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Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

1The world’s leading provider of barrier-based

risk management solutionswww.cgerisk.com

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BVCopyright © 2012 IP Bank BVCopyright © 2012 IP Bank BV

Managing all the regulations and recommendations?

Reality Model of reality -comprehensible

BowTie and Barrier Based Risk Management

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

BowTie in 8 steps

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Basic BowTie diagram

Effectiveness Job titles Criticalities


RAM scoresBarrier Type



Management System

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Video is taken from the Press Statement post the conclusion of the Buncefield court case. Gordon MacDonald HID, HSE UK making the statement.

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Do we understand what can go


Do we know what our

systems are to prevent

this happening?

Do we have information to assure us they are working effectively?

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

1) Do we understand what can go wrong?

To answer the three questions

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

2) Do we know what our systems are to prevent this happening?

To answer the three questions

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

To answer the three questions


DoCheck / Monitor

Barrier identification withBowTie Risk Analysis

Executing the processwith barriers in place

Barrier-basedIncident Analysis


3) Do we have information to assure us they are working effectively?

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Barrier based Incidents

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Barrier based Incidents

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Barrier based Audits

Q01: (Stock keeping)

“Are the fall protection materials available at the site?”

Q02: (Training)

“Is the personnel competent in the use of the harness?”

Q03: (Procedures)

“Does the personnel know for which tasks the harness must be used?”

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Do we understand what can go


Do we know what our

systems are to prevent

this happening?

Do we have information to assure us they are working effectively?

To answer the three questions

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

Advanced Barrier Management

Implement & communicate the management system

BSCAT | Tripod Beta | BFA | RCA



Check / Monitor

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

How The CAA UK have usedBowTies

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

The CAA UK Significant 7


Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

The SIGTTO Significant (?)

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BV

The Significant 4


Accident categories containing separate risks/precursors which need to be understood and managed

Loss of

ContainmentCollision Grounding Loss of Position

Copyright © 2016 IP Bank BVCopyright © 2012 IP Bank BVCopyright © 2012 IP Bank BV

Thank You

Geert van LoopikCGE Risk Management Solutions

[email protected]

[email protected]


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