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ShipConstructor 2014 - New Features: 48


23801 - ShipConstructor - Administrator - Scheduled tasks should be disabled when connected to SQL Server Express

Because SQL Server Express cannot schedule tasks , Adminis trator should disable the menu icons for 'Schedule Backup' and 'ScheduleMaintenance' when Adminis trator i s connected to a SQL Server Express instance.

26487 - Administrator - Change connect/disconnect to "Connect to a different server"

When us ing the Adminis trator, i f user cancels the connect dia log during s tartup the appl ication wi l l now close i tsel f.

The Connect/Disconnect option in the Fi le menu has been replaced by the "Change server" option.

26065 - Administrator - Save SQL results to a .TSV tab-separated file

Save SQL resul ts in tab-separated format to a .TSV fi le.

The .TSV fi le extens ion permits opening and properly displaying the resul ts with Microsoft Excel by defaul t.


23982 - ShipConstructor - Support AutoCAD 2014

ShipConstructor 2014 supports AutoCAD 2014.

25662 - Installation - Rename all ShipConstructor desktop shortcuts, start menu links, and application names to include the official release version

Al l ShipConstructor desktop shortcuts , s tart menu l inks , and appl ication names have been renamed to include the officia l release vers ion."Adminis trator 2014" and "NC-Pyros 2014 R2" are examples of ShipConstructor appl ication names that include the officia l release vers ion. Thishelps disambiguate in the case that multiple vers ions of ShipConstructor have been insta l led s ide-by-s ide.

20403 - ShipConstructor - Server Setup - Start automatically with 'Run as Administrator" on Windows 7

Given that Server Setup requires adminis trative privi leges to run, Server Setup should automatica l ly attempt to elevate i t's permiss ions onWindows 7 which would then pop up a UAC prompt asking the user i f they wish to a l low this program to make changes to their computer. Thiswould be instead of the user having to take the manual s tep of right cl i cking the icon and selecting 'Run as Adminis trator'.

27157 - ShipConstructor - Disable background ribbon loading the first time ShipConstructor is run

ShipConstructors custom ribbon tabs take over a minute to load in the background when ShipConstructor s tarts , giving the impress ion of s lowperformance.

The background loading of the ribbon needs to be disabled the fi rs t time ShipConstructor i s run. The user can s ti l l enable background ribbonloading i f they prefer i t.

26709 - Shared - On first run prompt the user for which of a pre-defined set of ribbon tabs they want.

The fi rs t time ShipConstructor i s run prompt the user to pick from a l i s t of predefined ribbon tab sets (Al l , Structure, Mechanica l ). This i s to giveoptions that l imit the number of tabs added to a l l of their workspaces , as there are qui te a few tabs now and for many users not a l l wi l l apply.

This feature wi l l a l so be ava i lable via a ShipConstructor command so that i t can be run at a later time as wel l .

This i s a lso something the user can do for themselves by edi ting their workspaces via the CUI, but because that can be pa inful we're providing acouple of "shortcuts" to what we think are common setups .

Labeling and BOMs

13659 - Production - Labeling - Provide the ability to modify minimum leader length after a BOM table is inserted

In the SCINSERTBOM, users speci fy minimum leader length for labels at Step 2 of the Wizard dia log when they insert a BOM table. Once the BOMtable i s inserted, there i s no way to modi fy the minimum leader length other than deleting and re-inserting the table. This i s incorrect des ign.

Users should be able to preset the minimum leader length in the production drawing template, and, then, override i t later in a productiondrawing instance. The minimum leader length sha l l be made a property of the viewport. The setting sha l l be made ava i lable in the "ViewportOptions" dia log (_SCVPORTOPTIONS).

19802 - Production - Labeling - The "Enter" key has a different role when drawing a line and using the SCLABELMANUAL command, which confuses users

The "Enter" key has a di fferent role when drawing a l ine and us ing the SCLABELMANUAL command, which confuses users .

For example, i f the user hi ts Enter whi le model ing a l ine, the l ine wi l l be cancel led; but, i f the user hi ts Enter whi le label ing a part, the label wi l lbe appl ied. The incons is tent behaviour may confuse users because they expect AutoCAD l ines and ShipConstructor labels to behave identica l ly.The confus ion can become even greater i f the user programs the right-button mouse cl i ck to act as the Enter key. In this s i tuation, users can eas i lyget used to cl i cking the right mouse button in certa in s i tuations .

In a more cons is tent scenario, label ing parts should act s imi larly to drawing AutoCAD stra ight l ines .

26732 - Production - Labeling - Provide a mechanism that assists users with precise-pointing of manual labels to edges of pipe and HVAC parts

Pipe and HVAC parts do not offer any snap points located a long the edge, and manual ly pointing a label precisely to an edge i s di ffi cul t.

Currently, users are l imited to us ing the automated label ing mechanism to produce labels that point precisely to edges of dis tributed systemsparts . The automated label ing mechanism rel ies on the hidden l ine removal functional i ty.

An improved manual mechanism is needed to a l low users to point to edges of dis tributed systems parts . The mechanism a lso takes into accountinsulation that may be appl ied to Pipe and HVAC parts .

18909 - Production - Labeling - Provide an option to re-label viewports on the current layout tab view only

Provide an option to re-label viewports on the current layout tab view only.

Currently, i f a production drawing conta ins multiple layout tabs , running the SCRELABELALL ("Relabel Al l ") command wi l l re-label viewports on a l lof the layout tabs where viewports have the "Label i tems in viewport" option checked.

A new command ca l led SCLABELLAYOUT is to be added.

25195 - Production - Arrangement Drawing - Support SCADVLABELONVISIBLEEDGE on Accessory Package objects

In Arrangement Drawings , Support labels with SCADVLABELONVISIBLEEDGE to be placed on Accessory Package objects .


7814 - MarineDrafting - Implement new form of production output for generating of 2D view represenations for the 3D model

ShipConstructor MarineDrafting i s a powerful feature that helps shipbui lders to save time and avoid costly mis takes whi le creating 2Ddocumentation such as class i fi cation, approval , workshop, and other drawings . The tool provides the abi l i ty to automatica l ly generate 2Drepresentation views of planar areas sectioned across the ShipConstructor 3D model at user-speci fied locations .

MarineDrafting produces output that i s far superior compared to geometrica l sections and planar projections generated by such AutoCADcommands as SECTION and FLATSHOT. The key advantage of MarineDrafting i s that the 2D views display shipbui lding-speci fic representations ofs tructura l parts including s ti ffeners , plates , brackets , and faceplates . For example, a s ti ffener attached to a plate part may be represented by as ingle l ine of a custom style. Depending on whether the s ti ffener i s vi s ible or not in a particular view, the l ine may change i ts type by turning fromsol id to dash-type. If the s ti ffener has endcuts , the representation geometry may a lso include additional 2D symbols to show the endcuts .

The 2D documentation produced by MarineDrafting remains ful ly l inked to the origina l 3D model . If the model changes at some point, i t wi l l beposs ible to eas i ly update a l l the associated 2D views with the latest changes . Note that the update procedure i s intel l igent: i t i s capable ofpreserving a l l of the custom modifications appl ied to MarineDrafting views prior to the update. In addition, the Production Drawing Revis ions ...command a l lows the user to conveniently monitor changes in the MarineDrafting drawing introduced by the update operation.

Every bi t of the representation geometry in a MarineDrafting view is a native AutoCAD object that i s l inked to i ts source part. This a l lows the userto customize the output extens ively. The l ink a lso a l lows MarineDrafting drawings to have BOM tables that can automatica l ly label 2Drepresentations in a way s imi lar to label ing production drawings .

24598 - MarineDrafting - When the user selects a bit of the representation geometry in the model space, display related XData properties in AutoCAD OPM

When the user selects a bi t of the representation geometry in the model space, display related XData properties in AutoCAD OPM.

Currently, i f the user selects a piece of geometry that represents a part in a MarineDrafting 2D view, the OPM wi l l only show properties of thepolyl ine i tsel f, Part Guid, and the name of the View. This i s not a very informative set of properties to show from the user perspective. The usermay be interested in knowing properties of the ShipConstructor part associated with the selected piece of geometry. For example, the propertiesmay be: the part name, s tock name, PH ass ignment, weight, etc.

Displaying this information in the OPM should be cons idered, i f poss ible. Currently, to learn this information, the user may need to put a propertylabel on the part, which i s not as flexible in some scenarios as looking ins ide the OPM.

22364 - ShipConstructor - Provide the ability to open source model drawings and zoom into parts by selecting parts in production drawings

Provide the abi l i ty to open source model drawings and zoom into parts by selecting parts in production drawings .

The functional i ty should be supported across a l l types of production drawings . The user should be able to: 1. Select a part; 2. Press the rightmouse button; and 3. Select the "Go to Model Drawing" option from the context menu.

Or, a l ternatively, the user should be able to: 1. Run the SCGOTOMODELDWG command from the command l ine; and 2. Select the part whose modeldrawing should be opened.

After the user perfoms ei ther set of the s teps above, ShipConstructor should offer to the user a choice of three options : to save the currentdrawing, discard changes in the current drawing, or cancel the enti re operation. If the user does not cancel the operation, the source modeldrawing conta ining the part should be opened, and the view should be zoomed into the part.


25753 - Distributed Systems - Add individual command for the Flow direction DWG options

The fol lowing commands have been added to ShipConstructor to modi fy them from scripts or the command l ine except for the various flowdirection commands .

ScDwgOptionsPipeSetShowFlowDirectionScDwgOptionsPipeSetShowFlowDirectionOnAl lPartsScDwgOptionsPipeSetFlowDirectionColorScDwgOptionsPipeSetFlowDirectionSizeScDwgOptionsHVACSetShowFlowDirectionScDwgOptionsHVACSetShowFlowDirectionOnAl lPartsScDwgOptionsHVACSetFlowDirectionColorScDwgOptionsHVACSetFlowDirectionSize

Outfitting / HVAC

20462 - Administrator - The CheckProject/Repair Project should delete HVAC stocks with an invalid number of ends

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens a project with HVAC Branch Stocks with an inva l id numbers of ends .2. The user attempts to open the Manager / HVAC / Stock edi tor.

Notice that Manager wi l l crash. To avoid this , add to CheckProject/Repair Project the abi l i ty to identi fy and delete hvac branch s tocks which have aninva l id nubmer of ends , as they wi l l crash the s tock edi tor

25396 - Production - HVAC - Performance improvements when handling large amount of HVAC to HVAC connections

In Production Drawings , when handl ing a large amount of HVAC to HVAC connections , some operations (arrangement drawing generation, etc.) maybe prone to time-out errors .

A number of internal enhancements have been made in order to improve the performance.

Outfitting / Pipe

25170 - Distributed Systems - Pipe - The performance of SCUPDATEMODELANDSYSTEMDRAWINGSQUICK has been improved when updating a large collection ofpipes

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens a very large project.2. The user runs the SCUPDATEMODELANDSYSTEMDRAWINGSQUICK command.3. The user selects a large col lection of pipes .

Notice that the process may take a substantia l amount of time. The performance of this operation has been improved.

25318 - ShipConstructor - Revisions - Pipe Support Construction Drawings are not represented among the rest of the Revisions categories

Pipe Support Construction Drawings are not represented among the rest of the Revis ions categories .

Pipe Support Constructor Drawings should be included into the ShipConstructor Revis ions system under "Drawings ."

26012 - Pipe Supports - DS Supports are now named PipeSupports (Part 1)

DS Supports need to be renamed to PipeSupports , this should happen in two s tages , the fi rs t s tage happening in ShipConstructor 2014.


12791 - NC-Pyros - Add bevel support for Koike Voyager III Hypertherm bevel NC machine

Added bevel support for Koike Voyager I I I - Hypertherm bevel NC machine.

P&ID DesignValidation

11800 - P&ID DesignValidation - Develop functionality to help validate ShipConstructor distributed systems against AutoCAD P&ID diagrams

P&ID Des ignVal idation i s a ShipConstructor product for comparing and identi fying discrepancies between a 3D model developed in theShipConstructor environment and a set of piping and instrumentation diagrams developed in the AutoCAD P&ID environment.

The benefi t of the P&ID Des ignVal idation product i s that i t serves as an efficient instrument for ensuring cons is tency between the origina l des igncaptured in P&ID diagrams and the ShipConstructor 3D model bui l t according to the des ign.

The product a l lows the user to define flexible mapping rules to describe the relationship between the ShipConstructor and P&ID project. Once therelationship i s defined, an automatic comparison function can be run to reveal discrepancies between the two projects .

The l i s t of discrepancies identi fied by P&ID Des ignVal idation includes miss ing enti ties , incorrect va lues ass igned to individual properties , ordi fferences in connectivi ty network for pipe systems on the P&ID and ShipConstructor s ide.


21719 - PipeLink - Include the ability to export a PCF file from ShipConstructor

PipeLink a l lows the piping systems within a ShipConstructor project to be used within other bus iness processes , and appl ications .

PipeLink accompl ishes this by providing a means to generate and export a Piping Component Fi le (PCF) created from the piping des ign system byextracting information from the piping model (MIM). The generated PCFs are associated to the ShipConstructor product model and can be updatedautomatica l ly when ini tiated by the user. The PCF i s a defacto piping industry s tandard format text fi le conta ining component and routinginformation that can be read and wri tten by a large number of appl ications .

For example, centerl ine i sometric drawings are often required to document s tra ight pipe fi ttings for tube and pipe des igns for:

1. Isometric Creation2. Pipe Stress Analys is3. Pipe Bending and Fabrication.

Note that PipeLink requires the fol lowing l i censes : PipeLink + Pipe or Universa l License


21398 - Shared - Support SQL Server 2012

Implement support for SQL Server 2012

25903 - Shared - ShipConstructor 2014 Rebranding

ShipConstructor 2014 brings a modernized user experience to ShipConstructor that improves the discovery of features and intui tively guides usersin accompl ishing tasks . These changes are based upon SSIs analys is of current best practices for enhanced productivi ty.

Great care has been taken to improve the logica l groupings of tools and commands in ribbons and windows so as to enable the most efficientworkflow. At the same time, cons is tent visua l metaphors and overlays have a lso been used to increase the intui tiveness of the new userinterface.

Attention has been pa id to how information i s presented to optimize efficiency. Icons and toolbars are displayed in a left to right pattern thatfol lows the natura l chronology of modern workflow. Additional ly, the di ffering s i ze of various icons reflects SSIs analys is of the relative usage ofparticular functions .

The revi ta l i zation of the softwares look and feel has been comprehens ive. There are over 400 icons that have been completely redes igned to moreaccurately indicate what the tool or command is intended for. Each icon has a lso been created with di fferent s i ze vers ions that a l low each icon tomainta in a cri sp appearance in any s i tuation. These changes a l low the icons to be clearly recognized and understood which can play a cri tica l rolein the productivi ty of users who are new to the software. The new iconography can be found in the ribbons and in a l l of the most commonly usedwindows, including the navigator, l i cens ing dia log, product hierarchy, and system manager.

Furthermore, in keeping with the revamp of SSIs corporate branding, the 3D Viewpoint interface has been modernized and there i s a new splashscreen and insta l ler displaying recent examples of innovative projects bui l t us ing SSI software.

The enhanced user experience ava i lable in ShipConstructor 2014 i s just one part of SSIs recent re-launch ini tiative. A key objective of this ini tiativehas been to provide the highest qual i ty experience of the SSI brand every time a cl ient interacts with the company, i ts products and services .

21977 - Shared - Project Templates - Update the Project Templates to reflect the newer ShipConstructor brand and best practices

The XML project templates and pipe cata logs included with ShipConstructor have been updated. Drawing templates , naming conventions ,dimens ion s tyles , display and plotting settings , BOM defini tions , label and table s tyles , and many other project settings and s tandards have beenadded or updated to reflect ShipConstructor best practices .

17331 - Shared - The performance when connecting to a large project has been improved

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches ShipConstructor.2. The user opens a large project.

Notice that depending on the s ize, i t may take s igni ficant time to connect to the project.

This i s due to project cons is tency check done every time a user connects to the project. Based on the exis ting folder s tructure of the project (e.g. nofolder are miss ing) the cons is tency check should be done in para l lel .

27049 - Production - Template Drawings - Easily customize and replace the SSI logo with an alternative logo

The company logo i s enclosed ins ide the Ti tle block in a l l template drawings provided in the defaul t ShipConstructor insta l lation. This makesreplacing the company logo with a di fferent logo inconvenient.

To faci l iate replacing the SSI logo with an a l ternative logo, ensure that the company logo i s pos i tioned outs ide of the Ti tle block in defaul ttemplate drawings . By pos i tioning the company logo outs ide of the ti tle block, users can eas i ly delete the SSI logo and replace i t with anal ternative logo whi le continuing to use the defaul t template.

Space Allocations

20372 - Electrical - Space allocations - Pin Usage log or Drawing name where the space allocation is pinned is required to identify the pinned space allocation

When a user creates a space a l location and pins i t to a drawing, the user must be able to identi fy which drawing this space a l location i s pinnedto s imply by reviewing the Space Al location manager. This improves the workflow, permitting the user to select a l l the Space Al locations in thedrawing to review their properties .

A separate column bes ide pin reason in the Space Al location Manager has been added.


13912 - Structure - Modeling - Provide the ability to display raw lengths of stiffeners in reports and BOM tables, and to optionally use raw lengths when nestingprofiles

Provide for the abi l i ty to display raw lengths of s ti ffeners in reports and BOM tables , and to optional ly use raw lengths when nesting profi les .

Currently, ShipConstructor understands profi le lengths based on their sol ids ' lengths . This type of information i s shown in reports and used in theprofi le nesting process . Sometimes , there may be a combination of endcuts and trims that shortens the profi le sol id length. In this case, thereported data regarding profi le lengths may not be a des i red production output.

Depending on the profi le manufacturing process , the production crew might need to know ini tia l raw lengths of s ti ffeners to nest them inava i lable s tock, cut parts out of nests , and apply endcuts to parts . However, at the same time, the actua l length of the s ti ffener may a lso beimportant because i t can be used for defining cutout locations on the fina l part.

19974 - Manager - Production - Add an option to use trimmed stiffener length in profile nest in Project Settings

In Manager / Genera l / Project Settings , the user should be a l lowed to set the option to use the untrimmed sti ffener length instead of trimmedlength.

19975 - Manager - Production - Add an option to use trimmed stiffener length in profile plots in Project Settings

In Manager / Genera l / Project Settings / Profi le Plots , the user should be a l lowed to set the option to use the untrimmed sti ffener length insteadof trimmed length.

Note that dimens ions wi l l be based on the new origin wi l l impact the length of the cutouts .

23699 - Structure - Stiffeners - Re-implemented Insert Manual Cutout dialog

The Insert Manual Cutout dia log conta ins severa l UI deficiencies and has been re-implemented.

The fol lowing previous ly reported i ssues have been addessed:

Issue 20778: The preview does not update when scrol l ing down the l i s t of cutouts us ing only the keyboard. Is sue 20795: Preview doesn't refreshwhen scrol l ing up or down us ing the arrow keys . Is sue 20807: If a manual ly inserted cutout i s selected whi le us ing the keyboard, another cutoutshape wi l l appear in the model space. Is sue 22304: Selection in l i s t doesn't match preview and actua l cutout when us ing mouse to select.

Subscription Advantage Pack

25819 - Subscription Advantage Pack - CUI - SCADVSetLayerByUnit command

Add command to ShipConstructor Advantage Pack CUI: SCADVSetLayerByUnit.

This command sets the ShipConstructor parts to a layer speci fied by the uni t name.

25821 - Subscription Advantage Pack - CUI - SCADVSetLayerBySystem command

Add command to ShipConstructor Advantage Pack CUI: SCADVSetLayerBySystem.

This command sets a l l ShipConstructor parts with a SWBS property to a layer of the system name.

25822 - Subscription Advantage Pack - CUI - SCADVSetLayerByOPMProperty command

Add command to ShipConstructor Advantage Pack CUI: SCADVSetLayerByOPMProperty

This command sets a l l ShipConstructor parts with the speci fied ShipConstructor property to a layer speci fied by that property.

20257 - Advantage Pack - Create a menu and ribbon group which contain all commands added by the SAP

The Subscription Advantage Pack adds many new commands and features to ShipConstructor which do not exis t in the regular workflow ordocumentation that i s included with a given release. A menu and ribbon group should therefore be created which compi les these commands (inaddition to their 'regular' locations i f they have one) into a s ingle location so that a user can 'discover' the newly added features . The SAP featuresshould be ava i lable no matter which drawing a user i s in as i t i s a col lection of commands .


21869 - WorkShare Project - Rename only for name conflicts

By defaul t for WorkShare Project, a l l parts are renamed during syncing.

In order to improve performance speed, this operation i s now only performed to prevent save errors . This wi l l leave imported part names andloca l -but-effected part names out of date.

19658 - WorkShare Project - Provide a function to Import/Export selections from New Split dialog

Provide a function to Import/Export, to XML, the selections of the WorkShare Project New Spl i t dia log.

22724 - WorkShare Design - Reduce the WorkShare Design package size

Currently, the packages created us ing Package Project are conta ining unnecessary data . In a l l cases , the enti re source project whether or not the

parts , uni ts and systems are included in the package. This resul ts in extended and costly fi le transfer times to transfer packages over networkconnections . This i s especia l ly costly when transferring over WAN connections which are common. Additional ly, a l though s torage i s everydecreas ing in price, in a navy s i s ter ship s i tuation, hundreds of WorkShare Des ign packages wi l l be created at model basel ines . These wi l l needto be s tored with a reasonable amount of cost complexi ty.

22075 - WorkShare Project - In split projects, allow owners of project splits to register new and change active naming conventions

In spl i t projects , a l low owners of project spl i ts to regis ter new and change active naming conventions .

Essentia l ly, this means ful l spl i t and merge support for naming conventions . Currently, ShipConstructor doesn't have this abi l i ty.

20099 - WorkShare Project - Allow user to process merge/refresh files created on an older SQL server version

Currently the SQL Servers hosting the Master and the Spl i t projects need to be the same. When a user attempts to merge/refresh fi les from anolder SQL Server vers ion a warning message popup should appear. The user should then be permitted to continue.

14878 - WorkShare Project - Provide for the ability to specify all of the attributes required for New Project from Split, Merge, and Refresh procedures as commandline arguments for WorkShareCmd.exe

Previous ly, some of the parameters needed to be speci fied manual ly in user dia logs that pop up after the command has been launched. In theideal s i tuation, once adjusted, everything should work automatica l ly without requiring any manual s teps .

ShipConstructor now supports the abi l i ty to speci fy a l l of the attributes required for New Project from Spl i t, Merge, and Refresh procedures ascommand l ine arguments for WorkShareCmd.exe.

25329 - WorkShare - Rename WorkShare Design - Import to WorkShare Design Insert

WorkShare Des ign Import has been renamed to WorkShare Des ign Insert instead.

It a ffects the fol lowing: UI, Command-l ine arguments and the Documentation.

17481 - WorkShare Project - New Split Dialog to have "Parts and Arrangements" root node for equipment

In the WorkShare Project New Spl i t Dia log, the "Parts and Arrangements" root node for equipment i s now s imi lar to Pipe & HVAC.

23482 - WorkShare Design - Improved Import Logging

WorkShare (WorkShare Project and WorkShare Des ign) need to generate deta i led import logs . Those logs need to deta i l the actions that weredone by WorkShare during a merge, spl i t, refresh or an insert.

The user should be a l lowed to only report the relevant information. For example, what parts , s tandards , DWG fi les , or s tructures such as producthierarchy were newly created, modi fied, deleted and in the case of modi fication. What attributes were modi fied.

Please note that the changed parts are not being reported. In this release, only the parts that were created and deleted parts are being reportedin the log.

ShipConstructor 2014 - Fixed Issues: 199


24787 - Administrator - Updating from ShipConstructor 2012 R2 to a newer version may fail

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Adminis trator.2. The user selects a ShipConstructor 2012 R2 project.3. The user attempt to update the project to a newer vers ion of ShipConstructor.

Notice that some project may fa i l to update. This behavior i s incorrect s ince they should update with no i ssues .

26581 - Administrator - Upgrading a project to ShipConstructor 2012R2 or newer will fail if the projects contains multiple PEL referencing the same UDA

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates / uses a project older than ShipConstructor 2012 R2.2. The user creates multiple project equipment l i s t (PEL) entries with the same user-defined attribute (UDA) ass igned.3. In the Adminis trator, the user attempts to upgrade the project to ShipConstructor 2012 R2

Notice that the upgrade wi l l fa i l . This behavior i s incorrect s ince the upgrade should execute without any i ssues .

26482 - Administrator - Updating a project will fail if it contains an assembly drawing with a filename path from project root is > 260 characters long

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The project conta ins an assembly drawing with a relative path (path from project root + fi lename) i s > 260 characters long.2. The user launches the Adminis trator.3. The user attempts to update a speci fic project.

Notice that the updating wi l l fa i l . This behavior i s incorrect s ince the project should be updated with no i ssues .

24319 - Administrator - The Login failure dialog should display a more informative error message

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Adminis trator.2. The user tries to connect to a SQL Server instance for us ing SQL authentication. The account used being denied (not authorized) on the sa id

SQL Server instance.

Notice that the user wi l l receive a ful ly deta i led SQL error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should be prompted with a s impler informativemessage s tating that the account used i s not authorized on the SQL Server instance.

24110 - Administrator - Using the Repair command while using a Windows Authentication account may result in an error

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario.

1. The user as logged on to the manager us ing a Windows Authenticated account.2. The user s tarts the repair command.

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with an error. If the user uses a ShipConstructor account the repair wi l l complete without any errors . This i sincorrect as both account types should behave the same way.

24805 - Administrator - An error may abort the update process when upgrading the database version from ShipConstructor 2012 R2.1.0 to ShipConstructor 2013 R1

An error may abort the update process when upgrading the database vers ion from ShipConstructor 2012 R2.1.0 to ShipConstructor 2013 R1. Forexample, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has s tarted Adminis trator.2. The user has selected a project database that has the vers ion.3. The user has cl i cked Update Database.4. The user has chosen to upgrade the database to the vers ion.5. The user has cl i cked the "OK" button.

Notice that the update process wi l l eventual ly fa i l . This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should update the project with no i ssues .

26317 - Administrator - The default backup filenames include the date & time now use 24 hour clock

The ShipConstructor defaul t backup fi lenames include the date & time, but use the 12-hour clock rather than 24-hour (e.g., 9:00 PM versus 21:00respectively).

Note: This does not affect the "automatica l ly created backup fi les" when updating databases , or performing WorkShare operations , but affects a l lother adminis trator operations , such as right-cl i cking on a database, and selecting the "backup" option.


19753 - Hull - Import from Rhino - After importing from Rhino, trimmed surfaces may change their shapes far beyond production and import tolerance

After importing from Rhino, trimmed surfaces may change their shapes far beyond production and import tolerance. ShipConstructor does notva l idate the surface, and i t does not report the change in shape to the user.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a trimmed surface in Rhino.2. The user imports the surface in ShipConstructor.

Notice that the trimmed shape on the surface does not precisely match the origina l surface. This i s incorrect behaviour. The surface should notchange i ts s i ze and shape after being imported from a Rhino fi le.

23206 - Hull - Modeling - Converting a specific AutoCAD surface into a ShipConstructor surface crashes the application with a Fatal Error

In Hul l model drawings , converting a speci fic AutoCAD surface into a ShipConstructor surface crashes the appl ication with a Fata l Error.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Into a Hul l model drawing, the user has imported a group of speci fic IGES surfaces (IGESIMPORT);2. The user has selected the enti re group of imported surfaces and run the SCSURFACAD command;3. In the dia log interface that appears , the user has set the "Surface Convers ion Tolerance" parameter to 0.01.

After the user cl i cks "OK," a Fata l Error wi l l occur caus ing the appl ication to crash.

23360 - Hull - Stringers remain in 3D view mode, even when Stringer Shell is in Expanded mode.

When users select Expanded Mode for a s tringer shel l , any s tringers that are on the shel l should a lso be changed to Expanded Mode. They arecurrently s taying in 3D mode.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user draws a l ine that crosses over a s tringer shel l .2. The user selects SC Hul l , Refl ines , New from Projection and selects the s tringer shel l and the l ine.3. The user notes the projected refl ine in the 3d view of the s tringer shel l .4. The user selects SC Hul l , Stringer Shel l , Show, Expanded to show the expanded shel l .5. The user notes the pos i tion of the refl ine relative to the s tringer shel l .

Notice that SConStringerShel lRefLine created by projecting a l ine onto a s tringer shel l does not show on the expanded plate. After Creating a newrefl ine on a s tringer shel l by projection and then showing the expanded view. The refl ine wi l l show on the s tringer shel l in the 3d view however inthe expanded view i t does not and s ti l l appears as i t did in the 3d view. This behavior i s incorrect s ince they should be expanded.

24789 - Hull - Import - Importing surface(s) will fail if they are saved as a Rhino 5 (.3dm) file

When importing one or multiple surfaces from a Rhino 5 (.3dm) fi le, the user wi l l be prompted with an error and no surface(s ) wi l l be imported.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user saves a surface in Rhinoceros 5 with the latest 3dm fi le format (v5).2. The user launches SCRHINO in the Hul l Module.3. The user selects the fi le.

Notice that the user wi l l receive the error "No va l id objects in selected fi le" and nothing wi l l be imported. This behavior i s incorrect as the surfaceshould be imported success ful ly.

Note that saving the fi le to vers ion 4 wi l l resolve the i ssue. The complexi ty of the surface(s ) i s i rrelevant to the import success .

24788 - Hull - Import - Object names from a Rhino (.3dm) file are mismatched with the imported objects in ShipConstructor

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user defines object names in Rhinoceros .2. The user saves the drawing.3. The user imports the drawing in the Hul l module.4. The user selects one of the object and opens the OPM.

Notice that after importing a 3DM fi le into a Hul l fi le in ShipConstructor, the object names have been mismatched. This behavior i s incorrect.

21828 - Hull - Surface - CG can be wrong for curved plates with multiple holes

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a surface in the Hul l module.2. The user creates multiple holes in the surface.

Notice that the center of gravi ty (CG) can be wrong for curved plates with multiple holes . If a plate has multiple holes cut in i t which are somewhatin l ine in the surface's parametric di rection (a long the same direction as the i sol ines ), i t i s l ikely the surface wi l l ca lculate the CG incorrectly.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the CG should be ca lculated properly with or without holes .

23072 - Hull - Modeling - In a specific drawing, running the SCSRFCURVEDPLATE command on a Hull surface triggers the "Specified cast is not valid" error

In a speci fic hul l model drawing, running the SCSRFCURVEDPLATE command (export a curved surface to Structure) on a Hul l surface triggers the"Speci fied cast i s not va l id" error. For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has opened a speci fic hul l model drawing;2. The user has selected a speci fic surface;3. The user has run the SCSRFCURVEDPLATE command;

An error message that says : "Speci fied cast i s not va l id" wi l l happen. As a resul t, the surface won't be exported. If the user removes the drawingfrom the project and recreates i t from the database, the error wi l l be gone.


26030 - Installer - Loading the CUI File Needs Updating When Multiple ShipConstructor Versions use a Single AutoCAD installation

When multiple vers ions of ShipConstructor are insta l led aga inst one vers ion of AutoCAD the CUI fi le i s not loaded properly.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches ShipConstructor 2013 in AutoCAD 2013.2. The user launches ShipConstructor 2014 a lso in AutoCAD 2013.

This can resul t in the user seeing an error when ShipConstructor attempts to load a dupl icate CUI fi le, or i t can resul t in the wrong vers ion of theCUI being shown for the vers ion of ShipConstructor being run. For example the user might run ShipConstuctor 2014 but see the CUI fromShipConstructor 2013.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince ShipConstructor should ensure that the proper CUI, and only the proper CUI, i s loaded for the vers ion ofShipConstructor being run.

Note: This fix has been restricted to 2014. (This has not been fixed for ShipConstructor 2013.)

13306 - Installer - Object Enabler - Prevent Object Enabler from being installed Side-By-Side with ShipConstructor

Ins ta l l ing ShipConstructor and the Object Enabler s ide-by-s ide i s not supported.

ShipConstructor 2014 prevents Object Enabler from being insta l led Side-By-Side.

21052 - Installer - If Navisworks is installed after ShipConstructor, running Installation Repair will not install the necessary Navisworks files

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Insta l l ShipConstructor.2. Insta l l Navisworks .3. Run ShipConstructor Insta l lation Repair from the Add/Remove Programs control in Windows.

Notice that after running insta l lation repair there are errors when us ing ShipConstructor with Navisworks . This behaviour i s incorrect. Navisworksneed to work properly when i t has been insta l led after ShipConstructor. It should not be necessary to run the repair process in this s i tuation.

22988 - Installer - Using ShipConstructor 2014 with AutoCAD P&ID 2014 or 2013 SP1 removes the P&ID-specific menus, ribbon tabs, and toolbars

Using ShipConstructor 2014 with AutoCAD P&ID 2014 or 2013 SP1 removes the P&ID-speci fic menus , ribbon tabs , and toolbars .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user insta l l s AutoCAD P&ID2. The user insta l l s ShipConstructor

Notice that the additional AutoCAD P&ID menus , ribbon tabs , and toolbars are not present when ShipConstructor i s run. This behavior i s incorrect:they should be preserved.

25713 - Installer - When uninstalling ShipConstructor the user should be prompted asking if they would like to continue

When uninsta l l ing ShipConstructor the user i s not prompted for a confi rmation. Instead ShipConstructor begins to uninsta l l immediately, and i fthe user wishes to abort they must cl i ck the Cancel button.

The user should be prompted before continuing with the uninsta l lation.

25992 - Installer - Patch Installer - There is no exit button when the patch is already installed

Naming Confl icts are not resolved properly for Legs and Cable Spaces .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates , for example, Legs with confl icting names.2. The user attempts to save the drawing wi l l prompt the user with the option to generate new names for the confl icting parts .3. The user saves the drawing.

Notice that choos ing the generate new names option did nothing, and instead the user receives a "Save did not complete" error. This behavior i sincorrect s ince the parts should have been renamed accordingly.

26214 - Installer - Using the Change option in Add/Remove programs to add ShipConstructor features will fail silently if the Installation files are not accessible

Using the Change option in Add/Remove programs to add ShipConstructor features wi l l fa i l s i lently i f the Insta l lation fi les have been moved,deleted, or are otherwise not access ible

1. Perform a Cl ient ShipConstructor insta l lation, us ing a ful l ins ta l ler that has been copied to the desktop2. Delete or move the ful l ins ta l ler that was used3. Restart the computer4. In Add/Remove Programs select ShipConstructor and cl ick the Change button5. On the ShipConstructor Change/Repair/Uninsta l l dia log, choose Change6. Check the ServerTools Component and cl ick Next

Once the Change process has completed, notice that the ServerTools package has not been insta l led. This i s incorrect; i f the Insta l lation fi les arenot accessable the user should be prompted to speci fy the source location.

Labeling and BOMs

22244 - Production - Labeling - Label leaders may go inside label bubbles

When this happens , the leader crosses the bubble boundary and s tops in the center of the bubble. The i ssue i s not cons is tently reproducible.Reproducibi l i ty depends on the bubble shape and, presumably, text s i ze and margin. Reproducibi l i ty does not seem to depend on the number ofsegments that the label leader has or such settings as "Orient to View," "Sca le to View," and "Include Wipeout with Label ."

The i ssue was confi rmed with qual i ty control matrix labels , but l ikely to happen with a l l types of labels . The i ssue was only confi rmed withbubble-s tyle labels .

This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, label leaders should be attached to bubbles with a short s tra ight segment. Leaders shouldnever go ins ide bubbles .

24866 - Production - BOM Revision - Deleting all revisions can result in an invalid BOM

Deleting a l l revis ions can resul t in an inva l id BOM.

1. Create an Assembly drawing2. Create a Revis ion 'A'3. Open the model drawing and delete a part that i s part of the assembly drawing and create a new part.4. Open the Assembly drawing and update i t.5. Create a new Revis ion 'B'. Notice that the removed part i s s truck through and the new part i s added, both with the new revis ion.6. Delete a l l revis ions .

The deleted part i s not s truck through anymore, but i t s ti l l remains in the BOM. In Navigator the Assembly drawing does not show Out-of-date.

Either the drawing should be marked Out-of-date or the deleted part should be removed from BOM automatica l ly.

23281 - Production - Labeling - After executing SCRelabelAll, labels may not use space available on all leader distributions lines

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates an Assembly drawing from di fferent parts .2. The user moves the labels .3. The user runs SCRelabelAl l .

Notice that after SCRelabelAl l i s run, labels may not use the space ava i lable on a l l leader dis tributions l ines . Instead, they tend to clutter thenearest leader dis tribution l ine.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince they should s tay on the leader dis tribution l ines .

18297 - Production - Labeling - "Manual Label from BOM" may displace labels so that arrow heads point outside of objects to which labels belong

"Manual Label from BOM" may displace labels so that arrow heads point outs ide of objects to which labels belong.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has created an assembly drawing that conta ins a BOM table and a few parts ;2. The user has s tarted the "Manual Label from BOM" command;3. The user has selected a part that should be manual ly labeled;

When the "Manual Label from BOM" command asks to speci fy the label pos i tion, i f the user selects a point that l ies on the outer boundary of thepart, the label arrow head may be s l ightly displaced from the selected point so that the pointer l ies outs ide of the part. In the correct s i tuation,the label should have precisely pointed at the boundary l ine. The i ssue i s easy to reproduce.

22042 - Production - Labeling - RelabelAll do not label some parts when sclabelOnVisibleEdge is true

In the production module, the RelabelAl l does not label some parts when sclabelOnVis ibleEdge i s true

1. The bounding box was checked before label ing2. A corner of the bounding box i s outs ide of the viewport area3. The user launches the RelabelAl l command.

Notice that parts which a corner of their bounding box was outs ide the viewport won't be relabeled. This behavior i s incorrect as a l l the partsshould be relabeled.

17875 - Production - Labeling - If a production drawing contains Standard Assemblies of the same stock type, only one of the Standard Assembly instances will belabeled from BOM

If a production drawing conta ins Standard Assembl ies of the same s tock type, only one of the Standard Assembly instances wi l l be labeled fromBOM. For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has created a production drawing that conta ins severa l Standard Assembly instances (SAI) that are modeled from the sameStandard Assembly Standard (SAS);

2. In the production drawing, the user has inserted a BOM table that has the only col lector such as Standard Assembly col lector;3. The BOM table defini tion tel l s that no rows should be merged;

If the user labels SAI from the BOM table by us ing, for instance, the "Relabel Al l " command, the user wi l l see that labels appear only on one ofthe SAI. The rest of the SAI wi l l be label free. This i s an incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, labels should appear on a l l SAI i f the "RelabelAl l " command is used.

23575 - Production - BOM - The name of insulation and finishes may be inaccurately reported

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates pipes with a speci fic kind of insulation and finishes .2. The user creates an arrangement drawing with a BOM reporting the insulation and finishes name.3. Al ternatively the user generates a report with the insulation and finishes information.

Notice that the name for insulation and finishes may not accurately match their entries in the Manager, as they have a comma at the beginning ofthe s tring. This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should match.

21824 - Production - Labeling in production drawings is incorrect in Top view if the view is set with the AutoCAD viewcube

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a production drawing (Wireway arrangement for example).2. The user cl i cks on "Top" in the view cube.3. The user then selects Label Al l or Label from BOM.

Notice that the labels wi l l , in most cases , be arranged incorrectly. Us ing SCVPOINT i s required to label the drawing properly. This behavior i sincorrect as the label ing should arrange correctly.

21953 - Production - Labeling - Label arrowheads may not point directly at objects if the spool drawing is slightly orbited from its PLAN view

In Spool Drawings , label arrowheads may not point di rectly at objects i f the spool drawing i s s l ightly orbi ted from i ts PLAN view. For example,

cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has generated a spool drawing that has a labeled viewport.2. The view direction ins ide the viewport i s s l ightly displaced from the idea l PLAN view. The displacement i s very smal l , by less than one


If the user labels the viewport, labels wi l l appear with their arrowheads pointing close to objects but not di rectly at them. The i ssue wasconfi rmed with "Manual Label from BOM," but, potentia l ly, can happen with other methods of label ing. If the view is idea l ly PLAN, the i ssue won'thappen.

This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, labels should point di rectly at objects .

23375 - Production - The SCLABELMANUAL and SCLABELCOPY commands fail silently when run in a model drawing

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens a model drawing (for example, a Structure drawing)2. The user runs SCLABELMANUAL3. Al ternatively, the user runs SCLABELCOPY

Notice that the commands fa i l s i lently when run in a model drawing. This behavior i s incorrect as they should both check the drawing type andinform the user that the command can only be run in a production drawing.

25971 - Production - BOM - Manual Label from BOM does not respect the "No - Leader" setting in the Label Style

If a user uses the SCLABELMANUAL command, the label wi l l not respect the "No - Leader" setting speci fied in the Label Style.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Set up a Label Style that has "Leader" set to "No" Create a BOM Defini tion that uses this Label Style.2. Generate an Assembly drawing and insert a BOM with the new style Use the SCLABELMANUAL command to label the parts

Notice that a l l the labels a l l have leaders even though the s tyle i s set to No Leaders . This behavior i s incorrect as those labels shouldn"t haveleaders .

Notes that the SCRELABELALL command i t wi l l respect the "No - Leader" setting as for SCRELABELFROMBOM and the SCRELABELFROMPARTS commandit wi l l respect the "No - Leader" setting.

26239 - Production - Arrangement Drawings - Moving accessory package labels in an arrangement drawing can result in the labels overlapping or some notmoving with the leader distribution line

Attempting to move or drag labels a long with the leader dis tribution for connection accessory package i tems in arrangement drawings can resul tin the labels overlapping or some not moving with the leader dis tribution l ine.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In an HVAC model drawing add an accessory package to a part and save.2. Generate the Arrangement Drawing conta ining the part and the accessory package.3. Add labels to the drawing.4. Select a group of Accessory Package labels and their dis tribution l ine and attempt to move these by dragging the grip point.

Notice the relocation of the labels may not move at a l l . This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should be able to move the labels freely.


24687 - Licensing - All users will experience a dropped license if two users refresh their license simultaneously

Al l users connected to the l i cense server wi l l experience a dropped l i cense i f they refresh their l i cense s imultaneous ly.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. On two separate computers , two users opens SCLICENSE.2. The two users cl i ck the Refresh Lis t button multiple times .

Notice that the other users wi l l eventual ly experience a dropped l i cense. This behavior i s incorrect as no l i cense should be dropped.

23800 - Licensing - Standard Assembly Standard parts should not count against the project's part counts for licensing

Currently Standard Assembly Standard parts count aga inst the project's part counts for l i cens ing. This behaviour i s incorrect.

In the correct scenario Standard Assembly Standards parts should not count towards l i cens ing part counts .


25622 - Manager - Cable Support Library - In-Use Cable Support Attributes cannot be changed directly from 'Not Required' to 'Required And Deferrable' or'Required Not Deferrable'

Users wi l l encounter an error message i f they attempt to change an in-use Cable Support Attribute from 'Not Required' to ei ther 'Required AndDeferrable' or 'Required Not Deferrable'.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open Manager > Electrica l > Cable Support Library;

2. Use the Attributes button to open the User-Defined Attributes - Cable Supports window;3. Select a part attribute that i s currently In-Use, and use the drop-down in the Part Required column to change i t's Required s tatus from 'Not

Required' to ei ther 'Required And Deferrable' or 'Required Not Deferrable'. Cl ick OK;4. Cl ick OK twice more to save the changes . Users wi l l encounter a "There was a problem saving changes" error and the changes wi l l not be


This behaviour i s incorrect; the Required s tatus should be updated without error.

25166 - Manager - The "In Use" checkbox for piecemark styles per type can potentially show as checked, even after all parts which use that piecemark style havebeen deleted

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Manager / Structure / Piecemark Styles and creates a new style.2. The user creates parts and ass igns a piecemark s tyle to i t.3. The user opens the Manager / Structure / Piecemark Styles and veri fies that the s tyle i s in use.4. The user deletes the parts .5. The user veri fies that the s tyle i s not being used.

Notice that the s tyle may be incorrectly reported as "In Use" even after a l l parts that use the piecemark s tyle have been deleted. This behavior i sincorrect s ince they should not appear as being in use.

18968 - Manager - Import - After importing an XML file, the Catalog reports that some number of stocks were imported successfully, even if nothing wasimported

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In project, the user export Cata log information (Manager / Piping / Stock Cata log / Export XML) to an XML fi le without selecting pipe s tockparts .

2. In the same, the user imports the same XML fi le.

Notice that the import function reports that some number of s tocks were imported success ful ly, even i f nothing was imported (s ince the s tocksa l ready exis ted).

This behavior i s incorrect s ince i tems that have not been imported should be correctly reported.

19136 - UI - Manager - "Usage Log" button inconsistently named

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

The user opens the Manager and opens di fferent dia logs .

Notice that:

In the insulation edi tor, the "Usage Log" button i s ca l led "Usage Logs" In the finishes edi tor, the "Usage Log" button i s ca l led "Usage Logs" In thetext s tyles edi tor, the "Usage Log" button i s ca l led "Usage Logs" In the accessory packages edi tor, the "Usage Log" button i s ca l led "Usage Logs"

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the name of the button should be "Usage Log".

24578 - Manager - Naming Conventions - Bypass NameSeed/AutoNum duplicate checking when possible to improve performance

ShipConstructor now prevents users from saving dupl icate NameSeed/AutoNum pairs , resul ting in a second layer of dupl icate checking no longerbeing required.

This additional overhead i s now unwarranted in the case where a name convention only has seed elements .

Unnecessary NameSeed dupl ication checking has been removed.

26011 - Manager - Deleting an Equipment Category with one or more Equipment Standards will cause an error.

Deleting an Equipment Category with one or more Equipment Standards wi l l cause an error.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open 'Manager - Equipment pul l -down - Equipment Library'. This wi l l require the deletion of equipment defini tions , so i f you are unable tosuccess ful ly recreate the error you may actua l ly delete some parts from your project

2. Find an Equipment Category with one or more Equipment Standards conta ined below3. Highl ight the Equipment Category, right-cl i ck and select 'Delete', then Apply

Notice that at this point ShipConstructor returns an error. This i s not data speci fic has been reproduced in severa l projects .


26102 - Distributed Systems - Pipe Excel Flatsheet - Updates to the Pipe Flatsheet section of the Pipe manual

Appl ied severa l minor updates to the Pipe Flatsheet section of the Pipe manual including:

1. Corrected references to fi le locations2. Updated references to previous ShipConstructor edi tions

26267 - Production - Subscription Advantage Pack - Manuals - SCPANELDIMPOINTS command is improperly referenced in the manual and does not match the


The manual for the ShipConstructor Subscription Advantage Pack improperly references the SCPANELDIMPOINTS command in the manual and doesnot match the software

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user reads the manual about the SCPANELDIMPOINTS command.2. The user attempts to use the command.

Notice that the command wi l l not be found s ince the user should have used SCADVPANELDIMPOINTS instead. This behavior i s incorrect s ince themanual should have s tated the proper command.

20886 - Manual - Structure Manual requires revision regarding Secondary Product Hierarchies

A portion of the ShipConstructor Structure manual outl ining Setting Up Multiple Product Hierarchies i s revised to s tate that ShipConstructorsupports the creation of Assembly and Arrangement drawings , as wel l as Nesting from secondary Product Hierarchies .

21331 - Manuals - Not all help manuals are available from the ShipConstructor pull-down Help section and ribbon

Cl icking on the ShipConstructor > Help pul l down menu does not show a l l ava i lable help manuals from ShipConstructor. Instead, only the Hul l ,HVAC, "Pipe, Equipment Penetrations" (s ic) and Structure Nest manuals are shown. This behaviour in incorrect. In the correct scenario a l l ava i lablehelp manuals should be l i s ted in this location.

25947 - NC-Pyros Manual and Help file updates

The NC-Pyros Manual and Help fi le includes severa l minor but very important updates as wording has lead to sa les and cl ient confus ion regardingwhat i s supported by defaul t for NC-Pyros .

Below is a l i s t of adjustments to the documentation:

Page 1: Updated l i s t of supported OS to l i s t Windows XP 32-bi t, Windows 7 32-bi t and Windows 7 64-bi t, and removed references toWindows NT and Windows 2000.Page 53: Removed text "The fol lowing ready-made control ler fi les are included with NC-Pyros ."Page 54: Added caption to table "The fol lowing example control ler fi les are included with NC-Pyros ." and change table column two headerfrom "Control ler Data Fi lename" to "Sample Control ler Data Fi lename".Page 54: Moved the fol lowing paragraph from page 55 and inserted before the table on page 54:

"NC-Pyros uses a control ler code fi le for every type of control ler to handle the variations . You can modi fy an exis ting fi le or make your owncontrol ler fi les to support any control ler. Use a text edi tor l ike Wordpad or Notepad to change the individual codes in a control ler fi le. Just selectthe code that you want to change and type in a new va lue for the speci fic code."

Page 55: Changed paragraph wording from

"It i s good practice to open a fi le that represents your needs most closely and to save i t under a di fferent name. Make sureto usethe extens ion .ECD for ESSI based control lers and .GCD for G-Code based control lers ."


"When developing a new control ler, or modi fying an exis ting one, i t i s good practice to open a fi le that represents your needs mostclosely and to save i t under a di fferent name. Make sure to use the extens ion .ECD for ESSI based control lers and .GCD for G-Codebased control lers . IMPORTANT NOTE: The control lers provided with NC-Pyros are provided as examples only. Whi le these workingcontrol lers were developed for speci fic cl ients and appl ications , in most cases customized development and testing i s requiredwhen modi fying or developing a new control ler. Please contact ShipConstructor regarding the development and testing of newcontrol lers ."

Added the fol lwoing to Appendix, section "Customizable Control ler Fi les", new sub-section ti tled "How to Interface with MesserOmniBevel l"

NC-Pyros provides an interface with Messer OmniBevel . Here's how i t works :

1. Export the nest from ShipConstructor to NC-Pyros .2. Process the nest in NC-Pyros us ing a specia l control ler code fi le (Messer Intermediate Omnibevel .ECD).3. Output a LOS fi le from NC-Pyros . This i s a CNC fi le with specia l bevel encoding.4. Import the LOS fi le into OmniBevel . This gets the part information into OmniBevel .5. Some process ing and checking work are required in OmniBevel . The process ing path i s setup in OmniBevel .6. Save the CNC fi le for the machine.

26314 - Manuals - Manuals reference Windows XP dialogues

Many of ShipConstructor's manuals reference Windows XP dia logues . Some, such as the Structure manual , make no reference to Windows 7.

As of ShipConstructor 2014, Windows XP i s no longer supported, and these manuals need to be updated to reference support for Windows 7 64-bi t(32-bi t OS i s no longer supported).

25925 - Package Project - Unit(s) drawings are not included and the user should be aware of this

When us ing the Package/Deploy ShipConstructor project uti l i ty, the uni t(s ) drawings are not included in order to save space.

As users may assume the uni t(s ) drawings are included, this behavior must be documented in the manual to clearly s tate that the uni t(s ) drawingsare not included when us ing the Package/Deploy ShipConstructor project uti l i ty, and that i f the user requires them they can be regenerated eas i lyfrom the database.

25974 - Manual - Structure -"All Items" checkbox in the Generate Names dialogue has been updated to "Generate Names for Items without Currently GeneratedName"

"Al l Items" checkbox in the Generate Names dia logue has been updated to "Generate Names for Items without Currently Generated Name"


26775 - MarineDrafting - Marine Drafting does not insert 2D objects if the drawing's model and paper space blocks are all named in upper case letters.

Marine Drafting does not insert 2D objects i f the drawing's model and paper space blocks are a l l named in upper case letters .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a template having the model and paper space blocks named in upper case.2. Create an assembly drawing from this drawing.3. Setup MarineDrafting us ing the SCADVMDAUTOSETUP or the SCADVMDSETUP command.4. Use the SCADVMD command.

Notice that the 2D object does not draw. The i ssue i s due to the template having the model and paper space blocks that are named in upper case.ShipConstructor expects to find Paper_Space however the equiva lent in the template i s PAPER_SPACE and as a resul t the command fa i l s .

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the character case of the block name should not affect the behavior of MarineDrafting.

21537 - Production - MarineDrafting - "SCon2D Hidden PartView" and "SCon2D Visible PartView" layers are incorrect

"SCon2D Hidden PartView" and "SCon2D Vis ible PartView" layers are incorrect.

Vis ible pipe and s tructure parts appear on the "SCon2D Hidden PartView" layer whi le invis ible pipe parts appear the "SCon2D Vis ible PartView"layer. In the correct s i tuation, part placement should be inversed. The correct placement of parts should be confi rmed for other layers as wel l .

21541 - Production - MarineDrafting - Single line representations for hidden and visible stiffeners are incorrect

Single l ine representations for hidden and vis ible s ti ffeners are incorrect.

In 2D representation views , vis ible s ti ffeners appear on the "SCon2D Hidden Sti ffener Line" layer whi le invis ible s ti ffeners appear on the "SCon2DVis ible Sti ffener Line" layer. In the correct s i tuation, the layers should be reverse.

21542 - Production - MarineDrafting - Individual lines may be missing in 2D representation views depending on the shape of the ShipConstructor part and itslocation in the view

Individual l ines may be miss ing in 2D representation views depending on the shape of the ShipConstructor part and i ts location in the view.

For example, i t was noticed that, bent profi les that have webs lying in the plane of the view, the outer edge of the flange may not transpire in the2D representation view. The i ssue happens on occas ion for di fferent types of parts . The i ssue i s related to the underlying functional i ty thatprojects the model onto the plane of the 2D view.


25549 - Production - Spool drawings creation process may freeze

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario,

1. The user loads a project.2. The user attempts to create a spool drawing from a selected spool and template.

Notice that the process may hang and the drawing wi l l not be generated properly. This behavior i s incorrect as the spool drawings should begenerated properly.

21586 - Arrangement Drawings - 'Retain Model Drawing Layers' option is a misleading name to users

The defined ShipConstructor behaviour for updating arrangement drawings i s to only reconci le part layers for parts newly inserted intoarrangement drawings . The logic behind this i s : our customers commonly perform customizations to their drawings including changing part layersand we do our best to pers is t customizations that our users may have performed to their drawings . In order to mainta in these customizations , wedo not modi fy part layers after they have been ini tia l ly placed in the drawings .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches SCUPDATEPRODDWGS to the arrangement drawing.2. The user checks the option to place new parts on layers matching their layer location in their home model drawing.

Notice that this i s mis leadingly named 'Reta in Model Drawing Layers ' This name impl ies that, on drawing update, parts whose layers havechanged in their home model drawing wi l l have their layer location reconci led in the arrangement drawing being updated.

The option currently named 'Reta in model drawing layers ' should be renamed to 'Model Drawing Layer' that better reflects the actua l activi ty.

21591 - Production - Arrangement Drawings - Objects that the user manually moves out of a predefined SC layer will return onto the initial layer upon the nextdrawing update

Objects that the user manual ly moves out of a predefined SC layer wi l l return onto the ini tia l layer upon the next drawing update. For example,cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has created an arrangement drawing that conta ins the "_part" layer ins ide the drawing. (Use model drawing source with 'Reta inModel Drawing Layer' option)

2. The user has moved some parts from the "_part" layer to other layers .

If the user updates the arrangement drawing, previous ly moved parts wi l l return to the "_part" layer. The i ssue only happens when the "_Part" or"_Pens" layers are in the drawing. If the user moves a l l of the parts away from the "_part" layer and purges the "_part" layer out of the drawing, themoved parts won't return on the "_part" layer upon the next drawing update.

The behaviour described in this report i s incorrect. In the correct s i tuation, objects that were manual ly moved from one layer to another after theproduction drawing had been generated should not return to their ini tia l layer upon the next drawing update regardless of whether the ini tia llayer i s present in the drawing or not.

20425 - Distributed Systems - Pipe and HVAC connections with transverse displacement in specific range can only be created using SCHEPConnect

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Pipe and HVAC connections created us ing grip points can only be created when the transverse displacement i s less than 0.00001.2. However, the SCHEPConnect command can be used to create connections where the transverse displacement i s less than 0.001.3. This creates a scenario where connections cannot be made us ing grip points but can be made when us ing SCHEPConnect.

This i s incorrect behavior as , the same tolerance should be appl ied regardless of how the connection i s created.

26477 - Production - Arrangement Drawing - Remove the Update checkboxes in the Selected Sources pane on the Update Arrangement Drawing Wizard window

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens an Arrangement Drawing.2. The user updates Arrangement Drawings .

Notice that the Update checkboxes in the "Selected Sources" pane on the Update Arrangement Drawing Wizard window are not being used. Thisbehavior i s incorrect s ince they should not appear in the dia log. Remove checkbox and column.

23443 - Distributed Systems - Modeling - Transferring a defined spool from one system or branch to another does not update finish information on that spool

Transferring a defined spool from one system or branch to another does not update finish information on that spool .

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In the pipe or HVAC model drawing, the user has ass igned a finish to a system or branch.2. The user has defined a spool .3. The user has selected a l l parts in the spool and transferred (SCSETPIPESYSTEM) them to a di fferent branch or system that has di fferent

finishes ass igned to i t .

If the user opens Spool Manager, the user wi l l see that the finish information on the spool has not changed. This i s incorrect behaviour. In thecorrect s i tuation transferring a spool to a di fferent system should automatica l ly update finish information.

The effect of this i s sue i s not l imited to model drawings . In spool drawings , the keyword wi l l a l so display incorrect data .

24517 - Production - Spool Drawings - Updating spool drawings after spooled parts are moved to a different system will still display out-of-date information inkeywords

Updating spool drawings after spooled parts are moved to a di fferent system wi l l s ti l l display out-of-date information in keywords . For example,cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has defined a Pipe (or HVAC) spool ;2. The user has generated a pipe spool drawing;3. The pipe spool drawing conta ins keywords that displays the Spec and/or System ass ignment for the spool ;4. The user has saved the production drawing and returned to the model drawing;5. The user has selected a l l parts within the spool and run the SCSETPIPESYSTEM command to move the parts to a new System or Branch.6. The user has saved the model drawing;7. The user has reopened the production drawing.

If the user updates the production drawing, the user wi l l see that the Spec and System keywords s ti l l show the old information.

The behavior i s somewhat di fferent in SC 2011 R1.1 and earl ier vers ions ; and ShipConstructor vers ions past SC 2011 R2. In ShipConstructor 2011 R1.1,users were a l lowed to delete empty Sytems and Branches that had no parts ass igned to them. If the user deletes a System or a Branch aftermoving a pipe (HVAC) spool out of that system, at attempt to attempt the spool drawing with the Spec or System keyword wi l l fa i l wi th a fata l error.The crash won't happen i f the Spec and System keywords are deleted from the spool drawing. In ShipConstructor vers ions past SC 2011 R2, deletingSystems and Branches that have spools defined under them was prohibi ted, so i t i s imposs ible to run into a fata l error upon updating a spooldrawing because i t i s imposs ible to delete the origina l system without un-defining the spool . However, the primary i ssue - incorrect informationin Spec and System keywords - i s s ti l l there.

The current behavior i s dangerous and may resul t in the incorrect production information. To remediate the behavior spool drawings should checkand, i f necessary, update the system GUID that i s s tored ins ide each spool drawing before each production drawing update. Currently, the SystemGUID information i s recorded in the spool drawing when the drawing i s fi rs t created, and i t i s never updated later.

25039 - Manager - Distributed Systems - Spool Manager - Invalid filename characters in spool names will cause save error in the Manager when regeneratingnames

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In Manager / Genera l / Naming Conventions , the user defines a spool name convention conta ining a s tatic element which includes one ofthe fol lowing inva l id characters : <,>,?,*

2. In the Spool Manager regenerate names dia log, rename multiple spools for which the spool drawings a l ready generated are to use thenew naming convention.

Notice that the user wi l l l i kely receive an error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the inva l id characters in the spool name should be replaced withunderscores for the fi le.

25183 - Distributed Systems - Multipart Transforms perform slowly when no move options are available for the requested transform

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates multiple pipe parts .2. The user selects the parts .3. The user appl ies a multipart transform with no move options .

Notice that the operation wi l l perform s lowly. This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should behave the same way with or without move options .

23617 - Distributed Systems - Modeling - Extending a part by dragging the end grip point may not extend the centerline if the action is performed after theconnection is broken

In pipe, and poss ibly HVAC model drawings , extending a part by dragging the end grip point may not extend the centerl ine i f the action i sperformed after the connection i s broken. For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has modeled two connected pipe parts ;2. The user has saved and reloaded the drawing.3. The user has deleted one of the connected pipe parts .4. The user has selected the remaining part to display the grip points .

If the user attempts to extend the selected pipe part by dragging the grip point at the formerly connected end, the pipe part wi l l extend, but thecenterl ine wi l l not. If the user types in the SCREFRESH command, the centerl ine wi l l be corrected.

The i ssue was reproduced in pipe model drawings but l ikely to occur in HVAC model drawings . The i ssue affects not only model drawings , but a lsoproduction drawings . For example, a spool drawing that i s created from a part that has a reduced center l ine wi l l have the same issue.

18815 - Distributed Systems - System Manager - System names and branch names are justified right if the name is in numeric and justified left for alphabets

In the Pipe System Manager, i f a system name is a number i t wi l l be a l igned to the right. If i t i s text, i t wi l l be a l ign to the left.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the System Manager.2. The user creates new branches a l ternating with numbers only and a lphanumeric names.

Notice that i f the branch name or system name is a number then the name wi l l be a l igned to the right. If i t conta ins letter (with or withoutadditional numbers ), then i t wi l l be a l igned to the left.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t the a l ignment i s incons is tent. Everything should be a l igned to the left.

22210 - NavisWorks - Distributed Systems parts do not show their solids in drawings that were last saved in ShipConstructor 2009 or earlier

If a ShipConstructor 2012 user runs NavisWorks to open a ShipConstructor drawing that was las t saved in ShipConstructor 2009 or earl ier vers ion,Dis tributed Systems parts , in that drawing, wi l l not display their sol ids in NavisWorks .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Whi le working in a ShipConstructor 2009 project, a user saves a dis tributed systems drawing.2. Another user who runs ShipConstructor 2012 and any compatible vers ion of NavisWorks (2010, 2011, 2012), tries to open the drawing saved

by the fi rs t user us ing NavisWorks .

When the drawing i s opened in NavisWorks on the second user's computer, any pipe or HVAC sol ids wi l l not appear. This i s incorrect behaviour;the expected behaviour i s for a l l ShipConstructor part sol ids that exis t in the drawing to be displayed when the drawing i s opened us ingNavisWorks . If the second user had Object Enabler 2012 insta l led on his computer instead of SC 2012, the second user would not see i ssues withopening SC 2009 drawings in Navisworks .

The i ssue may happen in di fferent scenarios . For example, i t can be the same user who changes the ShipConstructor vers ion on his computer andupgrades the project database to SC 2012, but doesn't resave system and model drawings as SC 2012 drawings .

Outfitting / Electrical

25082 - Cable Routing - Selecting a cable entity when not connected to a project crashes AutoCAD

When not connected to a project selecting a cable enti ty whi le throws an exception and crashes AutoCAD.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches AutoCAD.2. The user opens a ShipConstructor Electrica l drawing.3. The user cl i ck on an electrica l enti ty.

Notice that the AutoCAD just fata l ly crashed. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the enti ties should be selectable without crashing i f not connected toa project.

25118 - Electrical - Cable Routing - After reselecting the entry point of a local run for a cable route, the old entry point cable support name is displayed instead ofthe new one

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In cable model drawing, the user loads the required space a l locations and cable support PartViews.2. The user types the command SCCABLEEDIT and hi ts enter.3. The user chooses the equipment connection entry then presses ok to proceed to the cable routing configuration window.4. The user configures the entry points of both loca l run sections .5. The user reselects one of the entry points of loca l runs and changes i t to a di fferent cable support as i ts new entry point.6. The user reselects a di fferent cable support.

Notice that the entry point for this loca l run displays the old cable support name. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the reselection of the entry pointof loca l runs in the cable edi t window should be automatica l ly appl ied once the change i s made.

Note that i f the user configures a l l the options for cable routing, creates a cable and then appl ies the SCCABLEEDIT command to see a l l theoptions for this cable, the reselection of the entry point of that loca l run wi l l display correctly. This i s the correct behavior.

25814 - Electrical - Cable Routing - OPM displays the correct cable status while the cable edit UI displays incorrect cable status

The OPM displays the correct cable s tatus whi le the cable edi t UI display incorrect cable s tatus .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a new wireway drawing and creates three (3) s tra ight Space Al locations connected each other.2. The user inserts two cable supports , one for fi rs t s tra ight Space Al location, another for the las t connected Space Al location.3. The user inserts two PEL as PEL connections , one for the fi rs t Space Al location, and one for the end Space Al location.4. The user ca l l s SCBAP command and Break and appl ies to these three connected Space Al locations .5. The user saves the drawing and then creates a new cable drawing.6. The user loads a l l electrica l related i tems from the new wireway drawing, and PartView the cable support.7. The user cl i cks on create/edit cable icon and then chooses the proper PEL connections created from Step 3.8. After the user configures a l l the options in "End Points" section in cable edi t UI, the "find route" button i s ava i lable to the user.9. The user cl i cks on the find route button. Notice that the path preview shows only one cable path and a lso s tates as "shortest va l id".

10. The user configures the rest of the options and a new cable i s routed.11. The user cl i cks on the new cable and checks i ts s tatus in the OPM.

Notice that the OPM indicates the cable i s inva l id. Since there are no legs for the Space Al locations , the cable i s INVALID. This behavior i sincorrect.

Correct behavior would be that the cable edi t UI at s tep9 wi l l indicate the cable path s tatus as inva l id s ince there are no leg(s ) for the cabletravel ing path.

25823 - Electrical - Cable Routing - Using SCBAP or BREAK on a Space Allocation containing routed cables will cause the cable to become "segmented" withoutbecoming broken

Using SCBAP or BREAK on a Space Al location conta ining routed cables wi l l cause the cable to become "segmented" without becoming broken.Implement a cl ient-s ide check durring synchronization on opening of cable drawings , which wi l l correct the s tatus of these cables .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a new wireway drawing and create 3 s tra ight spa l l s connected each other.2. Insert two cable supports , one for fi rs t s tra ight spa l l , another one for the las t connected spa l l .3. Insert two PEL as PEL connections , one for the fi rs t spa l l , one for the end spa l l .4. Now use command SCBAP and Break apply on these three connected spa l l s .5. Save the drawing and then create a new cable drawing.6. Loaded a l l electrica l related i tems from new that wireway drawing and part view the cable support.7. Cl ick on create/edit cable icon and then choose the proper PEL connections created from step3.8. After you route a cable, the OPM wi l l show the cable i s in "not broken" s tatus .9. Now go reopen origina l wireway model drawing.

10. Use command SCBAP and Break applying on any s tra ight spa l l between two cable supports .11. Save the change and then reopen the cable model drawing.

Notice that the cable's s tatus remains "not broken", despi te gaps in the cable.

This behavior i s incorrect. The cable's s tatus should be broken due to the gaps in the cable.

25892 - Electrical - Cable Routing - Using SCBAP or BREAK on a Space Allocation containing a routed cable should put that cable Out-Of-Date

Using SCBAP or BREAK on a Space Al location conta ining a routed cable should put that cable and any associated legs Out-Of-Date.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user routes a cable.2. The user user ei ther SCBAP or BREAK on i t.

Notice that us ing SCBAP or BREAK on the cable wi l l make i t "segmented" (gaps appear in the cable wherever us ing SCBAP or BREAK created newSpace Al locations) without setting the cable's s tatus to Broken. This behavior i s incorrect s ince changes to the space a l locations should propegatedown to the legs/cables

26361 - Electrical - The user may be prompted with a SQL exception when using SCCableEdit on a Cable routed through a Space Allocations with more than a 100connection

The user may be prompted with a SQL exception when us ing SCCableEdit on a Cable routed through a Space Al locations with more than a 100connection.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create cable drawing, load space a l locations , and create support PartViews.2. The source and destination are di fferent drawings and intervening wireway was not loaded in the cable drawing.3. The wireway required travers ing space a l location connections between drawings .4. Al l space a l location s tra ights should have cable spaces but supports were only added in certa in areas .5. Run SCCableEdit command and complete the source and destination info, then cl ick find routes .

Notice that the user wi l l be prompt with a non-graceful SQL error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the cable should be properly routed.

The root cause relates to how many space a l location connection ends exis ts between the s tart and end point for the cable route. Bas ica l ly, anystart and end point combination with more than 100 space a l location connection ends between them would trigger the same error, regardless ofwhether loaded or not, from the same drawing or not.

21976 - Production - Datalayer error when trying to delete an in-use Electrical Wireway Arrangement template drawing

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. User A opens an exis ting Electrica l Wireway Arrangement template drawing.2. User B attempts to delete the same drawing.

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with a data layer error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should be handled properly by ShipConstructor anddisplay a formatted message instead.

25876 - Cable Routing - Reports - Leg sections in drawing-based reports can display the same leg multiple times

In a project that conta ins severa l bui ld s trategies , cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a new drawing, DrawingA.2. Create a s tra ight space a l location.3. Create a support in the space a l location.4. Create a leg that conta ins that space a l location.5. Save i t a l l .6. Create a drawing-based report: add a leg section with, say, the name column.7. Select DrawingA as the source, and run report from step 5.

Notice that the leg i s displayed twice. If the proejct conta ins 3 bui ld s trategies , i t wi l l be displayed three times . This behavior i s incorrect s inceonly one entry for the leg should appear in DrawingA.

26143 - Electrical - Report - Invalid cable is shown as valid in report

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user routes a cable which i s va l id and not broken.2. The report shows the cable i s va l id and not broken.3. The user goes to i ts wireway drawing and deletes one of cable which was routed through the space a l locations a long with the related leg,

cable support and cable space.4. The user saves the change and goes back to the cable drawing.5. The user changes are vis ible from wireway used in this cable drawing.6. The user cl i cks on the cable and displays the OPM.

Notice that OPM shows the cable s tatus i s INVALID and BROKEN. HOWEVER, the report shows the cable i s VALID and BROKEN. This behavior i sincorrect s ince the cable report should show the correct s tatus of cables .

26209 - Electrical - DB - A cable cannot have the same name as an existing cable support (and vice versa)

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a cable with a speci fic name.2. The user creates a cable support with the same name.3. The user attempts to save.

Notice that the user cannot create a cable support with the same name as an exis ting cable (or trying to create a cable with the same name as anexis ting cable support) and wi l l fa i l when saving the drawing. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the two dis tinct type of parts should able to havethe same name.

25979 - Electrical - Cable Space - After resizing the existing cable space, the user is not able to save the changes

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open a Wireway drawing conta ins a s tra ight Space Al locations with a cable support and a cable space.2. Type command SCCABLESPACEEDIT to res ize the cable space.3. After res izing the only exis ting cable space, the user attempts to save.

Notice that the user i s not able to save the change due to a warning message about dupl icate cable space name. This behavior i s incorrect s incethe user should be able to save the change after res izing exis ting cable space.

26023 - Electrical - Naming Conflicts are not resolved properly for Legs and Cable Spaces

A name confl icts i s encountered when two concurrent users attempt to give the same name to a part type that requires unique names.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates , for example, Legs with confl icting names.2. The user attempts to save the drawing wi l l prompt the user with the option to generate new names for the confl icting parts .3. The user saves the drawing.

Notice that choos ing generate new names option did nothing, and instead the user receives a "Save did not complete" error. This behavior i sincorrect s ince the parts should have been renamed accordingly.

26080 - Electrical - Cables - Exception mlinking a Wireway Cable drawing with a Cable

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates and save a cable in a cable drawing A.2. The user creates another drawing.3. The user runs SCMLINK, select drawing A and cl ick OK.

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with an exception dia log. This behavior i s incorrect s ince s ince the user should be able use MLinks withWireway Cable drawings .

25869 - Cable Routing - Cable Palette - Some columns are blank in the cable palette

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens a cable routing drawing which conta ins routed cables .2. The user opens the cable pa lette.

Notice that for the Cable Pa lette the fol lowing columns are not populated but should a lways have a va lue: Equipment 1, Equipment 2, Equipment 1Stock and Equipment 2 Stock.

19491 - Electrical - Wireway and Space Allocation drawings in out of date MLINKed drawings are not getting synchronized

When MLinked, i f drawings that are out of date the user i s required to open the origina l drawings in order to put them back up to date.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a space a l location in a drawing2. The user then MLink that drawing into another when3. The user goes to manager and change the color of the group

Notice that in the drawing conta ining the MLinked fi le, the space a l location wi l l be drawn with the old color unti l the origina l drawing i s openedand saved. This i s only an i ssue only i f the MLinked drawing becomes out of date and has not been opened. This behavior i s incorrect as thedrawings should be synchronized without having to reopen the origina l drawing.

25212 - Electrical - Cable Routing - Incorrectly titled command in electrical ribbon (SCEquipPelCreateAllPartsInProject)

The ti tle in the Ribbon for the SCEquipPelCreateAl lParts InProject (Ribbon > Electrica l > Equipment) says "Associate Al l Equipment". This i s actua l lya create command, not associate. It should be renamed to "PEL Insert Al l Equipment".

26141 - Electrical - PEL - Erroneous backslash characters are displayed when a user selects to delete current in-use PEL connection.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open PEL and find a routed connection between two equipment parts .2. Cl ick on the "delete connection" button.3. There i s a warning message window pop-up.

Notice that the warning message conta ins a number of backs lash characters . This behavior i s incorrect s ince the backs lash characters should beremoved and not displayed in the warning message.

20542 - Manager - Electrical - Importing a cable support stock from a later version of ShipConstructor gives an unhelpful message

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a recent vers ion of ShipConstructor export a few Cable Support Stocks .2. In an older vers ion of ShipConstructor import the Cable Support Stocks .

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with the fol lowing error:

Va l idation error occurred when va l idating the instance document. Error: The va lue of the 'Vers ion' attribute does not equal i ts fixed va lue.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the message should indicate clearly that the wrong vers ion of ShipConstructor was used.

25771 - Electrical - Cable Routing - Breaking a space allocation doesn't mark associated cables as broken

Breaking a space a l location, for example with SCBAP, may leave associated cables with gaps a long their path but without marking them as broken.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Place three connected space a l location s tra ights in a wireway drawing. Insert a cable support at each end of the connected sequence andcreate a leg that spans a l l three.

2. In a cable drawing route a cable through the space a l locations . Save and close the cable drawing.3. Open the wireway drawing and run SCBAP. Break the middle space a l location.4. Re-open the cable drawing.

Notice that the cable path wi l l show a gap across one ha l f of the middle space a l location but the OPM wi l l report the cable as not broken. Also,the length shown wi l l equal the previous length minus the length of the gap.

26866 - Electrical - Cable Support Modeling - Routing a cable using a naming convention which use Connection naming element results in an error

Inva l idElementDBDirectFieldTypeException occurs when creating a cable us ing a naming convention that includes the "Connection" db namingconvention elment.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a cable naming convention that includes the "Connection" element2. The user routes a cable.

Notice that after cl i cking OK the user i s prompted with an exception saying "Inva l id ElementDBDirectFieldID.CableSupportEnd does not apply tothis i tem". This behavior i s incorrect s ince the connection element should not be ava i lable in a cable naming conventions .

Outfitting / Equipment

12129 - Manager - Importing equipment classes or cable support standards with native AutoCAD geometry into a Metric project from an Imperial project or viceversa will not scale correctly

Importing an equipment class or cable support s tandard into a Metric project from an Imperia l project or vice versa wi l l not sca le any geometry.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In an imperia l project, the user creates an equipment class or cable support s tandard with AutoCAD geometry2. The user exports the class or s tandard to XML3. The user imports this XML fi le into a metric project

As a resul t, imported equipment class or cable support s tandard's geometry wi l l appear smal ler or larger than i ts actua l s i ze in the destinationproject. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the sca le should be respected.

18894 - Manager - Accessory Packages - Deleting an accessory package to an equipment stock is not being reported as being In Use, and deleting the packagewill result in an error

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In the Manager, the user ass igns an accessory package to an equipment s tock2. Notice that the package i s not flagged as In Use.3. The user deletes the package.

Notice that the user wi l l receive an exception. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the package should be correctly reported as being In Use, andshould not be poss ible to delete i t.

19779 - UI - Project Equipment List - The PEL incorrectly behaves like a modal dialog to both AutoCAD and Manager

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open Manager2. Return to AutoCAD3. Run the SCProjectEquipmentLis tShow command to open the PEL.

Notice that i f the user cl i cks on the AutoCAD main window in the taskbar the PEL i s shown instead. The Manager can be displayed, but i t i scompletely unrespons ive. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the dia log should be respons ive.

Note that the Manager dia log i s non-modal (does not block AutoCAD) so i t should operate independently and does , except when the PEL i sdisplayed i t becomes unrespons ive. Furthermore, the PEL i s being displayed modal ly (does block AutoCAD). It should be shown non-modal lyexactly as manager so that the user can have the PEL open and continue to work in the AutoCAD window.

20775 - UI - Equipment Standard Editor - Exception trying to place a header row

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create an equipment pipe end.2. Open the equipment s tandard edi tor and place the pipe end.3. The selection should be on the HVAC Connections header and the Edi t Connection End button should s ti l l be enabled.4. Cl ick Edi t Connection End button

An exception wi l l be displayed. Notice that after a pipe end i s placed, the selection in the "Equipment Drawing Data" i s changed to be the HVACConnections header row. However, Edi t Connection End button remains enabled and cl icking i t produces an exception. This behavior i s incorrects ince the user should not be able to place the header row.

21251 - Project Equipment List - Copy command doesn't display stock assignment of the copied part until PEL is reopened

If a Project Equipment Lis t i tem, with an ass igned s tock, i s copied, the resul tant row does not display a s tock ass ignment unti l PEL i s reopened.Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a new Project Equipment Lis t i tem.2. Ass ign a s tock to the Project Equipment Lis t i tem created in s tep 13. Use the Copy command to copy the Project Equipment Lis t i tem created in s tep 14. Notice that, as ide from the Stock ass ignment, a l l attributes are copied as expected in the creation of the resul tant Project Equipment Lis t

i tem.

The described behaviour i s a display i ssue. If the user saves , closes , and reopens Project Equipment Lis t, the Stock and the Stock Ful l Name of thecopied PEL i tem wi l l be fi l led with expected va lues . In the correct s i tuation, the Stock ass ignment should be displayed in PEL immediately aftercreating a new i tem by copying an exis ting one.

21115 - Equipment - Export Drawings - If an Equipment Standard Drawing contains a Block Reference the equipment will not appear in an Export Drawing

If an Equipment Standard Drawing conta ins a Block Reference the equipment wi l l not appear in an Export Drawing. For example, cons ider thefol lowing scenario:

1. Create a new Equipment Stock;2. Edi t the new Equipment Stock's Standard Drawing and insert some geometry as a Block Reference in addition to some geometry not in a

block reference;3. Save and close Manager;4. Insert an instance of that equipment into an Equipment Drawing;5. Create an Export Drawing from the Equipment Drawing used in Step 4.

Notice that the geometry included in the Equipment Standard Drawing as a block reference does not show up in the Export drawing whi le thegeometry not in a block reference does . This behaviour i s incorrect. In the correct scenario a l l geometry should be included in an Export Drawingregardless of whether or not i t's in a block reference in an Equipment Standard Drawing.

Outfitting / HVAC

24391 - Distributed Systems - Modeling - On a large project creating a new HVAC part may result in a timeout

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario,

1. The user opens a large project.2. The user attempts to create a new HVAC part.

Notice that the operation wi l l take a cons iderable amount of time, eventual ly time out and fa i l to create the part. This behavior i s incorrect as thepart should be created success ful ly, and in a reasonable period of time.

21053 - Manager - HVAC Catalog - An attempt to generate a usage log for an HVAC stock may fail with an unhandled exception if the file path of the log file islonger than a certain number of characters

In HVAC cata log in Manager, an attempt to generate a usage log for an HVAC s tock may fa i l wi th an unhandled exception i f the fi le path of the logfi le i s longer than a certa in number of characters . For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user i s working in a project that i s s tored in a folder with a relatively long folder path.2. The user has opened HVAC Cata log in Manager and selected an in-use HVAC s tock defini tion;3. The user has cl i cked the "Stock Usage" button;4. In the new dia log that opens , the user has cl i cked the "Create Log" button;

Generating the log fi le may fa i l wi th an unhandled exception that says that the name of the log fi le i s too long. The log fi le wi l l not open after theissue happens . A s imi lar error may happen when generating usage logs for HVAC connections . This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation,a l l generated log fi les should have reasonable fi le path lengths that don't cause unhandled exceptions upon the fi le creation.

Outfitting / Pipe

23497 - Manager - Pipe Stock Catalog - Modifying CG coordinates of a valve stock silently applies the same CG values to all valve stocks under the same ValveType

In Pipe Stock Cata log in Manager, modi fying CG coordinates of a va lve s tock s i lently appl ies the same CG va lues to a l l va lve s tocks under the sameValve Type.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In Manager, the user has opened Pipe Stock Cata log.2. The user has selected a va lve s tock under a Va lve Type that has mode than one s tock defined under i t.3. The user has changed the center-of-gravi ty coordinates for the selected va lve s tock.4. The user has appl ied changes and closed the cata log.

If the user reopens the cata log, the user wi l l see that a l l va lve s tocks under the Valve Type that was opened las t share the same CG va lues . Thechance only affects va lves under the same va lve type. This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, va lve s tock defini tions should s tore CGcoordinates absolutely independently from one another so that changes appl ied to CG coordinates of one va lve don't a ffect the rest of the va lvestocks .

25683 - Distributed Systems - Pipe Valve - Switching between stocks with a different number of connection ends during a jig will cause a save error

Switching between s tocks with a di fferent number of connection ends during a jig wi l l cause a save error.

1. Insert pipe va lve with 3 connection ends via SCPIPEVALVE command.2. Run SCPIPEVALVE3. Proceed through part insertion s teps unti l the jig i s active.4. Use the select s tock command prompt.

5. Select a va lve s tock with 2 connection ends .6. Inert the va lve or cancel the command.7. QSAVE

The save wi l l fa i l and the user wi l l be shown a save error. This behavior i s incorrect as the drawing should be saved without errors .

18559 - Manager - User Defined Attributes - Pipe Stock defined after a required User Defined Attribute has been assigned to that stock type will be missing thatattribute's default value

For example cons ider the fol lowing s i tuation:

1. Open Manager > Piping > User Defined Attributes ;2. Create and ass ign a User Defined Attribute (UDA) to Pipe;3. Make the UDA Required and give i t a Defaul t va lue;4. Cl ick OK to exi t User Defined Attributes ;5. Open Piping > Stock Cata log;6. Create a new Pipe Stock;7. Notice that the defaul t va lue defined in Step 3 i s miss ing from the Stock Defini tion.

This behaviour i s incorrect. The new stock defined should have the required UDA's defaul t va lue ass igned to i t.

19776 - Pipe Supports - Modeling - The text in the command line that appears after the user selects which pipes to support contains a spelling mistake

The text in the command l ine that appears after the user selects which pipe parts to support conta ins a spel l ing mistake. ShipConstructor reportsa message in the command l ine that i s s imi lar to the fol lowing:

Your selection requires a support template that can accomodate the fol lowing constra ints Minimum number of levels required : 1 Minimumdistance between pipes required: 2091.007mm Maximum dis tance between pipes required: 2091.007mm Minimum overa l l height required :10.000mm Minimum number of hangers per level : 2

The spel l ing mistake i s in the word "accomodate." The word should be spel led as "accommodate."

20647 - Manager - XML Export - Exporting Pipe data from the File menu into an XML file may fail under certain conditions

In Manager, exporting Pipe data from the Fi le menu into an XML fi le may fa i l wi th an error under certa in conditions .

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has opened Manager;2. The user has run the fol lowing command from the Fi le menu: Fi le -> Export -> Pipe.

The export process may fa i l wi th an error message that says , "Inva l id row index: -1" This behavior i s incorrect.

22322 - Distributed Systems - Plotting - In previous versions of AutoCAD, pipe center lines are not visible in distributed systems drawing plots executed in thehidden shadeplot

Pipe center l ines are not vis ible in dis tributed systems drawing plots executed in the hidden shadeplot.

His torica l ly, in ShipConstructor vers ions prior to 2012, pipe centerl ine would be vis ible in drawing plots regardless of the selected shadeplotva lue. The ShipConstructor code had a specia l adjustment that would bring pipe center l ines ahead of 3D sol ids to ensure that center l ines arevis ible in plots . The adjustment was only appl icable to plots .

In ShipConstructor 2012, pipe centerl ines s topped being vis ible in plots done in hidden modes . This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation,centerl ines should a lways be vis ible in plots because they are important for referencing and dimens ioning. Also showing center l ines compl ieswith drafting rules and industry s tandards .

The his torica l behaviour must be restored: regardless of the shadeplot mode, pipe centerl ines should a lways transpire in plots with dis tributedsystems geometry.

18755 - Manager - Pipe Stock Catalog - Elbow stock definitions erroneously allow creating elbows with a radius smaller than the nominal diameter

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Manager.2. The user Opens Piping | Pipe Stock Cata log.3. The user creates a new Elbow.

Notice that the user i s able to set the elbow radius to a va lue smal ler than nominal diameter. This behaviour i s incorrect s ince i t i s not phys ica l lyposs ible to produce such an elbow.

Rather, a constra int must be appl ied that prohibi ts creating elbows with the radius smal ler than 1/2 of the elbow nominal diameter. Elbows thathave a radius that are greater than 1/2 of the nominal diameter are cons idered va l id.

16963 - Production - Pipe Arrangement - Relabel All will crash ShipConstructor for very high numbers of labels

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a production drawing the user creates a drawing with a very large amount of parts with multiple labels (reported case of + 4 mi l l ions).2. The user attempts to relabel the drawing with Relabel Al l or from BOM.

Notice that i f the amount of labels i s too high ShipConstructor wi l l crash. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the drawing should be relabeled without

any error.

24522 - Pipe - Modeling - Undoing the SCBAP command breaks existing connections

In Pipe model drawings , undoing the SCBAP command breaks exis ting connections .

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a pipe model drawing the user has modeled two connecting pipe parts ;2. The user has run the SCBAP command to break one of the pipes ;3. After the user had broken one of the pipes , ShipConstructor has automatica l ly reconnected the three pipes .

If the user decides to undo the SCBAP command, the broken part wi l l revert to i ts origina l s tate; however, i t wi l l become disconnected from thesecond pipe. This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation the exis ting connection should not be lost.

24590 - Pipe Catalog - Fix assorted issues in Pipe Catalog.xls

Pipe Cata log.xls i s a tool that i s included into the ShipConstructor insta l lation. The tool offers users an a l ternative user interface for modi fyingexis ting Pipe Stock defini tions whi le in an Excel spreadsheet.

The fol lowing assorted i ssues have been fixed in Pipe Cata log.xls under the current Issue representing a col lection of improvements :

Issue 23706: In the absence of the network connection with ShipConstructor.com, an error may happen when exporting data from Pipe Cata log.xls .Is sue 23786: "Export XML Fi le" generates incorrect output i f a va lve doesn't have a handle ass igned to i t. Is sue 23787: The "vers ions .xml" fi le i sreferring to the miss ing "StockTemplateV2009.00.xml" fi le in ShipConstructor 2009 R1.1. Is sue 23788: When importing data into Pipe Cata log.xls froman external XML fi le, UDA column headers of multi -subtype s tocks get overwri tten with each other. Is sue 23789: "Clear Al l Worksheets" doesn'tremove UDA headers . Is sue 23792: The import operation converts text elements that look l ike numbers and s tart with the leading "0" into truenumbers with no zero in the front. Is sue 23793: The spreadsheet doesn't work properly with Windows regis try under the 64-bi t platforms. Is sue23795: When importing data from XML, column headers don't appear for blank UDAs ass inged to s tock defintions . Is sue 24401: Al l XML templatesfor Pipe Cata log.xls are broken. Export to XML is imposs ible. Is sue 24485: The "vers ions .xml" fi le i s referring to the miss ing"StockTemplateV2009.00.xml" fi le in ShipConstructor 2009 R1.1. Is sue 26718: "Clear Worksheets" leaves some temporary guids uncleaned whicheventual ly leads to an error whi le importing data into Pipe Cata log.xls .

19091 - Pipe - Modeling - Using the SCBAP command on a bent pipe that has connections on both sides may break the connections

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a pipe model drawing, the user has modeled a bent pipe that has connections on both s ides ;2. The user has run the SCBAP command to break the bent pipe in i ts middle;

After the command is run, the connections of both s ides of the bent pipes may be lost. In the correct s i tuation, connections should be mainta ined.The i ssue does not occur cons is tently and may be data dependent.


24169 - NC-Pyros - Using the "Set Start of Shapes" command doesn't erase old locations of lead-in and lead-out elements

Using the "Set Start of Shapes" command does not erase old locations of lead-in and lead-out elements .

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has opened a DXF fi le in NC-Pyros .2. The user has generated a cutting path that conta ins multiple lead-in and lead-out elements on multiple shapes .

If the user runs "Manual Edi t\Set Start of Shapes" from the upper menu and speci fies a new start location for a shape, the shape's lead-in andlead-out symbols may be dupl icated. The origina l lead-in and lead-out elements may remain where they ini tia l ly were, and the new ones mayappear at the new shape s tart location.

In the correct s i tuation, the old lead-in and lead-out symbols should be erased from the shape. Each shape can only have one pa ir of externallead-in and lead-out elements .The i ssue i s not cons is tently reproducible.

20292 - NC-Pyros - Generate complete path does not show a warning about path reversing on itself in specific case

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In NC-Pyros , the user opens a nest conta ining an inverted path angle.2. The user generates the path for the complete nest.

Notice that i t wi l l be reversed onto i tsel f upon path generation. If the part i s i solated in the DXF then the error message i s displayed. If thecomplete nest i s used then the error message i s not shown. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should be noti fied in ei ther scenario.

This i s caused by the path angle segment check preserves the angle s ign when checking. A negative angle wi l l not show the error.


18745 - Penetrations - Modeling - When revising a penetration, the user is required to reselect the sleeve stock before changes can be applied

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has modeled a penetration that has a s leeve component;2. The penetrations hasn't been approved or appl ied yet;3. The user has run the SCPENREVISE command to revise the penetration;

4. The user has chosen the "Standard" option whi le running the SCPENREVISE command.5. In the "Revise Penetration" dia log, the user has changed some parameters other than "Sleeve Stock."

The user won't be able to apply any changes unti l he or she re-selects the penetration s leeve s tock. This i s incorrect behaviour. In the corrects i tuation, changing the penetration s leeve s tock should not be a mandatory requirement for applying changes in the "Revise Penetration" dia log.

23698 - Penetrations - Modeling - When creating a penetration in a drawing that has other m-linked non-local penetrations, a fatal error may happen

When creating a penetration in a drawing that has other m-l inked non-loca l penetrations , a fata l error may happen.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user i s in a pipe model drawing;2. The user has m-l inked a Structure model drawing that has plate parts penetrated by pipe parts that do not belong to the current pipe

model drawing. In other words , m-l inked drawings conta in penetrations that are non loca l to the current pipe model drawing.

If the user attemps to create a new penetration, the drawing wi l l report a "convers ion" error and, then i t wi l l crash with a fata l error.

23978 - Penetrations - Requesting a vertical or diagonal penetration that has a water tight type will no longer fail with an unhandled exception

Creating a penetration with a s tandard defined as a Water Tight, Sleeve (Pipe) and Structura l Pipe wi l l fa i l i f the pipe penetrating i s ei ther vertica land penetrating a deck OR obl ique and penetrating any s tructura l part.

Cons ider the fol lowing:

1. In the [ShipConstructor Manager \ Penetration \ Penetration Standard Edi tor], the user has created a penetration s tandard with thefol lowing properties : Water Tight = True, Type = "Sleeve (Pipe)" and Pipe Type = "Structura l Pipe" and ass igned i t to the proper spec.

2. The user has created a deck and a vertica l pipe to penetrate i t. [OR] The user has created a bulkhead and a diagonal pipe to penetrate i t.3. The user attempts to create the penetration with the defined s tandard and cl ick the "Request Penetration".

Note that an unhandled error wi l l be displayed and the penetration i s not created. This behavior i s incorrect as the creation of the penetrationfa i led and the error i s not handled properly.

22521 - Manager - Naming Conventions - Running Generate Names on penetrations will re-number all penetrations by sequentially continuing their autonumberspast the last number before renaming

In Naming Conventions dia log in Manager, running "Generate Names" on penetrations wi l l re-number a l l penetrations by sequentia l ly continuingtheir autonumbers past the las t number before renaming. For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user i s in the project that conta ins penetrations ;2. The user has opened the Naming Conventions dia log in Manager;3. In the Naming Conventions dia log, the user has cl i cked the "Generate Names" button;4. In the Generate Names dia log, the user has checked the option for penetrations .

After regeneration of names i s complete, a l l individual penetrations wi l l end up with new autonumbers . The autonumbers wi l l be continued in asequentia l order beginning with the las t number before renaming. For example, i f origina l names of penetrations were PEN-001, PEN-002, and PEN-003, the new names wi l l be PEN-004, PEN-005, and PEN-006.

This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, regenerating penetration names should not resul t in changing autonumbers whenautonumbers are not confl icting with one another. It i s only in the case of a confl ict where autonumbers should change.

26429 - Penetrations - Opening a Distributed Systems drawing containing a penetration with a distributed component causes an error

The user wi l l encounter a Data layer error i f they open a dis tributed systems drawing conta ining a penetration with a Pipe component. This erroronly occurs i f the drawing in question conta ins an ml ink to the drawing of the penetrable. The error does not prevent the user from working orsaving.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has created an interference between an HVAC duct (or a Pipe) and a plate part, and ml inked the plate part's drawing into theduct's drawing

2. The user has created a penetration between the two parts in an HVAC (or Pipe) drawing us ing an Offset Pipe Col lar penetration3. The user has saved and re-opened the drawing.

At this point the user wi l l encounter an "A dataset of the same type a l ready exis ts in the col lection" error. This i s incorrect; there should be noerror message encountered.


25357 - Report - PlateStockArea field is incorrect for Plate Nest Report in imperial projects

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user open SCReport2. The user creates a new plate nest report.3. The user adds the PlateStockArea field to the report.4. The user generates the report.

Notice that the report convers ion resul ts in an error that i s off by a factor of 1/(25.4^2) due to a ca lculation error. This behavior i s incorrect s incethe report should report the proper va lue.

18487 - Reports - Model Drawing - The Model Drawings tab of the Reports window contains spurious sections

The Model Drawings tab of the Reports window conta ins spurious sections . The "SpaceAl location" and "Standards" portions of the tree do notreport anything.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open to Reports2. Select Model Drawings tab3. Look at the tree

In the case of "SpaceAl locations" the only type of part that can be inserted into a space a l location model drawing i s space a l location and spaceal locations cannot be reported on.

In the case of "Standard Assembl ies" The idea would have been to report on Standard Assembl ies . This portion of the tree just reports from theStandard Assembly s tandard drawings however, and as such i s functional ly useless .

These portions of the tree should be removed.

20062 - Reports - Data will be omitted from report if the header related to the data is the last item on the page

This behaviour can occur i f a report i s generated and the header of a data section i s forced to the bottom of the page due to page breaks . The datathat belongs to that header does not continue on the next page as expected but instead i s absent from the report.

25160 - Report - Typo in field name for number of pieces in a plate nest

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Report module.2. The user creates a Plate Nest report.3. The user tries to add fields for Nests

Notice that one of the choices displayed i s "Num Pierces". This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should show "Num Pieces" instead.

22367 - Report - Stock Inventory - One of the Heat Number fields should be removed

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Report module.2. The user creates a new report for nested plates .3. The user selects the fields .

Notice that there are two Heat Number fields in the edi t Stock Inventory report. This behavior i s incorrect as one of the fields should be removedbecause the database has only one Heat Number. Furthermore, one of them never displays any va lue after generating Stock Inventory report. Forexample, in the Plate Stock Inventory section.

The field "Heat Number: Heat Number of inventory i tem on which part i s nested" should be removed as this field never shows resul ts . The field"Heat Number: A number ass igned to a particular melt of materia l" should be reta ined but the Description should be updated to "A numberass igned to a particular melt of materia l , or inventory i tem on which part i s nested".

This i s sue appl ies for a l l of the 4 sections in Stock Inventory:

Plate Stock InventoryPlate RemnantsProfi le Stock InventoryProfi le Remnants

23535 - Administrator - Updating a project database from an earlier version to SC2012 R2 will fail if the project contains a report definition with the "PenetratedCorrugated Part" section checked

Updating a project database from an earl ier vers ion to SC2012 R2 wi l l fa i l i f the project conta ins a report defini tion with the "PenetratedCorrugated Part" section checked.

18550 - Reports - Penetration doubler plate does not show up in report

Model Drawing Reports - Penetration doubler plate does not show up in report.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a penetration with a doubler plate.2. The user selects a Pipe drawing and a Structure drawing.3. The user runs the Model Drawing report with a l l part types included.

Notice that the doubler plate does not show in the report for ei ther drawing. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the double plate should appear inthe report.

26067 - Report - Surface Area report field description is incorrect for equipment parts

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches the Report module.2. The user creates a new report defini tion for equipment parts .

Notice that in equipment parts section, the description for the Surface Area report i s the one for the assembl ies section. This behavior i s incorrects ince i t should describe the report the field for the part.

25858 - Report - The sub group "vertical pull sheet" of the cables section in the report has renamed one of the options from "CableName" to "Leg/Support"

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open ShipConstructor Report.2. Navigate to the cables section of the edi t report window.3. Cl ick on the sub group of cables ca l led vertica l pul l sheet and then cl ick on "add fields".4. One of the ava i lable options displayed i s ti tled "CableName".5. HOWEVER, this "CableName" option in the actua l report wi l l display cable support names and leg names, but not cable names.

This option name and report ti tle does not accurately describe the content of the report.

Rename "CableName" option and report ti tle to the more accurately descriptive "Leg/Support".

25063 - Reports - If the user adds Penetration Accessories and Model Drawing reports, they will not appear in the report.

In the Report Module, i f the user adds Penetration Accessories and Model Drawing reports , they wi l l not appear in the report.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In the Report module, the user includes the "Penetration Accessories" report section, AND the "Model Drawings" section of a "ModelDrawings\Part Li s t" report.

2. The user generates the report.

Notice that the Penetration Accessories wi l l not show up. This behavior i s incorrect s ince this should show up in the report.


16409 - ShipConstructor - Create New Project - By default, the server name is shown as "ARL-EXCHANGE" in the "New ShipConstructor Project" dialog

By defaul t, the server name is shown as "ARL-EXCHANGE" in the "New ShipConstructor Project" dia log.

In the correct s i tuation, a defaul t l i s t i s loaded in the combo box, i f the selected one i s not ava i lable after i t i s properly fi l led i t s ti l l tries todisplay the defaul t one. So i f the selected one i s not ava i lable after i t i s fi l led, the user can ei ther select the fi rs t one i f ava i lable or select none.

19859 - ShipConstructor - Shared - Export to NWD and Export to NWC appear with all nodes closed

Cons ider the fol lowing s i tuation:

1. Open ShipConstructor2. In Navigator, open a drawing from any uni t;3. Enter the command SCNWDOUT.

Notice that the "Select Drawings to Export as NWD/NWC fi les" dia log has a l l uni ts col lapsed and none are selected by defaul t. This behaviourchanged as of ShipConstructor 2011R2. In previous vers ions the current uni t was selected and expanded by defaul t in order to speed a usersselection of drawings .

21230 - Shared - Open Project - Typo in the "Open Project Error" dialog

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches ShipConstructor.2. The user selects a project and enters incorrect credentia ls for the project.

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with an error message that includes a typo in the "Open Project Error" dia log that appears when an inva l idusername or password i s used. The las t sentence "Please Try aga in." incorrectly has the word "try" capi ta l i zed.

25359 - Shared - The user may be prompted with a timeout error when running some commands

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens a very large project.2. The user opens the Manager and goes to Structure/Profi les/Endcut cata log.3. The user selects and end cut and cl ick on Usage Log.

Al ternatively:

1. The user opens a very large project.2. The user opens the Manager and go to Genera l/User-Defined Attributes .3. The user renames a User-Defined Attribute used on multiple parts .


1. The user opens a very large project.2. The user launches SCPRODUCTHIERARCHY.3. The user deletes a large Secondary Product Hierarchy.

Notice that the user may eventual ly be prompted with a timeout error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the timeout period should be longer and theperformance should be improved.

Note that the timeout error can a lso happen when unl inking spl i t project, remove a l l accessories from accessory packages and remove a l l User-Defined Attributes from pipe.

26240 - Shared - Naming Conflicts - Name conflicts are no longer handled for Structure, Pipe, HVAC, and other major modules

Name confl icts are no longer handled for Structure, Pipe, HVAC, and other major modules . A name confl icts i s encountered when two concurrentusers attempt to give the same name to a part type that requires unique names.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user A creates a s tructura l part (for example) with a speci fic name.2. The user B creates another s tructura l part the same name.3. The user A saves the drawing.4. The user B saves the other drawing.

Notice that user B wi l l not be able to save their drawing. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should be prompted with the naming confl ictresolution pop up upon saving.

In vers ions of ShipConstructor older than 2013, i f the user encountered a name confl ict they would be prompted to resolve i t upon saving thedrawing. In ShipConstructor 2013 this i s no longer true: users wi l l not be able to save their drawing after encountering a naming confl ict.

21314 - ShipConstructor - MLink - MLinking in drawings may cause AutoCAD to crash

The s teps to recreate this problem are as fol lows:

1. In any project, open a drawing;2. Open MLink Manger;3. Select severa l fi les to MLink;4. Upon cl icking 'OK' the user encounters a message that AutoCAD has s topped working.

This behaviour i s incorrect. In the correct scenario the software should not s top working.

This problem seems to relate to the speci fic memory usage patterns on speci fic systems, and can be solved via a change in the wayShipConstructor manages memory.

20408 - ShipConstructor - Users may need to choose which AutoCAD license ShipConstructor uses

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Two users have a s ingle AutoCAD instance insta l led on their PC's which uses network l i cens ing, as wel l as an AutoDesk Sui te (Inventor andAutoCAD) instance insta l led on their PC's which uses network l i cens ing.

2. The cl ient has one (1) network l i cense for the s ingle instance of AutoCAD, and one (1) network l i cense of the AutoDesk sui te, ava i lable foruse on their network.

When us ing Inventor a user i s occupying the Sui te's network l i cense that would prevent another user from starting up their 'ins tance' of the sui tein order to use ShipConstructor. Thus , in this s i tuation the users would need to be able to choose which 'l i cense' or 'ins tance' of AutoCAD to'occupy' in order to s tart ShipConstructor.

22373 - ShipConstructor - In previous versions of AutoCAD, plotting Pipe parts when VSSILHEDGES = 0 and Shadeplot = HIDDEN doesn't display pipe walls

In AutoCAD, plotting Pipe parts when VSSILHEDGES = 0 and Shadeplot = HIDDEN doesn't display pipe wal l s . For example, cons ider the fol lowingscenario:

1. The user wants to plot a model or production drawing that conta ins pipe parts .2. For plotting the drawing, the user has defined the fol lowing settings :3. AutoCAD environment variables :


4. ShipConstructor drawing options (Pipe or HVAC)Show Wal l thickness (OFF)Double Line Display(Always)

The settings are recommended in the knowledge base article ava i lable at http://kb.shipconstructor.com/questions .php?questionid=1677

If the user runs AutoCAD and chooses to plot the drawing in the Hidden mode, pipe parts wi l l appear with no wal l s or center l ines . Only pipe buttsand connection symbols wi l l be vis ible. This i s incorrect behaviour that requires investigation. Based on the way ShipConstructor used to work inthe past, pipe parts should be displayed with wal l s and center l ines vis ible when the Hidden shadeplot mode i s used.

The i ssue happens when the Hidden mode i s used under AutoCAD only. In earl ier AutoCAD vers ions this behaviour doesn't happen. Also, i f theuser switches to the Legacy Hidden mode whi le under AutoCAD, pipe parts wi l l appear with wal l s vi s ible. The Legacy Hidden mode, however,cannot be cons is tently appl ied as a workaround because, when the Legacy Hidden mode i s used, Structure plates s tart showing inner l ines thatdon't look appropriately in plotted drawings .

21014 - UI - Ribbon - Add Missing Commands to the Ribbon

There are some commands that exis t in the menu hierarchy and are not represented in the ribbon, these commands need representation on theribbon or a very good reason why they should not be there.


Also, the "Help" commands are miss ing for: MarineDrafting, P&ID, Equipment, Penetrations , Project Management, Space Al locations , StandardAssembly, Weld Management.

24730 - User Interface - ToolStrips in Palettes require clicking twice

When a tools trip i s used in a pa lette in ShipConstructor, and the pa lette does not have focus , the user must cl i ck twice before the button in thetools trip responds . This behaviour i s incorrect s ince the user should only have to cl i ck one.

21043 - UI - Accessory Packages - Usage Log File Error on Names with "/" character in them

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates and appl ies an Accessory Package conta ining a s lash /.2. The user attempts to generate a usage report in the Accessory Package dia log.

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with the fol lowing error: Unable to open log fi le. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the usage report should begenerated without any errors .

20927 - ShipConstructor - Interference Checking - Interference Check may fail at 99%

On a speci fic project, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the speci fic project.2. The user attempts to run an interference check on an interference drawing for a selected uni t.

Notice that the interference check wi l l hang at 99%. This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should execute completely.

19735 - General - Case insensitive duplicate names are allowed in standards and causes save errors

Severa l s tandards (dynamic marking block and s tandard assembl ies for example) a l low dupl icate names i f they otherwise use di fferent case.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Go to Standard Assembly or Dynamic Marking Block cata log.2. Add a new standard.3. Name i t the same as another s tandard, only with di fferent case.4. Hi t Enter.5. Cl ick Apply.

Notice that the database does not a l low this and i t causes a save error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should not be a l lowed to ini tia l lyenter dupl icate names.

19857 - ShipConstructor - Product Hierarchy - New groups added under collapsed parent nodes do not appear in the tree until the Refresh button is pressed

In the Product Hierarchy dia log, new groups added under col lapsed parent nodes do not appear in the tree unti l the Refresh button i s pressed.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has opened the Product Hierarchy dia logue;2. The user has selected a node under which another group wi l l be added;3. The user has col lapsed the currently selected node. Col laps ing the node i s cri tica l for reproducing the i ssue;4. The user has right-cl i cked the node and selected the "New" option to create a new group under the currently selected node.

Once the new group i s created, the parent node wi l l expand, but the newly added group wi l l be miss ing from the tree. If the user cl i cks the Refreshbutton at the bottom of the dia log, the new node wi l l appear in the tree. This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, the tree level shouldexpand; the new node should be vis ible immediately; and the new node should become selected.

The i ssue i s only reproducible when a new node i s added under a parent node that i s currently col lapsed. Adding a new node under an origina l lyexpanded tree node creates the new node correctly.

19905 - ShipConstructor - Hull - When right clicking on a NURBS Curve object the menu that appears contains inconsistent text

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open a Hul l drawing;2. Create a NURBS curve us ing SC Hul l > NURBS Curve > New;3. Select the NURBS curve created in Step 2;4. Right cl i ck on one of the grip points for the selected object.

Notice that the text di rectly under "New Curve Block" begins with "Preparing.." and i s not actua l ly a command. This behaviour i s incorrect. Thecorrect text to display in this menu is "Resample Degree1 NURBS Curve" which would launch the SCCURVECONVERTDEG1 command.

23802 - Shared - Administrator - Wrong database size reported in administrator on Windows installs with regional settings that use comma as a decimalseparator

Cons ider the fol lowing:

1. On a workstation which has a regional setting which uses a comma as a decimal separator;2. Open Adminis trator;3. Notice the database s ize has no decimal place and reports the database s ize as s igni ficantly larger than i t's s i ze on disk.

This behaviour i s incorrect. Adminis trator should report the database s ize correctly no matter the decimal separator.

23786 - ShipConstructor - Pipe Catalog - "Export XML File" generates incorrect output if a valve doesn't have a handle assigned to it

In Pipe Cata log.xls , "Export XML Fi le" generates incorrect output i f a va lve doesn't have a handle ass igned to i t. The i ssue was reproduced withPipe Cata log.xls from ShipConstructor 2009 R1.1 but l ikely to occur in later vers ions of ShipConstructor.

The i ssue can be seen in the fol lowing scenario: 1. In Pipe Stock Cata log in ShipConstructor, define a va lve that doesn't have a handle ass igned toi t. 2. In Pipe Stock Cata log, define a Cross s tock with a non-blank description. For some reason, non-blank cross description seem to mattera l though deta i led investigation wasn't done on this behaviour. 3. Check the va lve and the cross in Pipe Stock Cata log and export both s tocks intoan XML fi le. 4. Import the XML fi le into Pipe Cata log.xls . 5. In Pipe Cata log.xls , check the "Veri fy XML" option and cl ick "Export XML Fi le."

The Excel spreadsheet wi l l throw an error on va l idation: element 'StockCrosses ' i s unexpected according to content model of parent element'Piping.' Expecting: Va lveHandles , SupportTemplates , SupportAttributes , UserAttributes .

The error happens because the miss ing data on the va lve handle breaks the s tructure of the XML output. The XML fi le thinks that the 'StockCross 'element that fol lows after the Valve element i s continuation of the 'StockValve' element rather than the beginning of the new element. This i sincorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, even, when the va lve handle data i s not provided, the "Export XML Fi le" function should s ti l l produceval id output.

Any inva l id output cannot be imported into ShipConstructor.

23787 - ShipConstructor - Pipe Catalog - The "versions.xml" file is referring to the missing "StockTemplateV2009.00.xml" file

When importing or exporting data with Pipe Cata log.xls , Pipe Cata log.xls determines the vers ion of the XML dataset by looking ins ide the the"vers ions .xml" fi le. The vers ions .xml fi le i s located in the fol lowing cata log: C:\Program Fi les\ShipConstructor2009\XMLSchemas

For example, in ShipConstructor 2009 R1.1, the "vers ions .xml" fi le conta ins a reference to the "StockTemplateV2009.00.xml" fi le; however, this fi le i smiss ing from the ShipConstructor 2009 insta l lation di rectory. The fi le that does present on the hard drive i s ca l led "StockTemplateV2009.10.xml ."

Because the reference to the template fi le i s incorrect importing and exporting data to/from Pipe Cata log.xls cannot be done. The error presents inthe loca l "vers ions .xml" fi le, and the "vers ions .xml" fi le ava i lable at www.shipconsructor.com.

Note that the vers ions .xml fi le at the web location i s accessed fi rs t when working with Pipe Cata log.xls .

18986 - Shared - Model Drawings - Attempting to synchronize a Model Drawing that does not have a database record will not be handled properly

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario,

1. The user loads a Model Drawing which does not have a database record.2. The user attempts to synchronize with the database.

Notice that the user wi l l be asked i f they would l ike to erase or explode the objects not found in the database. This behavior i s incorrect.

In the correct scenario ShipConstructor does not attempt to erase these objects , and instead wi l l s imply disable any ShipConstructor speci ficcommand.

Space Allocations

25545 - Space Allocations - Space allocation connection changes will be lost when conflicts occur

When changes to space a l locations or space a l location connections have been made in a drawing and confl icts occur when the drawing i s saved,the changes to the space a l location connections wi l l not be saved after confl icts are resolved.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open two instances of ShipConstructor.2. In instance #1 create/open a wireway drawing and run SCSPALLSTRAIGHT.3. In instance #1 run SCLEG, select the s tra ight and enter the name "Confl icting".4. Switch to instance #2, create/open a wireway drawing and run SCSPALLSTRAIGHT.5. In instance #2 run SCLEG, select the s tra ight and enter the name "Confl icting".6. Switch back to instance #1. Save.7. Switch back to instance #2. Save. You should see a message about naming confl icts in the drawing asking whether you would l ike new

names to be generated. Cl ick "Yes". Then you should see a message saying that names could not be generated for everything in thedrawing. This i s because legs do not have generated names.

8. In instance #2 select the leg break and in the OPM change the leg name to "Something".9. In instance #2: Save.

Notice that no vis ible errors should occur, but the internal connection for the space a l location created in s tep 4 wi l l not be saved to the database.This behavior i s incorrect s ince no information should be lost.

25809 - Distributed Systems - Space Allocations - Names can be blank or duplicated

There i s nothing to prevent a space a l location from having a blank in the name column, nor i s that name constra ined to be unique.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a space a l location.2. The user opens the OPM and changes the name the part to nothing.(1)3. The user rename the part to 'something'.4. The user creates another Space Al locations and name i t 'something' too.

Notice that the Space Al locations didn't require a name or could have the same name. This behavior i s incorrect s ince they should require a nameand shouldn't be a l lowed to have the same name.

25825 - Space Allocations - Unloading a space allocation may not change associated connections to remote

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a space a l location drawing.2. Insert a space a l location s tra ight.3. Create a new space a l location col lection load s trategy ca l led "Strategy 2".4. Insert another space a l location s tra ight connected to the fi rs t one.5. Set the fi rs t space a l location to be in only the defaul t col lection load s trategy.6. Set the second space a l location to be in only "Strategy 2".7. Unload "s trategy 2" and cl ick Sync.

This behavior i s incorrect as the connection between the two space a l locations should change to remote, but i t does not.

24399 - Space Allocations - Manager - When creating a Drawing Load Strategy the Select Model Drawing Dialog is not properly sorted

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a model drawing the user opens the Space Al locations Manager.2. The user creates a Drawing Load Strategy.

Notice that the Select Model Drawing Dia log does not properly sort the drawings . This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should fol low the same sortingconvention used by the Update Model and System Drawings dia log.

26094 - Space Allocation Manager - Selecting a 'by Cable' load strategy does not select the affected space allocations

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a cable drawing.2. Create and save a cable in that drawing.3. Open space a l location manager.

In the load s trategies tree, the space a l locations manager wi l l l i s t a 'Cables ' load s trategy that corresponds to the cable created in s tep 3.However, unl ike with other load s trategies , i f a user cl i cks on i t the space a l locations that are loaded by a cable load s trategy wi l l not be selectedin the space a l locations grid. Also, the cable load s trategy name is never displayed in the 'Strategies ' column, in the space a l locations grid.

16118 - Space Allocations - Modeling - The speed of Load (by group) with multiple Space Allocations has been improved

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a Space Al locations load group with 50 or more Space Al locations .2. The user unload and reload the group.

Notice that loading the space a l location group with over 50 space a l locations takes 2 minutes . This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should be faster.

22421 - Navisworks - Space Allocations - Space Allocations do not appear when loading a drawing containing only Space Allocations

Using Navisworks , loading a SpaceAl location DWG fi le that only conta ins Space Al locations , without any SpaceAl location reference parts , wi l l notdisplay any content nor any error message in the Scene Statis tics .

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user saves a drawing conta ining no other geometries than Space Al locations2. The user opens the dwg SpaceAl location fi le us ing Navisworks .

Notice that the Navisworks scene wi l l be empty and wi l l not display any errors . This behavior i s incorrect as the Space Al locations should appearin the drawing. Note that i f there are other geometries in the drawing (.e.g. reference s tructure, etc.) the Space Al locations wi l l appear correctly.

Standard Assemblies

17821 - Manager - Standard Assemblies - The dialog that allows managing internal hierarchy levels of standard assemblies contains several UI errors

To access this dia log, the user must:

1. Go into Manager;2. Open the Standard Assembly cata log;3. Open the s tandard assembly drawing for edi ting;4. Cl ick the "Product Hierarchy" button on the toolbar;5. Go into the "Tools" menu;6. Select "Edi t Levels ..."

In the "Edi t Levels" dia log, the fol lowing errors were found:

1. The very fi rs t level in the l i s t of internal s tandard assembly s tandard levels i s a l located for the root element in the tree. However, withouta deep understanding of this concept i t i s di ffi cul t for the user to figure out why the very top level in the l i s t cannot be moved up or down,or deleted. Lack of intui tive organization in the dia log i s a potentia l source of user misunderstanding of how the dia log works .

2. Exis ting assembly levels cannot be deleted from the dia log even when these levels are not used in any hierarchy in any s tandard assemblystandard. The only levels that can be deleted are levels which creation haven't been appl ied yet.

3. If the user cl i cks the "New" button and the "Delete" button immediately after i t, the level below the newly created one wi l l disappear fromthe l i s t.

21636 - Manager - Standard Assembly Catalog - Delete Standard doesn't ask for user confirmation

In Standard Assembly Cata log in Manager, Delete Standard does not ask for user confi rmation before the deletion happens . This i s incorrectbehaviour, as the user can accidenta l ly cl i ck the Delete Standard button and unintentional ly delete the s tandard from the cata log. The only way torecover the deleted s tandard wi l l be by clos ing the cata log with the Cancel button. If the user closes the cata log with the OK button, the cata logwi l l apply the changes without asking for a confi rmation aga in.

In the correct s i tuation, a confi rmation message should be shown to the user after the user ini tiates the Delete Standard operation but before thedeletion actua l ly happens . The confi rmation message should catch such events as hi tting the button with the mouse or press ing the Delete key onthe keyboard.


16179 - Production - Profile Plot - Forming offsets dimensions will spread beyond the extents of the bent stiffener if the stiffener is trimmed

In profi le plot drawings , forming offsets dimens ions wi l l spread beyond the extents of the bent s ti ffener i f the s ti ffener i s trimmed. The bendoffsets wi l l be continued from the Start to the End points of the untrimmed length of the s ti ffener.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has modeled a bent profi le part us ing an arc as a mold l ine (the part i s bent in i ts web plane);2. The user has trimmed the part from ei ther end;3. The user has generated a profi le plot drawing that shows forming offsets for the bent profi le part.

Notice that in the profi le plot drawing, bent offsets wi l l go beyond the extents of the trimmed part up unti l the point where they reach invis ibleends of the untrimmed part. This behaviour i s incorrect. The cri tica l about the incorrect behaviour i s that the fi rs t offset dimens ion doesn't matchwith the beginning of the profi le part. This makes i t imposs ible to s imply delete redundant bending offsets .

In the correct s i tuation, forming offsets should s tart and s top at the trimmed ends of the part precisely.

18280 - Production - Assembly Drawings - When updating, new parts are placed on current layer and not on the same layer as if the drawing was created again

When updating assembly drawings , new parts are placed on current layer and not on the same layer they were ini tia l ly ass igned to as i f thedrawing was created aga in.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates an assembly drawing and speci fies which layer to put the parts on in Create Assembly Drawing wizard.2. The user updates the assembly drawings .

Notice that new parts are placed on "layer 0". This behavior i s incorrect s ince they should be placed on the layer the user chose during the CreateAssembly Drawing wizard.

21090 - Structure - Corner Treatments - Unable to add multiple corner treatments to a plate which has a Planar Group Construction Line as part of its toolpath

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a plate part which has a Planar Group Construction Line as part of i ts boundary;2. Enter the command SCADDCORNERTREATMENT3. Change your Osnaps to 'Nearest';4. Attempt to place multiple corner treatments a long the planar group construction l ine portion of the plate's boundary.

Notice that a message wi l l appear s tating that "A corner treatment a l ready exis ts at the selected pos i tion". This message wi l l be displayed eventhough no corner treatment exis ts there. This behaviour i s incorrect. In the correct scenario a Corner Treatment i s placed at the users selectedpoint.

23028 - Production - Plate Nesting - The reported and the measurable length of twisted and/or bent fabricated profiles may be different

In plate nest drawings , the reported and the measurable length of twis ted and/or bent fabricated profi les may be di fferent. For example, cons iderthe fol lowing scenario:

1. In Manager, the user has defined a fabricated s ti ffener that the shipyard assembles from two separate pieces of meta l : the web and theflange component. Both components are to be nested and cut from a s teel sheet.

2. In a Structure model drawing, the user has modeled a part from the s tock defini tion mentioned in p. 1.3. The user has created a new plate nest drawing where he or she nested one of the fabricated s ti ffener components .4. Whi le nesting the component, the user has selected an option to nest the Stra ightened - Deta i led part meaning that bending and twis ting

are to be appl ied to the part a fter i t i s cut from the plate nest and welded into a profi le.5. In the plate nest drawing, the user has inserted a BOM table that shows the length of nested profi les .

If the user reads the Length va lue from a BOM table and/or measures the Length dis tance on the nested s tra ight component, the user may see thatthe lengths are di fferent for web and flange. This behaviour i s incorrect. In the correct scenario, the length of the Web and Flange should be thesame in both dimens ioning and BOM tables .

The only two exceptions to this rule are as fol lows: 1. When a trim or endcut shortens the end of one of the flange or the web and not the other,the lengths wi l l be reported as di fferent as this i s correct production information 2. When a highly curved s ti ffener has a trim plane appl ied to i tsuch that the measurement of the length of the s ti ffener wi l l be affected as in IssueID 24019 - Production - The trim plane used by profi le nestingis defined based on a normal from the neutra l axis which may resul t in inaccurate measurements

24017 - Structure - Modeling - Show all of the length options for Stiffeners in both the OPM and Property Labels

New fields have been added to ShipConstructor which report the untrimmed and trimmed length of Sti ffeners . These fields should be enabled forSti ffeners in the OPM and in Property Labels

25983 - Administrator - Update script SCDBUpdate1.5.0.150F1.4.6.0.sql generates error during update

During the update process to ShipConstructor 2013 or greater, i t i s poss ible that the fol lowing error may be receieved:

Error executing C:\Program Fi les\ShipConstructor\ShipConstructor 2013\SQLScripts\SCDBUpdate1.5.0.150F1.4.6.0.sql Line Number: 160093 CommandText: ALTER TABLE [dbo].[STRUCT_tblCorrugationPartFinishJoins ] ADD CONSTRAINT [IX_STRUCT_tblCorrugationPartFinishJoins ] UNIQUE CLUSTERED([CorrugationPartGUID], [FinishOrder])

The error may mention any of the fol lowing joins : - IX_STRUCT_tblCorrugationPartFinishJoins - IX_STRUCT_tblCurvedPlatePartFinishJoins

This i s due to a bug in the update script. This behaviour i s incorrect. In the correct scenario no update bug should be encountered.

24647 - Production - Plate Nest - Renaming nest folder will fail

In the Navigator (SCNAVIGATOR), right cl i cking on a nest folder and selecting rename wi l l ei ther do nothing or generate an error after the usertyped in the new name.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario,

1. The user opens SCNAVIGATOR.2. In the nests section, the user selects a tape nest folder to rename.3. The user right cl i cks and attempts to rename the folder.

Notice that on the user typed in the new folder name, an error wi l l be reported s tating that the drawings in the folder couldn't be renamed. Thisbehavior i s incorrect as i t should be poss ible to rename the folder i f i t i s empty. If not, the option to rename the folder should be disabled.

21355 - Structure - Modeling - When multiple stiffeners from different units intersect the same plate at the exact same place the incorrect stiffeners are listed inCutout Manager

When multiple s ti ffeners from di fferent uni ts intersect the same plate at the exact same place the incorrect s ti ffeners are l i s ted in CutoutManager.

For example cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. A rough class i fi cation uni t has been created in ShipConstructor, submitted, and subsequently approved by the class i fi cation society;2. The uni t i s then used as reference to create the rest of the ship;3. A new unit i s created to create a deta i led production vers ion of the class i fi cation uni t;4. The project setting Structure > Al low Remote Profi le Cutouts i s set to "No".

Notice that the s ti ffeners from the class i fi cation uni t may be the ones that show up in the cutout manager instead of the s ti ffeners from theproduction uni t. This i s dependant on the order the s ti ffeners are encountered by the program during cutout ca lculation. This behaviour i s notideal . In a more des i rable s i tuation the s ti ffeners from the current uni t would be cons idered for cutouts in the current uni ts plates prior tocons idering any other uni ts s ti ffeners aga inst the current uni ts plates .

22324 - Production - Assembly Drawings - A question about saving the temporary drawing will appear if the user creates an assembly drawing that contains aplate part that has a non-standard font used in the orientation icon text

A question about saving the temporary drawing wi l l appear i f the user creates an assembly drawing that conta ins a plate part that has a non-standard font used in the orientation icon text.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In the Orientation Icon dia log that i s ava i lable under the Structure menu in Manager, the user has set a speci fic text s tyle for theorientation icon.

2. In the Structure model drawing, for the text s tyle, the user has chosen a font that i s di fferent from the s tandard "Aria l" va lue.3. The user has modeled a few plate parts that have vis ible orientation icons .

If the user generates an assembly drawing that shows the plate parts , the generation process wi l l be interrupted with a question that asks i f theuser would l ike to save a temporary drawing. The technica l reason for the temporary drawing asking for a save i s that the drawing becomesmodified as a resul t of us ing a non-standard font s tyle in plate part orientation icons . This i s incorrect and confus ing behaviour. In the corrects i tuation, the question to save the drawing should never appear in front of the user when the user generates an assembly drawing.

18731 - Structure - Edit Part Properties Dialog - Right-button mouse click performed in the Product Hierarchy assignment tree will change the current selection butonly temporarily

In the Edi t Part Properties dia log, right-button mouse cl i ck performed in the Product Hierarchy ass ignment tree wi l l change the current selectionbut only temporari ly. For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has opened the Edi t Properties dia log for a Structure part (plate, s ti ffener, or other);2. In the dia log, the user has opened the "Product Hierarchy" tab;

If the user cl i cks a node with the right mouse button in the Product Hierarchy tree, the current selection wi l l be moved to the new location wherethe mouse pointer i s . However, when the user releases the right mouse button, the current selection wi l l return to the previous ly selected node.The i ssue has been confi rmed with the Edi t Properties dia log for plate parts , but, potentia l ly, i t may be reproducible in a l l dia logs that conta in abui l t-in product hierarchy tree.

This behaviour i s not s tandard for treeview controls . Right-button mouse cl i ck should ei ther open a context menu that provides additionalfunctional i ty, or i t should act exactly the same as the left mouse button. Changing the current selection whi le the button i s pressed and revertingi t when the button i s released i s not s tandard behaviour.

20637 - Production - The Update Production Drawings command incorrectly displays the drawings

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a Production Drawing.2. The user updates the drawing with the Update Production Drawings command.

Notice that the l i s t of drawings conta ins a "Template" folder but the Product Hierarchy, Weld, and Interference drawings are not being shown.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the Template Drawings should not appear in the dia log, but the Product Hierarchy, Weld, and Interferencedrawings should be displayed.

19662 - Structure - Modeling - Plate Part - Changing the stock of a plate that contains a bevel standard does not warn if the bevel standard does not exist on thenew stock

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a Structure Model Drawing, create a plate part from a s tock which has a bevel s tandard associated with i t;2. Us ing the command SCBEVEL, apply a bevel to the plate part created in Step 1;3. Save, and reload the drawing;4. Right cl i ck on the plate part created in Step 1, and choose Edi t Properties ;5. Select a di fferent plate s tock for the plate part, which does not have any va l id Bevel Standards associated with i t.

Notice that the s tock reass ignment completes success ful ly without any warnings or errors . This behaviour i s incorrect. In the correct scenarioShipConstructor should warn the user that there are X number of bevels appl ied to the plate in question, and offer to remove the bevels andcomplete the s tock reass ignment, or a l low the user to cancel the operation.

22030 - Production - Generating name with remnant in plate nest naming convention will cause a crash

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Manager.2. The user goes to Genera l / Naming Conventions and defines a new naming convention for plate nests which includes the name of the

remnant.3. The user generates new names.

Notice that i f the "remnant" i s included in the "plate nest" naming convention, then generating the name wi l l cause a crash. It does not matter i fthere are exis ting remnants or not. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the remnant name should be handled properly.

22834 - Structure - Modeling - Opening the Edit Properties dialog for a Structure part may automatically change the part name in the dialog

In Structure model drawings , opening the Edi t Properties dia log for a Structure part may automatica l ly change the part name in the dia log.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has selected a Structure part in a Structure model drawing;2. The name of the Structure part conta ins one or more leading space characters ;3. The user has right-cl i cked the part and selected "Edi t Properties".

After the Edi t Properties dia log opens , the Name field in the dia log may be populated with a name that does not match with the current partname. The i ssue wi l l only happen i f the origina l name opens with a leading space character. If the user doe not notice the change in the nameand cl icks the "OK" button to close the dia log, the new name wi l l s i lently apply to the part.

The way the dia log behaves i s incorrect. In the correct s i tuation, opening the Edi t Properties dia log for an exis ting part should display the currentname of the part rather than the fi rs t ava i lable name based on autonumbers and the active naming convention.

20156 - Production - When inserting an orientation icon into a viewport within an Assembly Drawing while OSNAP is turned on a fatal error occurs when a snappoint is acquired

When inserting an orientation icon into a viewport within an Assembly Drawing whi le OSNAP is turned on a fata l error occurs when a snap point i sacquired.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario 1. Create an assembly drawing; 2. Create a viewport in a layout tab; 3. Within the viewport from Step2, turn on any OSNAP and i ssue the command SCASSORIENT; 4. Move the mouse over the model to acquire any snap point. 5. Notice that a fata l erroroccurs .

This behaviour i s incorrect. No fata l error should occur in this s i tuation.

23701 - Structure - Modeling - The wording used in the LIST command to report trimmed length and length of trims on non-twisted Profiles is misleading

In Structure model drawings , when running the command LIST on any non-twis ted profi le part (non-twis ted s ti ffener) the fol lowing l ines appear: -"Undeta i led Part Length:" - "Deta i l ing Shortened Start by:" - "Deta i l ing Shortened End by:"

The "Undeta i led Part Length" refers to the va lue s tored in the Trimmed Length field, which i s the length of the Profi le part before appl ication ofany endcuts or cutouts . The "Deta i led Shortened Start by" refers to the length removed from the s tart of the part as a resul t of endcuts or cutouts .The "Deta i led Shortened End by" refers to the length removed from the s tart of the part as a resul t of endcuts or cutouts .

This i s incorrect. In the correct scenario the LIST command should report the fol lowing:

"Trimmed Length (before endcuts and cutouts ):" "Trimmed Off Start Length (as a resul t of endcuts and cutouts )" "Trimmed Off End Length (as aresul t of endcuts and cutouts )"

20772 - Manager - Structure Catalog - Prevent users from defining Cutouts with blank names

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens the Manager and opens the Cutouts dia log of the Structure Stock Cata log [Manager->Structure->Stock Cata log->CutoutShapes].

2. The user defines a new Cutout Types that can be defined with blank names (names ei ther made of no characters or just whitespace).

Notice that the user was able to create the cutout. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should not be permitted to define blank names. Theinput needs to be constra ined.

19163 - Structure - Plank Stock Editor - Opening and closing the profile drawing for a plank will display a dialog to confirm changes even if no changes were done

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In the s tructura l s tock edi tor, the user selects a plank s tock.2. The user edi ts the shape drawing.3. Without making ANY changes to the drawing, the user cl i cks "Cancel".

Notice that that user wi l l receive a dia log asking the user to confi rm the changes (that didn't happen). This behavior i s incorrect s ince the edi tordia log should close with no prompt i f the user didn't make any changes .

21654 - Structure - The conflict resolution dialog does not not handle the Fabricated Components datasets

The confl ict resolution dia log does not not handle the Fabricated Components datasets . If a user plate nests a fabricated component whi lesomeone else i s edi ting the part this may display a confl ict resolution message.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens two SC sess ions (SC1 and SC2)2. (SC1) Open a drawing with a Fabricated Component part in i t3. (SC2) Plate nest one of the components of the Fabricated Component part4. (SC2) Save the plate nest drawing5. (SC1) Edi t the Fabricated Component part and change the part name6. (SC1) Save the model drawing

Notice that the error "The row confl ict i s not a monitored dataset" wi l l appear. This behavior i s incorrect as the Confl ictResolution dia log shouldhave handled the confl ict.

22647 - Structure - SCREPLICATE will fail if the part being replicated has a Hull Construction line and a corner treatment.

In the Structure module, SCREPLICATE wi l l fa i l i f the part being repl icated has a Hul l Construction l ine and a corner treatment.

Cons ider the fol lowing s teps :

1. The user creates a plate with SCCONSTRUCTIONHULLTRACECONSTRUCTIONLINE and one or more corner treatments .2. The user launces SCREPLICATE, select the plate and the drawing in which the part wi l l be repl icated.

Notice that "updating entries to the database" errors wi l l occur and no part wi l l be repl icated to the destination frame. This behavior i s incorrectas the part should be repl icated without any errors . Note that removing the corner treatment wi l l a l low the command to execute properly.

24740 - Production - BOM/Report - Mirror Part Name is slow, and displays unexpected results

Within BOMs and Reports there i s a field ca l led "MirrorPartName". From the name of the field the expectation i s that this field wi l l report thename of mirrored parts associated with the part being reported on that l ine (one of: corrugations , curved plates , extrus ions , plates , and twis tedsti ffeners ). This i s not actua l ly the case.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates an assembly drawing with s tructura l parts that have been mirrored and nested.2. The user generates a BOM with the "MirrorPartName" field.

Notice that this field reports mirrored parts that are nested in a mirror plate nest.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should report the mirrored part associated with i t. Due to the low uti l i zation of this field among our cl ients thisfield should be removed. This removal may a lso improve performances .

22735 - Production - Plate Nesting - Empty plate nest drawings may use plate inventory and behave as though they contain nested parts

Empty plate nest drawings may s ti l l use plate inventory and behave as though they conta in nested parts .

The fol lowing was discovered in a customer project: a visua l ly empty plate nest drawing was acting as i f i t conta ined nested parts . For example:

1. If the user attempts to delete the plate nest drawing, a warning message saying that parts must be unnested fi rs t would prevent the userfrom deleting the drawing.

2. If the user attempts to re-nest parts , the parts won't appear in the l i s t of ava i lable parts as i f the parts were nested.

3. If the user checks the plate s tock inventory in Manager, the user wi l l see that some plate inventory i s used by empty nest drawings .

Additional ly, i f the user deletes the plate nest drawing from the computer hard drive outs ide of ShipConstructor environment and, then, recreatesthe drawing from the database, the drawing wi l l s ti l l be recreated empty and wi l l behave as before.

The described behaviour i s incorrect. Empty plate nest drawings should not behave as i f they conta in nested parts . These drawings should not useplate inventory, and the user should be able to delete the drawings with no warning messages . A more rel iable mechanism is needed to preventoccas ional happening of inva l id plate nest drawings in ShipConstructor.

22823 - Manager - Structure Stock Catalog - If the user modifies Width and/or Length of an existing plate stock size definition, the plate size inventory willbecome unusable for nesting

If the user modi fies Width and/or Length of an exis ting plate s tock s i ze defini tion, the plate s i ze inventory wi l l become unusable for nesting. Forexample, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user has created a plate s tock in Structure Stock Cata log in Manager;2. The user has defined a plate s i ze s tandard for the s tock defini tion created in p. 1;3. Under the plate s i ze, the user has added severa l inventory i tems ava i lable for plate nesting;4. Without clos ing the Edi t Sizes dia log, the user has modi fied ei ther Width or Length of the plate s i ze defini tion created for the plate s tock.5. The user has closed the Edi t Sizes dia log and Structure Stock Cata log whi le keeping a l l of the recent changes .

If the user attempts to create a plate nest from an inventory i tem that exis ts under the modi fied s ize defini tion, the user wi l l see the fol lowingerror, "Unable to add s tock plate to database." The error happens only for nests created from inventories that exis t under modi fied s izes .

This i s incorrect behaviour. In the correct s i tuation, modi fying the s ize of a plate s tock should not lead to the inabi l i ty to create of plate nests fromthe inventory of that s i ze afterwards .

Subscription Advantage Pack

22317 - Advantage Pack - MarineDrafting - The line for View direction will still be colored even if it is invalid when doing manually setup

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In MarineDrafting, the user manual ly setups the 2D view.2. The user selects a l ine as the view direction but the l ine i s not a l igned with the bounding box.

Notice that the command l ine wi l l show View direction must be a l igned with the bounding box, i .e. the selected l ine i s inva l id for view direction,but the l ine wi l l s ti l l be colored to pink as i f i t i s va l id. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the l ine should not be colored as being va l id.

22319 - Advantage Pack - MarineDrafting - Unable to continue to select another line for view direction if the first selection is invalid

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user setups the 2D view manual ly.2. The user selects a l ine as the view direction, but the l ine i s not a l igned with the bounding box, the command l ine wi l l show View direction

must be a l igned with the bounding box , i .e. the selected l ine i s inva l id for view direction.

Notice that SCADVMDSETUP command wi l l ha l t. This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t would be more user-friendly to let the user to continue to selectanother l ine unless the user himsel f wants to s top the setup.

25172 - Subscription Advantage Pack - SCAdvShowPartsInDrawing may display the same accessory package multiple times

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Open a drawing that conta ins a connection between multiple parts that has an accessory package2. Run advantage pack command 'SCAdvShowParts InDrawing'3. Choose a BOM defini tion that has a col lector for the type of Accessory Package in Step 14. Refresh

Notice that there may be extra entries for accessory packages in the l i s t. This behavior i s incorrect s ince each accessory package should onlyappear once.

19105 - Subscription Advantage Pack - Structure Modeling - SCADVPARTVIEWLOADASSOCIATED missing colon ':' in the command line

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user selects s tructure part.2. The user runs SCADVPARTVIEWLOADASSOCIATED.

Notice that the command prompt wi l l display "Select Structure Enti ties1 found". This behavior i s incorrect s ince i t should display "Select StructureEnti ties : 1 found" instead.

22316 - Advantage Pack - MarineDrafting - Default view direction setting now based on the template(s) setting

Previous ly for MarineDrafting, the defaul t view direction was automatica l ly setup and a lways set to View From Aft, even when the project was setto No for View From Aft.

The defaul t view direction i s now the same as that establ i shed in the template setting.

22321 - Advantage Pack - MarineDrafting - Command SCADVMDCOLORRESTORE restores the last color rather than the original color

The command SCADVMDCOLORRESTORE restores las t color outputted by SCADVMDCOLORTOPART rather than the origina l base color.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Suppose that a 2D MarineDrafting Output was a l ready generated in a production drawing, then some of the exis ting parts of thisproduction were modi fied in their model drawing and the production has not updated yet.

2. Open the production, run SCUPDATEDWG to update the production3. When the Modify Part Information window comes out, in the 2D output sheet, run the command SCADVMDCOLORTOPART (Notice that the

modified objects in the 2D View wi l l be colored as Blue, for example Blue i s the defaul t color for modi fied parts )4. Now in the Modi fy Part Information window, change the Modified color from Blue to Yel low, and run the command SCADVMDCOLORTOPART

again (Notice that the modi fied objects in the 2D View now is highl ighted as Yel low).5. Run the command SCADVMDCOLORRESTOR.

Notice that the modi fied objects wi l l be restored to the Blue color which was las t used. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the SCADVMDCOLORRESTORshould a lways restore the objects to their origina l color.

22372 - Advantage Pack - MarineDrafting - Tag number should not be reserved if the manually setup did not succeed

When doing a manual ly setup of a 2D view, currently the tag number would be reserved even i f the setup did not succeed, such as after enter a tagnumber, then the user did not select a va l id l ine for view direction, or did not select a polyl ine l ine for output location, or even users manual lycancel out the setup. This i s incorrect. Idea l ly the tag number should only be reserved when the setup succeeded. Cons ider the fol lowing s teps :

1. In a Production drawing, draw a box over some of the parts .2. Attempt to manual ly set up the 2D view for output by running the command SCADVMDSETUP3. Select the box as bounding box when prompt4. Enter a tag number when prompt; such as 1015. Cancel out the setup.6. Repeat s tep 2 to 4, and enter tag number 101 when prompt

Notice that the 101 was a l ready reserved and i t does not a l low users to use i t. This i s incorrect. Idea l ly the tag number should be reserved onlywhen the setup succeeded.


25780 - Weld Drawing - Weld solid disappeared after reopening the drawing

The weld sol id that showed in a Weld Drawing would disappear after reopening the weld drawing. Cons ider the fol lowing s teps :

1. The user creates a Weld Drawing off an assembly (Noticed that a l l parts were loaded to the drawing as expected)2. The user opens Weld management.3. The user selects the assembly and generated weld paths .4. The user displays the weld sol ids in the drawing (Noticed that the weld sol ids shows as expected).5. The user saves , and then reopens the weld drawing.

Noticed that the weld sol ids are no longer shown in the weld drawing. This behavior i s incorrect s ince they should be shown.


25156 - WorkShare Design Export - When run on Windows Server 2008 'No visual style active' error is displayed

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user runs WorkShare Des ign Export (PackageProjectDlg) on Windows Server 2008 OS.2. Open WorkShare Des ign Export

The user wi l l be prompted with an error message that says , "Visua l Styles -related operation resul ted in an error because no visua l s tyle i s active."

This behavior i s incorrect s ince WorkShare Des ign Export should work fine with Windows Server 2008.

23796 - WorkShare - Using WorkShareCmd.exe with no arguments will return an error message instead of displaying the UI

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user opens a command l ine interface (e.g.: Command Prompt or PowerShel l )2. The user executes "WorkShareCmd.exe" with none or insufficient arguments / parameters .

Notice that i f an insufficient number of parameters are passed to WorkShareCmd.exe i t wi l l display the UI dia log instead of exi ting. This behavioris incorrect s ince the WorkShareCmd.exe should never launch any UI from WorkShareCmd.exe. If the user requires the UI, i t should be launchedmanual ly us ing WorkShare.exe (WorkShare Project Manager).

25756 - WorkShare - The "WorkShare" network share created by SCServerSetup does not have Write permission by default on Windows 7

On Windows 7, The Network Share created by SCServerSetup does not have Wri te permiss ion by defaul t. The user needs to change i t manual ly inorder for WorkShare to work.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user insta l l s ShipConstructor on Windows 7.2. The user launches SCServerSetup and attempt to create a WorkShare network share folder.

Notice that the user i s shown the fol lowing message:

"A wri table network share 'WorkShare' has been created at This needs to be wri table by any users that may use the WorkShare Functional i ty. It

must a lso be wri table by the user that SQL Server runs as . By defaul t the share i s readable and wri table by a l l users ."

However, folder that gets created has read-only permiss ion by defaul t on Windows 7. Users must manual ly change the share permiss ion to makeit wri table. They wi l l only need to make this change once: i f a WorkShare share with wri te permiss ion enabled a l ready exis ted, wri te permiss ionwi l l remain enabled after running SCServerSetup.

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the user should be noti fied that they need to change the folder permiss ion manual ly.

26591 - WorkShare Project - The ribbon and menu refer to the wrong command for WorkShare Project Deploy

When the user cl i cks on the WorkShare Project Deploy button on the ribbon (or menu) the command SCSMCREATESPLIT i s erroneous ly ca l led.

This behavior has been corrected to ca l l the command SCWORKSHAREPROJECTDEPLOY.

25552 - WorkShare Project - WorkShare Design - Timeout error may occur while processing refresh on large projects

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user spl i ts a large project.2. The user modi fies the spl i t.3. The user attempts to refresh the spl i t.

Notice that during the refresh the user may receive a timeout error. This behavior i s incorrect s ince some operation in the database may take moretime than the timeout may permit. The timeout l imit should be ra ised. Notice that the same error occurs during WorkShare Des ign Import.

19422 - WorkShare Project - Distributed Systems model drawings that have trailing spaces at the end of the file name can trigger an error in a merge or refreshoperation

In spl i t and merge projects , dis tributed systems model drawings that have tra i l ing spaces at the end of the fi le name can trigger an error in amerge or refresh operation.

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In a spl i t or master project, the user creates a dis tributed systems drawing with a tra i l ing space in the ti tle.2. The user attempts to create a merge or a refresh.

Notice that i f a dis tributed systems drawing have a tra i l ing space in i ts name the merge (or refresh) operation wi l l fa i l . This behavior i s incorrects ince the user should not be a l lowed to name drawings with tra i l ing spaces .

20943 - WorkShare Project - User is unable to rename an arrangement drawing created and owned by a split project

User i s unable to rename an arrangement drawing created and owned by a spl i t project. For example

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. A user i s working in a spl i t project;2. The user creates an arrangement drawing;3. The user saves the drawing.

Notice that the user wi l l be unable to rename the arrangement drawing in Navigator even i f they have the appropriate permiss ion ass igned. Thisbehavior i s incorrect. In the correct scenario i f the drawing i s owned by the spl i t project, and the user has the correct permiss ion to rename thearrangement drawing the user should be able to do so.

22028 - WorkShare Project - The Refresh operation will not transfer primary Product Hierarchy levels created in the Master project into Project Splits if the level isadded after the project has been split

In a Project Spl i t & Merge scenario, the Refresh operation wi l l not transfer primary Product Hierarchy levels created in the Master project intoProject Spl i ts i f the level i s added after the project has been spl i t.

For example, cons ider the fol lowing s i tuation:

1. The user has spl i t the project so that the enti re primary product hierarchy i s control led by the master project;2. The user has created a new level in the primary product hierarchy;3. The user has created an assembly at the new level in the primary product hierarchy;4. The user has sent the refresh fi le to the spl i t project;

The new assembly that has been created in the primary product hierarchy tree in the master project wi l l appear in the hierarchy tree in the spl i tproject. However, the new hierarchy level won't be vis ible in the project spl i t. If the user opens properties of the new assembly after refreshing theproject spl i t, the user wi l l see that the assembly belongs to an incorrect level because the correct level i s miss ing.

This behaviour should not occur. Al l changes appl ied to hierarchy levels in master should migrate into spl i ts upon refresh.

23034 - WorkShare - Modifying toolpaths of in-use standard parts in a split project may cause a merge failure

Modifying toolpaths of in-use s tandard parts in a spl i t project may cause a merge fa i lure. For example, cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user i s working in a project spl i t;2. In Manager, the user has opened the Standard Parts l ibrary;3. The user has deleted a construction l ine of a s tandard part defini tion;4. The user has modeled a new construction l ine to replace the deleted one;5. Without opening any model drawings , the user has created a merge fi le and sent i t to the master project.

If the master project has exis ting s tandard parts modeled from a s tandard part defini tion that was modi fied in the project spl i t, the mergeoperation wi l l fa i l wi th an error.

18854 - WorkShare Project - Disconnecting the server during a merge/refresh operation will result in a series of errors and will render the Manager unstable

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user ini tiates a merge/refresh operation.2. The user disconnects the server during the merge/refresh operation.3. This wi l l resul ted in a series of error messages .

Notice that after this occurrence, WorkShare Manager i s now unstable and wi l l l i kely crash i f the user attempts a second operation. This behavioris incorrect s ince the process should fa i l graceful ly without impacting the s tabi l i ty of the manager.

25797 - WorkShare Project - Deploy Project - Exception gets thrown after cancelling restore when trying to deploy a scproj file created with a newerShipConstructor version

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches the Deploy Project command.2. The user attempts to cancel the restore process .

Notice that an exception wi l l be reported after cancel ing the restore process .

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the command should cancel graceful ly.

26414 - Package Project - Hull and Pinjigs drawings are not included in archive

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a package and include only ShipConstructor drawings .2. The user deploys the package in a new location.

Notice that the log fi le wi l l indicate that the Hul l and PinJig drawings have been skipped. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the drawing should havebeen included in the package.

24410 - WorkShare Design - Inserting trivial package into a project may recalculate welds even when not required

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. Create a WorkShare Des ign package which includes a s ingle non-structure i tem.2. Import that package into a speci fic project.

Notice that depending on the project WorkShare Des ign Insert wi l l spend a substantia l amount of time reca lculating welds for the project. Thisbehavior i s incorrect s ince the welds should only be ca lculated when required.

25393 - WorkShare - Failure creating a project from split does not remove the partially deployed data

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user deploys a project from a spl i t.2. The operation fa i l s for a reason.3. In Windows Explorer, the user opens the destination that the project was supposed to be deployed to.

Notice that i f the Project Deployment from a spl i t fa i l s during the process the fi les that were copied in the destination di rectory wi l l remain. Thisbehavior i s incorrect s ince those fi les should be removed.

20745 - WorkShare Project - Package Project - Cancelling the Selected Project dialog in Package Project results in an error

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user launches ShipConstructor without currently connected to a project when the user runs Package Project.2. The user i s prompted with a Select Project Dia log.3. The user cancels .

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with an error reporting that there i s no connection. This behavior i s incorrect s ince the window should justdisappear s i lently, a fter the user cl i cks Cancel .

Note that i f ShipConstructor i s connected to a project prior to run Package Project, the user wi l l not encounter the error.

12839 - WorkShare Project - Connecting to a project with no drawings the first time shows error "You cannot save this drawing because it is not split to thecurrent project"

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. The user creates a spl i t conta ining no drawings (dwg).2. The user deploys the spl i t.3. From the spl i t the user attempts to connect to a project.

Notice that the user wi l l be prompted with an error s tating that "You cannot save this drawing because i t i s not spl i t to the current project". Thisbehavior i s incorrect s ince once the database i s deployed the miss ing drawing and subfolders should be regenerated.

11263 - WorkShare Project - Refreshing or Merging a project may intermittently fail

Cons ider the fol lowing scenario:

1. In the WorkShare Project Manager the user selects a project to be merged OR a package to refresh.2. The user launches the process .

Notice that whi le process ing the merge or refresh fi le, i t may intermittently fa i l wi th the fol lowing error: Error occurred whi le creating projectdatabase: Unable to restore database

This behavior i s incorrect s ince the refresh or merge should execute without any problems.

23240 - WorkShare Project Manager - New Split Project window has incorrect icon for Product Hierarchy

In the New Spl i t Project window, the icons for Product Hierarchy and Product Hierarchy Drawing are incorrect comparing those icons used inShipConstructor main window.

Cons ider the fol lowing s teps :

1. From Start menu, open WorkShare Project Manager, regis ter to a project.2. Cl ick New Spl i t to open the New Spl i t Project window3. Cl ick on Product Drawing tab, under ProductHierarchy folder. Notice that the icons for Product Hierarchy Drawings are incorrect.4. Cl ick on the Product Hierarchy tab

Notice that the icons for PRIMARY and non-primary PH are incorrect.

23581 - WorkShare Design - Fixed licensing issue which would allow a user to access a WorkShare enabled project without a WorkShare enabled license

In certa in s i tuations a user was able to access a WorkShare enabled project without a WorkShare enabled l i cense. A WorkShare enabled projectis defined as ei ther:

1. A project uti l i zing the WorkShare Project features (Spl i ts )2. A project which had previous ly processed a WorkShare Des ign package

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