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Page 1: Shearing instabilities accompanying high-pressure phase transformations ... · Shearing instabilities accompanying high-pressure phase transformations and the mechanics of deep earthquakes

Shearing instabilities accompanying high-pressurephase transformations and the mechanicsof deep earthquakesHarry W. Green II*

Department of Earth Sciences and Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521

Edited by Russell J. Hemley, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington, DC, and approved February 28, 2007 (received for review September 15, 2006)

Deep earthquakes have been a paradox since their discovery in the1920s. The combined increase of pressure and temperature withdepth precludes brittle failure or frictional sliding beyond a fewtens of kilometers, yet earthquakes occur continually in subductionzones to �700 km. The expected healing effects of pressure andtemperature and growing amounts of seismic and experimentaldata suggest that earthquakes at depth probably represent self-organized failure analogous to, but different from, brittle failure.The only high-pressure shearing instabilities identified by experi-ment require generation in situ of a small fraction of very weakmaterial differing significantly in density from the parent material.This ‘‘fluid’’ spontaneously forms mode I microcracks or microan-ticracks that self-organize via the elastic strain fields at their tips,leading to shear failure. Growing evidence suggests that the greatmajority of subduction zone earthquakes shallower than 400 kmare initiated by breakdown of hydrous phases and that deeperones probably initiate as a shearing instability associated withbreakdown of metastable olivine to its higher-pressure poly-morphs. In either case, fault propagation could be enhanced byshear heating, just as is sometimes the case with frictional slidingin the crust. Extensive seismological interrogation of the region ofthe Tonga subduction zone in the southwest Pacific Ocean pro-vides evidence suggesting significant metastable olivine, withimplication for its presence in other regions of deep seismicity. Ifmetastable olivine is confirmed, either current thermal models ofsubducting slabs are too warm or published kinetics of olivinebreakdown reactions are too fast.

anticrack � dehydration � subduction zone � serpentine �metastable olivine

Crustal earthquakes are the result of brittle fracture of virginrock or frictional sliding on preexisting faults, with the latter

greatly predominating. Such failure, however, is strongly resistedby the normal stress across the fault and therefore severelyinhibited by pressure. In contrast, ductile flow is essentiallyimpossible in most rocks at near-surface conditions but the flowstress decreases exponentially with temperature. Because bothpressure and temperature increase with depth in Earth, within afew tens of kilometers of the surface rocks will f low at lowerstresses than they can break. Nevertheless, in subduction zones(regions where portions of the lithosphere, the outermost 50–100 km of Earth, plunge deep into the mantle as the return flowof plate tectonics) earthquakes occur continuously from thesurface to depths approaching 700 km (Fig. 1). Seismic focalmechanisms show that these deep earthquakes represent slipacross a fault, just like shallow earthquakes.

A variety of seismic observations strongly suggests that sub-duction zone earthquakes below �70 km involve failure of intactrock (1, 2). Therefore, as is the case for brittle shear fracture,self-organizing failure mechanisms are probably necessary.

At high pressure, microcracks cannot open in response toapplication of a deviatoric stress because they are held closed bythe normal stress across any potential crack plane. The only way

that such cracks can open is if a low-viscosity pore fluid isavailable to flow into such a crack as it opens. In confirmation,laboratory experiments show that shear failure of virgin rock athigh pressure is only possible in the presence of a small amountof low-viscosity ‘‘f luid;’’ the fluid can be either a true fluid (3–5)or a polycrystalline solid that is extremely weak at seismic strainrates (6–9). At shallow depth, introduction of fluid could be byinfiltration of fluid into porous or cracked rock. At greaterdepth, elevated temperature, very high pressure, and the buoy-ancy contrast between fluid and solid drive pore fluid out of therock and toward the surface, leaving rock generally f luid-freeand with very low permeability. Therefore, failure-enablingfluids must be generated in situ by: (i) devolatilization of hydrousphases or carbonates, or (ii) induction of a solid-solid phasetransformation under conditions resulting in generation of ananocrystalline product (9–11). Thus, pressure- and tempera-ture-induced mineral phase transformations are central to en-abling earthquakes at depth.

In brittle material under a small confining pressure, self-organization of faulting occurs in the following manner: (i) Asstress rises, tensile microcracks initiate at stress concentrationsand propagate a short distance, stopping when the deviatoricstress at the crack tip falls below the tensile fracture strength; (ii)with rising stress, the process repeats itself as microcracks initiateat progressively less severe stress concentrations; (iii) when thedensity of microcracks reaches a critical density at some location,further microcrack generation concentrates there; and (iv) whenthe local microcrack density is sufficiently high, they self-organize in response to the interacting stress fields at their tips;a microfault is born and propagates by repetition of the‘‘microcracks-first’’ process. In fracture mechanics, tensile cracksare referred to as mode I, to emphasize that the displacementsassociated with the crack are normal to the plane of the crack.I will use this terminology here for two reasons: (i) At depth inthe earth, stresses are all compressive, hence ‘‘tensile crack’’becomes a misnomer because it is tensile only in the sense of thedeviatoric stress; (ii) I will introduce the concept of an ‘‘anti-crack’’ that is a compressional feature having the geometry of atensile crack but the displacements are directed inward towardthe plane of the feature rather than outward as in tensile cracks.The term mode I applies in all of these situations and formallydraws attention to the analogy between cracks and anticracks.

Experimental High-Pressure Faulting MechanismsFaulting Caused by Devolatilization of Hydrous Phases. Serpentinitedeformed under confining pressure of a few hundred MPa andelevated temperature breaks down to olivine � talc � H2O and

Author contributions: H.W.G. wrote the paper.

The author declares no conflict of interest.

This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.

*E-mail: [email protected].

© 2007 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

www.pnas.org�cgi�doi�10.1073�pnas.0608045104 PNAS � May 29, 2007 � vol. 104 � no. 22 � 9133–9138











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fails catastrophically by faulting (3). Such failure can be de-scribed by reduction of the effective normal stress across thefault by the following relationship:

� � �o � ���n � p f� , [1]

where � is the shear stress, �o is a constant, � is the coefficientof friction, �n is the normal stress on the fault, and pf is thepressure of the pore fluid. Eq. 1 describes both brittle failure ofintact rock and frictional sliding under conditions where pf is lessthan the least principal compressive stress, �3 (11, 12). However,the qualitative description of the fluid as partially supporting thenormal stress is unsatisfactory in a mechanistic sense because ifpf � �3, then the fluid can only exist in pores sheltered by thestrength of the solid matrix. If such is the case, how does the fluidreduce the normal stress on a fault? Worse, in unbrokenmaterial, how does it reduce the normal stress on a fault that hasnot yet been created?

Understanding comes from modern knowledge that brittleshear failure is fundamentally tensile failure (11, 13). Experi-mentally, it has been known for 40 years that a small shear crackcannot be made to propagate in its own plane. Application of ashear stress to material containing such a crack causes newtensile cracks (‘‘wings’’) to appear at the tips of the shear crackand propagate a short distance along the trajectory of thegreatest principal stress, �1, as explained above.

This mechanistic understanding of the process provides ex-planation of how a pore fluid facilitates faulting. It does so byenhancing the local tensile stress concentrations that lead toformation of the tiny tensile microcracks and by holding themopen after they form. Thus, the greater the pore pressure, thelower the applied stress necessary to bring local stress concen-trations to the failure stress, and the lower the overall stressrequired to generate proliferation of microcracks to the point ofself-organization into an incipient fault zone. If the pore pressurereaches �3, the failure mode is runaway propagation of a tensilecrack, leading to sample splitting in the laboratory or a fluid-filled vein (or melt-filled dike) in Earth. In a natural situationwith a slowly evolving pore pressure, the more usual case shouldbe generation of shear failure while pf � �3.

There is abundant laboratory evidence that this mechanismcan induce brittle shear failure at greatly reduced stressescompared with those required in the absence of a pore fluid.Importantly, development of a pore pressure can lead to brittlefailure under conditions where rock behavior would otherwisebe ductile (3, 5). As a consequence, dehydration embrittlementis an attractive hypothesis to explain earthquakes under condi-tions where unassisted brittle failure is inhibited.

There is a problem, however. Fluids are very much morecompressible than solids, hence dehydration reactions, which allproduce a positive �V of reaction at low pressures (because ofthe low density of hydrous fluids), will have a progressivelyreduced �V as pressure rises. Ultimately, �V becomes negativeat pressures where the more dense solid product phases come todominate. For antigorite, the serpentine mineral stable at thehighest temperatures and pressures, the point of �V � 0 is at�750°C, 2.2 GPa (14), representing a depth of only �70 km inEarth (Fig. 2a). For other hydrous minerals likely to be reason-ably abundant in mantle lithologies (e.g., chlorite), the condi-tions are comparable. Under conditions where �V � 0, thepore-pressure effect is expected to disappear because generationof a droplet of fluid should result in a low-pressure poresurrounded by compressive hoop stresses. As a consequence, astress concentration that encourages formation of mode I mi-crocracks is pushed away from local failure rather than towardit. The greater the negative �V, the lower is the pore pressureproduced and the greater the compressive ‘‘capsule’’ in which itis confined. Both effects push the material away from localtensile failure, hence this has been interpreted as inhibiting bulkshear failure (15). If that were the case, then dehydrationembrittlement would be limited to depths of a few tens ofkilometers as a mechanism for triggering earthquakes.

Jung et al. (4) tested this hypothesis in the laboratory, findingthat dehydration of antigorite under stress leads to faulting atconfining pressures of 1–6 GPa, demonstrating that bulk shearfailure can still occur with �Vreaction � 0. Remarkably, themicrostructures accompanying faulting were the same under allconditions; all fault zones were decorated with extremely fine-grained solid reaction products (olivine � talc or olivine �enstatite) (Fig. 2 b and c). Mode I microcracks were not visiblein serpentine, but regions of residual olivine showed them inabundance; many of them had already healed (forming surfacesdecorated with fluid inclusions) before the end of the experi-ment (Fig. 2d). These observations contain the answer to whyshear failure is not inhibited when the total volume change upondehydration becomes negative; the solid and fluid reaction

Fig. 1. Earthquake depth distribution. (a) Semilog plot of global earthquakefrequency per 10-km-thick depth interval, showing a bimodal distribution. Allearthquakes below �50 km are in subduction zones, the coldest parts of themantle. The boundary between the mantle transition zone and lower mantlein subduction zones is at �700 km. No earthquake has ever been detected inthe lower mantle. Modified from ref. 35. (b) Cartoon of subduction zone andearthquake distribution. Lithosphere (speckled) at right, with uppermostlayers altered to antigorite (serpentine), is subducting beneath lithosphere atleft. Earthquakes in olivine-dominated upper mantle are shown as red dots inserpentine and white diamonds. In the mantle transition zone, olivine ishypothesized to remain present despite being no longer thermodynamicallystable and to slowly react away to spinel (wadsleyite or ringwoodite) duringdescent, occasionally generating earthquakes (black dots) by the processdiscussed in the text. Note volume reductions accompanying phase transfor-mations at 410 and 660 km. Modified from ref. 36.

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products separate immediately after their generation; eachcomponent contributes to failure independently, the true fluidwith �V � 0 and the nanocrystalline solid as a pseudofluid with�V � 0 (see ref. 4 for extended discussion).

Much remains to be learned about the fundamental physics offailure under these conditions. Nevertheless, it is now clear that,regardless of the sign of the �V of reaction, breakdown ofhydrous minerals is a viable trigger mechanism for earthquakesto depths of 250 km (approximate limit of antigorite stability ina cold subduction zone) and potentially much more if otherhydrous phases are present.

A new variant of dehydration embrittlement has been discov-ered recently during a study of the rheology of eclogite (thehigh-pressure equivalent of common basalt, the rock type mak-

ing up the oceanic crust) at P � 3 GPa (5). During experimentson a natural eclogite with no hydrous phases, but with smallamounts of H2O dissolved in both pyroxene and garnet, faultingoccurred when specimens were deformed at temperatures abovethe water-saturated solidus. H2O exsolved from the silicates andtriggered small amounts of melting at grain boundaries, leadingto myriad melt-filled mode I microcracks and shear failure; thebroken material within the fault zone (gouge) consisted ofangular fragments except for the presence of small amounts ofglass. These microstructures were exactly as expected for �V � 0.Remarkably, the amount of fluid required for faulting was �1vol% (5). This mechanism of dehydration of nominally anhy-drous minerals provides a mechanism for explaining earthquakesin hot subducting oceanic crust.

Faulting Associated with Solid–Solid Phase Transformations. Theother experimentally established, self-organizing, high-pressurefaulting instability requires an exothermic polymorphic phasetransformation accompanied by significant volume change (Ta-ble 1) and is known to operate under certain restrictive condi-tions during the olivine3 wadsleyite and olivine3 ringwooditetransformations. Olivine is the most abundant mineral in theupper mantle, and it undergoes densification phase transforma-tion to wadsleyite (with a spineloid structure) and ringwoodite(with a true spinel structure) with increasing pressure. Thetransformation to wadsleyite creates the prominent discontinuityin seismic velocities at �410 km in Earth and the breakdown ofringwoodite to still more dense phases (perovskite � magnesio-wustite) creates the even stronger seismic discontinuity at �660km. The instability associated with olivine breakdown leads toproduction of mode I microanticracks (Fig. 3 a and b) thatinteract via the compressive stress concentrations at their tips inan analogous way to the interactions between tensile stressconcentrations at the tips of open or fluid-filled mode I micro-cracks. Rather than containing a true fluid, these microanti-cracks are filled with a nanocrystalline aggregate of the new,denser phase (see ref. 8 for extended discussion). Like normalbrittle failure and dehydration embrittlement, anticrack failurein the laboratory generates acoustic emissions (16) and thereforeis potentially an earthquake mechanism.

The reason an exothermic polymorphic transformation is re-quired to support this instability is shown in Fig. 3c (10). Along thenear-vertical left-hand branch of the nucleation-rate curve in Fig.3c, formation of a nucleus of the stable phase releases a smallamount of heat that produces a small increase in local temperature,leading to significant increase in the local nucleation rate, whichreleases more heat, etc. At the same time, the negative �V of thereaction causes the nucleus to be immediately surrounded bycompressive hoop stresses that increase the driving force fornucleation of additional crystals adjacent to the original nucleus.Therefore, unless the metastable host is a good thermal conductor,the combination of these two effects under nonhydrostatic stress







500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850

Temperature (°C)













Ol + En+ H20

Ol + Tc + H2O

Fig. 2. Serpentine faulting experiments. (a) Phase diagram showing stabilityfield of antigorite serpentine and its break-down products. Circles, squares,and triangle show experimental conditions of ref. 4. (b) En echelon faults andanticracks decorated by solid reaction products (bright) in dark antigoritematrix. (c) Sketch illustrating fault segments (heavy lines) and anticracks (light,wavy lines). (d) Region of relict olivine with antigorite inclusion showing modeI cracks produced during dehydration of antigorite; several early formedcracks are marked only by arrays of water bubbles after crack healing. Mod-ified after ref. 4. (Scale bars: 20 �m.)

Table 1. Systems tested for transformation-induced faulting

Chemical system Fault? P, GPa Micro-structure Reaction type

�3 � Mg2GeO4 Yes 1–2 Anticracks Exothermic Polymorphic Transformation�3 (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 Yes 14–15 Anticracks Exothermic Polymorphic Transformation�3 Mn2GeO4 Yes 4–4.5 Anticracks Exothermic Polymorphic Transformationpv3 il CdTiO3 Yes 0.2 Cracks Exothermic Polymorphic TransformationIce1 h3 H2O Yes 0.2–0.5 Anticracks Exothermic Polymorphic Transformationil3 pv CdTiO3 No 0.2 Blocky xls Endothermic Polymorphic Transformationab3 jd � coes No 3–3.5 Symplectite Exothermic Disproportionate DisproportionatePredictions for the top of the lower mantle�3 pv � mw No 25 Symplectite Endothermic Disproportionate Disproportionate�3 pv � mw No 25 Symplectite Exothermic Disproportionate Disproportionate

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can lead to runaway nucleation in the plane normal to �1, yieldingmode I microanticracks filled with a nanocrystalline solid withproperties of a low-viscosity fluid (Fig. 3b). As in the case with modeI cracks, the greater the aspect ratio of the anticrack, the greater thestress concentration at the tip. Therefore, under stress, microanti-cracks interact with each other through the elastic strain fields attheir tips in a way analogous to microcracks, culminating in initi-ation of a fault and catastrophic shear failure. In contrast, both thedriving force and the kinetics for endothermic transformationsincrease monotonically with temperature, hence positive feedbackfor runaway nucleation is absent; no anticracks form and noinstability is generated (see refs. 10 and 11 for additional data anddiscussion).

Clearly, then, a critical requirement for failure is an exother-mic reaction. The breakdown of ringwoodite to form two new,

more dense minerals at the base of the upper mantle is endo-thermic, hence passage of ringwoodite from the upper mantle tothe lower mantle cannot trigger this instability. However, ifolivine were carried metastably through the transition zone andinto the lower mantle, the breakdown reaction would be exo-thermic. Could such a disproportionation reaction support theinstability if the reaction is exothermic and �V is large? Or is thediffusive step necessary to partition the chemical componentsinto two phases sufficiently slow that it abrogates the localizedrunaway nucleation of the daughter assemblage to form anti-cracks and hence quenches the instability? This hypothesis wastested by using a proxy breakdown reaction that is more exo-thermic and has a larger volume decrease than any of the systemsexhibiting transformation-induced faulting (Table 1). The hy-pothesis was confirmed; at high pressure, decomposition understress of albite (NaAlSi3O8, a feldspar common in granitic rocks)yielded blocky crystals of jadeite (Na2Al2SiO6), a pyroxene, filledwith ‘‘wormy’’ intergrowths of coesite, a high-pressure poly-morph of quartz (SiO2); no anticracks were observed andfaulting did not occur (unpublished results).

Application to Subduction ZonesWe see from the above that the hydrous phase expected to bemost abundant in the uppermost mantle (antigorite) supportsthe dehydration embrittlement instability and the most abundantmineral of any kind in the upper mantle, olivine, supports theanticrack instability if it is carried metastably into the transitionzone. Any olivine entering the transition zone during subductionwill follow a particle trajectory that unavoidably must encounterthe conditions that favor anticrack development (8) if stressesare sufficient. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 1, this instabilitypotentially could trigger earthquakes at all depths between thetwo seismic discontinuities that define the transition zone butwould not trigger earthquakes in the lower mantle. Ulmer andTrommsdorff (14) showed how the antigorite dehydrationboundary ‘‘paints’’ onto the temperature distribution in a sub-duction zone, yielding a pattern closely similar to the shallowdouble seismic zones observed in most subduction zones, asshown schematically in Fig. 1b; dehydration of antigorite couldpotentially trigger earthquakes to depths approaching 250 km.Thus, most earthquakes observed in subduction zones couldpotentially be triggered by breakdown of antigorite or olivine. Ofthe remainder, the shallowest can be accounted for by dehydra-tion of hydrous minerals in altered oceanic crust (e.g., refs. 17and 18), and the relatively rare earthquakes between 250 and 350km could potentially be triggered by dehydration of such minorminerals as titanian clinohumite (19, 20).

Nevertheless, there are three major questions that would have tobe answered to reach the conclusion that these two mineralreactions trigger the great majority of subduction zone earthquakes:

(i) There is no direct evidence for antigorite to a depth of �40km directly beneath oceanic trenches and no generally acceptedmechanism for achieving hydration of deep lithosphere. There-fore, whether antigorite dehydration can explain the lower zoneof uppermost mantle earthquakes (white diamonds in Fig. 2) isnot clear.

(ii) For the anticrack mechanism to trigger earthquakes,olivine must be carried across the olivine 3 wadsleyite phaseboundary without reacting. However, until very recently, evi-dence for metastable olivine in any subduction zone has beenequivocal.

(iii) It has been argued that very large, very deep earthquakesare difficult to explain by the metastable olivine hypothesisbecause it has been thought that very little metastable olivine islikely to be present at depths in subduction zones exceeding�550 km (21, 22). This concern could be alleviated if earth-quakes triggered by the anticrack mechanism can propagate intoperidotite in which the olivine has been completely transformed.





filled anticrackfilled anticrack


∆V < 0



Fig. 3. Anticracks: their nature, appearance, and explanation. (a) Cartoonshowing idealized shape and orientation of anticracks in the stress field thatcaused them. Extremely rapid nucleation of a more dense phase in a less denseone leads to nanocrystalline lenses of the daughter phase that orient them-selves normal to maximum compressive stress and develop very large com-pressive stresses at their tips. See text for discussion of analogy to fluid-filledcracks. (b) Anticracks filled with nanocrystalline spinel produced in olivine. (c)Thermodynamic explanation for anticrack formation (see text), modifiedfrom ref. 10.

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Preliminary observations from my laboratory (unpublished re-sults) demonstrated this in principle, yielding microstructuressuggesting glass in the fault zone, implying shear heating duringpropagation through the fully transformed material, similar to amodel of the great Bolivia earthquake of 1994 (23). More workis needed.

Evidence is now very strong for the presence of extensivemetastable olivine in the Tonga subduction zone of the South-west Pacific Ocean (beneath the Fiji islands). This region is thelocation of almost half of all earthquakes deeper than 300 km.Moreover, many of these earthquakes do not occur within thesteeply dipping subduction zone sensu strictu; they occur west ofthe subduction zone as ‘‘outboard’’ earthquakes that have beena paradox for many years. Over the last 6 years, the seismicproperties of the region of the transition zone in which theseearthquakes occur, as well as earthquake-free regions to thesouth, have been interrogated in great detail (2, 24–27). Thoseauthors have identified a ‘‘petrologic anomaly’’ that contains theoutboard earthquakes and defines a shallowly dipping slab-likefeature in the transition zone (Fig. 4 and ref. 26). This anomalyhas markedly reduced seismic velocities compared with cold

transition zone and shows strongly anisotropic seismic wavespeeds (Fig. 5 and ref. 28), and the earthquakes within it havechaotic focal mechanisms on scales of a few kilometers tohundreds of kilometers (2, 26). Importantly, at the southernmargin of the region of outboard earthquakes (Fig. 5), there isa very narrow region (�30 km wide) in which the seismicvelocities in the transition zone abruptly increase to be signifi-cantly faster than normal transition zone, lose seismic anisot-ropy, and are progressively slower further to the south untilvelocities characteristic of normal transition zone are reached.After considering various possibilities for the source of thispetrologic anomaly over the course of their work, those authorsconclude that it is a ‘‘fossil’’ subducted slab with �60% of itsolivine remaining metastable. The seismically very fast zoneadjacent to the south is then interpreted as cold ringwoodite thathas replaced metastable olivine; progressive falloff of seismicvelocities further south is attributed to warming up to thetemperature of ambient mantle (25, 26, 28).

Another set of seismic data relevant to this problem is thereport of remote triggering of deep earthquakes, again in theTonga subduction zone (29). These workers demonstrated that

Fiji Islands


600 km600 km

Fossil Vitiaz Trench

200 km

400 km

600 km


Tonga Trench



15° S

20° S

25° S170° E

175° E180°

175° W


th (



Fig. 4. Cartoon showing active Tonga subduction zone and fossil slab floating above it. Original figure is modified after ref. 26. Yellow and orange stars andcircles were added in ref. 28.

Fig. 5. Mapped areas of petrologic anomaly in mantle transition zone beneath Fiji showing anisotropy only where earthquakes are occurring (a). Black dotsin sector I show hypocenters of outboard earthquakes; sector II has markedly higher seismic velocities in transition zone that slow to the south; sector III is normalmantle transition zone. (b) Shear-wave splitting measurements. Note that anisotropy ends abruptly at the boundary between sectors I and II, coincident withjump in seismic velocities and cessation of earthquakes. [Reproduced with permission from ref. 27 (Copyright 2003, American Geophysical Union).]

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in 2002 a magnitude 7.6 earthquake at �590 km depth in thesteeply dipping active slab of Tonga (yellow star in Fig. 4)triggered two other earthquakes, 300 km away and 70 km deeper,within 7 min of the triggering shock. The remotely triggeredshocks, of magnitude M � 5.9 and 7.7, occurred in a location inwhich there had been no previously recorded earthquakes(yellow circle of Fig. 4). The same authors (29) identified anothersequence of remotely triggered deep events in which the trig-gering earthquake (M � 6.8) was in the currently active Tongaslab and the triggered earthquakes (M up to 7.1) in the fossil slabdiscussed above (orange star and circle in Fig. 4). The timing ofboth sequences of triggered events is consistent with earthquakesinitiated by transformation-induced faulting of metastable oli-vine but inconsistent with runaway shear heating (30).

A third set of seismic observations (2) shows that, worldwide,there are five regions of approximately horizontal subducting slab,three in the shallow upper mantle beneath South America and twoin the transition zone west of Tonga, one of which is the fossil slabof outboard earthquakes discussed above. The focal mechanisms ofthe earthquakes in all of these shallowly dipping (�20°) slabsegments are chaotic, as previously shown for the outboard earth-quakes west of Tonga. The chaotic nature of focal mechanisms onall scales in these subhorizontal regions, including separations ofonly a few kilometers in the case of the triggered earthquakeslocated by the orange circle of Fig. 4 (see details in refs. 2 and 29),requires a local origin of the stresses. The most likely source of localstresses in these regions is a highly irregular boundary betweentransformed and untransformed slab material, antigorite-bearingmaterial adjacent to antigorite-absent material in shallow subhori-zontal slab elements and metastable olivine-bearing material ad-jacent to olivine-absent material in deep subhorizontal slab ele-ments (see also ref. 31). In both cases, a large volume reduction isassociated with the indicated mineral reactions, yielding largestresses in the immediate vicinity of the interface between reactedand nonreacted volumes (32).

The majority of this discussion of deep earthquakes hasfocused on Tonga because there are vastly more data on Tongaand its environs than elsewhere. A particularly confusing sub-duction zone is South America, in which there is a very large gapin seismicity (between 325 and 520 km depth) along much of thelength of the continent. A possible explanation of this gap wasoffered by Kirby et al. (33), who suggested from plate recon-structions that the deeper parts of the subducting slab may bemuch older and colder than the shallower portions. The impli-cation is that the aseismic region is too warm to generateearthquakes, having lost the critical minerals that could trigger

a shearing instability, whereas the deeper portions of the slab arecolder and still may contain metastable olivine (33).

There are several observations that, when compared with thedata on Tonga, support the Kirby et al. hypothesis and suggestthat the deep South America subduction zone may be similar to,although less active than, Tonga. The first of these is that thegreat Bolivia deep earthquake of 1994 remotely triggered asignificant earthquake (M � 6) a few hundred kilometers awayand in a region of essentially no previously recorded seismicity(34). Second, there are a few outboard earthquakes as many as150 km east of the slab at the bottom of the seismic zone, underArgentina (see figure 3 of ref. 33). Neither of these observationsproves the presence of metastable olivine but, given the recentTonga results, both are consistent with the possibility. The presenceof these outboard earthquakes invites a seismic investigation anal-ogous to that of the Tonga investigations to test the possibility.

ConclusionsThe potential implications of metastable olivine in subducting slabsgo considerably beyond an explanation of deep earthquakes. Cur-rently accepted thermal models of subduction zones, combinedwith laboratory measurement of rates of olivine breakdown reac-tions, suggest that metastable olivine should be possible only in theTonga subduction zone (the coldest) and, even there, it shoulddisappear before reaching the bottom of the seismogenic zone (22).Therefore, if metastable olivine is present in the fossil slab west ofTonga, then either current thermal models of deep slabs must betoo warm or the kinetics of olivine breakdown must be slower thancurrent experiments imply. The latter could be the result, forexample, of small amounts of H2O in the experiments leading toincreased kinetics that may not be applicable in Earth.

Here, I have argued that intermediate-depth earthquakesrequire dehydration of hydrous phases, hence confirmation ofmetastable olivine in deep slabs would also require that slabs arewrung essentially dry before reaching 400 km, which wouldprovide an explanation for the exponential decrease of earth-quake frequency to extremely low levels between 300 and 400km. Lastly, the presence of metastable olivine may be at leastpartially responsible for containment of subducted slabs of thewestern Pacific in the upper mantle (26).

This synthesis has benefited from conversations with many colleagues, inparticular, M. Brudzinski, P. Burnley, W.-P. Chen, L. Dobrzhinetskaya,H. Houston, H. Jung, H. Kanamori, S. Kirby, C. Marone, C. Scholz, D.Walker, and J. Zhang. My laboratory has been continuously supportedby the National Science Foundation for 35 years.

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