shadow

    entity), the Ghost could interact with the Vampire just as he normally could.

    Other examples of non-interaction include: not being able to Followa shadow, a shadow being able to ignore

    aDynamic Barrieror aBarricade, a Ghost walking right through a field of Onyx Flames, and so on. This

    ability even transfers to individuals who are in a Ghost-like form (including the limitations). The Shadow

    Realm and its influences are completely incompatible with the energies that give a Ghost his existence.

    Although there are a few Ghosts who have gained devastating powers in exchange for being vulnerable to

    true faith, most are able to ignore its affects. Some point to this as proof that there is no reprieve awaiting

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    these damned souls; that they are forever outside the sight of God. Others say that Ghosts arent affected

    because they are now in their true state as created by God, and since God commanded Angels to show

    reverence to the souls of man, faith doesnt work on them as a weapon.

    Exorcism applies primarily to Demons and other Diabolic creatures, not Ghosts. Ghosts and spirits can bebound, trapped, banished, and enslaved with the appropriate powers and precautions. Witches are said to be

    especially skilled at finding ways to control Ghosts.

    It is true that many Ghosts are solitary creatures who prefer to travel the world trying to find a cause or

    purpose that they can devote their time and energy to. They will often seek other kinds of creatures to support

    or terrorize depending on their nature. But there are times when Ghosts will form small groups on their own

    called Covens. Usually these groups form between younger Ghosts who are in need of protection from

    Witches and other, more powerful Ghosts who seek to gain strength through devouring younger souls.

    Each Coven is composed of anywhere between three and twenty-five Ghosts. Usually, all members of the

    Coven share a Sanctum in order to provide better protection and a greater area of defense. Oftentimes an old

    building will serve as the Sanctum, but it is not unknown for Covens to occupy very eclectic locations: a mall,

    the courthouse, even a park or two.

    As stated before, these Covens usually form because of the need for protection. As individuals grow in power

    or curiosity, they leave the Coven and strike out on their own. In this way, standard Covens are relatively

    short lived (a few decades) and their membership fluctuates.

    However, as is more often the case, the concept of eternity begins to take its toll on the minds of these souls.

    As the ingrained truths they were taught in their mortal lives begin to erode, they develop unusual

    perspectives regarding the various facets of existence. And the passions to which these creatures are driven

    will take root swiftly and strongly.

    Ghosts who develop similar long term goals will seek each other out. These Covens sprout from philosophical

    seeds and rapidly begin to develop, grow, and twist along the lines of cults. Small variations in doctrine resultin splits and a new Coven is formed. They may travel, spreading their views and revelations or they may hide,

    secreted away while their plots and schemes are carried out by assistants. These are the Spectral Cults:

    Covens whose members have a strong, almost fanatical devotion to a specific set of beliefs. Some of these

    cults have grown so large, that theyre formed of many Covens throughout and area, region, or even the

    world, and they all fall under the direct command of one Coven Master.

    Here are a few descriptions of some of the more (in)famous Ghost Covens and the philosophies theyve

    engendered. These are only meant as an example of how Covens can grow so large that they transcend

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    traditional status and become Spectral Cults.

    This Coven, which has its roots in antiquity, believes that it is their duty to protect the mortals of the world

    from any outside influences. In the early days of the world, these Ghosts believed that they were meant to

    look after and care for their mortal descendants, and not much has changed about their philosophies since

    then. Often they are referred to as guardian angels, ancestral guides, or sometimes, invisible friends. They willassist morals in making their lives as trouble free as possible.

    Each member of this huge, international Coven works together to negate or combat the influence of Witches

    and other supernatural creatures over mortals. To that end, theyve established a network of spies and

    informants who supply information to the Covens main Sanctum. Usually, the Coven prefers to work with as

    much secrecy and subtlety as possible. After all, it works to their advantage if the enemy doesnt know that

    theyre doing anything. But occasionally, more direct measures are called for, and so a plane goes down over

    the Midwest; miraculously, only three passengers are killed. Unknown to the press, these three were the Bey

    of a Canon and her two daughters.

    Although officially discouraged, many members of the Praetoria have specific individuals that they take extracare to look after and protect. Often a direct descendant, this mortal is usually chosen while still a child, and

    they will remain under the watchful eye of their guardian until they can take care of themselves. This

    practice is not openly declared because it conflicts with the Covens greater view that all mortals lives should

    progress unhampered by outside forces. Even worse, if opposing forces learned of any specific family ties,

    they could be used against members of the Praetoria and emotions could run extremely high. Possible

    bringing about great devastation to the society they try to protect.

    All mortals let alone all Ghosts do not subscribe to the concept of Heaven or Hell. After all, there are those

    few souls who have been bound her longer than those folktales have existed. They tend to believe that

    Angels or Demons are simply spirits of one kind or another whose jealousy (or curiosity) about our world has

    grown so great that they are trying to quench that longing. Humans, in their solid state and wishing for a

    feeling of purpose, built a religion around nothing more than a few travelers. Of course, these Ghosts are

    often treated like mortals who still believe the world is flat, regardless of the proof theyre shown.

    Those who expound this philosophy point to the fact that no one who has truly passed on for more than

    three days has ever been heard from again in any fashion. Even those Fallen who say they can bring back a

    spirit that has died are only indulging in some sort of illusionary chicanery. To these Ghosts, they themselves

    arethe afterlife and deserve to be acknowledged as such. The strongest adherents to this doctrine are a cult

    know as the Suigen (soo-ih-jen).

    These cultists strongly believe that Ghosts are the only ones who have survived the transitions from mortal

    larvae into an advanced form of life known as the Rusalka (or Ghost). Their doctrine believes that mortal life

    is simply the state of being that must be endured before one undergoes the change into what mortals are

    destined to be. This explains why mortals have known about the survival of the soul even longer than they

    have held their superstitious belief about Angels, Demons, and the like.

    Vampires are simply those dead mortals who did not actually survive the transition. Because they were

    unworthy, their souls were meant to be obliterated at death; instead, they have found a way to usurp some of

    the power that rightfully belongs in the hands of the Rusalka. The Suigen believe that Vampires should be

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    destroyed as soon as possible. Although, there are a few that are worth keeping around but only as proper


    The Fallen are simply invaders who have ruined whatever chance mankind had by teaching magic to living

    mortals. Send them back from wherever they came.

    Mortals are the young of the Rusalka race. As only the strongest or most cunning will progress to this

    advanced state, they should not be interfered with but should be left to advance or die on their own.

    But the foulest of all, are the Witches. Those horrific mortals who have stolen powers that are meant only for

    the souls who have survived the transitions to this higher level of being. Not only do they wield the energies

    that are reserved for true Rusalka, but also they are infamous for devising ways to bind and capture any

    unwary soul. If any of the Suigen finds another of his kind locked in some perpetual servitude to a Witch, he

    will stop at nothing to gain both the release of the unfortunate Rusalka and the ultimate destruction of all

    those involved in his capture.

    At the other end of the scale are the Questors. These Ghosts are a fringe group of those who do believe in ahigher creator who sits in judgment of us all. These tortured souls firmly believe that they have committed

    some sort of eternal sin that damns them to this existence. If, when they are finally judged they are found

    worthy, they may be allowed to pass on to their great reward. But if they are found lacking eternal

    damnation and torment are to be their only companions. No matter what earthly religion these creatures

    belonged to when breathing, they now see Angels, Demons, and the Fallen as the harbingers of their deity.

    Fear, guilt, and madness has driven a few individuals to take the extremist point of view and form their own

    Coven in response to these creatures.

    The Questors claim that the Fallens true purpose on Earth is to seek out those that are hiding from

    judgment (Ghosts) and bring them to trial for their sins. In order to protect themselves and other Ghosts who

    would rather not move on just yet, members of this bizarre Coven actively (though secretly) seek out theFallen first and find ways to gain their destruction. This could be as subtle as tipping off a Cove of Witches as

    to the location of a Chandala or two.

    The Keres are decadent and hedonistic, bordering on being truly evil. These are people who lived lives of

    self-sacrifice and blind acceptance of fate thinking that it would provide them with a better afterlife. Now that

    they are in their present condition they have rebelled in an extreme way. They feel that religion and other

    forms of self-help were only ways of controlling their lives, so now their lives shouldnt be controlled in any

    way. If they want to do something, they do it. If a member feels like recreating a scene from The Exorcist on

    a bus in broad daylight, he does it and damn the consequences. Members of this Coven travel a great deal and

    look for situations that they feel could use their help.

    Due to the amount of rage in these creatures, they tend to stay in Covens and dont often travel alone. Where

    else could they find people who share their intense hatred of the living? It does happen that one or two

    individuals will break off from the main Coven, but only to form a smaller Coven in a city thats ripe for their

    special kind of treatment. These are truly frightening creatures simply because they have no goals. Theres no

    way to predict their actions or find ways to supplicate them. They are a virtual embodiment of chaos.

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    In the CovenMaster series, the main characters of the game universe fall into one of two categories, either

    they are Immortal, as Ghosts and Vampires, or they are Ageless, as Witches and Fallen Angels.

    Basically, Immortals are defined as creatures that have returned from the dead. Because Immortals are

    already dead, they cannot be killed by normal means. Immortals can usually only be destroyed through arcane

    or mystical means.

    There is always a price for Immortality, such as having to spend energy to accomplish virtually anything or

    drinking blood and avoiding sunlight. All Immortals are supernatural beings, and therefore exude an other

    worldly presence that has an effect on the real world in one-way or another. That effect may or may not be

    consciously noticed by mortals.

    Ageless creatures are those who have invested their mortal bodies with mystical powers in such a way as to

    avoid any conventional means of death. These creatures are basically mortal, but they do not age and cannot

    be killed as easily as mortals. An Ageless creature must guard against harm more than an Immortal has to, as

    its body is not naturally defended the way an Immortals is. The advantage is that the Ageless blend in much

    easier with mortals and mortal society.

    Immortal creatures have a very hard time relating to the mortal world, or even wanting to. Human society

    becomes more of something they live with rather than something they are actively a part of. Ageless

    creatures, on the other hand, have no trouble existing with mortals, and spend much of their time doing so. It

    is possible for an Ageless creature to live closely with mortals and never be suspected, whereas an Immortal

    in the same situation could remain undiscovered for only a small amount of time.

    This is the largest difference between the Immortals and the Ageless creatures. While the Ageless seek to

    move amongst, be around, help, or control mortal populations to further their own ends, the Immortals stalk

    humans as playthings, with no other interest motivating them than the instant gratification of their various


    Creatures who are considered Immortal are: Vampires, Ghosts, Phoenixes, Zombies, Drones, Shadows,

    Faceless Ones, Hags, and Dream Creatures.

    Creatures who are considered Ageless are: Fallen Angels, Witches, Werewolves (in pure cases), Djinn, and

    some forms of slaves possessed by Immortals.

    The CovenMaster series consists primarily of four kinds of creatures, of which Ghosts are only one. The game

    universe that Shades of the Harrowingis played in is haunted by the other types of creatures as well, and

    together they make up what we define as Dark Reality. Ghosts and other creatures must coexist in this world,

    and that makes for some very strained conditions at times, as natural rivalries are inherent.

    Use the following short descriptions of the other creatures to add some spice to your games. [Until Shades of

    Midnighthas been published, we suggest that you simply assign powers from this book to Witches.] You

    should limit them to Blue or Red level powers only, and alter the powers to fit into the type of character that

    is being played.

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    Remember that all other creatures have DPTs just as Ghosts do (see rules section), and for the most part they

    all exist in groups (often called Covens).

    The offspring of a Fallen and a mortal is called a Grimori. In ages past these creatures in turn gave birth to thevarious royal bloodlines of the Witches. The Grimori are called pure Witches by the Witches themselves,

    and those that are still alive are highly respected in Witch society. The Grimori are large, sometimes nearly

    twice as tall as a human man, and are monstrous in appearance. They are humanoid, hairless, and green

    skinned with Hagish features; they are often mistaken for Hags by the uninformed. Because the Fallen have

    an extreme hatred for these creatures (above all else in the world), Hags are usually set upon with great

    violence by the Fallen who think them to be Grimori.

    The Grimori are naturally evil in a mortal way that lacks any Diabolical nature. They serve only them selves

    and rule over the Witches in a loose form of society that remains mostly hidden, even amongst the Witches.

    The Grimori are adept at changing their forms by catching and skinning a creature that they wish to look like,

    then adorning the mangled skin over their disgusting bodies. This sick practice makes them look exactly likethe creature whose skin they are wearing. In this way, the Grimori stay hidden in the folds of the Witch

    society. This spell is complete in its mimicry, except for the fact that the skin can be pulled off of them easily

    enough, revealing the creature beneath in stunning, life jarring detail.

    There is no major city in the world that does not contain a population of Witches. They are extremely well

    organized and very modern. They have a stranglehold on the words governments, and more importantly, the

    worlds religions and media, puppet-mastering them from behind the scenes. Witches stand on the very edge

    of taking control of mortal society at large.

    The incredible power they wield in world affairs, however, is plagued by their own inner struggles for

    dominance. The Illustia (their secret society) is a dangerous and demanding world of vice and evil in whichthe weak quickly fall by the wayside. Those who manage to claw and back stab their way to the top without

    making any noticeable waves win all the prizes. This tormenting stage of intrigue works to streamline the

    Illustia into a very dangerous organization.

    There are several Covens of Witches in a city, each one its own political faction. The Witch Covens in a city

    are called a Cannon, and the leader of a Cannon is a Bey. The Beys, in turn, serve a regional leader

    called a Sultana, and the total of Cannons under her are known as a Cantatrice. Above the Sultanas lurk

    the High Witches, sometimes referred to as a Strix.

    The Illustia is most definitely a matriarchal society. There are few male Witches (called Malvu-Sahy), as the

    Witch bloodlines rarely produce male offspring who survive. Within the Illustia, the Malvu-Shays roles arelimited to servants, assassins, or more commonly, slaves. Daughters are prized above all else because it is the

    daughter of a Witch that will help secure her power in the Illustia. The greater her line of daughters, the more

    powerful she will become in the Illustia.

    The Witches accept their roles as masters of the mortal world with much pleasure. They keep a tight grip on

    the worlds media to limit the amount of information that passes in the mortal world about supernatural

    creatures, and also to monitor news reports of anything that may point them in the directions of Fallen Angels,

    whom they hate.

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    There is one small insurrectionist faction of the Witches, known as the Holy Order of White Witches,

    which will try to aid the Fallen whenever they can. This strange cult of Witches must remain deeply hidden

    from the ever-seeking Illustia, which is always trying to destroy the outcasts. It is rumored that at least one

    major Ghost Coven has contacts within this organization, and that the two help one another.

    Ghosts hate Witches for many reasons, not the least of which is because the Witches try at every chance to

    destroy and enslave them. Ghosts see Witches in their true nature at all times which is often hideous, and this

    may be part of the reason for their dislike. Witches will often take extreme measures to protect themselves

    from Ghosts because they are fairly vulnerable to them. Very often the rituals and spells of the Witches endup producing Ghosts who naturally have a hatred for the Witches because of it. It is this same fear and

    paranoia (rightly deserved) that has forced the Illustia to create many ways of binding, banishing, and

    enslaving Ghosts. Many a headstrong Ghost has lost his freedom in his unheeding quest for revenge on the

    Witch who created him.

    The Witches are elegant, sophisticated, and deeply entrenched in the etiquette of their beloved Illustia. The

    Diabolical nature of their endless existence is masked completely behind a thick veil of creature comforts,

    insulating wealth, and consummate machinations.

    By and large, most Ghosts care little of the Vampires in the world. The ones to be wary of tend to dabble in

    ways and means to interact with Ghosts. There is some occasional jealousy felt toward the Vampires due to

    their ability to leave this world for whatever waits beyond.

    Vampire Covens are always led by one older and stronger Vampire, and many times the members of the

    Covens will be his Scions (those that the master has created). There does not seem to be any far-reaching

    hierarchy or grand organization in the Vampire society. Mainly they gather together in Covens for safety from

    those Vampires who would hunt and devour their own kind.

    Vampires have a strange aura that affects the world around them, and Ghosts are subjected to this whenever

    they are in the presence of a Vampire. This aura is called the Knowing, and while Ghosts dont suffer the

    disorienting affects as strongly as mortals, they are aware of its presence. This works in a very similar way as

    a Ghosts Haunting. In mortals, the effect seems to bring their emotions to the surface while making them

    sluggish. The Knowing grows in intensity and range with the number of Vampires in the same area and the

    individual age of the Vampire(s) present (see Shades of Nightfall). A ghost can always consider the quality of

    the Knowing as two levels below that which the Vampires Knowing quality usually is (minimum of


    Vampires have an aversion to sunlight, which starts out as mild, but the older they get the worse it becomes.

    Young vampires may even walk in the light of day, though they are powerless at this time. Eventually thesunlight becomes so offensive to Vampires that it will destroy them if they are caught out in it. To avoid

    sunlight, Vampires (who are in reality dead) return to a state of death they call the Sleep until the sun has left

    the sky.

    Also called simply the Fallen, these Ageless creatures wander earth in exile. They were at one time true

    Angels and immortal. However, circumstances arose, and after all was said and done, an entire legion of

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    Angels was banished from Heaven and forced to live out their expulsion in the form of mortals on earth.

    The Fallen, as a whole, have splintered into several different camps, based on bitter disagreements over

    philosophies. The Fallen exist in small packs (called Covens) or on their own and many of them simply

    wander the world as if in search of something. These Covens may adhere to one of the differing philosophies,

    or may just be trying to avoid their own kind and the conflicts that have been created.

    Whatever the case, all Fallen share some common threads. They all have true Faith, the level differs in the

    individual, but they all possess it and dont need symbols to project it. It is impossible for a Fallen Angel toallow any act of true evil to happen in front of them without doing something about it.

    The Fallen possess mortal bodies, but do not consider themselves human in the slightest. Thus, they are not

    held down to what the mortal world has come to define as morally correct. A Fallen can see the difference

    between what may seem evil to the frightened human and what is truly evil. Fallen Angels have no second

    thoughts about destroying true evil outright.

    It is important to understand that the Fallen are notsome kind of perpetual do-gooder, floating around and

    smelling the flowers. These creatures are very downcast in both mind and spirit. They are more of a rogue

    type character, your basic dark-knight, who would prefer the smoke filled bar of the honest and real to the

    gold filled churches of the hypocritical.

    They have no care or concern for human morality. However, the Fallen value Innocence above all things and

    will try to protect those who possess Innocence whenever they can. Mortals who make up their minds to

    stand outside of the light of innocence, lose their license for aide from a Fallen. If a human wants to play, then

    they have made it clear they are also willing to pay.

    Whether or not Ghosts and Fallen can get along is on an individual basis. However, there is an element of

    conflict between certain groups on both sides, specifically between the Ghosts tat are hiding from judgment,

    and those Fallen that are trying to reach it again.

    Hags are Witches who have been embraced by a Vampire. In theory, this would allow the already Ageless

    Witch to become Immortal and thus even more powerful. In a way, that is somewhat true. However, once a

    Witch has been embraced by a Vampire, she loses all of what once had made up her personality, and she

    becomes a creature of evil, bent towards her own ends completely. Of all the creatures, it is the Hags who

    earn the most hatred from a Ghost. On this one point Ghosts and Fallen see eye to eye. But where the Fallen

    hate Hags because of what they represent in terms of an undead Witch, the Ghosts have a far more basic fear

    of Hags. Hags exist by feeding on Ghosts, and since Ghosts are plentiful, the Hags tend to be able to hunt

    them down and absorb them without much problem.

    The Illustia has declared it a sin to become a Hag, and any Witch found in such a state is to be slaughtered

    immediately. This amazing twist means that oftentimes the Witches and Ghosts will be hunting down the same

    creature, because Ghosts see a Hag a the worst form of Witch, they will strive to destroy them even more so

    than they would strive to destroy a normal Witch.

    Hags are evil to the core, but completely self-serving. They generally work all by themselves toward their

    own goals. Hags do sometimes form in small groups of three called a Covey. A Covey will have no

    apparent leader, and the members simply work together to further their own evil goals.

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    When a Vampire manages to embrace a Fallen, a strange creature results that is called a Faceless One. When

    this happens, the nature of the Fallen is stripped from him and in its place remains only shadow. The Faceless

    ones lose all of whatever made them an individual, and instead become mindless creatures of darkness that

    seek only to server their master (usually a Vampire).

    They are called Faceless Ones because they lose all of their facial features and their entire body becomes a

    corporeal shadow. They exist by attacking and devouring weaker shadows. Faceless Ones are pitch black in

    color, like that of the deepest, darkest shadow, and they are unable to communicate with those who cannot

    speak to shadows (see Shades of Nightfall). All of what they once were as a Fallen Angel is completely lost

    to them, and they only know what they have become and who they serve.

    Faceless Ones are virtually ignored by Ghosts because neither one can interact or communicate with the

    other. A Ghosts telepathic powers (if she has any) will not contact a shadow or a Faceless One. They spring

    from completely incompatible realms and cannot interact.

    For this game, a Faceless One is considered to have one half of the DPT that it had as a Fallen Angel,

    and is only allowed to gain powers from the Nezrix Realm (see Shades of Divinity) and the Shadow

    Realm in Shades of Nightfall(see powers section).

    Over the centuries, the animal kingdom has become more or less domesticated in favor of one or the other of

    the various Immortals and Ageless creatures. Animals are always able to sense the presence of mystical

    beings, and accordingly this prompts reactions in them. Mortals have long since allowed society and religion

    to take away their senses and so are unable to do this.

    Usually, an animal will only work with a Ghost if that Ghost can communicate with the spirit of the animal.

    Regardless, all animals can see Ghosts, though its nothing special to them since they see Ghosts all the time.

    The traditional animal allies of the Fallen Angels are doves, locusts, dogs, and horses.

    Witches have toads, cats, ravens, and rats as their particular allies.

    Vampires seem to get along best with wolves, bats and spiders.

    Why are you stuck here as a Ghost and how does that affect you now?

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    What did you do when you were alive?

    How long have you been a Ghost?

    What one word defines you best?

    What do you look like now?

    What powers best suit your personality?

    The first step is finding out why it is that you did not pass on. This step is considered the most vital part of

    character creation even more so than what the character did while alive. After all, why and how you are aGhost will profoundly affect the way you view your place in the supernatural afterlife. There are quite a few

    ways that a soul can become a Ghost; some of the more common within the world of Dark Reality are:

    Some sort of power that forces the victim to become a Ghost

    A curse placed on the victim

    An intensefeeling of regret or longing at the time of death

    Death occurring before the appropriate time

    The great desire to accomplish some task

    Being unwilling to let go of existence

    Violent and painful death

    Having the body die while the soul is not within itThere are also the cases of those who have never died becoming Ghosts. While alive, these poor

    unfortunates keenly felt a sense of isolation from those around them. The intense understanding that

    whatever they did, it didnt matter. These are the ones who believed that they were shut out from

    society and that they could not make a difference in any way. These people did not die; they simply

    faded out of existence. And no one marked their passing

    Whichever you choose for your character, remember that your transition will profoundly mark your

    characters attitude towards existence. The band of many a soul has been to stay behind to look after and

    protect a loved one. Once that cherished person dies and is not reunited with the Ghost, the poor soul is leftwithout a cause. They do not move on to be with their love for all eternity. Rather, they are still here and

    now have no knowledge of where their love has gone.

    Your characters life is almost as important as her death, and both should be written up and given to your

    Story Guide. Be sure to create as much of the background as necessary for you to get a real feel for your

    character. Your background should get more and more detailed as you reach the point where your character

    actually dies. Those last few moments of life, and your characters attitude during those instants, will go a

    long way toward establishing her as a unique individual.

    But beware, for those who die a traumatic death often lose portions of their memories. This safety mechanism

    is a direct influence of the brain trying to prevent the total horror of what is happening from paralyzing thesoul. Often the memories of those last few minutes will be indistinct faces might be blurry, details would be

    lost or only vaguely remembered. Sometimes its better to leave those memories as lost

    When naming your character, remember that the true name of a Ghost is the first name given to her by her

    parents at birth. Someone can have great power over a soul or spirit simply by knowing its true name. Almost

    all forms of banishment and binding require the true name of the individual to be affected. Because of this,

    most Ghosts will use a false name or only allow a nickname to be used.

    There are special considerations involved when a Vampire or a Witch dies that usually prevents their souls

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    from remaining as Ghosts. Primarily it is the rush of Consecration that fills the space previously occupied by

    the creature that prevents it from remaining as a Ghost. The only way that Vampires and Witches can become

    Ghosts upon their death is through some sort of previous intervention usually a curse or ritual placed on the

    creature before its final demise.

    Now that you have your characters general history and personality written down, spend some time distilling

    all of that information into one word. We all know that any three-dimensional character is going to exhibit

    differing characteristics at different times, but in this case you are to search for the gestalt; the overall theme

    of the character. Boil your entire character down to one word.

    Notice the large grey spider web on the character sheet in the back of this book; this is called the Matrix.

    Write that word in the very center of the web. This is your characters core personality trait. The inner and

    outer rings of the web come into play most often whenever your character devours another soul. With each

    soul that is devoured, the Ghost gains power as well as the personality aspects of someone elses existence.

    These additional personality traits, likes and dislikes, and so on become part of the Ghost characteristics.

    Take the Ghosts DPT and subtract the victims DPT. If the difference is between 1 and 100 points, then the

    victims personality exerts a strong influence on the Ghost. The victims core personality is placed in any

    available space on the inner ring of the web.

    If the difference between DPTs is 101 points or more than the victims DPT, then the personality is further

    removed from the Ghosts core aspect. In this case, the word is placed on the outer ring.

    If there are no spaces of the appropriate kind available on the web, choose any empty one. As more spaces on

    the Matrix are filled, the Ghost begins questioning what is real and what is not. The most frightening aspect of

    this is that the Ghosts dont know what is going on; they slowly but surely start having frequent and intense

    feelings of dj vu, flashbacks, and incoherent memories and feelings. The Ghost has finally lost his tenuousgrip on reality when the last space is filled. This horrific process is called Releasement.

    This web/Matrix is a visual guide to your characters overall personality make-up. Its usually helpful to write

    the victims name along with their core personality trait and notes about that victims idiosyncrasies gained

    from devouring that poor unfortunate soul. Any time that a Shift in you Matrix is called for, the Story Guide

    will choose one of your personality influences to become dominant for the amount of time determined by the

    current circumstances. The previous core trait switches locations with the new core trait, becoming either a

    weak or strong influence depending on where its located.

    Whenever a Ghost is discorporated by losing all of his CDPT, he will reform with a randomly chosen corepersonality as the new base. That will remain his core until such time as another Shift is called for. Whichever

    trait he reforms with will now be in two places on the personality Matrix: the center and a space on the inside

    ring. If not space is available, then one on the outside ring is taken. What this means is that every time a

    Ghost discorporates due to CDPT loss, he is one step closer to Releasement.

    Its important to mention that the Matrix isnt a full-blown split-personality kind of thing. Normally, your

    character has his own core personality and all of the additional traits exert varying degrees of influence on

    him depending on their location on the web. For example, he might take up tennis for no reason at all (if one

    of his victims was an avid tennis player). Or all of a sudden, he might have a stronger than average fear of

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    fire. A victims memories might haunt him during his trips to others dreams or simply give him a vague sense

    of dj vu, but they wouldnt grant him direct access to any concrete kinds of information (an enemys name

    and location, for instance). Above all, remember that these influences are subtle and the character doesnt

    know or really question why he has these impulses, insights, and or interests.

    Its only when a Shift is called for that your character will take on a different core personality. Shifts can be

    temporary or permanent and usually occur much more frequently as a Ghost gains in power. Although the

    Ghost never has direct access to a victims memories, a traits influences are strongest when it becomes the

    core personality. An example of the most direct form of influence from a new coretrait is this:

    You spot a Vampire walking toward you. The thought crosses your mind, Havent I seen him

    somewhere? And then you get the strong feeling that this guy was somehow involved in the

    destruction of your Coven. But wait, your Coven isnt destroyed, theyre all back at the park.

    You mustve been away from the Coven Sanctum for too long or something, youre starting to


    Your character doesnt gain access to any new powers when a Shift occurs you only have whats on your

    card. Its just that the core personality has shifted to a new one. Instead of the dominant factor in his

    personality being shyness, its now greedy, paranoid, or whatever. Its still the same character; hesjust acting a bit different now. Again, make these changes subtle (as the new trait takes dominance). It

    shouldnt be a blatant type of thing.

    Remember, depending on circumstances, certain powers, or the Story Guides crazed sense of the dramatic,

    your Matrix can Shift randomly on either a temporary or even a semi-permanent basis. This is the ultimate

    game of roulette.

    Every character in Shades of the Harrowingshould try to create the full effect of his or her character.

    Costuming and general appearance isnt just about getting into your character, its also a powerful way to help

    others get into and maintain their characters as well.

    When putting together a costume for a Ghost, youre limited to what the character was wearing when she

    died at least at the beginning. Several powers allow a Ghost to change her appearance and this includes

    clothing as well. Theres at least one power that allows the Ghost to make a corporeal item insubstantial

    instant wardrobe. And so on. Dont look at this as a limitation; see it as a challenge. If you want your

    character to wear something different find a way to make it happen. Remember, its very difficult (almost

    impossible) for a Ghost to change as the world does.

    The main thing to remember is that you are you. If youre five foot seven inches tall, its going to be a stretch

    for players to imagine you as a six foot four hulking behemoth. Yes, we know that many of the effects of the

    powers are up to the players imaginations, try to make some of it realistic. If you can create the effect you

    want through costuming and make up, go ahead. Theres very little that can upset a games atmosphere more

    than hearing a player say, Im not really wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Sasha is wearing a low cut, sequined

    evening gown.

    Of course, if youre a phenomenal roleplayer, it wont matter much. Great players can take a character in

    jeans and a t-shirt and still make them come off as the elegant hostess of a formal dinner. But imagine that

    player in the right costume! Thats when the players can actually slip out of the mundane and truly enter the

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    world of Dark Reality if only for a few hours.

    Dynamic Power Points (DPP) measures the power of a character in the CovenMaster series. These points are

    a rough indicator of how much control the Ghost has over her surroundings, the raw power of the creature,

    her age, and her ability to withstand the dangers of Dark Reality. This type of control can only be gainedslowly, through exposure and understanding of her new existence. This is why those Ghosts who find

    themselves bound to objects or places, never gain power as long as they remain trapped.

    Dynamic Power Points can be gained through a variety of ways. Often, at the end of a gaming session, a small

    number of points (3-5) are given to each player and added to their characters total amount. Members of the

    various national Silver Shadows Gothic Horror Society organizations gain points at a rate of 30 per chapter (a

    three month period of play). Ghosts can also gain points through the risky practice of devouring souls.

    The total amount of DPPs a character has is called the Dynamic Power Total (DPT). All characters start with

    a DPT of 30. This is standard for all characters in the CovenMaster system. The game is only that much more

    enjoyable if everyone starts at the same level and actually has to work his or her way up. In that manner, youlearn your characters powers inside and out instead of being bombarded with 12 different things tot try and

    balance at one time.

    Your characters DPT helps define her place in what passes for a Ghost society. As a whole, Ghosts do not

    have a hierarchal caste system. Each Ghost looks after herself or those she specifically allies herself with.

    Those with the desire to lead others and command respect, do so as their power allows. Usually someone

    will come along and knock them back into place in a short order. In this existence, it is usually best to be

    polite to everyone until youve gauged their power level.

    That said, there is a loose classification of Ghosts that exists based on their relative DPT levels. Whether this

    system is a parody of the one used by Vampires or the true creation of Witches (who study Ghosts as often asone can be caught) is unimportant. A Ghost who actually went around claiming one of these titles for herself

    would be treated like a mortal who constantly referred to herself and others as Homo sapiens. All a Ghost

    needs to know is that the strong control, the weak are controlled period.

    30 90 DPT Benighted

    91 180 DPT Sustained

    181 360 DPT Ascendant

    361 720 DPT

    721 1440 DPT

    1441 - ???? Perpetual

    The actual DPT of a Ghost rarely, if ever, changes during a game session; this number represents the

    characters maximum potential at all times. However, the absolute power level of the Ghost can change

    radically depending on powers used, damage incurred, time spent in the Sanctum, and other conditions that

    can affect the Ghosts ability to interact.

    The actual precise amount of power that the Ghost has available at any given moment is called the Current

    Dynamic Power Total (CDPT). The DPT is the total potential power of the Ghost, but the CDPT is exactly

    how much of that power she can access at any one point in time. In the best of circumstances, the DPT and

    the CDPT are equal. If the Ghosts CDPT reaches zero, she discorporates.

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    Just a reminder, if the Ghosts CDPT reaches 50% of her DPT, she loses access to her Black level

    powers. At 25%, her Red level powers are no longer available. She always has access to her Blue level

    powers, as long as she can pay the appropriate exaction.

    Once you have a good idea of just how your character fits into the world of Dark Reality, youre ready to

    choose the powers that best complement your vision of what that Ghost is to be. The five traditional power

    Realms for Ghosts are weighted heavily toward meddling and interfering with the plans, affairs, and the very

    existence of other beings. Ghosts may not easily be able to destroy anyone, but they can definitely make their

    enemies beg for such a release from torment.

    The five Realms of Ghosts are as follows:

    Essence- That intangible and ineffable quality of life. Some would call it the soul but it encompasses more

    than just that. It is also how the soul interacts with its host, others of its kind, and its surroundings.

    Quelle- These powers involve those energies which are n

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