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Shamballa The Home of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the


Children of the Almighty enter deep within the Flaming Presence of God within your hearts, and we shall travel in consciousness along the Rays of that Light into the heart of Shamballa in the Etheric Realm. As we approach the Temple of the Lord of the World, we behold a gloriously cascading fountain, and we notice the Lotus blossoms in pink, gold and blue, floating upon the scintillating water. We proceed about three hundred feet to the steps of the Temple. As we proceed up the steps, the beautiful Golden Doors are opened by two Members of the Brotherhood. A feeling of great ecstasy fills our beings for within the center of the entrance hall, we see an elevation of three steps which is the approach to the entresol, upon which is a glorious golden figure of the Buddha. Within the hands of this Representation is an exquisite Lotus, from the center of which blazes a Three-fold Flame... this, of course, symbolizes the Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus to which Beloved Gautama so often referred in his final ministry upon the Earth. After circling this shrine, we turn our attention to the right of the entrance. There we see a handsomely appointed drawing room, where visitors may relax while they are awaiting an

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audience with his Holiness - The Lord of the World and The Beloved Buddha who has a section of this Temple assigned to him while performing certain services for the Lord of the World. To the left of the entrance is a similar section, which the Beloved Sanat Kumara uses when he is at Shamballa in performance of his service as Regent. There is always some Member of Beloved Sanat Kumara's Court from the Planet Venus in residence here and this provides a tremendous focus for the Light from Venus to blend with that of the Earthsphere. Traveling to the distant end of the entrance hall, having reverently passed the Representation of Beloved Gautama, we notice the doors of the Inner Temple are of muted gold, upon which are embossed, in Sanskrit, symbols of shining gold, the tenets of the Middle Way. The doors are now opened by a golden-robed attendant whose only adornment is the embroidered Three-fold Flame upon the breast. This is so exquisitely done with such detail that it fairly blazes forth from the garment. On some occasions these attendants wear similar robes of white or the colors of the Rays, as the specific activity requires. These ladies or gentlemen, depending upon their assignment, bid each guest welcome, as they usher them into the rooms surrounding the Ceremonial Room. If the guest be a member of the Cosmic or Ascended Hierarchy, he or she proceeds immediately to the furthermost part of the Temple where the

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Lord of the World has his private inner Sanctum. These guests are always accompanied by an Angelic attendant, for courtesy and respect of the highest order pervades this Temple. As the doors to the outer section of the Flame Room are opened, an expanded feeling of humility and reverence enfolds us, for we are in that portion of the Temple, which is reserved for the Lord of the World and his personal attendants. When the chelas come to Shamballa to present their Harvest for the Year, they are taken into the Ceremonial Room and the section reserved for that purpose. The Ceremonial Room is so divided as to permit chelas to enter that section in which the Radiation is so tempered as to enable the chela to enter in safety, for the average chela could not stand the intensity of the Radiation - which you can readily understand. It is the Mercy of the Cosmic Law that chelas are permitted to have a brief preview of the Temple of the Lord of the World. This is done specifically, not to entertain the consciousness, but to allow the chelas to train the emotional and etheric vehicles for such visitations as are granted them. You have previously been apprised that no unascended being is permitted entrance to the Flame Room wherein is focused the Permanent Atom for the Earth within the blazing Three-fold Flame... for this visitation, we are assigned chairs in that section of the Ceremonial Room designed for that purpose, and we find that we tread very lightly, for no footfall is ever heard in this

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room. Reverence for the supreme source of all Life increases, and it is as though we were walking on air. It is well that you have these details so that when you make your evening visitations to Shamballa from November 15th through December 14th, you will be prepared for the honor, which is yours, and you will see that your Radiation is one of Sanctity, Reverence and Gratitude. Kuthumi

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SANAT KUMARA: Beloved and blessed of the Light, I, the Regent of this planet Earth, who so long since foreswore life upon my planet Venus to be among you, and who for so long have remained as the love and the heart and the Spirit of Shamballa, I do greet you, in my name and in the name of all those who gathered around the seed of my love and became the Brothers and Sisters from the White Island who were the Cosmic Emissaries as well as the unascended emissaries that went forth, North, South, East and West to be the leaven in the loaf and to carry God's Love and his Light, his gifts and his Blessings to all that be. When I returned to Shamballa, as I do at this Holy Season, there are many memories within my heart; memories of the first stirring in the souls of those who I was calling to become part of this Great White Brotherhood - a Universal Brotherhood of Angels, Elementals and men; all free of distress. There are memories of my own Star and my Lady Venus; there are memories of the bringing forth of the Sacred Fire Which again now you, blessed ones, have the privilege and opportunity of magnetizing here on Earth. These memories come to mind every time we have the celebration at Shamballa; every time that I, as well as my successor the new Lord of the World and others have the opportunity of accepting the sheaves which are the harvest of your good services rendered during this past one year cycle. Oh, how happy is your Sponsor

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and your Guru and how happy "I AM" as you come to the great central Temple and, kneeling in homage before it, place the sheaves of your year's service. Some of that service is seen in the outer; some of it has been manifested as physical works and much, much of that service has been on mystical planes and at inner levels. Even though, in the measuring yourself by outer consciousness, you do not find the fullness in yourself of those sheaves, as you place them before the Immortal Three-fold Flame of God as it blazes high into the atmosphere, yet do I tell you, my Beloved ones, your harvest is great and that each one's harvest is lovingly received by the great Lord Gautama, placed in his hands. Then the Angels carry that harvest to either side of him upon the flower strewn altar and each one is blessed by my Presence, by Gautama's Presence, and by the Sponsor who has guarded and guided you through this year. It is lovely to see the Earth's Aura growing brighter and more and more peoples all over the world becoming interested in the activities of the Light! We who are in the God-free estate give them blessing and benediction, each and every one. Please cognize the upper part of your body as a magnificent Three-fold Flame, forgetting for a moment that you are a physical being, and just feel the upper part of your body a magnificent Flame of Light, golden in the center, pink on the right and blue on the left. Then feel that Flame is active,

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directing itself through you to bless all of life wheresoever you shall pass by. I want you to become a Lord of your own Flame; that Flame that is within your heart, referred to by many as the Holy Christ Flame. It is a Flame that is already yours, not something that must be born within you, but it must be expanded through use until you have become the Master control of all energy that you contact wheresoever you find it, through the power and wisdom and Love all within you, which is more powerful than all human creation whatsoever it may be. Beloved ones, so are we, the Lords of the Flame from Venus, interested in making unascended chelas earnest, honest, sincere and devoted to the Light, Lords of the Flame through your very selves; Lords of God active through your minds and bodies; Lords of Light here and now, wheresoever you dwell. That visualization, Beloved ones, brought to you again and again reminds you that you are not a physical vehicle alone, but you are in reality a magnificent Immortal Three-fold Flame and that Flame is connected with the Three-fold Flame in the Heart of Shamballa as a power to render EVERY God assistance to you, to your loved ones and to all life everywhere. Beloved ones, so many individuals, well-meaning in the extreme, think only of their own service to life and forget the life and love of those who have passed beyond the veil of so-called death and those who have not yet come into embodiment.

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Let us use now that glorious Flame which is yours to touch the hearts of all, particularly those who have no one to pray for them; if they are coming into embodiment to give them assistance; if they are leaving embodiment to help them to go into the highest possible estate when they appear before the Karmic Board so that they may be easily placed in an Ascended Master Temple of Light for instruction. That is Universal Brotherhood - it is the interest in the unfolding Christus and the transmutation of the soul, of ten billion souls belonging to this life scheme, even though there be only some three and a half billion people in embodiment at one time. Oh, your blessed Earth has carried a heavy load and carries it still. Yet, we who are Lords of Love are willing to sustain her, helping her to right herself on the axis, helping each of you who love life to love and understand this seemingly invisible Flame as the Real You. It is that which lived before you came into embodiment. It is that which lives during the course of your embodiment inside of you and gives you animation. It is that which animates the soul when you pass through the change called death in the other realms. It is the only Real and Permanent part of you. So on behalf of Shamballa, founded for me, made in the image and likeness of our city on Venus, built and sustained for nine hundred long years by unascended chelas, I give you my blessing

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on this Holy Day. I turn the Address now to the Great Lord Gautama, who is the present Lord of the World." Beloved Lord Gautama: "Beloved, blessed children of God, how great is my love for Sanat Kumara, for I have stepped into an orbit already filled with his graciousness and his Light. Although it is my service to act as the Lord of the World, so kindly he comes, so often he serves in all of the great ceremonies and rituals and so often does he counsel with me about the cosmic activities of an age, an era, which will bring great Light to this Earth, great Light to her peoples and, with God's Holy help, quickly straighten the axis of the planet itself and relieve and release all from distresses of every kind. To Sanat Kumara and the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood which is oneness and unity, to the great Beings on Venus who graciously acquiesced to Sanat Kumara's coming, I give my gratitude, and to the chelas who bring their sheaves of accomplishment, I give my blessing and my love for your constancy of endeavor and the expansion of your light. Thank you, Beloved, each and every one, for that God assistance."

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Children of the Universal ONE find you the meaning of ONENESS - Totality. You are just on the border - step forward and actually abide in the Realms of Cosmic Cause, where you will learn, in true humility, the meaning of "I AM". The single Cell which you are will expand its Light and join the Oneness of the adjacent Cell. As your consciousness expands you will feel the 'next' cell is part of you . . . on and on . . . and in the expanded consciousness you will not experience any separateness. You cogitate on how you can so merge? Ah, the little consciousness of the personal self would like to intrude! When you truly accept and know the meaning of Universal Oneness, that feeling will no longer exist. You will experience what is meant by the statement, "Thou art in me. "I AM" in thee". It is the acceptance that while another component or companion Cell has its particular function, or functions, according to the capacity of consciousness to which it has evolved, in this Center all the Truths of the Cosmos are available. It is comparative to tuning into a certain radio or television station, knowing that a program of your choice will present itself to your eye or ear. You can then experience and use that which you seen or heard you become one with that knowledge.... which you can use for the expansion of the "Kingdom of Heaven" on this Earth. Those whom you refer to as Cosmic or Ascended Masters use the fund of the accumulated knowledge to assist those who have erred

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on the side of the human and experienced a lower vibration, and at long last are endeavoring to find the Way back Home. Practice, practice being the Center of your own sphere of awareness, and one day true enlightenment will be yours where there is no consciousness of self.... a state of being where you may select any Jewell of Light from the Cosmic Heart of Oneness, and be a living, breathing pulsating component of the Cosmos. As you turn your attention to the blue sky... that shade or color is the expansion of a certain activity, just as the air you breathe is part of the Universal prana. The clouds appear to the naked eye as a separate expression, for visualization that is correct, yet a component of the One. You turn a switch or push a button for electricity in the manner you wish to use it, yet that is the same current which flows universally. The garments you wear are the vehicles through which "I AM" functions, yet they are composed of all the elements and are not separate. As you meditate upon the foregoing, in the Consciousness of "I AM", slowly you will experience the Dawn of a New Day and know "I AM" that "I AM". Yet, this can happen instantly.... then you will be free of all else except pulsating Light which fills the Universe, to color it any hue and widen your sphere of influence where living and breathing is a part of the Symphony of the Spheres. Some have used that expression to denote Music, and that is true,

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for when dwelling in the Heart of God all function in the harmonious radiation of Love Divine each electron a beautiful tonal expression of the Perfection of Life. Come thou and dwell in me, where there is no separation in your


I AM That I AM

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Children of the Universe, how beautiful is Music, and the rendition which has just been played has drawn the Seraphim into the atmosphere above this Sanctuary. They were supposed to come later in the hour, but my lovely ones, they felt the exquisite pulsating essence of the Pink Flame emanating from here, so they are now standing above this room, and in the very center of these Beings is the Director of the Seraphim. Above these glorious Seraphic Beings is the Luminous Presence of our mighty Regent, Sanat Kumara - blessed be his holy name. Today I speak for our Beloved Lord of the World Gautama, who holds the balance for this Earth through his constant attendance of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame in the Etheric Shamballa - the Permanent Atom for the Earth. I came from his Presence with such a Benediction, such a Love, that I do not have words to describe, and I AM hoping that you will feel that Love emanating from my Being, and that you will be filled with that Elixir - the Cohesive Power of the Universe. Stories have been told about Love; poets have expounded; songs have come forth, all endeavoring to touch the heart center of Love, but few there are in embodiment who have any comprehension of what that glorious Virtue means. I shall endeavor on this Holy Day to take you deeply into the Heart of Love Divine. Children of the Light, go deep into the recesses of your being, take all attention away from the outer garment and enter the Christ Self. Think only of the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power.

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Now we shall travel in consciousness upon the Pathway of Light, enfolded on both sides by the glorious Seraphim, and go to the Flame Room at Shamballa. Bend the knee, and bow before that Flame, feel its Sacred Essence enfold you. Now we shall return our consciousness to this Holy Sanctuary. Do you not all feel that Love which is God Incarnate beating within your blessed hearts? I beg of you, I counsel you. I implore you to hold that Balance of Love, not just for your neighbor but for all life, for every component of life, particularly on this Planet Earth. It is of the utmost importance that the chelas who are aware of the activities which are taking place be in a State of Grace. In order to do so, Love Divine must be the motive. Do not let the outer self intrude any longer, and using the statement - 'come what may' - pay no attention, because you are insulated with great Light. I AM not here just to give you beautiful word pictures, I AM here in all the Love of my Being, the Love which I have for the Supreme Source, and I ask you to Love all Life. So many chelas have said from time to time... "O how happy I shall be when I get off this Planet Earth for good". One way, dear children, is to stay in the Balance of the Flaming Presence within your hearts, and then you can be our Light Bearers ON the Earth but not OF it. Then the little things, which seem so important which are of the Earth consciousness will just fall away from you and you will have all the opulence, all the good, which you require, and the

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formula is DIVINE LOVE. Endeavor, my blessed ones, to accept this Quality, and do not think it is just a passive state. Love is Powerful. How could it be the Cohesive Power of the Universe were it not? We have a special activity today. The sons and the daughters of Heaven are doing everything within their Power to assist the Light Bearers walking the Earth in our name. Please turn your attention now to the mighty Alpha and Omega. Bow in humility to the Love of their Light, and mind you, each one of you has the same power within you to reach a like Estate. We have prodded you, and prodded you, to let go of the human consciousness, and we truly believe you have now reached that point. Now I shall tell you that the Beloved Sanat Kumara came from Venus and said to his Beloved friend Gautama, "You know how I love this Earth, have I not proved it, but I should like to give it a special Blessing. I asked for volunteers from the Angelic Host of Venus to come to Earth today, and as a result there will be a group of the Angels of Divine Love from Venus encircling this Earth until she is FREE IN THE LIGHT". Does this not prove to you that if you truly Love the Earth, as does our glorious Regent, that in the continuing and ever-expanding process Love is not a fleeting thing? Love holds this entire Universe together, and all the Suns under the direction of mighty Alpha and Omega have this day permission to give extra

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assistance from their Planets and from their own Hearts to this dear Earth. Does this not show how the other Planets are far ahead of this little Earth, when all the Suns, mind you, under Beloved Alpha and Omega and all the Planets in this chain, in the service of Love, are going to so saturate this Earth and life hereon, every blade of grass, every grain of sand, to bring more exquisite music to the birdsong, greater harmony to you. Remember also that our Beloved LaMoray is very, very active in this process of harmonizing the Earth. Turn your attention to him, if only for a moment, to let him know that you are aware of his Presence and the service which he is giving in conjunction with all the Chohans of the Rays. And forget not the mighty Serapis, strict though he may seem to you, he is the Heart of Love. I paused deliberately, my dear ones, so that you could feel the Holy Essence of Love permeating all your lower garments, and how the blessed electrons within your garments are so grateful. It is like giving a drink of cool spring water to a traveler who is indeed thirsty... and have they not traveled with you through the ages, and are so grateful to have their thirst assuaged. Think often of these blessed elementals within your beings. They are prisoners of Love. Also that mighty Body Elemental who has become very belligerent at times, because you have defaced the pattern which he was to externalize. Blessed children of the One God, I have come to give you my

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Love... I do give you my Love. Are we not all Cells in the Body of the Eternal, and do we not wish to make this the most shining Planet moving forward, closer to the Heart of the Beloved Helios and Vesta. I know that you will prove your Love by your actions. I trust, my blessed ones, that you will take what I have given you in all sincerity, and know that with all the Power of my Being I anoint you with this Essence. I tell you that it is imperative that you remain harmonious; that you abide within the Three-fold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power in perfect balance. Now - feel that Love of Sanat Kumara and his blessed volunteers from Venus sending their Light into this Sanctuary; into the Little School; into all Life upon this Sacred Island, for she IS emerging into the Light.

Yours, Divino

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Beloved Children of the Father-Mother God, I am grateful to the Supreme Source of all Life which has given me individualization, and I bow in humility to the God Presence within your hearts and ask its Flaming Consciousness to illumine your outer minds so that the Mystic Union, the blending of the lower and Higher Consciousness may take place quickly for your own progress in the Light and the expansion of that Light for the Illumination of all the evolutions of this Planet. At this season of the year when humanity in this part of the Earth celebrate the Feast of Thanksgiving, it is a time when the chela can expand the gifts of his own Causal Body with great facility, and in this acceleration raise the consciousness of all humanity. It is a time, as you realize, when the Angelic Host are invoked through music and song, and your invocation of these Beings of Light at Thanksgiving can do much to make the vehicles of humankind more receptive to the Presence of the Angels. Every time the Angels are called into action, or are invoked as I have stated, you bring the Golden Age closer to fulfillment, for the cooperation of Angels and men is necessary for its fuller expression. O, Supreme Creator of all there is, I pray that this specific Release of Light will find its way into the hearts and consciousness of all who abide on this Planet. Thou knowest, O

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Mighty One, this requirement, and I shall in all the humility of my Being, gratefully contribute my Energies to the fulfillment of this need. I shall now bring you in consciousness to Holy Shamballa from whence I speak to you this day. My Heart overflows with deep gratitude and happiness as I commune with the various Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy who have come to our annual "Feast of Light". The magnificence of the emanation of Light from the Cosmic and Ascended Beings is beyond human reckoning. This is truly festive time of the year, and to witness the gratitude in the Hearts of the Assembly is an exhilarating feeling which is coupled with great humility. To be in the Company of these glorious Beings fills one with true Gratitude to the Godhead for its splendor of expression. Thanksgiving is the time of Harvest, and the Great Ones who have sponsored you stand by your side, and their love enfolds you when you make your presentation. When the Light which has been allotted you by the Father-Mother God falls a little short of the expected release from your lifestream, they formulate plans in their Consciousness whereby, in the succeeding year, you may make up the deficit, through obedience to the Law of your Being. Now I make no illusion to what the lower consciousness deems as unhappiness or disappointment, that is not the Consciousness of the God ‘free Beings, but merely give you this reference to show how much we all love you, and like fond parents or guardians,

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our every desire is to assist you to further develop your God Qualities, and to release the gifts of those already built in your Causal Bodies through centuries of living and serving the Light according to the consciousness in the various sojourns on the Earth. I would ask that you endeavor to keep the Radiation which is being released to you, not only through the release of the Love of my humble Being, but of all the Beings who are assembled at the Heart Center of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Blessed children, you are THE DISCIPLES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, for that is the Inner Name of The Bridge to Freedom. Hold this Announcement in your hearts in sacred reverence for the privilege of being so honored. You have endeavored and quite successfully put the Tenets of 'The Code of Conduct' into practice, and for your constant dedication to the Service of the Supreme Source of all Life, Beloved AEolus and I have counseled, and we believe you have earned the right to be apprised, that you are the Disciples of the Holy Spirit. We, who can see all that transpires in your beings can instantly tell when humility and gratitude to the Father-Mother God results there from. No man shall judge you, for it is the Karmic Council to whom you are responsible. And as you write in the Book of Life, the Light therein is the dowry resulting from the expenditure of God's Holy Essence on the screen of Life. Now, come with me into the Heart of God, and bathe in the

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glorious Energy which is the Creative Principle of Life, and remember always that Love, Wisdom and Power in perfect balance is the Middle Way which I counsel always. Through the Activity of Balance did I earn my Freedom in the Light, and I pray the Supreme Source of all Life that you shall quickly reap the Harvest of the practice thereof. Enfolding you now in the Spirit of Grace which our beloved Holy AEolus is, and in my loving gratitude for your Service to the Light and Life, "I AM" humbly, Gautama, Lord of the World

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Balance - Harmony of the Middle Way Beloved Lord Gautama

Beloved co-servers presently in embodiment, I offer you my compassionate heart born of Buddhic Consciousness. We, who guard the Three-fold Flame of Life on a Cosmic Level, as well as your own Holy Christ Selves who do so on a personal level for each of you, are not allowed to release the knowledge, experience and Reality of Love or of Wisdom or of Power to you until there is little chance of it being misused for carnal or personality level affairs. Christ said "Do not throw your pearls to swine" ,human consciousness. If then you feel you do not yet know the Reality of Christ Love, Christ Wisdom or Christ Power in your lives, look to turning away from the carnal or personality self. Detach yourself from these things of a material or personal nature that draw you away from your Spirit self. As you build a momentum of truly allowing Spirit Freedom, you will at some point experience a new found Peace and feel you have finally "arrived". Yet even on top of that experience can we then begin to release the Reality of Christ Love, Wisdom and Power, the Reality of you, through you. My teachings of the Middle Way are sometimes misunderstood. It was never intended to allow the student or chela to balance

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doing something good by doing something not good; that somehow because you have practiced a discipline of mind, body or feeling for a while that you should take a holiday and flirt with the human realm "for the sake of balance". The Middle Way of Balance has nothing to do with the ways of human, carnal or personality affairs, except in how to turn away from them. My entire last embodiment was dedicated to finding a middle way of balanced God Qualities in turning away from lower self (and suffering) back to the freedom of Spirit (and finding Peace). Balance comes with the discernment of finding what in your environment really is, for you, a drawing away from God and what isn't. There are many things on the physical plane of Earth in the affairs of humanity that are supportive of your selfless service to life (Spirit). Balance comes with choosing what to actively let go of and what not to, so there is still a sense of the harmony of the Middle Way and not the fanaticism of letting go all at once, or simply letting go too much. Discern what in your environment and life supports your Spirit Freedom and selfless service to life and what detracts from it. This includes the initiation of "Self Honesty". Which leads us back to my first thoughts this morning. The cells in the Group Avatar, individually and as a body, need to be freer of the carnal or personality self so that we who guard the Cosmic Love, Wisdom and Power may release these gifts in fuller expression on this planet. This is what the Godhead was able to

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do through Beloved Master Jesus when he, in a supremely balanced way, turned down the lower self, in the so-called small, day to day affairs of humanity and gave freedom only to Spirit. This process, which he exampled so perfectly, is the true savior of the world of humankind. This same process we must now accomplish through this Our Group Avatar - the chosen avenue to express Christ in the New Age on a world-wide level. There is a further Balance on a personal level between turning away from the lower nature of self and actively pursuing the higher nature of God. There must be both; and one will facilitate the other. In letting go of the human self, if you meet with great resistance, stop at that point; for again "what you resist will persist". Instead, turn to the other side of the Balance and actively pursue God in some aspect of service or even in quiet contemplation. However, when you have met a great resistance in the lower self, active service is often more effective at that point than quiet meditation. Service to be done is all around you. In the tradition of Saint Francis, you could lose yourself in SERVICE. And, of course, meditation and prayer is important in balancing active spiritual service. The reverse can also be true as when your pursuit of God seems blocked. Look then towards letting go of some aspect of the lower self, which is also all around you. Choose some human habit and actively root it out of your life. I think you sense the balance here. One approach can release the blockage of the other. Practice

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of this balance will finally result in the more continual experience of God and a certain irrelevance of the lower self. For in the face of full Christ Love, Christ Wisdom and Christ Power, the lower self is certainly irrelevant. Let go and let God. With the Law of Forgiveness and the Violet Fire, turn away from the lower nature and actively pursue the Freedom of your God Self in selfless service. In the supreme discernment of Balance, create for us the perfect avenue for the Reality of God Perfection in this planet. You have my entire momentum of doing so at your call and with it, all my deepest Love and sustained Peace. Lord Gautama

Lord of the World

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As we come to the close of the twelve-month cycle, all of those who represent the Spiritual Hierarchy are gathered at Shamballa, and here we celebrate a cosmic Thanksgiving in which every one of the Brothers is a participant. It is a marvelous opportunity to release the concentrated blessings of Life upon each and every one who has served and increased the Comfort of the Universe during that period. The great Audience Chamber is open for this Festivity, and the evening before your national holiday and for four days and four nights there-after, there is a constant outpouring of blessing and benediction upon every electron, elemental, animal, human, Angelic, Devic, Ascended Master and Cosmic Being, who have consciously or unconsciously contributed to the forward progress of the race. It is a beautiful Sight to see the various kingdoms gathered to receive the honor and blessing of the Sun of our System through its Representative, in conscious gratitude for life well spent. Also to this great Feast of Thanksgiving certain members of the human race are invited and given the honor and recognition which they have earned through meritorious service in the world of form. There is no lifestream who has given "even a cup of cold water" in the Name of the Presence of God but is acknowledged and blessed therefore, and such is the memory of the Perfected Beings that no electron is slighted or overlooked in this time of Thanksgiving.

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If you will rise on the tide of the Flame of Thanksgiving, which is a rhythmic pulsation from Shamballa, directed by Beloved Sanat Kumara, the Chohans of the Rays, the Cosmic Beings in charge of the Forces of the Elements, the Great Archangels and Devic Lords into their Kingdoms, you will find an acceleration of your own life wave which can become a permanent blessing and conductor of their constructive energies into your world and activities. This Flame of Thanksgiving has gone forth rhythmically since the day when the thirty Beings knelt before the Coming of their Lord, and it has built in power as each lifestream became aware of the benefits which have poured through it, for the most part without recognition, for centuries. It is only the outer self that is not alert enough to realize the measure of Thanksgiving which they owe the Universe, even by reason of the sustenance of a physical body alone; and the further the lifestream proceeds on the Pathway to the Heart of God, the more each one finds what there is to be thankful for. Humanity, on the lower rungs of the ladder of evolution, is not even aware that there is a Spiritual Hierarchy, so Thanksgiving to these Beings is not a ceremony of the heart. But, when we enter the Ascended Master consciousness and see the workings of the Inner Law and the tremendous assistance of the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Host, as well as the Brotherhood, we realize more fully our indebtedness to Life. For myself; I am told, that in those Realms to which my

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Consciousness has not yet ascended, the intricacies of the Blessings of which we in this Universe are the recipients, and of whose source we are wholly unconscious, is unbelievable! So, the higher we go, the more grateful we are and the more humble we get before that Power which is our Life. Cosmic Holy Spirit

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Beloved Holy AEolus As we again approach the Holy Season and prepare for the outpouring of the Divine Beings whose radiation, blessing and love are to be intensified beyond all previous eras since the actual Nativity itself took place, let us contemplate the Ones who have tread before you and achieved the Ascension in the Light. Through the kindness of the Cosmic Law, there is always provided a way and means wherein and whereby the outer consciousness can learn to enter into and become receptive to this radiation. One is to practice the SILENCE and learn to remain in a constant state of alert and listening grace to their benediction. It was not the potentates upon thrones of Temporal Power, but the simple shepherds on the hills who heard the Angels of the Most High Living God proclaiming the birth of Beloved Jesus. It is the same today - the simple, but worthy chela, intent upon spiritual understanding, who rises into the mystic Upper Chamber to meet the Lord, The Law and return, as the simple shepherds, long ago, filled with awe and grace to perform Divine Service in his name. Another activity is that of gratitude for gifts received, human and Divine. As such acceptance becomes the natural way of life for the chela, more and more of the Divine Virtues of the

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Heavenly Father, his Divine son, Jesus, his Holy Mother Mary, flow into and become a part of the chela's feelings and by the natural course of events, also radiates from the chela to those they hold near and dear. Thanksgiving is a feeling in the heart of the chela which should remain with such an one throughout the year. Soon as the great Shamballa opens her doors to the Divine Ones, and the worthy chelas as well, and through those Open Doors all will come rejoicing "bringing in their sheaves" . You, too, shall bring in your sheaves and, joining with Sanat Kumara, Lord Divino and the sons and daughters of Heaven, you will rejoice at the added impetus of your Flame as it joins with the glorious Immortal Three-fold Flame, brought by Sanat Kumara from Venus, and anchored at Shamballa. This Flame has been guarded by him and other Kumaras until there is truly a great Light in the Orient. Recently Sanat Kumara was released from his office of Lord of the World because of your sheaves, each and every one, increased the Light at Shamballa and also because of the love of Lord Gautama for the Earth and her attendant evolutions. He, qualifying for the position of guarding, protecting and expanding the Foci at Shamballa, released Sanat Kumara, who returned to his native Star, Venus and to his Divine Complement, also bearing the name Venus. Sanat Kumara, however, always comes Earthward for processional activities of the Great White Brotherhood.

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He will, therefore, preside at this Thanksgiving as in previous years, to accept your "sheaves". He will meet with the Brotherhood and with you, too, and give impetus to the Spiritual Growth of your consciousness, so that it is most receptive to the blessings of the Holy Season."

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