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When this newsletter arrives to your home, the dog & pony show known as the great presidential campaign and election of 2004 will be history. As to how many votes were cast for Jesus Christ, we may never know, but rest assured, He knows. To this preacher, the whole campaign and election ranked lower than those so-called reality shows people watch on TV. On election day an incident happened that this preacher found quite inspiring and causes him to press on. He hopes it has the same effect on you. On that day, a Christian mother, with her white Christian children packed in the family van, drove to town. On that day, on street cor-ner after street corner were people holding up and waving campaign posters for one of the two presidential candidates they had been given to vote for. When the children returned home they made their own campaign posters that said “No Bush, No Kerry, Vote JESUS CHRIST FOR PRESIDENT.” Then they too stood on their street corner and waved the posters as the cars passed by.

Now. the people think they have a conservative, born-again Christian president (the purpose of Kerry was to make Mr. Bush appear so) who plans to rid the world of terrorists in his on-going war on terror. They don’t realize such home-schooled white Chris-tian children with their “Vote for Jesus” posters are literally viewed and targeted by the establishment as terrorists. The following Sep-tember 22, 2004 news article quote taken from WorldNetDaily.com illustrates this truth.

“In a federally funded exercise to prepare emergency responders for a terrorist attack, a Michigan county concocted a scenario in which public-school children were threatened by a fictitious radical group that believes everyone should be home schooled.

The made-up group was called Wackos Against Schools and Edu-cation.

The exercise in Muskegon, Mich., yesterday simulated a situation in which a bomb on board a bus full of children knocks the vehicle on its side and fills the passenger compartment with smoke.


Dan Stout, director of Muskegon County Emergency Services, told WorldNetDaily the choice of the fictitious group certainly was not meant to offend homeschoolers.” It is, in part, for those children on that street corner that the Gideon remnant press on and fight to clean up this land, to give them a future and country of their own. In that Gideon story it is stated of that Gideon army “Weary yet pursuing” (Judges 8:4). Many have quit pursuing a moral, cleaned-up Christian America, but not the Gideon barley-loaf sector of the Lord’s army. We must press on and carry on. We thank those of you who help us here with your prayers and support to do that. We shall overcome and prevail victoriously. Our Commander-in-Chief does not lead us into unjust wars, and He has never lost a battle. “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world-our faith”. Sincerely Stompin’ Snakes

Pastor Peter J. Peters PS. Remember, November 28, 2004 has been set aside by a group of Christians as a day of prayer and fasting for our country. We are sending out a special mailing regarding this and hope you read it and consider it carefully. Also remember that the next 91st Day is from noon on December 18th to noon on December 19. PJP

FIRST MEETING FOR 2005 Pastor Peters plans on speaking on Sunday, January 2, 2005

at the Arden Community Center, (on Hall Road off of Hwy 395) in the Colville, WA area.

A special gifted musician will bring a soul-stirring and uplifting concert Sunday morning prior to Pastor Peters message.

Communion will be served. A meal will be provided for those who wish to stay

for fellowship and the afternoon session. A mailing is being sent to local members of this ministry

with details and directions.



Pastor Peter J. Peters A Big Screen production starring the Great I-AM of the Bible as the husband, Abraham as the father of the Bride, Israel as the unfaithful wife and the children of Israel as the cast of millions. In this book, stark naked Bible truth is brought to the screen and the love story involving love, ro-mance, intrigue, divorce, conspiracy and murder. It’s all right there in the Bible. The Greatest Love Story is never told in the Judeo-Christian churches.

Available from Scriptures for America for a donation of $6.00 for the book or $15.00 for the 4 tapes or CD’s.

Write or email and request yours today. SFA, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535

Or email at [email protected]





“In the exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we might be, as it were, the first fruits among His creatures.” James 1:18. The Bible teaches that Christians are to be His First Fruits, but most do not know there are two first fruits; the first and the second first fruits, so to speak. The second first-fruits look upon the first first-fruits as crazies, radicals, extremists, and even as non-Christians. It may sound strange, but it is true and this truth is just some of the truth we’ve been presenting in our lengthy and on-going series of messages entitled, “Ask Gideon.” (As of this newsletter, thirteen messages have been sent out on the Scriptures for America tape and CD ministry. These messages are also archived at our web site www.scripturesforamerica.org). Jesus Christ is the first fruits. “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep.” – I Corinthians 15:20. Those who become part of the body of Christ the Church are first fruits. In the spiritual warfare presently being waged, the enemies of Jesus Christ understand it is the first fruit that conquers and crushes them under His feet. Thus, they must stop the people from becoming first fruits and they are particularly afraid of the first first-fruits. “But now Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who are asleep. For since by a man came death, by a man also came the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, after that those who are Christ’s at His coming, then comes the end, when He delivers up the kingdom to the God and Father, when He has abolished all rule and all authority and power. For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet. I Corinthians 15:20-26


Jesus became the First Fruit when He was resurrected from the dead. We become first fruits – i.e., part of His body, the church, when we are raised from the watery grave of baptism (immersion) – “having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.” – Colossians – 2:12. “Therefore, we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the death through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4 When we are baptized (immersed in water) for the remission of sins as the Apostle Peter taught and commanded us in Acts 2:38 we are baptized into the Lord’s body: “For even as the boy is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.” I Corinthians 12:12-13 The Lord’s body is the church: “And He put all things in subjec-tion under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.” Ephesians 1:22-23 Jesus also taught us that His body was the “bread”: “And while they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body.’” Matthew 26:26 This bread is made from the first fruit grain the Bible speaks of in the Old Testament. Just as the sacrificial Passover lamb in the feast of Passover represented the coming Jesus Christ, so did the sheaf of the first fruits of the grain harvest that the priest waved (Leviticus 23:10-11) repre-sent Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave (I Corinthians 15:20). The wave sheaf of the first fruit of the grain harvest took place at the time of the Passover and feast of unleavened bread: These are the appointed times of the Lord, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at the times appointed for them. In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at twilight is the Lord’s Pass-over. Then on the fifteenth day of the same month there is the Feast of Unleavened Bread to the Lord; for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread. On the first day you shall have a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work. 8But for seven days you shall present an offering by fire to the Lord. On the seventh day is a holy convocation; you shall not do any laborious work.” Then the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to the sons of Israel, and say to them, ‘When you enter the land which I am going to give to you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring in the sheaf


of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest. And he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord for you to be accepted; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.’” Leviticus 23:4-11 The next first fruits came at the time of the feast of Pentecost, and was offered in the way of two loaves of bread: You shall also count for yourselves from the day after the Sab-bath, from the day when you brought in the sheaf of the wave offering; there shall be seven complete Sabbaths. You shall count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall present a new grain offering to the Lord. You shall bring in from your dwelling places two loaves of bread for a wave offering, made of two-tenths of an ephah; they shall be of a fine flour, baked with leaven as first fruits to the Lord. Leviticus 23:15-17 The point is this. The Passover came in early spring and thus the grain that was offered in the wave sheaf was not wheat but barley (for the wheat harvest would not take place until Pentecost). Barnes Commentary says the following concerning the wave sheaf of the first fruit of Leviticus 23:10-11, “The offering which was waved was most likely a small sheaf of barley, the grain which is first ripe. The first fruit of the wheat harvest were offered seven weeks later in the loaves of Pentecost.” So, there are two first fruits. The first first-fruit was represented as a sheaf of barley grain (Leviticus 23:10-11) and the second as wheat in the form of two loaves of bread (Leviticus 23:17). Jesus is the bread that came down out of Heaven: “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever; and the bread also which I shall give for the life of the world is My flesh.” John 6:51 It was a loaf of bread that came rolling down and took down the camp of the enemy in the days of Gideon. But, it was barley bread not wheat bread! In other words, it was bread made of the first first-fruit - bar-ley – not bread made with the second first-fruit – wheat. “When Gideon came, behold, a man was relating a dream to his friend. And he said, ‘Behold, I had a dream; a loaf of barley bread was tumbling into the camp of Midian, and it came to the tent and struck it so that it fell, and turned it upside down so that the tent lay flat.’” I Judges 7:13 In the Gideon story (Judges 6, 7 & 8), the barley represented that elite remnant that had a faith that overcame and conquered in spite of in-credible odds. Bible prophesy teaches us that there is going to yet be a de-liverance like in the days of Gideon when Midian was slaughtered at the rock of Orab (Isaiah 10:26). In that Gideon story, Gideon’s Barley Boys of only 300 were the first, but others came later. At first they must have been viewed as extremists, radicals, and even crazy by the others. Such is the lot of the first first-fruit - the barley. It is these two first fruits, the barley and the wheat, that make up the body (bread) of Christ. The wheat represents the greater part of the church - that portion of God’s army of Christian sol-


diers presently held up in fox holes. The barley represents the small, spe-cial forces going forward in faith against incredible odds, knowing victory is assured. The other first fruits will come out of their fox holes later, just as others came on the heels of Gideon’s band (Judges 8:1). Barley represents the over-comers and the people called to that group are often given things to over come. It was five loaves of barley bread Jesus broke to feed the masses in John 6:9-13 (which took place about the time of Passover), and often the barley boys are broken for God’s good and greater purpose. Barley is a hardier and tougher grain than is wheat and can better withstand extremes in temperature. It is much more drought resistant. In spiritual terms, the greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit is symbolized as rain, just as Joel speaks of the former and latter rain (Acts 2:15, 16 and Joel 12:23-24). The wheat – the greater part of the church – has revivals during the outpouring, and the barley survives in the drier times. (One’s faith is not tested in the miraculous and super-natural moving of the Holy Spirit but in the drought). Barley ripens first then the wheat; or, one might say, it matures faster. As a result, that group is better able to discern the good and evil (Hebrews 5:11-14). The men God chose for the Gideon army drank the water in such a way that they kept their heads up and eyes working, suspi-ciously surveying around them. They knew the evil enemy could be the man next to them (that appeared to be one of them) – Judges 7:6. Not so for the wheat crowd – the greater part of the church at this time. The Bible says, “. . . the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious” – I John 3:10. To the Barley boys and girls the chil-dren of the devil become obvious, even when the church world is oblivi-ous to them and to the fact there even are children of the devil. To them, we are all God’s children. The children of the devil are the same as the sons of the evil one that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 13:38 which were the tares in the wheat field (not the barley field)! The barley people figured them out and got them out of their army so to speak. That is the significance of the first fruits of the wheat harvest being offered in the way of two loaves of bread baked with LEAVEN (Leviticus 23:17). Leaven is the product of the evil tares – the creatures Jesus called snakes (i.e., the Pharisees). The Pharisee snakes were sons of hell. They are of their father, the devil (Matthew 23:15, 33; John 8:44). Jesus warned of their LEAVEN (which was their teaching – Matthew 16:6-12). The church world of wheat is presently leavened with the ene-mies’ false teaching and it believes the barley first fruit people are crazy and paranoid to think someone would be a tare (a snake). They even dis-miss (and sometimes dis-fellowship) the barley crowd for such so-called unchristian thoughts, but barley people are tough enough to live apart from


the fellowship and church acceptance the wheat crowd seem to need. Just as there are children of the devil there is a devil, and Jesus came to destroy his works. “The son of God appeared for this purpose that He might destroy the works of the devil.” – I John 3:8. Jesus will crush Him. “And the Lord said to the serpent . . . And I will put enmity between you and the women, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel.” Genesis 3:14-15 Another difference in the barley first fruit crowd and the wheat first fruit crowd is understanding who is waiting on who in this spiritual war that’s been going on since the garden and is going on today: “but He, having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time onward until His enemies be made a footstool for His feet.” Hebrews 10:12-13 The wheat crowd is waiting for Jesus to conquer the enemy which He will; but, the barley crowd knows Jesus’ body today is the body – the church, which is the bread which is made of the two first fruit grains, barley and wheat. The Bible tells us, “And the God of all peace will soon crush Sa-tan under your feet.” – Romans 16:20. The Barley people understand the crushing is to be “under your feet” – the church, that great army of God. As already stated, the enemy must stop people from becoming first fruits and are particularly concerned with the first first-fruit – the barley loaf which is unleavened. The enemy, the devil, has sent his children into the wheat field camp of the saints to spread the leaven of false teaching to keep from being conquered. For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore, it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their deeds. II Corinthians 11:13-15 The wheat crowd matures later than the barley and thus is like the children spoken of in Ephesians 4:13-16 whereas the barley crowd is more mature and no longer tricked: “...until we all attain to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a mature man, to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ. As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves, and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, by craftiness in deceitful scheming; but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:13-16



I John 5:4: “For whatever is born of God overcomes the world.” The word translated “world” is from a Greek word which means, accord-ing to Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, “world or-der.” The so-called “new” world order and its one world government is nothing more or less than the devil’s kingdom (Jesus clearly taught he has a kingdom – Luke 11:18). The word translated “overcomes” means “to conquer” or “to get the victory.”

According to I John 5:4, those “born of God” overcome and con-quer. To have the Kingdom of Jesus Christ one must be born of God. Being “born of God” is what Jesus taught when He said one must be born of water and spirit.

Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” 4Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” Jesus an-swered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” John 3:3-5

To be born of water and spirit means to be baptized (immersed in water) FOR the remission of sins, just as the Apostle Peter told those believers in Jesus Christ when they asked what to do.

Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall re-ceive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:37-39

The sons of Hell snake children of the devil tares amongst us must keep us from becoming first fruits – i.e., being born again or becoming members of His body (which is the bread that came down from heaven – i.e., the church which will crush Satan). So, they teach that baptism is not necessary and/or is not for remission of sin and/or is not immersion, etc., etc. They teach what is known as a faith only doc-trine of just say a prayer and accept Jesus and that is being born again.

The following is taken from a book we carry called Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up (available for $8.00 from SFA) showing, from the writings of what has been called the Ante-Nicene Fathers, what the early church leaders taught in the first and second centuries:

What Baptism Meant to the Early Christians I still remember the first time I read Jesus’ words to Nicodemus:

“Truly I say to You, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot


enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3:5). I was a young boy at the time, and I was reading that verse in a small Bible study group. The teacher asked the question, “What does it mean to be born of ‘water’?” I thought for a moment and quickly raised my hand. “Jesus must have been referring to water baptism,” I blurted out, feeling proud of myself for having figured this out. However, to my chagrin, the teacher explained that this was a common misconception and that ‘being born of water’ was not water bap-tism.

Through the years I was able to correct others who mistakenly thought that this passage refers to water baptism. I felt very knowledge-able to be able to explain the “correct” view. So it took the wind out of my sails when I discovered that the early Christians universally under-

stood Jesus’ words to refer to water baptism. And once again, it was the Gnostics who taught differently than the church – saying that humans can’t be reborn or regenerated through water baptism. Irenaeus wrote about them: “This class of men have been instigated by Satan to a denial of that baptism which is regeneration to God.” In today’s evangelical church, water baptism is often regarded as a rather insignifi-cant matter, at least in the process of salvation. However, baptism carried the utmost signifi-cance to the early Christians. They associated three very important matters with water bap-tism: Remission of sins The New Birth Spiritual Illumination (end of quote)

The other day this writer was reading the writing of a preacher who preaches the Anglo-Israel truth. He has quite a following and his writing was excellent. You can learn from a snake because he knows to get the poison down you he has to prepare a feast. I can tell you for a fact that a good poisoner is a really good cook. This man then turns around and denies the clear teaching of the Apostle Peter in Acts 2:38. He cannot be as intelligent as he obviously is and not be intelligent enough to under-stand Acts 2:38 – i.e., how to be born again of the water and the spirit. He is a tare and can get by with what he does in the wheat field, but not the barley field.

Another example is a Charles Caldwell Ryrie, who has a ThD and a PhD behind his name. His Ryrie Study Bible is very popular with many church going people. Dr. Ryrie says at the beginning of his Bible:


“To The Reader: Every time you read this Bible, whether care-fully or casually, be sure to look at the notes at the bottom of the page. These are designed to illuminate and help you understand the verses you are reading.”

I ran across this Bible once when studying with a friend. I was showing him the clear simple teaching of the Bible on this subject, but he would stop and dutifully read the snake note; instead of being illuminated it darkened his understanding. This is Ryrie’s notes on John 3:4:

3.5 born of water and of the Spirit. Various interpretations have been suggested for the meaning here of “water.” (1) It refers to baptism as a requirement for salvation. However, this would contradict many other N.T. passages (Eph. 2:8-).

The wheat field has the tares, the wheat loaf the leaven. The bar-ley first fruit people have figured it out.

There’s much more to cover, but newsletter space limits what we can at this time. We cover much in our “Ask Gideon” series. The thirteen messages can be ordered from SFA, on CD or tape, and they are also archived at our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org. PJP

Our web-site continues to grow as an impor-tant part of our outreach ministry. The Sunday morning video broad-casts are archived at our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org. As time per-mits, we are also making more SFA videos available as archives, and for streaming and

downloading from the website. Continue to check the website for updates, details and schedules. Remember, we offer (for our audio broadcasts) a complete KU Satellite receiver system for $185.00, including freight. You may order it directly from Scriptures for America Ministry, PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO, 80535, or by calling 307-742-7582. This system consists of an antenna, digital receiver and a mounting and wiring kit. The receiving unit can be plugged into a TV that has RCA jack inputs. The satellite is: KU Band, Telstar 5, Channel 12 – Left, LNB Frequency - 10750, Transponder Frequency – 11836, Symbol Rate - 20770, Polarization – Vertical.


“The Book of Enoch”


Discovering the knowledge and teachings in The Book of Enoch may help us understand the forces behind the relent-less spirals of degeneration and death of the White Christian Civilization in both the West and the East. It seems to unlock forbidden secrets concerning the seed of the Wicked One and the seed of the Sons of God. In it you will learn what Enoch says Genesis 6:2 was all about and how it effects us today- “..the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beauti-ful and took wives for themselves…” In this book you will learn of “the Watchers” (Daniel 14:17). Today we see our children given drugs and alcohol and our streets turned into combat zones, where innocent peo-ple are robbed, raped, pillaged and murdered, and a legal sys-tem that turns the perpetrators back onto the streets. What does this have to do with “the Watchers”? The Book of Enoch tells us. In this book you will learn what Enoch taught concerning the origin of sorcery, astrology, in-cantation, demons, giants and much more. (Much under-standing of the 91st days come from The Book of Enoch). Jude authenticated The Book of Enoch (Jude 14) and early Church fathers like Tertullian, Clement of Alexandria and Origen (to name a few) quoted it and/or made references to it in their writings. After the first of the year, Pastor Peters plans to send some messages out on the Scriptures for America CD & Tape Ministry that draw heavily from The Book of Enoch. We rec-ommend you get this book ahead of time and read it now.

The Book of Enoch Available now for an offering of $8.00 from:

Scriptures for America PO Box 766

LaPorte, CO 80535




Housecleaning by Shayla Pollert M.H

Last newsletter we took a look at some of the common house-hold cleaning supplies and their dan-gerous ingredients, and because it is always a good idea to give a solution when shining light on a problem, I was asked to make available some nontoxic and effective cleaning options. Some of the following tips are my own discoveries, however many are a result of research, and resources are given at the end of this article. There are different avenues one can take when making the switch to healthier house cleaning habits. Of course one is that you can go to your local health food store to replace just about every one of the toxic cleaners you have with more natural and environmentally safe products (I am not an environmentalist, but one of the nice things about all the environmen-tally safe stuff is that, in general, if it is biodegradable and won’t hurt the earth it won't hurt you either). There are a few brands to choose from, my favorites tend to be Seventh Generation, Life Tree, and BioKleen (they make a great liquid laundry detergent). However, you can go even more natural with some age old cleaning habits, or you can incorporate both, (the latter being the way I tend to lean). Following are some of the great age old cleaning tips that have proven quite successful. One of the big pluses about nontoxic housecleaning is that once you make the change and get rid of all the toxic chemicals underneath your sink you will have so much more room. Vinegar makes one of the best all purpose cleaners as it is a pow-erfully antibacterial. For most things throughout the home you can use a half and half solution of water and vinegar (with some essential oil for smell). Studies show that straight vinegar kills 99% of bacteria, 82% of mold and 80% of viruses. Henceforth it can be used as a disinfectant for pretty much everything. It is a good idea to keep a spray bottle of straight


vinegar on hand, you can add 10 or more drops of your favorite essential oil to make it smell better. One article said that treating surfaces with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide followed immediately with vinegar practi-cally sterilizes the surface, killing all germs. I keep spray bottles of both on hand. Vinegar is also successful in removing hard water deposits. Just treat the areas with a vinegar soaked rag, or you can keep treating the area with vinegar spray. To de-lime tea kettles just boil vinegar in them and let sit overnight. You can use vinegar in laundry to get rid of musty smells and as a spray to remove perspiration odors, and added to dishwater it will make dishes sparkle. You can also remove soap films from your dish-washer by running a cup of vinegar through the entire cycle. Always use white vinegar because apple cider vinegar can leave stains. Tea Tree Oil and Grapeseed Extract are also great for killing molds. They are both expensive, but a little bit goes a long way. You can make mold killer sprays by shaking together in a spray bottle 2 cups water and either 20 drops of grapeseed extract or 2 teaspoons tea tree oil. The tea tree spray has been successfully used for all kinds of musty things from ceilings, to shower curtains, dressers, and rugs. Some people don’t like the smell of tea tree, however the smell will go away. Grapeseed extract is scentless. It is also anti viral. Baking Soda is of course the infamous odor eater. 1 cup can be added to laundry to neutralize or eliminate odors such as perspiration and chemical smells. It also can be sprinkled on carpets to deodorize them. A wet rag dipped in soda can remove coffee and tea stains from fine china. Following are some basic cleaning formulas you can make on your own with some of the simple ingredients above. 1. Creamy Soft Scrubber ½ cup baking soda and a little liquid detergent (dishwashing liquid will work, Life Tree and Seventh Gen-eration makes some of the nicest, with-out all the bad stuff ) This can be used for whatever you would use soft scrub for, including bathtubs to remove soap scum. 2. Window cleaner 1/4 to ½ teaspoon detergent 3 tablespoons vinegar 2 cups water. Place in spray bottle, and shake. Or you can double up the recipe, place in a bucket and wash the windows with a rag and dry them with pa-per towels.


3. Oven Cleaner 1 cup baking soda A squirt or two of detergent and enough water to make a thin paste. Spread over surfaces (you may want to spray with more water) and let sit overnight. In the morning clean with some soapy water, and a rag, using steel wool and liquid detergent if necessary. It is important to use enough soda and water to get best results. 4. Furniture Polish ½ teaspoon olive or jojoba oil 1/4 cup vinegar or lemon juice Shake well before using, and apply with a soft cloth. 5. Brass, Copper & Pewter cleaner 1 cup vinegar 1 Tablespoon salt Thicken this mixture with flour and apply to object. Let stand 15 minutes, rinse clean and polish dry. For copper pan bottoms you can just use the vinegar and salt. 6. Drain Cleaner ½ cup baking soda ½ cup vinegar Pour soda then vinegar into drain and let sit 15 minutes. Pour hot water down drain. Resources: Good Housecleaning article by Annie Berthold-Bond from Mothering magazine, and also check on the internet www.annettesherbgarden.com/pages/cleanser.htm Suggested helpful books for further information and cleaning tips include The Healthy Household by Lynn Marie Bower, Home Safe Home by Debra Lynn Dadd, and Better Basics for the Home by Annie Berthold-Bond with 868 formulas for the home and body.

Remember, Pastor Peters’ radio broad-casts, which can be heard live on short-wave, satellite and on the internet, are archived at our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org. We are continually striving to update and expand our website to make it as informative and user friendly as possible. Here is a glimpse at one of our most recent updates to the audio ar-chives. Many thanks to those of you who make this possible.


From the Mailbag and E-Mail During the Little League World Se-ries, on Saturday, and Sunday, ABC chose to run an advertisement for a new "reality" show called "WIFE-SWAP." It was run more fre-quently than any other commercial, so it was-n't about money. Second point:: What was the audience of the Little League World Series?? . . . Do you think it was a bit heavy in the 12 year old category?? How interested are 12 year olds in Wife-Swap?? No, those 12 year olds were targets of Antichrist "Brain-washing," which is the colloquial word for Psy-chological Conditioning, which is best described as THOUGHT IMPLANTATION!! Those walking talking slime-balls in Holly-Wood are targeting children to be conditioned to accept immoral-

ity, or at least, to think about such socially destruc-tive garbage. This is an implanted nightmare for boys entering puberty, and the Antichrists know it. Those faggot bastards deserve to feel the wrath of God. E-mail

Hallo, Yesterday my wife and I were out on a walk and we overtook a Black male and white woman (mid 30s), he was pushing a pram. In the pram were triplets, the woman had another child by the hand and one in her belly....all the children were obviously Nig-lets. The whole group was relatively well dressed and the pram for the triplets was probably specially built.... it was in the middle of a working day, so obviously they were on holiday or on welfare ...guess the German taxpayer is shelling out for this cretinous woman who obviously wants to start her own 'tribe'.

What concerns me a lot is that many of these women going out with negroes are not fat uglies with bad teeth who cannot at-tract white men, very often they are quite attractive women. I guess its because TV sells them all as potential Michael Jack-sons....another factor is that these negroes, not being gainfully em-ployed, play sport all day and go into clubs at night, so they seem to be in good physical shape...the average German who works all day, either has to workout in the evenings to keep his figure OK or get flabby.

My wife, being blonde and blue-eyed has often, when


she’s been out by herself, been approached by Negroes who say things like 'Marry me' (which translated just means 'Get me a per-manent residents Visa'). When she keeps walking without answer-ing or looking at them, she has often been verbally abused ..mostly they cry out THE word 'NAZI', my wife smiles and says 'Got that right'. (E-mail from Germany)

Re: George W. Bush’s recent guest-worker plan to allow millions of illegal immigrants to remain in America. How did our Founding Fathers feel about “who can become a citizen of Amer-ica?” Let’s take a look: Act of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat 103-140) “That any alien, being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof, on application to any common law court of record, in any one of the States wherein he shall have reside for the term of one year at least, and making proof to the satisfaction of such court, that he is a person of good character…”[end of quote]. E-mail

Just a note to let you know how much your ministry means to me. I listen to you quite a bit on the different stations of Short-wave radio. The (Ask) Gideon tapes are quite an eye opener as are the snake series. I am also learning how to do Imprecatory Prayer and curse the snakes. I have never heard anyone teach the Bible the way you do and after hearing you preach and teach on a subject it just makes sense. I am growing and learning so much from your preaching. I never get tired of listening to your messages. I also enjoy your stories, especially the one about the Irish festival as it relates to all of us and how you see different things that open our eyes. I appreciate everything you are doing, please don’t stop. I am always praying for you and your family that the Lord will Bless all of you 100 fold and put His protection around you and your family and continue to bless and increase the ministry. MI

Having listened to an audio series by a well known physician/surgeon dispelling the lies in main stream “health care” as well as extensive other areas of deception including how the American people are being mind-


controlled through television and main stream media, (which I to-tally discontinued 2 years ago) I prayed that God would lead me to all truth. Believe me, my search has led me to the horrific truths and evidence that America has already been conquered and the infrastructure is in place to finish us off. Now, I believe that God has led me to the most important source of truth and that is about His Word. I have tried to study the Bible and just could never put it together based upon what is being taught. Although I am anything but a Bible scholar, when I recently heard (was surely guided to) your radio broadcast, much I have read in God’s Word just fell into place and filled in the blanks for the other truths I have learned. I am already looked upon questionably for trying to warn my family with documented evidence about the evil at our door. Except for two family members, they are already conditioned to the main stream teaching and lies in all areas. Most people, especially church members, do not want to know the truth, they are, quote, “Just waiting for the Lord.” My nephew, a pastor, quoted to me some Bible verse related to obeying the government, accused me of complaining about the country. I quoted to him, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..” Further I told him it was his right to stand with evil if he so chooses, but that I neither know-ingly support nor stand with evil. My most sweet and sainted sis-ter accused that all this information being put out is for the purpose of selling tapes and making money. (My information has been ob-tained from sources available for free on the internet and/or they offer documented materials with permission to copy and distribute for non-profit purposes. Also, these people are demonized, tell truth at the risk of their lives - being constantly intimidated and threatened.) Quoting the physician on the audio tape, “You can not warn a pleased person.” FL

I just wanted to thank Pastor Peters for giving out the Bible Law Course internet address. It is a great page and I've learned a lot already! (from our website, www.scripturesforamerica.org, follow the link on our home page).

Also, just wanted to mention since "Halloween" is fast ap-proaching: I happened to be in a store and the "muzak" playing was the song, "Ghostbusters" from the Hollywood movie of the


same name. And it immediately occurred to me that this could be a coded song to be AGAINST the Holy Spirit (Holy GHOST in the KJV). Maybe that is a stretch, but knowing how Hollywood hates Christianity, I wouldn't doubt that they mean it in this way (Holy-Ghostbusters). It's amazing how my perceptions have changed about things since I have been reading my Bible more and avoiding television and movies as much as possible. That movie, Ghost-busters, came out in the 1980's and I just realized what it may really mean yesterday (Sunday). Thanks again! May the HOLY GHOST "bust" Hollywood!!!! E-mail

Since I was baptized at the retreat in Waupaca, Wisconsin, I feel complete. I feel whole. WI

We are enjoying the “Ask Gideon” series. Yes, you do sound a little far out, but you do a good job at backing it up with Scripture. I guess as long as you stay with scripture, you are not really so ‘far out’ there. FL

If you would like to contact Pastor Peters, you may write to him at: Scriptures for America PO Box 766, LaPorte, CO 80535

or email at [email protected]

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