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Shamanic Practitioner & The Soul Retrieval Experience

Page 2: Shamanic practitioner & the soul retrieval experience

The shamans believe that in times of trouble, parts of the soul break away and live in the underworld. People

are then forced to go through life piecing back the broken parts of their soul. The shamanic practitioner

calls this process soul retrieval. However, I believe that this process cannot be done in just one lifetime. I

believe that we keep coming back, occupying a physical body, until our souls are complete. This is the process

known as the soul retrieval experience.

Obatala is the Orisha who rules over the soul in the Yoruba pantheon. Other people may be more familiar

with Osiris in Egyptian studies, or Jesus Christ in Christian religions. Obatala is the architect who works

with billions of puzzle pieces. He understands our purpose and our calling. He will guide us, giving us the

correct puzzle pieces needed to evolve and to serve humanity. Obatala knows that it is our calling that ties our life together and gives us a sense of connectedness

with our past and previous lives.

We’ve all had those aha moments and the epiphanies that changed our lives forever. We’ve all been stuck on a

problem, only to have someone come into our lives and solve it right away. We’ve all had those moments when we are frustrated and right when we are about to give up, we

hear something or see something that inspire us. Suddenly, we have the “missing piece” and everything clicks and

comes together. This is evolution. We are all going through life looking for the missing pieces that complete our soul.

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Obatala can see the finished project before anybody else can. He will work to guide you from within. You know that you are on the right track when you have a burning desire toward someone or something. Desire

is power seeking to be manifested. Just think about desire and passion as the edges of your puzzle. They

are pretty simple and straightforward.

However, as you progress, the puzzle of your soul will get a lot more complicated. The number one mistake that people

make when piecing their soul together is trying to make pieces fit. If the pieces don’t go in easily, then that means

that they don’t belong in that position. Just remember, you are on the right path when you produce the best results

with the least possible effort.

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It is not about being a hard-worker, or about being lazy for that matter. For no one is naturally lazy. People are naturally

productive when they are doing something that they are truly passionate about. And people are naturally loving and

respectful when they are with someone they are truly passionate about.

People are discouraged when they ignore their desires. When they ignore and resist their calling, they are literally cutting off their flow of energy. Obatala will no longer send

them any pieces, and they will experience failure in the worst possible way. They will become trapped by their own

inability to express their desires. It is a lot easier to succeed than it is to fail. You have to work hard to fail, whereas to

succeed you only have to let go.

You don’t want to force your puzzle pieces to fit. Besides, you don’t want to get halfway through your puzzle and realize that

it is all-wrong. This is what really sucks about failure. You have to go back and retrace your steps and figure out what you

did wrong, and what pieces didn’t fit. There is a reason why Thomas Edison failed more than 1000 times before he was

able to put together all the pieces to invent the light bulb. This is because the slightest variation wouldn’t work.

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He had to find the exact match. Our souls are very much the same way. We have to find the

exact match, the perfect piece in order to finish our puzzle. This will allow us to evolve,

follow our calling and serve humanity. Just know that every thought, idea, dream that you

have is a message from God.

When you meet someone, and there is a spark, two pieces of your puzzle have just

been connected. When you get that promotion at your job, more pieces of your puzzle have been connected. When you live a life that is full of happiness, bliss, and joy,

you’ve successfully pieced back together your soul.

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