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Shanty Town(Favela)By: Rahil Habibli 10A


A favela is the term for a shanty town in Brazil, most often within urban areas

The favelas are the residences of poor people built on hillsides around major cities. In many cases they are on public and private property and are illegal.

How is life like in a favela ?

Life is generally full of deprivation, with limited access to public services, such as plumbing, treated water, sewers, hospitals, schools, telecommunications, paved roads, garbage collection, public illumination, etc.

People in FavelasThese rural people are low skilled, poorly educated which makes it more difficult for them to find jobs in the city and they end up living in favelas as the only places they can afford to live and hope to find work. It is estimated about 1m people live in these areas now in Rio with the largest Favela having a predicted population of around 60,000 people

Key Facts About Favelas• 1,000 approximate number of favelas in Rio De

Janeiro• 20 Percentage of

six million people in the city’s metropolitan region who live in favelas.

• In the favela they don’t have to pay

rent, they don’t pay electric bills or water. All they

have to do is find food.

Regional names• Asentamientos in Guatemala• Baraccopoli in Italy• Barrios de invasión in Colombia• Basti in India• Bidonvilles in France• Campamentos or poblaciones callampa in Chile.• Cantegril in Uruguay• Favelas in Brazil• Gecekondu in Turkey• Invasiones in Puerto Rico• Poblados chabolistas in Spain• Pueblos jovenes (young towns) or barriadas in Peru• Tent cities in the United States• Tugurios in Costa Rica• Villas miseria or just villas in Argentina• Zona marginal in Mexico

Football brings hope to favela youth

As Ronaldinho and his family lived in a wooden house in a favela

He was considered a wonder child from the age of 17

He started playing at streets in Favelas

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