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Page 1: Short stories ppt 2
Page 2: Short stories ppt 2

Elements of A Short StoryElements of A Short Story

• Plot• Character• Setting• Conflict• Foreshadowing• Suspense• Frame Story

• Theme• Point of View• Irony• Symbolism• Allusion• Mood• Tone• Dialect

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The series of related events that make up the


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Bare Bones of A PlotBare Bones of A Plot

• Plots are built on four main parts:– Basic Situation (Exposition)– Complication– Climax– Resolution (Denouement)

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Plot LinePlot Line



(Rising Action)


Falling Action


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PlotPlot• Exposition - Opening of the story;

characters and conflict are introduced.

• Complication - Conflicts introduced; main character takes action to resolve conflicts. (Also known as rising action.)

• Climax - Key scene of the story; tense, exciting or terrifying moment.

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• Falling Action - Conflicts begin to resolve; story tapers off….

• Resolution - Occurs at the very end of the story; conflicts are resolved. (Also called the denouement.)

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A person, animal, natural force or object in a story or


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The process of revealing the The process of revealing the personality of a character is personality of a character is

calledcalled characterizationcharacterization.

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• Direct Characterization - Writer tells the reader directly what kind of person the character is.

• Indirect Characterization - Reader has to use his or her own judgement to identify personality traits of a character

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• Static – No change throughout story

• Dynamic – Develops and grows over the course of the story

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Characterization Characterization

• Round – Many different personality traits (good & bad)

• Flat – Shows only one personality trait

• Protagonist – Main character of a literary work

• Antagonist – Character or force in conflict with the protagonist

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• Motivation – Reason that explains or partially explains why a character thinks, feels, behaves or acts in a certain way.

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• There are five considerations for creating a character:– Appearance– Speech– Thoughts– Actions– Other Characters’ feelings

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Point of ViewPoint of View

The vantage point from which the author has chosen to tell

the story.

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First PersonFirst Person

One of the characters is actually telling the story,

using the pronoun “I.”

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Third PersonThird Person

Narrator is an outside storyteller. (can be “limited”

or “omniscient” point of view.)

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“All Knowing”

Person telling the story knows everything there is to know about the characters and

their problems.

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Narrator only knows one character’s thoughts and


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Point of ViewPoint of View

The narrator is not always the author.

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The time and place of a story or play.

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• One purpose of setting is to provide background - a place for the characters to live and act in.

• In some stories, setting provides the conflict.

• Places where people live and make their homes can reveal a great deal about their characters.

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• Setting can also provide atmosphere or mood - it affects the way a reader feels.

• One of the oldest story plots in the world is the one in which a person fights against something in the physical world - a drought, a horde of ants, the heat of the desert, etc.

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Describing the SettingDescribing the Setting

• What kind of place does the story take place in?

• What is the season, climate, and time of day?

• Are the characters in conflict with the setting?

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Describing the SettingDescribing the Setting

• Does the setting help to understand their personalities?

• What kind of atmosphere does the setting create?

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A struggle or clash between opposing characters or forces.

– External: Man v. Man, Man v. Nature, Man v. Society

– Internal: Man v. Himself, Man v. Fate (God)

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Anything that stands for or represents something


Examples: Red roseAmerican Flag

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Central idea of a work of literature

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• A theme makes some revelation about a subject.

• The subject of the story is NOT THE SAME as the theme of the story.

• The subject is simply the topic of the story.

• Theme is not “love.” Ask yourself…what about “love”?

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A theme is usually not stated directly in the story.

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Finding a ThemeFinding a Theme

• Does the title signify something important about the story?

• Does the main character change in the course of the story? Does he or she realize something he or she didn’t know before?

• Are there any important statements about life or people made in the story - either by the narrator or the characters?

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A contrast between expectation and reality.

• Between what is said and what is really meant.• Between what is expected to happen and what really happens.• Between what appears to be true and what is really true.

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Types of IronyTypes of Irony• Verbal - a writer or speaker says one

thing but means another

• Situational - what we expect to happen is different than what actually happens.

• Dramatic - Audience or reader knows what is happening but the characters do not.

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Other Terms to KnowOther Terms to Know

• Foreshadowing – Clues to suggest events that have not happened yet in the story; creates suspense.

• Suspense - The uncertain feeling about what is going to happen next in a story.

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Other Terms to KnowOther Terms to Know

• Mood – (Atmosphere) Feeling created in the reader by the piece of writing.

• Tone - The way the writer feels about the story & the characters

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Other Terms to KnowOther Terms to Know

• Allusion – References in a piece of writing that refer to the Bible, a time in history or another work of literature or art.

• Frame Story – Story within another story.

• Dialect – Way a character speaks (directly related to setting & time period)

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