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  • 8/9/2019 Shared Sorrows


    1The Legend of the Forgotten

    Shared Sorrows

    The world has become cold. It has been a full year since the end began, and still we get

    ever further from a salvation. I have not done much in the efforts to obtain freedom, but I have

    done more than others. It would be a lie if I said I believe we will prevail. In all honesty, this

    world will burn and when it happens I will have but one regret. It is the very thing which fills my

    heart and soul with sorrow.


    It is her.

    The suns light awakened me from my slumber within the wreckage of a van. It is rare to

    be visited by the sun. Usually, clouds of ash and pollution mask the sky. I dont remember the

    last time I felt the warmth of the sun, and even as its rays reached me, I still could not feel it.

    I struggle to get out of the van through the windshield. I stretched and felt the good

    aching of my joints as they prepared to start todays endeavors; another day of endless walking.

    Good morning

    Again, her voice calls out to me. Its as if she never left. No! As if I never left.

    Good morning, I said in a solemn voice.

    Whats wrong?

    Nothing, I answered. Now, leave me alone.

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    2I started walking through the forest, thinking that she would do as I said without another


    Oh, okay. Im sorry.

    Its fine. Just, wait till later. Okay? I could never be meant to her, or be angry with her.

    Okay. She was cheerful.Hey, guess what?

    What? I asked a little more nicely.

    I love you.


    Dont you love me? She was saddened by my reaction.

    You know I do, so I shouldnt have to say it. If I said it every time she needed to hear

    it, I would be annoyed to death by my own voice.

    Okay, but I really do love you. When are you coming back?

    Soon, I said flatly.

    Do you promise? She sounded as she did when she was about to cry.

    I promise.

    Life was never easy for me. I was always alone, always left out, always used. I had only a

    handful of true friends, and a lot of other friends. Most of them just wanted something from me;

    test answers, copy homework, tell them what happened in a book, or be their partner in gym. Ive

    dealt with all of those, but the worst is when a girl I like uses me. They usually just want me to

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    3do whatever their other friends wont do, or hang around with them so theyre not alone. I

    usually thought they liked me too, and thats why they hung around me, but when another friend

    came by, I became the invisible man. I figured that there are two types of friends; the friends that

    think of you as a friend, and the friends that like the idea of being your friend. They abuse and

    use the people because they like them as a person, but not enough to be friends. I was fed up with

    it, so I avoided them and stayed with who I knew were my friends. Then she came into my life.

    We knew each other since middle school, but never really hung out or talked. We were

    completely different when I last saw her. She had this Goth thing going on and she hung around

    potheads. Well, Ive changed since then too. I last remember looking at her and seeing a

    beautiful girl covered up in a lot of darkness. We had a class together, I think, and she skipped a

    lot. Shes been different since then. She looked even more beautiful and full of color. Ive always

    had a crush on her, but never did anything about it. I had my chance and I took it. She had just

    broken up with her boyfriend, and we had a class together. I decided to re-introduce myself.

    Hey. Hows it going? I tried to be as friendly as possible.

    Okay. My boyfriends been cheating on me and continues to lie to my face about it, but

    other than that its okay. What about you? Obviously, shes been bottling up all her emotions.

    Im fine. Do you want to talk about whats going on? It seems like you have a lot to let

    out. I made my offer. She could choose to decline or accept. Her choice would affect the

    outcome of how this will turn out.

    Not now, she whispered as the teacher gave us a dirty look. Can I text you?

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    4Sure. I wrote my number down on a half sheet of paper. Anytime you need to talk, Ill

    be here to listen, no matter the time.

    Thanks. She smiled.

    I walked for hours through the forest, thinking of nothing but my past. Mostly, I thought

    about her. In these times, I would think everyone is haunted by their past or at least dreams for it

    to return.

    Hey, I said in the same solemn voice.

    Hi. She was always cheerful.How are you?

    Im really bored, I said as I leaned against a tree for a break. How are you?

    Im good. Do you know where you are? She sounded concern.

    Not a clue. I know Im headed north. I think I might be in Wisconsin. That should

    make her happy.

    Really?! Are you trying to find your way home? Her excitement made me happy.

    It will be nice to see you, but I wont stay long. I need to continue moving. I paused for

    a second to hear what she had to say, but she didnt answer and I felt terrible for saying that.

    Im sorry.

    Its okay. I wish you would stay

    I know, but this is what I want; to keep moving. I pushed myself off the tree and

    continued walking down forward, looking for a street.

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    5Do you think I can come with you? I could picture her sad face, begging me to let her

    come with.

    I would like that, but I dont want you to get hurt. I brushed my hand through the

    leaves in the trees above.

    Okay. Ill see you soon, then? She wished for it as I wished for it.


    I love you. I pictured a tear fall down her cheek.

    She texted me at the end of the day as the sun began to set. I remember sitting outside,

    looking at it, and thinking that if this a mistake then it should end now. How am I to know if this

    is the right thing to do?

    Hi. How are you?

    I was surprised to see that she texted me already. I thought Id have to wait a few days to

    hear from her. Maybe this is right.

    Good. You?

    Waiting for her response, I remembered a dream I had. It had made an impression on me

    because of the scene of the setting sun, and the image of her. I remember seeing all of this

    before. There was more to the dream, but I couldnt remember all of it. I did remember her

    crying as I held her and us kissing. What was I thinking? Its just a dream and thats all it ever

    will be.

    Not good. Im crying lol

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    6Instantly, I assumed something happened involving the ex.

    Why? What happened?

    It took a while before I got a text back. When it takes forever to get a text back, it usually

    means the person has a lot to say.

    He stopped by today to drop off some of my things and I

    tried to keep myself together but I couldnt. I slammed the door

    in his face when I saw him. He tried to get me to let him in. I


    im to leave everyth

    ing by th

    e door. I sat by th

    e door and

    cried for so long until I realized he was gone. I got my things

    and tried to calm down but I cant stop thinking about him. I

    still love him. He hurt me so badly but I still love him.

    I thought carefully about my response. The wrong words would cause more pain.

    Try to do something. You need to focus on something else to

    stop thinking about him. I know this is hard but youre tough

    and you can handle it. The hardest part is trying to forget and

    push away the feelings and memories.

    I didnt have a lot of experience with dating, but that didnt mean I couldnt help. I saw

    things from a different view and gave my honest opinion. Since, he had cheated on her, all of

    them were mostly me siding with her.

    Thanks :) Do you wanna hang out sometime?

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    7I thought about her state of mind before I answered. She just wanted someone to talk to,

    someone to be with, someone to help her forget.

    Sure =)

    I walked for hours without stopping for anything, but to rest for a minute. I couldnt eat

    because I ate yesterday. My food was slowly running out. Soon, I would be out of food, and then

    die, eventually. I couldnt beg or steal. Its not in me to do either. With the recent events, people

    think they can do anything they want, but I dont. I will not steal to survive, and I wont go to

    those who have stolen or killed for food. I will be honorable as Ive always been. I will do what

    she would have like me to do.

    Where the hell am I? I asked myself.

    Are you lost?

    I guess I am. Leave me alone while I look for a road or something, I ordered.


    Ill see you soon, I promise.

    I love you too.

    Searching the area, I began to hear a lot of movement. At first I thought it was just some

    wanderers, but then I heard the growls and battle cries.

    The Plague!

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    8I pulled out my Magnum pistol and cautiously tried to walk around them. I thought I

    could locate where they were by the noise, but I was wrong. I forgot about the quiet ones; the


    The trees didnt make a sound and neither did the bushes. I walked by them, and as I

    passed the tallest tree closest to me, they attacked. The Silences fired their weapons. I quickly

    shielded myself with my bag. Their tranquilizer darts landed all around me and pierced my bag.

    Surprised I wasnt hit; I searched my body and then ran for it. They chased after me, I could feel

    it. I continued to run, stupidly looking back. If I had kept my eyes forward, I would have seen the

    group of Sins in front of me. I ran into one and fell to the ground. They stared at me as I froze in

    shock. How could I be so dumb? Why werent the attacking?

    I didnt move, I didnt breathe, and I didnt expect to live.

    When I saw the Sin closest to me raise its gun, I knew it was over.

    Goodbye, I whispered as I shut my eyes.


    I waited with my eyes shut. I thought it would hurt, I thought I would feel pain. Nothing

    happened. Maybe, I died and didnt know it. I opened my eyes and saw all the Sins were still.

    They were now frozen. What happened?

    The Sin that I thought would be the one to kill me fell to the ground; its head rolled to my

    feet. The others fell one after another; some cut in half, sliced down the middle, limbs torn off,

    and one with multiple stab wounds. I searched for whom or what was responsible, but there was

    no one.

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    9Hello? Is anyone out there? I called out.

    It was silent. There was nothing around. I scanned the area, and then remembered the

    Silences. As I turned around to see if they were advancing or surrounded me, they fell. Three

    Silences fell to the ground from behind me, and two others fell beside the Sins. I looked all

    around me, seeing all the bodies that had fallen; all the Sins and Silences that were mysteriously

    killed. Who did this?

    The leaves and branches began to rustle. Someone was up there. I took aim, in case

    whoever or whatever was going to attack.

    Who are you?! I called again.

    What are you talking about? You know who I am.

    Not you. Please leave me alone right now, I muttered.

    Okay. I love you. She was sad again.

    Im sorry but Im busy. I focused on the trees and spoke quietly.

    Be careful.

    Before I could speak, another body fell from the trees. It was a Death. I shielded my eyes

    before it hit the ground, so the dirty, twigs, and rocks it blew around wouldnt pierce my eyes.

    When the air had cleared, I looked around again, but still nothing.

    Show yourself! I demanded, staring at the tree tops above.

    Who are you? a woman asked as she pressed what felt like a gun to my back.

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    10I calmly and slowly raised my hands. Im just passing through. I mean no harm.

    Walker! she stated loudly.

    No! I didnt know what that was, but I had to clear things up. Im just trying to find

    my way home. Ive been gone for a while and I dont remember the way. I think Im lost.


    No! Im telling the truth! I moved to Florida before the war reached home. Im trying to

    find my way back to my family. The only family I have left. Please, believe me. I began to

    panic. I never thought a person would kill me. I always thought it would be one of them.

    Sorrow! she called.

    I heard the steps of another person behind me. They whispered to each other, and I,

    unfortunately, couldnt hear what they were discussing. I prayed they would believe me.

    What region are you from? she asked. I couldnt tell where the other had gone.

    Im from the north eastern part of Illinois. I lived in the town of

    Your town no longer exists. There are only two towns in that area. Do you have a map?

    She calmed down.

    No. Ive been using the roads, but when I crossed into Indiana, the roads got too

    dangerous and the forests became denser than I remember. I lowered my hands.

    A lot has changed. She lowered the gun. You said followed the roads till Indiana?

    How? Werent there Plague all over?

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    11Yes, but I had a lot more guns and ammo then. I shouldve found another way than

    taking the roads, I see that now.

    I turned to face her. She had beautiful, short, red-black hair. Her eyes were deep brown.

    The clothes she wore were torn and nearly rags. She was average height and weight from what I

    could tell, which meant she had a good food supply; most people become skinny and fatigued

    because of the war.

    Whats your name? I asked.

    Rose, she replied. What is yours?

    Im Andrew. I looked around. Where is your friend? Sorrow, I think.

    She shifted her gaze to the ground. She doesnt do well with others, so I sent her home.

    So what now? I asked. I assumed she would take me to her town and point me in the

    right direction to my town.

    You leave. She turned and walked away.

    Wait! I ran after her. Where do I go?

    The next town is ten miles north. Theyll tell you where the other nearest town is. If you

    dont find who youre looking for in either town, then stop looking. She ran off.

    I let her go. She couldnt help; not when she has her own problems. I began to walk north

    even though I felt like someone was following me.

    Are you okay?

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    12Yeah, Im fine. I whispered to myself.

    Thats good. Who was that girl?

    I dont know. She was tough and pretty though. I laughed. She reminded me of you.

    Really? I dont think so. She looked like one of a kind. Im not like that.

    You couldve been. I mumbled.

    The first town wasnt right. It was too far west. The next town was to the east. She had to

    be there. I walked over a thousand miles, and Id walk a thousand more just to find her.

    What if she left? What if she went west? How could I find one person of the many who

    lie lifeless on the road to salvation? She wouldnt follow what others believed, would she?

    Youre almost home. She was happy.

    I think so. Are you in this new town or in our hometown? I asked to confirm her


    Both. Theyre the same place. She was excited.I cant wait till youre home.

    See you soon.

    I walked in silence for hours, listening to my follower. I assumed it was Rose or her

    friend Sorrow. They were different, and I bet they could sneak up on a Silence. Actually, I think

    they have.

    Who were you talking to? a woman asked me as she held a blade to my throat.

    No one. I coughed out the words.

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    Dont lie! I heard you talking to someone. She was just as hostile a Rose.

    I was talking to myself!

    She forced me on my knees and pressed the blade to my neck. I felt like I was about to be

    executed. With Rose I felt more at ease, but with this woman I felt like death were minutes away.

    Stop lying! she demanded.

    I closed my eyes and prayed. If this is where I die, then I shall look back on my memories

    and not the forest around me. I will die reliving my precious moments with her.

    Stop! a voice called. Sorrow, let him go. I made a mistake.

    The blade was removed from my throat. I stood to see who caused all of this. Rose was

    approaching from behind a tree, and the woman with her arms folded across her chest must be

    Sorrow. She was dressed in all black. Everything was black; her lipstick, nail polish, and hair.

    Her eyes though, were red and her skin was a pale white, like in those damn vampire movies.

    Im sorry, Andrew. We heard you talking to yourself earlier, and I had to find out if you

    were Im sorry. She bowed her head.

    Its fine, I muttered. You saw something that you didnt trust and had to make sure it

    wasnt going to be a problem. I understand.

    Can we accompany you to town? she raised her head and asked.

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    14Sure, I guess. It didnt matter to me either way, as long as I wasnt going to be

    threatened anymore.

    Thank you. Rose glared at Sorrow. I apologize for Sorrow. Shes not good with other


    Its okay. Its not like well be seeing a lot of each other. I smiled.

    Thank God for that, Sorrow mumbled.

    I laughed. Sorrow smiled.

    We walked for almost an hour in silence. We were all uncomfortable with being around

    people. I had been alone for so long that it felt strange to me, and they must have felt the same.

    Nightfall soon overcame us. I gathered some fallen branches for firewood, Rose set up

    some Claymores, and Sorrow disappeared in the tree tops. We had no food, no water.

    The town I had just visited barely had anything for themselves, so I refused anything they

    offered. I did accept a grenade, though. They were very peaceful and had a strong, solid wall

    around the town. They didnt want the grenade because, according to them, they had no use for


    Rose and I didnt talk. We sat at the fire and stared at it. After I put more wood in the fire,

    we lay down and went to sleep.

    Youre moving? she asked, stunned.

    Yeah, I said, numb.

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    15She wrapped her arms around my torso. I dont want you to go.

    I dont want to go. I held her close and tightly.

    We sat on her bed for a while, embracing. Time escaped us. It was almost time for her

    dad to get home.

    Damn! She wiped away her tears. Time flew by fast. Do you want to come over


    I cradled her head in my hand, and pressed my lips to hers. She placed her hands around

    my neck to keep me close. I removed my lips from hers. She smiled and forced our lips together.

    I tried to stand, but she didnt want to move. Knowing I had to leave, I picked her up with our

    lips still attached. She wrapped her legs around me. I walked out her room and down the stairs.

    She laughed as I struggled to unlock the front door.

    I forced my lips from hers. You know I have to leave. She pressed her lips back to

    mine. I pushed away again. Well both be dead if your dad catches us. She pushed her lips

    back on me again, and I didnt fight it anymore. I forced her against the wall and made sure she

    wasnt going anywhere.

    She removed her lips from mine. Youre right. You need to go. I pushed her lips back

    to mine. She forced my lips off her. Lets go to the couch. She smiled.

    I carried her to the couch and tripped on the coffee table. We fell on the couch, but it

    didnt distract us. It was as if nothing ever happened.

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    I woke up in the middle of the night. Rose was asleep. Sorrow was still out of sight. The

    fire was out. I searched for wood and started a new fire. Looking at Rose, I noticed she was cold.

    I took off my coat and set it on her. Then I went back to sleep.

    I was lying on her couch, and she was laying on me. She walked her fingers from her left

    hand on my chest. I brushed her hair with my right hand. We held each others free hand.

    Do you love me? she asked focused on her fingers walking across my chest.

    I stopped brushing her hair and grabbed her hand. She looked at me.

    You know I do. I answered.

    Then why dont you say so? She rested her head my chest.

    You know I do, so I shouldnt have to say it.

    She raised her head and faced me. I stared into her eyes and saw her disappointment. She

    leaned over and kissed me.

    I love you.

    Wake up!

    My eyes opened and I saw Sorrow knelt beside me.

    Get up, now! We need to go, she said.

    I got to my feet. Rose came to me and gave me back my coat. I put it on and followed

    Sorrow, east.

    Whats the rush? I asked still drowsy.

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    17Plague! Sorrow said flatly.

    I didnt question her again. I followed her and did as she said. Along the way to the next

    town, we had to evade a few groups of Plague. Sorrow had the answers on how to get away

    without being seen.

    We finally made it to the gates of the town, after four hours of walking. It was just like

    the other town to the west.

    Hello?! I called.

    A man appeared on the wall by a spot light. Hello. What do you want? he asked.

    Was this town once called Antioch? I asked.

    It still is, he confirmed.

    I lived here two years before the war, and moved to Florida. I informed.

    Thats unfortunate. Wasnt Florida one of the first to be attacked?

    It was and it was also partially submerged under water. I answered.

    That is still a very terrible thing to hear.

    Yes. Will you let us in? Ive come a long way to find someone very dear to me.

    What are your names? he asked.

    Im Andrew. This is Rose and Sorrow, I introduced.

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    18His eyes widened. Rose! Why didnt you say so to start? Of course you can come in!

    He turned around. Open the gates!

    The gates began to open. I looked behind me to face Rose.

    We aided this town and the other. My Captain had a plan to build up the peoples

    morale, and give them the will to fight again. She stared at the ground.

    The gates opened, and the man, who was on the wall, greeted us.

    Hurry up! Get in! He motioned with his hands

    Rose walked by me, I grabbed her by the wrist.

    I didnt ask for an explanation. We all have a past that we may not wish to share. Tears

    were building up in her eyes. I let go of her wrist. Im sorry.

    I followed her into the town with Sorrow behind us, looking into the forest. The town was

    just as I remembered it, except with a lot of demolished building, destroyed roads, and natural

    growths taking over.

    Is it as you remembered? the man asked.

    Yes. The destruction was expected, but it still looks the same. How far do the walls

    extend? I asked.

    It captures most of it. What area do you want to know in particular?

    Woods of Antioch, I answered.

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    19Im sorry. Most of it was destroyed during the Northern Siege. The bodies we could find

    were buried in the local cemetery. Most of them were identified. He saw my sadness. If you

    need help with anything else, Ill be at the high school.

    He left us. Rose put a hand my shoulder. I looked at her.

    Im sorry. Well help you look.

    I grabbed her hand and held back my tears.

    Im going alone. I said and left them at the gates by the Ace Hardware store.

    I walked up the road and took a right toward the cemetery. It was bigger now. They

    extended it to where houses were, across the street beside the local dive restaurant. I started with

    the newest graves. I didnt miss a gravestone. At first they didnt have names, but then the names

    started appearing. Some names I recognized and others werent. I saw the names of neighbors,

    high school teachers and friends. I saw so many names that hurt me so much, but not her name,

    not yet.

    I didnt realize I skipped a few nameless graves. After finishing all of the new graves, I

    went back to check the ones I missed. After the first four, I fell to my knees at the fifth. I

    couldnt stop the tears, I couldnt stop the pain. I screamed in pain until my throat hurt.

    Youre dead, I cried.

    Im sorry.

    Why didnt you tell me?!

    You never would have came. I wanted you to come home. I missed you.

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    20Youre not here! You cant miss me! I clutched my chest.

    I love you. You were the only thing that went through my head.

    That doesnt make me feel better!

    I love you, Andrew. I could hear here cries.I wish I could be with you.

    Youre not real.

    You know that I love you. I wished you were with me every day you were gone. I wish I

    couldve seen you one last time before I died.

    Youre not real!

    It was silent. She was gone. I looked back at the grave marker; a cross marked her grave

    with a rope holding a ring. I gazed at the ring on my right ring finger. They were exactly the

    same. I gave her the ring as a promise that I would return to her.

    I promised you I would return.

    You did return.

    I couldnt stop my tears from falling. They flowed from my eye like a waterfall.

    I love you. I always have and always will.

    I love you too. Goodbye.

    Dont go! Rachel! Dont go! I called out for her.

    She was truly gone. I called for her, but she never came.

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    21I wiped the tears from my face, stood, and headed to the gates. Rose and Sorrow waited

    for me. They knew I found her.

    Andrew, Im so sorry, she said as I passed her.

    Open the gate! I ordered the guys in charge of the gate.

    The gate began to open, and I played with the ring on my finger.

    Where are you going? Rose asked.

    Anywhere but here, I answered.

    I was impatient. All I wanted was to leave and forget ever seeing that grave. I wanted to

    leave, so I could hear her voice again. I kept playing with my ring, wishing to hear her. The more

    I looked at the silver ring, the more I began to feel unable to keep my composure. Rose saw how

    badly I was struggling. She approached me slowly, and put her hand on my shoulder again. I

    looked at her and saw Rachels face. A single tear fell from my eye. Rose wrapped her arms

    around me, and I held her tight.

    I wish I was with her when it happened, so I could tell her I love her one last time. I

    confessed to her.

    She knows you love her, just like he knows I love him, she said, comforting me.

    I love you.

    I love you too, she said with a smile.

    I looked at the clock. I have to go.

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    22She quickly got off me. I stood up, and she launched herself back onto me. I carried her

    to the door, and we continued making out. We ended up back at the wall we were at before. We

    looked into each others eyes when I unlocked the door. She planted her feet back on the floor,

    leaned up, and kissed me one last time. I opened the door, and stepped out the door onto the

    stoop. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her close, and I kissed her one last time

    before I left.

    Same time tomorrow? I asked with a smile.

    She nodded and giggled.

    Now, I roam the country. I no longer fear death; I welcome it. She would never forgive

    me if I made it easy for the sons-a-bitches. Ill die the same way Roses boyfriend did. She told

    me he died after killing around a hundred Sins, Silences, and Deaths. Disease will not affect me;

    hunger will no longer bother me. I will do kill as many of the basterds as I can; that will be my


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