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  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Email Security

    • email is one of the most widely usedand regarded network services

    • currently message contents are notsecure – may be inspected either in transit

     – or by suitably privileged users on

    destination system

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    Email SecurityEnhancements

    • condentiality – protection from disclosure

    • authentication – of sender of message

    • message integrity – protection from modication

    • non-repudiation of origin – protection from denial by sender

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    Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)

    • widely used de facto secure email

    • developed by Phil immermann

    • selected best available crypto algs touse

    • integrated into a single program

    • on !ni"# P$# %acintosh and other

    systems• originally free# now also have

    commercial versions available

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    PGP &peration 'uthentication

    * sender creates message+* use S,- to generate .-bit hash

    of message

    /* signed hash with 0S using sender1sprivate key# and is attached tomessage

    2* receiver uses 0S with sender1s

    public key to decrypt and recoverhash code

    3* receiver veries received messageusing hash of it and compares withdecrypted hash code

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    PGP &peration '$ondentiality

    * sender generates message and +4-bit random number as session keyfor it

    +* encrypt message using $S5-+4 678E 6 /8ES in $9$ mode withsession key

    /* session key encrypted using 0Swith recipient1s public key# :attached to msg

    2* receiver uses 0S with private key

    to decrypt and recover session key

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    PGP &peration ' $ondentiality :uthentication

    • can use both services on samemessage – create signature : attach to message

     – encrypt both message : signature

     – attach 0S6ElGamal encrypted sessionkey

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    PGP &peration '$ompression

    • by default PGP compresses messageafter signing but before encrypting – so can store uncompressed message :

    signature for later verication

     – : because compression is nondeterministic

    • uses 7P compression algorithm

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    PGP &peration ' Email$ompatibility

    • when using PGP will have binary data tosend (encrypted message etc)

    • however email was designed only for te"t

    • hence PGP must encode raw binary datainto printable S$77 characters

    • uses radi"-2 algorithm –

    maps / bytes to 2 printable chars – also appends a $0$

    • PGP also segments messages if too big

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    PGP &peration ' Summary

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    PGP Session ;eys

    • need a session key for each message – of varying siS7 ?+*@ mode

    • uses random inputs taken fromprevious uses and from keystroke

    timing of user

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    PGP Public : Private ;eys

    • since many public6private keys may be inuse# need to identify which is actually usedto encrypt session key in a message –

    could send full public-key with every message – but this is ineAcient

    • rather use a key identier based on key – is least signicant 2-bits of the key


    will very likely be uniBue• also use key 78 in signatures

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    PGP %essage Cormat

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    S6%7%E (Secure6%ultipurpose7nternet %ail E"tensions)

    • security enhancement to %7%E email – original 7nternet 0C$4++ email was te"t


     – %7%E provided support for varyingcontent types and multi-part messages

     – with encoding of binary data to te"tual

    form – S6%7%E added security enhancements

    • have S6%7%E support in many mail

    agents –

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    S6%7%E Cunctions

    • enveloped data – encrypted content and associated keys

    • signed data – encoded message D signed digest

    • clear-signed data – clearte"t message D encoded signed


    • signed : enveloped data – nesting of signed : encrypted entities

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    S6%7%E $ryptographiclgorithms

    • digital signatures= 8SS : 0S

    • hash functions= S,- : %83

    session key encryption= ElGamal :0S

    • message encryption= ES# 5riple-8ES#0$+62. and others

    • %$= ,%$ with S,-

    • have process to decide which algs touse

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    S6%7%E %essages

    • S6%7%E secures a %7%E entity with asignature# encryption# or both

    forming a %7%E wrapped P;$S obect• have a range of content-types=

     – enveloped data

     – signed data

     – clear-signed data

     – registration reBuest

     – certicate only message

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    S6%7%E $erticateProcessing

    • S6%7%E uses ?*3.F v/ certicates

    • managed using a hybrid of a strict?*3.F $ hierarchy : PGPs web oftrust

    • each client has a list of trusted $scerts

    • and own public6private key pairs :certs

    • certicates must be signed bytrusted $s

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    7P Security

    • have a range of application specicsecurity mechanisms – eg* S6%7%E# PGP# ;erberos# SSH6,55PS

    • however there are security concernsthat cut across protocol layers

    • would like security implemented by

    the network for all applications

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    • general 7P Security mechanisms

    • provides – authentication

     – condentiality

     – key management

    • applicable to use over H>s# acrosspublic : private I>s# : for the7nternet

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    7PSec !ses

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    9enets of 7PSec

    • in a rewall6router provides strongsecurity to all traAc crossing theperimeter

    • in a rewall6router is resistant tobypass

    • is below transport layer# hence

    transparent to applications• can be transparent to end users

    • can provide security for individualusers

    • secures routin architecture

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    7P Security rchitecture

    • specication is Buite comple"

    • dened in numerous 0C$s – incl* 0C$ +2.6+2.+6+2.6+2.4

     – many others# grouped by category

    • mandatory in 7Pv# optional in 7Pv2

    • have two security header e"tensions= – uthentication ,eader (,)

     – Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)

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    7PSec Services

    • ccess control

    • $onnectionless integrity

    • 8ata origin authentication

    • 0eection of replayed packets – a form of partial seBuence integrity

    • $ondentiality (encryption)

    • Himited traAc Jow condentiality

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    Security ssociations

    • a one-way relationship betweensender : receiver that aKordssecurity for traAc Jow

    • dened by / parameters= – Security Parameters 7nde" (SP7)

     – 7P 8estination ddress


    Security Protocol 7dentier• has a number of other parameters

     – seB no# , : E, info# lifetime etc

    • have a database of Securityssociations

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    uthentication ,eader (,)

    • provides support for data integrity :authentication of 7P packets – end system6router can authenticate

    user6app – prevents address spoong attacks by

    tracking seBuence numbers

    •based on use of a %$ – ,%$-%83-F or ,%$-S,--F

    • parties must share a secret key

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    uthentication ,eader

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     5ransport : 5unnel %odes

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    Encapsulating Security Payload(ESP)

    • provides message content condentiality: limited traAc Jow condentiality

    • can optionally provide the same

    authentication services as ,• supports range of ciphers# modes# padding

     – incl* 8ES# 5riple-8ES# 0$3# 78E# $S5 etc

     – $9$ : other modes


    padding needed to ll blocksi

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    Encapsulating SecurityPayload

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     5ransport vs 5unnel %odeESP

    • transport mode is used to encrypt :optionally authenticate 7P data – data protected but header left in clear

     – can do traAc analysis but is eAcient

     – good for ESP host to host traAc

    • tunnel mode encrypts entire 7P

    packet – add new header for ne"t hop

     – good for LP>s# gateway to gateway


  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Ieb Security

    • Ieb now widely used by business#government# individuals

    • but 7nternet : Ieb are vulnerable

    • have a variety of threats – integrity

     – condentiality


    denial of service – authentication

    • need added security mechanisms

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    SSH (Secure Socket Hayer)

    • transport layer security service

    • originally developed by >etscape

    • version / designed with public input

    • subseBuently became 7nternetstandard known as 5HS (5ransportHayer Security)

    • uses 5$P to provide a reliable end-to-end service

    • SSH has two layers of protocols

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    SSH rchitecture

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    SSH rchitecture

    • SSL connection – a transient# peer-to-peer#

    communications link

     – associated with SSH session

    • SSL session – an association between client : server

     – created by the ,andshake Protocol – dene a set of cryptographic



    may be shared by multiple SSH

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    SSH 0ecord ProtocolServices

    • message integrity – using a %$ with shared secret key

     – similar to ,%$ but with diKerent

    padding• confdentiality

     – using symmetric encryption with ashared secret key dened by ,andshake

    Protocol – ES# 78E# 0$+-2.# 8ES-2.# 8ES# /8ES#


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    SSH 0ecord Protocol&peration

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    SSH $hange $ipher SpecProtocol

    • one of / SSH specic protocols whichuse the SSH 0ecord protocol

    • a single message

    • causes pending state to becomecurrent

    • hence updating the cipher suite inuse

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    SSH lert Protocol

    • conveys SSH-related alerts to peer entity• severity

    • warning or fatal

    specic alert• fatal= une"pected message# bad record mac#

    decompression failure# handshake failure#illegal parameter

    warning= close notify# no certicate# badcerticate# unsupported certicate#certicate revoked# certicate e"pired#certicate unknown

    compressed : encrypted like all SSH data

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    SSH ,andshake Protocol

    • allows server : client to= – authenticate each other

     – to negotiate encryption : %$

    algorithms – to negotiate cryptographic keys to be


    comprises a series of messages inphases

    * Establish Security $apabilities

    +* Server uthentication and ;ey E"change

    /* $lient uthentication and ;e E"chan e

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    SSH ,andshake Protocol

    5HS (5 H

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     5HS (5ransport HayerSecurity)

    • 7E5C standard 0C$ ++2 similar toSSHv/

    • with minor diKerences – in record format version number – uses ,%$ for %$

     – a pseudo-random function e"pandssecrets

     – has additional alert codes

     – some changes in supported ciphers

     – changes in certicate types :


  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Secure Electronic 5ransactions(SE5)

    • open encryption : securityspecication

    • to protect 7nternet credit cardtransactions

    • developed in FF by %astercard#Lisa etc

    • not a payment system

    • rather a set of security protocols :formats – secure communications amongst parties

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    SE5 $omponents

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    SE5 5ransaction

    * customer opens account+* customer receives a certicate/* merchants have their own certicates

    2* customer places an order3* merchant is veried* order and payment are sent@* merchant reBuests payment authori

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    8ual Signature

    • customer creates dual messages – order information (&7) for merchant

     – payment information (P7) for bank

    • neither party needs details of other

    • but must know they are linked

    • use a dual signature for this – signed concatenated hashes of &7 : P7

    DS=E(PRc, [H(H(PI)||H(OI))])

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    SE5 Purchase 0eBuest

    • SE5 purchase reBuest e"changeconsists of four messages

    * 7nitiate 0eBuest - get certicates

    +* 7nitiate 0esponse - signed response

    /* Purchase 0eBuest - of &7 : P7

    2* Purchase 0esponse - ack order

    P h 0 t

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    Purchase 0eBuest '$ustomer

    P h 0 t

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    Purchase 0eBuest '%erchant

    * veries cardholder certicates using $sigs

    +* veries dual signature using customer1spublic signature key to ensure order hasnot been tampered with in transit : thatit was signed using cardholder1s privatesignature key

    /* processes order and forwards thepayment information to the paymentgateway for authori

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Purchase 0eBuest '%erchant

    P t G t

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Payment Gatewayuthori

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    Payment $apture

    • merchant sends payment gateway apayment capture reBuest

    • gateway checks reBuest

    • then causes funds to be transferredto merchants account

    • noties merchant using captureresponse

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    $hapter +. ' Cirewalls

    The function of a strong position is tomake the forces holding it practically


    —On War, Carl Von Clausewitz

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    • seen evolution of information systems

    • now everyone want to be on the 7nternet

    • and to interconnect networks

    has persistent security concerns – cant easily secure every system in org

    • typically use a Firewall• to provide perimeter deence• as part of comprehensive security strategy

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    Ihat is a CirewallM

    • a choke point of control andmonitoring

    • interconnects networks with diKering

    trust• imposes restrictions on network

    services –

    only authori5 : usa e monitorin

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Cirewall Himitations

    • cannot protect from attacksbypassing it – eg sneaker net# utility modems# trusted

    organisations# trusted services (egSSH6SS,)

    • cannot protect against internal

    threats – eg disgruntled or colluding employees

    • cannot protect against transfer of all

    virus infected programs or les

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Cirewalls ' Packet Cilters

    • simplest# fastest rewall component

    • foundation of any rewall system

    • e"amine each 7P packet (no conte"t)and permit or deny according to rules

    • hence restrict access to services(ports)

    • possible default policies – that not e"pressly permitted is


     – that not e"pressly prohibited is

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    Cirewalls ' Packet Cilters

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    ttacks on Packet Cilters

    • 7P address spoong – fake source address to be trusted

     – add lters on router to block

    • source routing attacks – attacker sets a route other than default

     – block source routed packets

    tiny fragment attacks – split header info over several tiny


     – either discard or reassemble before


    Cirewalls Stateful Packet

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Cirewalls ' Stateful PacketCilters

    • traditional packet lters do note"amine higher layer conte"t – ie matching return packets with

    outgoing Jow• stateful packet lters address this


    • they e"amine each 7P packet inconte"t – keep track of client-server sessions

     – check each packet validly belongs to


    Ci ll li ti H l

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    Cirewalls - pplication HevelGateway (or Pro"y)

    • have application specic gateway 6pro"y

    • has full access to protocol – user reBuests service from pro"y

     – pro"y validates reBuest as legal

     – then actions reBuest and returns result

    to user – can log 6 audit traAc at application level

    • need separate pro"ies for each


    Ci ll li ti H l

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    Cirewalls - pplication HevelGateway (or Pro"y)

    Cirewalls $ircuit Hevel

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    Cirewalls - $ircuit HevelGateway

    • relays two 5$P connections

    • imposes security by limiting whichsuch connections are allowed

    • once created usually relays traAcwithout e"amining contents

    • typically used when trust internal

    users by allowing general outboundconnections

    • S&$;S is commonly used

    Cirewalls $ircuit Hevel

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    Cirewalls - $ircuit HevelGateway

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    9astion ,ost

    • highly secure host system

    • runs circuit 6 application level gateways

    • or provides e"ternally accessible services

    • potentially e"posed to NhostileN elements• hence is secured to withstand this

     – hardened &6S# essential services# e"tra auth

     – pro"ies small# secure# independent# non-

    privileged• may support + or more net connections

    • may be trusted to enforce policy of trustedseparation between these net connections

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    Cirewall $ongurations

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    Cirewall $ongurations

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    Cirewall $ongurations

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    ccess $ontrol

    •given system has identied a user

    • determine what resources they canaccess

    •general model is that of accessmatri" with – subject - active entity (user# process)


    object - passive entity (le or resource) – access right ' way obect can be


    • can decompose by–

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    ccess $ontrol %atri"

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


     5rusted $omputer Systems

    • information security is increasinglyimportant

    • have varying degrees of sensitivity of

    information – cf military info classications= condential#

    secret etc

    • subects (people or programs) have

    varying rights of access to obects(information)

    • known as multilevel security –

    subects have maimum : current security

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    9ell HaPadula (9HP) %odel

    • one of the most famous security models• implemented as mandatory policies on


    has two key policies=• no read up (simple security property)

     – a subect can only read6write an obect if thecurrent security level of the subect dominates(O) the classication of the obect

    • no write down (Q-property) – a subect can only append6write to an obect if

    the current security level of the subect isdominated by (R) the classication of the


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    0eference %onitor

    Evaluated $omputer

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    Evaluated $omputerSystems

    • governments can evaluate 75systems

    • against a range of standards= – 5$SE$# 7PSE$ and now $ommon $riteria

    • dene a number of levelsT ofevaluation with increasingly stringent

    checking• have published lists of evaluated


     – though aimed at government6defense

  • 8/17/2019 SIC Module -4


    $ommon $riteria

    • international initiative specifying securityreBuirements : dening evaluation criteria

    • incorporates earlier standards –

    eg $SE$# 75SE$# $5$PE$ ($anadian)# Cederal(!S)

    • species standards for – evaluation criteria

     – methodology for application of criteria

     – administrative procedures for evaluation#certication and accreditation schemes

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    $ommon $riteria

    • denes set of security reBuirements • have a 5arget &f Evaluation (5&E)

    • reBuirements fall in two categories – functional

     – assurance

    • both organised in classes of families :


    $ommon $riteria

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    $ommon $riteria0eBuirements

    • Cunctional 0eBuirements – security audit# crypto support#

    communications# user data protection#

    identication : authentication# securitymanagement# privacy# protection oftrusted security functions# resourceutili

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    $ommon $riteria

    i i

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    $ommon $riteria

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