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Page 1: Shofar final 10 2014

October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

From the Desk of Rabbi Cohenמשולחנו של הרב כהן

The Temple Sinai Newsletter · October 2014 ·Tishrei - Cheshvan 5775

LifelongLearningPage 7


CenterfoldPages 12-13

NewMembersPage 16

Gift ShopInformation

Page 16

Dine OutPage 23

In this issue:

Events 2President’sMessage


Cantor 4B’nai Mitzvah 4ReligiousSchool


Men’s Club &Sisterhood


Life Cycles 8



Donations 15

Temple Newsand Notes



The Sinai Congregation E-Goatשעיר לעזאזל אלקטרוני של בית כנסת סיני


***********See Page 12 for FULL


Service Times***********

njoy The Builders

Recently, a mother, Sidra BoshesShapiro, who attended our Tots Shabbat,brought to my attention a card which wasinserted into the pews of a particularChristian church. The card attempted tomake families with children feel welcomeat worship, while asking folks withoutkids to have understanding. I suggestedshe write a Jewish version, which she did. The card can nowbe found in our sanctuary. Here are a few highlights:

“Relax! Hashem (God) put wiggle in children, don’t feel youhave to suppress it in shul. All are welcome. Sit near thefront where your children can see what is happening on thebimah. They are tired of seeing the backs of others’ heads.Quietly explain the parts of the service and the actions of therabbi, cantor, etc. Sing the songs and say the prayers.Children learn how to participate in shul from you. If youneed to leave the sanctuary with your child, feel free to doso, but please come back!

We know that children cannot stay quiet for long periods oftime. Short bursts of enthusiasm from little ones are fine. Ifthey are loudly crying or talking for a continuous period oftime, we ask that you take them into the hallway for a whileso that other congregants are not disturbed especially duringkaddish or the Rabbi’s sermon. Many parents bring quiettoys or books to occupy their children during services.Please do not bring toys that make noise, and please pause

the video game during the Shema andKaddish!......Remember that the way we welcomechildren in shul directly affects the way they respond toshul, to Judaism and to one another. Let them, and theirparents, know that they are welcome in this shul.

To shul members: The presence of children is a gift tothe shul, and they are a reminder that our community isgrowing. Please welcome our children, and give a smileof encouragement to their parents. Glares and evenunfriendly glances can really hurt. That parent is doinghis or her best. If you see a parent struggling, pleaseoffer to help them. Remember those adults in your lifewho taught you about your faith, and honor theirwillingness to teach and to welcome you by doing thesame for a new generation.

Rabbi Eleazar says in the Babylonian Talmud: Don’t callthem banayich – thy children, call them bonayich – thybuilders. If creating a safe and comfortable environmentfor young children and parents will help families come toshul, help them be able to stay in shul, and get themhabituated to being in shul, then we are truly turning ourchildren and their families into the builders of our future.”I am proud that these words are in our sanctuary. It sayssomething about who we are and what we want for ourreligious community. Let’s enjoy the presence of youth.In many ways, praying alongside them will make ourspiritual experience all the more fulfilling.

Wishing you well over the fast.Rabbi Malcolm Cohen

ear Friends,Please follow the link below for an interesting new project forTemple Sinai. If you go to http://sinailv.escgoat.com you willhave a chance to do what the ancient Israelites did and sacrificea goat to atone for your sins. Don’t worry! It’s not a real goat,just an electronic one. I already uploaded one of my sins to thesite so if you see “I shout at my kids too much” then you knowit’s from me. However, all the sins you upload are totallyanonymous. So, go to http://sinailv.escgoat.com and submit a

sin, it will feel liberating! Lastly, thenew sins that are submitted areonly uploaded to the website oncea day.Well over the fast,Rabbi Malcolm Cohen

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2 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Wednesday, October 01, 201406:00 PM - 08:00 PM Hizdamnut- Adult Education Opportunity07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Boy Scout MeetingThursday, October 02, 201406:30 PM Adult Choir PracticeFriday, October 03, 201407:30 PM - 09:00 PM Yom Kippur - Kol NidreSaturday, October 04, 201410:00 AM - 01:00 PM Yom Kippur - Morning01:00 PM - 03:00 PM Yom Kippur - Study Session02:30 PM - 03:30 PM Yom Kippur - Children's Service03:15 PM - 04:15 PM Yom Kippur - Afternoon04:30 PM - 05:00 PM Yom Kippur - Yizkor05:15 PM Yom Kippur - NeilahSunday, October 05, 201409:30 AM - 12:00 PM No Religious School - Day after YomKippur10:00 AM - 11:30 PM Class Taught by Rabbi Cohen titled“Beyond Borders” The History of the Arab Israeli Conflict’10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Men’s Club SoftballTuesday, October 07, 201406:00 PM - 07:30 PM Ritual Committee MeetingWednesday, October 08, 201403:30 PM - 05:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting04:30 PM - 06:00 PM Hebrew School, Post B'nai andConfirmation Classes - Sukkot Service06:00 PM - 07:30 PM Erev Sukkot Pizza in the Hut07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Boy Scout MeetingThursday, October 09, 201410:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sukkot - Morning06:30 PM Adult Choir Practice07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Social Action/Social Justice07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Zumba ClassesFriday, October 10, 201407:30 PM - 08:45 PM Shabbat WorshipSaturday, October 11, 201410:00 AM - 11:45 AM Shabbat Morning WorshipSunday, October 12, 201409:30 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School10:00 AM - 11:30 PM Class Taught by Rabbi Cohen titled“Beyond Borders” The History of the Arab Israeli Conflict’10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Men's Club BreakfastWednesday, October 15, 201404:30 PM - 06:00 PM Hebrew School, Post B'nai andConfirmation Classes - Simchat Torah Service06:00 PM Erev Simchat Torah07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Boy Scout MeetingThursday, October 16, 201410:00 AM - 12:00 PM Simchat Torah - Morning

Eventsממושמש ובא

06:30 PM Adult Choir Practice07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Sisterhood Board Meeting07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Zumba ClassesFriday, October 17, 201407:30 PM - 08:45 PM Shabbat WorshipSaturday, October 18, 201410:00 AM - 11:45 AM Shabbat Morning WorshipSunday, October 19, 201409:30 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School10:00 AM - 11:30 PM Class Taught by Rabbi Cohen titled“Beyond Borders” The History of the Arab Israeli Conflict’10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Sisterhood Executive Meeting10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Men’s Club Softball05:00 PM - 08:00 PM Homework/Social Grades 7 - 11Monday, October 20, 201406:30 PM - 08:00 PM Men’s Club Board MeetingTuesday, October 21, 201404:30 PM - 06:00 PM Hebrew School, Post B'nai andConfirmation Classes07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Nevadans for the Common Good07:00 PM - 09:00 PM Temple Sinai Book ClubWednesday, October 22, 201403:00 PM - 08:00 PM Dine Out - Bagel Cafe06:00 PM - 08:00 PM Hizdamnut- Adult Education Opportunity07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Boy Scout MeetingThursday, October 23, 201406:30 PM Adult Choir Practice07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Zumba ClassesFriday, October 24, 201407:30 PM - 08:45 PM Shabbat WorshipSaturday, October 25, 201410:00 AM - 11:45 AM Shabbat Morning Worship05:00 PM Bat Mitzvah of Maddy Appleyard06:00 PM - 11:00 PM Temple Sinai GalaSunday, October 26, 201409:30 AM - 12:00 PM Religious School10:00 AM - 11:30 PM Class Taught by Rabbi Cohen titled“Beyond Borders” The History of the Arab Israeli Conflict’10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sisterhood General MeetingTuesday, October 28, 201404:30 PM - 06:00 PM Hebrew School, Post B'nai andConfirmation ClassesWednesday, October 29, 201406:00 PM - 08:00 PM Hizdamnut- Adult Education Opportunity07:00 PM - 08:30 PM Boy Scout MeetingThursday, October 30, 201406:30 PM Adult Choir Practice07:00 PM - 08:00 PM Zumba ClassesFriday, October 31, 201407:30 PM - 08:45 PM Shabbat Worship

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3October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Shenker AcademyLinda Specht, Director

[email protected]

ControllerJohn Demarco

[email protected]

Temple OfficePhil Scully, Executive Director

[email protected]

Kim Israel, Executive [email protected]

Sinai ShofarApryl Lyttle and Greg Safdeye,

[email protected]

Temple Sinai Building SustainabilityCampaign Fundraising Goal



Temple Sinai

Rabbi Malcolm [email protected] Mariana Gindlin

[email protected]

Executive CommitteeJulie Littmann, President

[email protected] Sherman, 1st Vice President

[email protected] Duman, 2nd Vice President

[email protected] Golodner, [email protected]

Jack Kaufman, Recording Sec-retary

[email protected]

TrusteesIlana Shapiro

Stephanie HelmsBob Levin

Jaime PollackSteve Weiner

Ed GoldenbergShel Kolner

Immediate Past PresidentRick Hollander

SisterhoodTina Drago, President

[email protected]

Men’s ClubSean Lyttle, President

[email protected]

Religious SchoolDr. Sharon Knafo

[email protected]

President’s Messageמסר הנשיא

Family is the most important thing in the world.– Princess Diana

Fellow Congregants,

September and October have been and will be a time for new beginnings at TempleSinai. I want to take the time to update all of you on some of the things that havebegun to bring our new campus to life.

The beginning of September brought forth our first big event at Temple Sinai with aconcert featuring Cantor Mariana Gindlin and the Temple Sinai choir, with specialguests The Voices of Worship and Praise Gospel Choir. Ask anyone who attendedthe sold out performance, and I am sure you will hear that it was truly as enjoyable as it was spiritual. Theexperience that everyone shared is a testament to our leadership’s innovative, forward thinking, which willestablish our position within the Jewish community.

Just a little over a week later, we had our official dedication of the new campus. Many dignitaries were inattendance, including a special recognition of Stephen Haberkorn for his philanthropic efforts in making ourdream of a new campus become reality. Steve received a lifetime position on the Board of Trustees for allthat he has done, and we are happy to welcome him.

The end of September provided us with the privilege of worshiping our High Holy Days in our newsynagogue. As a congregant in attendance, the amount of pride I felt witnessing Rabbi Cohen and CantorGindlin leading all of us in prayer was indescribable. I hope all of you gained the lifelong memories that I didbeing a part of such a special time for our shul. Stay tuned for my Kol Nidre speech at Yom Kippur; Ipromise that it will be a doozy!

October will bring our 4th Annual Gala honoring Immediate Past President Richard Hollander. Rick has beennothing less than the guiding force in everything you see around the new campus. This year’s Gala honorsRick’s efforts, and I encourage all of you to come and enjoy the festivities, which include a silent and liveauction along with dinner and dancing.

This an exciting time for all of us, and I hope that all of you take advantage of the programs and events thatare available now and in the near future. Take care.

My door is always open.

Julie LittmannPresident

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4 October 2014


Bar Mitzvah of Justin FlasherJבר מצוה של ידל קאלמן בן ישראל ורבקה

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

From the Desk of Cantor Gindlinמשולחנה של החזנית גינדלין

ear Temple Family,

I want to take this opportunity to thank thegreat amount of people who helped theconcert become the great success that itwas!

My beloved choir, I’m so proud of those ofyou who participated: Dorothy Cohen, GailDupre, Kate Harris-Golodner, JackieKolner, Kate Labahn, Judy Salz, Lucie Sample, SabrinaOlsen, Mike Rome, and Stu Stein. You took upon yourself theresponsibility of learning all the songs in such a short periodof time. As always, it was a pleasure to work together withyou in preparation for the event. You sounded like angels.

My music committee members, Phil Scully, Gabi and HowardSilverman, Debbie Breslerman, Jeff Moskow, Carl Burlin,Ronen Rahaman and Shel Kolner, for working hard toprepare for the concert, considering every detail. You did anamazing job. Thank you Ben Stanigar for filming the event!

A big thank you to Sean Lyttle for helping with the hiring of thegospel choir.

To Julie Littmann, for the inspiration, and to Les Sherman,Rick Hollander, Marshall Everakes, and Laura Coleman andthe board of directors for the support. Let me tell you how thiswhole idea started:I had been thinking about how great it would be to cometogether and do an interfaith project for a long time. One day,I was talking to Julie, and she said, “Why don’t you do agospel concert?” So, this is actually Julie’s dream comingtrue. Julie, you just took the presidency, so this is just thebeginning.

May all your dreams for our Temple Sinai come true. May youdare to dream big, and bigger and bigger. Because there isno doubt in my mind that Temple Sinai is a miracle. There isno doubt in my mind that G-d is with us. May we raise the bar

higher and higher and build togetherunforgettable moments at our newlybuilt and vibrant Temple Sinai.G-d Bless you, B’Shalom,Shanah Tovah U’mtukah. May youhave a good and sweet year!

Cantor Mariana Gindlin


Bat Mitzvah of Maddy Appleyardבת מצוה של מלכה ציביה בת יוחנן ואסתר

a ddy Appleyard will be celebratingher Bat Mitzvah in October at TempleSinai. Family and friends from all overthe United States and Canada will besharing in Maddy's special day and weare all so very excited!

Maddy is an honor student in the 8thgrade at Sig Rogich Middle School. Herpassion and talent in singing anddancing has enabled her to be a part ofthe elite Show Choir three years in arow at Rogich. This year she had auditioned and was choseninto the top women's choir "Bella Voce" which will becompeting in Disneyland in the spring. Maddy is a sweet andcaring person with a lot of friends and loves to laugh. Hersense of humor and quick wit keep us laughing everyday, wetruly feel there is a stage with Maddy's name in lights in herfuture!

Maddy has chosen to spread awareness and raise money forthe Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) as herMitzvah Project. This project is close to Maddy's heart as herbig sister, Hallie, has Type 1 Diabetes. Maddy's Bat Mitzvahis on the same day as the JDRF's Walk to a Cure so it wasimportant to Maddy to help make a difference and raisemoney so one day there will be a cure for T1D. If you wouldlike to help Maddy with this project, please goto www2.jdrf.org/goto/hallie to make a donation. Thank you!!

As parents, we are so truly blessed to have Maddy as our"Spice of Life". She is an amazing daughter and we are soproud of all she accomplishes every day. We know with herdetermination and zest for life she can make all of her dreamscome true.

Elana & Jim Appleyard

ustin is currently an honors student atMolasky Junior High and has lived inLas Vegas for only a little over a year.He loves all sports and has playedsoccer since he was 3 years old. He iscurrently a player for Vegas United clubsoccer team. Justin is an animal loverand for his Mitzvah project has beenvolunteering with A Home For Spotanimal rescue. He loves playing withhis dogs at home, Pebbles and Marnie.Justin also enjoys all types of music and movies. He hopesone day to be professional soccer player or a sportscaster for ESPN.

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5October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני


Events by JulsFull Service

Event PlannersLas Vegas, Nevada702-204-6602 cell702-233-6469 fax

www.eventsbyjuls.comJulie Littmann

Eat, Pray, Learn V.5.05.0גרסה , ללמוד, להתפלל, לאכול


How many times have you heard someone say “Next Year inJerusalem”? Why not make it a reality? Experience Israel’s uniqueand fascinating culture and its meaningful, awe-inspiring history first-hand while deepening your connection with the people and the Stateof Israel.

Temple Sinai is organizing the trip of a lifetime: a 13-day, 11-nightfully-guided tour of Israel. You will stay in luxury 4-Star hotels andtravel in complete safety and comfort. Your tour guides aregovernment-certified. You will spend 5 nights in Jerusalem, 2 nightsin Upper Galilee and 3 nights in Tel Aviv (final night travelling back toLas Vegas). For a portion of the trip you will be accompanied byRabbi Cohen.

Among the many amazing, historic sites you will visit are: theWestern Wall, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Knesset, Yad Vashem(the memorial and museum dedicated to the Holocaust), Masada,and the Shrine of the Book (home of the Dead Sea Scrolls). You willhave a chance to float in the Dead Sea, to visit a kibbutz, and tospend some of your free time walking along the beach and theboardwalk in Tel Aviv.

For just $2,765 per person (land tour only), double occupancy, youcan experience the wonders of Israel. Single accommodations areavailable for an additional $1,095 per person. Your trip will begin onApril 14, 2015, and includes a full breakfast every day and a total of2 lunches and 3 dinners. A deposit of $500 per person will reserveyour spot. Make your reservation early! Space is limited!

To learn more about the itinerary or for more information on how youcan be part of this fantastic journey to “The Land of Milk and Honey”,please contact Phil Scully by email ([email protected]) or bycalling the Temple office (702-254-5110). Don’t miss out on a tripthat will provide you with many incredible memories that will last for alifetime.

Religious School Newsחדשות בית ספר מקדש סיני

2014-15 First Week of School at Temple Sinai RS

w ant to welcome our students, parents,teachers, community friends, Temple Sinaileaders, and anyone who feels like part of ourReligious School, to a wonderful and exciting2014-15 school year. Special welcome goesto our new families and our new students forjoining our extended Temple Sinai family.

Jewish tradition regards learning as a sacredendeavor, where everything in school reflectslearning’s elevated status. The value ofVeshinantam (You shall teach them to your children) is a centralpart of our Temple Sinai Religious School. This means, amongother things, teaching our students to be respectful to their peers,teachers, parents, and to their community. Accordingly, wepromote kind behavior, and we celebrate leadership andexemplary role modeling by our teachers, Madrichim (counselors),and our students.

Our first week was a true reflection of these values. Our studentscame eager to learn biblical texts, Shabbat, High Holidays,Hebrew language, tropes, values, and other curricular subjectsthat we will thoroughly discuss as the school year continues. Pre-K students were listening to a wonderful story about the Shabbat,reflecting on their personal experience of the Shabbat at home,and at the synagogue. Kindergarten students loved crafting apersonal Tzedakah (charity) box as they learned about theimportance of giving. Our First through Seventh grade studentsbegan their Chai curriculum with interesting discussions aboutJewish values, practice of Judaism, and lessons about the historyof the Jewish people. Grades 6 and 7 started their tropes (Torahchanting) lesson with Cantor, which will ultimately lead to easierBar/t Mitzvah learning journeys. 8th & 9th grade students continuedtheir post Bar/t Mitzvah Jewish education with Rabbi Cohen anddiscussed the topic of dating and relationships.

Our Hebrew school on Tuesday was fully attended; students wereintroduced to the Hebrew letters in early age, reading and writingHebrew in higher grades, and enjoying the company of theirTemple Sinai peers.

In the next month we will naturally focus on the upcoming HighHolidays, and on the Holidays of Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Welearn about the customs, prayers, and traditions that we all love.Our education to leadership as reflected by our great volunteers(28 Madrichim!) starts and ends in the classrooms, and at oursynagogue, and we are proud of our students.

I wish you a wonderful school year and greetings to the New Year,Le'Shana Tova Tikatevu (May you be inscribed and sealed for agood year),

Dr. Sharon KnafoEducation Director

Save the Dates….June 5-7, 2015. Eat, Pray, Learn 5 is setfor a dynamic 3 day, 2 night event. On June 5-7, 2015, RabbiCohen, Cantor Gindlin, Religious School Director SharonKnafo and an excited committee will lead the 3 day session atthe Mt. Charleston Lodge. Lots of details to come….just setyour calendars for this event. You won’t want to miss it.

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6 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

From Your Sisterhoodממועדון אחיות שלכם

F G all is quickly approaching and we are in themidst of our High Holiday rituals. I hopeeveryone is enjoying the transition bothphysically and spiritually. These last fewweeks the temple has been enjoying the fruitsof our labor. The new temple truly took avillage to create; however, I would be remiss if Ididn’t give kudos to our leadership andspecifically our President, Julie. Julieexemplifies grace under fire, and is a beautifulrole model for the women of Sisterhood. Her

long hours, strategic negotiations, the ability to unite strongpersonalities for a common goal all while being kind and direct; makeno mistake: Julie is our leader, and I am proud to be working with herboard. I would also like to recognize the Cantor and how she hasstrengthened the bonds of our community with the city of Las Vegasthrough music. The Cantor concert was moving. I was seated in theback of the shul watching our mature community be revitalizedthrough gospel music. People clapping, singing and dancing in theirseats brought a smile to my lips, and even as I write this column I amstill smiling.

Sisterhood is introducing and sponsoring 2 new programs for allTemple members.

Zumba classes every Thursday from 7pm-8pm ($5/class or 5classes for $20) – Come work out with friends and don’t worry if youare new ;the classes will be age and skill-level appropriate.

Game Night will be held the 1st Wednesday of each month – MahJong, Rummikub, Card Games and more will be offered in theLibrary starting at 6pm. Partake in playful competition, bring yourfriends, and make new friends.

Macy’s Charity Day is Sunday October 5th,, for a sneak peak at thenew Summerlin Macy’s. Tickets are available in the Gift Shop whilethey last.

Every member of Sisterhood is invited to our Chico Fashion Showand Brunch Sunday November 16th,, 10am-1pm. This event iscomplimentary to all Sisterhood members and new members arewelcome to join!!!! Please RSVP to Barbara Stallone [email protected],

The Sisterhood’s NEW Gift Shop is OPEN – The NEW hours ofoperation are: Fridays 6pm-7:30pm, Sundays 9am-1pm andTuesday 4:30pm-6:00pm and always by appointment. Look for JanShumow. The Sisterhood Gift Shop is NOW OFFERINGINVATATIONS for any celebration! Get your Bar/Bat Mitzvahshopping done in one convenient location! Don’t be shy…..shop,shop and shop…we will buy more!

Sisterhood is still looking for fun-loving, conscientious ladies to jointhe fun. Contact Resa Snyder for more information [email protected] . As always, any woman who is a member ofTemple Sinai is welcome to join the Sisterhood. I have met so manywonderful women and know there are many more of you to stillmeet. I get weekly updates on new members joining and it justtickles me that we have such a warm, smart and strong group ofwomen.

Shalom,Tina Drago

From Your Men’s Clubממועדון אחים שלכם

etting Clean

“Chronic remorse, as all the moralists areagreed, is a most undesirable sentiment. If youhave behaved badly, repent, make what amendsyou can, and address yourself to the task ofbehaving better next time. On no account broodover your wrongdoing. Rolling in the muck is notthe best way of getting clean.” – Aldous Huxley,Brave New World

As we head toward Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, it comes asno surprise that many of us are in a self-reflective mood. Indeed, oneof the key themes of the High Holy Days is teshuva, or repentance.Literally, however, teshuva means “return” – to a better way of living,to renewed moral “cleanliness”, to yet another fresh start in anothernew year. In Gates of Repentance, Rabbenu Yonah of Geronataught that, if a man commits a sin, he can usually be forgiven forthat transgression if he acknowledges his regret of it, makeswhatever reparations he can, and endeavors not to repeat it. That, ina nutshell, is the mechanics of teshuva. Note will: nowhere in theprotocol is there any requirement of lifelong remorse or wallowing inself-loathing.

Based on the quotation with which I opened this column, it wouldseem that Aldous Huxley was a student of Rabbenu Yonah’s! Huxleypoints out that “chronic remorse” is an “undesirable” frame of mind.That sounds like another great rabbi (and Huxley’s fellowEnglishman), our own Rabbi Malcolm Cohen, who is fond ofreminding us that, as Jews, we are forbidden to despair. Once again,despair is simply not in the formula. As Huxley puts it, repent, makeamends, make a better choice next time, and then be done with allthe brooding.

Yes, Yom Kippur is upon us, but right after that, this very month,comes the joy of building and decorating the sukkah, dancing withthe Torah scrolls, and savoring the change of season from hotsummer to crisp autumn. When I was a child in the deep South, fallwas my favorite season. Still is, really. I used to remark about how,as the air cooled and dried, it began to smell somehow “cleaner”.The football, sweaters, and pumpkin-flavored everything bring mecomfort every year, but it is really that cleaner-smelling, crisp air thatalways gets me excited about the season. Perhaps it is nocoincidence, then, that our Day of Atonement – when we set aboutcleaning our consciences – is a harbinger of our season of autumn –when our Creator sets about giving the air a good scrub.

The Men’s Club of Temple Sinai wishes all of you a sweet and happynew year, and a good fast. Just remember, when you break that fastwith your family and friends, it will be time to cease the regrettingand the atoning. Rolling in the muck really isn’t the best way ofgetting clean. And, if you want a good way to breathe in that freshfall air with a side of great fellowship, come join us on a Sundaymorning for Men’s Club softball.

Kol Tuv,Sean Lyttle

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7October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Temple Sinai is a warm and welcoming ReformJewish community engaged in lifelong learning,social justice, and soulful worship.

Lifelong Learning (Torah) – Wherever you findyourself, we want to help you get to the next stageof your Jewish journey. We offer formal and informalopportunities for learners to find genuine meaningand answers to keenly felt moral questions andpersonal issues within the Jewish tradition.You will notice that we have a wonderful range ofevents from stand-alone events to three-sessionmini-courses to two-year in depth study. For thiscongregation the social experience of learning isextremely important alongside the content of ourstudy. We hope that you will deepen yourconnections to our heritage and each other as youmove to the next stage of your journey.

L’shalom/To PeaceRabbi Malcolm Cohen

Adult Bar Mitzvah CourseContact Rabbi Cohen at [email protected] or(702) 254-5110 if you are interested in learning on adeeper level with a group of Temple Sinai memberswith a view to culminating the course of study in abar mitzvah ceremony.

Conversion ClassContact Rabbi Cohen at [email protected] or(702) 254-5110 if you have thought of converting toJudaism.

Florence Melton Adult Mini-SchoolThe Florence Melton Adult Mini-School is a worldpioneer in the field of adult Jewish education. TheMini-School, a social franchise, forms aninternational network of community-based schoolsoffering adults the opportunity to acquire Jewishliteracy in an open, trans-denominational,intellectually stimulating learning environment. TheFlorence Melton Adult Mini-School is the largestpluralistic adult Jewish education network in theworld. For details of the Vegas branch at whichRabbi Cohen teaches, speak to Lynn Wexler-

Margolies at [email protected] or (702)875-5387.

Sisterhood & Men’s ClubBoth of these groups work within the synagogue toprovide fascinating speakers and educationalevents.

Senior CommitteeThis committee will also connect you with learningopportunities around the valley. Look out for theirevents through our communications.

Religious School and Youth GroupOur Religious school offers formal and informallearning opportunities for young people from pre-kindergarten age through High School. For moreinformation, please contact the Temple office.Tuition$500 K - 2nd Grade$625 3rd - 7th Grade$400 8th - 12th GradeDiscount for Each Additional Child (after the first)$50

Saturday Morning Torah Study SessionsSaturdays, 10:00 am - 11:30 am in the sanctuaryShabbat Morning services enhanced by astimulating Torah study session, held during theservice. All are welcome. No RSVP required.

Social MediaFollow us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram@templesinailv

Lifelong Learning At Temple Sinaiלימכנסת סיניודים לאורך החיים בבית

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8 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Birthdaysימי הולדת

Anniversariesימי נישואין


Purchase a Leaf or Pebble on theTemple Sinai Tree of Life!

Leaves are $100*. Pebbles are$180*.

*Prices are good through 12/31/14

Nicole Snipper 10/1Laura Tamir 10/1Sarah Friedland 10/3Douglas Heck 10/3Shayna Beckerman 10/4Dorothy Grill 10/5Avi Kenyon 10/6Bar Minuskin 10/6Lawrence Schwartz 10/6Jonathan Abrams 10/7Madelynn Fishler 10/7Noah Robinson 10/7Morton Berg 10/8Daina Loeffler 10/8Ilana Rahaman 10/8Courtney Lane 10/9Michael Loeffler 10/9Michael Rome 10/9Jared Khoury 10/10Jeffry Rosenblatt 10/10Neal Ross 10/10Sidney Blum 10/11Harrison Epstein 10/11Robert Futrell 10/11John Isaacs 10/12Emma Rosenblum 10/12Harold Brown 10/14

Dallas Carver 10/15Asher Rogow 10/15Louise Unell 10/15Myrna Brown 10/17Rosalind Gardner 10/17Samantha Mairs 10/18Julia Mairs 10/18Kelly Epstein 10/19Bruce Goldman 10/19Janice Hoffman 10/20Maya Nizri 10/21Jean Kranen 10/22Joseph Littmann 10/22Joan Weil 10/24Michael Bernstein 10/25Philip Fisher 10/25Leah Joseph 10/25Jeffrey Moskow 10/26Polly Weinstein 10/26Steve Solomon 10/27Jason Goldman 10/28Carolyn Kosowsky 10/29Bryan Rosenblatt 10/29Laurie Frankoff 10/30Jayme Glick 10/30Bruce Roth 10/30Robert Kelemen 10/31

Philip & Raymonde Fiol 10/7Mark & Lisa Ostrovsky 10/9Stuart & Amy Stein 10/9Scott & Karen Leader 10/10Michael & Kimberly Bernstein 10/12Stacy & Robert Hakes 10/12Karin & Charles Wegner 10/12Robert & Darlene Jacobs 10/13Jonathan & Martine Blum 10/14Asher & Marlee Rogow 10/14Jay & Lana Schwartz 10/15Jack & Nancy Weinstein 10/15Philip & Andi Scully 10/17Peter & Bonnie Andrews 10/18Donald & Sherry Friend 10/19John & Mirabai Isaacs 10/19Myron & Phyllis Bernstein 10/20Robert & Susan Futrell 10/20Jack & Linda Rubin 10/20Leon & Evelyn Goldstein 10/23Kasey & Shanna Meyer 10/25Mitchell & Dorothy Cohen 10/29Jeffry & Elise Rosenblatt 10/30

Irving Klegerman 10/3Richard Greenberg 10/5Roslyn Gleicher 10/5Eli Kraft 10/5Sally Eigenberg 10/7Max Rosenberg 10/9David Amdurer 10/10Anne Schoengold 10/11Helen Bloom 10/11Irving Kaufman 10/12Leroy Cooley 10/12Rae Engel 10/13Laura Kelman 10/14Shirley Freidman 10/15Gerry Gilbert 10/15James Eglin 10/15Solomon Eisen 10/15Max Rosenbloom 10/16Meriam Spertus 10/17Morris Glick 10/17Jorge Mendoza 10/18

Harold Sender 10/19Mildred Silber 10/20Anne Shest 10/22Benjamin Fiol 10/22Morris Bernstein 10/23Benjamin Karbal 10/23Sol Patzik 10/23Harry Rosen 10/24Geraldine Beckerman 10/24Norma Snipper 10/24Bertha Feigensen 10/24Lillian Bernstein 10/27Gussie Kaplan 10/27Edith Aroner 10/28Michael Kratovich 10/28Ruth Greenstein 10/29George Peck 10/30Lottie Kolner 10/30Sarah Atlas 10/30Abraham Shapiro 10/31Lena Zirinsky 10/31

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9October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

This may be coordinated with Oneg Shabbatsponsorships.

To do any of the above or to supply informationrequested above, contact Shel Kolner(702.228.4744 or 702.334.8914) or send an e-mailto [email protected].

Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities at Temple Sinaiהזדמנויות פרסום וחסות בבית כנסת סיני

Talk to the Board!Your input is vital for the successof Temple Sinai. We need to knowwhat you are thinking in order toserve you in the best way we can.

Please feel free to contact yourBoard at

[email protected].

We look forward to hearing fromyou!

Fellow Members:This is easy and important. You can get all thehelp you need. Please read below.

An easy and important way you can help supportyour Temple is by supporting our advertising andsponsorship programs. We need your help infinding advertisers. The programs are:

Shofar advertising - starting at $15 is a really gooddeal for businesses in the area. They get to 350families in print or on-line. All we need to contactthem are a person’s name and their e-mailaddress. We take care of the rest. Pleasevolunteer some names and addresses. Seebelow.

E-blast Sponsorship - The weekly e-blast cancontain add-on advertising. The advertiser gets 5weekly e-blasts for $18. Very easy but effectiveway to get to the 600 e-mails on our list. Hereagain, all we need is the person’s name and theire-mail address. We take care of the rest.

Shabbat Flyer Sponsorship - Personal messagesmay be displayed in the flyer. e.g. Sponsor inhonor of your anniversary or birthday. An easyway to support your Temple and it is only $18.

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10 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

High Holiday Greetingsד״ש לראש השנה ויום כיפור

Happy & Healthy 5775to our friends at Temple Sinai

The Barry Duman Family

Wishing our Temple friendsa year of happiness and health.

Shana Tovah!The Knox family:

Scott, Aimee, Jessey, Josh andJohanna

All our good wishes for a healthy andsweet New Year from the Cohen-

Feigenson families.Dorothy, Mitchell, Phyllis, Marty,Suzanne, Andrew and Rachel

To our family of friends at TempleSinai, we pray this year be one of good

health, love, peace and joy for all.L'shanah tovah.

Stuart and Amy Stein

From your Ritual Committee

As we move into our magnificent new home,there may be questions that arise aboutmatters that fall under the broad umbrella ofRitual policies and practices. Questions mayrange from aspects of our worship services towhat foods we can serve at Temple events orprivately sponsored events.

When questions present themselves, pleasecontact your Temple Sinai Ritual Committee foranswers and clarifications. We are here tohelp and assist you.

Contact Les Gilbert, Chair of the RitualCommittee, at [email protected].

Your Ritual Committee members are: LesGilbert, Stephanie Helms, Shel Kolner, GaleLabovitz, Andi Scully, Amy Stein, Sunni Walch,and Lindsay Watt.

Social Action Committee

Our primary October project will be for theV Animal Sanctuary. They are in need ofnew or used tools and gardeningimplements, food and water bowls, whiteexterior semi-gloss paint, and eco-friendlycleaning supplies. They are also in need ofa used wheelbarrow, hand truck, ladderand golf cart battery. For more information,or to donate one of the larger items, pleasecontact Sean Lyttle, Men’s Club President,at [email protected].

In October we will also be working with theNevada Project for Homeless Youth. Wewill be making and delivering 125 baglunches on October 9th and October 10th.Please contact Robert Levin (702-672-9018) if you would like to volunteer oneither day or if you would like informationon donating bag lunch supplies.

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11October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני


S’lichot Program Saturday, Sept. 20 7:30 pm N/A

Erev Rosh Hashanah Wednesday, Sept.24

7:30pm 6:45- 9:30 pm

Erev Rosh Hashanah -Teen Service

Wednesday, Sept.24

7:30pm N/A

Rosh Hashanah –Morning

Thursday, Sept. 25 10:00 am 9:30 am – 1:00 pm

Rosh Hashanah –Children’s Service

Thursday, Sept. 25 2:30 pm N/A

Rosh Hashanah –Tashlich

Thursday, Sept. 25 3:30 pm Desert Shores

Yom Kippur – Kol Nidre Friday, October 3 7:30 pm 6:30- 9:30 pm

Yom Kippur – Kol Nidre –Teen Service

Friday, October 3 7:30pm N/A

Yom Kippur - Morning Saturday, October 4 10:00 am 9:30 am – 1:00 pm

Yom Kippur - StudySession

Saturday, October 4 1:00 pm N/A

Yom Kippur – Children’sService

Saturday, October 4 2:30 pm N/A

Yom Kippur – Afternoon Saturday, October 4 3:15 pm 3:15 pm – To end ofService

Yom Kippur – Yizkor Saturday, October 4 4:30 pm 3:15 pm – To end ofService

Yom Kippur – Neilah Saturday, October 4 5:15 pm 3:15 pm – To end ofService

Erev Sukkot Wednesday, Oct. 8 6:00 pm N/A

Sukkot – Morning Thursday, Oct. 9 10:00 am N/A

Erev - Simchat Torah Wednesday, Oct.15

6:00 pm N/A

Simchat Torah Thursday, Oct. 16 10:00 am N/A

High Holiday Services Scheduleתוכית תפילות לראש השנה ויום כיפור

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12 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

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13October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

A Grand Thank You!

Teamwork: “A cooperative or coordinated effort on the partof a group of persons acting together as a team or in theinterest of a common cause”.We would like to take this opportunity to thank the manypeople who helped to make the September 14th Parade,Dedication and Consecration Ceremony, Carnival andBarbeque such a rousing success. It was the hard workand dedication of literally dozens of individuals that createdsuch a memorable event.Thank you to Julie Littmann, Rick Hollander and the entireTemple Sinai Board of Trustees for their trust and support;to Rabbi Cohen and Cantor Gindlin for their input andcreativity; to Dr. Lawrence Copeland and our other guestspeakers who spoke with such passion about the future ofTemple Sinai; to our office staff of John DeMarco, KimIsrael and Debbie Breslerrman for their skill and patience;to our facilities personnel, Mike Shrago and Michael Allen,for their tireless work and energy; to Mark and LucieSample and their crew of chefs and servers for their talentand know-how; to the Men’s Club and Sisterhood forarranging for so many willing and capable cooks andushers; to the Ritual Committee for sharing their valuableknowledge and helping to create an amazing program; tothe Choir and Shofar blowers for contributing their talentsand their many hours of practice; to the actors, MichaelRome, Sharon Roth and Les Gilbert, who helped make theParade so unique; to Stephanie Helms, HowardBeckerman and the Shofar editors, Ronen Rahaman, AprylLyttle and Greg Safdeye for their expert marketing skills; toSharon Knafo and our teachers and madrichim forcoordinating and assisting in the participation of ourchildren; to Linda Specht for helping to involve the Shenkerparents, teachers and students; to the spouses andfamilies of our Committee members for their tolerance andpatience; and to all of the many other volunteers whowillingly invested so many hours of their precious, limitedfree time.We would also like to thank the Bagel Café and SmoothieKing for their incredibly generous donations of food anddrinks, photographer David Weinstein and videographerBen Stanigar for skillfully documenting the event, and theMeshugginah Klezmeim Band and High Flyin’Entertainment for providing first-class, enjoyableentertainment.And thank you to the members of the Grand OpeningCommittee: Eileen Bellsey-Levin, Barbara Berg, DeborahBreslerman, Maris Everakes, Cheryl Goldenberg, SherylHonig, Jackie Kolner, Shel Kolner, Gale Labovitz, RonaSchwartz, and Resa Snyder for the amazing loyalty,dedication, enthusiasm, flexibility, perseverance andteamwork they exhibited, resulting in such a joyous andunforgettable event.Sincerely,Ricki Greenspon and Phil ScullyCommittee Co-Chairs

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14 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Sustainability Fund Donor Acknowledgementהכרת תורמים לקרן קיימות

All current month’s donors will be identified with boldletters. All donations received after the tenth of the month

will be included in next month's publication .






















Student DonorsAnonymous






Browne, Harold


Cohen, Isaac

Cole, Don



Copeland, Francis

Davis, Jack and Cindy




Feigenson, Andrew











Greenberg, Art



HollanderHonigJaffeKamegaiKaplan, FredKaplan, SeymourKarpKaufmanKelmanKhouryKnoxKolnerKosowskyKraft SussmanLabovitzLandersLaneLazerLetiziaLevin, Bob & EileenLittmannLyttleMens ClubMosherMyers


OlsenOrzenPendeltonPostlerRabbi Cohen

HaberkornHagans/ King





Rich, Mark











Schwartz, Jerry



Shapiro, David










Stein, StuSunni Walsh andLindsay WattWeinbergerWeiner

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15October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני



Frank CurhanDean GouldHelene RosenJacob & Susan KleinLeonard GoldsteinMr. & Mrs. Boris ItkisMr. & Mrs. Gerald SchwartzMr. & Mrs. Leon Goldstein in honor of Evelyn's BirthdayMr. & Mrs. Les GilbertMr. & Mrs. Lester ShermanMr. & Mrs. Richard HollanderMr. & Mrs. Stuart SteinMr. Andrew FrancoMr. James DixonMs. Dee Glick

Gala Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Lester ShermanMr. & Mrs. Myron BernsteinMr. & Mrs. Paul BodnerPaul BartoloRoss GottsteinThomas Spiegel Family Foundation

Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Schwartz in memory of Harry SchwartzMs. Zena Glazerman in memory of Albert GlazermanMr. & Mrs. Lou Tarter

Richard Greenberg Memorial Fund

Art & Roz Greenberg in honor of Lisa Schnitz and MarleeRogow's Birthday

All donations received after the tenth of the month willbe included in next month's publication A HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO




25TH-Myron Bernstein


October 3-4 Yom Kippur Yom Kippurmorning: In the final address by Moses to theChildren of Israel, we are reminded that eachand every one of us is a member of theCovenant. Yom Kippur afternoon: In theclimactic chapter of the Book of Leviticus, weread that each of us can be holy.

October 10-11 Shabbat Sukkot We readfrom the book of Exodus and are reminded ofour age-old desire to know God. Mosesimplores God to let him see God’s face.

October 18-18 Bereshit We start our Torahcycle anew with the story of Creation, Adamand Eve, and the first sibling rivalry.

October 24 - 25 Noach We read the greatflood story and of God’s covenant with theIsraelite people.

Presented by the Temple Sinai RitualCommittee

Temple Sinai Ritual Committeethanks Dr. Judy Salz for her years of


Along with the opening of our beautiful new facilities, we will bestreamlining some of our communications. We know you enjoy ourmonthly newsletter and we want to make sure that you receive it ina timely, efficient and convenient manner. We will soon beginpublishing the Shofar on our website and other media. You will beable to read the entire Shofar online. You will also be able to printthe entire Shofar or any number of individual pages. We willadvise everyone once the exact starting date has been determined.

For those who do not have access to a computer and/or printer, orfor anyone who would simply prefer to continue receiving a hardcopy of the Shofar by mail, just send us an [email protected] or call the Temple office and let us know.

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16 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Safe Nest Drop Off BoxTemple Sinai continues its support forSafe Nest by housing a drop off box onsite. Safe Nest is Nevada’s largestand most comprehensive charitydevoted solely to domestic violenceissues. Safe Nest’s programs areconcentrated in four areas of service:shelter, counseling, advocacy andprevention. Safe Nest acceptsclothing, toys and baby supplies. For acomprehensive list please visit theirwebsite www.safenest.org. The dropoff box is located on west side of theproperty next to the structure whichholds our garbage bin. For donationreceipts please see Deborah or Kim inthe office.

Prayerbooks for Dedication

Prayer books are available to honoror memorialize an event or person.For a donation of $54 you candedicate a Mishkan T’f i lahPrayerbook and then it will be addedto the prayerbooks available for usein the Sanctuary. Please call theTemple to arrange your donation.

Temple News and Notesחדשות בית כנסת סיני

Please Welcome our New Members

Mitchell and Jessica Markowitz (Mason and Alyssa)Aaron Fishler and Tamatha Canckwell (Adelynn)

Joel and Marci Altman (Noah, Chase and Dax)Steve and Inne Markhoff (Jordana and Joseph)

Dr. Tal and Limor Minuskin (Bar, Ron, Dean, and Liam)Greg and Nancy Koppe (Benjamin and Alexander)

Ethan and Taleen Kottler (Zachary)Abe and Sheila SchwartzLinda and Israel Specht

Dr. Howard and Jacalynn KramerBridget Becker (Sophia)

David BeckerMichael and Faith Rosenblum (Emma)

Risa ZuckerTodd and Wendy Steinberg (Joseph and Jennifer)

Jon and Carli Snyder (Jordan, Jude and Luc)Mr. Robert Schlossberg

Change to Donation Levels

Effective January 1, 2015 the following donation levels are beingchanged. Current levels are in place until then.

Tzedakah Item Current Price New PriceTree of Life Leaves $100.00 $150.00Tree of Life Pebbles $180.00 $225.00Memorial Plaques - Member $250.00 $400.00Memorial Plaques - non Member $250.00 $500.00

Contact Shel Kolner for more information (702)334-8914

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17October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

Temple Sinai Personal Tribute Cards

Have you seen the personal tribute cards? If not, they are available in our new Sisterhood gift shop. Stopand take a look. These cards match our standard tribute cards but are used to send personal notes. Theyallow you to convey your personal sentiments to family and friends while still indicating to them that a do-nation was made in their honor to the Temple Sinai general fund. The cards are available in 7-packs for$36.00. They are also available by calling Dorothy Cohen (702.228.7040) or Phyllis Feigenson(973.525.7799). Talk to the ladies or stop in at the gift shop. You will be happy you did.

“An Original”By Frank Curhan

Just before you enter the sanctuary, if you look to your left,you will see an original work of art created exclusively forTemple Sinai by world renowned Judaica sculptor/ artist GaryRosenthal.

Gary first showed his works at a Baltimore JCC in the late1970s. He has since become one of very few artists creatingartistic Jewish ritual objects. His work combines form andfunction. Copper, brass, steel combined with brilliant fusedglass yields a contemporary style rooted in tradition, withinspiration coming from the rich history of the Jewish people.He feels that he is performing a mitzvah every time hecreates a new piece -- mitzvahs with an extended shelf life.

Works from the Gary Rosenthal Collection have beenpresented to several Presidents, from Jimmy Carter to BillClinton to George W. Bush, and to celebrities as varied asBette Midler, John Travolta, and Tony Randall. Items from thecollection can also be found throughout the world in manyfine galleries, private collections and the following museumshops: Smithsonian Renwick, Corning Glass, American Craft;B’nai B’rith, the Jewish museum, Skirball Museum of Cultureand the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Nowadded to this distinguished list is Temple Sinai Las Vegas.

So, stop for a moment as you approach the entrance to thesanctuary; appreciate the beauty and functionality of thisexquisite, exclusive piece of “working art”. Create a mitzvahwith a monetary tribute in Temple Sinai's new Tzedakah box.

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18 October 2014

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19October 2014

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20 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

The following businesses help support our Temple! Please make an effort to help support them as well.

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21October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

[email protected]

702 982 2063928 486 3067

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23October 2014

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24 October 2014

The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני The Sinai Shofar שופר סיני

October 2014

October Calendar on Page 2High Holy Days Calendar Page 11 - Please Save!

To advertise please call Shel Kolner at 702-334-8914or email: [email protected]

The Sinai Shofar...Why Advertise Anywhere Else?

Ad Size 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year

Business card $15 $40 $75 $135

Quarter page $30 $75 $140 $250

Half page $60 $130 $250 $475

Full page $120 $250 $475 $800

Temple Sinai Las Vegas Inc.9001 Hillpointe RoadLas Vegas, NV 89134

Return Service Requested

Phone 702.254.5110Fax 702.254.0997

Email [email protected]

Union for Reform JudaismIn Summerlin

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