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Steve JolleySJ Pharma Consulting, LLC

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 2

Source Data from PSUR•Prior to analysis•208 cases•459 adverse events

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 3

Sector Map by SOCSector Map by SOC

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 4

Sector Map by PTSector Map by PT

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 5

Cause of Death(coded)

Count of Events Analysis by Cause of Death

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 6

MedDRAPreferred term

Count of Events Analysis by Preferred Term

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 7

MedDRAPreferred term

Count of Events

Shows high reporting rate of liver events

Analysis by Preferred Term

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 8

Shows high reporting rate of • Hepatic function abnormal• Hepatic disorder

Analysis by Preferred Term,Liver SOC only

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 9

Analysis by Age Range

Shows some correlation between liver problems and age range 60 to 80 years

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 10

Analysis by Sex

Shows no obvious correlation between liver problems and patient sex

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 11

Analysis by Country

Shows high correlation to liver problems in Japan

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 12

Analysis by concomitant medications (all events)

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC 13

Analysis by concomitant medications (liver events only)

Shows greater correlation with Flovent when look at liver events only

Increases strength of correlation between company drug, Flovent and liver events


Hypothesis Potential signal with liver events

Hepatic function abnormalHepatic disorder

Correlation toCountry: JapanAge range: 60 to 80 yearsConcomitant medication: Flovent

© SJ Pharma Consulting, LLC

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