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i choose to beThe Goal is Zero

SHE ORGANOGRAM-2013SREEPUR FACTORYChairmanShuvojit Goash Manufacturing DirectorExecutive SponsorSurajit Kumar Saha SHE ManagerSponsorAll HODs Sreepur factoryCoordinator EngineeringSaifur RahmanCoordinator EngineeringLatif KhanCoordinator EngineeringMd. AdnanCoordinator ProductionRajib JonyCoordinator ProductionMd. YusufCoordinator ProductionSagar BhowmickCoordinator HRSakeef AnamCoordinator F&CTareq AhmedCoordinator QASaiful IslamCoordinator AGAbul KashemCoordinator IPBadrodduzaCoordinator SCSR JibonApproved By: Shuvojit Goash Manufacturing Director

Safe by Choice Days without Injury * - 28

Man hours without Injury * - 36,36,976

Last Injury (Date and Description) - 9th April, Moga A contractor employee was putting the missed pallet slip on the finished good packs stacked on the low bed trolley . While doing so, he got imbalanced and fell on the ground about 1.1M height.* From 1st Jan to 7th May 2012

Oct. 12, 2010SH&E Ambition and Workshop Objectives3YTDTargetLagging IndicatorsLeading IndicatorsCompliance to CTT action PlanNo. of BBS VisitsNo. of MSARTraining hoursFatalitySafety Pyramid YTD 2013Total IncidentsDriversRecordable Injuries & Illnesses000110253000YTD0.91Target

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