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  • Shantytown"Open Source Soup"

    Written by

    Brad Cook

    [email protected]



    Morning edges in on a lush, autumnal forest. PAN TO REVEAL natures majesty spoiled by man: rows of sunbaked tents, moldy plywood shacks, dilapidated quasi-structures.

    This dusty eyesore is Shantytown.

    Gradually, the makeshift township manifests life. Tarp rustles as TOWNSFOLK begin to emerge. Straight away, they head for the center of town.


    A giant cauldron is suspended over a fire on the round concourse. Vacant picnic tables, still bearing the chains which once grounded them elsewhere, line the lot.

    NOVIA (O.S.)This is nothing new, people. You want soup, keep it moving!

    NOVIA REYES (26), a plump but pretty Latina, ushers the mass of townsfolk into an orderly line.

    She glances back and waves at POLICE CHIEF DAVE PORKOWSKI (42), laid back and pushing the limits of a lawn chair.

    NOVIA (CONTD)I got it, Pork! Dont worry.

    She waits for his approval but soon realizes hes actually asleep behind his sun glasses. Novia turns back to the raucous crowd, takes out an ancient barcode scanner.

    NOVIA (CONTD)Shoes off, lets go.

    As the wizened SPINSTER in line removes her shoes, Novia scans her up and down. Obviously, nothing happens.

    NOVIA (CONTD)Shes good. Next! Shoes off!

    A crazed OLD MAN steps forward. Hes barefoot.

    NOVIA (CONTD)Look at that. A model citizen.

    The Old Man removes his ragged hat in deference, wrings it.

  • OLD MANI made a promise to never set foot in another shoe. My sweet wife...

    Unfazed, Novia scans him. But a clank catches her attention. The Spinster is fidgeting with the cauldron.

    NOVIAWhoa! You new here? Theres a whole a process. The soup handler -- here she is, now.

    AGATHA D. WHITCH, a hook-nosed, pointy-hatted hag, cackles as she arrives on the scene.

    WHITCHGood morning, my pretties!

    She sets up at the cauldron and stirs with glee.


    Short and stout, BRENTON STUBBS (27) looks on, grinching as the Townsfolk down the road line up for soup. He removes a toothpick from his teeth and flicks it away.


    He pulls back a sheet in a corner of his shack, revealing a stockpile of canned and dry goods, and almost looks relieved.

    He starts to pace.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Irresponsible. Unethical. Barbaric. A man cant -- nay, a man doesnt rely on handouts.

    The WATER-BOY stops by and hands him a glistening bottle.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Ah, magnifique. Thank you.

    He uncaps it and puts it to his lips, but a shriek in the distance disturbs his sip. Water drips from his long goatee.


    An anxious CROWD has gathered around the cauldron.


  • WHITCHThe soup! Its gone!

    The crowd erupts into shoving and shouting.

    DOLLY ZOOM on Novia, petrified.

    A bottle WHIRS by, inches from her face, breaking her daze.

    It shatters off to the side, where townsfolk are flipping picnic tables. A muscular BRUTE removes a manhole cover near the cauldron and discus throws it into the horizon.

    WHITCH (CONTD)What do we do?!

    NOVIADont you know any soup spells?

    Crows feet etch themselves in Agathas confused face.

    A deafening BOOM echoes. The scorched remnants of a trash can crash to the ground as flaming shrapnel rains onto the riot.

    Novia shields a group of Townsfolk, hurrying them to safety. Beside them, Chief Porkowski rubs his eyes, glances around, then lays his head back down.

    Adjacent, the crazed Old Mans glee is illuminated by the light of the cauldron fire as he burns a pair of shoes.

    OLD MANIll see you godless galoshes in hell!

    IRA KERRIGAN (30), a scrappy Irishman, manifests from the hellish insanity and casually approaches Novia.

    IRAI love a good brannigan in the morning. What was it this time?

    NOVIASomeone -- the soup -- gone?

    IRAIn this bastion of security?

    The crowd splits to let through a cardboard armored car. Pursuing it, a JUNKIE in only a fur cap, helming a bathtub pulled by WILD DOGS. He points with his back-scrubber.




    Perched atop the uninspired cinder blocks are UMI HARA (22), svelte, and her twin brother, AKI. Their heads follow an astronaut squirrel shooting by on an ACME-brand rocket.

    In the courtyard below, the scrum rages on.

    UMIThere he is. Suspect zero.

    She gestures at Ira. Aki gives her a puzzled glance.

    UMI (CONTD)Its clearly a scam. I know scams. I live for scams.

    (bitterly)Scams got me here.

    Aki shrugs.

    UMI (CONTD)There! See that?

    Amidst the hubbub, the Spinster pours herself a bowl of soup.

    UMI (CONTD)They couldve made off with all the soup, but they left just enough to keep it going. How kind, right? Wrong. Criminals dont feel. And Iras been too quiet for too long.

    Without Umi noticing, Aki slips out of sight.

    UMI (CONTD)Yeah, its a scam, alright. The old spill and fill.

    Below, Aki joins the Spinster for a bowl of soup.

    UMI (CONTD)And Im going to get my cut.


    REGGIE CRUMP (18), a scrawny black kid in an Army uniform, materializes from his camouflage canvas tent with a stretch.

    Pillars of smoke billow skyward over the roofs of other shacks. It does nothing to scare off his innocent smile.


  • He opens a Tupperware mailbox, pulls out a banana peel, a handful of nails, and a fortune cookie.

    REGGIEJunk mail, junk mail, junk mail...

    He opens the fortune cookie, exposing a penis enlargement ad.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Get a bigger penis in ten days... in bed!

    Reggie chuckles to himself. The edge of an envelope peeks out from the mailbox. Surprised, he opens it.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Private Crump. As you may have noticed, the community soup has been filched.

    He glances at the smoke in the distance with concern.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Your mission is to determine the culprit. This aggression will not stand. Its critical that you, a man of the uniform, uphold the law of our fine, free land. We all know the police wont. Seek the Can Man. Signed, a friend.

    Reggie paces.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Boy, I dont know. The Army wouldnt approve of me operating in any official capacity while AWOL.

    He checks the letter again.

    INSERT - At the bottom, it says: P.S. Do it.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Huh. Well...


    The townsfolk have calmed and begun to loiter aimlessly, some helping upright picnic tables and clean up.

    FIREFIGHTERS in DEVO jumpsuits rush onto the scene, each with a red wagon full of water. They tend to the smoldering remnants of the riot with high-powered squirt guns.


  • Novia stands beside Chief Porkowski, who is measuring the soup cauldron for some reason. Ira joins them.

    NOVIASee, this is why we need to implement certain security measures that certain persons may or may not have brought up on more than one --

    PORKOWSKISure thing, Ill ring up Homeland Security.

    NOVIAYou joke, but HomeSec cant stop el Chavo Malo. He moves in the night.

    Ira takes a dramatic step toward her.

    IRAHold it. You cant just lock up the soup. Its a basic human right.

    A few townsfolk cheer and call out their agreement. Subtle revelation flashes across Iras face, but he subdues it.

    IRA (CONTD)(louder)

    And who gets access to this exclusive soup? You? Your cronies?

    NOVIASoup is too important to be a right. It should be rationed.

    IRAWho does the rationing? You?

    NOVIAI dont -- why do you -- There are hardened criminals on the loose!

    Townsfolk speak up in defense of Novia. Ira cant believe it.

    IRAWho the bleedin hells Chavo Malo?

    NOVIAWho is -- I just -- you cant -- hes the bad boy!

    IRA(to the crowd)

    You hear that, folks? (MORE)


  • One more civil liberty bogarted by The Man. Or should I say, The BOY?

    The townsfolk get unruly, fidgety. Some slowly move over to Iras side, while others drift toward Novia.

    NOVIAPeople, this is for your own good! You wouldnt leave your money out in the concourse, would you?

    THE RIGHTHell no! / Not a chance! / Hands off our guns!

    People back away from the GUN ADVOCATE.

    IRAThese people are insane! They would bottle and sell the very air we breathe if given the chance!

    THE LEFTBOO! / Fundamentalists! / You cant own the air, man!

    Two large GROUPS have assembled, with Ira on the left and Novia on the right. A few STRAGGLERS hang back in the middle.

    IRASoup is for everyone!

    NOVIAWhich is why it needs safeguarding!



    CRENSHAW (O.S.)Whos the fastest chauvinist? He aint quick as me.

    CRENSHAW (25), filthy redneck, wispy mustache, slinks comfortably between the two raging groups. But the furor turns to giggles and laughs as he passes through.

    IRAGet on back to your mud and your mud flaps.

    IRA (CONT'D)


  • CRENSHAWSoon, soon. Seriously though, what were yall conversating about?

    IRANothing for you to worry your silly, almost assuredly lice-ridden head about. Its... cerebral.

    CRENSHAWOh, so the orphan who never went to school is dumb, now?

    NOVIANo... youre just... not... smart?

    Ira turns back to face his faction.

    IRAListen, I know its tough to deal with these heartless corporate bureaucrats, but the fact is, theres precious little soup to fight over. Im going to suggest, on behalf of the Free Soupers - trademark pending - that we replenish the pot.

    NOVIAAnd well have to learn to work with you... uh... you... guys!

    As Ira and Novia continue to bicker, Crenshaw ambles off, head hung low.

    High above, Umi watches.


    A fancy metal dome lid rests atop the underside of a trash can cover. A wrinkled hand removes the lid with grace.

    Two meager teaspoons full to the brim with soup.

    PEACHES, an elderly black woman, shoots a disgruntled look at her husband, PERCY.

    PERCYI couldnt get no more! Someone stoled the soup. They say it was that Chap Malo boy.


  • A lanky-limbed CRAZY MAN in a Campbells Soup shirt dashes over to the old folks.

    CRAZY MAN(frantically)

    Thatsoup? Yougotsoup? Gimmethesoup!

    The Crazy Man lunges for the teaspoons, but Percy and Peaches are faster. They ram the spoons into their mouths as they retreat into their tent. The zipper zooms closed.

    The Crazy Man collapses to his knees, moaning and groaning.


    Across the way, Brenton and Crenshaw stare from lawn chairs.

    CRENSHAWDang, man. Chicken Noodle Chuck aint coping so good.

    BRENTONIsnt coping so well. And its his own fault. Hes institutionalized.

    CRENSHAWDont you got damn near a supermarket back there?

    Brenton leans back and folds his arms.

    BRENTONWhat Ive accumulated is the product of great time and effort, not to mention impeccable taste.

    He reaches behind the curtain, pulls out a tall can of Chef Bro-ardee brand macaroni, pops the top. He tilts it back and noodles ooze into his maw.

    CRENSHAWTheres plenty people here who could use that more than you, bub.

    Brenton recoils as Crenshaw takes a grab at his gut.

    BRENTONTheyre old. Theyre on their way out, anyway.

    A CHILDs voice carries over from the shack next door.


  • CHILD (O.S.)Mommy, Im so hungry...

    MOTHER (O.S.)Im sorry, baby. This is all we have.

    CHILD (O.S.)(quivering)

    Okay, mommy.

    Brenton and Crenshaw peek their heads around the corner. The Child is eating a cardboard fillet, seasoned with his tears.

    BRENTONOh, come on!


    Behind the curtain, Brenton rummages through his stock - stacks of cans, piles of ramen noodles, produce, assorted dried meats suspended from clothes hangers.

    He slices a cut from some dried meat, wraps it in foil, then adds it to the care package assembled on the ground.

    CRENSHAWYou gonna be their papa, too?

    Brenton makes a droll face as he fashions an old tablecloth into a bindle full of the goods, slips a stick into the knot.


    Brenton tosses him a bag of trail mix.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Your last bag?

    BRENTONIm a chef by trade, you know. Hunger is le enfant terrible. And I never liked babies.


    Standing in front of the plywood box, Brenton straightens his stained shirt, works to hide his gut. A crayon drawing of a doorknob adorns the door. He knocks.


  • MOTHER (O.S.)Who?

    Brenton is taken aback.

    BRENTONI, uh, couldnt help but take heed of your plight earlier, maam. The cardboard and whatnot...

    MOTHER (O.S.)Oh, my.

    She opens the door. Brenton smiles softly.

    BRENTONI figured I could spare a bit.

    He hands her the bindle, and she returns the smile.

    Her child comes up and grabs it, rifles through it.

    MOTHERGoodness, thank you!

    (to her child)Tell the nice man thank you!

    The child unwraps the meat.

    CHILDWhat, no veal?


    A banner proclaiming a SOUP DRIVE hangs above Ira and Novia, who face the extended line of townsfolk set to add their ingredient to the soup. A TEENAGER steps up with a carton.

    NOVIABeef stock, good. Add it.

    IRAAnd the vegetarians?

    She ignores him, waves the Teen on. Next in line, a HOBO in tattered rags offers half a gallon of water.

    NOVIAMilk would be better.



  • Ira sends the Hobo through. A SHAMAN in full garb holds a squawking chicken over the cauldron, a knife to its throat. Ira and Novia regard each other. Both shake their heads.

    MEN and WOMEN come through with carrots, potatoes, a hunk of salted meat. An OLD WOMAN with dirty hands offers onions.

    OLD WOMANThese are from my garden. Well, a garden.

    NOVIAOoh, not really a fan...


    This isnt about you, its about the greater good!

    Some people in line cheer. A few RIGHT-WINGERS, previously on Novias side, meander over toward Ira and the LEFT-WINGERS. Ira smirks at Novia, who goes red in the face.

    From the back of the line, Umi monitors the situation.


    Comprised of boards fastened atop empty water drums, the dock floats on the edge of a lazy river. Umi meets with Aki behind a stack of crates, each in a trench coat and Panama hat.

    UMIIt was a clean sneak. Not a trace. I ranked that cat but it wasnt craps. He was a whistle, baby.

    Aki, nonplussed, opens his mouth to speak, but doesnt. Umi does, shifty-eyed and quiet.

    UMI (CONTD)Ira checks out. Somehow. We need to-

    A periscope pokes out of the water, rotates, then disappears. A moment later, a submarine breaches the surface.

    A hand lifts the hatch, and a French-looking SUBMARINE CAPTAIN peers out at them. Both parties gaze intently, unsure how to proceed.

    CAPTAIN(thickly accented)



  • He slams the hatch shut, and its gone, leaving only ripples.

    Aki blinks.


    Umi and Aki hide behind an adjacent shack.

    UMIBrentons a hoarder and a chef. He mightve been my first suspect, if Ira wasnt so damn enterprising.

    Nearby, Brenton plays frisbee with the neighbor child. Upon closer inspection, the frisbee is an empty TV dinner tray. The mom smiles at the sight.

    Aki gives Umi a doubtful look.

    UMI (CONTD)Thats... thats wholesome.


    The lid of a military surplus chest beside the tent gradually lifts. Umi and Aki peek out from inside.

    On the ground in front of the tent, supplies are neatly arranged next to a rucksack: flashlight, canteen, compass, knife, a food ration, and a pair of socks.

    UMILooks suspect, Ill give you that. But Reggie wouldnt steal from a fly.

    Reggie strides out of his tent, and the chest closes quickly.


    Laid out on a rock formation, Umi and Aki use tin cans with glasses attached as binoculars. They watch Crenshaw hike a dirt road, spitting upward and catching it in his mouth.

    UMIHe wouldnt know what to do with soup if he got it. Wheres he go--

    Crenshaw reaches a sign at the culmination of the crossroads: left for MT. TOSSMORE, straight for RUNOFF RIVER, right for BELUSHI GORGE. He goes left without hesitation.


  • UMI (CONTD)Ah.


    Crenshaw stands at the base of a tremendous mountain of trash, the peak lost to the foggy heavens.

    A faint noise catches his ear, a hushed whoosh. He surveys the area as the sound grows louder, but its just overgrown weeds and smaller garbage piles.

    The whoosh crescendos as an object launches down the slope and SLAMS to the ground beside him in a cloud of smoke. Crenshaw is unimpressed.

    When the smoke clears, a tiny SHERPA GIRL swaddled in dirty robes grins up at him.


    CRENSHAWYou one of them mountain babies?

    SHERPAYou climb mountainnn? You get lost. You end up like himmm.

    She points a short ways up the mountain at a human skeleton still in a sitting position and clutching a cell phone.

    SHERPA (CONTD)Need meee. Five dollars.

    She extends a grubby palm.

    CRENSHAWWhat? No, I dont climb mountain. I seek... the Appalachian Apparition.

    She gets suspicious.

    SHERPAYou a cop?

    CRENSHAWAint a drug, its a dude. Legend has it, hes the only man done scaled every peak of the Appalachians. Set his sights on this majestic crest. They say he never came back down.


  • SHERPAOh, himmm. You follow.

    Crenshaws eyes light up as he ascends the mountain base with her, stepping only on the hard garbage. The Sherpa turns back to him and puts her hand out again.

    SHERPA (CONTD)Five dollar.


    Reggie turns the corner into the narrow alleyway, which is inexplicably dark in the daylight.

    REGGIEMust be the bad part of town.

    He ventures forth cautiously.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Is there a man here? A can man?

    A tired grumbling comes from behind a dumpster.

    REGGIE (CONTD)Mr. Can Man?

    He inches along until he can see a haggard and clearly HOMELESS MAN nearly passed out against the bin, head resting on a pillow of crushed cans.

    CAN MAN(sleep-mumbling)

    ... asked for a tortoise... this is a turtle...

    Reggie picks up two tin cans and gently clinks them together until the Can Man awakens in a frenzy.

    CAN MAN (CONTD)Sweet baby Jesus, its Uncle Sam! Look, I wasnt dodging you or nothing, I got lost!

    REGGIEDont tell anyone, but Im AWOL, myself.

    The Can Man whips his head from side to side, gradually comprehending the situation. He rubs his weary eyes.


  • CAN MANUnrelated question: there a reward for turning in missing soldiers?

    REGGIEUh, no. Nope. Anyway, Im looking for the Can Man.

    CAN MANOh, right. Thats me, I think.

    He unpacks the cans from behind his head, lines them up alongside a few misshapen others. Then he remembers something. He reaches behind the dumpster.

    One final can. He pours out browned urine, then sets it in line, regarding Reggie as if he should be impressed.

    CAN MAN (CONTD)Got myself the complete collection.

    REGGIEThose must be... antique?

    CAN MANNo sir, these are food-grade equipments. Only the finest.

    REGGIETheyre... So have you had any large orders recently? Anyone... suspicious?

    CAN MANShit, youre the only -- I mean, yes, I do recall one, now that you mention it. Guy wanted, I dont know, couple hundred. Told him its quality, not quantity. Told me hed find a pro-fessional. Told him sir, I been in this business all my life, and I can count on one hand --

    As the Can Man continues to ramble, Reggie wanders off.


    Ira and Novia face the line, ostensibly having a frowning competition. The last person, a dirtied HOUSEWIFE, offers up a bowl of decorative fruits and vegetables.

    HOUSEWIFEIts a good thing.


  • The Housewife rejoins the attentive masses. Novia steps up to the cauldron with the ladle.

    NOVIAAnd now, to test the soup of wrath.

    She takes a small sip. As it hits her lips, she drops the ladle, fans her face, and spits it out.

    NOVIA (CONTD)Oh my God! So much wrath!

    She claws at her tongue.

    NOVIA (CONTD)You see? Socialism cant even do soup right.

    Novias supporters grow more riled up. She even gains a few.

    Ira, caught off-guard, recovers quickly.

    IRASo you good folks kindly donate your hard-earned supplies out of sheer generosity toward your community, and what do the fascists do? They call it trash.

    The majority of the crowd shouts and cheers in agreement. Novia loses those middle-ground supporters shed gained, as well as a few others.

    IRA (CONTD)I dont think youre trash. Do you?

    The influx continues. Ira shows his trademark smirk again.

    NOVIAOkay! Okay! How about we just -- you can -- why dont --

    IRAWell try the theories in practice.

    NOVIAYeah, yeah, find out whos right. But how do we...


    Novia calls dibs too, but just after Ira. She clenches her fists and groans, then turns to the crowd for a final plea.


  • NOVIALadies and gentlemen, this soup... is our lifeblood. Its our native gravy. To let just anyone have at it would be disastrous.

    The masses are fidgety, uncertain, but they dont budge. Novia storms off in a huff, mumbling about freedom of soup.


    Brenton ambles back to his place from his neighbors.

    BRENTONRemember, a brief time in the sun yields a gooey center. A plus tard!

    The Mother shrieks indiscernibly from her shack.

    BRENTON (CONTD)No! I would never call anyone that! Its French for see you later.

    Relieved, he heads home, but a teen, Jeff, stops him first.

    JEFFHey, bro. I seen you make the drop next dizzoor. Lemme cop some. I got the grumbles, son.

    Brenton holds a stiff upper lip for a moment, but when Jeffs stomach actually growls, Brenton resigns with a sigh.

    BRENTONIll supply you a provision if you promise to cut the colloquialisms. You went to private school, Jeff.

    JEFFYo, out the mouth and in the ear.

    BRENTONAnd refrain from mentioning this to friends and acquaintances. Im not in the business of handouts.


    Brenton passes Jeff a sack of food.

    JEFFYou my dude, BrenBren.


  • He shuts the door, leans back on it. He cant help but smile.

    A knock. A long, single-file line of eager TOWNSFOLK waits beyond the peephole. He tugs at his goatee, thinking.


    Nearly at cloud level, Crenshaw bounds to the top of a bluff seemingly created to support the old Airstream trailer jutting from the side of the mountain.

    He taps his foot as he waits. The Sherpa finally struggles atop the ledge, panting.

    SHERPAYou... wildman.

    CRENSHAWDamn near feral.

    Crenshaw seems to notice the trailer for the first time. Instantly, he grows giddy.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Is this it? Does he live here??

    Still gasping for air, the Sherpa manages a weak nod, but Crenshaw is already at the door and knocking.

    Momentarily, a schlubby but clean cut MAN answers.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Is it you? Are you him??

    BILLWell sir, Im Bill.


    You dont look like no Appalachian Apparition.

    Bill purses his lips and sighs.

    BILLIts been some time since one of you made it up here.



    Photos and books adorn the warm interior. The furniture bears floral patterns. Potted herbs and spices line the windowsill. Crenshaw points at a cross on the wall.

    CRENSHAWThe hells that thing?

    Bill is baffled, but invites Crenshaw to sit. He pours and hands him a cup of tea. Crenshaw knocks it back in a gulp.

    BILLIm afraid youve been misinformed. That whole Apparition thing... its just not me.

    CRENSHAWLike youre a changed man?

    BILLThats true. But for starters, Im from Minnesota. And Im surely not an apparition.

    CRENSHAWSo... you dont climb mountains?

    BILLYou dont even want to know what it took to get me up here.

    Crenshaws chin begins to twitch.

    Bill puts a hand on his shoulder.

    BILL (CONTD)All that adulation, all the inspiration the myth gave you, thats real. Just because it didnt happen doesnt mean it cant. Hey, maybe you can be the first.

    Crenshaw seems to take comfort in the notion.

    CRENSHAWLook, I came here to seek your guidance. I know you aint what I thought you was, but maybe you can still help.

    BILLIm listening.


  • CRENSHAWI aint smart.


    Bill ponders, scans the book shelves, then hands Crenshaw a dictionary. He shrugs.


    MONTAGE: Bill places lettered blocks in front of Crenshaw, and he juggles them. Bill hands him three apples, takes one away; Crenshaw pockets one, bites into the other. He reads Groucho Marxs dictionary entry. Bill flips to Karl Marx.


    A massive facility. WORKERS tend to machinery. Forklifts move material. Trucks drive in and out. The scene is bustling.

    Reggie meanders over in awe. He approaches an EMPLOYEE.

    REGGIEHi. The Can Man sent me here.

    EMPLOYEESorry, kid. Im punching out.

    The employee leaves. Reggie finds an idle FORKLIFT OPERATOR. He moves toward it, but it drives off before he reaches it.

    A GUY carrying a bag full of plastic bags crosses the lot. Reggie perks up. He opens his mouth to speak, but just then, a loud machine screams in the background.

    It goes quiet. He tries again, but the machine kicks in. By the time it ceases, the Guy has passed.

    He catches a nearby GUY #2 giving him the stink eye. Reggie awkwardly salutes him. Its not reciprocated.

    WIDE SHOT of the busy facility as Reggie scratches his head.


    The Townsfolk lounge by the cauldron in colorful, flowing clothing. They braid and brush each others hair, feed soup to one another. A shirtless HIPPIE rubs soup on his chest.


  • On the fringe, Ira takes it in with a disgusted sneer. Drawing a deep breath, he reluctantly steps forward.

    IRABrothers and sisters, hear me. The Powers That Be tried to lock down your soup. Tried to drown out your voice with the deafening blare of tyranny. But we, the people, rose in unison. And by God... we won. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    The townsfolk let forth a subdued hurrah, too distracted by doing nothing to get excited. Whooping in triumph, the hippie ladles soup over his head as he gyrates.

    Ira shudders before stalking off.


    A crudely painted sign above the shack reads PAPA BRENBRENS FOODSTUFFS. From his bar stool throne, Brenton hands down care packages to the long line of needy townsfolk.

    BRENTONSo I said, God may be a dog, but that dog is certainly not God!

    Everyone laughs at his bad joke, especially his POSSE, who works behind the scenes, forwarding him food. He soaks it in.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Step right up, friends! What do we have next?

    A POSSE GIRL gives him a can.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Ham! Canned ham. Ham in a can. I bestow it upon you, sir.

    He forks it over to the GRIZZLED MAN in line, whos almost teary-eyed in his appreciation. Brenton pats him on the back.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Hors doeuvres all around!

    The Posse Girl hands him a plate of cut up hot dogs. He flings them into the air, and the Townsfolk go wild. His Neighbor, holding her Son in her arms, waves to him.


  • They start to chant his name. MEN labor to lift him onto their shoulders, but more jump in to help, and they get him up. He throws his arms into the air victoriously.

    Amidst the noise, the Posse Girl mews:

    POSSE GIRLTheres no more food.

    Trying to hear her, Brenton turns toward her.

    BRENTONCome again?

    POSSE GIRLThe food is gone.


    The food is gone?

    Suddenly, Brenton hits the ground. The air is still and quiet as he sits up. The Townsfolk have scattered, leaving only a thinning wisp of dust.

    Behind him, footsteps crunch in the dirt. Brenton catches the Posse Girl mid-creep. She sheepishly avoids eye contact.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Et vous, Brut?

    POSSE GIRLI told you four times, its Brutee. Emily Brutee!

    Emily storms off.


    Atop the precipice, Crenshaw and Bill shake hands.

    CRENSHAWYouve been like a lame step-dude to me, Bill. If only there was some word to indicate my appreciation.

    Bill forces a weak smile.

    BILLYoull get there. Maybe.

    Crenshaw calls out to the Sherpa, who stands to the side.


  • CRENSHAWLearn me that toboggan move, girl.

    She belly-flops onto the slope and is off. Crenshaw follows.


    Crenshaw slides to a halt at the foot of the mountain.

    SHERPA #2, a tiny girl covered in grime and wearing a head-lamp, strains to push a mine cart out of a tunnel in the mountainside. Crenshaw moves to help her.

    CRENSHAWLet me -- yeesh.

    The cart contains moldy bread crusts, old produce, wrappers with bits of food left, an enormous rainbow mushroom, and a freshly deceased pigeon.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Yall eat this?

    She speaks through a sparsely-toothed grin and adorable lisp.

    SHERPA #2I get to eat the bones!

    Sherpa #1 lands nearby with a thud.

    SHERPA #2 (CONTD)Oh, your clothes are dirty.

    Sherpa #2 digs into the mountain, finds an old cloth. She offers it to him.

    Sherpa #1 holds up a hand and shakes her head solemnly.


    As Crenshaw passes the river, he notices a pipe draining brown material into the it. Disturbed, he follows the pipe.


    Crenshaw gags. The pipe sources back to a row of California Fairground-branded porta potties.



    Crenshaw nears the edge of town when a tall structure collapses in a thunderous tumult. A thick plume of grey smoke hangs where the building used to be.

    Instantly, a group of raucous CHILDREN bound over and play in the rubble, hurling bits of wood and rock at each other, squealing with glee.

    CRENSHAWSweet syrup and sausage, this place is a death trap!

    He takes off running.


    Smoke drifts over from the collapsed building a few lots away. Crenshaw arrives in a hurry.

    CRENSHAWYall got gas masks?!

    SALSure, sure.

    SAL lumbers off and reaches under the counter. He produces two cardboard tubes with dryer sheets fastened to the ends.

    CRENSHAWNot sure thats what thats for. Aint you got any real ones?

    SALShantytown goods only. No imports.

    Crenshaw gasps.


    He hesitates, then he snatches them from Sal and sprints away. Sal shouts after him. Crenshaw calls out:

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Its for the kids!


    The children are dancing, playing, coughing. Crenshaw sticks the gas masks in their faces.


  • CRENSHAWQuick! Use these, children! The particulate!

    Amongst the smoldering rubble, a fire breaks out.

    Crenshaw scurries to a nearby fountain where KIDS are tossing in coins. Beside each kid, a SHANTYTOWN G-MAN feeds them coins from large moneybags. Crenshaw shrieks.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Monetarism!

    He takes a bucket from a GARDEN WORKER, fills it with water, then douses the fire.

    The Garden Worker returns to a vast community garden. Each GARDEN WORKER has their own plot of land and sleeping bag.

    Off to the side, other Garden Workers watch, unsatiated and yearning, as the fat GARDEN KING gobbles fresh grapes. He speaks in a lazy drawl:

    GARDEN KINGBring me purple grapes. The green ones taste too healthy.

    GARDEN WORKERYes, mlord.


    A fight breaks out between two elderly Workers nearby. They put up their dukes, old-school.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)Pugilism!


    Umi and Aki lean back on a bench overlooking CHILDREN climbing a jungle gym made from rusting car parts. Two others swing a jump-rope of barbed wire as a fearful BOY hops.

    Umi lets her head loll back dramatically.

    UMIMy cut... I need my cut...

    UMIS POV: Upside down, she sees a canvas bag drooping over the edge of a dumpster.


  • She points it out to Aki, and he retrieves it. Inside, a plethora of unused tin cans labeled ANONYMOUSS FAMOUS CURE-ALL WONDERZOUPEN (SOUP, DUMMY).

    REGGIE (O.S.)Whats that?

    Umi jumps at his voice, blushes as she turns around.

    UMIOh, good.

    Aki starts to back away.

    REGGIEAre those high quality cans?

    UMIThey were in the dumpster.

    Reggie fidgets with his Army cap.

    REGGIEIm, uh, looking for the person who stole the soup. Someones been selling it. Any... leads?

    UMIWhat is this, an interrogation?

    Grumbling to herself, Novia comes upon the scene. Her eyes go wide as she recognizes the reality of what she sees.

    Her gaze catches Umis, then Reggies, then Akis. They all stare at each other for an awkward moment, unsure how to react. Then Novia moves in.

    NOVIAMaam, do you know these cans?

    UMIIve never seen these cans before in my life!

    Novia turns to Reggie.

    NOVIACan you corroborate?

    Reggie goes to speak, but demurs. He starts again, but theres nothing. Then:

    REGGIEI want to believe...


  • Novia slips off her belt. Her pants remain too tight.

    NOVIAIm going to have to detain you, maam. For interrogation.

    UMIAki, save yourself!

    Aki backflips away. Novia runs for three steps, then stops. She comes back and wraps Umis wrists with her belt.

    As shes being dragged off, Umi sees a sorrowful Reggie.

    UMI (CONTD)(fading wail)

    I just wanted my cut!

    Behind the nearby bushes, Ira tents his fingers, grinning wickedly.


    Candles surround the courtyard. Ira steps over them as he returns, gawking at the chanting Townsfolk around the soup in strange ceremonial garb and freakish bird masks.

    A CULT LEADER lifts a large axe above a SACRIFICIAL MAN on the chopping block.

    Ira tugs at his collar.

    IRAHey! No murder! Bad!

    The Cult Leader and the masked Townsfolk hang their heads.


    Percy and Peaches observe Brenton from across the street.

    PERCYThat aint right. A man should never have to eat his own hat.

    On a cutting pad, Brenton chops up the last bit of his chefs hat. He slides it into a skillet over a hotplate, adds a pinch of salt and a dash of garlic.

    PEACHESOh, hes doing it all wrong.


  • Peaches waddles across the street.


    Reggie stands out front, going over the letter again. He folds it up, then proudly salutes nothing in particular.

    As he does, Novia walks by, nudging a mildly inconvenienced Umi forward as she goes, a GUARD before and behind them. Umi meets Reggies gaze, then rolls her eyes.

    Reggies salute slowly and dramatically falls.

    NOVIAWheres that hit squad I ordered? Find the traitor twin!

    Just as she goes out of sight, a SQUAD in soda tab chainmail runs by in unison going the other direction.


    A lantern bestows a meek light in the darkness. Brenton sits, plate on his lap, ready to eat the sauteed chef hat. He brings the fork to his mouth, but stops.

    He finds a flare beside him, sprinkles some gunpowder on top, then admires his creation.

    BRENTONThose fools, firing me. Id like to see any of them whip up such a gourmasterpiece out of nothing.

    A muffled humming from outside his shack grows in volume until he cant ignore it anymore. He steps outside.


    Dozens of Townsfolk stand assembled in a candlelight vigil, humming a variety of different, out of sync songs. Each person holds a small item of food.

    Emily Brutee steps forward bearing half a loaf of bread. She offers it to him.

    EMILYWe couldnt let you go hungry.

    Dumbfounded, Brenton works up a response.


  • BRENTONIm no mooch. Ive got a perfectly good toque blanche saut in there.

    EMILYIts not mooching. Its community. You helped us. Let us help you.

    Brenton takes the loaf of bread and embraces it, careful not to crush it in his arms.

    Mixed in amongst the townsfolk, Crenshaw looks on, rubbing his stubble.


    BODIES lay scattered around the soup cauldron. Novia screams.

    NOVIAAre you guys dead?! Oh God, its Jonestown all over again...

    BODY #1 (O.S.)Keep it down, some of us are trying to sleep!

    Novia exhales. When she gets to the soup, she screams again.

    NOVIAIts gone!

    She turns, fire in her eyes.


    Ira strolls over, seemingly out of nowhere. Hes counting the bills in a wad of cash.

    NOVIA (CONTD)I told you!

    She kicks the pot to no effect but clearly hurts her foot.

    NOVIA (CONTD)This is what happens when --

    PORKOWSKIWhats going on here?

    Novia goes rigid.


  • NOVIASir, the -- it was -- I came upon --

    Porkowski checks the empty pot as the slumbering bodies begin to wake. A crowd begins to gather.

    PORKOWSKIAlright, Ive seen enough. Were done here. Shut er down!

    Novias horrified expression molds into one of satisfaction.

    NOVIAI think thats the right decision, Chief. Good call.

    Iras response is monotonous and apathetic.

    IRAYou cant do that, you fascist.

    A confused but determined rally from the growing mob on Iras side. Novias supporters look to each other nervously.

    NOVIA(to the side)

    Bring her!

    Two CAPTORS come forth with Umi in shackles. As the crowd swells further, Novia addresses them.

    NOVIA (CONTD)Ladies and gentlemen, here is your traitor. Your soup thief. She was in my custody all evening, during which time she was subjected to various enhanced interrogation techniques.

    UMIWe played cards. She let me sleep on her bed.

    Novia clears her throat loudly.

    PORKOWSKIWell done, Novia. I think youre finally ready to be deputized.

    She puts a hand over her mouth, getting emotional.

    IRAHow could she steal it if she was with you all night?


  • Blushing, Novia takes a few bows, deflecting the question.

    PORKOWSKIUnfortunately, it only takes one bad egg to ruin the soup.

    The Townsfolk on both sides groan.

    PORKOWSKI (CONTD)Take it away, boys.

    He snaps his fingers. DEPUTIES move in and take the empty cauldron. A wave of unrest roils the mob.

    PORKOWSKI (CONTD)Hey, you cant play nice, you dont get to keep your toys.

    The unrest escalates as Townsfolk from both sides begin to shove each other. Little fights start to break out.

    THE LEFTFascists!

    THE RIGHTSocialists!

    Just then, Aki ninja kicks one of Umis captors in the face. He goes down hard. By the time the other turns to check on his partner, Akis on his opposite side and punches him out.

    He scoops Umi, still cuffed, and dashes into the crowd.

    A handful of Townsfolk from each faction have united and start to advance on Police Chief Porkowski.


    Novia! Do something!

    Novia looks to Ira, who looks back at her. After a moment, they nod, then bail in different directions.

    As the chaos reaches an apex, Crenshaw stands on a picnic table to address the mob. He puts his fingers to his lips and lets out a piercing whistle.

    CRENSHAWYesterday, I saw Shantytown for the first time. The real Shantytown. We got slaves. We got sewage in our water. We got no imports! And no exports for that matter, neither. But we also got one thing that other societies dont: access.

    The fighting begins to subsist. Hes catching ears.


  • CRENSHAW (CONTD)I aint gonna lie, its pretty messed up here. But its ours to shape. That man right there, the one gnawing that mannequins ear for some reason? Thats your mayor.

    A scraggly MAYOR in a crumpled top hat takes a moment from his gnawing to do the politicians wave.

    CRENSHAW (CONTD)You can talk to him. Tell him what sucks. Make him fix it! You have the power! Shantytown is all of us.

    Townsfolk mutter amongst themselves. Then, someone calls out:

    RANDOM PERSON (O.S.)Communist!

    Instantly, the mob rises, but this time, with a common cause.

    Crenshaw smiles fondly before the mob chases him off.


    Brenton munches on crackers as Crenshaw comes around.

    CRENSHAWIm starved, boy. Can I get a bite?

    BRENTONNot on your life, freeloader!

    Brenton laughs, tossing Crenshaw a can of beans from a stock much smaller than he once had. He doesnt seem to mind.

    BRENTON (CONTD)Im still flabbergasted by the kindness of these fair yokels. A day ago, I wouldnt have trusted them with even my stalest baguette. Today, I call them friends.

    Crenshaws beard is smeared with bean sauce. He shrugs.

    CRENSHAWFuck it, man. Its Shantytown.

    ZOOM OUT as, somehow, life goes on around them.



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