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Provide Waxing Services Learner Guide

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Learner Guide SHBBHRS001

This work is Copyright© of:

Fuss Education Pty Ltd

Shop 2/161 New South Head Road

Edgecliff NSW 2027

Created for the delivery of Vocational Education within Sydney Beauty & Dermal

Institute, RTO 91192, CRICOS 02725B

Resources have been created by Fuss Education Pty Ltd to support the SHB Hair

and Beauty Training package and are from a collection of professional, industry

representatives and resources, and reasonable effort has been made to ensure

that the material is accurate and current. Author/s takes no responsibility for act or

omission as a result of learning. Copying, reproducing, transmission or alterations

are not permitted and a license will not be granted.

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INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 4

APPLICATION ...................................................................................... 4

FOUNDATION SKILLS ........................................................................... 5

ELEMENTS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ......................................... 6

KNOWLEDGE SUPPORT MATERIAL ......................................................... 8

SECTION 1 - ESTABLISH CLIENT PRIORITIES ....................................... 13

SECTION 2 - PREPARE FOR WAXING SERVICE ................................. 22

SECTION 3 - APPLY WAX TO WAXING AREA ................................... 26

STRIP WAX APPLICATION AND REMOVAL ....................................... 32

HOT WAX APPLICATION AND REMOVAL ......................................... 33

TWEEZING PROCEDURE ..................................................................... 34


SERVICE ADVICE ............................................................................... 51

SECTION 5 - CLEAN SERVICE AREA ................................................. 56

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This book is designed to provide a theory and assessment framework to support the

gathering of suitable evidence to prove competency in the unit.

The resource is designed for self-paced learning, as well as, distance education

settings, in a classroom or workshop setting. It is more than capable of supporting

new learners entering the industry, as well as experienced workers seeking to up-skill;

transfer to a new industry or to obtain formal qualifications.

At the completion of the learning, the Learners shall be able to demonstrate or

provide evidence of competency and understanding of the following:

Problem solving

Counselling processes and methods

Respect for client strengths or particular needs

Capacity to maintain and critique realistic limits for agency service and client




This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to

provide waxing services to remove unwanted facial and body hair.

It requires the ability to consult with clients to select suitable wax products to provide

waxing services. The waxing service can be a single service or form part of a series of


This unit applies to beauticians and beauty therapists who work in beauty or hair

removal salons, in this environment they work as part of a team and make

independent decisions within a defined range.

No occupational licensing, certification or specific legislative requirements apply to

this unit at the time of publication.

This learner guide includes:

Establish client priorities

Prepare for waxing service

Apply wax to waxing area

Review waxing service and provide post service advice

Clean service area

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Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the

performance criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement.

Reading skills to: Interpret, and follow manufacturer instructions

and safety data sheets for safe use of cleaning

and treatment products and equipment

Numeracy skills to:

Calculate treatment times, product quantities

and price of treatment

Technology skills to:

Use client software to update client notes,

rebook future treatments, record stock data

and product purchases

Safely use and maintain electrical equipment

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Elements describe

the essential


Performance criteria describe the performance needed to

demonstrate achievement of the element.

1. Establish client


Access and review client treatment plan if available.

Confirm with client waxing requirements and areas of skin

and hair growth requiring treatment.

Identify contraindications to waxing service, and refer

client to appropriate professional as required.

Explain treatment sequence and factor that may restrict


Confirm revised treatment plan, record updates and

obtain client consent

2. Prepare for

waxing service

Prepare service area, equipment and self

Select waxing products according to plan

Ensure own posture and position to minimise fatigue and

risk of injury to self and client throughout waxing service.

Prepare client, clean and prepare skin area to be waxed.

Use energy, water and other resources efficiently during

preparation and subsequent treatment process.

3. Apply wax to

waxing area

Test wax temperature, adjust as required and maintain for

the duration of waxing service.

Apply and remove hot or strip wax to remove unwanted


Ensure all wax product is removed from skin and use

tweezers to remove remaining unwanted hair as required.

Ensure maximum client comfort and modesty throughout

waxing service.

Monitor client reactions and responses and adjust waxing

service as required.

Apply aftercare product to minimise any post treatment

skin reactions.

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4. Review waxing

service and

provide post

service advice

Evaluate waxing service with client.

Record outcomes on client treatment plan for future


Provide aftercare advice and recommend products and

future services.

Update treatment plan as required.

5. Clean service


Clean service area, equipment and surfaces according

to organisational policies and procedures.

Replenish service area in preparation for next service.

Dispose of general waste, waste hair and wax to minimise

negative environmental impacts according to

organisational policies and procedures.

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State or territory and local health, hygiene and skin penetration regulations

and requirements relevant to the provision of waxing services

Within Australia and each State and Territory there is legislation that applies to

practitioners working in the beauty industry and directs the infection control

procedures for all services. The aim of this legislation is to protect you and your client

by preventing cross infection and controlling the spread of disease. Each state has

developed a set of health guidelines based on the legislation to guide infection

control in a salon setting.

The skin penetration guidelines are additional and apply to any service where there

is a risk of breaking the skin or drawing blood. Skin penetration guidelines apply to

beauty services as there is a risk that blood can be drawn in some treatments.

So why do we have such detailed regulations and guidelines covering this industry?

Infections can be spread between the client and operator, and from client to client,

from you to other employees of the salon and even from you to your family and

friends. Most people that visit your salon will be free of diseases, some will

unknowingly have come into contact with a contagious condition and in rare cases

they may know that they have a contagious condition but hope that you will

proceed with the service anyway. If you follow the recommended procedures.

Organisational policies and procedures relevant to waxing services

Equipment use and maintenance

As with all beauty services, it is important that the area for service is well prepared

and organised before the client arrives and the service begins. Waxing services may

be performed in a variety of places and are often provided as an additional service

in hair and laser clinics or can be a business that is dedicated solely to facial


You may work in a salon where you simply need to ensure all the equipment and

materials are available and the service area is clean. Alternatively, you may be

expected to set up a service area in a new salon. The following is a list of what you

would need to take into account if you were setting up a new salon service area.

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Some suggested equipment includes


Wax Client gown Purpose built couch

Applicators / Spatulas Clean towels Trolley

Gloves Disposable sheeting Wax pots

Tweezers Hand mirror

Scissors Rubbish container

Talcum powder Rubbish bin with lid

Non-woven strips Maggi lamp

Cleanser or pre-

treatment product

Post treatment product


Waxing tissue

Alcohol swabs

All necessary equipment and materials must be prepared and maintained

according to health requirements, manufacturers’ instructions and workplace

policies and procedures. The work area must be cleaned and waste disposed of

after each client service. It is important to become familiar with the tools of the

trade including furniture, tools, skincare products, machinery and cosmetics.

A clean, tidy workplace is essential for good health and safety. A dirty workplace

can result in slips and falls which may cause injury. More importantly, it can also

contribute to infection by providing an unhygienic environment where micro-

organisms can thrive.

Incident reporting

If you are an employee, you should report immediately to your supervisor the nature

of the incident and complete an Incident Report form which should include:

the date and time of exposure,

how the incident occurred and

the name of the source individual, if you know it

If you are the owner, manager or an employee, you should report the incident to

your doctor or the Accident and Emergency Casualty Department at the nearest


Linen use and laundry procedures

Linen used in premises where skin penetration procedures are undertaken shall be

Stored to prevent contamination

Only fresh, clean linen shall be used on each client

Used, dirty or soiled linen shall be stored in a suitable receptacle

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Household laundering procedures are adequate for processing all soiled linen

Hands shall be dried thoroughly using disposable paper towels

Clean the surface that has been contaminated with detergent and water

using disposable wipes or paper towels

Disposable items must be used where possible

Personal hygiene and presentation

Another important part of preparation is your personal presentation which should

create a professional image. A clean and neat appearance and high standards of

personal hygiene are critical. Clients may be put off by a general lack of cleanliness

or signs of body odour which they can detect because of close contact with you.

As you are performing facial treatments clients will expect that your skin, hands and

nails are representative of the sort of care that you take and the services that you

are selling. The condition and presentation of you as a therapist are excellent

advertisements for the services of the salon.

Presentation of treatment area

When in a workplace, it is common to be asked to perform a variety of procedures,

your station should be stocked with a wide assortment of necessary tools and

supplies arranged to conform to your work habits. Since you spend so much time in

one small area, each element of your compact module should be efficient, clean

and comfortable, both for you and your clients.

Adequate lighting is essential to any job requiring visual precision. Your lighting

source should illuminate your work directly, without either getting in your way or

causing an uncomfortable glare. An adjustable lamp can be used as a moveable

heat source to help accelerate oil or cream absorption, as well.

Your chair should have ample low back support

to comfortably encourage good posture. Your

station should be neatly arranged, with tools and

supplies easily accessible. Provide each client

with a clean gown and headband, and make

sure that you have a wastebasket handy for

immediate disposal of used supplies.

Waste disposal

Waste should be disposed of in an enclosed

waste bin fitted with a plastic line, durable

enough to resist tearing. The bin should be

regularly disinfected in a well ventilated area.

Clinical waste (contaminated waste) are items

such as cotton wool, sponges, tissues plus other

materials, that have come into contact with

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blood and bodily fluids. These items should be disposed of immediately to prevent

contamination of other clean items and protection for both the therapist and client.

Categorised waste:

Biohazardous bin – for clinical and contaminated waste

Sharps container – for single-use sharp instruments that are used to penetrate

the skin, such as needles & razors

Recycle bin – for anything that may be recycled, such as paper, plastic

bottles and aluminium

General waste – for all other waste

Work health and safety

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 is the main piece of legislation affecting WHS

issues. It clearly communicates the minimum standards of health, safety and welfare

required in each area of the workplace. It is the employers legal responsibility to

implement the Act and to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health

and safety at work of the people whom they are responsible and those who may be

affected by the work they do.

There is a WHS regulatory authority for every state and territory of Australia. The local

authority appoints workplace inspectors to enforce health and safety law by visiting

the workplace to check compliance is being met with all health and safety

legislation. Every business is required to have a health and safety representative

(HSR) available to provide advice and guidance and gather relevant data in

relation to health and safety and your business.

An employer is obliged to make to workplace safe. A written Health and Safety

Policy for the business is important to ensure staffs follow safe working procedures.

The health and safety policy identifies how health and safety is managed for that

business: who does what, when and why. The policy must be issued and discussed

with each employee and should outline their safety responsibilities. It should include

idea such as:

Details of storage of chemical substances

Details of stock cupboard and dispensary

Details and records of the checks made by a qualified electrician on

specialist electrical equipment

Names and addresses of the holders of the keys

Escape routes and emergency evacuation procedures

All health and safety policies should be reviewed regularly to ensure they meet all

relevant legislation guidelines including updates.

Management of WHS:

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Scope of practice

The Scope of Practice describes the procedures, actions, and processes that a

healthcare practitioner is permitted to undertake in keeping with the terms of their

professional qualification.

When consulting with clientele, it is the therapists duty of care to recognise certain

conditions or disorders that may stop or alter the treatment they are about to

perform. These conditions and disorders are categorised as contraindications.

As therapists we are not qualified to state diagnosis or treat certain

contraindications, although we can refer them to appropriate practitioners to seek

further medical assistance. Specialists that a client may be referred to include:

Medical practitioner

Complimentary practitioner


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Client record management

On first meeting the client, greet them in a friendly, professional manner. Give them

a warm welcome by telling them your name and smiling. This will help to relax the

client and make them feel at ease. It is also very important to gain the client’s trust

and respect through your professionalism and knowledge.

The next step is to identify the client’s individual characteristics and needs in order to

make appropriate choices for the service. Each client has individual characteristics

and these all need to be taken into consideration before the treatment plan can be


Sample consultation card:

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The consultation should put the client at ease and be used to answer any questions

and explain aspects of the treatment. Post consultation a therapist must design,

record and maintain treatment plans and records for each of the treated clients,

specifying the details of:

client feedback


products used

hair analysis

outcomes of treatment

relevant medical history and medications

waxing service performed

aftercare recommendations and advice

A treatment plan is a plan that states how you are going to perform the treatment

on the client. The therapist will need to evaluate the information the client has

specified in order to recommend the most appropriate treatment to meet the

client’s needs.

Asking your client to describe exactly what they would like shows them that their

needs are important and that they will receive the best possible service from you. To

collect information about your client’s needs, you will need to ask open questions

and actively listen to the client’s needs. Clients are also encouraged to ask

questions regarding any concerns or comments they may have, including the

method of treatment, treating the hair growth in between visits and frequency of


An essential part of providing a professional service to your clients is to identify why

they want the treatment so that you can then provide accurate advice and

recommendations for the client.

Client characteristics

After completing a thorough consultation and detailed plan of treatment it is

essential to accurately identify their personal characteristics. Identifying a client’s

characteristics involves analysing and assessing

1. Skin type and health

2. Hair position (service area)

3. Pattern of growth

4. Previous methods of removal

1. Skin type and health

Analysing the skin for a hair removal treatment is a process where you determine the

condition of the skin and whether it is safe to proceed. The process of analysing the

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skin for hair removal is not as complex as doing an analysis when performing a facial

treatment, although further treatment and product advice can be provided to

maintain the type and conditions you determine for the client.

Skin type you are born with and it will only change with age. Skin type is based on

the amount of oil in the skin.

1. normal

2. dry

3. oily

4. combination

Skin conditions can come and go, also can change

throughout one’s life depending of lifestyle factors and

environmental impact.


Eczema and atopic dermatitis

Hair disorders

Pigmentation disorders

Vascular disorders

Seborrheic dermatitis

2. Hair position of the hair growth to be treated will be relevant in scheduling the

treatment. If the area to be treated is for example, on the face and therefore visible,

a client may want to book their appointment at the end of the day. In this way

embarrassment from any reactions after treatment can be minimised as the client

will be the last in the salon. Similarly, epilation of facial hair should be conducted

several days prior to a special occasion so that any reactions to the treatment have

had time to subside. Treatment areas could include, but not limited to:


bikini line





sides of face




A client booking in for an intimate wax (bikini or brazillian) may need to plan ahead

to ensure they are not pre-menstrual or when they are menstruating. For many, the

pain threshold will be at its lowest and to receive a waxing service it is too painful

and uncomfortable at these times.

Hair types

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Superfluous hair is a general term used to describe any unwanted hair condition

and is what clients seek to have removed through temporary or permanent

epilation treatments. There are three different types of hair found on the human


1. Lanugo

2. Vellus

3. Terminal

Lanugo hair is formed on the foetus whilst in the womb, usually shed around the

seventh or eighth month of gestation, but can be shed after birth. Hair that is being

lost from the scalp due to baldness reverts to its primary type before disappearance.

This hair is fine and soft without a medulla and usually unpigmented.

Vellus hair is fine soft hair which covers most of the body, except the palms, soles,

lips and genital areas. This type of hair is non-pigmented, fine, downy and soft. It has

no medulla, and has a shallow follicle, small blood supply and is usually less than

2cm in length.

Terminal hair is longer and coarser, pigmented and varies in diameter, texture and

shape. This is the hair that both men and women sometimes find superfluous and

seek a means of having it removed.

There are two types of terminal hair:

Asexual hair – eyebrows, lashes and the hair on the head. These hairs are

terminal in nature from birth. Differences in these hairs are not related to


Sexual hair – other areas of hair, typically the pubic area, underarm, legs and

arms, face, chest and abdomen, back and shoulders. These are vellus at

birth and change to terminal under hormonal influence.

Hair growth cycle stages and relationship to hair removal The hair growth cycle is similar to that of the skin. Long hairs of the scalp last several

years and short hairs of the body last up to nine months. Hair is continually being

shed from the body.

Each hair grows for many years and finally it spontaneously falls out. The follicle rests

for a little while, and then starts to produce another new hair. Between starting to

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grow and falling out years later, each hair passes through three distinct stages.

The growth pattern can be broken down into the following stages.

1. Telogen stage – resting

2. Anagen stage – growing

3. Catagen stage - transition between growing and resting

Hairs have a predetermined cycle – hairs grow to different lengths in different parts

of the body. The average growth rate is ½ centimetre per month.

Anagen stage, a new hair starts at the moment it begins to grow and there is very

active growth in the hair bulb. This lasts generally between three and four years on

the scalp which accounts for the length of this hair. On the body it is up to nine

months depending on the site.

Pigment (melanin) is made in the hair bulb throughout this phase of the hair cycle.

Less pigment is made in the hair of older people. This is why white hairs start to

appear, even though the hair itself may still be growing strongly. In some older

people the hair cycle becomes shorter, the follicles gradually give up producing

long, strong hair, and the hairs become thinner and shorter. Permanent epilation is

most successful when performed on hairs in the anagen phase of the cycle.

Catagen stage is after the anagen stage and is a short resting phase which lasts for

three to four weeks. No pigment is made during that time, and the follicle stops

producing hair. The base of the follicle moves upwards towards the surface of the


Telogen stage lasts for three or four months. This is the time at which a new hair

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begins to grow from the hair follicle. As it grows upwards the old hair will be shed

naturally or may be pulled out, which happens easily and painlessly with telogen

hairs. These are the hairs that come out when washing or brushing. Shedding is part

of the normal process of the replacement of old hair with new. At any one time,

around one in ten of the follicles are in the shedding phase. The new hair emerges

from the same opening at the surface of the skin as the old one, and the hair cycle

begins again.

3. Hair growth patterns An understanding of the process of hair growth will help you to identify patterns of

regrowth so you can recommend appointment schedules to your clients. The hair

growth pattern is influenced by messages it receives from the endocrine system. The

endocrine system influences the hair growth cycle which sometimes results in the

growth of unwanted hair as well as baldness. The cycle is also influenced by general

health, stage of development and age. Hair can also be affected by disease of the

hair follicle.

Body hair, or androgenic hair, is the terminal hair that develops on the human body

during and after puberty. It is differentiated from the head hair and less visible vellus

hair, which are much finer and lighter in colour.

The growth of androgenic hair is related to the level of androgens (often referred to

as male hormones; due to the production levels in males being higher on average,

but is actually present in both

genders. As people age, the hair in

these regions will often begin to

grow darker and more abundantly.

This will typically happen during or

after puberty. Men will often have

more abundant, coarser hair on the

arms and back, while women tend

to have a less drastic change in the

hair growth in these areas but do

experience a significant change in

thickness of hairs. However, some

women will grow darker, longer hair

in one or more of these regions.

4. Previous methods of removal The previous method of hair removal used by the client has a direct bearing on the

progress that can be expected. A client may have used temporary methods of hair

removal. The method they used may have affected either the skin or the hair

follicle, causing distortion. Both plucking and waxing can cause follicle distortion

and have a strengthening effect if the hair is hormonally stimulated.

If a client has been plucking or waxing there may be some hairs which lie beneath

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the surface. Depending on how long it is since the hairs were removed, their growth

speed and the stage of their lifecycle will determine how long it will take the hairs to


Contraindications that may prevent, require clearance from a medical

professional or change the treatment to proceed

“A condition or disease that can either stop or alter the treatment you are about to


As well as identifying the client’s needs and characteristics, the client’s general

health and the condition of skin of the service area needs to be assessed before

beginning a waxing treatment.

It is very important that all contraindications for treatments be taken into account

when recommending and providing treatments to clients. It is also important that

you are able to communicate these to the client without causing unnecessary

alarm. The client may not be aware that certain treatments can affect their

particular medical condition and you may need to explain why you are unable to

provide a particular treatment or why a treatment needs to be varied.

By explaining all relevant issues to the client and offering solutions you will further

strengthen your relationship with your client. If the client has a medical condition

and you are unsure whether treatment should start you can refer to a more senior or

experienced beauty therapist for advice. Before doing this however, make sure that

you get the client’s permission. You may also refer the client to their doctor for

permission before starting treatment. If this is the case you should make sure that the

client has all the necessary information to explain the treatment and its effects to

their doctor.

1. TOTAL contraindication: A contraindication that would completely stop the

client from receiving a beauty treatment.

2. Condition requiring MEDICAL PERMISSION: A contraindication that requires

documented approval from the client’s doctor or specialist to proceed with

beauty treatments.

3. LOCAL contraindication: A contraindication that may change the

application of treatment, for example products used, areas covered.

Some contraindications may include: Bacterial infections occur when the infection on the skin is caused by bacteria, such


Pustules and boils, bacteria form in the follicle.

Acne can also be described as a bacterial infection.

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Impetigo where the infection is in the epidermis

Fungal infections are caused by fungi and can occur anywhere on the body.

Tinea corporis which affects the body

Tinea capitis which affects the scalp and hair

Tinea pedis is found on the foot

Parasitic infections is an infectious disease caused or transmitted by a parasite

Scabies, a contagious skin disease marked by itching and small raised red

spots, caused by the itch mite.

Pediculosis is an infestation with lice. Generally over areas covered with hair

Fleas, a small wingless, jumping insect which feeds on the blood of mammals

and birds

Viral infections occur because of a viral infection.

Herpes Simplex type 1 (known as cold sores) found on the face mainly

around the mouth and nose as red, sore blisters.

Warts are another common viral infection.

Acne a skin condition where pores become plugged and the surrounding skin

becomes inflamed. There are various forms of acne;

Comedone – also known as blackheads or whiteheads

Papule – red acne lump, smaller than a pustule

Pustules – an active infection pilo-sebaceous unit

Cyst – inflamed, painful and largely infected within the pilo-sebaceous unit.

Often containing pus, blood and additional fluids.

Acne can be catergorised into four (4) grades:

1. Grade 1: Open comedones

2. Grade 2: Open and closed comedones and some papules and pustules

3. Grade 3: Pustular acne

4. Grade 4: Cystic acne

Hypertrophic and keloid tendency scars take on a keloid effect, that is, a red, raised

formation of fibrous scar tissue caused by excessive tissue repair.

Abnormal skin such as sunburnt, grazed, rashes can be hypersensitive due to

exposure from UV, radiating excessive heat, trauma or injury.

Pigmented skin lesions can be seen as hypo or hyper coloured, unusual localised

skin tissue.

Thin and fragile skin if often the result of age, sun damage and nutrition. The skin is

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sensitive to temperature, pressure and touch.

Medications that cause skin thinning or inflammation, use of oral Retin A or

Accutane (Isotretinoin) medications within the last 12 months. These medications

are prescribed by medical professionals to treat aggressive, grade 4 acnes. These

medications shrink the oil glands within the skin, reduces acne bacteria

(Propionibacterium (P-acne)), reduces inflammation and slows down how fast the

skin produces its cells.

Contraindications that restrict treatment and their relationship to waxing

Recent scars refer to a wound that is still healing. Appearing as a mark left on the

skin after a surface injury, wound or operative treatment has healed.

Scar tissue can be flat or raised. It is generally older than 6 months. The skin has

healed and has left an un-pigmented mark where the trauma was.

Skin trauma can be a serious and altering physical injury experienced by the skin

including multiple layers of epithelial tissues. This can be in the form of cuts, burns,

sickness or other injury.

Varicose veins occur on the legs, veins become weakened and bulge. They can be

painful and uncomfortable when pressure is applied.

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Prepare service area

Before beginning any service, ensure that the service area is organised, arranged

and equipped to that you can perform the treatment efficiently and according to

health regulations and workplace procedures.

Ideally, equipment, furniture, fittings and walls should be purpose built or purchased

specifically for the task to be performed. They

should be durable, safe and suitable for

cleaning and maintenance, and constructed

of sealed non porous material.

There should be adequate lighting and

ventilation throughout the premises and

sufficient bench space for good working

practices. After the client characteristics have

been assessed and a beauty treatment plan

agreed upon, you will be able to identify the

products and any extra equipment that are

required to perform the treatment. Products

and consumables will differ according to the

brand of wax used. Always refer to

manufacturer’s instructions.

Prepare yourself

Your personal presentation is important because you are in the profession where

you are expected to act as a role model. Clients will expect a beauty operator’s

grooming and presentation to be of a high standard. As beauty operators work in

close proximity with clients, personal hygiene is a very important issue. Clients are

able to detect smells or body odour easily.

Most salons have a policy on uniforms. Some supply uniforms and others simply

expect the beauty therapist to be dressed in a specific way. The health regulations

in most States and Territories say that the operator (that is you) should wear clean

washable garments. These garments will protect you from contamination with blood

or body fluids and substances. Watches, wrist and finger jewellery should not be

worn when attending to clients because these items are a potential source of

infection. Hand jewellery should not be worn during skin penetration (this term

includes temporary hair removal) procedures as it may tear the gloves.

After recommending and discussing a treatment with the client, there are some

final preparation steps before the treatment begins.

Place the completed client record card in a safe place during treatment.

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Ensure that the treatment bed is at the correct height for you to work at


The client will already be gowned and on the treatment bed. Position the

client comfortably.

All protective garments should be in place. Place a towel across the parts of

the body where treatment will not be performed for modesty, warmth and

protection from spillage.

Ensure that there is enough light in the cubicle and a magnifying light

available. When the light is turned on it should not cause discomfort by

shining directly into the client’s eyes.

Check again that the client is comfortable before beginning the treatment.

A pregnant client may need a pillow to place under the knees or lower

back. Make sure that the client is as comfortable as possible throughout the

treatment. Continually check the client’s comfort level and make

adjustments to suit the client’s needs where appropriate.

Wash your hands with an antibacterial hand wash.

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Trolley set up - Before client arrives:

Wax pots full and warm

1 Lycotane cleanser

1 Chamomile Soothing cream

1 tea tree Soothing cream

1 Perfect Finish oil

1 talcum powder

Disposable G-strings

Small, medium, large gloves

Spatulas of all sizes

Waxing tissue – to prevent double



Cotton balls

Wax Strips

Alcohol wipes

Hygiene/Baby wipes

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Reference the following treatment bed set-ups for specific waxing services. It is

common that a client will book in for multiple areas to be waxed, so ensure the set-

up suits to entire service.

Leg waxing

Underarm & facial waxing

Chest, back and or arm wax

Bikini & intimate waxing

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Effects and application of the following hair removal procedures

There are several methods of removing unwanted body and facial hair but they all

fall into the two major categories of epilation or depilation.

Epilation involves the removal of both the hair shaft and its root from the follicle. This

occurs in the process of tweezing and waxing, electrolysis, laser and Intense Pulsed

Light in the beauty industry. Other methods of epilation include sugaring, threading

and using an epilator. Tweezing and waxing do not provide permanent results but

delay visible regrowth for 2 or more weeks.

Removal via epilation gives the impression of finer hair as the hair grows back with a

tapered finer point.

Depilation involves the removal of the hair at the skin’s surface and leaves the root

intact. This occurs in the process of shaving, clipping and use of depilatory creams.

Depilatory creams contain chemicals which weaken the keratin in the hair to a

point where it breaks off. These creams can be very irritating and can cause allergic

reactions, especially when used repeatedly, as the keratin in the skin is similar to that

in the hair and is therefore also affected.

Waxing is a method that temporarily removes hair, using a professional wax applied

to the skin. As the wax dries, the hair remains encased in the wax, which is then

removed off the skin, taking the hair from the hair follicle with it. This method can be

used to remove hair from almost all parts of the face and body.

The waxing process can be an uncomfortable treatment. However waxing is

generally the most popular form of temporary epilation treatment requested in the

beauty industry.

Benefits include:

Regrowth with waxing is much slower, resulting in fewer treatments

Waxing produces smoother results for longer as the hair is pulled from the root

lasts longer than shaving because it pulls the hair from the roots.

Not always painful. If performed correctly, it is almost pain-free.

Fast and convenient

Body hair clipping or ‘trimming’ is a common practice prior to a salon service to

ensure a manageable and best result is achieved. Often performed with a

powered device by the client at home or within salon by the therapist, its main

purpose is to shorten the length of hair to around 0.5cm or ¼ of an inch to reduce

discomfort during a waxing treatment. Areas such as the chest, back, bikini and

Brazilian are most common to be clipped as hair can be lengthy and course.

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Tweezing uses a pair of tweezers to remove the hair. Often they have a pointed tip

to grasp the hair near to the surface of the skin, and the hair is slid out, in the

direction of growth, removing the full shaft and the root. Like waxing, the hair will

take around four (4) weeks to regrow. Tweezing is always performed near

completion of any waxing service to ensure all hairs have been removed, and in

areas such as the eyebrows, tweezing allows for a precise and accurate outcome.

Shaving uses a disposable razor blade. It is stroked across the skins surface against

the direction of growth. This removes the shaft of hair above the skin but leaves the

root intact within the follicle. Shaving has become a large market with many clients

as a quick, easy and affordable homecare treatment.

Alternative progressive hair removal methods Infra-red and hair retarding products used in conjunction with waxing procedures

Infrared wavelength target the hair follicle at 1064nm (nanometres) in the skin.

Infrared is attracted to the pigment within the hair follicle. This creates a heat

response which is able to break down, some and or all of the hair producing cells.

The hair must heat up to approximately 70 C for this response to occur. The

treatment is only effective in the anagen stage of growth, as this is the time that the

hair cells are rapidly dividing and creating the pigment within the hair follicle. If the

targeted hairs are not heated to the appropriate temperature or are out of the

anagen stage, the infrared light will only slow the growth, creating a finer and

smaller hair. As it uses the principle of selective photo thermolysis, only pigmented

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hairs will respond to treatment.

Approximately 8 – 10 services are required to achieve approximately 70% of

permanent hair reduction.

Progressive permanent hair removal methods

Electrolysis involves destruction of the actual hair bulb under the skin using an

electric current. With destruction of the bulb, hair cannot regrow, so permanent hair

removal is the result. Only anagen phase hairs should be treated, since telogen

phase hairs are believed to be more resistant to damage. Anagen phase hairs can

be distinguished easily from telogen-phase hairs by shaving the area to be treated

and, in a few days’ time, treating only those hairs visible on the skin surface (anagen

phase hairs).

Intense pulsed light (IPL) and Laser these treatments target the eumelanin (pigment)

in the hair follicle and cause it to heat up. This heat causes damage to the hair

follicle, preventing it or inhibiting it from growing the hair. Laser and Intense Pulsed

Light treatments for hair removal often require a number of treatments before the

hair is destroyed. It works best on people with dark hairs and light skin. However

technology constantly evolves and new machines are coming onto the market.

After several treatments laser and Intense Pulsed Light are considered permanent

hair removal.

Effects and application of the following wax types

There are two main categories of waxes used for hair removal: hot wax and strip

wax. The type of wax chosen will depend on the client’s needs and characteristics,

position of hair, skin sensitivity and type of hair.

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1. Hot wax

2. Strip wax

The formulation of Hot wax enables the product to be solid when cold and flexible

(pliable) when warm. This is the principle on how it works to remove hair.

When applied to the body, hot wax is applied against the direction of hair growth.

The only exception to the rule is eyebrows and the upper lip. These areas are smaller

to work in and require precision so the wax will be applied with the direction of


The application technique and its thicker consistency embed and wrap itself around

the hair shaft. To increase this effect, the heat from the wax allows the skin to

increase in temperature and the follicle to ‘relax’. Within seconds the hot wax will

slightly set and the therapist will remove what they have applied, against the

direction of hair growth.

Hot waxes are solid at room temperature and vary in colour depending on the

ingredients used. They are typically made from the following:

Beeswax – This gives it its solid appearance.

Other waxes such as candelilla and carnauba wax to modify the melting


Resins– which give it flexibility and contribute to the depth, gloss, flow

adhesion and water resistance.

Additional ingredients such as azulene and antiseptic which reduce


It is gentler on the skin than strip. This means that it is a good choice for clients who

have had anti-ageing treatments and on sensitive areas such as the face. It is the

wax of choice when waxing female and male intimate areas. Hot wax sets faster

than strip. Hot wax is usually applied against the direction of the hair growth and this

allows the wax to get to the base of the hair whilst it is still warm

All states and territories insist that used wax is disposed of immediately. Some states

and territories recommend single use pots for each client, or ask that the operator

does not re-dip the applicator once it has touched the client’s skin. A good working

temperature for hot wax is between 51oC and 60oC however, always check

manufacturer’s instructions.

In summary, the benefits of hot wax include:

Gentler on the skin than strip wax

Used on finer, more sensitive areas

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Removes tough, coarse hair

Leaves little to no residue

Sets to minimise mess

Disadvantages of hot wax



More expensive

Uses more product

Used at a higher


Takes longer to heat up

Strip wax was the first waxing product to become available in the 1970’s. From

there, it has been developed and improved and is still one of the industry leaders in

hair removal.

Different to hot wax, strip wax is always applied with the direction of growth. The

wax does not set on the skin and will remain at body temperature. The main effect

of strip wax is to adhere the hair into the wax for removal. The wax then needs a

‘strip’ (often calico, muslin, cotton or pellon) to be placed over the applied product

and removed against the direction of growth.

This type of waxing is not generally applied to the face, underarms or bikini line

areas. This is due to the temporary redness it can cause to the skin in these sensitive

areas, and it is not as effective as hot waxing on the bikini line or underarms. Strip

waxes are typically liquid at room temperature. They may consist of the following:

Rubber latex solutions and solvents

Beeswax or carnauba wax

Oils such as vitamin E

Organic substances such as honey

Strip wax is available in two forms: water based or oil based. Only oil based strip wax

should be used on clients. It should

never be reused, but instead

discarded into a plastic bag that is

then sealed and placed in a general

waste bin. Working temperature for

this wax is 43°C however, check

manufacturer’s instructions. If the wax

is overheated it will deteriorate.

In summary, the benefits of strip wax

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Most popular

Quick application and removal

Can remove short hair

Cost effective

Used at a lower temperature

Disadvantages of strip wax include:

Detrimental to the skin

Remains sticky – messy

Sugaring is a technique developed through northern Africa, Greece and the Middle

East centuries ago for effective hair removal. Currently it has been brought back

into the beauty industry and is slowly becoming another popular service due to its

natural, quick, and ‘pain free’ benefits.

Sugaring involves a sugar paste being

applied to the skin in the direction of

hair growth. The hairs are pushed an

embedded in the wax, and like hot wax,

is then directly removed against the

direction of growth.

Sugar paste is often made of natural

ingredients including pure sugar, lemon

and water. Like all waxes sugar paste

needs to be heated for use to around

37°C however, always check

manufactures instructions.

Cleanse service area

In preparing the client for the waxing treatment, it is necessary to cleanse the area

to be waxed. This must be done in accordance with the health and hygiene

requirements and salon procedures. Products are used as per manufactures

instructions and are specific to waxing services. The ideal product is used just before

any facial and body waxing to effectively remove surface oils, perspiration,

pollution, make-up and cream residue from skin.

Once the skin is cleansed, analyse the skin and hair. It is recommended to look over

the service area to ensure no contraindications are present, may have been missed

or overlooked through the consultation process.

Temperature (Thermal sensitivity) test

Before applying the waxing product, check it temperature. Visually, strip wax should

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have a ‘honey’ type consistency within the wax heater. Hot wax should ideally have

a yoghurt type consistency within the wax heater. If the temperature is too hot, it will

be thin and look watery. If in doubt, check the manufactures instructions for ideal

working temperature for each.

Firstly test the wax on the inside of your wrist, to ensure the wax is not too warm. Then

repeat on the client’s wrist or ankle. This will give you a guide to thermal sensitivity of

their skin. As temperature is sensed differently between people, adjustments may

need to be made to ensure you are working to a suitable temperature for each



Generic procedures for applying and removing strip wax include:

1. Identify your client’s objective and characteristics

This is performed through a thorough consultation, written and informed

consent and a detailed treatment plan

2. Prepare the equipment, tools and product. Then the client.

3. Prepare self

Put on disposable gloves and any further PPE required

4. Cleanse and prepare the service area using selected products

5. Analyse the clients skin type and condition

6. Perform a temperature test on yourself, then the client to ensure temperature


7. Once suitable, start to apply the strip wax

Using a disposable spatula, dip the spatula into the wax, half way, picking up a

small amount.

Wipe the wax off the back, sides and tip of the spatula using the metal bar on

the side of the wax heater

8. With the other hand underneath the spatula, walk over to apply the wax

9. Holding the spatula at a 90◦ angle, place and apply the wax in the direction

of hair growth

The 90◦ angle allows the wax to slide onto the skin. Ensure enough pressure is

used for a thin application, but not too strong that you are scraping at the skin.

10. Apply until there is no wax left on the spatula

11. Throw the spatula into the bin

12. Repeat this process to apply the wax until that section of the service area has

been coated in wax

Work quickly to ensure the wax does not cool before removal

13. Apply a waxing strip onto the applied area, always starting from the bottom.

A wax strip should never be bigger than the size of your hand; this makes the

removal controlled, supported and manageable.


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Bond – one firm press to secure the wax to the hair, and the wax to the strip.

Stretch – with the vacant hand stretch and support the skin surrounding the strip.

This is to prevent tearing, ripping or damaging the skin, and to minimise pain felt

by the client.

Remove – gripping onto the end of the strip, in one motion remove quickly,

against the direction of growth. Removal should be along the skin. Never pull or

remove in an upwards motion as this will snap the hair shaft.

Soothe – once the strip has been removed, with the hand that was stretching

the skin, place over the affect area and provide pressure. This decreases the

discomfort felt by the client as the skin senses pressure above pain.

15. Repeat this process until that section of the service area has been removed.

16. Repeat application and removal until the whole service area has been


17. Tweeze the service area to remove any hairs that are unable to be removed

18. Once complete, apply post-care products as selected.


Generic procedures for applying and removing strip wax include:

1. Identify your client’s objective and characteristics

This is performed through a thorough consultation, written and informed

consent and a detailed treatment plan

2. Prepare the equipment, tools and product. Then the client.

3. Prepare self

Put on disposable gloves and any further PPE required

4. Cleanse and prepare the service area using selected products

5. Analyse the clients skin type and condition

6. Perform a temperature test on yourself, then the client to ensure temperature


7. Once suitable, start to apply the hot wax

Using a disposable spatula, scoop the wax onto the spatula. This will pick up a ‘ball’ of


Wipe the wax off the back of the spatula using the metal bar on the side of the wax


8. With the other hand underneath the spatula, walk over the apply the wax

9. Holding the spatula at a 45◦ angle, place and apply the wax against the

direction of growth

As you apply, create two ‘C’ shapes to create a circle or patch of hot wax.

Hot wax needs to be thicker and have a lip or edge to use as a point of


Unlike strip wax, with hot wax you are able to move the wax around to ensure

an even application.

10. Apply until there is no wax left on the spatula

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11. Throw the spatula into the bin

12. Within 10 – 20 seconds, the hot wax will have slightly set. Visually it will appear

matte and slightly darken in colour. Do not allow the patch to harden. As hot

wax becomes the strip, nothing else is needed for it to be removed.


Bond – one firm press to secure the wax to the hair

Stretch – with the vacant hand stretch and support the skin surrounding the

patch. This is to prevent tearing, ripping or damaging the skin, and to

minimise pain felt by the client.

Remove – Pressing into the patch, flick up the edge of the patch and grip. In

one motion remove quickly, against the direction of growth. Removal should

be along the skin. Never pull or remove in an upwards motion as this will snap

the hair shaft.

Soothe – once the strip has been removed, with the hand that was stretching

the skin, place over the affect area and provide pressure. This decreases the

discomfort felt by the client as the skin senses pressure above pain.

14. Repeat application and removal until the whole service area has been


15. Tweeze the service area to remove any hairs that are unable to be removed

16. Once complete, apply post-care products as selected.

TWEEZING PROCEDURE 1. Always use a sterilised pair of tweezers for each client. (Check your State or

Territory regulations)

2. Put on disposable gloves

3. Place a clean tissue on the head of the bed for collecting the removed hairs.

4. Have an alcohol wipe wrapped around the middle finger of the non-

dominant hand to sanitise the tweezers as you work.

5. Gently but firmly stretch the skin between the thumb and middle finger, of the

non-dominant hand. This will help you to avoid accidentally nipping the skin

and minimise discomfort to the client.

6. Remove each of the hairs quickly, in the direction of growth, making sure you

have a tight grip on the hair before you pull at it.

7. By removing the hair in the direction of growth, it prevents the hair from

breaking off at the skin’s surface

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Identifying treatment areas

Leg waxing can include either a half leg or full leg treatment. When waxing the

upper and/or lower leg there is a sequence that should be followed. They will be

separated into three (3) zones. These zones identify the order in which to apply and

remove the wax.

1. Outside

2. Inside

3. Middle

In addition, the fronts of the legs should be completely waxed before the client is

turned over and treatment continues on the back of the legs. Toes and the feet can

also be included in a leg wax service.

Knees are completed whilst the client is lying on their back, within a half or full leg

wax. Have the client bend one leg so that the foot is resting as close as possible to the

buttocks. This ensures the area is taught and allows for proper application and

removal. The knee is completed in three (3) zones:

1. Underneath

2. Above

3. Kneecap

Then, once the client has turned over the popliteal space can be completed. This is

the diamond-shaped space at the back of the knee joint. If this area needs waxing,

it must be done with great care due to the proximity of the lymph nodes and blood

vessels. It is also tender when pressed. Small or narrow strips of wax should be

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applied and carefully removed.

Bikini Line waxing refers to the removal of hair that grows on the inner, upper part of

the leg and above the panty line on the lower abdomen. The bikini is separated into

two planes, divided by a large tendon, and the skin tissue in this area is quite soft

and sensitive so caution must be taken to prevent bruising or tearing of the tissue.

When waxing the bikini line, it is separated into three (3) zones. These zones identify

the order in which to apply and remove the wax:

1. Above the tendon

2. Below the tendon

3. Along the tendon

Ensure the client has their leg in a figure ‘4’ position on the side you are

working on

Place a tissue along the underwear line to ensure no wax affects the

material. Alternatively, the client may have the option to put on a disposable


Show the client how they can assist in supporting the skin to reduce


Arms this can include either half arm or full arm treatment. When waxing the upper

and/or lower arm there is a sequence that should be followed.

1. inside of the arm on the thumb side from the inner elbow and downwards

2. outer underside of the arm from just above the wrist up to the elbow

3. top of the forearm

as the arm is curved, ensure the skin is firmly stretched from underneath

bend the clients lower arm and wrist up to the shoulder to complete the

underside of the arm

ensure all hairs are removed around the elbow

blend the hair removal into the upper arm if the client is only receiving a half

arm wax

Underarm can be sensitive and slightly more painful than other areas. The skin will

need to be cleansed thoroughly to ensure there is no traces of deodorant, sweat or

sebum. The underarm can have many directions of hair growth, can be coarse and

dense. When waxing the underarm, it is separated into three (3) zones. These zones

identify the order in which to apply and remove the wax.

1. upper section of the underarm, the section closest to the arm

2. lower section closest to the body

3. middle section in between, possibly with hair growth towards the client’s front

or back

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The client should be in a laid back position, with their arm raised and behind

their head

Place a tissue along the brazier, singlet or gown of the client to ensure no wax

affects the material.

Show the client how they can assist in supporting the skin around the

underarm to reduce discomfort.

Facial waxing, When treating the clients face, a thorough consultation should take

place and include the area for service and of which hair removal method would be

the best for the client.

Lie the client down on their back.

Secure hair away from the face using a head band or cap if necessary

All make-up must be removed from the service area

Study the pattern of hair growth. Typically, the hair will grow in different

directions and this needs to be accommodated.

If the area becomes very red or even slightly swollen, apply a cold compress.

Upon completion of waxing, it is strongly recommended that a high

frequency machine be used. This has an antibacterial and soothing action

on the effected tissue

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Eyebrows are divided into two (2) zones and use two amounts of wax to remove the

hair. These areas are:

upper eyelid, just under the brow

upper nose bridge, between the eyebrows

Before commencing any kind of epilation around the eyebrows, shape, length and

thickness must be discussed with the client. Apply your eyebrow measurements to

ensure and even and symmetrical shape can be created or maintained.

Certain characteristics will help to determine the right brow shape for each client.

There is no single perfect eyebrow shape; different shapes suit different people.

How to determine the shape of the eyebrow

There are three points to measuring the eyebrow. These measurements will

determine the suitable start point, arch point and end point (length) of the brow.

1. Start point - Place an orange stick or spatula at the bottom corner of the nose

flare and line it up with the inside corner of the eye. Any hairs on the eyebrow

that are growing on the nose side of the orange stick between the eyes can

be removed. If the client has a very broad nose, these guidelines may be

inappropriate. In this instance straighten the orange stick slightly so it is not on

such a steep angle.

2. End point / Length - Place the orange stick at the bottom corner of the nose

and line it up with the outer corner of the eye. Any hairs that grow on the

eyebrow beyond this point should be removed.

3. Arch - Ask the client to look directly upwards and line the orange stick with

the outer edge of the iris (coloured part of the eye). This is where the highest

point of the arch should be.

If this is not the client’s first time at having their eyebrows waxed, the shape that was

achieved before may be evident. If this is the case, ask the client if they are happy

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with this shape. If they are, follow the same shape again. If not, ask the client how

they would like it changed.

If this is a client coming to you for a shaping service, ensure a thorough consultation

has been completed to determine the client’s expectations. At times what the

client envisions can be different to the therapist. Having a visual guide can assist

with this and confirm the service to go ahead. The visual guide may include

common brow shapes and how they suit facial shapes. From here, measurements

must be taken to ensure the service area has the ability to achieve the desired

shape and furthermore discussion about thickness and colour.

Like haircuts, eyebrow shapes aren’t one-size-fits-all. Your perfect brows depend on

the dimensions of your face

The right brow will:

help open up the entire eye area

work to improve the face’s overall symmetry

compliment the forehead and jaw line

provide a complimentary focal point

Before beginning to shape a client’s eyebrows, you must take into account their

needs and personal characteristics.

Specific characteristics to look for when shaping a client’s eyebrows include:

natural eyebrow shape and length

hair line

curly eyebrows

direction of hair growth

texture of eyebrows (coarse or fine)

condition of the skin where the hair removal will take place

any peculiarities, such as bald patches or scarring in the brow

Main brow shapes:

1. Straight

2. Natural

3. Arched

4. Angular

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1. 2.

3. 4.

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The lip is often felt as the most painful area to wax. The skin is thin and highly

sensitive. Here the client will be able to assist in stretching by rolling their lips into their

mouth. When waxing the upper lip, it is separated into two (2) zones:

1. Sides of the lip, including the lip line

2. Centre beneath the nose

using hot wax, always start with the sides of the lip and lip line

do not place wax where there is no hair, e.g. the skin of the lips, as this may

cause the skin to lift

tweeze any remaining lip line hairs

Chin can include the point, the jaw line and for some clients, neck and sides of the

face. Usually you will find the hair beneath the jaw and immediately below grows

upwards towards the face. Hair along the jawline tends to grow directly outwards.

Divide the area into two (2) zones

1. Under the jawline

2. Above the jawline

If waxing under the jawline, have the client to tilt their head back, divide the

area to be treated into smaller areas. Apply and remove the wax to the

underside from the jaw down the throat.

If waxing above the jawline involves dividing the area into treatable sections,

applying and removing the wax.

If the client has only a few hair on the chin line then you should consider

tweezing or using small dots of wax to remove the odd hair.

Do not apply any pressure over the trachea

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Additional areas

Client discomfort

Waxing is still one of the most commonly used beauty treatments today. It can also

be unpleasant as the extraction of hair comes from deep in the follicle, particularly if

the client has coarse hair or sensitive skin. Fortunately waxing is quick and efficient

as it allows the removal of many hairs at one time.

Pillows should be used to provide comfort, a small blanket to provide warmth and a

gown to maintain dignity and privacy. The beauty operator should check with the

client throughout the treatment asking them questions about how they are coping

with the pain. Observe a client’s body language and signs that the client may not

be feeling well. Some clients may feel dizzy or nauseous especially if this type of

treatment is new to them. Sometimes you will observe that the client is perspiring

and this can be a sign of stress.

Applying light pressure to the treated area (soothing) immediately after the removal

of the wax is important; it stops the stinging sensation and blocks the transmission of

some of the pain signal to brain.

Unfortunately blood is sometimes drawn during a waxing treatment when skin

comes away and follicles bleed. You should be familiar with procedures to manage

any bleeding that occurs.

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Sometimes problems occur with the wax and can contribute to an unsatisfactory

result. The following are some problems and likely causes.



Broke during removal

Old Wax

Overheated Wax or heated for too long

Wax was left for too long on the skin and

became too cold

Application too thin

Bits of wax left on skin after


Borders of wax strips were not even and


Bond did not occur prior to removal

Small pustules appear a few

days after treatment

Area not cleansed properly prior to


After care lotions were contaminated

Client did not follow after care instructions



Skin lifted off with the wax

Poor waxing technique, for example, skin

not held taut during strip lift off, strip

removed at too high an angle

Client is using a skin altering product such

as Retin A

Wax left behind on the skin after

strip removed

Bond did not occur prior to removal

Some areas such as knees and elbows

‘grab’ onto wax, primarily due to the area

being extremely dry.

Client’s skin could have been too dry, wet

or cold

Client’s skin was not held taut

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Too much hair was removed

(Eyebrow area)

Wax ‘bled’ into the area as too much was


Downward growing hairs got caught in the


Function and action of after wax products Post waxing products are used on service area prior to the client getting dressed.

These products hold great importance in finalising the service and ensure the area is

protected and treated until the client’s next shower.

These products can come in a range of varieties such as oils, lotions and creams.

Their main objective is to protect, soothe and remove any remaining residue from

the wax. Some brands will also moisturise and hydrate the skin with according

ingredients such as rose, chamomile, shea butter and lavender.

Structural and cellular features of the hair follicles

Identifying the structure and function of hair will give you an understanding of how

this influences beauty treatments involving the removal or colouring of hair. Hair is

actually a growth of the epidermis. Hair is a complicated structure and has a

number of roles for humans. It helps to convey sensory information from the

environment to us; it helps to create gender identity and is an important aspect of

appearance and grooming in males and females. It is completely renewable and

grows in predictable ways.

The pilo-sebaceous unit (pilo = hair, sebum = grease) consists of the hair follicles and

the oil producing or sebaceous glands. The sebaceous gland produces sebum, an

oily compound that lubricates our skin and hair. The gland discharges the sebum

through the pilo-sebaceous duct: the same duct that the hair shaft grows through.

The size of the sebaceous glands varies depending on its location on the body, for

example those on the nose and T zone of the face are very large.

The pilo-sebaceous unit also contains a bundle of smooth muscle extending from

the epidermis to the hair follicle. This muscle is called the arrector pili and when it

contracts it pulls the hair from its normal position lying at an angle to the skin into a

vertical position. The muscle contracts in response to cold or fright. This is an attempt

to retain body heat by providing us with a thicker layer of “fur” or protect us from an

external source.

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Hair is composed of two main structures:

The hair root and follicle

The hair shaft


hair root

Represented by the bottom of the sock which is

pushed up slightly and it is this part that is called the

papilla. It is actually part of the dermal papillae and

is richly supplied by blood vessels. Around the papilla

is the matrix or hair bulb. The cells in the matrix divide

and form the hair. The cells divide rapidly – about

every 23 to 72 hours. This is faster than any other part

of the body and is partly the reason why people lose

their hair when undergoing significant medical

treatments like chemotherapy.

external sheath

Formed by the basal and spinosum layers of the

epidermis creating a downward structure. Towards

the top of sheath, all the epidermal layers are

present, whereas towards the bottom of the sheath,

only the stratum basal is present. This layer never

totally regresses and gives rise to the new hair in the

next growth cycle

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hair follicle Composed of the external and internal root sheaths.

internal sheath

A tubular structure extending down to the external

root sheath. It is formed from the cells of the matrix, is

an extension of the hair follicle and is shaped like an

onion bulb.

hair shaft

The part of the hair that we can see growing above

the skin. There are three main parts to the hair shaft –

the medulla, the cortex and the cuticle


The innermost part of the hair shaft made up of rows

of polyhedral cells. These contain eleiden (an early

form of keratin) and air spaces. You will remember

that eleiden is a component of the Stratum Lucidum

in the epidermis. Eleiden is translucent. The medulla

may be absent in fine hair.


The middle and major part of the hair. The cells in the

cortex are elongated cells containing pigment in

dark hair. In white hair these cells contain air. This

layer gives hair its colour.


The outermost layer of the hair and contains a single

layer of thin flat cells which are keratinised. The

arrangement of the cells is like that of shingles or fish

scales with the edge of the cell pointing up. This

layer protects the hair. The innermost layer of the

internal sheath is also shingled and this helps keep

the cuticle in place.

Factors affecting hair growth

Hair is extremely sensitive to changes happening in the body. One of the reasons for

this is that cell reproduction in the hair happens at the second highest rate in the

body (the highest rate occurring in bone marrow). Hair grows faster in warmer

weather, during sleep and between the ages of 16 and 24.

Hair growth is affected by nutrition. Adequate intake of foods which supply glucose

and protein for cell reproduction is essential for hair growth. Pollution, radiation, stress

and some medications can have an adverse effect on the rate of hair growth. In

addition, hereditary factors can determine the strength, thickness and colour of hair.

Certain hormones also have an impact on hair growth. For example, women

experience an increased rate of loss for the months immediately after childbirth and

male sex hormones, androgens, causing increased growth on the upper lip, chin,

thighs, chest and pubic area in both males and females at the onset of puberty.

Individual variations in metabolism also have an impact on hair growth.

The rate of loss and replacement is affected by a number of factors including diet

and illness. Major illness, surgery, loss of blood or stress can increase hair loss Drugs,

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chemicals and other medical treatments such as radiation can also increase hair


Common hair disorders

The hair growth cycle is under the influence of a number of hormones – oestrogens,

testosterone, adrenal gluco-corticoids, prolactin and growth hormone.

Excess hair growth can result from many inherited conditions and the practitioner

should be aware of such cases. There are two major types of excessive hair growth



Hypertrichosis is hair growth over and above what is normally expected when

comparing the individual to others of similar age and sex. The excess hair growth

may or may not involve pigmented hair fibre.

Hypertrichosis can develop all over the body or is localised in a small area, it may

occur in both men and women. Hair growth does not follow a male sexual pattern

and is not caused by any known endocrine abnormalities.

Congenital hypertrichosis is a cover all term for any excessive hair growth visible on a

child at birth.

Acquired hypertrichosis is a cover all term for any excess hair growth that developed

in an individual after birth.

Causes of Hypertrichosis

Genetic or racial disposition – hereditary tendency to heavy hair growth

Stress, anxiety and worry – e.g. Anorexia nervosa

Medications including; contraceptive pill, Minoxidil, Phenytoin, Penicillamine,

Diazoxide, Cyclosporine, Corticosteroids, Phenothiazines


Hirsutism is excess terminal hair growth in women with a male distribution pattern. The

excess hair growth is limited to one or more areas including the moustache, beard,

chest, and genital region.

Hirsutism is usually associated with increased exposure or sensitivity to hormones

called androgens (“male hormones”).

Hirsutism is an increase of facial or body hair on women that grows in a male growth

pattern resulting in the transformation of vellus to terminal hair, mainly over

androgen dependant areas. It is caused by diseases that result in excess androgen

or by taking certain medicines.

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Hirsutism can be accompanied by other male-type characteristics. Androgen

disorders affect between 5-10% of all women. Most women with hirsutism have an

increased production rate of testosterone and androstenedione. For most women,

the tendency towards hirsutism is inherited.

Excess hair growth may be present in both male and female family members.

Hirsutism usually begins around puberty, but mild hirsutism can start at any age. It

can occur in association with one of several inherited disorders or may occur as a

complication of tumours of the ovaries or adrenal glands.

Causes of Hirsutism

Genetic, racial, family and individual predisposition

Adrenal abnormalities – e.g. Pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid disorders

Ovarian disorders such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Sexual abnormalities

Hormone imbalance: Natural glandular changes – puberty, pregnancy,

menopause, Tumour or cyst on certain glands

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

One of the most common causes for Hirsutism is PCOS. It is often accompanied by

irregular menstrual cycles, abdominal pain, excessive hair growth and acne.

Excess androgens cause vellus hairs to convert to large, terminal hairs. This occurs in

areas sensitive to androgens (mainly testosterone) and in women only. Removal of

hairs by plucking, waxing or depilatory creams induce the onset of the anagen

phase, so the effect is only temporary.

Electrolysis and laser/IPL treatments may offer the most effective relief for these

clients. There is no set number of treatments or guaranteed permanent results due to

the cause of hair growth.

Pattern baldness

A condition caused by a number of genetics, hormone levels and the biological

clock. The condition is also called androgenetic alopecia and, in men, male-pattern


Cause of this type of hair loss. Under the influence of a form of the male hormone

testosterone, the normal cycle of hair growth changes, resulting in shorter, thinner or

"mini" hair. Eventually, hair growth in certain parts of the scalp and or body, stops

entirely, which causes the typical pattern of hair loss.

Wax formulation

Formulation refers the material content or mixture prepared according to a

‘formula’. Along with additional base ingredients and resin, depilatory waxes

beeswax is the key component of both strip and hot wax, each containing different

percentages and other additives to thicken the product, protect and soothe the


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Function and action of wax ingredients


ingredients within cosmetic

products. Originally discovered

to regulate a formulations

consistency and now used as

part of the composition of solid

products such as wax, lipsticks

and creams.

Reactions to beeswax are

considered low, with anti-

inflammatory, anti-allergic,

antioxidant and non-



Natural latex is a particular kind

of rubber that has been

manufactured from the sap of

the rubber tree. Latex can be

used to stabilise an emulsion

and provide flexibility to the

product. Some clients can

develop an allergy to forms of

latex so ensure to check the

ingredient listing prior to use.

Rubber / Latex

Carnauba wax gives solidity to

cosmetic products. It firms fluid

products and gives them

texture. Commonly, this type of

wax is derived from leaves and

buds of the Brazilian wax palm.

Low allergenic and gentle on

the skins surface.

Carnauba wax

Gives glow, flow, water

resistance and adhesion to

cosmetics and waxes. Natural

resins are derived from treated

pine, glucose syrup or honey.

Natural resin

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Has been used to protect,

soothe and heal the skin. It is

obtained from zinc ore, a

commonly found mineral and is

relatively non-allergenic.

Zinc dioxide

Known as an anti-inflammatory,

calming and soothing agent.

Excellent for sensitive areas, it is

derived from the chamomile



Considered to be one of the

most important, powerful and

oil-soluble anti-oxidants, by

protecting the cellular

membrane from free radical


Vitamin E

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SERVICE ADVICE Adverse effects from waxing treatments and appropriate actions

Adverse effects often result from waxing treatments because of the harsh and

uncomfortable nature of the procedures. Before treatment commences, clients

should be informed about the possibility of experiencing adverse effects. They are

not expected to occur, and as the therapist, every measure must be taken to

prevent these adverse effects from appearing. They can arise immediately or post-

service. You must be able to recognise these effects and advise clients about how

to manage them. The client may notice the following adverse effects after waxing.

Inflammation, to a certain degree an inflammatory response is expected from an

epilation service. The service area will naturally respond with ‘follicular erythema’.

This presents as red spotting around the follicle (pore) of the skin where the hair shaft

has been removed.

An inflammatory response where the skin has become swollen after removal of the

wax could be caused by the following:

too thick an application of wax (strip or hot)

rough removal of wax

over waxing or repeated waxing

waxing around ‘corners’, such as over the inguinal ligament on the bikini line

removing wax by applying the strip part-way along the application of wax as

the force used to lift the strip may cause swelling

normal skin trauma which may reduce with future treatments

The client should be advised to apply a cool pack after treatment and avoid

hot showers or baths and wearing tight clothing.

Spotting of skin, also known as ‘follicular erythema’. A redness appearing on the skin

surface. This should only last for a couple of hours at most. If this lasts over 24 hours

the client should seek medical advice. Until then, occurs, apply a cold compress to

reduce blood flow to the area and so reduce the redness. This will also enhance

healing of any tissue trauma experienced in the waxed area.

Hive-like reactions; should this occur, the client would be advised to use either ice-

cold compresses, calamine lotion or similar. The itchiness can occur due to the new

hair coming through the mouth of the hair follicle. This occurs particularly with

people who have coarse hair and skin. It is recommended that a natural bristle

brush is used lightly on the area to exfoliate and a moisturising lotion applied to

relieve the itchy sensation.

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Ingrown hairs occur sometimes as the hair regrows it coils in the follicle and does not

emerge above the skin. They can be characterised in three (3) different ways:

1. Flat– these hairs grown along beneath the surface of the skin

2. Coiled - these hairs can be inflamed, but remain in the follicle and look like

small blackheads (closed comedome).

3. Infected – similar to the coiled ingrown hairs, yet when met with sebum and

bacteria can become infected. They will present with a white pustule over

the follicle.

Ingrown hairs can arise in a few different ways

1. Reaction to damage – an over-reaction from the basale layer of the

epidermis. Its response is to produce extra keratinocytes (cells). As the new

cells travel up through the epidermal layers, die off and harden, they can

block the opening of the follicle (pore) causing the newly growth hair to be

trapped beneath the surface.

2. Tight clothing – if the client repeatedly wears tight, restricting clothing, such as

stockings, this too can block the newly grown hair surfacing to the skin.

3. Dry skin – due to lack of exfoliation, hydration and or desquamation, a build-

up of dead skin cells will occur. Again, this will block the opening of the


The client who is prone to ingrown hairs should use a loofah gently on the area (not

the face) or use home care products that are designed to assist the problem. Clients

should be told that they can use a clean pair of tweezers to gently release the hair

by putting the sharp end of the tweezer under the hair and flicking it upwards.

However they should not pluck the hair. Leave the hair in the follicle so that the

follicle has a chance to normalise and heal. After about four days the hair can be


Torn skin The surface layer of the epidermis may be removed during the waxing

process, leaving a red mark. This can be caused by:

too thick an application of wax (strip or hot)

rough removal of wax

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over waxing or repeated waxing

waxing sunburnt or previously sunburnt skin

thinned skin caused by clients taking drugs such as ROACCUTANE ®

desensitised skin due to diabetic complications

waxing around ‘corners’, such as over the inguinal ligament on the bikini line

This area may develop hyperpigmentation, especially when exposed to sunlight,

however this will gradually fade. Cold compresses should be applied to the area.

Client must be advised to avoid exposure of that area to sun or solaria until the mark

has completely resolved.

Bruising, The removal of the wax may cause a bruise to form as a result of:

too thick an application of wax (strip or hot)

rough removal of the wax

waxing around ‘corners’

flicking up hot wax with the finger nail instead of the side of the finger

applying wax when it is too cool

removing the wax by applying the strip part way along the application of

wax as the force required to lift the strip may cause bruising

Cold compresses should be applied to the area. Note the bruise on the client card.

Review the technique you are using.

Infections of hair follicle, also known as folliculitis. The client should use antiseptic

lotions on the area, not touch the area unless wearing gloves or having washed

hands. If the infection involves only the odd follicle then it will usually clear up

rapidly, however if it is widespread they should come back to the salon. Referral to a

medical practitioner may be necessary.

Burns will only occur if the temperature of the wax is not monitored and not tested

prior to application. Should a burn occur, it is to be treated by a medical

professional. If blisters form, advise the client to avoid them from breaking, as it can

cause bacteria to enter the wound.

Bleeding from follicle. Blood spots can occur when terminal hairs are removed from

deep hair follicles such as in the underarms or on bikini line. The blood comes from a

damaged capillary at the base of the hair follicle in the dermal papilla. The capillary

is damaged when the hair is pulled against the direction of growth. If this occurs, do

not touch the area with bare hands, wax or a spatula. Instead, the area should be

wiped over with a sterile medical swab to remove the blood spots before any

aftercare product can be applied. If the client re-waxes regularly, this effect will

gradually be reduced over time.

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Aftercare advice, products and future treatments to maintain client treatment


This advice supports the treatment they receive in salon and aid achieving their

results. This means that you will need to provide them with information about suitable

products to use at home and how to apply them. Remind the client of how to use

the products and confirm the application techniques to be used at home.

Encourage the client to ask questions and provide visual demonstrations to clarify

any information. You can put this information on a card so that the client can take

the instructions home.

Information could include:

Wear loose clothing, particularly undergarments near the bikini line and

underarm to avoid friction and irritation

Do not re-apply stockings after leg and bikini line treatments as the stockings

may carry bacteria which could infect the follicles

Do not sunbathe for 24 hours as the skin will be sensitive and

hyperpigmentation may occur

Do not swim for 24 hours as salt water and chlorine will sting the skin

Do not use deodorant under the arms or skin perfumes for 24 hours because

the ingredients may set up a reaction

Do not use make-up for 4 to 12 hours

Do not have a hot bath for a few hours, only lukewarm water. Do not use

soap as this could irritate the skin

Do not loofah for 2 days (then do not loofah hard)

Moisturise after showering but do not use perfumed lotions

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Use a hair retarder four to five days after treatment

Avoid activities which may cause heavy perspiration or expose the area to

bacteria e.g. gardening or going to the gym

Avoid sand as it may contain bacteria

You should advise on products the client could use at home. Include

instruction on how and when to use them, how long it will last and where it

should be stored.

You may recommend that the client purchases particular beauty products to

enhance the treatment provided or as part of a long-term maintenance

program. For example, ingrown hair solutions.

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Infectious disease transmission routes and prevention of infection

transmission as it relates to waxing services

Difference between cleaning, disinfection

and sterilisation

Cleaning is the process of removing dirt and

other types of soil from a surface, such as a

dish, glass, or hard surface. Cleaning is

accomplished using a cleaning agent that

removes these deposits and utilizes a

cleaning agent such as ‘spray and wipe’.

Disinfection and Sanitisation is the process of

reducing the number of microorganisms that

are on a properly cleaned surface to a safe level. A safe level is defined as a

99.999% reduction of the number of disease microorganisms that are of public

health importance. Sanitizing is accomplished by using heat, radiation, or

chemicals. Some disinfectants may be harmful to human health. Always check the

manufacture’s (MSDS) prior to using a chemical disinfectant.

Contact time (how long the equipment is in contact with the chemical) may

become ineffective if left for long time periods. Always read manufacturer’s


Chemical concentration (manufacture will recommend an optimal strength).

Always read manufacturer’s instructions.

Sterilisation defines the complete destruction of all microorganisms including spores.

This can require the use of a ‘hot-air oven’ or ‘glass-bead steriliser’, but more

commonly used is an Autoclave. This unit sterilises using boiling water; because of

the increased pressure the temperature reaches approximately 121-134◦c

Benefits of chemical and physical disinfection

Chemical disinfectants should be used only for items for which thermal disinfection

and sterilisation are not suitable – for example items unable to be immersed in water

(thermal) or unable to withstand high pressure (sterilisation). It is appropriate to use

chemical disinfectant when equipment or the environment is contaminated with

blood or other body substances and cannot be thermally disinfected. (Detergent is

sufficient for cleaning off perspiration, for example.)

Due to the over use and misuse of chemical disinfectant, many micro-organisms

have become or are becoming resistant to them. For this reason, the routine use of

disinfectants is not recommended. Disinfectants can easily become contaminated

and are a potential source of infection. Detergent or disinfectant solutions should

not be mixed because they may react with each other and in doing so reduce their

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effectiveness or cause harm. Some disinfectants such as those producing chlorine

must be freshly prepared. Operators should only use disinfectants specified by the

Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) and for the approved purpose and

for the time specified by the manufacturer.

Methods of cleaning, disinfection and sterilisation

Any instrument or part of an instrument used on a client should be cleaned with

detergent and warm water, dried and either thermally or chemically disinfected

before being used on another client. Below is a step-by-step procedure:

1. Wash implement with anti-bacterial soap in warm water.

2. Rinse under fresh water

3. Dry

4. Treat with chemical disinfecting / sanitising agent (cover and leave for

appropriate amount of time)

5. Rinse under fresh water

6. Dry

7. Store in a clean, air-tight container

Thermal disinfection uses heat and water (moist heat) at temperatures that destroy

most organisms. It is the most cost-effective and efficient method of disinfection. It is

only suitable for items that can be fully immersed in water at high temperatures. All

items must be fully immersed for the time indicated in the table below once the

water boils. Additional items must not be added during this boiling stage


Micro-organisms are everywhere! On all the surfaces you can see, on you and your

clothes, on the tools and equipment you use. Most of these micro-organisms are

harmless; some are even needed to maintain our health. However, there are some

micro-organisms that are harmful to us and cause illness and disease. The goal of

infection control procedures is to kill these harmful micro-organisms and to stop the

movement of them between people (cross-infection). The micro-organisms of

interest in infection control are bacteria, fungi and viruses.


There is a whole classification system that puts

bacteria into categories. For example, you

may have heard of ‘golden staph’. This is a

bacterium that has caused problems in

hospitals. Its real name is Staphylococcus

aureus. It is conical in shape, grows in grape

like clusters and it has a gold colour. About

20% of the population carries golden staph; they often do not know it and it may

cause them no problems. The shape of ‘golden staph’, the way it grows and its

colour help scientists to classify it and give it a name. However, some bacteria are

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useful. An example would be some of the

bacteria in your digestive system that help to

keep the system healthy.


Are next on our list and are also useful micro-

organisms to humans. For example they are used

as yeast in bread-baking and in making soy

sauce. A few are harmful to humans. Fungi that are harmful in a facial treatment

context are usually rare, and predominantly found on fingernails, toenails and feet.

They like the warm, moist and dark environment provided by feet which are in socks

and shoes. Fungi like the keratin (a protein) in the nail plate and also the skin. An

example of the type of fungi that can cause problems for you is those that cause

tinea pedis or ‘athletes foot’.


The third micro-organisms that we are interested in are viruses. They are sub-

microscopic infectious agents that are unable to exist outside a cell. These are

spread by blood-to-blood contact. Examples of viruses that you should be

concerned in a facial treatment are HIV

and Hepatitis. Clients are not obliged to tell

you that they have blood borne diseases

like HIV and Hepatitis; you are safe to do

treatments on them provided you follow

the guidelines. If the client tells you they

have a blood borne disease you must not

reveal that information to other people.

As a result of the privacy considerations the industry works as if everyone has a

blood borne disease and everyone strictly follows the correct procedures to prevent

cross infection/contamination, that way you are automatically protected whether

your client has a blood borne disease or not. Immunisation against Hepatitis B is

recommended. You need to consult your personal doctor about this option.

Infection control procedures and application of standard precautions as they

apply to the provision of waxing services

Infection control procedures

Infections can be spread between the client and operator, and from client to client,

from you to other employees of the salon and even from you to your family and

friends. This gives you some idea of the importance of following the health

guidelines. Most people that visit your salon will be free of diseases, some will

unknowingly have come into contact with a contagious condition and in rare cases

they may know that they have a contagious condition but hope that you will

proceed with the service anyway. If you follow the recommended procedures in

your States or Territories guidelines you and your clients will be protected from cross

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The above information should not make you uncertain and unconfident in providing

beauty services, you should not be concerned because there are guidelines,

procedures, tools, chemicals and equipment all designed to make it safe for you to

work in the beauty industry.

The first thing you should know is how cross infections can occur. There are many

routes of infection. Intact skin is the body’s first defense against infection. You should

make sure that you have no cuts or abrasions on your skin, if you have cuts and

abrasions you should cover them with a waterproof dressing and gloves, and you

should keep the skin of your hands moisturized and supple.

The first route of infection to consider is through the penetration of the skin. In beauty

services and treatments, it might be through hair removal services. Sometimes the

treated area can bleed. Any instrument that comes into contact with the blood is

then infected and you must follow the right sterilisation process before using the

instrument again.

Wash your hands before and after working on a client, before working on the

next client and if you are interrupted during a service, when you resume the


Follow the workplace procedure for the cleaning and disinfection of tools

and equipment and never mix clean and unclean instruments.

Use clean single use gloves for hair removal procedures

The second route of infection is through open wounds or cuts. If you accidentally

cut the skin on the client and if you also have an uncovered cut on your finger, the

client’s blood can enter your body through the wound.

Ensure any wounds on you or the client with a waterproof dressing that

completely covers the affected area. You can also use clean disposable

gloves if you have a cut on your hand.

Third, contamination of instruments is another way that infection travels from one

person to another. You need to follow a particular procedure to make sure that all

instruments you use are cleaned and disinfected properly and then stored correctly

until they are used on the next client. For example if you use tweezers on a client

and there is an infection that is not visible you will transfer this to the next client if you

reuse the tweezers without following the correct disinfection processes.

Use disposable or single use equipment where possible.

Use equipment that has been properly cleaned and disinfected or if

necessary, sterilised.

Next you should consider what the client comes into contact with and what needs

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to be changed after a service. For example, if a client has an eyebrow wax and you

use a hand band to protect and draw back their hair then that headband must not

be used on another client until it has been laundered correctly.

Linen that has come into contact with the client’s skin should be changed

after each client and laundered according to the State or Territory


Finally, contaminated waste is another source of infection. This can happen when,

for example, you put a cotton round you have used on the client, onto the trolley.

The table top then becomes a potential source of cross contamination during the

service. All waste should go directly into a rubbish bin with a lid.

Waste should be disposed of in accordance with your State or Territory guidelines.

Make sure you dispose of waste directly into the proper bin; never leave used

disposables, soiled linen or other waste lying around.

Sustainable operating procedures for the conservation of product, water and

power Sustainability is about doing more with less. All salons use resources. A resource is a

supply or source that can be used to your benefit. It can be a chemical, a product,

material, equipment or a staff member that helps you to perform your job. A natural

resource is something that has come from the environment that we can use for our

wants and needs.

Environmental sustainable work practices not only satisfy sustainability goals, but also

promote these ideas to the wider community. Sustainability can be grouped into

three categories:

Resource efficiency looks at energy, water and material use and waste generation.

Energy –

Turning off lights and equipment when not in use

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Using power saving functions on office equipment

Using efficient lights

Replacing incandescent tubes with fluorescent tubes

Installing skylights

Keeping heating at 20 degrees Celsius

Insulating rooms

Fitting self-closing doors

Minimising the use of hot water

Using alternative energy sources where possible


Comparing your water usage to others and make adjustments where


Fixing dripping taps

Fixing leaking pipes

Avoiding using water wherever possible

Investigating ways to use or treat wastewater


The way packaging is used

Using materials that produce less waste

The environmental standards of your suppliers

Using recycled materials

Using products designed for long life

Avoiding buying products or services that have a high risk

Only storing materials that you need

Storing all materials in designated areas

Keeping stored materials labelled

Keeping storage areas clean

Ensuring storage containers are sealed

Keeping spill kits in chemical storage areas


In regards to waste generation, it is important to remember the 3 R’s:

1. Reduce

2. Reuse

3. Recycle

You can reduce waste by:

Quantifying the waste you produce

Accounting for the difference between raw materials and products


Examining work activities to identify ways to reduce waste

Keeping a running tally for waste production

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You can reuse by:

Reusing drums and other containers

Reusing materials within work activities

Selling waste to other production processes

You can recycle by:

Segregating waste where possible

Composting organic waste

Separating recyclable waste

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